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  • Hi there, I've recently started working on a very large travel website. One of my main duties is to get it rankings for certain terms (which it is't at the moment, at all!) A large proportion of the website is dynamic, meaning that the pages, and URLs are produced using sessions. I've already enquired with the company who provide the website about how I can get unique meta data for each page on our website. They came back and said it can be done for the static pages, but not for the dynamic pages. This leaves me with about thousands of pages with duplicated meta data. Not at all ideal. I was just wondering how damaging this is likely to be to the SEO of my site. Am I going to be able to achieve rankings even with this issue? Or do I need to get it sorted ASAP? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | neilpagecruise

  • I have a number of images on my website with a watermark. We changed the watermark (on all of our images) in May, but when I search for my site getmecooking in Google Image Search, it still shows the old watermark (the old one is grey, the new one is orange). Is Google not updating the images its search results because they are cached in Google? Or because it is ignoring my images, having downloaded them once? Should we be giving our images a version number (at the end of the file name)? Our website cache is set to 7 days, so that's not the issue. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Techboy

  • Hi I am getting conflicting advice about using collapsible / Expanding content within a site I am working on and it effecting Google rankings, just wondered what the general consensus is. Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TomBarker82

  • When using open site explorer to analyse my competitors links, when going through them, I would click them to have a look at them. Almost all of the ones I clicked on something started to download on my computer and would be a blank page or the tab would disappear when the download begun. What is this? Why have they done this? Is this bad practice? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • Guys, I'm aware of the recomendation of having <100 links per page. The thing is I'm running a vacation rental website (my clients pay me to advertise their properties on my website). We use an AJAX interface with pagination to show the properties. So I have cities that have +400 properties on them... the pagination works fine but google can't crawl trough it (there is a google doc about making ajax systems crawlable, but that would invove a huge rewrite of our code and I dont understand how it helps the SEO). So my question is: what do I do to mantain each property having at least one link pointing to them at the same time that I keep the # of links in each page <100 ? Any suggestions ?

    On-Page Optimization | | pqdbr

  • This is more of a conversion and usability question than an SEO question. Does anyone know if there's any comprehensive research about the accuracy of the well-known "How did you find out about us" question in web forms? I need to convince a customer that they shouldn't put the question in their form, at least not the way they do now. I hope someone can refer me to a credible online source / article about this subject?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Melonmedia

  • Hello I wonder what that information to appear highlighted in the description in the attached file ... this is new to me. tks DLvtI.png

    Technical SEO | | eder.machado

  • Hi everyone, Could any of you recommend a good resource to learn about dynamic SEO? Thanks very much, Diana

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Diana.varbanescu

  • Hi all, I have a pretty big problem with my site at the moment which I'm worried will have an impact on my rankings. I've just had a crawl test done and for some reason I get a load of urls returned that don't actually exist... For example I am getting urls like this in my crawl test and xml sitemap: All the urls seem to start off with and there is an entry for every conceivable combination of slugs. I can only assume that if the crawl test and an xml sitemap generator is indexing these urls then Google and other search engines probably are too. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue and what can I do to remove them from Googles index if they are? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Benji87

  • On our website we do a lot of dynamic resizing of images by using a script which automatically re-sizes an image dependant on paramaters in the URL like: In webmaster tools I have noticed there are a lot of 400 errors on these image Also when I click the URL's listed as causing the errors the URL's are URL Encoded and go to pages like this (this give a bad request): What are your thoughts on what I should do to stop this? I notice in my webmaster tools "URL Parameters" there are parameters for:
    cut which must be from the Image URLs. These are currently set to "Let Google Decide", but should I change them manually to "Doesn't effect page content"? Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • Hi All, I am having some serious concern with OSE data recently for numerous clients, one client I want to talk about today has the following data from OSE for the month of August 2011 compared with July 2011: Total links to the domain: (decrease of around 100,000+)
    External Followed links: (decrease by around 5,000)
    **Linking Root domains: (decrease of over 60) ** The crazy thing is that the domain authority has actually gone up by around 5 points for this client even though every thing has suddenly gone down? Also funny thing is we have been link building quite strong for this client over the last 12 months using only high quality sources from out niche. I am worried that their is serious issues with the data, I realise we saw some updates to OSE recently yet I am suprised it can be this drastic. Kind Regards. PSV

