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  • Hey, I was just noticing that we achieve #2 ranking on Google for one of our customers for one of their primary keyword phrases. But then I noticed the traffic analytics were not matching what we should expect from that keyword phrase. Then I noticed, in using "Chrome's Incognito Window", that our location was automatically selected for our main geographical city area. I then went and changed that location from Denver, to San Diego & Also Chicago, just to see what would happen, and I noticed we instantly dropped from #2 to #7 when changing our location. I don't know what my question is, but I guess I feel like that is preventing us from achieving the results we need to sell ecommerce products. Is there any info on this or suggestions anyone has on how to tackle this issue? It feels like Google is pulling the rug out from underneath our feet and trying to spread rankings more to localized areas, rather than offering someone the opportunity to capitalize on good rankings for a national audience. I understand why they would do it, and I don't say I disagree. But it just seems to affect our work as SEO's doesn't it? Since we can't be as effective for customers that have a global audience instead of strictly a localized one. I'm curious to see what people have to say about this issue. Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Hi, Which do you think is more powerful ito SEO rankings for my domain? Should I make the blog part of my domain or should I create a blog on a seperate domain? Zane

    On-Page Optimization | | Springboks

  • The website I am working on is If you look at any of our affiliate links, they all have an href value of # or something that keeps the user on the page. However, there is an onclick="'affiliate link URL')" code in them that has the affiliate link open in a new window. This website was set up to "hide" the affiliate links in essence this way. I just tried to make a PPC campaign in Google. Got shut down in about 20 minutes for being a "bridge page." Now, all of the content is original and not copied from anywhere. Supposedly Google could not see these links. Yet we got labeled how we did, and now I"m thinking it is causing rankings to hurt a bit. My question is, should I change how all of the links are set up? Should I make the href value be the affiliate link? It is a redirect like uses. Should I nofollow those affiliate links? What is the best way to handle this problem? All help is appreciated.

    Affiliate Marketing | | DanDeceuster

  • I am about to start some research on software for experimental design on websites. So I'd really like to know which A/B test software do you prefer? Howcome?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Hi, I am in the process of finding blogs to have a few articles published with a couple of links in each. Articles will all be unique and relevant to the link I drop in and relevant in someway to the reader However I have a few questions. My site is a designer menswear site, so I have picked fashion and sports sites first and foremost to have the articles published. Now, I have a guy who owns about 30 different websites. 2 of them are sports based and about 10 are fashion based. Around $10-$15 an article. I have ran them all through the Open Site Explorer Tool and picked out the best ranked ones. Now my problem is, how do I know if its a good site to not only list an article on, but to pay for it as well. The sites page ranks are around the 30-45 range, the domains are around the 35-45 range. What is a good range to have? I know the higher the better but is 30-45 good enough to pay for? (I don't mind paying the $10 each (£7 my money) for each one) Also as he is quoted me in dollars, I assume there all USA based, so majority of users are USA based. Well I am UK based and only ship to the UK. Will this matter as much if I am trying to gain backlinks? Obviously a UK based site, would be ideal, but is it a case of getting more external links on the web for Google to find, as long as they are relevant to the user? Any help would be great. Thanks Will

    Moz Pro | | WillBlackburn

  • Regarding image optimization for an ecommerce site.
    In your "category" pages you list your products with a small thumbnails / miniature image. When the user clicks on the product name or on the thumnails, he lands on the product page with the real size product image. How do you optimize the thumbnail image? Do you use a different ALT? Is Google smart enough to index the real size image? On one hand the image located on the "product" page has lot more content around, is bigger & more interesting for both the user and Google. On the other hand the "category" page has more autority ( links) than the product page... To reformulate my questions: Do you think ALT tag is important for your thumbnail image on your category pages. Do you write different ALT tag for your thumbnail image ( on your category pages) & and your real size image (on your product page)? Which ALT tag / image do you think is the most interesting for Google? What do you think? Cheers, Ludo

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | triplelootz

  • I have a client that I am doing web-work for...I recommended for him to claim his Facebook Place page as well as create a twitter account. He's a little skeptical and doesn't think that a doctors office needs a Facebook and twitter page. I strongly disagree with him and would like to show him some facts. Has anyone ever done social media for a doctors office before or know where I can get some good information? Thanks in advance!

