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  • Hi, I am trying to block all the archive pages of my blog as Google is indexing them. This could lead to duplicate content issue. I am not using default blogger theme or classic theme and therefore, I cannot use this code therein: Please suggest me how I can instruct Google not to index archive pages of my blog? Looking for quick response.

    Technical SEO | | SoftzSolutions

  • Is there any tools available that allows users to track ranking of a keyword in SERP over time ? I know the question can be a bit confusing so here is an example that I hope makes it a bit easier to understand EXAMPLE : I am doing keyword research for say "iphones games" and I find out the current sites that rank for the term but If I want to see who ranked for the term 6 months ago or 1 year ago, is it possible ? Also can I get data of the SERP ranking history for ""  for the term "iphones games" ? eg : in jan 2011 rank 10 feb 2011 rank 7 ... sep 2011 rank 5

    Algorithm Updates | | avant_seomoz

  • Hi, A client of mine is selling his business to a brand new company. The brand new company will be using a brand new domain (no way to avoid that unfortunately) and the current domain (which has tons of authority, links, shares, tweets, etc.) will not be used. Added to that, the new company will be taking over all the current content with just a few minor changes. (I know, I wish we could use the old domain but we can't.) Obviously, I am redirecting all pages on the current domain to the new domain via 301 redirects on a page by page basis. So, redirects to My client and the new company both are asking me how much link juice (and other factors) are passed along to the new domain from the old domain. All I can find is "not the full value" or variants thereof.My experience with 301 redirects in the past has been within a single domain and I've seen some of those pages have decent authority and decent rankings as a result of the 301 (no other optimization work was done or links were added). Are there any studies out there that I'm missing that show how much authority/juice gets passed and/or lost via a 301 redirect? Anybody with a similar issue see any trends in page/domain authority and/or rankings? Thanks for any insights and opinions you have.

    Technical SEO | | Matthew_Edgar

  • The FAQs for Google +1 button suggests as follows: "+1 is a public action, so you should add the button only to public, crawlable pages on your site. Once you add the button, Google may crawl or recrawl the page, and store the page title and other content, in response to a +1 button impression or click." If my page has NoIndex tag, while at the same time inserted with Google +1 button on the page, will Google recognise the NoIndex Tag on the page (and will not index the page) despite the +1 button's impression or clicks send signals to Google spiders?

    Technical SEO | |

  • When we click on one of our keywords under the keywords section of Google Webmaster Tools it shows our top URLs for that keyword. The problem is that it is giving us some very strange URLs that we have searched high and low to try to find but we don't know where they came from. Here is a screenshot: Do you know where this type of URL string could have originated and how to fix it?

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • I see a link to my site on a couple different url's, but they are not listed in OSE. The links have been active for a long time too.  Does OSE not track all inbound links from all sites? Thanks, Stephen

    Moz Pro | | stats44

  • Our corporate website showcases/sells our products to all of our customers.  We have Canadian and UK based customers and would like to duplicate our website onto .ca and domains respectively to better service them.  These sites will showcase the same products, only the price and ship from locations will change.  Also, the phone numbers and contact info will be altered.  The sites will all be on one server.  On each of the sites there will be a country selector which will take you to the appropriate domain for the country selected. Will doing this negatively affect our rankings in the US, UK and Canada?

    International SEO | | tryten

  • Wonding if anyone is finding more and more no follows actually being counted as links.

    Algorithm Updates | | barrystix3

  • Hey Moz, We're migrating an old site on an old server over to a new server/DNS. The plan is to keep the same URL structure and reuse our existing URL's. As long as we make minimal changes to each page's content, we should be able to update our DNS entry and get all the pages recreated and assigned to their correct URLs without any reduction in SEO rankings. Is this correct? This site gets a lot of organic traffic and ranks highly on some challenging keywords, so it's key that we retain our rankings as much as possible. I've read that it's wise to lower the DNS time-to-live to one hour, about a day before the move, to help Google crawl the DNS a little quicker. Are there any other recommendations you guys can offer or past experiences?