    Moz Pro | | ColumbusAustralia

  • Hi, I've got an issue where our web developers have made a mistake on our website by messing up some URL's . Because our site works dynamically IE the URL's generated on a page are relevant to the current URL it ment the problem URL linked out to more problem URL's - effectively replicating an entire website directory under problem URL's - this has caused tens of thousands of URL's in SE's indexes which shouldn't be there. So say for example the problem URL's are like It seems I can correct this by doing the following: 1/. Use Robots.txt  to disallow access to /incorrect-directory/* 2/. 301 the urls like this:
    301 to: 3/. 301 URL's to the root correct directory like this: 301 to: Which method do you think is the best solution? - I doubt there is any link juice benifit from 301'ing URL's as there shouldn't be any external links pointing to the wrong URL's.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • I wanted to site wide link a few sites together as they are sort of in the same network of ownership and wanted some advice. 1X PR1
    2X PR2 
    2x PR3 Would it be best to just get home page links before the footer, the links will be within a paragraph of text OR Just site wide link them in the footer with a heading of "Our Shopping Network"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | upick-162391

  • Hi all, I'm very new to SEO and still learning a lot. Is it considered a black hat tactic to wrap a link in a DIV tag, with display set to none (hidden div), and what can the repercussions be? From what I've learnt so far, is that this is a very unethical thing to be doing, and that the site hosting these links can end up being removed from Google/Bing/etc indexes completely. Is this true? The site hosting these links is a group/parent site for a brand, and each hidden link points to one of the child sites (similar sites, but different companies in different areas). Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | gemcomp123

  • I'm running a campaign report within SEOmoz & am getting 9 pages that appear on this report. They all happen to be our author pages We have multiple authors. Is there a proper way that I should take care of this? Also as a side note, I'm using Yoast Wordpress SEO plugin, is there a setting on their I should change that will fix this issue? Or is it an issue at all? Thanks, BJ

    On-Page Optimization | | seointern

  • I just signed up for SEOMoz and sent my site through the first crawl. I use the tilde in my rewritten URLs. This threw my entire site into the Notice section 301 (permanent redirect) since each page redirects to the exact URL with the ~, not the %7e. I find conflicting information on the web - you can use the tilde in more recent coding guidelines where you couldn't in the old. It would be a huge thing to change every page in my site to use an underscore instead of a tilde int he URL. If Google is like SEOMoz and is 301 redirecting every page on the site, then I'll do it, but is it just an SEOMoz thing? I ran my site through Firebug and and all my pages show the 200 response header, not the 301 redirect. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Moz Pro | | fdb

  • I am getting more and more confused by the messages out there about "post Panda" link building methods. Apparently Google has devalued many of the old methods such as Article Marketing, Profile Linking, Web 2.0 content etc. But all I hear is that instead of that you must create "quality content" that users want to link to naturally. But hey.... how do users find your quality content if you don't already rank in the search engines?? Isn't it a bit chicken and egg? So, if I write what I think is a really good blog post or product page now, I can not really do anything to help it along in getting some decent rankings so that people will actually find the page and maybe link to it?? I also hear that "Social Signals" are becoming more important for rankings. Facebook likes and Google +1's Can anybody tell me how you encourage people to like and +1 the standard info pages of your website, like "Home Page" or "Service Page"? or is the future of search all about "commentary". Do I need to write a witty interesting blog post that appeals to masses that then links to my service or product page. Do I need to tweet to my non existent followers about a page I cant get ranked in the search engines? or blog "quality content" to no-one because I have no traffic coming to my website?? As you can probably tell, I am very confused with the messages, post panda. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the order of the new Search Marketing strategies. If I write a quality web page, then what? If I don't already have a traffic source either in Social Media or other related web pages, what is the best way to go about gaining rankings and traffic from search? Thanks

