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  • I want to resolve Google crawling issues for my eCommerce website. My website is as follow. Google have crawled only 97 webpages from my website. My website is quite old. (~More than 6 months) But, Google have indexed only 97 webpages. I have created one campaign over SEOmoz tool and found some errors over there. So, I just assumed that due to it Google did not crawled my website. But, I have created one another campaign for my competitor website to know actual status and reason behind it. I found that, my competitor website have more error compare to me but, Google have crawled maximum pages compare to me. So, What is reason behind it? How can I improve my crawling rate and index maximum webpages to Google? [6133009604_af85d29730_b.jpg](img src=) 6133009604_af85d29730_b.jpg 6133009604_af85d29730_b.jpg 6139706697_4e252fdb82_b.jpg

    On-Page Optimization | | CommercePundit

  • When checking our domain on yahoo site explorer, different results are shown for and We have done a 301 redirect, as we want to optimise our domain. However, we have a lot more backlinks for Is there any way of merging the two, so we don't loose all the linkjuice we get for and use those links to optimise Thanks for your help!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Waplington

  • Hi. Hopefully someone can help me out here.  I have created a quiz on one of my sites that hopefully will be good linkbait.  But I'm having some issues with figuring out how to best get users to share this on facebook. The quiz consists of two pages.  The first contains each of the questions.  I use jquery to hide and show each question.  Then, the second is the results page.  The results page has a dynamically generated title and shows a sharable badge depicting their results.  So, for one user the results page may say, "I scored 100% on ABC Quiz!" and show a 100% badge.  Another user may see, "Apparently I know nothing about ABC!  I scored 16% on the quiz!".  (Just examples, of course.) If I use the facebook share button, the url that gets shared is the results page and obviously I don't want knew users ending up on the results page.  I tried using a rel canonical on the results page (pointing to the original page) but then the dynamic title doesn't get shared. Can anyone help?

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Ok, so I know that is has been covered in depth and at the risk of being sent to “google it!” (Which I have done with no success) I thought that I would ask your opinions on the topic. What are the best content marketing evaluation tools? By this I am specifically referring to tools that evaluate the content of Blogs, etc and not the performance of the blog, etc. I’m eager to hear your thoughts of what works and if you care to share what tools did not. Thanks

    Content Development | | Questionmana

  • hello, I have a site with 100's of pdf's for download and I would like to track how many people are downloading these, does anyone have a simple solution for this? Is there anyway I can do this in Google Analytics using one piece of code, thanks...

    Reporting & Analytics | | Socialdude

  • The website is I'm not sure why the homepage title is reading 'masterpieces' in Google but looks fine here. There seem to be 2 versions of the homepage coming up in google - you can see them both by searching 'masterpieceinteriors' and then 'masterpiece interiors'. Some help would be hugely appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | Opiyo

  • How important it is for seo to install a site on a top level directory vs deeper directory? example: VS many eCommerce scripts such as oscommerce and cre loaded will install by default to /catalog and that's what I've been doing for most of my customer. does it mean it will be harder for them to get good seo results? Thanks in advance for the input...

    On-Page Optimization | | zigi

  • Hi, I'm a member now of website, I have paid for the pro subscription and have uploaded 1 article (basically to just see how the system works). I've got 15 articles a month which I want to pump out to blogs but has anyone got any tips using the myblogguest system to get blog websites to pick these up? I think I have been fair, 500 words of unqiue content with 1 anchor text link in the body, thats it. In an ideal world I would love it if I had 15 articles all being grabbed by 15 different blogs each month. By the looks of it, that's wishful thinking!