    Social Media | | christinarule

  • I have a client who is receiving a good bit of traffic from a source that I believe to be AdWare, which is obviously bad.  I didn't commission anyone to do this, so I'm at a loss as to where it originated, but it sends me many unique users per day - of course, the bounce rate is 80%, and the average time on the site is 8 seconds.  If I were to change site servers, would that A) stop the AdWare traffic, and B) change my rankings?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | stubenbordt

  • Hi Guys, Searched the web in an answer to the importance of crawl errors in Webmaster tools but keep coming up with different answers. I have been working on a clients site for the last two months and (just completed one months of link bulding), however seems I have inherited issues I wasn't aware of from the previous guy that did the site. The site is currently at page 6 for the keyphrase 'boiler spares' with a keyword rich domain and a good onpage plan. Over the last couple of weeks he has been as high as page 4, only to be pushed back to page 8 and now settled at page 6. The only issue I can seem to find with the site in webmaster tools is crawl errors here are the stats:- In sitemaps : 123 Not Found : 2,079 Restricted by robots.txt  1 Unreachable: 2 I have read that ecommerce sites can often give off false negatives in terms of crawl errors from Google, however, these not found crawl errors are being linked from pages within the site. How have others solved the issue of crawl errors on ecommerce sites? could this be the reason for the bouncing round in the rankings or is it just a competitive niche and I need to be patient? Kind Regards Neil

    Technical SEO | | optimiz1

  • As of yesterday's OSE update alot of sites that I'm tracking saw their PA & DA drop significantly.  This was for multiple sites, whereas last month's index saw those stats increase significantly.  Has anybody else seen this happen to them and perhaps drawn any conclusions?

    Moz Pro | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Is it worth the effort trying to secure a link if the site has high domain authority but the page I want to link to me has page authority of 1?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi There I have been doing some work reducing the number of 404's displayed in the Crawl Errors found in Googles Webmaster Tools. We had a lot of products that were no longer available so have now been removed to reduce the number of 404s that had been found. However, there are a number of URLs that have been crawled that do not exist on our website and have been flagged in the list of Crawl Errors. I want to know if Google will penalise us for this, perhaps affecting our quality score or if they can see that this is something out of our control. This site for example: has generated a lot of truncated URLs on its site that link to pages that don't exist on our site:… That is the exact link that it is trying to locate. Here is the report for that particular link. As you can see the content has been scraped by other sites which has spread the problem further. Pages that link to URL    Discovery Date,3.html
    Sep 12, 2011
    Sep 11, 2011
    Sep 11, 2011
    Sep 11, 2011
    Sep 10, 2011
    Sep 10, 2011
    Sep 10, 2011
    Sep 9, 2011
    Sep 9, 2011
    Sep 9, 2011 I have spotted a lot of these and currently have around 3.3K 404s in total, a majority are from sites we don't control. Is there an acceptable number of 404s a site should aim for and is the above something we should address or are Google smart enough to work out that we can't fix this ourselves? Thanks! Sam.

    Reporting & Analytics | |

  • Hi I stupidly thought that it would be a good idea to set up a reciprocal links page on my website named 'links'.  I did this because my competitors were linking to these pages so I though it would be a good idea and I genuinely didn't know that you could be punished for this.  Within about 3 weeks my rank dropped about 3 pages. I have since removed the links and the page was cached last Friday but the site still appears to have a penalty.  I assumed when Google cached the page and saw the links were not there anymore that the penalty would be lifted. Anyone got any ideas? ps. The competitor websites had broken their links pages into various categories relating to the website i.e. related directories etc. so this might be why they weren't penalized.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BelfastSEO

  • In an attempt to improve the speed of our site, We have installed Cache_Lite extension for PHP. Its a PEAR based system which converts dynamic pages into static pages. The system is set to delete the temp files every 15 minutes, at which point any changes / new content will appear on the system. I don't see any risk of doing this but thought it safe to double check if there could be any impact on Google by doing it?

