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  • Although my site is a  wordpress site it presently has about as many static pages as blog posts. The site has a lot of directory links and is doing pretty good with a PR3 after about a year.  When I first put the site up I had a well known blogging expert help me with the permalinks and a couple of other things and he said that with a blog there is no need to build links, it can all be done through natural link acquisition off of the blog posts. I was skeptical at the time because it seemed that a lawyer's site was something not a lot of people would be interested enough in to link to it. Now I am thinking about trying his stragegy, as 1 of my blog posts that I put up on a very topical subject immediately got about 15 backlinks. My questions are: Is it reasonable to try to build links just by posting frequent topical blog posts? If yes, should I have links in the blog posts to my home page, to internal pages, or both? \ Paul

    Link Building | | diogenes

  • Hi - We have a client who has a TLD that they wish to target several markets using .com/au .com/us .com/sg Each will use duplicate content with slight variations to cater for the local market (spelling, industry jargon).  They seem reluctant to register a TLD for each target market (which was our suggestion) and I am wondering what SEO penalties would apply for having a majority of duplicate content on the same domain – perhaps using subdomains would be better? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | E2E

  • I know that Google states 'several' weeks but just wondering if anybody has any experience with a Reconsideration request and if they got any type of reply and what their general experience was. thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BelfastSEO

  • Wondering what the best way is to display blog posts, and organize a blog in general, for maximum SEO benefit. Displaying the entire blog post for the reader to scroll down right on the main page of the blog?  With previous posts displayed farther down on the same page. Displaying a snippet/paragraph of the post with a link to continue reading - this way each blog post has it's own dedicated page?  And the main blog page can display more topics. Any additional ideas or suggestions to think about would be great.  Thank You!

    Content Development | | NiallTom

  • On SEOmoz's On-page tool it is telling me that I should cut the number of phrases for a specific key phrase almost in half, from 27 to 15.  However my keyword density for this page is only 1.68%.  I would have thought that was a good keyword density to have, if not even a little higher. Should I trust the tool and decrease this keyword phrase?  Would love to hear from anyone with experience in this. If you want to see the page it is  The key phrase is "satellite internet"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MyNet

  • SteriPEN is a portable water purifier that kills viruses, protozoa, e-coli, etc. Because of the technical and safety requirements nature of the product, our website has much documentation of testing, organisms affected, and more. These are in pdf form and can often be found through google search (and through links on specific pages). Because of the keyword-richness of these documents pertaining to microbes SteriPEN kills, etc. does it make sense to convert these pdf's into html text and images? Then I was thinking perhaps writing a blog post AND generating key links on important landing pages to these documents (as html). Removing pdfs may be harmful? Not a clue as to the cost/benefit.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Timmmmy

  • I'm looking for two pieces of data: 1. How many total independent/freelance SEO professionals are there in the US? That is, SEO pros who work directly with their own clients. 2. How many SEO firms are there in the US? I've been scouring all over looking for this data and can't find it. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Industry News | | jsteimle

  • Do you have any recommendations for I know the right and bottom nagivations are the most important links/pages. I have over 16 headers. I want to know how I can make the resort header links for barcelona, madrid, london, etc.(in the middle of the homepage) carry more wieght by the search engines? The website was built using HTML5 and javascript.

    Web Design | | Melia

  • When looking at the OSE metrics (DA, PA, Number Linking RDs etc.) is it purely based on OSEs evaluation of the specific domain or will it take into account links that have been 301-redirected to the domain?

    Moz Pro | | bjalc2011

  • We are working on an ecommerce site that sorts out the products by color and size but doesn't use the sortby= but uses sortby/. Can we tell Google to ignore the sortby/ parameter in Webmaster Tools even though it is not followed by an = sign? For example: Can we tell WMT to ignore the 'shopby/' parameter so that only the tshirts page will be indexed? Or does the shopby have to be set up as 'shopby=' ? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • I've always used Wordpress without really giving it much thought, but I'm open to trying out a different platform for a new blog. Can anyone give me some advantages or reasons to move to a different platform? Thanks!

    Content Development | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Is infinite scrolling bad for SEO? Is there a way to implement infinite scrolling without hurting a site's SEO?

    Web Design | | BostonWright

  • Hi, I have this one page designed to rank for a spesific word i google (sweden). The page has a flawless moz grade A on-page. While my competator ranks for their subdomain, also grade A. I rank 6 he ranks 2 in google. Would I be doing a misstake if i 301 directed it to mu subdomain. In visitor perspective it would be a better landig page aswell. I dont want to lose my rank though. Best practice, anyone?

