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  • We're getting ready to release a free tool to the SEO community that we hope will help marketers better create and optimize/market great video content. Hint: the tool has features built in to help you analyze video rankings in universal search results. 🙂 We'd like to get feedback from a few beta users first, though. If you'd be willing to give us your honest feedback in return for getting to use the tool early (and getting to suggest features you'd like), please PM me. Thanks in advance!

    Image & Video Optimization | | AdamThompson

  • I'm looking for recommendations for excellent infographic designers. They can be located anywhere, charge hourly or project long as they are fluent in writing English, can show some examples of past work, and charge a reasonable rate, that's all we need. I've looked at Elance and Odesk and Craig's List, but what I really want is a recommendation from someone who has actually used the designer they're recommending and had a great experience. A designer who can do the research and ideation in addition to the actual design would be ideal.

    Link Building | | Point_It

  • I run quote a niche website that's been running since late 1999 and over that time I've built up something like 4000 resources which consist of either text articles or image galleries and reviews along side another few thousand news stories relating to the niche interest.  On top of the main site I also have a forum which isn't especially optimised for SEO and I was wondering, whilst was cleaning it up, whether anyone has any tips / suggestion / best practices for forum SEO. Because it is all UGC the quality of the posts can be quite weak so I was wondering whether I should block robots completely from the forum, which seems a little harsh, whether I should let the whole forum be spidered (which seems a little excessive and potentially a bad thing) or whether I should restrict things to that only the main index and perhaps one page of topics and their posts be accessible to robots and then nofollow the rest? Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | StevenMapes

  • Does anyone know of any google products research tools? I am trying to find what attributes and classifications my competitors are using? Much help appreciated. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | AHH888

  • We are getting ready to do a total redsign of our website, which is a multi-language global website (  Today we use an ip address lookup to determine country of origin and redirect to say for Germany.  The main reason for this was that our German division was afraid that their potential customers were going to the site and seeing product that was not available to them. Is there a better way from an SEO standpoint to structure our website?  Should we have all traffic goto  a country selection page and let them go there manually?  Other good practices we should follow?  Would you structure the entire site as // or /en-canada (language and country) and then have all international domains 301 redirect to the proper one?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fassnachtp

  • Is there a penalty for implementing a rel canonical between to pages that don't have the same content?  I was told that you should avoid using a rel canonical if the pages score lower than 50-60 on the Similar Page Checker: The overall theme of the pages I am considering this for are similar but the actual content is different.

    Technical SEO | | ryanwats

  • Hi there, I work on a site that has regular blog and article posts (or at least, we're shooting for regular), and I'm trying to work on a fluid approach for keyword analysis and optimization. I am it best to research new keywords for each new post? I am unsure of what the effect is of optimizing multiple pages for the same keyword. I've been using the SEOmoz report card tool to grade my on page optimization, and I noticed one of the criteria was to avoid self cannibalization. Will I be competing against myself if I optimize multiple pages for the same keyword? I'm worried about what will happen in a month or two when I run out of common keywords and have to start optimizing our latest posts around really obscure keywords. Am I thinking about this the right way? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | MikeQ-BACC

  • I would like to ask if anyone has any knowledge regarding linking to a company's facebook page. I have built a few links to a client's facebook page in an effort to have it rank better in SERPs. I just learned that unlike twitter and linkedin, it is apparently not possibly to directly link to facebook pages. At least it is not possible from a search engine's perspective. If you follow any facebook page link while you are not logged into facebook, you are redirected to the facebook home page. I can't think of any way around this obstacle. I'd love some clever solution such as providing a URL which includes a basic dummy facebook login but there is nothing I am aware of to achieve this result. Does anyone have any ideas on this topic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RyanKent

  • If you have a lot of pages with 1 or 2 inbound links, what would be the effect of using rel="canonical" to point all those pages to the home page? Would it boost the rankings of the home page? As I understand it, your long-tail keyword traffic would start landing on the home page instead of finding what they were looking for. That would be bad, but might be worth it.