    Technical SEO | | stephen_reply

  • I am in my 30 day trial and very interested in my results. I think I am probably in a small minority in having the same web site up and running for approaching 17 years (registered in January 1995 :)) but only now am I looking at SEO seriously (to the extent that I want to learn more myself, as opposed to having others promise great fortune!)). Anyway, before committing to SEOMoz on an ongoing basis I want to understand just how actionable the information on my dashboard is. With that in mind, here's the first of what is (hopefully) a series questions that about low-hanging fruit I might be able to check off quickly. I recently brought up a new blog on (note - hosted by WordPress, not a self-hosted implementation). I have had this blog running for less than a month and have just 18 posts. And I am being overwhelmed with thoudands of errors/warnings from SEOMoz. These fall into a few categories: Duplicate content: As I understand it, each TAG I associate with a single blog post creates a unique URL. For example, if I have a single post with tags for "flowers", "wine" and "cakes", I get URLs generated such as <blog url="">/flowers, <blog url="">/wines and <blog url="">/cakes. Obviously, tagging posts is a common scenario. Must I just accept these duplicate content warnings?</blog></blog></blog> Title element too long: These are self generated by and the default format includes the date the post was submitted (which takes a bunch of characters followed by the title used). Many of the posts are well over 70 and this seems really easy to do. Missing meta-description: As far as I can tell, doesn't give me an option to specify these. So, must I just accept these issues if I use (which, again, seems like a very common scenario) and how negative is this to me? Thanks. Mark

    On-Page Optimization | | MarkWill

  • Really strange thing on my laptop, the seomoz toolbar is not working with FF 6. I have the same set up in the office on a PC and all is fine there. Basically it shows the tool bar but no info, states log in but when you click on this it takes you to the seomoz site and states the website is down, which is false as the website is working as I type now. I have uninstalled the the toolbar and then reinstalled it from the research tools, still no joy. Can anyone help? Thanks A

    Moz Pro | | blagger

  • I have been trying to solve this problem with Google Places for quite some time now and just can't figure out where to go from here. I've tried several sent messages explaining the problem and even received several phone calls from Google Places trying to correct the issue with no luck.  I have even tried totally deleting the listing and started over from scratch and re-verified the address with a mailed postcard. My site: has a Google Places account set up and verified For some reason when you do a Google search for one of my keywords Miami Fishing Charters On the listings normally under the letter "E" on the Map another website has a placemark at my location Miami Fishing Charters Directory - Cached Fishing Charters Miami is a quality directory of the best fishing boats in the Miami area. The top Miami fishing charters are listed on this website.
    2550 South Bayshore Drive, Miami
    (786) 263-9231 (7) When you view this Google places listing further. I see it is using my images, videos, placemark on map but NOT the address, phone number, or reviews. Any help on this issue would greatly be appreciated

    Technical SEO | | captainrichsmith

  • When trying to browse the results using the "group by domain" filter in OSE, when you click on the next page or one of the page numbers the results go back to the ungrouped list.

    Moz Pro | | IanTheScot

  • Hello, I am new to seo so please be easy if this happens to be a "silly" question. My company has a .com site. We are expanding into global markets, focusing on specific countries right now. General question: Would I be penalized for duplicate content if I purchased country-specific domains and pointed them to the .com site? Thanks, Jim

    International SEO | | jimmer

  • I just watched Rand's latest webinar on the end of search without social.  It was very timely for me because I've been putting a lot of thought into how allocate my available person-hours. It is clear that SEO these days necessitates both linkbuilding and social.  But how much of each?  (50%/50%?, 80%/20%?, etc.) -For the DIY small business owner (<10 hours per week available for SEO) -For SEO savvy web business (~20 hours per week available of SEO) -For in-house or other full time SEO's (30+ hours available) Clearly it depends on a lot of other factors, I'm just looking for a good rule of thumb that can be adjusted according to the business.