    Technical SEO | | ukss1984

  • This question is related exclusively to few proved spammers who have gained 1st Google search results for specific terms in the Greek market, targeting Greek audience. Why he looks spammer and very suspicious? For instance, the site,, and look suspicious regarding their building link activities: 1. suspicious spiky link growth 2. several links from unrelated content (unrelated blog posts forom other markets, paid links, hidden links) 3. excessive amount of suspicious link placements (forum profiles, blog posts, footer and sidebar links) 4. Greek anchor text with the keyword within articles written in foreign languages (total spam) 5. Unnatural anchor text distribution (too many repetitions) So the main question is: Why Google is unable to recognize/trace some of these (or even all) obvious spamming tactics and still these spammy sites as shwon below reside on the 1st SERPs. Examples of spam sites according to their link building history: All their links look very similar. They use probably software to build links, or even hack authority sites and leave hidden links (really dont know how they could do that). Could you please explain or share similar issues? Have you ever found any similar cases in your industry, and how did you tackle it? We would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. Regards, George

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Clickwisegr

  • We are a small startup company looking at starting a complaints website in India   having user generated content(complaints) . Would some one help me to draw overall strategies  on how we can achieve good traffic over one year.  We realise that there is no magic wand to improve positions in search ranking for a site which hosts user generated content esp. since we dont know what key words to target. In this context i was looking form some expert suggestion on how we can go ahead with the SEO for the next 1 year .. We are open to paying for the services if you prove that you have the required experience .  Otherwise  any suggestions from other who have experience in such situations  are welcome ...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShoutOut

  • Today, I have watched such a great video on YouTube from Google Webmaster Help with following subject. Does selling the same product on three different domains look spammy? Now, I have same issue with my three websites. You can find out details as follow. Traditional Table Lamp in Brushed Steel Finsih with Green Glass 7.5' Patio Umbrella Push Tilt - Olefin are three different website with 4000+ same products, same Title tag, same Meta description, same price, same details, same SKU number, same images and same details.There are very few pages indexed by Google for [I have submitted series of question on SEOmoz Q & A forum to resolve my website's crawling issue.]I assume that, this is one of biggest reason to stop my crawling. So, How can I fix it?

    Technical SEO | | CommercePundit

  • I have created one campaign over SEOmoz tools for my website. I have found 89 duplicate content issue from report. Please, look in to Duplicate Page Content Issue. I am quite confuse to resolve this issue. Can any one suggest me best solution to resolve it?

    Technical SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Hi there. We've been working on this site for a few months now - We were hired as the previous agency was seeing traffic fall by 40% year on year consistently. Now, we've managed to stop that drop, but traffic recovery in Google (Bing and Yahoo are fine) is being really sluggish. Here's what we've done: Converted URLs from dynamic to static Sorted duplicate content errors Cut down the number of on-page links (Still not under a hundred, but that's really tricky) Carried out on-page optimisation on hundreds of inner pages, including adding new content Does anybody have any ideas on anything we cou;d be missing? We're just starting to get going on link building, so that's the next step. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | neooptic

  • Is anyone else having problems with this? Every search I do seems to throw up an error in the traffic fields.

    Moz Pro | | neooptic

  • I am running a large ecommerce fitness equipment store. It is on magento and there are lots of little issues with the site. Things like url strucutre, not enough text for google to read as far as menus and too many images etc. I am wanting to work with a company that totally understands what I need done to the site to fix it and make sure its in its absolute best shape for seo. I need a real consultant that can help me make changes to my site. I cannot seem to find someone when outsourcing to overseas like india and stuff. Does anyone know of anyone or a company I can contact? If you know of multiple please list. Thank you very much Jake

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PEnterprises

  • The client would like us to do seo for these 3 sites The sites have to targetted in US, Australia, and UK resoectively .All the above sites have identical content. Will Google penalise the sites  ? Shall we change the content completly ? How do we approach this issue ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • If anyone could shed some light on this that would be great. It seems as if the two tools are using different versions of the database?

    Moz Pro | | belasco

  • I have a Magento ecommerce site that allows customers to compare products.  When SEOmoz crawled the site, it came back with over 6,000 302 redirect errors related to the compare products feature.  Is this harming our rankings? And any suggestions on the best way to fix it?

    On-Page Optimization | | AmazingPlans

  • Does anyone have one they'd like to share. I've seen the great ones by Tom Anthony but I am looking for the list of the first 1000 links that are available as part of the free API to be brought back into a Google Doc.

