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  • We are thinking about setting up directory on a subdomain ( with content supplied by DirectoryM. Despite assurances by DM that they are Panda proof, I am uneasy releasing 100's of 1000's of pages at once to the search engines with content that is somewhat limited in value. Even if DM can somehow make these directory pages look a little unique then what they already have out on the internet, I am still scared how a potential spammy subdomain will impact the master domain. The upside to DM is that they can add 1000's of new weekly visitors and they will add 1000's of links to our pages to our master domain to their existing directory sites. What approach would you take here? Is there any risk in trying this out or are my fears unfounded? Would mass linking to the subdomain from the master site impact the master site?

    Content Development | | irvingw

  • Our homepage has a few hundred links and our index pages(pages that link to our spintext pages) have about 900 links on them with no content.  Our SEO guy said we have to keep the links under 1000 but I wanted to see what you guys think.

    Technical SEO | | upper2bits

  • Recently we realised that our client's SERPs were almost always lower on and Bing (canada) when comparing with and We want to know if there's different ranking or blocking factors for Bing and if someone had similar expriences. It would also be appreciated if you have releavent and trusted information on this topic, from blog posts, forums, etc. What are your thoughts on this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RichardPicard

  • Over the weekend, our website ( completely dropped off the google database in our top keywords. The only way that our site can be found is if you specifically type in the company name. Other search engines were unaffected and rankings remained the same or rose for the week. Previous keywords that we ranked in the first couple of positions (san antonio advertising agency, san antonio public relations) are now not in the top 50. We have not made any recent changes to our site besides basic content updates and all appears normal regarding crawler access. I have also not been able to find anything irregular in webmaster tools. Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | eriksimpson

  • I have a client that has a lot of content in pdf files that are linked to from their website. The content on the site itself is quite thin. Should I recommend to them that they convert at least some of pdf files to actual pages on their website? That way there could be a title tag, meta-description, header tags, etc associated with the content. What role do pdf files play in SEO? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | bvalentine

  • I'm working with an apt community with a large number of communities across the US. I'm running into dup content issues where each community will have a page such as "amenities" or "community-programs", etc that are nearly identical (if not exactly identical) across all communities. I'm wondering if there are any thoughts on the best way to tackle this. The two scenarios I came up with so far are: Is it better for me to select the community page with the most authority and put a canonical on all other community pages pointing to that authoritative page? or Should i just remove the directory all-together via robots.txt to help keep the site lean and keep low quality content from impacting the site from a panda perspective? Is there an alternative I'm missing?

    Moz Pro | | JonClark15

  • Or can I use the Custom Crawl tool to help create this? The domain I'm working with has 1,300+ pages so most free tools I've used in the past won't capture that many pages.

    Moz Pro | | JonClark15

  • We have a handful of inbound links to (note the hyphen). Our normal site is (no hyphen). We own both domains and have some sort of domain-wide redirect set up now. This works fine for traffic, but I suspect it's not optimal for SEO purposes. I came to this conclusion by looking in OSE and noticing that none of the inbound links to were also being attributed to 2 questions: Is it immediately evident what type of redirect I have in place now, or do I need to figure that out? Is the fix as simple as editing the .htaccess file on the hyphenated domain? I don't have direct control over the hyphenated domain, and I'd like to be able to know exactly what we need to do so I can request help from my IT department. I'd appreciate hearing your wisdom. Thanks!

    Web Design | | SheriGolla

  • Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE SEOmoz, but their "Link Directory" ( is a bit deceiving. I was looking for a list of DIRECTORIES that Moz recommends, not a bunch of places where you can pay for advertising. On top of that, it also lists dmoz as one of the spots to get links from, but have you ever actually ever been able to get a link from dmoz? I know I haven't, and we've been trying to get a link for years. Anyone else disappointed in this list? Does anyone have a good list of directories? -Andy P.S. I love you SEOmoz! Don't hate me for this critique!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alhallinan

  • Recently i decided to change my domain name - and although i have written several useful and working .htacess files with 301 redirects, this one became more complicated by the fact that I went through TWO domain name changes, before settling on the second one. Having seen some issues with the browser not being able to interpret correctly the .htaccess file, i temporarily suspended the .htaccess file, and opted instead for site forwarding. I don't know the mechanics behind site forwarding, or whether it is seo friendly or just a method for ip addressing, a sort of pseudo domain name server record change.
    I let it lie for a few weeks, until the dust settled, and yesterday put back the basic .htaccess file, with a 301 redirect, which directs the original domain name to be forwarded to the new one ( also it has a conditional in place to solve canonical issues). It works fine. But right now i am not seeing the link juice, the domain age, the domain page rank that it has. It has gone to zero, when it used to be three, sometimes four. I also made the change of address using webmaster tools. How long ( forever?) will it take to see my old page rank come back, even if it loses 10% from the change? And does site forwarding help or hinder seo ranking?