    Social Media | | JesseCWalker

  • I am working on a job site that only ranks well for the homepage with very low ranking internal pages. My job pages do not rank what so ever and are database driven and often times turn to 404 pages after the job has been filled. The job pages have to no content either. Anybody have any technical on-site recommendations for a job site I am working on especially regarding my internal pages? (Cross Country

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • If you want to add both "noindex, follow" and "noopd" should you add two meta robots tags or is there a way to combine both into one?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, Our site has a fair amount of related/similiar content that has been historically placed on seperate pages.  Unfortuantely this spreads out our page strength across multiple pages.  We are looking to combine this content onto one page so that our page strength will be focused in one location (optimized for search).   The content is extensive so placing it all on one page isn't ideal from a user experience (better to separate it out).  We are looking into different approaches one main "tabbed" page with query string params to seperate the seperate pages.  We'll use an AJAX driven design, but for non js browsers, we'll gracefully degrade to separate pages with querystring params. We'd then rel canonical all three pages to just be Same concept but useAJAX crawlable hash tag design (!#). Load everything onto one page, but the page could get quite large so latency will increase. I don't think from an SEO perspective there is much difference between options 1 & 2.  We'll mostly be relying on Google using the rel canonical tag. Have others dealt with this issue were you have lots of similiar content.  From a UX perspective you want to separate/classifiy it, but from an SEO perspective want to consolidate?  It really is very similiar content so using a rel canonical makes sense. What have others done?  Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | NicB1

  • This is sort of a "DUH!" moment to me. I know everyone has come across this at some point in time and am interested in hearing how others deal with this. A little background: I was researching keywords for new menus and pages. Sometimes, people (product marketing in my case) do not give me a heads up on changes they want to make to pages and it is always a fight with them to change it. This is pretty normal for me and I am use to it. It is one of those things that they don't want to discuss it with you because they know you are going to critique their work. and, yes, change it for the good of the company. I had a co-worker say to me:
    "We may have to start making [pages] meaningful to the human visitor than satify the bot army". My response was:
    "What better way to make it [web page] meaningful to users by knowing which terms they search on the most in our industry? Keyword research is not just for Search Engines, it is actual live data as to what most people are searching. That is why I put such a high precedence on it and report on trends. You can bet that if 100,000 people are searching for [keyword], that is what they want to see when they search for it." Anyways, that is how I handled this particular event. I have several responses when these comments pop up from time to time. Usually it is something to the fact that they are not the ones who will get fired if leads drop via organic search, so we better try this. But today, I was feeling kind of spunky and decided to take another route. What are some of your responses to these types of remarks? Hopefully this will make for a good discussion.

    Algorithm Updates | | SmartBear

  • I made a mistake and added the wrong campaign.  How do I delete it and replace it?

    Moz Pro | | dtrader9

  • Why would a page title not be displayed in the SERPS?  Everything appears to be formatted correctly in the code, yet the title of the company gets displayed instead of the page title?  Any general idea why this could be happening?

    Technical SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I'm sure this question must have been asked before but I can't find it. I'm assuming that the title tag is far more important than the page's url.  Is that correct?   Does the url have any relevance to Google?

    On-Page Optimization | | rdreich49

  • I'm trying to incorporate keyword yield ratio (the ratio of keywords to pages yielding search traffic)  in my seo report. I want to be able to compare on a monthly basis the percentage ratio of keywords to a landing page yielding search traffic. So for example, in July we might have 5 keywords that earned a click to landing page A. But in September, the number of keywords grew to 8 keywords that earned a click to landing A. I would like to be able to report monthly on the % ratio growth of number of keywords to landing pages that yield search traffic. Aim is to grow # of keywords per page... Is there a way I can get this data through seomoz tools or google analytics? Thanks, Gemma

    Moz Pro | | RBA

  • Hi there, How are you guys doing? I have a quick question. The last prowling report we received said we have three pages with "duplicate titles". Those three pages are: /wp-login.php wp-login.php?action=lostpassword /wp-login.php?action=register I'm a little confused because those pages don't even have a title. Do you think it's a big deal? Also do you have any idea of why the prowling report says those pages have duplicate titles? Apparently, wp-login.php is part of the Wordpress core. It's a built-in page that
    handles login and registration. Not something we can edit. Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ericc22

  • So lately I have seen alot of link building articles which link to their target URL and also within the site they link to Wikipedia. Anyone know why? Thanks

