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  • Just curious if the SEOMOZ rank checker accounts for the mega sitelinks? Are this counted as separate listings (which would in effect make it report a lower serp position) or are they bundled up with the first result and considered as #1 spot? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | carmenmardiros

  • Are there any rules according to PA/DA how often a page is visited by google and how quick links there are picked up? For instance PA42/DA37 mR and mT both around 4,4 Thanks

    Link Building | | danlae

  • When i enter a keyword in, and click on a link "Pages from australia" ( in the middle left ), i expect to australian sites only. But there are sites with .com extension. Then what is the meaning of link "Pages from australia". What does it signify ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, This may have been discussed here before though I couldn't find a definitive answer, but I was wondering what the best practice for having multiple e-commerce sites with some of the same products on both is. If Site A has 200 products, and Site B has 300 products, and 50 overlap, do they absolutely have to have unique product descriptions?  The descriptions have already been rewritten to be different from the manufacturer's description, but do they need to be changed again? Or should the 50 products only be listed on one site or the other? Sites like seem to have the same descriptions as the subsidiary sites that they have, but maybe they have different sidebars/footers/etc which make the content considered original?

    Content Development | | nks2012

  • Is it true that Google place  listing can provide increase  in search engine ranking ?

    Image & Video Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • On an ecommerce site there are typically a lot of pages that may appear to be duplications due to category browse results where the only difference may be the sorting by price or number of products per page. How best to deal with this? Add nofollow to the sorting links? Set canonical values that ignore these variables? Set cononical values that match the category home page? Is this even a possible problem with Panda or spiders in general?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTheScot

  • I am from India.I find that when i search here on or some of the blogs operated by Indians are listed as United states next to search results.How is it possible and how can i do it for my blog? Help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ivmagnuvi

  • I don't know about everyone else, but this would make me one happy pro member!

    Moz Pro | | davidangotti

  • Hey Guys I was wondering if you could give me advice to improving my SEO. I have used all the tools on this site and have improved it a lot already, but wondering if there is any glaring issues, that I could fix now

    On-Page Optimization | | treelifedesigns

  • Hi, I"m moving forward with link building for nlpca(dot)com and here's my plan I know my industry, keywords, and this site very well so I'll start by: Analyze Top content for top 10 competitors and see where the links are currently going. I'm assuming a competitor is someone similar to me and not sites like wikipedia in this case Make a spreadsheet for all of the worthwhile links that I find by using OSE and the top 10 competitors, places where if we're good enough we can get a link on that page. See what they're linking to Use (1) and (2) to discover what stelllar targeted content to build Use infographics, a blog, and articles to build targeted content to request a link from the people in (2) building out facebook, twitter, and Google +1 for the site is coming too. Your thoughts? I'm completely open to improvements via feedback.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi, Could you look at nlpca(dot)com and give me feedback and hints about the on -page SEO of our site, as well as any suggestions of link building strategies to move us up to first for the head term "NLP" as well as the long tail Thank you, Bob

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • For some of my suppliers, there may be a Model A, Model B, and Model C. Within each model, the height and the width may be the same, but there might be 10 variants of length. Is is better to just list the 3 models on 3 separate product pages and have the various lengths as an option in a drop-down menu on each page, or should I actually create 30 different product pages? Just listing 3 would seem to be better from a usability perspective, but having 30 might lead to more pages being indexed. I believe that I'll have 30 different entries in my Google/Bing Product Search feeds, but what is the recommended practice for actual sites? Thanks

    Content Development | | nks2012

  • Hypothetical situation: You write a guest blog post for a popular blog about your niche topic.  The post is a hit and sends you visitors, leads, and social media followers. Would you consider running a linkbuilding campaign to the blog post in order to help it rank better for its target keyword(s), given that the post has proven to convert successfully, despite the fact that the post is on a domain other than your own?

    Link Building | | AnthonyMangia

  • Do you guys have any tools you recommend for spying on your PPC competition? Trying to figure out which competitive intelligence tool offers the most value.

    Paid Search Marketing | | qlkasdjfw

  • I'm analyzing my clients and competitor back links and are noticing alot of up and down fluxuations. For example last month we had 1400 back links, last week 1350 back links, and today 1450 back links. Also, one competitor went from 25,000 to 2,700 in the space of a few weeks. My question is how can I explain to the client that their back links are going down when they are paying for a back link building service (100 back links per month). Thank you for your time.

    Competitive Research | | SharpKiwi

  • CURT Manufacturing compared to Reese Products. and Both sell towing and trailer hitch products. What is the best approach you can recommend using the Pro tools? I perform lightweight analytics using Google Analytics, and some keyword tools here, and also Majestic SEO and Compete - but not a pro and would LOVE it if someone can give me best course direction. Thank you, M Adelman
    CURT Mfg.

