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  • In our page title's, we'd like to include the "@" symbol.  Will google display that symbol in the search results if we include it in the page's title?

    Technical SEO | | sftravel

  • I am new to this, so my question may seem a little rookie type... When looking at my crawl diagnostic errors there are 1604 warnings for "302 redirects".  Of those 1604 warnings 1500 of them are for the same page with different product ID's on them such as: In our robots.txt file we have Disallow: /emailproduct.aspx Wouldn't that take care of this problem?  If so, why is it still giving me these warning errors?  It does take into account our robots.txt file when generating this report does it not? Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Technical SEO | | SoccerStop

  • I've set up a new online store and prepping to roll out. I've implemented Amazon Cloudfront to host all of my static files:  images, style sheets, javascript files and small template related images to assist in speeding up this Magento site. Any reason not to do this? What are the SEO implications of having images that arent' stored on the same domain? Does it make a difference if I refer to these files from the amazon cloudfront domain vs. seting up a subdomain like Thanks for any feedback.

    On-Page Optimization | | Timmmmy

  • A few of our companies sites' product pages have the warning about excessive internal links. But these pages are product pages (for example). Should we be worried about this warning? Are there ways to avoid it? Or is it just the nature of the beast...? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | DevonIntl

  • I'm working with someone who's setting up an online jewelry store. The jewelry is available in many metal types, so we're creating filters to provide a good user experience in trying to narrow down their choice. Let's take an example of a wedding ring that's available these options: 10kt yellow gold
    10kt white gold
    18kt yellow gold
    18kt white gold
    Platinum These are all entered as separate products, so that they can be used in the filtering system. However, apart from some minor changes to the title and description most of the content will be identical, across these 6 product pages. Also, many wedding ring styles are going to be very similar, so we're going to have very similar descriptions for a lot of the rings. We're concerned about problems this might cause with the search engines in terms of duplicate content. There's 2 issues that I an see (there may be more!): They will not index many of the pages and we'll leak link juice to those pages that will never get indexed They do index all the variations, but the content is so similar, that we have different pages competing for essentially the same keywords Also, these products are likely to come and go, so investing heavily on creating really unique content for them isn't really sustainable, affordable. Any advise? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | Leighm

  • Hi i have seen this great map system that i have seen on many sites which i think makes a site look great but i have tried looking for the past few weeks but cannot find where i can get one from. does anyone know how these sites do it and where you can get the product from. I use joomla for all my sites Any help would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • One of my clients has a newish e-commerce website that was just redesigned. Part of this new marketing push is shutting down an old yahoo store. The problem is that this old store's domain has a 10 year old link in DMoz and is there fore in about 200 other directories. Is pointing that old domain at the new website going to be enough to keep all of that link juice flowing?

    Technical SEO | | Simple_Machines

  • I'm working with a company who will likely have to change their URL because of a trademark dispute. They will be able to maintain the new URL for some period but will soon need to drop the existing URL all together. Aside from the usual keyword considerations when choosing a URL, are there any SEO strategies I should consider as we execute this change?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jon_KS

  • 2 of our competitors on Google have site links show in their results which brings you to that specific page. In our listing we show up with the same results a few spots behind them with our site links visible showing very similar content, but are not actually hyper linked. Is there a way to fix the issue and let people actually be able to click on our site links instead of just reading them?

    Competitive Research | | sknott

  • I have a site for which the primary keyword has multiple abbreviations. The site is for the computer game "Football Manager", each iteration is often referred to as FM2012, FM12 or Football Manager 2012, the first two can also be used with or without spaces inbetween. While this is only 3 keywords to target, it means that every key phrase such as "FM2012 Tactics", must also be targeted in 3 ways. Is there a recommended approach to make sure that all 3 are targeted? At present I use the full title "Football Manager" in the the title and try to use the shorter abbreviations in the page, I also make sure the title tags always have an alternative e.g FM2012 Tactics Two specific questions as well as general tips: Does the <abbr>HTML tag help very much?</abbr> Are results likely to differ much for searches for "FM 2012" and "FM2012" i.e. without the space.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | freezedriedmedia

  • I was was reading Tom Critchlow's excellent blog on how to rank well for Google Product Search.  I'm trying to find out if there are stats on how often people use this feature in Google (since it is not listed on Google's main navigation).  I'm working with a customer who has b-2-b products and am trying to determine the value of adjusting his ecommerce pages to appear on Google Product Search.