    Technical SEO | | highersourcesites

  • So our website ( Has a canonical link redirect to the non www. version. However when I put in it comes up with a small list of links and says this site links to So I'm curious if I used to wrong canonical linking method( that is the method I tried and I placed it in the Head Tags.) I greatly appreciate any assistance in this matter ^.^

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • I have the chrome toolbar installed. In the SERP a site I was looking at had 686 links from 12 domains linking to the root domain. When I checked this site in OSE with filters set to all pages in root domain it shows 65 links from 12 domains. Can anyone explain the difference?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • Does description, alt and keywords tags are influence on density of keyword for google?

    Keyword Research | | ATCnik

  • The website in question was hacked four years ago and there was porn on the servers. It was used as a peer to peer torrent streamer.  The images were deleted. We have just found inappropriate inward bound links (with great link juice!!)  - how can we remove these links - or should we? any advice would be appreciated thanks

    Link Building | | GardenBeet

  • Hi all ! Do you think my homepage can still be optimized ? Here is the URL : Of course I'm not only speaking about the home page but I also think about the pages structure, links, etc. The fact is that my collegues and I are working hard on our SEO since 7 years and the result is that we still see our websites going down in the SERPS during months... What are we doing wrong ? Our opponents don't seem to be more backlinked or more optimized... I personnaly think that there should be a big mistake on our site that penalize us and our SEO but I can't find what it is... Can you help us ? Thank you in advance !

    Link Building | | B-CITY

  • Hello all! While doing some routine health checks on a few of our client sites, I spotted that a new client of ours - who's website was not designed built by us - is returning a 500 internal server error when I try to look at the robots.txt file. As we don't host / maintain their site, I would have to go through their head office to get this changed, which isn't a problem but I just wanted to check whether this error will actually be having a negative effect on their site / whether there's a benefit to getting this changed? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | themegroup

  • I have recently gained a few links which I know are definitly up, because I have seen them, however, when I navigate to link analysis on SEOmoz pro, the number of links isnt showing as more than before. How long does it take to update?

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • This may be a rooky question so apologies in advance if it is! A client of mine has asked why his site's rank is different when he searches for it from his iPhone or computer (where he uses IE) and also on Bing. Obviously I know that there will be differences between Bing and Google so I can explain that to him. But he seems to be implying that the different browsers are affecting the results on his iPhone and computer. I've tried this myself using Firefox and IE and on Firefox the site ranks page 1 but on IE it ranks page 3 (both using Google). Is this likely to do with the browser having information about my past search habits or is it actually the browser affecting the SERP? Again, sorry if this is a stupid question! Thanks in advance.

    Algorithm Updates | | WillCreate

  • Hi there, I run a website which is a directory therefore there are a lot of On-Page links. If you take a look at the site,, you will see there are a number of links on all pages which are completely relevant. I'm not sure what to remove as everything is relevant. The top navigation is available throughout and that alone has 120 links in it to give users easy access to information. Do I ignore the Too many On-Page links suggestion or do I change something? Any suggestions welcome! Thank you in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | RyanMackie

  • So I've been wracking my brain about a problem. I had posted earlier about our degrading rank that we haven't been able to arrest. I thought we were doing everything right. Many years ago we had a program that would allow other stores in our niche use our site as a storefront if they couldn't deal with setting up their own site. They would have their own homepage with their own domain but all links from that page would go to our site to avoid duplicate content issues (before I knew about canonical meta tags or before they existed, I don't remember). I just realize that we had dozens of these domains pointing to our site without nofollow meta tags. Is it possible that this pattern looked like we were trying to game Google and have been penalized as some kind of link farm since Panda? I've added nofollow meta tags to these domains. If we were being penalized for this, should this fix the problem?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTheScot

  • Hi, 1. I got signed up with SEOMOZ yesterday and would like to know about the competitive analysis tool. I saw in a demo video of SEOMOZ that there was an aspect of Social links (Facebook etc) included in the analysis, I can't see this in my analysis however. 2. Is it possible to change websites over time? Let say in a few months I want to work on a new website, can I remove one of my 5 and add a new one? Thanks! James