    Technical SEO | | watchcases

  • I am redoing a site and the URL's are changing structure. The client's site was in magento and in the store they would get two URLs, for example: /store/categoryname/productname and /store/categoryname/productname?SID=dslkajsfdoiu947598whouieht983hg98 Do I have to 301 redirect both of these URL's to their new counterpart? Both go to the same content but magento seemed to add these SIDs into the navigation and Google has both versions in the index.

    Technical SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • I looked for a question in the forum already for this but couldn't find anything.  Perhaps I am using the wrong keywords, so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I recently signed up with SEOMoz Pro and added two campaigns.  For one campaign, 10,000 pages were crawled.  For the other campaign, only about 300.  It's been 2 weeks since I created the campaigns.  Is there a way to force a crawl of the site associated with the second campaign?

    Moz Pro | | SharieBags

  • So my devs have the canonical URL loaded up on pages automatically, and in most cases this gets done correctly. However we ran across a bug that left some of these blank like so: Does anyone know what effect that would have? I am trying to provide a priority for this so I can say "FIX IT NOW" or "Fix it after the other 'FIX IT NOW' type of items". Let me know if you have any ideas. I just want to be sure I am not telling google that all of these pages are like the home page. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | SL_SEM

  • Client has a site that ranks well for "Town_A_KW", "Town_B_KW" and "Town_C_KW". The home page is the page that's ranking. These towns are part of the larger metro area for Portland. They want to start ranking for "Portland_KW" and normally, I'd recommend optimizing the home page for this phrase, and better optimizing the sub-pages for town A, B and C KW's. The client is understandably nervous about messing with re-targeting the home page since it already ranks well. Is it best to: Add "Portland_KW" to home page meta titles, content, etc. to try and rank for that phrase? (so home page would be optimized for Town A, B and C KW's + Portland_KW). Re-target home page for "Portland_KW" only, and better optimize sub-pages for town A, B and C? Leave home page as is, and create a "Portland KW" sub-page? (client's original idea). Thanks in advance for your insights!

    On-Page Optimization | | 540SEO

  • Hi fellow SEO's, Just a quick one, I was reading a few guides on Bing Webmaster tools and found that you can use the robots.txt file to point crawlers/bots to your XML sitemap (they don't look for it by default). I was just wondering if it would be worth creating a robots.txt file purely for the purpose of pointing bots to the XML sitemap? I've submitted it manually to Google and Bing webmaster tools but I was thinking more for the other bots (I.e. Mozbot, the SEOmoz bot?). Any thoughts would be appreciated! 🙂 Regards, Ash

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AshSEO2011

  • I linked up the reports to my analytics account, and wanted to double check the period it uses for that number. When showing visits what time period is the report showing me? If I double check my stats in GA it looks like the past week but wanted to double check. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | SL_SEM

  • So checking out the backlinks on a competitor’s page for a term I’m looking to work on, a page they rank pretty well for, I can’t but happen to note the kinds of sites that grant this company – who are well known in their field – its successes. Many of the links to this page I’m interested in appear within short articles on blogs, really bad Wordpress blogs that are certainly just for SEO use. My questions are: Where do people usually source these blogs which typically contain material on a range of different topics? Are these probably paid links? How do they get so much content out there, albeit similar content, to so many of the hastily cobbled efforts? Would that be an agency with connections or a blogging community site? How can any search engine lend credibility to my competitor’s links when the article below has nonsense for penis enlargement stuff. Seriously?!? How are they not being penalised? It’s frustrating because these aren’t the tactics I want to employ but they seems to offer success, but also, if your link is in an article that followed by another on penis pills, how I can take Google seriously in its stated aim of making things this prone to manipulation.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Martin_S

  • I need a tool or a method that will let me know what a search engine thinks the overall theme of the site is about. Sort of like the keyword extractor, but on a site-wide basis. Does anyone have any sugestions?

    Keyword Research | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi, I recently did a site crawl using seomoz crawl test My homepage seems to have 3 cases of duplicate content.. These are the urls Does anyone have any advise on this? What impact does this have on my seo?

