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  • The majority of focus these days seems to be on Google.  This leaves Bing to fall by the wayside, but I do understand why.  Has anyone found any good reference material on Bing and why the amount of pages they index is substantially less than Google? while the sitemaps were submitted to Google and Bing around the same time, my client has ~165,000 / 202,000 pages indexed on Google and ~7,500 / 202,000 on Bing.  Can anyone explain what's going on here or has no real research been done into the area?

    Algorithm Updates | | linztm

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a question regarding a tactic I'm considering for a client.  My client has a web hosting company and is ranking well for his keywords and in position 3 for his main term. There is a site available on flippa that is a keyword rich domain and has a decent link portfolio and domain authority and the price is attractive. I'm considering buying it to 301 it to his domain but I've never done this tactic before. Is this grey/black hat? Has anyone done this before and to what extent did it work? Thanks Bush

    Technical SEO | | Bush_JSM

  • I've got an interesting situation. I hope you can help. I have a list of links but I'm not  sure which pages of my site they are from. How do I know which page a specific link is  from? Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | VinceWicks

  • I am considering doing a iPad give away to gain more Facebook page likes.  I have several questions running through my brain that I'm hopeful fellow Mozzers can help me with.  I was thinking I'll give away an iPad for every 500 FB likes on our page...or $1.00 per like. If I get an abundance of likes will Google smile upon me? How do I track the entries? Are there any tools that can assist in getting the word out on this and or tracking it all?  I'm kind of a FB newb!

    Social Media | | TheDude

  • Should brands be concerned with registering or blocking the .XXX TLDs? Should individuals care about .XXX registration? Will links from .XXX be helpful? Will a 301 redirect from a .XXX be harmful? Bonus Question added: Should .XXX's show up in safe search results?

    Industry News | | Thos003

  • We are a listing site for programs overseas. Many of our listings are inherently the same content, because in many cases the same exact information applies. We have resolved duplicate content issues to some extent by making some of the content in these listings unique. However, for the rest of the content which is going to be the same for about 100 pages, we were wondering if its better to have an image in place instead of duplicate text content (this would basically be an image of the text in question). We know this is a problem, because this is inherently duplicate content as well (only its a duplicate image instead of duplicate text). However, what's the best solution to this problem, and is a duplicate image just asking for trouble, or might this actually be a good idea?

    Content Development | | dunklea

  • In running one of my campaigns in SEOMoz Pro, it was recommended that I reduce the amount of times a keyword is used to 15.  On the actual page, there are fewer than 15, but when you include the number of times it is used in drop-downs from the nav bar, the number is 53. I know there is really no hard and fast rule about how many instances of a keyword make for keyword stuffing and the drop-downs only use the term where needed.  Without it's use, it would be difficult to navigate the site. Is this a problem or should I focus on more important fixes?

    Moz Pro | | rdreich49

  • Hi – I don't know if this is an SEO matter or not, but I have data feeds to Google, Bing and for all of my products. I have no idea if these feeds help.  My guess is that they do not generate much business.  For example if I type in "Brass Bookends" our products usually don't show up until the late pages.  Using this as an example does anyone know how these sites select the order in which they display products?  Another way to phrase this is what makes show a competitor's brass bookends several pages before ours? FYI we have been doing these data feeds for a year on a consistent basis so being new shouldn't be a factor.  Any insights will be most appreciated. Thanks. Don.

    Moz Pro | | uniquegifts-277879

  • Hi Im brand new here - so not sure what im doing wrong. When I try to add a campaign it comes back and says - may not have a /path after the host . It doesnt seem to matter whether I put a path in or not it still gives same answer, so I cant launch my campaign. Help?? Thanx Kadira

    Moz Pro | | Dragonfly7

  • Over the last month our ranking for "Web Design in Cumbria" has fluctuated from position 2 to position 10 a couple of times a week on Google UK.It tends to go to position 10 on a Friday but bounces back to position 2 on the Saturday. Then it goes back to 10 on Monday / Tuesday then back to 2 the next day. Does anyone have any idea why, cause it is confusing the hell out of us? Thanks Fraser

    Algorithm Updates | | fraserhannah

  • We need a multilingual SEM agency for a campaign thats going to span multiple non english speaking markets at a decent monthly spend. Any recommendations?