    Algorithm Updates | | EricVallee34

  • I'm dipping my toes into infographic design. On of my desired outcomes is to gain links by having other sites embed my graphic. I'm considering using Tableau's interactive data visualization software to do so; thus creating a widget, embedding it on my blog, and including the embed code for others to post. Is it possible to include a juice passing link in such an infographic?  I know its possible to include links inside the tableau graphic but not sure if they have straight SEO value. If these links are not juice passing would it be better to go with a simple image link that passes value?

    Link Building | | JesseCWalker

  • My dilemma For example: If I have a website ranking at number 11 for (Keyword) and there is a site named www.(Keyword).com ranking at number 12 for (Keyword), if I were to buy this site and redirect to my own site, would this be at all beneficial? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | CMoore85

  • Our company is based in Noida, and in GA, i can see few visits from New Delhi. Both these cities are nearby. ( In India ) Our hosting is in US. When a visitor comes to site, does visit is based on IP address of the user's system ? Our company has taken hosting from Noida.  Does that means that visits from New Delhi are Genuine and NOT  from our company ? My apologies, if i am not clear...

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • Hi I'm planning to redirect one large ecommerce site to another. Here's how I was thinking of doing it: crawl both sites with Xenu and export urls to a CSV match urls where possible, redirecting pages from site A to relevant ones in site B all others will be redirected to site B's home page Now, I'm dealing with thousands of URLs here, so any way to make it easier would be great. Could this mean just redirecting all of Site A's pages to Site B's homepage would be worth it? Or does redirecting relevant pages where possible seem the best idea? Thanks guys!

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • We were having a discussion on title tags and optimising multiple pages for the same term. We rank well for the phrase 'chanel glasses' which points to our Chanel brand page. The Chanel brand page is optimised for this term, and has the phrase 'Chanel glasses' at the front of its title tag. Previously, the title tag on our home page had the words 'Chanel glasses' at the start in an attempt to rank twice for the term (as one of our competitors has managed). This never worked (though at the time, our DA/PA was lower than it is now). For this reason I switched the title tag on the homepage to try and rank for 'designer glasses'. My belief is, given we already rank highly for the term on a more relevant landing page, trying to rank for it again on the home page is not the best use of a title tag on our highest PA page. We may as well use it for something more generic like 'designer glasses' (though this term does not convert nearly as well, nor does it currently rank as well for us as we've not been attempting to get 'designer glasses' as anchor text. Plus it's more competitive. Another generic term maybe be preferable). My colleague's view is we should attempt to do what our competitor has done and try and rank twice on page one for this term. I like the idea of dominating the top  results, but I feel that since attempting to get double-listed hasn't worked for us so far, we should use the homepage for optimising for a different term ( ideally something that we don't already rank for elsewhere on the site). I see his point of view - if we were ranking nowhere for the search term then, yes we should concentrate on getting one page to rank, not two. But since we already rank well for the term, perhaps his strategy is preferable? Just for clarity, the title tags are not duplicate, but the idea was to share many of the same keywords between the two title tags. What are your thoughts SEOmoz?

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • I dont think they count. What do you guys think?

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • I am writing a document with a big enumeration (100 subjects) and in that enumeration a keyword will be shown also 100 times.  e.g.: 1. little car 2. little shoe and so on... I will use the unordered list html code. The document isn't  4 SEO purposes such as high ranking. I 'm afraid that because the keyword is repeated that often this could  reflect the website. What are your thoughts about this?

    Content Development | | PlusPort

  • I experienced negative impact on crawling after upload robots.txt file on HTTPS pages. You can find out both URLs as follow. Robots.txt File for HTTP: Robots.txt File for HTTPS: I have disallowed all crawlers for HTTPS pages with following syntax. User-agent: *
    Disallow: / Does it matter for that? If I have done any thing wrong so give me more idea to fix this issue.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Let's say your user-generated content strategy is wildly successful, in a slightly twisted sense: webspammers fill it with online streaming sports teasers and the promise of "Weeds season 7 episode 11." As a result of hard SEO work done to build the profile of the domain, these webspam pages seem to rank well in Google, and deliver nearly 750k pageviews, and many many unique visitors, to the site every month. The ad-sales team loves the traffic boost. Overall traffic, uniques, and search numbers look rosy. What do you do? a) let it ride b) throw away roughly half your search traffic overnight by deleting all the spam and tightening the controls to prevent spammers from continuing to abuse the site There are middle-ground solutions, like using NOINDEX more liberally on UGC pages, but the end result is the same as option (b) even if it takes longer to get there.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mcglynn