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Hi I am helping my wife optimize e-com site selling childrens clothing. I am learning SEO from scratch and have no real computer background (physician IRL). Been doing okay - member here for less then 2 months and are ranking 12th and 14th for 2 main keywords (frontpage) and 4 other keywords on first page (producer names on separate pages) (6th -9th spot). All of course absolutely whitehat. I havent done a twitter campaign yet. just recently opened twitter account but have 3 or 4 followers willing to retweet ( they all have 700-1000 followers in right segment). I have very limited twitter knowledge. Here is my idea and just shoot at it if you think i should do it otherwise: it will be in norwegian but ill do it in english just for you 🙂 follow @companyname(epleskrinet)  #childrensclothing (which is name i use for company on facebook) and retweet and take part to have your chance to win a 'giftcard' of x USD. ( I am planning to put a box/picture referring to competition on frontpage. Feel free to critique me, thanks for help.

    Social Media | | danlae

  • What is the best way to handle keywords like "switchplate covers"? The key word may be seen as either a 2 or 3 word phrase, depending how you handle the compound term: "switch plate" or "switchplate" In google KW it shows different results for switch plate vs switchplate as well as using cover vs covers. I've tried using all the variations in my descriptions, titles and H2s  but I think this is diluting them all.  Can anyone show me best practice guidelenes or examples of good solutions to these kinds of compound key words? Thanks Handcrafter

    Keyword Research | | stephenfishman

  • I notice the Juicy link finder is going to be phased out from this September. What other SEOMoz tool offers the same results that you would recommend and when in September will this be phased out? Thanks! Simon

    Link Building | | simonsw

  • We re-developed our website (adboards(dot)com) around 6 months ago. This has in turn led to a downturn in sales/visits. We have managed to get visits/sales increasing steadily but not to the level of the previous site. Even though we believe the new site is (seems) much more friendly both for SEO and potential customers. We currently run a PPC campaign which seems to bring in steady sales, the problem seems to be our organic traffic and getting our keywords ranked higher. We have tried various methods for increasing our organic traffic including:- Keyword Analysis for our landing pages Backlinking: From various directories and industry related sites Googlebase submission Blog relating to industry news & products Any advise on which area we should be focusing on or any obvious errors you can see on the site would be greatly appreciated.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | bwfc77

  • I am currently building a retail e-commerce site in a highly competitive area. We have a generic brand name; e.g. and we also have another brand name, e.g. '' We have 3 options that I can see and I would like to know which is better for SEO. Build as a blog site. Link to 301 redirect from to Use as anchor text in all links 301 redirect from to  . Use as anchor text in all links Also, if there are other better options, then I would appreciate the input! thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | cestor

  • Hi, I've had a few issues that have been caused by our developers on our website. Basically we have a pretty complex method of automatically generating URL's and web pages on our website, and they have stuffed up the URL's at some point and managed to get 10's of thousands of duff URL's and pages indexed by the search engines. I've now got to get these pages out of the SE's indexes as painlessly as possible as I think they are causing a Panda penalty. All these URL's have an addition directory level in them called "home" which should not be there, so I have: instead of the correct URL All these are totally duff URL's with no links going to them, so I'm gaining nothing by 301 redirects, so I was wondering if there was a more painless less risky way of getting them all out the indexes (IE after the stuff up by our developers in the first place I'm wary of letting them loose on 301 redirects incase they cause another issue!) Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • Hi, We have a unique problem, we are getting a totally different title in Google serps for a large site. When we search with domain name with space in We are getting title as domain name with space. We don't have any Open Directory listing. We don't have any cannonical issues and other pages with title as domain name. Can you please tell us what we have to do get our original title back in SERP ? Thanks, With Regards,

    Algorithm Updates | | semshah143

  • Hi, Understand that Google will prefer unique content to be in the first fold of the website. But if those unique content are placed below the fold (in the center, right side or at the end of page), will Google place lower priority on the content?