    Paid Search Marketing | | freepeople

  • I have a website that is heavy on AJAX. I need recommendations on how to add content as well as other on page ompitizations. The website is a luxury brand for 6 resorts, each with their own subfolder. The website is

    Web Design | | Melia

  • We had a complete redesign of our website and moved it over to wordpress several months ago.  As url's changed, we had appropriate 301 redirects done.  Rankings for our top keywords dropped, but others remained intact. Our SEO company told us rankings drop when a redesign is done, but I thought if we did all redirects properly (which they approved), it wouldn't be much of a problem.  Additionally, we've been steadily adding good new content. Any advice?

    Web Design | | rdreich49

  • I have noticed some interesting changes in how google are returning searches for specific branded products. In this case 'tom ford glasses' position 12 result has three product extensions (see image) This is similar to the product extensions which occasionally occur on adwords. Have you seen this happen and if so any ideas how it all works? TR3nz

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • Our web development team members are having a debate on when and where to add various social media buttons / links. The crux of the debate is when does adding various calls to social media services become detrimental to page load time. We have really been focusing recently on optimizing page load speed using YSlow and Google Page Speed tools to tweak templates and pages as much as possible. Our webmaster argues that we should be selective on what pages we add Google+, Facebook LIKE, Twitter/Follow buttons. e.g. just 'important' pages such as the home page. Here is a forum link that speaks of this... Bottom line? What are your thoughts on when and where to place various social media buttons and links for Google+, Facebook LIKE and Twitter/Follow. Thanks,
    Roy McClean P.S. We have pretty much agreed to use AddThis button set on our clients' blog pages that includes FB LIKE and SEND, Google+, Twitter and the AddThis general share buttons.

    Social Media | | RoyMcClean

  • One of my clients want to be index for all their pages but I am afraid the website may have difficulty since it is all in flash. The website is a luxury brand for resorts. The website is and currently has 6 main subfolers for resorts. Please let me know what recommendations will help me organically. It is hard to add content which will cause probelms for headers and keyword density.

    Web Design | | Melia

  • Hope someone can HELP. So my site looks like it has the proper 301 redirect to www. for the main domain. But for some reason my articles that have a /trackback on them redirect to same address with out the trackback at the end. How do i fix this? seomoz is saying all my articles need a 301 redirect .all like 100. Thanks any help would be great

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jstgobig

  • I've seen so many of these type of advertising on forums. Do you think it's safe (i.t.o search engine rankiings) to buy or not?

    Link Building | | Springboks

  • Hi, Everything my competitor does goes against everything I have learned about SEO so far. For starters: he registered a brand NEW domain and within a space of **4 months and ** has a top ranking for one of the most competitive search terms on Google. he uses scraped content the navigation is almost non-existent. his backlinks seem dodgy. 1-page sites with content that doesn not relate. Bunch of links to other websites too And yet his site stats are as follows: Domain Authority: 72 MozRank: 4.63 MozTrust: 4.72 Linking Root Domains: 1725 On further investigation I discoverd that he owns a SEO company and that they in fact have achieved a #1 rank in various niches such as life insurance, car insurance, mortgage etc. On his SEO site he actually promises a #1 ranking in less than 4 months. The sample sites he lists on there all achieved #1 over a 4 month period...of course he owns most of these domains and then just sells the leads... So, my question is how on earth does he do it? Do you have any ideas Zane

    Algorithm Updates | | Springboks

  • We are currently working to improve the deployment of a review widget on our website. The widget was deployed about 18 months ago and all reviews are behind Java navigation. I have been working with our IT staff to get the reviews into an HTML page which will either live on the product page as a tab or will be a link from the product page. Our IT staff has suggested leaving the Java navigation for users and creating separate HTML pages specifically for search engines. Based on my experience, this sounds like a bad idea, basically creating pages just for search engines that will not be use by site visitors, although the visitors will have access to the same content via the Java navigation. Anyone care to comment on this? Is creating HTML pages specifically for search engines a bad idea? An acceptable idea?

    Technical SEO | | seorunner

  • Hi guys, In our never-ending search for better SEO strategies and results, our journey has led us to question the idea of creating custom social media icons for our site.  We are wondering if anyone has had experience, either negative or positive, by using these icons, or if there is no difference at all? I would like to make it clear that we are only thinking about customizing the icons that lead to our Facebook page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, etc.  NOT the like/share/tweet/etc buttons.  We understand the negative effects in changing those icons, but are interested in knowing if creating general icons that match our design will be a good or bad thing. Any replies are appreciated, thanks!

