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  • 1.       When I disable java-script in Firefox and load our home page, it is missing entire middle section. 2.       Also, the global nav dropdown menu does not display at all. (with java-script disabled)    I believe this is not good. 3.       But when type in  <website name="">in Google search and click on  the cached version of home page > and then click on text only version, It displays the Global nav links fine.</website> 4.       When I switch the user agent to Googlebot(using Firefox plugin "User Agent Swticher)), the home page and global nav displays fine. Should I be worried about#1 and  #2 then? How to find what Googlebot actually sees on a page? (I have tried "Fetch as Googlebot" from GWT. It displays source code.) Thanks for the help! Supriya.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Amjath

  • What is the difference between URL rewriting and 301 redirects? Specifically if my home page is rewriting the www. version and the /index.html version rather than 301 redirecting them is this equivalent? Does it still pass the link juice on those alternate variations the same way a 301 redirect will?

    Technical SEO | | rcarll

  • What are some good tips, articles, posts, etc. specifically on e-commerce sites that want to target the manufacturers they sell as keywords. For example: wants to target "Nike" The products we sell are obviously much less competitive than Nike.

    Link Building | | JMacSupply

  • I am new to SEO and have started my keyword research. One keyword I would like to rank for has a competing site with over 400 back links, 300 of which are from dex. How hard would it be to outrank links coming from dex?

    Technical SEO | | marker-311528

  • Previously our site was using this as our URL structure: A few months ago we updated our URL structure to this: & we're not using the .html. I've read over this guide & don't see anywhere that discusses this: I've currently got a programmer looking into, but am always a bit weary with their workarounds, as I'd previously had them cause more problems then fix it. Here is the solution he is looking to do: The way that I am doing the redirect is fine. The problem is of where to put the code. The issue is that the files are .html files that need to be redirected to the same url with out a .html on them. I can see if I can add that to the 404 redirect page if there is one inside of there and see if that does the trick. That way if there is no page that exists without the .html then it will still be a 404 page. However if it is there then it will work as normal. I will see what I can find and get back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, BJ

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seointern

  • I missed the webinair but have just been going through the slides. Looking forward to watching the video when its up. I have a question however regarding the experiment conducted by Rand to find out: Is Social Influencing Primary Algorithms (slides 7 - 20)  The suggestion is that an RT of a google search URL affects the ranking of one individual ranking site. The +1 side of the experiment I understand completely - it is clear how Google can see that there is a social preference for the site and reward accordingly. But how would retweeting the search result URL possibly affect its rankings? Is the suggestion that those doing the experiment also clicked on the relevant link? And if so, how is Google discerning that this additional traffic is down to Twitter? I feel I am missing something incredibly obvious. Anyone want to help me out here?... otherwise I'm not going to sleep tonight...

    Social Media | | seomasters

  • Google no longer lets users pull an iframe of places reviews. I can't find a plugin for wordpress that will do this either. Any suggestions on how to show Google places reviews on your website? Or... should we blow it off and just go with yelp / City Search reviews?

    On-Page Optimization | | John_Ellis

  • Is it possible to check out my competitors and see how many times there back link is using the anchor text "buy widgets here" for example?

    Moz Pro | | dynamic08

  • What's the best way to count and track the number of inbound links to a subfolder like ?  I've tried using open site explorer but I can't seem to get it to show just inbound links for things under a subfolder.  i.e. links to etc. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | twobitoperation

  • My company website is multi-language and multi-country. Content created for the Global (English-language only, root directory) site is automatically used when no localization exists for the language and country choice (i.e. Brazil). I'm concerned this may be harming our SEO through dupe content penalties. Can anyone confirm this is possible? Any recommendations on how to solve the issue? Maybe the canonical tag? Thanks very much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTreviranus

  • In doing some research on this issue, I came across this blog post which seems to suggest it certainly will be a trigger to search engines. Could be a false positive on his specific case, but I was wondering what the community thought. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jim_shook

  • How do I go about setting up a Google Plus Company Profile?

