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  • Hello, What is the best system/tool to estimate traffic to a site, something more accurate than Alexa rank.  This is of course assuming that one does not have access to the site's Google Analytics data, Thanks, Carl

    Competitive Research | | CarlLarson

  • If two websites are on the same  c class IP address, what does it mean ? Does two websites belong to the same company ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, Having used the Open Site Explorer (page specific metrics) tool I've realized I'm lacking in the Social Signals area...I have only 1 tweet and ZERO for everything else (Facebook shares, Likes, Google +1 etc). So I have 2 quesitons: How can I get more social signals (is there a service I can use to do it)? How long will the new social signals take to appear in the Open Site Explorer information? I've just paid someone on to share my website link on his Facebook account, to tweet it, and also to use PingFM... Any other ideas would be GREAT - I can see this is a real weakness for my websites... Thanks, James

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James1

  • We are thinking about using our meta keywords field to feed to shopping networks like The Find, Shopzilla,, etc. These networks want you to provide them with as many keywords as possible to show up in their internal search results. If we feed them our meta keywords field we could have 20 to 25 keywords for each product (tennis equipment). Would this be a bad or good thing for SEO?

    Keyword Research | | tennisexpress

  • As the garden season begins to wane I notice yet again how my ranking for some garden specific terms - eg ' garden tealight holders' start to rise again.Since I am doing nothing much I can only assume that my competitors have moved their focus to more winter based merchandise. Does anyone have a good understanding of how some websites are able to acheive high rankings during peak season only? I am assuming they are buying advertising (with the follow) for say 3 months before the season peak and manipulating internal linking to direct link juice from one section of the website to the other. Is this strategy risky. Has Google ever made mention of this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GardenBeet

  • I would like to optimize my clients blog. If I am using their GA account for their over all website but put in the sub folder for SEOMOz, will it detect that I only want to optimize the blog ex. or will I be seeing the GA for the entire site on SEOMOZ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | CliffordC

  • Hi can anyone recommend some good hosting companies in the UK as my hosting company are now considering charging for technical advice. I use some standard packages as well as a dedicated server and would be grateful if you could give me some examples on prices as well as service which includes technical service.

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • We are promoting our company on twitter, and currently using a high quality brand graphic image.  We see others who use the personal photo of "evangalist" who manages the twitter account.  Any advice on what works best here to encourage user engagement?  A more generic "brand" identity graphic versus a real person's photo? Of course this is in conjunction with doing all of the other good Twitter things, but curious what folks recommend on the profile image.

    Social Media | | sftravel

  • One of us says to join one or two, Linkedin being one of them and just work those. The other says to build profiles on multiple pages - everything from Merchant Circle to  fastpitch , essentially any and all, and not worry about activity level, just get the link. What are your thoughts? Which approve will result in more effective optimization for clients?

    Social Media | | belocally

  • Quick question: if you using a parantheses around a keyword, do search bots still recognize the keyword?  Fox ex: Welcome to a website about the National Basketball Association (NBA). Will the bots recognize that I'm trying to optimize to NBA and not (NBA)?  Is this different for tags vs. actual body copy?

    Technical SEO | | BPIAnalytics

  • Does anyone know if there are any theories or evidence that a mobile optimized website (CSS) has better chances of ranking on Mobile platforms - assuming links and other factors being equal? In other words, is Google able to identify that a website has been optimized for mobiles and gives them preference/weight to rank over other websites that are not mobile optimized?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Syed1

  • I just god the approval from Yahoo Directory Listing today. How should I expect ranking increase just with that on google, yahoo and bing in the next couple of days  ?

    Competitive Research | | processia

  • Ok, I've been on this site for approximately one week now. There is a lot of good information but quite honestly, I don't know where to shoot at first in getting a better ranking against my competitors I have done pretty much everything on my web site to optimize, but I don't get at all the ranking close to my competition. They don't have as much content as we have other than they have been doing SEO for much longer time. I have worked a lot on the content optimization of our site, I get pretty much good result on some of the keywords, registered my site to google, bing , yahoo, I'm using the site map, configured the robot.txt, on-page metatag, URL canonical, clean-ur, H1 H2 tags, etc etc. Ho, And I just got today the approval of Yahoo Directory Listing. It's not sill showing up, but I guess it will come. You will find attached the output of 2 of my competitors and Us. They both rank very well on the keyword we are interested. Where should I start ? I know the Links Juice i important, but how can I workout my strategy to defeat them. Any help would be appreciated. Best regards, h837v