    Social Media | | jid

  • Should I add NOFOLLOW to the links in the footer of my site like "about us", "Contact us" etc because they are in the footer they are on every page so would this harm SEO in any way?

    On-Page Optimization | | HarrisonLighting

  • Howdy, Our SEO efforts are doing well, but for a few keywords it seems we cannot budge one of the competitors sitting in spot #1.  Through some competitive analysis I've noticed that our website has a much higher mozRank with regards to both page and domain compared to the current #1 spot. My question is what kind of factors could be the issue as to why we are still being outranked.  Is it simply a case of poor on-page SEO at this point or should I be taking the mozRanks with a grain of salt.

    Competitive Research | |

  • Hi, A lot of the answers on here point to building high quality links, which makes sense but where do you find these links? Lets say the website sells Football Boots, the current keyword you are trying to rank for is say 'Indoor Football Boots'. How do you now go about looking for those links? Cheers

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Hi, I've just taken over development and SEO for a site and we're having difficulty getting some key pages indexed on our site. They are two clicks away from the homepage, but still not getting indexed. They are recently created pages, with unique content on. The architecture looks like this:Homepage >> Car page >> Engine specific pageWhenever we add a new car, we link to its 'Car page' and it gets indexed very quickly. However the 'Engine pages' for that car don't get indexed, even after a couple of weeks. An example of one of these index pages are -, things we've checked - 1. Yes, it's not blocked by robots.txt2. Yes, it's in the sitemap ( Yes, it's viewable to search spiders (e.g. the link is present in the html source)This page doesn't have a huge amount of unique content. We're a review aggregator, but it still does have some. Any suggestions as to why it isn't indexed?Thanks, David

    Technical SEO | | soulnafein

  • I have 5 keywords that I would like to target. I have created & optimised 5 pages on my website for these words. (1 keyword optimised per page) Should I inbound keyword anchor text to my specific pages or hit the home page with the anchor text?

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Is there a way to view the charts in the crawl diagnostics summary on a monthly view (or export the monthly figures)?

    Moz Pro | | RikkiD22

  • I wonder if someone can help me understand some data I'm seeing in Google Analytics. SetUp Goal with 3 step Funnel Date Comparison is 1st-8th September & 1st-8th June The Data (pics attached) Looking at the Goal Conversion Rate I can see: September - 11.58% vs June - 10.42% an increase which Google shows as (+11.18%) For same time period Abandonment Rate is showing September - 71.3% vs June - 61.5% - an increase which Google shows as (+16.5%) The Questions How can I bee seeing both an increase in conversion rate AND and increase in Abandonment rate on the funnel? And why doesnt "(Conversion Rate + Abandonment Rate) = 100%" ? Many thanks for any help! yqwFP.png cj5dn.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | TobiasM

  • One thing I have noticed recently is "review ratings" appearing in the Google search results. I have attached a screenshot which shows an example of this. I think this is a really good feature and helps make a listing stand out in the SERPs, I would certainly be more likely to click this one. My question is how do you code for it so that Google will display it?  The URL of the page in question is 4nXyk

    Technical SEO | | ukss1984

  • Hello SEO people... I have an important and urgent question. Is it possible to customize social sharing buttons with counter? We are developing a new website and I want to place the social sharing (not the social follow buttons) at a specific location on the website. The space available is not a lot and my developer says that it is not possible to change the size of the button+counter.... please tell me what you guys know about this. And if the answer is 'YEs they can be customized' then please give me a link that I can forward to the boy so that he can work on it. Your answers will be highly appreciated. Regards, MTI

    Social Media | | TopGearMedia

  • Have you ever checked HubSpot's website grader at I usually notice that the tool gives an error namely "Permanent Redirect Not Found" with below explanation: "Search engines may think and are two different sites.You should set up a permanent redirect (technically called a "301 redirect") between these sites. Once you do that, you will get full search engine credit for your work on these sites. :(Website Grader) Can we trust this tool?

