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  • I just need to know what steps I should take to improve my site. My website url is : Thanks

    Moz Pro | | NinaGraham

  • I set up my first 5 campaigns and one is not crawling beyond one-page. It's been over 48 hours. This site has nearly 3.500 pages the others much less, however, this shouldn't make any difference. I searched for the problem and couldn't find it so I hope this question isn't redundant. Comments and advice would be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | JavaManOne

  • hi i am in Argentina, search customize to Argentina in google,yahoo and bing. all my keyword in seomoz go down 10 places. when i click in a keyword , i see that is searching in .com (all the world) . when i do a local search i see correct rankings? thanks for reply Gabo

    Keyword Research | | monotero

  • We are currently listed in a number of Association Buyer's Guides. We signed up for these last year in an effort to increase our external links. With recent Panda changes, do these links carry any value for us? Here are some examples: We're in about 40-50 of these different directories. Thanks, Ben

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Colbys

  • We have had this problem a couple times now! A corporate client will not sign off on any new landing page development. Instead, we need a creative content strategy that we can use to target their keyphrases AND maintain a corporate/professional veneer. I'd love to hear your ideas and things that have worked for you for onsite optimization, when creating landing pages is out of the question.

    On-Page Optimization | | newwhy

  • How do you get sites with high mozrank to link free?

    Branding | | 1step2heaven12

  • Hi, Part of our site displays localized results based on the user's IP (we get the zipcode based on IP).  For example a user in NY would get a list of NY based stores, while a user in CA would get a list of CA based stores.  So if CA Googlebot comes to our site, it will get results based on Mountain View CA.  Given the pages are generated based on your zip, I'm not sure how we'd indicate to Google that we have results for lots of locations and not just the Googlebot IP locations.  (users can change their zipcode, but by default we use geolocation). Our landing pages contain localized content and unique urls with the zipcode etc, but it isn't clear how Google will find results for KY etc.

    Technical SEO | | NicB1

  • I noticed in the crawl that there seems to be some duplicate content with my word press blog. I installed a seo plugin, Yoast's wordpress seo plugin, and set it to keep from crawling the archives. This might solve the problem but my main question is can the blog drag my site down?

    Technical SEO | | tommr1

  • Is there any value in creating a Wikipedia page for a company then placing a link from a Wikipedia article that is focused on a service or type of product that the company offers? I was recently searching for topics related to a companies services on Wikipedia and found some of our competitors had links within the article to their very own Wikipedia pages. Companies Wikipedia page contained a link to the companies website.

    Link Building | | TRICORSystems

  • ME Cancun went all-inclusive, and their all-inclusive package is called
    “Complete ME.”  Here is their website: They are concerned because although we are buying keyword “Complete ME” in
    Google, but they are not showing up very high for this keyword in organic
    search results. So any advice or ideas you have to improve our performance on this
    keyword is much appreciated.

    Paid Search Marketing | | Melia

  • We have thousands and thousands of sites that link to a domain we are working on, many with low page authority and high domain (bloggers, forum posts, etc). Has anyone experimented with linking to the pages that link to you (not from your site) but from other means in an effort to boost their quality? I'm not sure what method we would use, maybe some relevant blog comments or social votes. But curious if this could be an effective method.

    Link Building | |

  • Ever since the last couple Linkscape updates when doing competitive back link analysis I have noticed a large increase in the number of URLs of Linking Pages in OSE that result in an immediate file download. The majority of the time these downloads are not common files ie PDF, DOC files. For example, these were all in a competitors back link profile: model examples/Le25 mad hatter.wm?a=p&id=145880&g=5&p=sia&date=iso&o=ajgrep These are just a few I came across for a single competitor. Is this sketchy black hat SEO, some sort of error, actual links, or something else? Any information on this subject would be helpful. Thank you.

