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  • Google webmaster tools has a warning for our site map saying that this url (and a couple of others) have a 301 redirect in them. I've checked the link and don't see that it actually is redirecting. Any thoughts on why this is popping up?

    Technical SEO | | IanTheScot

  • Hi Everyone, We're an exciting London-based SaaS startup with big plans for global expansion. Two of our biggest target markets are Brazil and Mexico, with plans for an office in Sao Paulo. We are looking to hire some in-house SEO staff for both territories, but we'd also like to supplement this with some local expertise. That could be from an agency, freelancer or full-time employee. Gimme a shout! I'm Chris Gilfoy and I'm Head of Search at BaseKit. / +44 7969 285 203. Thanks, Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BaseKit

  • Hi, Mozzers- I know that it's still in Beta but I'm very curious about how can help me with a project I'm working on. I signed up for an invite but haven't heard anything yet. Just wondering if anyone has a connection. Thanks in advance! LHC

    SEO Learn Center | | lhc67

  • Hi, I started a campaign for a website which uses multiple redirects before showing the real content.  in the crawling report only one page is crawled. Is there a way to let the crawler pass the redirects to get usefull reports? The website is Thank you

    Moz Pro | | Cegeka

  • The general advice is the SEOmoz community is not to bother with low quality submission directories.  Makes sense to me as there existence seems solely to manipulate search rankings, which google doesn't like. So what are some clear and actionable criteria to distinguish between a directory worth spending time on and one that is not worth spending time on?

    Link Building | | JesseCWalker

  • How can I quickly find a list of sites that link with follow and 301 links to my competitor, but not to me?

    Link Building | | Nashville

  • Hi all, My site was hacked about a year ago and as a result I now have a ton of back links from irrelevant sites pointing to pages on my site that no longer exist. The followed back links section on the Competitive domain analysis tool shows about 3 pages worth of these horrible links. I have 2 questions: how bad is this for my site's SEO (which isn't good anyway, Page Rank 0) and how do I get rid of them? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Andy WkXz0

    Technical SEO | | getzen56

  • I'm trying to use the On-Page report card and it's saying that my rel=canonical is wrong, I've looked and I can't see anything wrong with it, am I missing something? The url is

    On-Page Optimization | | HarrisonLighting

  • One of the largest stores in USA for soccer runs a number of whitelabel sites for major partners such as Fox and ESPN. However, the effect of this is that they are creating duplicate content for their products (and even the overall site structure is very similar). Take a look at: You can see that practically everything is the same including: product URL product title product description My question is, why is Google not classing this as duplicate content?  Have they coded for it in a certain way or is there something I'm missing which is helping them achieve rankings for all sites?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ukss1984

  • A lot of blogs are beginning to use facebook comments. I came across a WordPress plugin called "Crawlable Facebook Comments". The plugin makes a text version of your iframe comments visible to googlebot. You can see how it works at: Is there really any utility to this seo-wise? Comment content is normally not optimized and you will end up linking to a bunch of facebook profiles. What do you folks think?

    Social Media | | Muhammad.IST

  • I want to define best structure of Title Tag and Meta Description for my eCommerce website. There are too many categories over there and many be increase in near future. There are 7K+ products live on website so, it's quite hard to develop Title Tag and Meta Description for all product pages. That's why I have set automatic Title Tag and Meta Description creation with help of developers. I want to do similar stuff for my category pages. Can anyone suggest me structure of Title Tag and Meta Description which suppose to help me in well over Google's organic result. I have define structure as follow. Title Tag: Category Name: FREE Shipping & Discount Category Name | Vista Stores Meta Description: Category Name with FREE shipping, 100% price guarantee, Buy and save 20% to 40% on attractive, modern and discount Category Name. Meta Keywords: Category Name I also want to give real time example with specific URL. ( Category Name = Patio Umbrellas so with help of above structure Title Tag and Meta Description will be as follow. Title Tag: Patio Umbrellas: FREE Shipping & Discount Patio Umbrellas | Vista Stores Meta Description: Patio Umbrellas with FREE shipping, 100% price guarantee, Buy and save 20% to 40% on attractive, modern and discount Patio Umbrellas. Meta Keywords: Patio Umbrellas So, Does it matter for good performance? If any inputs in same direction so I am eager to read it.

    On-Page Optimization | | CommercePundit

  • Hi all, Since Linkscape was retired we've been struggling without the mozRank passed data for our competitor research. However, I've read that it wasn't a particularly reliable metric to go on so my question is: what makes a link more valuable, in your opinion? I'm trying to work out the relation between Page Authority / Domain Authority / Number of Links etc., ideally to come up with some form of ranking system where we can say: Overall link value = ( (A x Page Authority) x (B x Domain Authority) x (C x Number of Links) ) / Number of Linking Domains or something like that. Is this a good way to go about it?  What do you guys look at when using the OSE data? Thanks in advance for your help!