    Competitive Research | | processia

  • I want to offer the same service or product in many different cities, so instead of creating a new content for each city what I want to do it to copy the content already created for the product and service of a city  and then change the name of the city and create a new url inside my website for each city. for example let say I sell handmade rings in the USA, but I want o target each principal city in the USA, so I have want to have a unque url for ecxh city so for example for Miami I want to have and for LA the url would be Can I have the same content talking about the handmade rings and just change the keywords and key phrases? or this will count as a duplicate content? content: TITLE: Miami Handmade Rings URL Shop Now handmade rings in Miami  in our online store and get a special discount in Miami purchases over $50 and also get free shipping on Miami Local address... See what our Miami handmade rings clients say about our products.... TITLE: LA Handmade Rings URL: Shop Now handmade rings in LA  in our online store and get a special discount in LA purchases over $50 and also get free shipping on LA Local address... See what our LA handmade rings clients say about our products.... There are more than 100 location in the country I want to do this, so that is why I want to copy paste and replace.. Thanks in advance, David Orion

    Algorithm Updates | | sellonline123

  • I've got a UK domain that I need to redirect to a US domain. Should I point it to the root domain or a landing page off the root and what it the benefit to doing one over the other?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JCorp

  • | | Hi. We receive advice to include so many Meta values in the Head Tag on each page.  Which ones are really needed and are really valuable in the SEO effort? |
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    |   | | Thank you for your help and ideas! Jay

    Technical SEO | | theideapeople

  • I was wondering if there is a tool out there where you can compile a list of URL resources, upload them in a CSV and run a report to gather and index each individual page. Does anyone know of a tool that can do this or do we need to create one?

    Moz Pro | | Brother22

  • Is it better to optimize based on search volume or click through rate? For example: If a keyword has a CTR of 19% and only 3,000 monthly searches, while another keyword that is relevant to that page has a CTR of 0.7% and 20,000 monthly searches, which keyword should that page be optimized for for better natural results and the bottom line?

    Keyword Research | | Motivators

  • Hi We are taught that Ratings on Google Places are becoming more and more significant for SEO purposes and with GoogleAds. Does it penalize you to send your link for GooglePlaces to a client in an email and blatantly ask for a rating if you know they are pleased with you? If it does, is there any way to increase your ratings.  After all most of your clients are unaware of just how powerful this can be. Thanks

    Image & Video Optimization | | PH292

  • I have a client that the only thing I can determine is over optimization of a couple anchor terms which the person no longer ranks for..I tried mixing up with brandname , and  a diversity of links but nothing seems to budge anyone have a similar problem?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | foreignhaus

  • Hi Guys, So, I'm looking at a project to build a series of landing pages that cross map cities with Suname.  E.g. Sydney + Smyth, New York + Fitzpatrick.  On those pages I'll pull in from our directory relevant name based listings and try and display some other tailored / information.  The page itself is the end goal - it is definitely not a doorway in the classic sense of encouraging someone to then go on the main site. I want the user to fill out a form on this page because they realise they've landed on a valuable service. I'm looking at potentially 500 names against 2000 locations, creating 1,000,000 landing pages.  Although some of the content will be repetitive I genuinely believe someone doing the appropriate search and finding our page will derive value from our page as our whole business is designed to answer their needs.  However I'm worried that Google may classify these pages as doorway pages.  Could anyone please shine the light of experience on this for me? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | flow_seo

  • Hi I'm thinking about changing the title tag for all my pages daily, updating it with the most current price information. (As I think this could improve CTR) All the other keywords in the title tag would remain the same however. Does anyone think this is likely to cause a problem with regards to ranking in Google and other search engines? Thanks for any / all replies! Cheers

    Technical SEO | | joeprice

  • We are a dealership group, we have 2 locations that have multiple brands/multiple business names. IE Chrysler store along with smart... and Infiniti along with Mitsubishi. On Google Places, we can only claim one location per business (based on their guidelines), yet these brands are different. Any suggestions on overcoming this obstacle?