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • If you'd like to take a look, the site under quesiton is http://ArkAnimals.Com. At the moment I am considering doing landing pages by topics and not by the type of animals. I will be blending both wild and domestic animals but how to best do this is confusing since so much has changed over the years. My competitors are focusing on animal types mainly and competition is fierce. Also the site attracts by three main topics not specific animals--so I want to be a bit unique which is why I am considering a topic driven focus. What would you recommend? Background This site has been online since 1994 and on its own domain for a long while. However, over time it has suffered from a lot of things--different designers, expansion, movement of content to niche sites and bad seo. LOL Once everything was on one site with sub directories. Then, it expanded and my online advisors recommended moving topics off into their own niche sites. So, I did that. Ugh. Now, much of that content is being integrated back as I am undergoing an intense revamp (the last one was a disaster). There are a few presenting problems that I could use your perspective and expertise--since I am too close to it. Problems for Needing Your Input The site is over 2600 pages with many in html and others in php.What is the best practice? Moving the remaining html pages over into php? Some of the pages that were not active have a redirect to the blog. I plan on doing page to page 301 redirects once I dig in--unless you have a better idea. There are a lot of well established links to some of the pages. How many topics are too many? I have a wide variety of content. First, the magazine format covered about six topics. Later, I began covering more pet related items and did a lot of different news summaries to keep it fresh. I want to dump the short outdated pages as many of them have obsolete links or are too short to add any value. Or should I update if they help with the seo rather than continue to let them dilute the site? Landing page or blog? Which is better, an index landing page or blog? At the moment the blog appears on the main index for freshness and the site attracts traffic for specific topics not animal breeds or species. I want to move the site from an educational site to serving as a main funnel for potential clients driving them to get on a list or to a niche site for sales related to the particular topic/training of interest. What your take on this if you were to tackle it? Any input would be greatly appreciated. My audience includes those who are pet owners, novice trainers, and animal lovers with no critter sense.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TheARKlady

  • My site ranks for both domain versions but more non-www than www - Should I make it one or the other? How do I tell Yahoo to just choose one? Ehh?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • I have multiple product pages on my site -  what is better for rankings in your experiance? If I 301 the pages to 1 correct version of the product page - or if I rel caanonical to the one correct page?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • If in open site explorer my 404 pages have a higer page authority - what benefit would i see in rankings if I 301 redirected those pages to the right page. For example is a 404 but has authority according to open site explorer - but the page i see in the serps is with the / at the end. so what benefit would i see in rankings if I 301 redirected those pages to the right page?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Heya! I'm currently engaged in what appears to be a slightly unusual SEO task. I run a large, reasonably well-respected (but not global-standard, yet) site that I'm currently monetising through individual articles targetted at addressing specific search engine queries that I know have decent traffic. It's the EHow / Demand Media model, except with a focus on a single specific (video games) niche, and much, much better quality articles (sufficiently good that they attract a fair amount of praise - all the writers on the site are published authors and the quality's damn high). Most of our articles end up ranking with essentially no backup, but they don't rank high - usually 2nd or 3rd page of Google. I'm trying to determine what the most effective strategy would be for us to boost our article rankings with the least possible expense / effort (we don't have a huge budget). Our long-tail articles are mostly being trumped by articles with either a couple of external links to them or by other articles with no links but from a site with significantly higher Domain Authority (70+ to our 48).I'm working to improve our on-page optimisation, but it's already pretty good (an "A" report from the SEOMoz tools on most or all pages). So, I'm wondering what the best use of our time would be to increase traffic globally across the site. Strategies I'm considering: Focussing on building links to the homepage and to any other pages on the site, by asking for links from community members, doing linkbait articles, directory submissions, guest blogging, and so on. Long-term aim: increase our domain-wide MozRank and MozTrust. Build links to our long-tail articles specifically, most popular first. Get direct links from relevant blogs, press releases, social bookmarking, etc. Long-term aim: get to #1 on Google one page at a time. Something Else? I'm wondering what the big SEO brains here would suggest? Happy to provide additional details if it would help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cairmen

  • This is a follow-up question from one posted earlier this month. I can't linked to that because it's a private question so I'm trying to summarize it below. We have a number of domains – about 20 - (e.g. that point to our main domain ip adress ( and share the same content. This is no black-hat strategy whatsoever, the domains were acquired several years ago in order to help people who mistyped the websites url to reach their desired destination. The question was whether to redirect them to our main domain or not. Pros were the reportedly millions of incoming links from these domains - cons was the fact that lots of issues regarding duplicate content could arise and we actually saw lots of some pages from these domains ranking in the search engines. We were recommended to redirect them, but to take it gradually. I have a simple question - what does gradually mean - one domain per week, per month?

    Technical SEO | | propertyshark

  • Let's say you own three websites. One is low quality and Google frowns upon it, another is moderate and a third has stellar unique content. Would Google penalize the third website because you own the first website? On a related note - If you were banned from Google AdWords, would registering a site in your name potentially harm your rankings?

    On-Page Optimization | | DerekP

  • In the forum's experience, what have you found the best way to find guest blogging opportunities? e.g. google search syntax that has worked well and other more diverse methods would be appreciated! Thanks

    Link Building | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Meaning heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc) are a critical part of good on-page optimisation. Fair enough. It helps humans and bots make sense of a page's content. 3 questions regarding implementation of heading tags: Should heading tags appear in sequence in the HTML code. I.e. H1 first, then H2 lower down, etc.? Can the page contain more than one H1 tag? Can the page contain multiple H2, H3, H4 tags?