    Moz Pro | | belasco

  • I have some listings in lawyer directories some of which have very hig PR , links, traffic, etc. For example,,  I know that Google has more or less recently devalued a lot of directory links. I would assume that a monster site like nolo would not be one of those, but does anyone know any way to tell? Paul

    Algorithm Updates | | diogenes

  • Can any member of the Moz team or of the community comment on the most recent OCE/linkscape update as of 09/08/2011. It appears that the link data capture for one of our platform is dramatically different than previously and that there are some huge discrepancies? Any update on the change would be appreciated as we use all these updates as benchmarks. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | OlivierChateau

  • Wondering what the pro's thoughts are on using Xrumer or drip feed blast on building links to Web 2.0 properties to rank in the SERP's? I know it could be dangerous to spam your site with these but do you see any harm in using them on web 2.0 properties like YouTube to get video's or other content to rank high?

    Image & Video Optimization | | afranklin

  • I have a site in Spanish that is hosted in Spain with a .es TLD. I already have many Spanish-language links from websites in Spain, but I obviously want more and I'm finding I might need to look beyond typical Spanish sites. In talking to some of my link builders who work on my English/American sites, they are recommending that I build links on the normal article sites, blogs and web 2.0 sites that I normally build links on but that I make all the content English and insert the anchor text in Spanish. For example, if my site were about "weightloss", my keyword would be "perder peso" (in spanish).  They are recommending that I have articles, reviews, etc written about weightloss in English with the anchor text "perder peso" worked into the English article.  Most of the sites are English sites that are hosted in the US (article sites, web 2.0 properties, etc). My question is what is the value of these links?  Does anybody have any experience with this?

    Technical SEO | | jargomang

  • We are looking at providing our customers with the best experience when performing a site search for a product. Would it be bad SEO practice to have our internal search results show results for all 4 Brands linking to different domains? This would mean multiple outgoing links to other owned sites from the same IP.  Is it a best practice to block internal search results using robots.txt?

    Link Building | | SEO-Team

  • I've read on other SEO sites that description can be 350 characters or 60 words long. Some of my descriptions are a little bit over those numbers. Will Search Engines stop crawling through the description at after a certain amount of characters, or will it completely ignore it if it's too long, hence hurting my site's SEO performance?

    Algorithm Updates | | jmbuytaert

  • We are assisting a client in setting up English and Spanish sites in Texas. They want to be able to find customers who are Spanish speaking predominantly or totally along with the customers they now get who are English speakers. We are building them a new site and I have researched to find answers all over the board or less than clear. Should the structure be such that we have one site with a set of English and Spanish pages all with Spanish links to Spanish pages and English links to English pages. Should we instead just have an English site for those people who utilize English and a different site for those who utilize Spanish? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobertFisher

  • there has been a lof of discussion on this forum and elsewhere about over optimized anchor text, partial match anchor text vs exact anchor text match, etc. I am wondering iwhether or not exact anchor text matches are good or bad for internal links? Does anyone have anythoughts, or better, any studies? Paul

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | diogenes

  • Hi Guys....One of my sites has a blog and the site does very well overall.....however managing the blogs comments (fighting spam...attacks...general monitoring and approval) is becoming to much trouble.  The blog itself really gets fed from facebook and most of the blog comments are done here. I am thinking of removing the comment section on the blog and only responding to facebook comments.....I am concerned though how much weight the "user generated content" carries with regards to has always been said that it does carry weight but what if i get traffic to these pages and links but remove the comments ability... just really wanted to hear some opinions on this and how much respect i should give UGC. thanks for your time

    Content Development | | nomad-202323

  • I'm working with a VERY large site that has recently been redesigned/recategorized. They kept only about 20% of the URLs from the legacy site, the URLs that had revenue tied to them, and these URLs use underscores. Whereas the new URLs created for the site use hyphens. I don't think that this would be an issue for Google, as long as the pages are of quality, but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on this. Will it hurt me to have two different sets of URLs, those with using hyphens and those using underscores?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I am attending SMXEast and one of the speakers is strongly encouraging to use the markup from Does anyone have experience with the markup from and were you able to track any outcome in the search rankings based on adding this markup?