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Hi guys, I've checked my email this morning and I've got a number of 404 errors over the weekend where Google has tried to crawl some of my existing pages but not found the full URL. Instead of hitting '' it's hit ''. This is definitely Googlebot/2.1; ( but I can't find where it would have found only the partial URL. It certainly wasn't on the domain it's crawling and I can't find any links from external sites pointing to us with the incorrect URL. GoogleBot is doing the same thing across a single domain but in different sub-folders. Having checked Webmaster Tools there aren't any hard 404s and the soft ones aren't related and haven't occured since August. I'm really confused as to how this is happening.. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | panini

  • I would need clarification from an old seomoz post - Particulary the following part - If you type in "Clear browser cache", Google KNOWS what browser you are using and can add the "Firefox" term in on your behalf, without it being apparent to the user What does it mean ? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi , As we all know that social signals like  FB Like and G+ give a boost to the search engine rankings.  I have several pages we have garnerd 100s of FB likes with a 10s of G+ . Now i want to reorganize my site to so that the contents of the blog would be having a different URL . So i have planned for 301 redirections for the older content to the newer ones. But does the FB Like and G+ also move along with the 301 redirection ?  If not whats is the best way to handle this... Warm Rgds Avinash MB

    Algorithm Updates | | ShoutOut

  • Hi, One of our client has received a file from where his site is hosted.  Here is the message from the client- "i submitted my site for Search Engine Visibility,but they got some issue on the site need to be fixed. i tried myself could not fix it" The site in question is - Is there any problem with the site ? Contents of the file - bplist00Ó         k 0_  WebSubframeArchives_  WebSubresources_  WebMainResource­   L x Ï Ö Ý ] ¨ ¯ ¼ Û 6 SÓ         @ F¡  Ó         / :¡  Ó          )¡  Ò        ¡ Ô                _  WebResourceResponse_  WebResourceData_  WebResourceMIMEType^WebResourceURLO  cbplist00Ô      Z[X$versionX$objectsY$archiverT$top   † ¯    "()0 12DEFGHIJKLMNOPTUU$nullÝ                       !R$6S$10R$2R$7R$3S$11R$8V$classR$4R$9R$0R$5R$1€     € €   € € € € €   Ó #$%& [NS.relativeWNS.base€ € € _ ¢Ò*+,-Z$classnameX$classesUNSURL¢./UNSURLXNSObject#A´ þ¹ –5 ÈÓ 3456=WNS.keysZNS.objects€ ¦789:;<€ €€ € €€ ¦>?@ABC€ € € € € € \Content-TypeSP3PVServerTDate^Content-LengthYBK-ServerYimage/gif_ nCP="NOI DSP COR CUR ADMo DEVo PSAo PSDo OUR SAMo BUS UNI NAV", policyref=""_  Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)_  Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:23:21 GMTR62T87dfÒ*+QR_  NSMutableDictionary£QS/\NSDictionary >Ò*+VW_  NSHTTPURLResponse£XY/_  NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse_  NSKeyedArchiverÑ]_  WebResourceResponse€        # - 2 7 R X s v z } € ƒ ‡ Š ‘ ” — š    ¢ ¤ ¦ ¨ ª ¬ ® ° ² ´ ¶ ¸ ¿ Ë Ó Õ × Ù ~ ƒ Ž —    ¦ ¯ ¸ º Á É Ô Ö Ý ß á ã å ç é ð ò ô ö ø ú ü        ( 2 < ­ Å å è í ò           4 8 L Z l o …               ^               ‡O >GIF89a         ÿÿÿ!ÿ NETSCAPE2.0     !ù      ,           L  ;Yimage/gif_ ¢Õ                    _  WebResourceTextEncodingName_  WebResourceFrameNameO  6

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • SEOMoz community, If you have followed our latest Q&A posts you know by now that we have been suffering since the last 8 months from a severe Google penalty we are still trying to resolve. Our international portfolio of sports properties has suffered significant ranking losses across the board. While we have been tediously trying to troubleshoot the problem for a while now we might be up to a hot lead now. We realized that one of the properties outside of our key properties, but are site that our key properties are heavily linking to (+100 outgoing links per property) seems to have received a significant Google penalty in a sense that it has been completely delisted from the Google index and lost all its PageRank (Pr4) While we are buffed to see such sort of delisting, we are hopeful that this might be the core of our experienced issues in the past i.e. that our key properties have been devalued due to heavy linking to a bad neighborhood site. My question two the community are two-fold: Can anyone share any experience if it is indeed considered possible that a high number of external links to one bad neighboorhood domain can cause significant ranking drops in the rank from being top 3 ranked to be ranked at around a 140 for a competetive key word? The busted site has a large set of high quality external links. If we swap domains is there any way to port over any link juice or will the penalty be passed along? If that is the case I assume the best approach would be to reach out to all the link authorities and have tem link to the new domain instead of the busted site? Thanks /Thomas