    Moz Pro | | James1

  • I just start doing SEO in Thailand I would like to be number 1 for this term "ร้านเค้ก" (means Cake place) The number 1 for this term is cake2thailand. com Here is my website I would like to ask you guys how do you set the SEO strategy? I check the competition site backlinks by seo spyglass they got 1720 overall backlinks Only 58 links are link back the rest is no follow or link missing. For the strategy should i just copy 58 links and add more links to beat them? or doing linkwheel btw i have SEnuke too i can get links from that. Please give me some advice how do you plan for SEO Thank you very much

    Algorithm Updates | | jeanjean1

  • I would like to get advice about the site regarding what we should do to get it highly on Google. This seems to be a tough one as there is not enough content on the site. I would immensly appeciate any suggestion to improve the rankings. Specifically, what we should tweet and update on facebook. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, Understand that if a Page A is being canonicalized to Page B, most probably Page B's ranking will increase (given their content and structure are all the same). But when the canonical tags are removed from Page B, Page A's rankings and traffic may recover to the original before it was canonicalized. The theories seem very true but does anyone have any case studies or direct experiences which proves these theories? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • A few years ago, I established about 25 different flickr groups. Part experiment to see if it would help with SEO (at the time Flickr groups were do follow) and also to promote my travel website Most of these groups are now on the front page for their keyword.  Most of them show the standard Flickr Snippet, but a few don't. I'm wondering if any brainiacs know how to get all of them to show a custom snip. Here's one that has a unique snip the Best San Francisco Restaurants group icon ... Group Stats - traffic & page views for Best Restaurants San Francisco · JulieMarg, 0, 35 months ago ... Oct 12, 2008 – the Travel Like James Bond group icon ... On my website, I've got a post about Traveling like James Bond, detailing hotels & places & events ... and one that shows the standard (it's AT&T Park San Frrancisco) Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely ...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | juliemarg

  • When keyword rich domain are occupying high serp's (exact match domain choices are already gone, ie., what would be the next best choice for SEO or Peter

    Keyword Research | | peterds

  • Hi Folks I have 77 Rel Canonical warning, and mostly confuse me. Mainly because they seem to be the exact link I would expect for that page. So I'm not so sure why they have been flagged.... two examples below Any thoughts or tips? (please 🙂 ) | Page Title 
    URL | Tag value | Page Authority | Linking Root Domains | | BlueTea: New Sydney Kitchen Designs Company, Renovations, Colour Designs 37 18 Blog | Blue Tea | | 1 | 0 |
    |   |

    On-Page Optimization | | PHDAustralia68

  • I've been confused by some URLs that are showing up as errors in our GWT account. They seem to just be randomly generated alphanumeric strings that Google is reporting as 404 errors. The pages do 404 because nothing ever existed there or was linked to. Here are some examples that are just off of our root domain: /JEzjLs2wBR0D6wILPy0RCkM/WFRnUK9JrDyRoVCnR8= /MevaBpcKoXnbHJpoTI5P42QPmQpjEPBlYffwY8Mc5I= /YAKM15iU846X/ymikGEPsdq 26PUoIYSwfb8 FBh34= I haven't been able to track down these character strings in any internet index or anywhere in our source code so I have no idea why Google is reporting them. We've been pretty vigilant lately about duplicate content and thin content issues and my concern is that there are an unspecified number of urls like this that Google thinks exist but don't really. Has anyone else seen GWT reporting errors like this for their site? Does anyone have any clue why Google would report them as errors?

    Reporting & Analytics | | kimwetter

  • Hi all, I'm working on a site redesign and it is possible the new site could issue a lot of 301 redirects as we may migrate from one forum solution to another. Is there any issue with crawlers getting a lot of 301 redirects from a site? Thanks Nick

    Technical SEO | | nickswan

  • I've tried the Keyword Difficulty Tool on "consultant seo" in Romania (that is .ro) The tool says that it's Highly Competitive (59%), but I've got my website on #8 in 2 weeks. Question: Is this tool really working for local results? It seems way off... Actually I was kind of expecting for this keyword to be easy, what is confusing is the "59%" from the Keyword Difficulty results. Thanks for the answers!

    Moz Pro | | wizant

  • Up until today I was anti PageRank, believing that it was a useless metric which just caused obsession and misplaced working effort... however, as of today I have done a complete u-turn and been shown how it is still useful as a trigger monitor type thing which is awesome. Just wondering what others views were on this?