    Branding | | CURT-20817

  • Has anyone had this happen? My page (just one page) is gone from the search results. Not only did we lose our position in Google (we were #9) now the entire page is completely gone from Google index. However, It is on the first page of Bing and Yahoo. We did have our server down from Friday to Monday. I went into Google webmaster tools on Monday and saw a big X next to sitemap. It said HTTP Error 404 detected on August 21, 2011. So Google went in on Sunday and came up with the error. But why only one page is missing and all the other pages still show up? I was thinking that page was blacklisted by Google but when I went to Webmaster Tools to listen to "Requesting reconsideration of your site" video all they talk about is the "site" being blacklisted not a particular page. Any one has any ideas?

    Branding | | DmitryP

  • Does anyone have any good advice on how to promote a contest?  Has anyone hosted a contest and had a lot of good luck that could offer some pointers on how to get the word out? The contest consists of people uploading a 60 second or less WildBlue commercial video that they have created.  The video with the most votes will win the competition, and we are giving the winner a $50 cash prize.  So far I have been Tweeting about it, and I have sent out a press release.  Any other advice will be appreciated.  The link to the contest page is if you want to take a look at it.  Thank you in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MyNet

  • I found one of our competitors developed URLs for every state in the US. They linked all these sites back to their site and they are ranking very high for each of these states. Here are 2 examples #1 for "metal buildins mississippi" #3 for "metal buildings oklahoma" these pages don't even have a PR. Would you recommend doing the same with my site, writing unique content for each URL and building links?

    Link Building | | SEODinosaur

  • Hi Everyone, I was wondering if someone might critique my site and let me know what you think.  I've done pretty much everything I know to do proper seo for my site.  I'd love to hear some critiques about what I am doing wrong.  I'm not sure if my titles are okay, being that they are similar amongst pages. The other thing is that for all the javascript buttons on the top I have no followed them since they don't have any anchor text.  The way google will crawl my page is through the links in the footer.  I was thinking of moving them throughout the body of the page since I hear google isn't giving as much weight to footer links. I also wanted to hear what you think about putting a blog on my site and updating with fresh content as opposed to creating a separate blog and then linking back to my website with anchor text.  Thanks for all the help.  And glad to be a member Bill

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wsh15

  • Hey all -- I am working with a client, getting ready to make a full domain level change to a brand new domain. The existing domain has solid domain importance and trust, and the home page has a 5/10 GPR, so the transfer of all existing link juice is very important. Of course, I will be utilizing 301's to permanently redirect all existing pages to their new permanent homes. It will be a 1-1 structure, which I know is also best when possible. My question comes in specific to IIS. There is a wealth of information out there on the net regarding implementing permanent 301's using Apache and .htaccess, but nada when it comes to doing it in IIS7, which is what the client is using. For instance, today I am seeking to help them redirect 2 single pages to new destinations within the same domain, just diffferent folders. When you open up the IIS7 Control Panel (yes, with full Admin access), you can navigate to the directory, but the individual pages that I am looking to redirect with 301's do not show in IIS7, so you can't just right click on each page and choose "A redirection to a URL," etc. Any  help on exactly how to redirect a single page using a permanent 301 in IIS 7 would be huge! Thanks guys!

    Technical SEO | | Bandicoot

  • We have a few exciting clients we about to start working with and I'm looking for a full campaign management solution that allows for branded reporting. Because we are an agency, is there an option I'm missing that allows you to swap your logo with the logo?

    Moz Pro | | stevewiideman

  • I am working on fixing the 4xx errors. I have found the easiest way to do this would be to export the list, print it out, and check off the ones i've fixed. The site only lets me export the first page. We'll appreciate any help. Thanks, Ryan D. Gran --Not sure what category this question belongs in so selected SEOmoz Tools--

    Moz Pro | | dggusmc

  • I have updated the page title of a website - it's a top product page and very high authority (64 PA on a 63 DA). The page has been recrawlled and the cache updated - but the page tiltle in the Google snippet is still the same. Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | OddDog

  • Is "Austin Plumbers" much different than "Plumbers Austin" in the eyes of the search engine and best practices? I would think that Plumbers Austin would have more search volume. But Austin Plumbers is easier to work in to sentences in the body. Does Google sees them as the same? Is it ok to use Plumbers Austin in the title tag and use Austin Plumbers in the body or should I choose one target phrase and stick with just that? If so should the city name come first or last?

    Keyword Research | |

  • Hi, I completed the optimization of my website, and while my rankings have improved, i seem to have consistently better resultats with absolute search terms: ex: i'm better ranked on "word1 word2" than just word1 word2 without the guillemets. Do you have any idea why? As most people perform search without guillemets, i would like to improve my rankings with these searches too. thanks, cedric

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | smartgrains

  • when evaluating a website for a potential link request, do you focus more on page authority or domain authority?   do you use them together? what about when the two numbers are very far apart?