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tomypro

  • I have spent quit some time now, trying to figure this out. I wannt to segment landingoage traffic to the longtail content. That's content in the 3rd or 4th subdirectorylevel. I would like to do that by saying google: "Just show me traffic that arrives on landingpages with 3 OR 4 slashes "/" But I can't get a solution, can anybody help in the seoMOZ community?

    Reporting & Analytics | | viventuraSEO

  • I have signed up for some rather expensive lawyer directories that have  very high domain PR, 's  of 6 or 7 . Some of these allow you to make blog posts or articles on their site which should be good for SEO because of the high domain PR. I understand that if I do a lot of posts on one of these blogs with links back to my site, I should rapidly reach the point of diminishing returns because they are all coming from the same domain. Therefore, I plan to mix up my blo posts betwee several of these sites and also rewrite them and post them on my own site's blog. My question is this, if I post on any of these sites and I link back to internal pages of my site, and not to the home page, does this offset the "diminishing returns" factor? Paul

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | diogenes

  • I've seen a couple of questions about outsourcing linkbuilding.  The general tone is that it is a very dangerous practice to select any service or to hire someone without a very thorough vetting of their past projects. This makes sense to me. But my businesses don't have the resources to hire an employee or an established seo firm.   I am developing a sound linkbuilding practice from what I learn here at seomoz.  The trouble is I just don't have the time to do it to the scale necessary. I can afford to hire an assistant/contractor for $15/hr or less. Would it be a good idea to hire someone from elance or odesk and work very closely with them to make sure they build quality links? Do you think this is better than hiring someone who says they can get me to google #1 for a specific keyword for $100 or so? Does seomoz or anyone else have any recommendations on where to go to find quality help? Thanks

    Link Building | | JesseCWalker

  • I'm reading some reports from my first crawl of 10K pages and I'm wondering if it's wise to mark the archives "no-follow." I have a WP tool that provides a tool that offers the no follow for categories or archives recommending to choose either one or the other but not both. What would be the best solution?

    Reporting & Analytics | | JavaManOne

  • I thought I was really starting to understand SEO, especially after finding this site. But I must be missing something. BAsed upon linkscape I am  head and shoulders above  a competitor site to my site  But his site outranks mine for the keyword uncontested divorce lawyer. Well he beats me with 10 facebook shares versus 4 but on every other domain metric and page metric I am much higher. My site is only about a year old, but I can't imagine that this is what is going on. Anybody got any ideas? Thx Paul

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | diogenes

  • Has anyone experienced a significant drop on just one term? I have about 10 terms that I am constantly monitoring and 9 out of 10 are unchanged or even improved,  but 1 term was #1 and is now #11. Curious if anyone has experienced anything similar. I originally thought it was "Panda", but why wouldn't all my terms be affected??

    Algorithm Updates | | MNKid15

  • Hello, I wish I know your position regarding backlinks from chinese websites. I am able to get a text link(from homepage) from a very big site in chinese. It has PR8 and over 10M users monthly. My site is in english. Will it help me ? Will I be penalised (my site is 5 years old, PR4) and some decent traffic(6-7k daily) Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adresanet

  • Hi, My 2 target keywords definitely rank in the top 10 in the USA version of Google but they dont show up in SEOMOZ rank checker...I started using SEOMOZ abour a week or so ago and in 2 consecutaive ranking checks they haven't shown up... Market Samurai says they're 4 and 8 respectively, I can see them in the top 10 of Google and various USA proxies show they're in the top 10... Is there a glitch with SEOMOZ or am I doing something wrong? Thanks, James

    Moz Pro | | James1

  • My client has a site with products a lot of which are so similar in function that for usability reasons we have combined some products on the same pages. We want to get into Google Shopping, but on the face of it the Google feed seems to want unique urls per product. I guess we could have products on the same page then have single pages as well, though that could generate duplicate content. We could also try pointing several products to 1 URL, does anyone know if this would work? Or can anyone suggest any work arounds? Justin