    Technical SEO | | irvingw

  • My question is about my content strategy regarding keywords and page creation. For this example I will use the following keywords: "widget financing" "widget leasing" "widget loans" "thingy financing" "thingy leasing" "leasing loans" "whatchamacallit financing" "whatchamacallit leasing" "whatchamacalit loans" You get the idea. Now I have created a separate page for each of these keywords. There are about 70 keywords and their respective pages. Although all of these describe the same thing I have re-written each page. In other words I didn't use the same content and just substituted the keywords. Each page is roughly 200 to 500 words. I do rank very well for most of these keywords. I would post some of the pages from my site here but I didn't know if that is frowned on. My fear/concern is will I get in trouble in a "post Panda" world. Again, the pages rank very well I just want to be in good graces with Google going forward.

    On-Page Optimization | | leaseman

  • In all of my campaigns, I have a lot of URLs with too many links on the page (defined loosely as around or over 100 links per page); these links are virtually all found on blog pages. The link count shoots up quickly when you start using things like tag clouds, showing all the tags/categories a post is in, in addition to all the cross linking thats typical of blog posts. My question is: Does this matter? Do you work to get blog pages down under that 100 link limit, or just assume most blogs are like this and move along? If you think it does matter, what strategies have you used to cut down the number of links while still keeping popular elements like tag clouds?

    Technical SEO | | AdoptionHelp

  • Let say I'm a company that sold used tires and I'm ranking for Used Tires Supply Used Tires Distributor Used Tire Company Would it  be beneficial for the serps  to focus your link building campaign for just "used tires"

    Link Building | | marig

  • I'm going to try not to get too wordy with my question.  Any help that could be provided would be much appreciated! We recently purchased a Germany-based company.  They were using two domains (possibly more) for their website.  Domain1 and Domain2.  I'm sure for duplicate content reasons, only Domain1 ranked well. We in the US wanted to use Domain2, as it contains the brand name and would add legitimacy to our website in the US.  Problem is that they also wanted to use it in Germany.  So we split it using GeoDNS.  Any international traffic goes to their server.  Any US/Canada traffic goes to ours. From what I've read, we in the US should have the advantage here in terms of getting our pages indexed on Google, because Google will crawl from the US.  So to Google, it should be as if we've changed all of our URLs. The problem is that Google has not recognized these changes for our homepage and it has been about a month since I submitted a sitemap and changed our geo-targeting to the US in Webmaster tools.  They've picked up other pages of ours, but the Title and Meta descriptions for the homepage are in German still.  We also rank about 23rd for our own brand name.  Bing and Yahoo have picked up the changes without issue and we rank 2nd for our brand name. My other issue is that the old distributor in the US (whom we have replaced) is ranking first for our brand name.  I'm working on increasing our inbound links, but is there anything else I could be doing to jump ahead of them in the rankings? Any tips would be appreciated.  Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | KathleenLTG

  • Hi Guys, There is so much info out there about canonical issues and 301 redirects I'm not sure what to do about my problem. Google webmaster says I have over 2000 duplicate page titles. Google is showing most of my pages in duplicate or triplicate url format. Example: /store/LOVE_OIL_CARIBBEAN_ROSE//store/LOVE_OIL_CARIBBEAN_ROSE/store/love_oil_caribbean_rose/Im using x-cart pro as my cart.When I look at the source code I see each one having a rel=canonical tag with the exact urls you see above. Can someone give me an example of a redirect that I can put in my .htaccess file that would work site wide?I obviously cant go through and 301 this on a page by page basis. It would take a year.Thank You Tim

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fasctimseo

  • There's about 43k pages indexed in  this directory, and while helpful to end users, I don't see it being a great source of unique content for search engines. Would you robots block or meta noindex nofollow these pages in the /blissindex/ directory? ie.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CareerBliss

  • Will the NoFollow link in this article help my rankings in Google?

    Link Building | | b4tv

  • Our site is  We spent a lot of time on the site and have not received any rankings yet. Can you advise as to what we can do to get this site ranked at all. I know it needs a lot of SEO work and some links, however, it should rank mildly due to the low competition of keywords we are using. Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tormz

  • is it any point anymore to build links from web directories. Does google consider web directories anymore? Thank you awesome Mozzers! Vijay

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

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