    Moz Pro | | OmarKattan

  • Do you get an error in the search numbers when using the keyword difficulty tool?

    Keyword Research | | jest

  • Hi I'm helping a collegue with his website. For what ever reason the pages in the Solutions Menu are not being found in the search result for keywords related to the pages. (Homepage mainly comes up in the search result). Does anyone have any advise to why this may be happening? *To give you a bit of a background understanding, previously all the menu content was copied (which I made him change), he also had hidden text on some pages (i made him remove, white text on white background) plus the url structure changed as well. Persoanlly I think he is over using , links, internal linking is not great & the general content is not great in the menu. Your Thoughts are welcomed, thank you.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • I am under the impression that bounce rate is a good indicator to Google as to whether the site is relevant to the user. I think that it probably has quite a lot of impact on ranking. So I thought I would start a discussion as to good ways to decrease bounce rate?

    Web Design | | esendex

  • I have re-designed one of my sites, the old site is all static pages on a Windows server, I have made the new sites and it is on a new server and is running on Wordpress. I have just finished testing it and so am nearly ready to switch over the nameservers to the new server, however I'm having some problems with 301 redirects. I have tried to set up a few 301 redirects on the new server to test before I change nameservers but they don't appear to be working. I would have imagined that they should (even though the actual page isn't hosted on the new server) or am I being very stupid here and I can't test a 301 redirect until the nameservers have been changed. Redirect 301 /magazines.htm http://.../~account/magazine-freebies Obviously the above with the stars (*) is the server address and route to my account.

    Technical SEO | | Wardy

  • We have links to our key pages at the top of the website:- Home Our Services Work Examples About Us But we have many more pages than this. In the footer of the website we have additional links to the individual services and pages such as FAQs and Customer Feedback. Does having the links here lessen their effectiveness in terms of SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | AndieF

  • We do a fair amount of work on PPC and because of this a lot of our PPC landing pages also do quite well in SEO. We are thinking that the landing pages do well because they get a lot of traffic from PPC and therefore, maybe google can index and take note of these pages quicker? The pages that usually shoot right up the rankings are new pages used for long tailed keywords. So I have a few questions: Does the traffic from PPC actually have any effect on SEO rankings? If we were to create a page that was to act solely as an SEO landing page, would google take note if there was no traffic? Would simply linking from our main site to the landing page be enough to give it a bit of authority, in which we can build upon? Thanks in advance.

    Link Building | | esendex

  • Hi, I have a domain which has the non www domain indexed. I did start link building using the www in the URL, will this not work as well? So, domain indexed is (fictitious) I start building backlinks using Should I have started building backlinks using for this to work better? Cheers

    Link Building | | activitysuper


    Technical SEO | | NEWCRAFT

  • A SEOmoz report indicates that we have a large number of links on our pages, mainly due to an embedded mega-drop down and lots of product display options that are user activated, but otherwise hidden. Most of the links have the paramter href="#", because the links are used in combination with jQuery to trigger actions. It is still possible to trigger the actions without the href parameter, so the question is: Do links without href parameters count towards the total amount of links on the page, since a link without a href parameter is actually an internal page link? Our site (this version of the site has not had empty tags removed):

    Technical SEO | | Webxtrakt

  • There have been several reference on how Google is trying to build author profiles  so that it can effectively measure the authors authority based on the Rel=Author. I quite liked this idea  , but my site is a user generated content website. So how can i leverage this ? . One thing which i was thinking was  if its a good idea to link to the customers Facebook profile , plan to collect this during sign up.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShoutOut

  • Does uploading our video to youtube, with link pointing back to our site, is counted as backlink to our site ?

    Image & Video Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • I would like to ask for the possible problem plus solution on one of our  campaigns. Only 1 page is being crawled by SEOmoz for the last 2 crawls. Before the last two crawls, SEOmoz crawls numerous pages and we can’t think of a possible reason for this error. For this particular campaign , there are no data --- no errors, warnings and notices. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Hello , I am launching a new website which would host user generated content . Based on my brandname i have purchased a new domain . In order to improve SEO  rankings i was considering to purchase a good quality domain (have gr8 link backs)  and then perform 301 redirection of the domain to the new domain . Does this work ?  Is there any harm in doing this ? . Does the Link juice pass naturally ? Warm Rgd