    Competitive Research | | SuperlativB

  • I have pages with duplicate content, i want to put them on hold while i write unique content as i do not want to get marked down for it. I also want to keep the urls and use them again.
    There are about 300 pages affected by duplicate content currently. Am i best doing 302 redirects as it is temporary? to the origional source of the content, or canonical tags no index? The pages are currently indexed and cahced by google, i want to use the url in the future for unique content to get it valued by Google. Any advice much appreciated. Kind Regards,

    Content Development | | pauledwards

  • Where can I post a job at?

    Moz Pro | | PapaRelevance

  • I re-wrote the page title of a home page for a site I'm working on and made sure it's under 70 characters (68 to be exact) to comply with best practices and make sure it doesn't get cut-off in the SERPS.  It's still getting cut-off though and right when it gets to the brand/website name.  Does a "-" have anything to do with it?  Does that translate to an elipsis? Format: keywords - website/ Can anybody tell me why this would be happening?

    On-Page Optimization | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi All, I'm trying to track some pages on one website in two separate Google Analytics accounts. Has anybody done this before that could help with the tracking code? Thanks in advance, Elias

    Reporting & Analytics | | A_Q

  • What does the forum think the best way to get Twitter Followers is? I'm talking from the perspective from a fairly unknown brand where there's no obvious reason for someone to follow.

    Branding | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • I have a site where the canonical version is the subdomain www, with a permanent redirect to ensure this is so. When I do a page analysis from the MozBar for the domain I see that www and *.domain are both displayed, with numbers from *.domain being shown by default in the mozbar. Does MozBar show *.domain numbers by default, and do I correctly understand that the (higher) www numbers displayed in page analysis for www are valid and a result of my canonical strategy?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • I have a Wordpress site and I think I have "split content" problem. We use to publish preview info, i.e. "leaked images of iphone 5". Some weeks later, official release with official images. And some weeks later, our own review with quality content and pictures. Sometimes the first post are well ranked, but the best content is in our review. How should I manage that? I tried to make a page of each product and link it, but posts stills rank better than pages. And now I have several pages for the same keyword, ie: and all linked in ... and What do you think is best approach to this kind of site? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | DSG

  • Hi, We have an issue with a particular channel on a lead generation site where we have  sales staff requiring different quality of leads in different parts of the country. In saturated markets they require a stricter lead qualification process than those in more challenging markets. To combat the problem I am toying with the idea of severing very slightly different content based on IP address. The main change in content would be in terms of calls to action and lead qualification processes. We would plan to have a "standard" version of the site for when IP location can not be detected. URLs on this version would be the rel="canonical" for the location specific pages. Is there a way to do this without creating duplicate content, cloaking or other such issues on the site? Any advice, theories or case studies would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | SEM-Freak

  • I am working on improving a website that has each section split into four pages. For example, if Indonesia Vacation was a section, it would have its main page,, and the about, fact sheet, and tips on three other pages The pages share very similar title tags and I am worried it is hurting the main page for placement.. So to conserve link juice, would it make sense to have them all one page? There is not so much content that it would affect load time. My strategy would be to have all content available and part of the main page and 301 the three URL's back to the main page: Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MattAaron

  • Dear All I have been an SEO for several years now, and have just laucnhed a new site its in its early stages as I expect to add a community option where people post deals and offers they have found, share them with friends etc My question is really are all the old seo practices still worth doing? Things like directory sites, blog comments, articles sites, social bookmarking etc.... (I have already built up twitter users on the account before the site went live) With Moz's trust factor is it best to go for highrank trust sites first or... I guess you could say that I am suffering from what do I do first and is it all still worth doing and what are the early pit falls to think about..? ie too many links too soon and from to high or to low trusted sites? Any comments from anyone who have put a new site live in the past couple of years would be appricated. Thanks James

    Link Building | | JamesT

  • Where can we find widget samples that are designed for widgetbait and getting backlinks?

    Link Building | | merkal2005

  • Hi, If a E-commerce website based in the UK (and selling products only to the UK) have a .com domain will this stop UK visitors? I kind of getting the feeling some potential visitors might not visit because they feel the website is not UK based because they see the .com. Anyone else had any experience with this?

    Search Behavior | | activitysuper

  • We run a classified site and after every day there are thousands of ads/pages that get expired which has no use to visitors. What is the best practice to deal with them keeping SEO factor in mind? Should we keep them as they are linking to home page. redirect 301 to existing, 404 to home page or any other practice. Please advise.

    Link Building | | razasaeed

  • Hi, I am doing some keywords research and I just wanted to check my understanding of keyword theory. Is it best to select 1-2 keywords per page of the site? Or should you target the whole site towards a few keywords? Thanks, Barney.