    Link Building | | slazarus

  • A prominent SEO consultant recently told me that using display:none in the css is still a bad idea.  We built a simple drop down menu using widely used jquery techniques and it uses display:none to slideToggle the menu. Does anyone else think this is a bad idea?  If so, how should I change it since just about every jquery drop down I come across uses the slideToggle/display:none.

    Technical SEO | | seozachz

  • Just wondering if there is any evidence or data to suggest that, all things being equal, a link from a college or university with a ccTLD has more value than another ccTLD link. I have some anecdotal evidence that several URLs with the * ccTLD  have domain authorities over 55. My expectation is that because only a TLD is ever truly a TLD:   ucla_.edu_ is a true .edu link, but for a URL such as  ""  the Top-level domain is the ccTLD, i.e. .ph for the Philippines, and the .edu portion of the root domain will be irrelevant to the link's value. But I'm hoping I'm wrong... 🙂

    International SEO | | BrianCrouch

  • What guidelines are you using to determine the correct number of ad units? Also is it number of units per page or the size of the ads (visually)? Any additional guidance or links you can point me to regarding ads in a post-Panda world would be helpful.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I have a real estate site that contains a large amount of duplicate content. The site contains listings that appear both on my clients website and on my competitors websites(who have better domain authority). It is critical that the content is there because buyers need to be able to find these listings to make enquiries. The result is that I have a large number pages that contain duplicate content in some way, shape or form. My search results pages are really the most important ones because these are the ones targeting my keywords. I can differentiate these to some degree but the actual listings themselves are duplicate. What strategies exist to ensure that I'm not suffereing as a result of this content? Should I : Make the duplicate content noindex. Yes my results pages will have some degree of duplicate content but each result only displays a 200 character summary of the advert text so not sure if that counts. Would reducing the amount of visible duplicate content improve my rankings as a whole? Link back to the clients site to indicate that they are the original source Any suggestions?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • I  am aware of the dangers of excessively optimized anchor text  I have seen some suggestions that as long as your anchor text is either the URL or the page title that this will be OK, no matter how many links come in  with that anchor text. Does anyone have an opinion, or even any hard data on this? Thx Paul

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | diogenes

  • I understand that it is easier to rank for a particular keyword given a higher DA score. How fast can  page authority be established and grown for a given keyword if DA is equal to 10/20/30/50? What are the relative measures that dictate the establishment and growth of this authority? Can it be enumerated to a percentage of domain links? or a percentage of domain links given an assumed C-Block ratio? For example you have a website with DA of 40, and you want to target a new keyword, the average PA of the top ranked pages is 30, the average domain links are 1,000, and the average number of linking domains is 250 - if you aim to build 1,000 links per month from 500 linking domains, how fast can you approximate the establishment of page authority for the keyword?

    Moz Pro | | NickEubanks

  • Hi, I am working on a SEO project for a client.
    Some of the urls have a + between the keyword.
    like Is this good or bad for seo?
    Or is it maybe better to use - ? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | MaartenvandenBos

  • I have noticed that some of my title tags have been altered (by Google?) on the SERP. I am only showing the keywords on some listings, not the full title tags that I wrote, this is happening to our competitors as well. Any idea what is going on, one of my clients is looking for answers! Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | USHoleInOne

  • I am getting really fed up with how unreliable Google Analytics data is. Also, because I have several large sites I can't use the goal tracking or conversion funnel reports. What are the best alternatives to Google Analytics?

    Reporting & Analytics | | mascotmike

  • I WANT TO START BACKLINKING MY WEBSITE, WWW.CHARLIEFLETCHER.CO.UK . ive signed up for a 30day trail, what is the best way to get started. Charlie

    Link Building | | charliefletcher

  • Hi, I do SEO work for a high end interiors company and I am wondering if anyone has any advice/tips/ideas for link building. I have already explored blogs/pr etc. If anyone has experience of similar products or SEO for high end markets and is will to share that would be great. Thanks for your help. Mik