    Social Media | | websearchseo

  • What percentage of total good quality back links are shown  in the "Open site" or other toolbar. I was checking backlinks for a spammy sites which ranks in #3-5 for a competitive keyword.But could not find nothing more than 10-15 PR4-5 in content backlinks and rest are just forum/profile signatures. 24% Trust/Authority of the Host Domain
    22% Link Popularity of the Specific Page
    20% Anchor Text of External Links
    15% On-Page Keyword Usage
    7% Traffic and Click-Through Data
    6% Social Graph Metrics
    5% Registration and Hosting DataI

    Moz Pro | | RyanSat

  • Hi all, Yes, it's another Panda question.... Would Panda effect an entire site or just specific pages. Many people have said that it penalizes entire sites, however, some of the questions that Google is said to have asked Panda testers seem to be page specific. What's the general consensus?? Thanks

    Web Design | | A_Q

  • When typing in fun translator into google UK, my website is the 18th result on the 2nd page, however, there is an issue, it only shows, without the www part, which is not what I want because the whole address to show up, because my campaign on seomoz pro and webmaster tools account is not How can I resolve this. For not, I have a redirect that goes from funtranslator to I want to know how to get the full www.url into the results instead of just without the www part of the url. Also, will this affect my stats gathered in my campaign on my seomoz pro account?

    Moz Pro | | RyanSMurphy

  • I noticed one of the negatively correlated ranking factors was length of URL.  I'm building a page from scratch, we are trying to rank for 'Minneapolis Fitness' and 'Minneapolis Massage'. Is  just ridiculously long?  Or does the exact match outweigh the penalty for URL length?

    On-Page Optimization | | JesseCWalker

  • When I go to my campaign, link analysis, under competitive comparison/followed backlinks, the 5 pages under Anchor Text/Target URL, supposedly on my website, are not on my website anymore. I recently moved my domain name to another server (before signing up for seomoz) and deleted the forum associated with my website. Those 5 pages are all from that now extinct forum. What's going on?

    Moz Pro | | ovistomih

  • Hi. Im setting up my first campaign and Im having issues with step 3: 'Select your competitors to track'. I only want to track 1 competitor: When I enter this and the competitor name into the form provided and click 'continue to next step' it throws an error at me: Darn, there are errors in your form! Don’t worry, Roger can’t feel pain. Competitors domain may not have a /path after the host Domain may not have a /path after the host Can anyone help me as this is urgent.

    Moz Pro | | RyanSMurphy

  • Say your client has a national product, that's known by different brand names in different parts of the country. Unilever owns a mayonnaise sold East of the Rockies as "Hellmanns" and West of the Rockies as "Best Foods".  It's marketed the same way, same slogan, graphics, etc... only the logo/brand is different. The websites are near identical with different logos, especially the interior pages.  The Hellmanns version of the site has earned slightly more domain authority. Here is an example recipe page for some "WALDORF SALAD WRAPS by Bobby Flay Recipe" Both recipie pages are identical except for one logo.  Neither pages ranks very well, neither has earned any backlinks, etc... Oddly the bestfood version does rank better (even though everything is the same, same backlinks, and having more authority). If you were advising the client, what would you do.  You would ideally like the Hellmann version to rank well for East Coast searches, and the Best Foods version for West Coast searches. So do you: Keep both versions with duplicate content, and focus on earning location relevant links.  I.E.  Earn Yelp reviews from east coast users for Hellmanns and West Coast users for Best foods? Cross Domain Canonical to give more of the link juice to only one brand so that only one of the pages ranks well for non-branded keywords?  (but both sites would still rank for their branded keyworkds). No Index one of the brands so that only one version gets in the index and ranks at all.  The other brand wouldn't even rank for it's branded keywords. Assume it's not practical to create unique content for each brand (the obvious answer). Note:  I don't work for Unilver, but I have a client in a similar position.  I lean towards #2, but the social media firm on the account wants to do #1.  (obviously some functionally based bias in both our opinions, but we both just want to do what will work best for client). Any thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | crvw