  • Has anyone have experience doing seo for the baidu search engine? I have a client who wants to target businesses in china so we are exploring options for PPC and SEO. Any ideas or tips would be much appreciated? I was thinking of getting a bi-lingual mini-site made that would catch leads from seo and ads. Can anyone suggest any chinese PPC/seo freelancers?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Netboost

  • By Google Traductor: Hi, two questions:
    1. What about the optimization of keywords in singular and plural?Do you recommend use landing pages in the plural and singularwords? as different results on Google searches in the plural andsingular.
    2. Do you think that is a good strategy to generate a sitemap tosearch results pages based on searches by users of our site? Weplan to start generating a sitemap with a top 500 of the most popular searches and then scroll through to 1000, 2000, and more

    On-Page Optimization | | romaro

  • I have a competitor
    that has shot up lately taking number one spot for various keywords when I look
    at his links in Open Site Explorer I find many links that are links to downloadable
    objects, not web pages. A few
    examples, if you click on them, do not open who knows what they are. But what
    the story, how are these links to his site, anyone know anything about this. Thanks

    Link Building | | AlanMosley

  • I am pretty excited about changing all my title tags (for the most important 7 pages) since I have seen my rankings jump up in the SERP just by adding the main keyword for my website in the title tag. To make it easier I will explain my business. Simply,  I run an online jewelry shop, so basically the keywords I want to use is "Jewelry online" and for the main categories "Necklace", "Rings" and "Bracelets". What I am unsure about is whether to use all the keywords in the main pages title tag or should I just use the main keyword "Jewelry online". I don’t want to create competition between my own pages of course. Jewelry Online - Trendy Fashion Jewelry | Homepage Or Jewelry Online - Necklace, Rings, Bracelets | Homepage And the same goes for the main categories, should I include "jewelry online" or not, like: Bracelets - Fashion Jewelry Online | Homepage Or Bracelets - Trendy_ Bangles_ and Arm Cuffs | Homepage Any suggestions what is the best practice for the title tag on main page and the main categories? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ikomorin

  • I'm somewhat new to SEO, but from what I understand, slow link growth can provide better results than highly aggressive link building campaigns. A site of mine was recently featured on a 90+ DA (55 PA) blog directory, and was featured for the entire state, therefore I received almost 20,000 inbound links from the site (from every company/listing in the state). The links have been mostly recorded (17,000) in Google webmaster tools (Yahoo Site Explorer claims around 23,000). However the site dropped 2 pages in rankings for numerous SEO related keywords since webmaster tools listed the links. Many of them are PA 50+, though a majority of the linking pages are PA 1. A few other inbound links were created from other root domains, roughly 8-10 or so in the past month. The question is, would a large amount of links like this all of a sudden trigger some kind of "penalty" from search engines (Google, especially)? And, do the PA 1 pages take away from the quality of the 55 PA links?

    Link Building | | Smith-Digital

  • Hi, I read somewhere that Google reads a page in a certain way. All my product pages are listed (or most of them) in Alphabetical order. Now say I am targeting brands named Cruyff and Money Clothing, should I put all the Cruyff and Money products above everything else? See here for example... They are in Alph order, except the sales items at the bottom. So would it be beneficial to do this? To put my targeted brands at the top of the page? And if not, is there anything I should be doing with the layout of the products to improve/help with SEO? Thanks Will

    Web Design | | WillBlackburn

  • All, We used to allow users of our legal information site to syndicate content that was published in identical form on their blogs and, in some cases, other sites as well. No surprise that post-Panda, we're not ranking for those syndicated posts, they offer very little value. We still boast a very nice library of original content that drives traffic, however, I'm concerned that those lingering syndicated posts are bringing down our overall domain authority/credibility. Right now, syndicated posts account for roughly 25%-30% of overall site content. I'd like your opinions as to whether I should: 1. Delete the syndicated posts and 301 to an original page; 2. Do nothing 3. Do something I've yet to think of Any insight is welcomed! John

    Technical SEO | | JSOC

  • Hello, The strongest site in our industry (according to domain authority and excluding wikipedia) said that they would put a sitewide link to us in their footer. We're good friends with them. It would be right next to the copyright. Our site is nlpca (dot) com The partner site is nlpu (dot) com The link will say something like "More NLP Training" with the "NLP" as the link. We're targeting the keyword "NLP" How much will this move us up for the keyword "NLP"? Right now we're on the 3rd page for that term. I also want to make sure that it's a white hat move. Thanks!