    Industry News | | GrouchyKids

  • One of the web designers I work with asked me to do a preliminary site assessment on a small business website. The owner of the business had a falling out with his previous web designer and moved over to the one I work with earlier this year. The site has been redesigned but when analyzing the back links I discovered that the previous designer had created directories to create backlinks to the page. The PR 0 links from the site number about 150 and are from unrelated topic pages. So, it made me wonder, how much damage can spammy backlinks do? What is the best practice to deal with spammy backlinks if you find them?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | TheARKlady

  • Hey SeoMozzers, Do you guys use broad match or exact match to gauge whether or not there's enough volume to be worth your time? Take the freelancing niche for example. These are the results for broad match: <a class="aw-ti-resultsPanel-details">how to be a freelance writer [2,740,000]</a> how to freelance [165,000] In exact match however: <a class="aw-ti-resultsPanel-details">how to become a freelance writer [1,000]</a> how to freelance [480] In this niche in particular, there's not really any keyword that gets more than 20,000 exact match searches a month. However, the broad level keywords have more than 2 million searches. Here's my thinking: Instead of targeting highly specific terms to optimize for, I'm just going to optimize for broad terms and aim to capture the long tail. It seems there's a lot of people searching for things, but they're all spread out across different keywords. So my instinct is to go with the broad match results, assume there's enough traffic to support a profitable website and ignore the low exact match results. Your thoughts ... ?

    Keyword Research | | DerekP

  • I am working on my website to edit structure with help of Google's search engine optimization starter guide. There is really good instruction to define URL structure which help us to perform well over Google's organic search. I have resolved issues regarding category pages but, I have confusion to define best URL structure for product pages. My website's product page URL structure is as follow. URL structure is constructed with following terms. 1. Root Category Name (Market Umbrellas or Home Furniture or ....) 2. Brand Name 3. Manufacturer Part Number I am not happy with this structure and also not performing well over Google's organic search. I am thinking to include product name or title tag in URL after root domain. But, it may create very long URL and create issues in organic search display. Does it really matter to perform well over Google's organic search? How can I define best URL structure for product pages?

    On-Page Optimization | | CommercePundit

  • Hi All, I asked about a client last month and have had to do some other digging to try to find out what's going on with its Google rankings. According to our link-building spreadsheet, we have got up to 50 links (from 50 domains) in process of being actioned and a large proportion of these are actually in existence. There are two questions:- 1. Open Site Explorer only recognises 3 domains - as I know that other domains exist and are pointing (mostly 'followed'), what can be the reason OSE doesn't recognise this? 2. What can be done to encourage these external links to be more easily accessible by OSE and, presumably other bots? Other Points:- 1. I initially thought it might be  crawl blocking issue causing the rankings, but Bing/Yahoo rankings are slowly dragging themselves upwards. 2. Robots.txt is not blocking any of the site 3. Pro on-site analysis for the target keyword is 'A' 4. The website's stats per OSE are better than some competitors in the top 20 except on the root domain issue, which is why the above point is important. Link building for other clients has worked really well without hiccups and with general gradual recognition, so any tips from more experienced folks out there would be gratefully appreciated. Many thanks, Martin

    Moz Pro | | Nobody1560986989723

  • Hi, I am trying to increase our sites number of backlinks. It has been badly managed in the past so I am trying to fix it. What I am doing is using Google, Twitter, Facebook and competitor sites to find a whole load of fashion blogs (we sell mens clothing). I am then making contact with the relevant site people to ask them if we can get one of our articles published on their site. In return we will offer to promote their blog through our facebook/twitter pages and include the blog link as a recommended link within our weekly newsletters. We have over 2800+ friends on Facebook/Twitter and a newsletter that goes out to over 3000+ customers. Some have accepted and published an article that I wrote around 1-2 brands (eg. their background, their products etc..) Within that article was maybe 300-400 words and about 3-4 links to products on our site. Each article is unique, so no duplicate content is being published by us. Would it be worth putting their link on our site from a SEO point of view? Or is the link on their site only the best way to do it? Also as alot of our customer is men, would it be worth moving from the fashion blogs and maybe getting our articles in some football (soccer) blogs, as they are a big part of our fan base and as such are relevant to us. Let me know your thoughts and any help. Thanks Will