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ShoutOut

  • Typically H1 tags are reserved for page headings, i.e. on a blog post the blog post title is very often the pages H1, or top-level heading as the W3C puts it. On the SEOmoz home page they currently have "SEO Software." as their H1 tag, which seems perfectly reasonable and to me fits the W3C criteria. However, what if the primary keyword for SEOmoz was "seo community" so they decided to wrap just those two words in the sentence that follows on their home page and maintain the existing style of the words "seo community" with CSS. (see attachment) Are there any arguments against doing that? Would Google be able to detect this? If so, would Google care? I do believe the overall importance of the H1 tag has lessened to a degree, however I still believe they are valuable to an extent and would love to hear anyone's thoughts. 7NZcD.png

    On-Page Optimization | | TakeLessons

  • I recently launched my new website under the same domain as the old one. I did all the important 301 redirects but it seems like every url that was in google index is still their but now with a 404 error code. How can I get rid of this problem? For example if you google my company name 'romancing diamonds' half the link under the name are 404 errors. Look at my webmaster tools and you'll see the same thing. Is their anyway to remove all those previous url's from google's indexes and start anew? Shawn

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Romancing

  • I've been trying both programs for the free trial and I'm not sure which one is exactly better. they seem to me that both give a similar asepct of research, However SEOMOZ seems to be updating more frequntly. On the seconnd hand, traffic travis is way more cheaper only $97 one time fee as apposed to SEOMoz $100 per month Could someone convince me SEOMOZ is the better tool?

    Moz Pro | | ilan_connnect

  • I know that one of the things Google looks for is fresh content. My main site is a wordpress site where I have optimized about 12 static pags and I also do blog posts. Assuming I continue to blog, do I need to give my pages a periodic "face lift" or is enough just to keep blogging and add a static page from time to time? Paul

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | diogenes

  • My websites for the most part rank higher in Yahoo and Bing than in Google.  Now, ranking within those search engines (Yahoo/Bing) are settling in to where my websites rank in Google. Any thoughts? Anyone else experiencing this? Thank you for your time!

    Algorithm Updates | | APICDA

  • Hello, For functionality purposes, I need to wrap separate blocks of content with a tag. The main question is whether Google will follow this URL, even though it is not a hyperlink on the page, just a URL used for functionality purposes. We will have 10-20 of these types of span tags with a different URL for each one, and we just want to be sure that Google will not be following these URLs that are not links. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • I'm in a highly competitive national market where the top sites have links from between 325 and 1300 unique linking root domains, therefore, you have to have an aggressive approach just to get on the map. (I'm at 317) If we were talking about needing 50 good links, I could take the time to cultivate relationships, get to know people, and get 1 or 2 great links from each webmaster, but the scale of the challenge is out  of control. My competitors, and myself, seem to all be getting links in the following ways: Hoards of directory links. Some high quality paid links from industry sites ($2,400 per each link per year) and hundreds from 9-$49 per year. At the bottom of the list of most all my competitors, there appears to be some links from their early beginnings that were reciprocal linking arrangements. Blogs where they submitted articles and have good links back to their sites. Paid ads on sites all over the internet that link back with their specific key words. Some from relevant sites, but mostly from sites that would give them a good deal and have high enough traffic and/or page rank. Blog comments with a link back to their site; sometimes with good anchor text and sometimes you're forced to have to use your web site address as the anchor text or even your name. (Does that even do any good?) My dilema is where to find 1,000 good places to get links and I don't do black hat? I can write good quality comments on blogs from a wide variety of industries, but most are now eliminating the possibility of using my anchor text other than my web site and my name. As I scour the playing field, it almost appears that it has become a "pay to play" proposition as far as getting links everywhere other than writing good blog articles, but then what good does it do to have 500 blog articles coming from a handful of linking root domains? You're just stuffing the ballot box! As for me, I'm in the teens with all the high value phrases I need and must come up with a better strategy for the home stretch. In all the other varied statistical measurements that I see on SEO Moz, I'm no lower than #5 out of the top 10 competitors in any of them except Alexa rank. So, I'm close but it seems so far away! Would appreciative and be grateful for some wisdom from the community!    Lowell

    Link Building | | lwnickens

  • Most of our clients are local but we can not get local or regional (for example VA State or Washington DC) SERP results within SEOMOZ. it would be nice to create custom search profiles based on region (State or County) and track SERP within SEOMOZ.  Ranking reports and even keyword difficulty analysis etc. within SEOMOZ are misleading for local web sites. SEOMOZ default site setup assumes every business doing SEO serves all over the US. I think it will be very beneficial if we have a choice to select State or County of local web sites during initial campaing set up at SEOMOZ. what do you think? do you know any work around of this problem? Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | CertifiedSEO