    Keyword Research | | barnst

  • Hi, I am not sure what is considered best practice when linking between pages on the same site - absolute or relative: Link Or Link I notice a lot of CMS systems (WordPress) use the absolute method - is there a reason? Any help much appreciated. Barney.

    Technical SEO | | barnst

  • Hello, I need advice regarding design ( current design as well as any changes ) and seo advice as to what we should do to promote the site. The site in question is - Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • Hi Guys, How much interlinking is okay for between pages? Can i start link my internal pages like Wikipedia does? 20,30 interlink per page? OR is it all depends on Page Authority? Can i go inter-link crazy on 1 year old legitimate site? Big Thanks?

    Technical SEO | | DigitalJungle

  • I have issue regarding duplicate pages on website as follow. I checked my Google webmaster tools and found that Google have already set Parameter with pr_page_id. So, what is this? Will Google index all that pages? Can I use following Meta tag to block indexing? Which one is best?

    Technical SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Should I be worried that this will affect SEO?  Most sites redirect to the index.html page, right? [edited by staff to remove toolbar data]

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moskowman

  • Great set of tools! But what would make them better is some type of guide to what the tools do (remember I am a new user) and how to maximize the results. Oh and while your at it what do the results mean.

    Moz Pro | | marcreece

  • I've read a lot of info here in the Q & A tonight and there was a thread that stated it's potentially a good thing to post content on multiple blog platforms such as: I've also been trying to figure out how to deal with my blog as a subfolder instead of a subdomain. That research in Q & A clearly indicates that Google treats subdomains basically like separate websites and links from my blog to my main website will not be as valuable if i stay the course with my blog on a subdomain short term. Given that, if the 4 blogging tools above all require the use of a subdomain, then how am I actually taking advantage of the seo value of blogger,posterous, tumblr?  In my case my domains would be: Just not adding up to being viable given what I read states these would be treated as new websites, not to mention I worry these posts, even slightly differentiated, would be suspect. Who am I truly benefitting by doing this? Users?

    Link Building | | Timmmmy

  • I'd love to see which URLs on a specific domain get socially shared the most.  I know I can use OSE to say figure out exactly how much social sharing has happened on let's say this URL: But what if I want to figure out the top 50 most shared URLs across all of  Is that possible on OSE or anywhere else?  If not, do you have some ideas on how something similar could be achieved?

    Social Media | | Almonds

  • Before hiring me to do SEO, a client re-launched their site and did not 301 the old URLs to the new. Only the home page URL stayed the same. For a month after the re-launch, the old URLs returned a 404. For the next month, all 404 pages (basically any non-existent URL) were 301'd to the home page. Finally, 2 months after launching, they properly 301'd the old URLs to the new. Now, the new URLs are not ranking well. I assume it's too late to realize any benefit from the 301's, just checking to see if anybody has any insight into how long Google keeps trying to crawl old/404/improperly 301'd URLs. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | AndrewMiller

  • SEOMOZ says that my site has 150 <a title="Click for Help!">Canonical URLs and lists that as a potential problem.  It's a check box in the settings for Platinum SEO and here is the description it provides:</a> <a title="Click for Help!">Choose this option to set up canonical URLs for your Home page, Single Post, Category and Tag Pages.</a> I have the option engaged. So I was trying to figure out the best thing to do.  I have already instructed it to automatically make 301 redirects for any permalink changes and have instructed it to "noindex" tag archives,rss comment feeds, and rss feeds. I've only been doing this for about a year and am really confused right now.  After reading most of your posts about the subject I have a much better understanding, but still very confused. Help..Please...

    Technical SEO | | pressingtheissue

  • I'm having trouble interpreting this data. It says several of my blog pages have too many on page links, some as high as 140 and there is no example of a blog post that they are referring to. What am I missing? I never post more than a handful (5-7) in our 600-1000wd blogs. When I drill down, it doesn't give me very much information except "Found over 41 years ago" off to the right. When I click on the "too many on page links" URL, it provides a long list of website pages that are renamed with the blog name. huh? A lot of this stuff isn't very intuitive, SEOMoz.

    On-Page Optimization | | amandahx2

  • here is the issue.  i have an ecommerce site that on a category page, shows each individual color for each product sold.  and there is a distinct URL for each color.  each product page shares the same content, with the only potentially differentiating factor being customer reviews (not nearly enough of these to differentiate anything). so we have URLs like: and so on. i am looking for a way to consolidate these URL while still showing all colors on the category page.  the first solution i am considering is using the hash tag.  so we would create,,  if possible, i would set the canonical tag as the second solution would be to use the canonical tag and keep the URLs as is.  the issue i see here is that we would need to create and show that page somewhere. would the URL that the above color URLs would canonicalize to. what would be the preferred solution?  or is there something else?