    Link Building | | increation

  • Hi All, I've managed to secure a couple of exact match domains that are closely related to my main site but I'm a bit unsure of how to make best use of them. My plan is to generate revenue by ranking high for the exact match terms, moving the visitor onto the main site to take their details and payment. Naturally I want this satelite site to be very similar so that I can keep the brand continuety going and maintain a smooth transition to the main site. My main concerns however are: Will I get punished for using the same Navigation menu, logo and code as my main site? The navigation menu will link to pages on the main site, and this satelite site will most likely only consist of an index page and about 5 - 10 individual content pages. 2)I want the branding on this satelite site to be the same as my main site. Will I be punished for the difference in branding vs domain name? I know the SE's are unlikely to pick it up because the logo is an image but is there a risk of human editing? I want to link from the main site to the satelite site to give it a bit of a boost and to get through a possible sandbox. If the satelite has numerous links to the main site and the main site is linking to the satelite site will there be any benefit? Never tried to create a site like this so a bit nervous about impacting the main site. Thank in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • I'm looking at a site for which the https URL currently ranks in Google. Using a header checker on the http URL I see that it is being 302 redirected to the https version (I have no control or input on this site). In OSE there's no option to specify an https URL as the http part is pre-populated and uneditable. My question is: does OSE treat the https and http version as the same URL? I'm guessing so as the http URL has a lot of domain authority despite not being the "default" URL.

    Moz Pro | | Equatorites

  • Hi Mozfans, Just been thinking about the robots revisit metatag, all pages on my website (200+ pages) have the following tag on them; name="revisit-after" content="7 days" /> I'm wondering what is the purpose of the tag? Surely isn't it best to allow robots (such as Googlebot or Bingbot) to crawl your site as often as possible so the index and rankings get updated as quickly as possible? Thanks in advance everyone! Ash

    Algorithm Updates | | AshSEO2011

  • Hello fine SEOMOZ people, I have looked around and hope I have not missed an answer to this. The big picture: I know that when multiple links on a page point to the same external page, only the first link is considered for ranking purposes (at least for moz rank). What about multiple links on a page to (different) pages on the same external domain? The task: Using a client's network of sites to help build links (and advertise features) to the site they need optimised. The emphasis is on the usefulness of the info the the respective site's user but I am using the opportunity to create some meaningful anchor text links.The target site is feature rich and I could conceivavbly link to all the key site features (top level pages). However, my SEO spidey senses flagged the possibility that a few links on a page to the target domain (though to different pages on that domain), may carry more weight than many links on the page. I am talking about whether I can go ahead and put 10-15 links on a page to the key site features or whether I am (significantly) better off just selecting 2-5 key target feature pages and using other domains to link to the other features. Caveat: I think I am aware of all the peripheral concerns - not duplicating the page on other sites, varying the anchor text, not implementing the links all at once etc, etc.. Am I overthinking this?

    Link Building | | LoweProfero-AU

  • Hi, I have code for redirecting trailing slash to non-trailing slash, which works fine: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] (got code from But I cant find a code for redirecting to the trailing slash version anywhere, and I cant modify the above code myself. Can someone help resolve this issue please, or point me to a resource. Thanks very much James

    Technical SEO | | jamesjackson

  • As a SEO I understand that link anchor text for the focus keyword on the page linked to is very important, but I have a question which I can not find the answer to in any books or blogs, namely: does inbound anchor text 'carry over' to other pages in your site, like linkjuice? For instance, if I have a homepage focusing on keyword X and a subpage (with internal links to it) focusing on keyword Y. Does is then help to link to the homepage with keyword Y anchor texts? Will this keyword thematically 'flow through' the internal link structure and help the subpage's ranking? In a broader sense: will a diverse link anchor text profile to your homepage help all other pages in your domain rank thematically? Or is link anchor text just useful for the direct page that is linked to? All views and experiences are welcome! Kind regards, Joost van Vught

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JoostvanVught

  • I'm facinated by SEO but the truth is, I don't have the time to do it.  I trust the moz community more than some of those other SEO forums out there so I'm asking you all, where can I go to find a good SEO firm who's affordable enough for a small startup? The next part of the question is, what should I expect to pay for services that will really make a difference? Please don't spam this thread....I seriously just want an honest opinion as to where I can find some credible help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Chaz88

  • I have a website that has videos hosted from embedded onto it. I created and uploaded the videos to youtube and want them on my website. My question is which would be a better option, hosting the video on my website or embed them from youtube? I currently have them embedded onto youtube but when I do a Google video search I cannot find my company's website anywhere. My videos are shown on the results but they are linked to youtube and not my website. Is there a way to get the search results to show listing of the videos posted on my website?

    Image & Video Optimization | | Shawn124

  • How do you get an icon which links to a google profile to display in google search results? Link this....

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ed123456

  • I keeping getting the notice from SEO Moz Crawls relating to Canonical issues.   I have tried Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO and both insert the appropriate canonical code...  Can anyone help determine why the crawls report this notice?   Check out\testamonials for an example.   Could it be because the site in my SEOMOZ crawl does not have the http:// prefix? I've now installed FV Simpler SEO, a variant of All In Once SEO, but am getting the same canonical code...

    Moz Pro | | kbryanton

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