    Technical SEO | | merkal2005

  • For one of our client's side,  most of the backlinks are going to printer friendly version page. I recommeded to him to use the canonical tag on printer friendly version pointing to other page. Luckily, while searching i came across this posts at - The solution recommended was this - <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="our-print-version.css"> My questions are - 1. what should i write in place of  our-print-version.css Should it be print.css ? 2. Where do i place this code ? in which file ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, I launched a playhouses website in april this year and have been steadily link building to it over the past few months. I have gotten all of the internal optimisation correct (that I can see) however it is still not ranking for any keyword and suprinsgly all of our traffic is comming either direct or through bing. The website is showing as being in googles index however it is still not ranking for even the smallest of niche keywords. The only penalty I can see is that we have some spammy blog links that my colleague has gotten which I have been trying to counteract with high quality guest blogging. Any input is welcome the url is Simon

    Technical SEO | | GardenGamer

  • We just can’t decide what the answer is, particularly from an SEO perspective. We want to run multiple blogs on different categories, please assist on deciding should we go with different blog domains or create subdomains for each category.

    Content Development | | amitjain

  • I am considering using Wistia as a video platform to host video content I don't want listed on YouTube.  One of the features they have (I bet they all do) is to allow other webmasters to embed the video on their site as well. If a webmaster embed's one of my Wistia videos on their site, do I get link juice?  ...or is this only helpful to help spread branding?

    Image & Video Optimization | | TheDude

  • Hey guys, can you list your top 3 strategies (what you've been focused on - SEO) to get your rankings back, or rank well in general, in Panda. Don't be vague saying link building...we all know that, what type of link building specifically, for example. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulDylan

  • What's the best way to prevent engines from crawling your websites shopping cart, wishlist, log in pags, ect... Obviously have it in robots.txt but is their any other form of action that should be done?

    On-Page Optimization | | Romancing

  • My domain: is not being analyzed by OSE for whatever reason. GWT and YSE can see the inbound links.... Whats up?

    Moz Pro | | LucasGarvin

  • My online store home page, Furnace Filters Canada has 3 keywords with good ranking in keywords: ''furnace filters canada'' rank #1 position in keywords: ''furnace filters'' and ''furnace filter'' are on 5 or 6th position of page 1 in Those keywords are bringing most of the traffic to our site. To achieve this ranking, I had to use the On-Page Keyword Optimization, tool from seoMoz Questions: It is possible for me to create a page with the URL: or Can this improve my ranking with keywords like, ''furnace filters'' and ''furnace filter''? Is this a waist of time? If I decide to create a new page for optimization with, do I have to create one for singular and another one for plural? Creating a new page also mean removing, '' Furnace Filter'' in the home page title, until the new pages are index, I'm afraid to loss that 5th position in Google. Should I leave the home page title like it is now, '' Furnace Filter - Furnace Filters Canada - Online Shopping Store NOTE: we only do business in Canada, that is why is more important to us Thank you, Jean Nichols

    On-Page Optimization | | BigBlaze205

  • Hello, Our website recently suffered a major Google penalty, wiping out 6 months of hard work. We went from getting 6000-10000 hits a day to absolutely nothing from Google. We have been baffled by the penalty as we couldn't think of anything we've done wrong. After some analysis of Open Site Explorer, it seems I may have found the answer. There is a ton of bad links pointing to us. A few example domains are: This is nothing to do with us and so I can only assume some competitor has done this. As we were only about 4-5 months old, I guess Google has punished us. What do we do now? This is not a situation I have experienced before and would really appreciate your expert advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ukss1984

  • Hi Guys I am finding this in one of my sites analytics allot   /tr-url/ followed directly by the site in questions domain name and page of this.. /tr-url/ and being the analytics of the site in question. Are these pages that have been translated? like by yandex or something in that line....I cannot seem to find anything on this anywhere. What is this and should i be concerned?? thanks for the help cheers

    Reporting & Analytics | | nomad-202323

  • We run a lot of "niche blogs" and websites focused on fairly non-competitive keywords. At the start of the year, we used to be able to put up websites and be able to achieve almost instant rankings on these sites. However, recently, it seems to be taking a lot longer for these sites to rank. It also seems to be taking longer for Google to index links. Is this a recent change in Google to protect against spam and help filter out the lower quality sites? Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ukss1984

  • In the past I have been told that you can use tools like Tube Mogul to auto submit a single piece of video content to lots of different video sites and that it is not considered spam. After watching Rand's Whiteboard Friday I am more skeptical of this tactic. Here are my list of reasons why doing this would and wouldn't be considered spam. This is not spam because: These video sites are individual sites with an individual user base. This is spam because: Google does not want duplicate content of any kind in the SERPs. I leaning towards spam but have seen this be very effective in the local space. So I'm torn.

    Whiteboard Friday | | anjonr

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