    Technical SEO | | autoczar

  • Hi there I have a website which has some png images on pages, around 300kb - is this too much? How many kbs a page, to what extent do you know does Google care about page load speed? is every kb important, is there a limit? Any advice much appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • A bit of a mammoth question for discussion here: With the launch of Google+ and profiles, coupled with the ability to link/verify authorship using rel=me to google+ profile - A few questions with respect to the long term use and impact. As an individual - I can have a Google+ Profile, and add links to author pages where I am featured. If rel=me is used back to my G+ profile - google can recognise me as the writer - no problem with that. However - if I write for a variety of different sites, and produce a variety of different content - site owners could arguably become reluctant to link back or accredit me with the rel=me tag on the account I might be writing for a competitor for example, or other content in a totally different vertical that is irrelevant. Additionally - if i write for a company as an employee, and the rel=me tag is linked to my G+ profile - my profile (I would assume) is gaining strength from the fact that my work is cited through the link (even if no link juice is passed - my profile link is going to appear in the search results on a query that matches something I have written, and hence possibly drain some "company traffic" to my profile). If I were to then leave the employment of that company - and begin writing for a direct competitor - is my profile still benefiting from the old company content I have written? Given that google is not allowing pseudonyms or ghost writer profiles - where do we stand with respect to outsourced content? For example: The company has news written for them by a news supplier - (each writer has a name obviously) - but they don't have or don't want to create a G+ profile for me to link to. Is it a case of wait for google to come up with the company profiles? or, use a ghost name and run the gauntlet on G+? Lastly, and I suppose the bottom line - as a website owner/company director/SEO; Is adding rel=me links to all your writers profiles (given that some might only write 1 or 2 articles, and staff will inevitably come and go) an overall positive for SEO? or, a SERP nightmare if a writer moves on to another company? In essence are site owners just improving the writers profile rather than gaining very much?

    Industry News | | IPINGlobal54

  • Hello fellow Mozzers! I just wondered if there was any way of finding out what terms / videos people are searching YouTube for in the same way as getting rough traffic numbers using the AdWords Keyword Suggestion tool? Or even a trends-type tool to give rough indicators as to which terms are currently more popular than others. And what people's opinions are on whether to go after terms that people are frequently putting into YouTube, or terms that are popular in general and hope your video appears in the universal search? Cheers guys, Nick.

    Branding | | themegroup

  • When you use text in a div like this: <div id="container"> <h1 id="doc-header">Your Business in your Location - Your Services</h1> <p>Top industries are getting hit.p> <div id="branding"> <a href="#"> <img id="logo" src="images/logo.png" alt="Your Site" /> </a> </div> Are there SEO consequences when you put text in divs?

    Technical SEO | | PlusPort

  • "Most business map their IP address/Hostname" What does above statement imply ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Is there any operator to find the level of competition for a particular keyword in Google ? Is intitle:keyword a fair indicator ?

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • So, I am working on a shopping cart platform (X-Cart) and so far don't like it. Also, the web designer is not someone I've worked with before and he is understandably conservative about access--which limits what I can and cannot do from the back end. One of the things I like to do is include text for the search engines. However, based on conversion, etc., I think the product images on a landing page (main brand info with specific products that show up) should show up first to move toward conversion first. I am thinking of adding the text below the product images on the brand pages so the viewer sees the products first while still keeping the content seo. My practice is to use between 300-350 words minimum on a page. Just wondering what best practices you have for a shopping cart. Care to share? Any tips or hints? Thoughts on what I might do that would be most effective? As always, thanks in advance for your sage advice!

    Technical SEO | | TheARKlady

  • I was under the impression that you really should have a robots.txt page, and not having one is pretty bad. However, hubspot (which I'm not impressed with) does not have the capability of properly implementing one. Will this hurt the site?

    Technical SEO | | StandUpCubicles

  • I’m in the works of setting up a company blog right now but I’m struggling to find a great blogging software (preferably free). I’d like to keep the blog in a folder, so, but I’ve been told I need to find a blogging service that is compatible with so we can download it (?) to our server…meaning wordpress is out of the question. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    Content Development | | abernatj

  • In several of our campaigns we have watched our keywords steadily climb the rankings without ever registering so much as a blip in the traffic data column. If these keywords aren't driving any traffic to our site, how are we still ranking for them?

    Moz Pro | | MackenzieFogelson

  • I have been working on a few clients websites and have recently had rankings plummet. Most of the links i get are coming from wordpress platform(blog posts), in the past it worked very well, has anyone else had a problem with just using wordpress platform i.e most of the links are coming from blogs......and had rankings drop?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | foreignhaus

  • Hi, I need to change all my site pages URL as a result of moving the site into another CMS platform that has its own URL structure: Currently the site is highly ranked for all relevant KWs I am targeting. All pages have backlinks Content and meta data should remain exactly the same. The domain should stay the same The plan is as follow: Set up the new site using a temporary domain name Copy over all content and meta data Set up all redirects (301) Update the domain name and point the live domain to the new one Watch closely for 404 errors and add any missing redirects Questions: Any comments on the plan? Is there a way (the above plan or any other) to make sure ranking will not be hurt What entries should I add to the sitemap.xml: new pages only or new pages and the pages from the old site? Thanks, Guy.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jid

  • Wondering if any one is having success with getting their content and pictures into Thoora.