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi not sure if anyone uses joomla on here but if they do i would love there advice. I have just got a joomla site that is joomla 1.7 but i cannot find a sh404sef component to make the url friendly and would like to know if there is a component out there or if you can use an older one. I would have thought by now that they would have installed one with joomla 1.7 If anyone uses joomla, then i would be glad to hear from you.

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i am trying to work out what is the best when it comes to domain names. What i mean is, should you go short or should you try and fit in what you need. So as follows. say i need a domain name that i wanted to buy which i have done research and found that these two words together are good keywords. please note that this is an example the two keywords are manchester airport and the next two keywords are cheap flights should i get a domain name that say manchesterairportcheapflights or should i have a shorter domain name like manchester cheap flights or another example say i wanted a domain name that fitted the following two keywords in manchester hotels budget accomodation should i just get a domain name that says manchester hotels or should it get the following manchesterhotelsbudgetaccomodation I am looking at buying a number of domain names and i am trying to find out if shorter is better or if a longer domain name is better

    Competitive Research | | ClaireH-184886

  • Sorry, this is actually kind of a tripartite question: I was looking at the Competitive Link Analysis on one my clients' campaigns. Sometime between June and September their total links went up by about 120,000. We have no idea where those links came from (although the numbers would indicate that they're mostly internal). Question 1: In none of the other tools can I figure out how to list these links on a domain level. Is there a way to get a list of all links for our given domain? I've been playing around with the page-by-page and even that doesn't show me everything.  For example, I'm looking at OSE for their homepage and it lists 45 links for a page that it claims has 151 total. Question 2: How did it pick those 45 to display out of the 151 possible? If these are only external links, why do half of them come from one of our subdomains? Also... Question 3: If our client hasn't made any major changes recently, why has the number of internal links gone up so dramatically? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | MackenzieFogelson

  • I'm familiar with creating widgets for link building and relationship building but I'm not savvy on implementing a strategy. I'm in the commercial truck financing business and, although I have some ideas I do need help with the creation of widgets, how to market them, etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Link Building | | leaseman

  • It's been left alone to grind now for a good 20 mins, and ah... it's still grinding away. Is it worth just trying again? Or does that typically mean it probably isn't going to work on the domain it's, ah, grinding away on? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | iansears

  • Hello, SEOmoz What would you chose for your keywords for on page optimization: sterling silver necklaces sterling silver necklaces, silver necklaces I am thinking that choice #1 would full fill it's duty, because all key words are there already, am I right?

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I've been trying to register a business on Google Places now for a few months. As part of the verification process, Google send a postcard to your business address so that you can enter the pin online and verify your address. They also say that it takes up to 3 weeks, however this is now the 3rd time I've requested a pin and none have turned up so far. The latest one was requested well over 3 weeks ago. Has anyone else had problems getting a local results postcard? It's driving me nuts!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • We are moving our site from one platform to another. Currently on our site we have two homepages. "" and "" Both pages have some high quality links pointing in on them. The problem: We are going to be doing a 301 redirect from ""  page to "" as we are moving platforms at this time we weren't going to create a  "" page all. This leaves this page as an empty URL. With this webpage disappearing all together will we lose traction as we are redirecting an empty URL? Or is it better to recreate this "" on our new platform redirect it  and wait for google to deIndex this page for us? As well is there a tutorial for how to implement 301 redirects or is this something worth looking for a developer and pay someone to do?

    Technical SEO | | HCGDiet

  • Is there any truth to keyword cooccurence being a ranking factor in google or any other search engines. Meaning that they not only look at the words you are targeting but the other words on the page to see if those words have a close relationship to the main theme ( the words being supposedly targeted) I heard that keyword coocurrence does not scale well over the billions of pages that are on the internet however, some waterdowned approached of keyword cooccurence is possible. what do you guys think?

    Technical SEO | | mickey11

  • What is the average % of links from a sitemap that are included in the Google index? Obviously want to aim for 100% of the sitemap urls to be indexed, is this realistic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stats44

  • Hello All, I am looking to find out how well a page converts in Analytics. A simple request you would thing, but no! First off let me list what I don't want to know: I don't want to know the conversion rate of a product I don't want to know the conversion rate based on the landing page What I want to know is how many people click to add the product to their basket on a particular page (which I understand is not strictly the conversion rate, but whatever). So the ways I have tried unsuccessfully are: The Analytics overlay (the in page Analytics thing) - this doesn't work because the "Add to Basket" button is not a link, it is an input. The Navigation Summary - this doesn't work because most of the time the /shopping_cart.php URL doesn't come up in the short list, and if you search for the URL in the search box beneath the percentages get all skewed. The most obvious solution would be Event tracking but I can't get that implemented in the short term. So does anyone have the answer to this most curious of conundrums? Thanking you in advance, Rich

    Reporting & Analytics | | tonyatfat

  • I have a couple of affiliate gaming sites and have been cloaking the links, the reason I do this is to stop have so many external links on my sites. In the robot.txt I tell the bots not to index my cloaked links. Is this bad, or doesnt it really matter? Thanks for your help.