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • Hey, We are doing a re-design on our websites and we have run into a little problem. Basically we need to put the nav code at the bottom of the page (so when you view source all the nav code it at the bottom) but the nav will of course still show at the top. Will this cause any issues with our SEO? Will it make the nav seem less important or get crawled less? Thanks for the help in advance! Ricky

    Technical SEO | | Fubra

  • I'm hoping to solicit some feedback on what people feel would be SEO best practices for message board/forum software.  Specifically, while message boards that are healthy can generate tons of unique content, they also can generate a fair share of thin content pages. These pages include... Calendar pages that can have a page for each day of each month for 10 years! (thats like 3650 pages of just links). User Profile pages, which depending on your setup can tend to be thin.  The board I work with has 20k registered members, hence 20k user profile pages. User lists which can have several hundred pages. I believe Google is pretty good at understanding what is message board content, but there is still a good chance that one could be penalized for these harmless pages.  Do people feel that the above pages should be noindexed? Another issue is that of unrelated content.  Many forums have their off-topic areas (the Pub or Hangout or whatever).  On our forum up to 40% of the content is off-topic (when I say content I mean number of post versus raw word count). What are the advantages and disadvantages of such content?  On one hand they expand the keywords you can rank for.  On the other hand it might generate google organic traffic which you might now want because of a high bounce rate. Does too much indexable content that is unique dilute your good content?

    Algorithm Updates | | entropytc

  • Hello folks, Someone know if google run their panda update in brazil ( ), this week? Coz I can see a interesting boost in my google traffic sources. Thank you.

    Algorithm Updates | | augustos

  • On some sites, the H1 is contained within the logo and remains consistent throughout the site (i.e. the company name is in the of the logo). If the h1 in a logo is dynamic for each page (i.e. on the homepage it is company name - homepage) is this better or worse to have it changed out on the logo rather than having it in the page content?

    On-Page Optimization | | CabbageTree

  • Hola fellow SEO peoples! Site: robot: Please see the following line: Disallow: /keycodebypid~* We are trying to block URLs like this: but we still find them in the Google index. 1. we are not sure if we need to specify the robot to use pattern matching. 2. we are not sure if the format is correct. Should we use Disallow: /keycodebypid*/ or /*keycodebypid/ or even /*keycodebypid~/? What is even more confusing is that the meta robot command line says "noindex" - yet they still show up. <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, noarchive" /> Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | STPseo

  • Hi, I'm working with a domain that stays on the root domain if the www is not included. But if the www is included, it stays with the www. LIke this:
    or Of course, they are identical and both go to the same IP. Do search engines consider that to be duplicate content? thanks,

    Technical SEO | | HardyIntl

  • Whenever I crawl my site with any kind of bot or a sitemap generator over my site. it comes up with /$1 version of my URLs. For example: It gives me &$1 and &$1 Then I get warnings saying that it's duplicate content. Here's the problem: I can't find these /$1 URLs anywhere. Even when I type them in, I get a 404 error. I don't know what they are, where they came from, and I can't find them when I scour my code. So, I'm trying to figure out where the crawlers are picking this up. Where are these things? If sitemap generators and other site crawlers are seeing them, I have to assume that Googlebot is seeing them as well. Any help? My developers are at a loss as well.

    Technical SEO | | HDI

  • I have over 6,000 duplicate title and duplicate content errors going to this link: How do I fix this?

    Technical SEO | | mautofied

  • in one of my projects the expected vistors is around 23000 weve got the keyword onto the first page position 3 and weve only recieved 30 vistits this month, my qustion is why? are the local searches from google analtics that tell you thier are 23000 searches for that keyword false please can someone shed some light on this, my client is totally over the moon with his ranking but cant believe that hes only recieving 30 visits  this month from what we thought was a million dollar keyword

    Reporting & Analytics | | Westernoriental

  • Do you calculate shipping, warehouse cost, cost of goods into your CPA? Lets say my current CPA is $20 and average order is $100. Its 20% of each order cost goes to lets say ppc, seo, email or affiliate. Do I include cost of shipping lets say its $7.00 and cost of goods are $40.00 I end up with a profit of $33 and that doesn't include taxes, salary, warehouse cost ect. *this is all hypothetical, Im trying to see if my real CPA is inline or I should work on decreasing it. Any thoughts? Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | perytestusr

  • We have a client whose site is fairly new. There isn't much in the way of SEO results so far. In their content management system they have implemented friendly URLs and changed the extensions from aspx to htm. Now the htm pages are all indexed in Google but when I run a campaign report in SEOmoz it shows that all pages are duplicated with there being both htm and aspx pages for each page. Should we do 301 redirects from the aspx pages to the htm pages? Or would we be safe by removing the htm pages and letting Google reindex the site with the aspx page extensions? Does Google have any kind of preference as to what the page extensions are as long as the  URLs include keywords?