    Link Building | | SteveOllington

  • Anyone used the Mech Turk for SEO purposes? I've heard and thought of various uses for it ranging from genuine credible uses to greyer areas, but if anyone's got any real experience, suggestions or ideas about it, I'd love to hear them!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • I'm fascinated with reddit.  Yesterday I did an IAMA and got lots and lots of comments.  In the comments I was able to refer back to some pages in my website which got me some traffic. I can see the benefit of getting your website featured on reddit.  But, I'm wondering how people benefit from putting random pictures on reddit (that don't link to their sites at all.)  Is there something that can be done with the link karma that you get?  Am I missing something? btw...I just posted a random picture on reddit just for fun as I realized that my daughter has reddit pajamas:

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • HI folks, I have a warning that I have missing meta tag descriptions on two pages. 1) 2) Is this something I should just ignore? Or is there a best practice I should be implementing? Thank you for your time

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PHDAustralia68

  • It appears that SEOmoz tools like the On-Page Report Card treat keywords differently if they have apostrophes in. So for example childrens and children's are treated as different keywords. Is this a quirk of the On-Page Report Card or does Google treat them as separate keywords?

    On-Page Optimization | | MulberrySqCraig

  • My videos are still doing really well in universal search, but I've noticed a drop in the actual youtube serps. It used to be that videos with lots of views, comments & likes had priority in the youtube results. Now it looks as if the number of videos you have uploaded, even if they have few views, ranks above the individual numbers on a video. I'm thinking that I shouldn't create a channel for a client who might only have 3 - 5 videos uploaded per year. What say you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | juliemarg

  • We have made a big mistake.... So what can we do to fix this? A trainee member of staff has used the seomoz 100 top directories and added to sites from PR10 to PR6 approx about 25 sites, using keywords were possible instead of using the website URL "which i now was stupid!. Our website ranking have been lowered big time for all keywords used!, eg from 1st to 10th and even disappeared from the top 100 We are contacting all directories asking for the Title link to be changed to the URL instead of a keyword.. Will this help? I understand that Google give sites a penalty for this!!, but what can i do to put this right and how long would this penalty last for? Any advice would be highly appreciated... Thanks Dean

    Technical SEO | | deanpallatt

  • On my blog posts, I have links to all the categories and months, dating back 5-6 years. This make the number of links on each blog page well over 100, which I understand might decrease the value of each page. Is there a problem with having more than 100 links on a page?

    On-Page Optimization | | rdreich49

  • Hi I want to add the same video (that is hosted on YouTube) onto a website on more than one page. Is it ok to use the same same video link in each instance? Are there any benefits in doing this? Are there any detrimental effects from an SEO perspective? Thank you

    Image & Video Optimization | | PH292

  • I run an IT company and the company name does not contain the key word I am trying to rank on. I also have a bunch of pages with page rank that containing the actual keywords, for example: My target keyword is  "Tech Support Brighton" My Home page is PR4 and my location based pages are PR3. My plan was to build 3 or 4 location pages for the locations we provide tech support for and target location based keyword Anchor text to these URL's e.g "Tech Support Brighton" and then for the home page build links that have the anchor text "Tech Support". Does this sound sane? Many Thanks, K

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOKeith

  • Examining the backlink profile of a new client I can see a large number of links developed by an offshore agency they used for link-building. The client is a reputable, professional company but some of the links are on very low-quality sites in-between viagra, online pharmacies, cosmetic surgery etc. It is unclear whether some of the links are paid or not. There is no indication that they have been penalised for these links but they are obviously unhelpful. Can I use GWT to request Google ignore them or should I just leave them and move on with more appropriate link building techniques?

    Link Building | | bjalc2011

  • Hi All, I have recently been given the task of working on a website that sells products in the UK and America, at the moment the site does very well in the UK but does not perform very well in America which I believe is partly down to colloquialisms and difference in language. At the minute the site is a .com and is hosted in the United Kingdom, Does anyone have any useful tips on how to have 2 different versions of the site targeting different locations but using very similar language (Probably would be considered duplicate) Thanks in advance,

    International SEO | | marcelo-275398

  • What does the forum think the best strategy for social bookmarking is? Obviously white hat, user generated would be preferable but looking slightly darker; you can obviously get services that create social bookmarks over a period of several weeks, but are they worth the investment?

    Branding | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • When I test my web page (which has based content embedded within it) using the Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool, it displays the last image I have defined. I want it to show the first (primary) image. Is there a way I can specify which image to use, or should I only be specifying one image? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Techboy

  • Can anyone recommend a WP plugin which creates a description from the individual blog post it's describing?

    Technical SEO | | catherine-279388

  • Is answering questions on yahoo answers and forums genuine link building opportunity? I dont mean spamming much, but being a genuine member of the forums

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • We added hRecipe microformats data to our site in April and then migrated to the Recipe format in July, but our content is still not being displayed as Rich Snippets in search engine results. Our pages validate okay in the Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool. Any idea why they are not being displayed in SERP's? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Techboy

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