    Social Media | | smstv

  • Hello, Here's my revised link building plan for Let me know if I'm off or missing anything. 1)Identify a list of competitors that are strong enough to have good backlinks (probably about 15 in our industry Look at top content for top competitors and see what type of content is being linked to. build infographics for each area we want to target based on top content Using OSE, analyze competitor backlinks and decide which sites might link to the infographics and which sites might just link to us if we asked them (our site is already an authority). In this step we would also expand the backlink analysis to include sites on pages 4-8 Only choose link aquisition for sites based on the following criteria: Age A lot of unique content A clean site Backlinks going to that site Facebook followers Which of course means high search engine rankings Publish infographics and do outreach

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi Long time reader 1st time questionairer (is that even a word?) Anyway I have started working for a company on a project and as I am in house they obviously throw everything they can at me. Todays question was about the seo friendliness for one of their sites I am going through and finding better keywords for categories and pages. I know that there are pages with 200+ outbound links which need fixing. My question is about the url structure The product on this page is nail feathers, the url is No matter what page of products you go to it includes browse.php?c= For seo purposes is this going to be a problem? I appreciate that we (which means me I think) will be adding content to the pages and the product names could be more keyword friendly. But I have no clue if we need to do something about the browse.php bit or not. Thanks for any help Paul Forcey

    Technical SEO | | PaulForcey16

  • "What’s up with these High PA & DA links?" You know, It's frustrating to spend almost an entire day getting a few great link backs... then to find out your competitor has hundreds of cheap & easy link backs for the keyword you are going for with greater Authority [according to SEOmoz's OSE]. So I ran a search on one of our top competitors in Open Site Explorer to gather an idea of where the heck they are getting all of their links. Please feel free to copy my actions so you can see what I see. Run a search in OSE for www[dot]webstaurantstore[dot]com. Click on the ‘Anchor Text’ Tab. Click on the first Anchor Text Term, which should be ‘restaurant supplies’ :: Then it will expand, click on the ‘View more links and details in the inbound links section.’ As you scroll down the list you will notice that they have a bunch of linking pages from, all of them are .pdb files, for their targeted Anchor Text, restaurant supplies. Q: So my question is can someone please elaborate on what .pdb files are and how they are getting this to work for them so well? Also you will notice, on the expanded Anchor Text Page, that their 6<sup>th</sup> most powerful link for this phrase (restaurant supplies) seems to be linked straight from a porn site, I thought Google does not rank adult sites like this? Q: For future reference, does anyone know legitimate websites to maybe file an SEO manipulation complaint? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | |

  • We've got pages that, when I search for them in Google and click on Cache, show NO styles, nothing from the CSS.  Is there any way that could effect rankings?  I don't think so, but it does fall into the category of showing one thing to the bots and another to the user, which is bad. Also, could blocking /scripts in robots.txt be preventing bots from accessing the CSS? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • Hi i am trying to learn how to use track backs as a way to get link exposure. Cana anyone please explain to me the importance of them and how to use them please. Would i use one by putting a link back to my site or am i wrong on this. any help would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I have an issue with duplicated pages. Should I use cannonical tag and if so, how? Or should change the page titles? This is causing my pages to compete with each other in the SERPs. 'Paradisus All Inclusive Luxury Resorts - Book your stay at Paradisus Resorts' is also used on | line 9 | | line 9 | | line 9 | | line 9 |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • I have a client who operates and gets business from several cities in the same geographic area. Does anyone have suggestions that will allow him to get leads for the same service from multiple cities. Any help appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • I've noted the total number of links has dropped drastically on multiple reports. Is there something new in the Competitive Domain Report or is it really just my clients? Also I've noticed that all of my clients have seen slight decreases in MozTrust - is this related to your reports analysis of panda? Thanks!!

    Link Building | | LeslieVS

  • A few months ago I updated some old posts of my site (Wordpress), to improve old content, with new pictures (better quality), better content, new info about product, and links to our review of this product (newer posts). Most part of the content is this old posts were new, so I "deleted" the old text but replaced the new one with another of better quality. I suppose it will help new post to improve rank, but I los thousands of daily visits, because old posts ranks worse since the change. What do you think? What happened here? Maybe I shouldn't update the whole text, only add a link to new content? Thank you!

    Link Building | | DSG

  • I am working on a job site that only ranks well for the homepage with very low ranking internal pages. My job pages do not rank what so ever and are database driven and often times turn to 404 pages after the job has been filled. The job pages have to no content either. Anybody have any technical on-site recommendations for a job site I am working on especially regarding my internal pages? (Cross Country Any help would be much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • Hi SEOmoz community, A UK based client will soon be opening an office in the USA.  We have advised them to create a new website specifically aimed at the US market, primarily because the way you talk to your potential customers is slightly different than here in the UK. However, this has also raised the question of hosting.  Of course we'll be advising them to host their new US site in the States, however does it matter where?  For example, if their office is in NYC,  would it matter if their hosting was based in Dallas?  I.e. does Google rank sites hosted in a US city / state higher for localised searches? Interested to hear your thoughts - thanks for your time! Mark