  • When viewing my campaign and looking at the on page optimisation tool, I have a few issues. I seems to only shows the keywords I want rankings for and how optimised my homepage is for those keywords. Is there any way I can get it to analyse permanently specifc keywords for specific pages because my homepage isnt optimised for some keywords which are on my list, which I have optimised other pages for, and because its looking at my homepage its getting a really low grade, and looks really bad and frustrates me because I cant work this out. Any help greatly appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • I have added a number of quality inbound links to my site. How long does it take to see the effects of these links into my seomoz statistics?

    Link Building | | molachef

  • Using the tools in the SEOmoz pro repertoire I have inserted keywords. Will the rankings tool show me the rankings for any of my pages on the site that have listed for this keyword, or just the home page?

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • Hi. I am new to the world of SEO, and SEOmoz has already taught me a lot. I am a newly appointed in house SEO at They want to rank for the keyword office interior design, but I noticed that all the keywords they are trying to rank for, there homepage shows up on search results. So I optimised the on page SEO of their website for the specific office interior design page. I took it from a grade F to a grade A. Currently they are showing up just outside the top 50 for office interior design, and its the homepage in the google results. Now I have made these changes and on page optimised the SEO for this page to be solely for office interior design keyword will the search results change so that it is the specific office interior design page showing and linking to , or will it always remain the home page. I have optimised many of the other pages in this way so that a keyword will link to the relevant page and rank for that relevant page, rather than get the home page to rank for 30 keywords. Thanks for any help.

    Technical SEO | | CompleteOffice

  • We have an eCommerce website with original software products. We want to syndicate our content to partner and affiliate websites, but are worried about the effect of duplicate content all over the web. Note that this is a relatively high profile project, where thousands of sites will be listing hundreds of our products, with the exact same name, description, tags, etc. We read the wonderful and relevant post by Kate Morris on this topic (here: and we realize the duplicate content is never the best option. Some concrete questions we're trying to figure out: 1. Are we risking penalties of any sort? 2. We can potentially get tens of thousands of links from this concept, all with duplicate content around them, but from PR3-6 sites, some with lots of authority. What will affect our site more - the quantity of mediocre links (good) or the duplicate content around them (bad)? 3. Should we sacrifice SEO for a good business idea?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | erangalp

  • I uploaded a video to youtube one time and then went to upload it again, but saved differently with different tags.  Youtube rejected the second upload as being the same as the first. Really, it was the same... just a different file with different tags. Now, I was thinking about making and uploading some similar but not identical videos for embedding on some web pages. Was thinking I'd make the voice overs different, but the images mostly the same montage. Do you think Youtube/Google will see it as the same video? I kind of assume that it didn't fly when I first tried it some time ago because youtube was looking at the audio in the way it can make a transcription. Do you think if the audi,o, file name, tags were different, it wouldn't matter if the video was the same? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • For example: this client is a custom clothier located in Phoenix, but would like to come up in the search engines for Scottsdale, Tucson, Prescott, Chicago, etc., because he travels to those cities and does business there with his custom clothing business. His website is Right now, he'll come up for custom suits phoenix, custom shirts phoenix az, etc. So how would I get him to come up in the search engines in more locations than just Phoenix?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cgray01

  • Hi, I am trying to improve the SEO our my website which sells mens designer clothes. I know the huge value of backlinks on relevant, high ranking/authoirtive sites. Problem is how do I find these sites? I am currently using twitter, facebook and google to find relevant blogs, websites, forums etc... (ones in the fashion, menswear, designer clothing field) but it is a slow and tedious process. I there any tools, that I can use that find these high ranking sites or is it a case of me searching, searching and requesting to have an article published from blog owners with a link to one of my product pages in etc...? Any help on backlinking and best way to approach would be great. Thanks