  • Hi Can anyone explain what all the info within the link acquisition tool is all about? I put in to look for Money Hoodies, Money being the brand name and Hoodies being the product type. This is what I get back, what do the links mean when I click them? I don't get it? money hoodies + "submit site"
    money hoodies + "submit url"
    money hoodies + "intitle:directory"
    money hoodies + "intitle:resources"
    money hoodies + "directory list"
    money hoodies + "inurl:list"
    money hoodies + "intitle:list"
    money hoodies + "inurl:directory"
    money hoodies + "inurl:resources"
    money hoodies + "add url"
    money hoodies + "submit url"
    money hoodies + "suggest url"
    money hoodies + "suggest a url"
    money hoodies + "submit site"
    money hoodies + "submit a site"
    money hoodies + "submit your site"
    money hoodies + "add a url"
    money hoodies + "add a site"
    money hoodies + "add listing"
    money hoodies + "add your listing"
    money hoodies + "submit a listing"
    money hoodies + "submit listing"
    money hoodies + "submit your website"

    Moz Pro | | WillBlackburn

  • Hi, Our company is in 2 locations. It's doing really well in San Francisco, California But we've opened a 2nd location in Salt Lake City, Utah The problem is that our site is all about San Francisco, California. Utah is just as important as San Francisco to us and we need to start tailoring to both. People from Utah say they are confused because our site is so tailored to California. Even our domain name is the keyword "NLP" combined with the state initial "CA" for California. A new domain is not an option. One thing we are thinking of doing is changing our header to say "The NLP and Coaching Institute and the NLP Institute of California". It would say both of our company names and hopefully the first would catch the Utah people. But I don't think it's just our banner. Can you take a look at our site and tell us how to tailor to both locations and keep our current working optimization for San Francisco, California? Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | BobGW

  • Hi, I run an e-commerce store and within the CMS I define the SEO title, SEO description and SEO keywords for each item. I spoke to a SEO firm who advised me to start every product title with the colour, as this will reduce the duplicate page titles and serve me well in the future. Whats everyones view on this? Does naming something Grey Armani Jeans | Armani Jeans from Designer Boutique stand up better against Armani Jeans Grey | Armani Jeans from Designer Boutique? Any help or tips on how to format the page titles and descriptions would be great. Thanks Will

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WillBlackburn

  • Im trying to find an api which I can intergrate with my database for onsite keyword checking.  Does anyone know if there is one available on the market? thanks, Chris

    Technical SEO | | seomasters

  • Hi, I'm link building with Open Site Explorer. I'm really picky in get links from only high quality sites. When do you stop going down the list of possible backlink providers because the page authority is too low. I usually stop at 40, but what do you do, why, and what does it depend on?

    Moz Pro | | BobGW

  • my question is like the title reads If I have an rss feed in an xml file and from time to time I update the pubdate and time. Will this have a positive effect on my website in terms of the rss aggregators coming to my site thinking that it was recently updated and creating links to these pages or will they be able to determine that there is nothing new by comparing it to the old page that they may have stored. thus doing nothing or maybe even hurting the website.

    Technical SEO | | mickey11

  • Let's say I were to start a company.  Of course, I want to be indexed, crawled, and pulled up in the search engines.  So I start using black hat seo techniques.  I comment spam, keyword stuff, spin articles, hide text, etc.  I publish hundreds of articles per day on well know sites with excellent page rank.  If I am doing all of these unethical techniques, what is going to happen to my website?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • I have created one campaign for my website on SEOmoz. I found Rel Canonical issue for following 2 URLs. I can not understand that, what is error with that? Can any one help me to solve it?

    On-Page Optimization | | CommercePundit

  • I noticed a few strange crawl errors in a Google Webmaster Tools account - further investigation showed they're pages that don't exist linked from here: Basically that means anyone can enter a URL into the website and it'll get linked from that page, temporarily at least. As there are hundreds of links of varying quality - at the moment they range from a well known car manufacturer to a university, porn and various organ enlargement websites - could that have a detrimental effect on any websites linked? They are all nofollow. Why would they choose to list these URLs on their website? It has some useful tools and information but I don't see the point in the log page. I have used it myself to check HTTP statuses but may look elsewhere from now on.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Alex-Harford

  • In the SEOmoz tools I am getting multiple errors for duplicate page content and duplicate page titles for one section on my site. When I check to see which page has the duplicate title/content the url listed is exactly the same. All sections are set up the same, so any ideas on why I would be getting duplication errors in just this one section and why they would say the errors are on the same page (when I only have one copy uploaded on the server)?

    Moz Pro | | CIEEwebTeam

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