    Technical SEO | | jwdesign

  • Hello, Most of you heard from the launch of the new format for microdata: and my question is about the different types of Schema they provide. Our websites provide an overview of courses, visitors can search/filter training courses and most important: read peer reviews. Until now we formatted (the source) of those courses with the schema type "Product" because it allows us to provide search engines with metadata about reviews via the "Aggregrated Rating". Recently we updated the information about courses, to also provide start dates and locations to users, just like the schema type for: "Events". Because we would like to provide search engines also with both types of data I would like to know your opinion. looks like not to support the Aggregated Rating for Events and vice versa for Startdates/Locations for the Product type. And combining the two Schema types also does not looks like an option because we can't put them on the same level like it should be. So what would you recommend to use for kind of schema type(s), are we able to use the 'Product' type next to the 'Event' type and so to combine them? Thanks a lot!

    Technical SEO | | Martijn_Scheijbeler

  • Hi Everybody, I have built a website ( which has gone viral and getting huge amounts of traffic world wide. The problem is, all the Facebook shares, tweets and other social traffic is all referencing the subdomain, and now where I want to build rankings. What are my best options for referring this ranking power to my main domain? Thanks in advance Ronan

    Technical SEO | | notnem

  • Hi Everyone, good to be here. I'd like to do split testing in Adwords, currently with a clients site we are selling from a normal site with navigation. The site has about 5 specific products, I want to dupe one of the products and create a funnel without navigation distractions right to checkout. Then A/B test the same product pages in Adwords, one with nav and one without. Will the dupe content be ignored do you think? I'm only slightly concerned as the product pages rank well at the moment.

    On-Page Optimization | | eonicWeb

  • I'm sure a few people have been asking this direct question throughout the forums but most of them are masked by indirect questions like "my traffic has dipped" and the like.  Does anyone have a firm confirmation that Panda has hit? My indication that it has hit is that I'm experiencing a ~%30 increase in traffic to my e-commerce client from organic searches after this past weekend.  We haven't made any significant changes to content besides daily postings, but even that doesn't account for a %30 spike that has maintained for 3 days straight. So again, what have you guys experienced?  Anything to support this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | linztm

  • We recently made a few link wheels for specific product pages. We've been having great results with all of the wheels except for one. The one we are having issues with is the only link that we were using a Google Analytics filter on; it looks like this Keyword%tracking My question is does Google ignore links that are obviously utilizing their analyitcs custom filters? We're doing some more testing to try to find out if it truly is the link or if the wheel is a bad one. There are so many things that could go wrong but with so many of our link wheels working well, I wonder if the filters are what is causing such results.

    Reporting & Analytics | | MichealGooden

  • Hi everyone, Quick question: Is it better to have your jpg name and alt text slightly different to your keywords for that particular page, or is it better to have them slightly differently? At the minute I'm doing them all with a variation on the keyphrase I want to optimize for (long tail and all that...). Any input much appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | CMoore85

  • Hey guys, I'm having the following issue. My keyword position in SERP is usually 10-11 but sometimes (like once a month or so) it drops to like to position 46 or something of that kind. Why would that be happening and what can I do to avoid that stuff?

    Reporting & Analytics | | VinceWicks

  • Hello, I never had amazing traffic, but during the last week my site seems to have almost dropped of search engines. Nothing drastic has changed during this time that I can see would have caused this. The site is Does any one have any ideas that can help? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | jwdesign

  • Today, I have checked Google webmaster tools to get answer of following question. Who links the most to my website? I was assumed that Google webmaster tools provide me list of external website where I have created my text links. But, I can't get it when see my own website links the most to me. (4652??) I checked my other websites which are integrated in Google webmaster tools. They also developed on same platform as well as same internal linking structure. But, I am not able to find out similar issue over there. That's why I am quite confuse with Vista Store. How can I solve it? Does it really matter? "Open Site Explorer is my favorite one and always using that to get it done. But, Google webmaster tools is also active & free so why should I not jump in to... 🙂 "

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

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