    Algorithm Updates | | RiceMedia

  • Hi, I have 6 duplicated pages. I want to know the best way to resolve this issue. The title for all pages is 'Paradisus All Inclusive Luxury Resorts - Book your stay at Paradisus Resorts' | |
    | | line 9 |
    | | line 9 |
    | | line 9 |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • If we host the video on a third party player & use their player (such as Brightcove), will we get credit for the video (will it show in SERPs on our domain? Or, do we need to host it on our own site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi All, Recently moved a friend to a new WP back-end website as they were on Flash which is pretty, but not necessarily the best for SEO. My question is that once Google finally indexed the site, I noticed in Google Webmaster tools that it found the most significant keyword to be: automatically On the following top pages: | tag/snow-boarding-photography/ |
    | tag/style-photography/ |
    | tag/underwater-photography/ |
    | tag/vacation-photography/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-beaver-creek/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-copper-mountain/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-denver/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography/ |
    | underwater-photography-scuba-diving-cozumel-mexico/ |
    | wedding-photography/ | The goofy thing is I can find anywhere that "automatically" is used - perhaps it is coming from a plug-in or magically keyword beans that Google found? Any guidance is appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BoulderJoe

  • I am working on a job site that only ranks well for the homepage with very low ranking internal pages. My job pages do not rank what so ever and are database driven and often times turn to 404 pages after the job has been filled. The job pages have to no content either. Anybody have any technical on-site recommendations for a job site I am working on especially regarding my internal pages? (Cross Country

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • It seems that a lot of the focus of SEOs, especially whitehat SEOs like SEOMoz and Distilled has shifted a lot more towards improving page metrics (bounce, return rate, etc) and social metrics. I'm curious - And of course, I'm just asking for guesses - But what percent of ranking do you think is page metrics, social metrics and other non-link based metrics and what percent do you think are link based metrics?

    Link Building | | DerekP

  • Say I'm optimizing a website for a Veterinarian in North York, a neighborhood in Toronto. Is it important to use Toronto in the keywords/ keyword phrases? When people from within Toronto search for "North York Veterinarian" and "North York Dog Kennel" I want to be found. If I optimize a page for the keyphrases "North York Veterinarian" and "North York Dog Kennel" and only mention Toronto once in the footer with the office address will that be enough for Google to serve up these results in Toronto? Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | OptioPublishing

  • I'm using the MozBar on FF6 and have a question about the selector next to "Root Domain" When I set it to "Subdomain", I notice that DmR and DmT are different from the root domain. Am I looking at DmR and DmT for all subdomains (www included)?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi From an SEO perspective is it better to have 1 large listed menu - over 100 internal links - or say a much smaller menu split into say 10 categories - so 10 links.
    This menu would be appearing on nearly all pages but not the home page In terms of the user experience, in my case, I have a feeling having 1 large menu is possibly preferable as it reduces the number of clicks the user makes to get to the desired information and categorisation can be a bit subjective, but i'd like some advice from an SEO perspective. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | joeprice

  • hello, Our site was hosted in North America and Google was crawling it reasonably fast. Since our traffic is mostly from India we moved it to India, now the crawling is terribly slow from Google. Is there anyway to fix the crawl rate(we have increased the crawl rate in GWT)

    Technical SEO | | greyniumseo

  • SEOMoz Gurus, I am wondering what our best implementation strategy shoul dbe around linking up the Facebook Like button on our pages. Essentially there are two options: A) Linking the button directly to the Facebook Page of the web site so every Like is actually converting into a Facebook "Fan" which can be messaged going forward through our Facebook page. B) Having them like the actual URL which might be more beneficial from an SEO and viral perspective as now a link to the actual URL gets shared on the Liker's facebook wall and it should also be easier to use that lIke for Google & Co. as it's tied to the actual URL not a random Facebook page given that search engines already convert those signals. Both approaches obviously have their benefits. Are there any common guidelines on what is a better approach to take from a pure SEO perspective? Thanks /Thomas

    Social Media | | tomypro

  • Hello, I would like to know if there are certain factors that determine SEO difficulty between different languages or countries. Is doing SEO more difficult in Japan than in the United States? What would be some factors that could help determine the above? Thanks in advance,

    International SEO | | SS-ose

  • I'm looking forward to it and fidgety in apprehension 😄 Can't wait!!