    On-Page Optimization | | AndreVanKets

  • Now, my website is like this: So I use silos urls. I'd like to improve my ranking a little bit more. Is it better to change my urls like this: or maybe Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Max84

  • I use a Search Engine Spider Simulator to analyze the homepage and I think my client is using black hat tactics such as cloaking. Am I right? Any recommendations on to improve the top navigation under Resorts pull down. Each of the 6 resorts listed are all part of the Paradisus brand, but each resort has their own sub domain.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Melia

  • I use a Search Engine Spider Simulator to analyze the homepage and I think my client is using black hat tactics such as cloaking. Am I right? Any recommendations on to improve the top navigation under Resorts pull down. Each of the 6 resorts listed are all part of the Paradisus brand, but each resort has their own sub domain.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • The rankings for all our keywords, and for our competitors as well as us, according to SEO moz have all but completely dropped off the radar. For the vast majority of the keywords, both us and our competitors are showing as not even in the Top 50, despite previously being top 20, first page and top 3 for a large number of them. What's happened? Would this be due to Google, or has some sort of error occurred seoMoz's end? The rankings have dropped so badly for all four websites I can't believe for a second they're real. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | JetBookMike

  • My webshop site was just crawled by Roger, and it found 683 "Duplicate Page Content" issues. Most of them are result pages of different product searches, that are not really identical, but very similar to each other. Do I have to worry about this? If yes, how could I make the search result pages different? IS there any solution for this? Thanks: Zoltan

    On-Page Optimization | | csajbokz

  • Hi, I got a landing page which went up last night about 11pm. Its been indexed and ranked since then. Its a EMD and has about 600 words of unqiue content. It currently sits on page 9 for what I would say is a non competitive term (the top result is not an EMD and has 10 backlinks from the same site, which has no PR). Now my question is this: Would you say that page 9 is the given position Google thinks this website should sit at? Or because its so new could I very much expect some more movement? Basically up the rankings? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | activitysuper

  • Hi, In a meta description I was wondering which is best for click through rate: A Meta Description Written Like This With Leading Capitals and Some Fully Capitalized Words Eg FREE, BUY NOW Etc? OR A meta description written normally like this without leading capitals and fully capitalized words? My initial thoughts is the capitalised one stands out more and may get more click throughs, but I also don't see anyone else doing it this way so I was wondering what the generally accepted thought is on which one improves the CTR more?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | GrantEllis

  • I'm in the process of working with a site under development and wish to run the SEOmoz crawl test before we launch it publicly. Unfortunately rogerbot is reluctant to crawl the site. I've set my robots.txt to disallow all bots besides rogerbot. Currently looks like this: User-agent: * Disallow: / User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: All pages within the site are meta tagged index,follow. Crawl report says: Search Engine blocked by robots.txt Yes Am I missing something here?

    Moz Pro | | ignician

  • I like the call-to-action button that HuffPo uses on its FB button, where with one click, a user on their site can 'Like' their main page on Facebook without actually having to go there (assuming that they're logged in, of course). I'd love to use it on my site but... I'm trying to understand how this works. It seems like it's a custom wrapper, as i'm not seeing the toolset in dev tools  ( etc) Anyone know about this?

    Social Media | | EricPacifico

  • Am on a beginner level of SEO and as a pro member when i ran a report for my site i found some basic terms used. Can anyone please let me know what exactly is the difference between these terms and how important are they and how do i improve them?. or please let me know a source to find out.

    Moz Pro | | NikhilM

  • I set my first website as a sub domain...I think it should have been set as a "root" domain...does this matter and can I cahnge it? Thanks! James

    Moz Pro | | James1

  • We recently added a 301 redirect from our non-www domain to the www version. As a result, we now have tons of HTTP errors (403s to be exact) in Webmaster Tools. They're all from over a month ago, but they still show up. How can we fix this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kylesuss

  • Hi, I write content for the site We were hit by Panda (a different issue that is resolved now) but even before that, I'd write an entire library of good content. An example: the plant sterols library. Here's an article as an example: There are about eight on average in each medical library, and we cover topics from acne to sexual health. The other half of the business is a directory. We have thousands of local health are providers, a basic version with just an address, and a longer version where we optimize the text. Here's an example: We come up buried on the third page, far after directories with zero content or crappy content. What am I missing? I am getting very frustrated as I've been writing this stuff for a long time and nothing seems to come of it. Thanks so much, Erin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | erinhealthchoices

  • Everytime i try to access the tool i get the following error: "Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects."