    Link Building | | HaymarketMediaGroupLtd

  • I have 2 job sites that I am managing and working on. One of the sites has  a great deal of job vacancies and expired job pages that have been indexed. This one below: http:// job search.cctc .com/cctc Jobsearch/ This job site does not have any job pages index: http://www.cross countryallied. com/ctAlliedWebSite/ travel-nurse-jobs/job-search.jsp Why and what can I do to get the dynamic pages index and ranking? Any help tips would be much appreciated. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • Ok, so we currently operate in the UK, Australia, Ireland, Spain and France. Currently we have a different twitter accounts for each Country. This can be difficult to manage as we are going it all from the UK. I can understand that having separate accounts for foreign language countries is perhaps suitable (we have foreign staff tweeting in their native tongue), but my question is this: Is it worth just tweeting all English speaking activity from one account. I mean at the end of the day we are one company, and also our activity in other countries won't effect our followers, in fact wouldn't it just make them realise we are a global brand? What are the advantages and disadvantages of gradually deleting the other accounts and tweeting all English stuff from the one account? Cheers,

    Social Media | | esendex

  • let's say you have complete control over the webserver, and the hosting server. is there a way to set it up so that alexa statistics CANNOT be gained?

    Technical SEO | | highersourcesites

  • So, I have a new client whose web designer declined to create an XML site map. They said that they would rather wait a year and let Google create one. I am wondering what the opinion of other SEOMoz members is about this--do you create an XML right away or think there is an advantage in delaying? Personally, I always prefer to have one right away--What is the best practice in your experience and why?

    Web Design | | TheARKlady

  • When I perform a "site:" search on my domains (without specifying a keyword) the top ranked results seem to be a mixture of sensible top-level index pages plus some very random articles. Is there any significance to what Google ranks highly in a site: search? There is some really unrepresentative content returned on page 1, including articles that get virtually no traffic. Is this seriously what Google considers our best or most typical content?

    Algorithm Updates | | Dennis-52961

  • I use the Keyword Difficulty Tool daily. Because of the troubles with Google's API I can no longer see the search volumes. I still want to use the tool for difficulty numbers because I think this is a much better number than the Google Adwords Competitive bar. If I use the Adwords keyword tool for volume numbers, will that be sufficient?  Is this the same as what Moz usually provides? If no, where is the best place to gather volume numbers? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | KevinBloom

  • I have read such a great blog posts on Multiple XML Sitemaps on following websites before a week. SEOmoz Distilled Google Webmaster Central Blog Search Engine Land SEO Inc I have created multiple XML sitemaps for my eCommerce website with following structure and submitted to Google webmaster tools. But, I am not satisfy with my second XML sitemap because it contain more than 7K+ product page URLs and looks like very slow crawling by Google! I want to separate my XML sitemap with following structure. With Root Level Category OR::: End Level Category . . . . . . . etc.... So, Which is best structure for Multiple XML Sitemap?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • I need a complete online marketing plan for the weekend SEO activities. As it relates with festive time so the plan must be covered all the elements of online marketing as well as offline marketing methods.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | srpatnaik

  • Hi all, I have an ecommerce site which has a standard block of text on 98% of the product pages. The site also has a blog. Because these cause duplicate content and duplicate title issues respectively, how can I ever get around this? Would having the standard text on the product pages displayed as an image help? And how can I stop the blog being listed as duplicate titles without a nofollow? We already have the canonical attribute applied to some areas where this is appropriate e.g. blog and product categories. Thanks for your help 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CMoore85

  • Hi all, When I first started at my current job, most of the link building (aside from submitting to free directories left, right and centre) was replying to every spammy reciprocal email and adding them to our links page! Now we're all a bit wiser about such matters (thanks SEOMoz!), I want to get our links page turned into something actually useful.  My plan was to get it neatly categorised, with recommendations, cut out unrelated links that would be useless to visitors and call it something like "Our Friends" I thought this might be useful for future link building efforts, but in its current state, it's a complete mess. However, I am worried about cutting out a lot of links if they have been reciprocal ones.  Are the sort of sites that would be sending typical spammy link exchange emails for window installation in NY likely to notice our UK education site taking away their link six months later and take away ours?  If they do, will losing links from these sites harm us?  Perhaps more importantly, is my plan a terrible idea in the first place? Look forward to hearing from y'all!