    Moz Pro | | SteveOllington

  • Hi there, If there is a website that has accidently generated say 1,000 pages of duplicate content, would the seo be hurt if all those pages were re-directed to the origional source of the content? There are no plans to re-write the 1,000 duplicate pages, they are already cached and indexed by Google. I thought about canonical tags but as they have some traffic and a little seo value i thought 301 re-direct would be more appropiate to the relevant pages? I am also right in thinking you would be able to remove the 301 in the .htaccess file once the index has updated? Also once removed the 301 - i could use those urls later from scratch if i wanted? Any info much appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • Morning, We're moving our site to a new server today and having never done so before in an SEO capacity, are there any SEO implications, pitfalls, things to watch out for? Advice and comments appreciated. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Martin_S

  • Hello, What is meant by  campaign expiration in Google analytics ? The default value is 6 months. what does it mean ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • My domain registrar was having a sale for 1$ per year .com domain names (just for the first year). So I went all out and bought 16 domain names. They pretty much all are two or more keywords that i'd like to rank high on put together. We do dedicated server monitoring, so for instance I bought and Can anyone tell me what the best way would be to put these to good use technically? Options: Each domain just 301's to a specific landing page on my main company website Each domain is a site on a drupal multisite with just one page that has links to just my company website Other ideas? Thanks in advance! Walter

    Branding | | walterheck

  • Hello, We need advice about seo for website The keywords provided are - Make Money Online, Online Services, Work At Home, Online Money, Online Business, Online Work Its seems impossible to rank the site for these keywords as there is too much competition

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • If we host a video on a third party site and use an iframe to display it on our site, when the video is indexed in SERPs will it show on our site or on the third party site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi there, We have a domain authority of 33, one of our competitors has an authority of 10, yet they appear to list higher on many keyword searches in google. Is there a reason for this? Our site is 5 months old, and their site is over 3 yrs old. Thanks for your feedback 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | PHDAustralia68

  • I have submitted my product feed to Google Merchant Center. There are 7K+ products in one product feed. (data_feed.txt) I am not satisfy with my products' performance on Google shopping. Because, I am not able to maintain data quality for all products as well as not able to focus on high selling categories. Can I submit multiple product feed with separation of categories as follow. category001_data_feed.txt (With 200 High selling products) category002_data_feed.txt (With 100 offers products)

    SERP Trends | | CommercePundit

  • I got my pro account a few months ago and now wondering if the Domain MozRank has changed much since when I first started. How can I see this?

    Moz Pro | | SharpKiwi

  • Hola, Thanks in advance for reading and trying to help me out. A client of mine recently created a large scale company directory  (500k+ pages) in Drupal v6 while the "marketing" type pages of their site was still in manual hard-coded HTML. They redesigned their "marketing" pages, but used Drual v7. They're now experiencing server conflicts with both instances of Drupal not allowing them to communicate/be on the same server. Eventually the directory will be upgraded to Drupal v7, but could take weeks to months the client does not want to wait for the re-launch. The client wants to push the new marketing site live, but also does not want to ruin the overall SEO value of the directory and have a few options, but I'm looking to help guide them down the path of least resistance: Option 1: Move the company directory onto a subdomain and the "marketing site" on the www. subdomain. Client gets to push their redesign live, but large scale 301s to the directory cause major issues in terms of shaking up the structure of the site causing ripple effects into getting pulled out of the index for days to weeks. Rankings and traffic drop, subdomain authority gets lost and the company directory health looks bad for weeks to months. However, 301 maintains partial SEO value and some long tail traffic still exists. Once the directory gets moved to Drupal v7, the directory will then cancel the 301 to the subdomain and revert back to original www. subdomain URLs Option 2: Block the company directory from search engines with robots.txt and meta instructions, essentially cutting off the floodgates from the established marketing pages. No major scaling 301 ripple effect, directory takes a few weeks to filter out of the index, traffic is completely lost, however once drupal v7 gets upgraded and the directory is then re-opened, directory will then slowly gain back SEO value to get close to old rankings, traffic, etc. Option 3: 302 redirect? Lose all accumulate SEO value temporarily... hmm Option 4: Something else? As you can see, this is not an ideal situation. However, a decision has to be made and I'm looking to chose the lesser of evils. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again -Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bacon

  • If another site hosts the video and you show it on your site in an iframe, would the video show up in SERPs on your URL? I believe it would show up on their URL. Do you need to host the video on your own server in order for it to show up on SERPs?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Guys, I run a real estate website where my clients pay me to advertise their properties. The thing is, from the beginning, I had this idea about a user interface that would remain entirely on the same page. On my site the user can filter the properties on the left panel, and the listings (4 properties at each time) are refreshed on the right side, where there is pagination. So when the user clicks on one property ad, the ad is loaded by ajax below the search panel in the same page .. there's a "back up" button that the user clicks to go back to the search panel and click on another property. People are loving our implementation and the user experience, so I simply can't let go of this UI "inovation" just for SEO, because it really is something that makes us stand out from our competitors. My question, then, is: how not to get penalized in SEO by having this Single Page Interface, because in the eyes of Google users might not be browsing my site deep enough ?

    Web Design | | pqdbr

  • If you could choose between a tweet from an influencer or a post from a Facebook fan "influencer"? Which would you choose?

    Link Building | | nicole.healthline

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