    Technical SEO | | rakesh_patel

  • We have just completed the redesign of our product page, which you can see here: Because we want the select size / add to basket section to appear prominently, you can see we are showing only a snippet of the product description in this section and then user has to click "more" to see it. My question is, can Google read the product description here since it's in Javascript? The code is as follows: 2011-12 Chelsea Adidas Away Football Shirt £44.99 Item Code:379606 Brand new, official Chelsea away shirt for the 2011/12 Premiership season, available to buy in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. This football shirt is manufactured by Adidas and is black in colour.[ More...](javascript:void(0);) Brand new, official Chelsea away shirt for the 2011/12 Premiership season, available to buy in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. This football shirt is manufactured by Adidas and is black in colour. Cheer on the Blues in style in the new adidas Chelsea Away Shirt, featuring a striking blue blocked design on an imposing black background complete with the club crest and adidas logo embroidery across the chest for a great style on or off the pitch. The new Chelsea Away Shirt is designed with adidas' ClimaCool technology to bring moisture away from your skin, keeping you cool, comfortable and performing at your best as you emulate the skills of Frank Lampard, Fernando Torres and John Terry on the pitch. Customise your shirt with Premiership shirt printing for your favourite Chelsea stars or choose your own custom name and number. Adult Football Shirt
    Short sleeves soccer jersey
    Chelsea club crest to left chest
    adidas logo and stripes
    Print sponsor to centre
    ClimaCool technology
    Machine washable Product code: 379606 The 2011/12 Chelsea away football kit is released on 7th July 2011. <form name="currenychange" action="" method="get">
              <select class="topselectbox" onchange="this.form.submit();" name="currency" style="float:right;">                    <option value="USD">US Dollars</option>                    <option value="EUR">Euro</option>                    <option value="GBP" selected="selected">UK Sterling</option>                    <option value="AUD">Australian Dollars</option>               </select>
                  </form> Available Now [Be the first to ask a question](javascript:void(0); "Ask a Question")
             [Be the first to review this product](javascript://) Rating: 5 out of 5 stars <form name="cart_quantity" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Which parts of this is Google going to be able to read? Should we make the product title our H1 header for this page and can it currently read that within the code above? </form>

    Technical SEO | | ukss1984

  • I'm getting the warning of "Too many on-page links". I have a number of affiliate marketing sites, all Wordpress, all with sidebars. In the header navigation bar is a link that offers "reviews" and links to each product/brand. This is not a drop down link but leads to a page with product links. Also, in the sidebar I have links that also lead to the products/brands. Redundant yes, but in the beginning this seemed to be a good practice in site design. It would be easy to simply remove the widget that contains the link process in the sidebar. The problem may simply be that the sidebar is the same for every page in the site(s). Is this hurting total SEO as my sites are all over 95-percent indexed. One site in particular does very well in traffic and sales so is removing these links potentially going to improve my SEO and ultimately by success? Thanks, Don

    Reporting & Analytics | | JavaManOne

  • I was just wondering how we should deal with filters and pagination with our ecommerce website. We can do nofollow or noindex, follow or canonical for both filters and pagination. Which one we should choose and why? By the way we are trying to create more sub categories to avoid too many pages but we have 1,000s products and we still end up with a quite high amount of pages. I've read a few conflicting seomoz QA about this issue. Many Thanks

    Web Design | | Jvalops

  • Why does OSE report such a high domain link total in the SERP overlay underneath each result? I'm looking at at site that I know has about 90 links domain wide and the OSE overlay in SERP reports 610

    Moz Pro | | waynekolenchuk

  • I am thinking about hiring this company to do SEO work for 3 months (minimum contract). Anything I should be aware of? Questions I should ask? (calling them back today) There are so many people out there claiming to be the best that it is overwhelming - especially with the overall cost involved. The company was started by Peter R********? Supposedly the "SEO Godfather." Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Whether you look at,, or other e-commerce websites you will almost always see a footer that is full of links to categories & subcategories. These elements aren't really attractive, and to be honest, I don't think I ever clicked on one of those links because most of the time I don't reach the bottom of such pages. Why do these companies use these kinds of footers? Is it for SEO purpose,? Are those links passing juice? Aren't those links at the bottom of the page and therefore not that relevant as other links used in paragraphs? Aren't they contributing to too many on-page links? Maybe only use it on homepage? I'm really looking forward to the opinions of the experts here at the forum...

    On-Page Optimization | | jbrabants

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