    Moz Pro | | Anest

  • I need to optimize Furnace Filter & Furnace Filters. Do I create one page for each keyword or just one page for furnace filter for example? Where can I read about keyword variation? Thank you, Jean Nichols

    Keyword Research | | BigBlaze205

  • I had most of my keywords in top 50 until last week. Important Keywords like ''furnace filter'' and ''furnace filters'' had raking of 5 and 6 in first page of I did not do modification on site, How can this happen? Thank you, Jean Nichols Furnace Filters Canada

    Keyword Research | | BigBlaze205

  • I trying to get the mozbot to crawl my site so I can get new crawl diagnostics info. Anyone know how this can be done?

    Moz Pro | | Romancing

  • I have a small site (.com) like any website in my sector. 30-90 pages. I have no crawls errors. Everythings is fine, just I need to improve my linking root domain, the followed linking root domain and the linking C-Blocks. Example: my competitors have 300 (one of them have 1300) of total links. I have 30. Anyone know some good strategies? techniques? tips? I just dont want to be in a farm directory, I want free links. I'm already running two strategies but it works so slowly. I want something faster at this moment. Also, any recommendation will be thankful.

    Link Building | | NicoDavila

  • I noticed that every other site url in the serps for my main keywords has a www. on their display url except mine. I have the site set to display the www. Can this potentially hurt my SEO and what can I do to fix this? Thanks Aaron. www.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | afranklin

  • The Google Cache date for my website: This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Aug 28, 2011 03:19:05 GMT. Does this date coorelate to the last time Google reevaluated their rankings for my site? So if I had done 15 or so backlinks after the August 28 date, will those start to affect rankings (once they are discovered) after the next time the site is updated?

    Link Building | | PMC-312087

  • I saw at this link: "As a PRO member, you can schedule crawls for 2 subdomains every 24 hours, and you'll get up to 3,000 pages crawled per subdomain." However I am having trouble finding where to schedule this 24 hour crawl in my Pro Dashboard. I did not see the option for this setting in the crawl diagnostics tab or in the campaign settings section from the dashboard home page.  Can you help? thanks! Michael

    Moz Pro | | texmeix

  • For several of my clients landing pages that show up in the Maps results the website url has been overwritten by the maps url ( Even though on my places page I have the correct website set up. Does anyone have any idea why they would be doing this and how I can correct it? Thanks kinldy in advance, Aaron. maps-url.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | afranklin

  • I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES
    My site's URL (web address) is:
    Description (including timeline of any changes made):n mid-June, we were penalized. We received a message in WMT that our site was penalized for Doorway Pages, thin content, and pages trying to rank for just 1 KW. 1. We removed all doorway-style pages (according to guidelines) and consolidated content to target no less than 3 KWs per page, and not over-optimized.
    2. Submitted first reconsideration request.
    3. Denied 8 days later via MSG in WMT that stated simply that the site still did not meet Google's Guidelines.
    4. Printed fresh copies of Google's guidelines, and rewrote almost every page of the site. We took down the blog in case of old thin content or possible doorway pages. We reduced the overall size of the site from over 400 pages down to around 80.
    5. Submitted 2nd reconsideration request.
    6. Denied 10 days later via MSG in WMT that stated simply that the site STILL did NOT meet Google's Guidelines.
    7. Restructured site and it's content.
    8. Denied 3rd time. Note: We have checked our link profile over and over, and we have NO Paid links. We have moved our entire site to a new platform, with clean code, new URL structure, etc. Does anyone have any feedback? Thanks.

    Industry News | | LVH

  • Currently I have 15 affiliate marketing sites and three blogs which are monetized. My budget dictates the base pro package so may I get some recommendations on how or if I can do analysis over time for all the sites. I ask this because it seems you would set your campaigns for long-term but I imagine you delete/modify/add campaigns to analyze different key words. Thanks for your help.

    Moz Pro | | JavaManOne

  • Say I've just created some great content on my site, what does the forum think the best way of promoting this content via. social would be? e.g. Paid stumbles, tweets, posting on reddit? We've created some good content in the past, but never really been able to drive traffic to it through social sites and networking with a great deal of success.

    Branding | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi community, I was hoping you could help me. I have a website which I'm running for a client,, and it's not featuring at all on google for the primary keyword: Taxi Knutsford I have absolutely no idea why.  I've produced a campaign report and am acting on it now, but even that didn't pull much up other than a missing meta description tag, which I'm updating now. Other than that, I can't see any reason why the website shouldn't rank - the competition isn't even difficult! Can anyone shed some light please?

    Web Design | | ArtifexDesign

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