    Affiliate Marketing | | WillBlackburn

  • Hi, I have a sitemap on my site, that updates but it isn't a XML sitemap. See here: I have used some free software to crawl the site and create a sitemap of pages, however I think that if I were to upload the sitemap, it would be out of date as soon as I listed new products on the site, so would need to rerun it. Does anyone know how I can get this to refresh daily or weekly? Or any software that can do it? I have a web firm that are willing to do one, but our relationship is at an all time low and I don't want to hand over £200 for them to do one. Anyone with any ideas or advice? Thanks Will

    Web Design | | WillBlackburn

  • Our website ( has generally ranked on page 4 on Google search for the phrase "charlotte web design" for the past year...regardless of which browser I used. Oh, and my browser location is always set to Charlotte, NC. I also have the Moz toolbar installed and logged-in. Today, I Googled the same keyword using Chrome and we were on page 1 in 4th position! The other browsers still showed us on page 4, as usual. Has anybody else noticed this wild variance with Chrome? Is Chrome learning that I work at The Idea People?!!

    Algorithm Updates | | theideapeople

  • I notice that Youtube apparently does kind of an automatic transcription. What can Google tell about a video? Is it comparing text from a voice recognition transcript? Can it take compare the waveform of a video signal and see how different a video is from another video? I'm putting together a variety of videos that are similar for different pages and wondering how much do I have to change for each video. I remember one time I attempted to launch a video that was an exact copy but with a different file name, title and tags and Youtube said, "hey, that's the same video!" Thanks!

    Social Media | | 94501

  • I am on SEO MOZ pro and I am running an analysis on some Keywords. I would like to see how competitive they are on Google Brasil, but I only see GOOGLE USA and don~t know how to change it.

    Moz Pro | | juliantile

  • A much needed laugh during a stressful Friday found in one of my Crawl Diagnostics Reports - View attached image. seomoz-lol.jpg

    Moz Pro | | longbeachjamie

  • We are looking for a way to quickly find blogs for a particular keyword that have a high number of subscribers / followers. Is there a tool that can do this? A blog equivalent of followerwonk / wefollow would be ideal.

    Social Media | | nicole.healthline

  • We are in the process of launching a couple of new sites and while we know it will be a long process to get them to rank, achieving some long-tail keywords would be beneficial. What sites would you recommend for getting some easy links to start with that can help the indexation and ranking process along in the preliminary stages? Or another way to put the question - when you launch a new site, what steps do you go through?

    Link Building | | ukss1984

  • My favorite golf ball is the Srixon Tour Yellow ball. Srixon has a product detail page here  ( AND there's also a product detail page here at Is there any sort of SEO penalty here because there's some duplication? Does the fact the store is a separate subdomain make this more allowable? Many branded manufacturer websites work this way but it just doesn't make sense to me to have two product pages that you have to manage content when you can have just 1 with a call to action. I also work for a branded manufacturer and am considering rebuilding our website from the ground up with the online store and the main/marketing website blended into one to eliminate this duplication. We have this same duplicated marketing/store setup as well. any feedback is greatly appreciated. Confused.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Timmmmy

  • I found the following blog. It is pagerank 5 do follow If you attempt to leave a comment with html, the html is removed. There is a button which allows you to leave a comment but if you do it gets redirected to the domain of the blog not your site. However there are still people leaving links with the url of the intended site. As late as today. look at this comment
    Comment posted by : Alex on 09/09/2011 I love to se percorsi on this site very often How is this done, if anyone knows I got the code done to this your keywords The important part being mce_real_href

    Technical SEO | | mickey11

  • Ok I did a search and didn't see an answer to this exact question.  Most of them were about if a blog should be in a sub folder and not the blog posts themselves... so here it goes.  I have a blog on my website the blog itself is in /blog/ but the blog posts themselves are situated in the root folder so it looks something like Is there any reason I should change this and make it read

    On-Page Optimization | | jaybrn1

  • I'm lookng at some templates on templatemonster for wordpress.  Does this one have to much going on to be good for seo?  Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Medallion

  • What is a tool to use so that I can visualize all links to all pages on the site so that I can discover how certain duplicate content URLs are being created?