    Technical SEO | | IvieDigital

  • 'ello SEOMozers 🙂 I've been implementing some awesomely search engine friendly 301'd domains for clients and they work great but I seem to have missed the point where I track said domains in some fashion and come here to ask the question --> how are you all tracking refers from 301'd domains that are pointed to your main hubs? Currently our practice in-house is to alias them in our servers then use .htaccess rules to 301 them to the 1 domain to-rule-them-all but Google Analytics doesn't recognize them as different domains with that plan of action and there goes my refer tracking. Is there a super-star way to use the Google URL Builder and combine that with the above plan of action or a better plan? Has anyone else implemented something else more awesome-er that could help a girl out? Much thanks and Happy Thursday!

    Reporting & Analytics | | treefrogseo

  • I am looking into incorporating Facebook Comments into my site.  When commenting it gives the option to the commentor to post it on their FB wall. Can it be setup to post everyone's comments on my site on our FB business page?  I tried to use the commenting tools while logged in as a page, but it said I had to be logged in as a person. If not, how do I get notified someone has commented on my website through FB Comments so I can reply?

    Social Media | | TheDude

  • If we decide to put a variety of our images under a creative commons license, can we require that individuals who choose to utilize these images link back to us?

    Link Building | | nicole.healthline

  • If I have a page that has an area on the page that acts like a widget and has three different tabs. These tabs provide 3 different types of information relevant to the page subject matter. By default when someone goes to the page one of the tabs is showing but you have to click on the others to see the info on them. Is it OK to use,, to create shortcut links so that people can land on the page and have that predetermined tab showing. I'm wondering what search engines might think. Essentially all the content of all three tabs is there for people to see but they'd have to click to see the other tabs. I don't consider the content to be hidden. But I'd like to hear people's thoughts.

    Web Design | |

  • Hi everyone - hope you can help. I have an e commerce store with lots of products.  I write unique, original  content for all of the products we sell.  I must be doing a good job because I repeatedly find my content being used in blogs, word press sites, and pay per posts which then link back to competitors.  I have the standard free copyscape logo pasted a the bottom of each page - hasn't deterred anyone. I'm now thinking about using some sort of a cookie based software and installing the code on each page so that when they lift my content and use it, it will send a link back to that page on my site.  I have called numerous plagiarizers in the past and threatened to sue using the "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" phrase in the course of my conversation.  It's tiresome.  It's work.  I am thinking after many years of frustration, that if I can't beat them I might as well try using this type of cookie based script/software approach to at least garner a link out it.  And if the abuser catches it then maybe he'll stop mid stream and think twice about using...I mean copying my content. Is using  this type of cookie/link back to us script a good or a bad idea?  How do you all prevent your unique, original content from being used?  And finally, if I'm looking at this from a positive link building standpoint (meaning, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle), what is the best practice for garnering a link from this type of ongoing occurrence?

    Link Building | |

  • Usually they have a little day icon of when they will be updated, but I did some adjusting from around 65 to 98 keywords, but only 54 show up. Is this normal? Do I just need to wait?  Some of my page 1 keywords are MIA.

    Moz Pro | | mikescotty

  • What's the best keyword ranking report tool that anyone is using currently? I have used CuteRank (booo), Rank Tracker, Rank Tracker, etc. Cost isn't an issue - I'm looking for a free or a paid tool. I need to be able to export resutls in PDF and Excel format. Thanks for the feedback!

    Moz Pro | | ezclickmedia

  • I receive a busy message each time I try.  This has been out of commission the last several times I've tried it.

    Competitive Research | | cmiller

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