    Link Building | | TEFLScot

  • I generated the following URL to track visits from newsletter. ?utm_source=newsletter1&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newletter2109 Do i have to use this  link in our email ? My question is it looks ugly. How do i shorten this ?  Using ? But isn't it true that  URL shortening services such as bitly, as some can increase the likelihood of email being marked as spam

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • With all the new emphasis on on-page metrics and social metrics, would it be possible to rank well without putting much emphasis on backlinking if your content is significantly better than the rest of the ranking pages? Say #1 to #5 are pages of 500 word generic content. We come in with 2,000 word specific, high-quality content. Can we get by without spending as much time/energy on backlinking? Would the on-page factors make up for it, or has the game not changed that much?

    Link Building | | DerekP

  • Anyone using this service? Its seems like some sort of really bad affiliate marketing, which we all know is a no-go in regards to acceptable use policy for twitter. Just looking for some opinions, a client seems to really like, I seem to really not 🙂

    Social Media | | Gaveltek-173238

  • On Sunday 18th Sept I noticed a huge drop in our rankings for keywords that we were doing extremely well.  Majority of the keyword SERP positions for our main targetted keywords were #1 and #2. These have all drop the bottom part of first page. Other new keywords we were targetting had climbed very well (some hovering just below top 10 and some in top 10 of Google UK SERP. These have all completely dropped off. Although analysing the site thouroughly (both on-page and link profile) it doesnt appear to have any issue significant enough to cause a penalty. From Monday 20th Sept (everybody back to work) the threads here and seem to be buzzing over unexpected SERP drops and increases. By that I assume Panda 2.5 or at least some form of update taken/taking place? If anybody know of the reent heavy fluctuations which seem to have started in the weeken or have experienced unexpected positions increaes/drops, I would be very interested to hear/read from you. Cheers, Mo Raja

    Industry News | | MoRaja

  • I have a magento webshop and some of products have more than one link. E.g. wolverine apprentice it has these two links and Is that going to ruin my chances on ranking high on Google? If yes what should I do about it ? And was does Linking Root Domains and Page Authority mean? I fount it under the keyword ranking section.

    Link Building | | UCDK

  • Hi What are your thought about donating to get a link. Site is a forum related to developing and programming. It has a PA of 65 and DA of 87 which makes this pretty tempting to me, For my keywords and ranking I know this would mean alot. Is this okay to do, borderline/greyish or is this something i should refrain from doing? I havent been 'donating' earlier. Any thoughts are welcome.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | danlae

  • Say there is a link on an authoritative site to my site, and the link points to  However, I have set all URL variations (,,, etc.) to redirect to automatically.  Does the link juice from this authoritative site pass through the URL to automatically due to the automatic redirect? I guess my question is does the link juice automatically pass on to the destination URL, even though it is not the original URL the authoritative site pointed to?

    Technical SEO | | NiallTom

  • Hello everyone! I'm working on a project for a small jewelry store. They have a store in North Carolina and an ecommerce site (on Shopify - which I loathe!). I'm not exactly an SEO expert, but the client likes the way I handle social media and I know enough to get them much farther down the road than they are now. The big problem is that most everything sold is handmade and one of a kind. So, the site has LOTS of dead links. I'd love everyone's suggestions on how to: Best avoid this in the first place as new products are added and promoted via Facebook, Twitter, blog posts and so on Suggestions for managing the sold items - I don't think it seems wise to leave them up as "SOLD" The site is I'm grateful for your assistance! And look forward to sharpening my SEO skills. ~Robin

    Technical SEO | | RobinBertelsen

  • Does anyone know what determines when Open Site Explorer will ask if you meant to type in the redirected URL or when it will automatically change the URL to the www version. example of a site I get asked the redirect question: Oh Hey! It looks like that URL redirects to Would you like to see data for <a class="clickable redirects">that URL instead</a>? example of a site that redirects automatically:

    Moz Pro | | irvingw

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