    Link Building | | WillBlackburn

  • Should i buy a 2 year old .com domain or brand new domain for a site i am making for UK ( optimisation). I am struggling to find good aged domains, there are loads of nice .com's that are old, any thoughts? thanks

    Web Design | | SamBuck

  • We've spun out content from a single finance related news/analysis site (running for about 2 years) into several topic-specific sites on individual topics (markets, investment etc etc).  They're all on the same server, use the same CMS (using a multisite setup), and share largely the same codebase, though obviously with customisations for the site names, and we've made sure each has a distinct identity. At the bottom of each page, we're linking to 'latest posts on the network', aggregating the 5 most recent posts from all the sites and displaying them in the footer.  We've obviously made sure the actual content is completely unique on each site though. Just wondering if anyone has any tips about ensuring we don't dilute our SEO too much. and how to maximise our effectiveness?

    Link Building | | topnotch18

  • We utilize a dedicated server to host roughly 60 sites on. The server is with a company that utilizes a lady who drives race cars.... About 4 months ago we realized we had a group of sites down thanks to monitoring alerts and checked it out. All were on the same IP address and the sites on the other IP address were still up and functioning well. When we contacted the support at first we were stonewalled, but eventually they said there was a problem and it was resolved within about 2 hours. Up until recently we had no problems. As a part of our ongoing SEO we check page load speed for our clients. A few days ago a client who has their site hosted by the same company was running very slow (about 8 seconds to load without cache). We ran every check we could and could not find a reason on our end. The client called the host and were told they needed to be on some other type of server (with the host) at a fee increase of roughly $10 per month. Yesterday, we noticed one group of sites on our server was down and, again, it was one IP address with about 8 sites on it. On chat with support, they kept saying it was our ISP. (We speed tested on multiple computers and were 22MB down and 9MB up +/-2MB). We ran a trace on the IP address and it went through without a problem on three occassions over about ten minutes. After about 30 minutes the sites were back up. Here's the twist: we had a couple of people in the building who were on other ISP's try and the sites came up and loaded on their machines. Does anyone have any idea as to what the issue is?

    Technical SEO | | RobertFisher

  • Hi there, New to Moz and have just signed up to the pro package. I run a menswear website in the UK, and I want to start a campaign looking at 1 or 2 brands (Money Clothing and Cruyff Trainers). What I would like to know is, when starting a campaign for say Money Clothing, should I use my root domain or should I use my Money Clothing domain ( ? Then once I do this, do I use my competitors subfolder pages or do I use their root domain? I tried to use 1 competitor as a subfolder and I think it gave an error saying I cannot use / after the domain? Any help on what would be the best approach for me to begin targeting my specific brands and how to compare them against my competitors. Cheers

    Moz Pro | | WillBlackburn

  • I have some affiliate websites which have loads of outgoing affiliate links. I've discussed this with a SEO friend and talked about the effect of the link juice going out to the affiliate sites. To minimize this I've put "no follows" on the affiliate links but my friend says that even if you have no follow Google still then diminishes the amount of juice that goes to internal pages, for example if the page has 10 links, 9 are affiliate with no follow - Google will only give 10% of the juice to the 1 internal page. Does anyone know if this is the case? and whether there are any good techniques to keep as much link juice on the site as possible without transferring to affiliate links? Appreciate any thoughts on this! Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ventura

  • Hello, i started a Technology Gadgets blog an year ago, since then i focused on writing unique and quality content. I did a bit a forum posting, blog commenting, directory submission and link exchanges with other relevant sites but still i didn't get the traffic which i wish for. At the moment, i am getting only 2000 UVs which is nothing in my opinion. What else should i do to? Help please

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ibbi1122

  • Hi, A client's site was previously built in Joomla and he wants us to reproduce content that was in there, but the Joomla site is no longer live and has come to me as an archive containing all the files and folders that were included. So, I am looking at the files and folders without Joomla installed. Can someone tell me quickly how to find the where the actual page content was stored? I started looking, but there are some folders I cannot open and nothing that looks as I expected. Would appreciate a hint or two from someone who knows Joomla well.. Life is too short! Thanks Sha