    Social Media | | bozzie311

  • Hi, As I await my sitemap to go live, can someone tell me the main benefits of it? A Google sitemap that is .xml one. I have a images sitemap also as the site is an e-commerce store. Should I be expecting to see an increase in visitors when I implement it initially? Thanks Will

    Web Design | | WillBlackburn

  • I notice in the OSE Link Metrics the reporting of Social Shares. The total shares do not include the Facebook Likes. What I'm wondering is what does this mean? Do Shares count more than Likes? Are Likes not counted by Google. What about LinkedIn Shares, why are they not being reported on? If Google is now putting more emphasis on Social where is the best use of effort? Getting Likes, Getting Shares only Twitter and Facebook and Google+?

    Reporting & Analytics | | underthesun808

  • Hey all, I've recently learned about Tribber ( as a way to network your blog and increase followers. Does anybody have any experience with it? And how can I get invited in order to give it a shot?

    Branding | | deuce1s

  • I thank anyone reading this for their consideration and time. We are a large site with millions of URLs for our product pages.  We are also a textbook company, so by nature, our products have two separate ISBNs: a 10 digit and a 13 digit form.  Thus, every one of our books has at least two pages (10 digit and 13 digit ISBN page).  My issue is that we have established a 301 for all the 10 digit URLs so they automatically redirect to the 13 digit page.  This fix has been in place for months.  However, Google still reports that they are detecting thousands of pages with duplicate title and meta tags.  Google is referring to these page URLs that I already have 301ed to the canonical version many months ago!  Is there anything that I can do to fix this issue?  I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Example: As you can see the 10 digit ISBN page 301s to 13 digit canonical version.  Google reports that they have detected duplicate title and meta tags between the two pages and there are thousands of these duplicate pages listed. To add some further context:  The ISBN is just a parameter that allows us to provide content when someone searches for a product with the 10 or 13 digit ISBN.  The 13 digit version of the page is the only physical page that exists, the 10 digit is only a part of the virtual URL structure of the website.  This is why I cannot simply change the title and meta tags of the 10 digit pages because they only exist in the sense that the URL redirects to the 13 digit version.  Also, we submit a sitemap every day of all the 13 digit pages so Google knows exactly what our physical URL structure is.  I have submitted this question to GWMT forums and received no replies.

    Technical SEO | | dfinn

  • I cannot figure out why open site explorer doesn't see that when you go to it redirects to This is a wordpress installation that uses a cannonical url The HTACCESS file also has a 301 redirect as follows: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] But, open site explorer still shows these sites separately without alerting that there is a 301 redirect.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobertFisher

  • All, I read within the SEOmoz blog that search engines consider 100 links on a page to be plenty, and we should try (where possible) to keep within the 100 limit. My question is; when a rel="nofollow" attribute is given to a link, does that link still count towards your maximum 100? Many thanks Guy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Horizon

  • I've observed some strange findings on a website I am diagnosing and it has led me to a possible theory that seems to fly in the face of a lot of thinking: My theory is:
    When google see's several duplicate content pages on a website, and decides to just show one version of the page, it at the same time agrigates the link juice pointing to all the duplicate pages, and ranks the 1 duplicate content page it decides to show as if all the link juice pointing to the duplicate versions were pointing to the 1 version. EG
    Link X -> Duplicate Page A
    Link Y -> Duplicate Page B Google decides Duplicate Page A is the one that is most important and applies the following formula to decide its rank. Link X + Link Y (Minus some dampening factor) -> Page A I came up with the idea after I seem to have reverse engineered this - IE the website I was trying to sort out for a client had this duplicate content, issue, so we decided to put unique content on Page A and Page B (not just one page like this but many). Bizarrely after about a week, all the Page A's dropped in rankings - indicating a possibility that the old link consolidation, may have been re-correctly associated with the two pages, so now Page A would only be getting Link Value X. Has anyone got any test/analysis to support or refute this??

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • I've come to a crossroads with a multilingual domain strategy. Most of you know, Canada has two official languages; English & French. I'm trying to decide on two domain structures to handle languages: 1. Create sub-directory folders for both languages: Take into account that all page names will be in their respective language. or 2. Create a single sub-directory folder for French only: I'm leaning towards Option #2 because English is our target and want to give those pages more "weight" rather than pushing them down another level (flatter site structure for primary pages). Yes, I could also have all French pages at the root but I think having them a) in one sub-directory is easier to manage and b) SE (specifically Google) likes the division better for languages. I'm just not sure if there's a point to doing it for English too. Note: There'll be several hundred pages for each language. What's best practice (of course) and is there a difference if any....or was this just long winded for nothing? Thanks for any insights.

    On-Page Optimization | | Bragg

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