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • Hi, We have a www domain that I have changed to a non www domain. The www domain had been in place for some time and had a good page rank, PR4. After this change the page rank dropped significantly (PR0, and now recently back to PR2) despite it being a 301 redirect which I thought  "should" carry over the page rank. Yes, I am aware I should have just left it be. Hind sight 20/20 .. ya ya ya 🙂 My questions Is the 301 the correct method for this? Why did the page rank drop despite the 301? Should we go back to the www domain at this point? Thanks Kris

    Technical SEO | | adriot

  • Hi there, I was wondering if I buy a submission to the Best of the Web directory (waiting for the new directory list promised by the seomoz team 🙂 ) but when I get to the category on BOTW website that will fit for my website, I took some links already there and put them on open site explorer to see their value, I had the surprise they are not even recognized... So I am still wondering if it is worth or not... voilà , if anybody knows if this directory still has value...

    Moz Pro | | thuraminho75

  • We receive lead forms from interested visitors that include their name, email, grade level, and academic goals, and we would like to also know which specific phrase they used when searching for us. I need to find a way to grab the referring keywords and pass them as a hidden form field. Can this be done, and are there scripts available that can do this?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | brycebertola

  • I have read that after the Panda update a site's bounce rate is an important ranking metric.  However, can anyone confirm whether all pages count equally?  For instance, my home page gets 5000% more traffic than Deep Page X.  If Deep Page X has a poor bounce rate, does it matter as much as if my Homepage has a bad bounce rate? I am guessing not, but wanted to open it up for discussion. If not, it has me wondering on what to do for some of my database driven content.  I have some dynamically created pages that have higher bounce rates and minimal unique content.  They aren't pure spam or junk, but are likely only about 1% unique from one another. Sounds like a no brainer change post-Panda, right?  Well, what if I was the only one targeting the keywords for these pages?  The pages pull from info I stored on the U.S. government stimulus program (related to my industry).  It then has just about every city, state and county combo in the country for my product.  For instance, a page <title>might be "Flemington, NJ Widgets - Somerset County".  Something that no one else is targeting and drives minimal traffic.</p> <p> </p> <p>Do I take this content down?  I didn't have any affects, positive or negative from Panda, so I am hesitant to take down thousands of Google cached pages.</p></title>

    Reporting & Analytics | | TheDude

  • Hi everyone I would appreciate some advice on the following. I have a page which has some nice content on but it also has a search functionality. When a search is run a querystrong is run. So i will get something like mypage.php?id=20 etc. With many different url potentials, will each query string be seen as a different page? If so i don't want duplicate content. So am i best putting canonical tags in the head tags on mypage.php ? to avoid Google seeing potential duplicate content. Many thanks for all your advice.

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • So I've been wracking my brain about a problem. I had posted earlier about our degrading rank that we haven't been able to arrest. I thought we were doing everything right. Many years ago we had a program that would allow other stores in our niche use our site as a storefront if they couldn't deal with setting up their own site. They would have their own homepage with their own domain but all links from that page would go to our site to avoid duplicate content issues (before I knew about canonical meta tags or before they existed, I don't remember). I just realize that we had dozens of these domains pointing to our site without nofollow meta tags. Is it possible that this pattern looked like we were trying to game Google and have been penalized as some kind of link farm since Panda? I've added nofollow meta tags to these domains. If we were being penalized for this, should this fix the problem?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IanTheScot

  • Hi there, I am trying to eliminate the 'www' using a 301 redirect script as I have duplicate page titles for both versions (with and without the 'www') I checked the page authority and found the pages without the 'www' to be ranked higher. For this reason I believe it would be wise to go for this option. I have an .htaccess file, all I need is the code and I should be ok 🙂 Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | debeenus

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