    Technical SEO | | ShaMenz

  • Hello - I am new to SEO and SEOMOZ and I am having issue setting my campaigns up.  Can you lead me to a resource/referrals that can help me with my SEO MOZ campaign and etc.  I watched the how-to videos - but I am still not sure if I am set up correctly and getting the everything I need from this service. I am looking to hire someone to set me up and get me rolling. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | clutchmag

  • OK this one's a little confusing, please try to follow along. We recently went through a rebranding where we brought a new domain online for one of our brands (we'll call this domain 'B' -- it's also not the site linked to in my profile, not to confuse things).  This brand accounted for 90% of the pages and 90% of the e-comm on the existing domain (we'll call the existing domain 'A') .  'A' was also redesigned and it's URL structure has changed.  We have 301s in place on A that redirect to B for those 90% of pages and we also have internal 301s on A for the remaining 10% of pages whose URL has changed as a result of the A redesign What I'm wondering is if I should tell Google through webmaster tools that 'A' is now 'B' through the 'Change of Address' form. If I do this, will the existing products that remain on A suffer?  I suppose I could just 301 the 10% of URLs on B back to A but I'm wondering if Google would see that as a loop since I just got done telling it that A is now B. I realize there probably isn't a perfect answer here but I'm looking for the "least worst" solution.  I also realize that it's not optimal that we moved 90% of the pages from A to B, but it's the situation we're in.

    Technical SEO | | badgerdigital

  • My client has way too many emails coming into his inbox and it's preventing him from closing orders. He wants to be able to split the email load among everyone in sales so he isn't burdened with answering all the emails while his staff sit on their asses. Can anyone recommend a system where emails sent to are answered like a customer service system?

    SEO Learn Center | | Francisco_Meza

  • A client's business just recently changed addresses.  Even though they are physically less than a mile from the previous location, the city has changed.  This has resulted in our Google Places results dissappearing (no surprise).  What is the best practice for people searching for <product><metroplex-primary-city>to still get our Google Places result, even though we are technically in a suburb of this metroplex?</metroplex-primary-city></product> Already added the primary city name to the description.  What else can I do?

    Branding | | networkelites

  • Are there any tools that will let you see your competitor's bounce rates?

    Competitive Research | | nicole.healthline

  • I am looking for advise on how to best start adopting for a real estate portal. Would like to get feedback and suggestions on my initial thoughts. Here are the obvious ones: 1. > Organization > LocalBusiness > RealEstateAgent) Plan to use this to wrap realtors' information.We ll start with their profile page but possibly also on other pages with their information (e.g. listing page) 2. > CreativeWork > WebPage > SearchResultsPage) This will mark search results pages where e.g. multiple listings of certain type in certain area are presented. 3. > CreativeWork > WebPage) Pretty generic so we are thinking of using it on every page. e.g. significantLinks and breadcrumb objects seem like they could help in marking important links that will help search engines understand the site's information architecture better. I am not sure how to treat property listings Offer seems a good fit ( but not perfect. maybe it should be combined with place ( could also be used to mark each listing's location on the map. any thoughts or experiences you would like to share?

    On-Page Optimization | | seo-cat

  • Hi Mozfans! I'm working on seo for one of my new clients and it's a job site (i call the site: Site A).
    The thing is that the client has about 3 sites with the same Jobs on it. I'm pointing a duplicate content problem, only the thing is the jobs on the other sites must stay there. So the client doesn't want to remove them. There is a other (non ranking) reason why. Can i solve the duplicate content problem with a cross-domain canonical?
    The client wants to rank well with the site i'm working on (Site A). Thanks! Rand did a whiteboard friday about Cross-Domain Canonical

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MaartenvandenBos

  • Looking for someone to take over our local seo - to maximize our visibility in Google Places. Currently I am looking at the company Local-One. Has anyone heard of them or have any feedback on their website/services offered? There are so many different people out there claiming to be the best that it is overwhelming. Thanks for the help!

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

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