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  • Can anyone tell me why some google results show the main page and then a listing of all subsequent pages (i.e. results for SEOMOZ) while others just show the main page with nothing under it. I have two different sites (one personal the other biz) and they both show their search results differently. Is it something in the site creation or how it is crawled by google? Thanks. bKs3C

    Technical SEO | | STF

  • I've just used Open Site Explorer to compare some sites whose (unpaid) Google ranking I aspire to. They all have higher authority than my site, but the top ranking site out of the 3 I've looked at has the lowest Page Authority, hardly and links (when the others have hundreds), lowest page rank and lowest page trust. In fact, when you look at the top ranking page (ranks #1), it does not even have the search term in it as a complete phrase. One thing I do notice is that it does have 100,000s of linking root domains from one linking root domain. So how can it rank number one on Google?

    On-Page Optimization | | Beemer

  • I need help. Scenario: Microsite: Prospect clickc "buy" button and is taken to 3rd party ecommerce cart (e.g. Questions: Will the Google Analytics Code sample below allow us to track what we need? We need to exact syntax code for the micro site. What is the specific code that needs to be added on the 3rd party shopping cart pages.

    Reporting & Analytics | | 190west

  • Hello Friends! Thanks for viewing my question. Ok,My question today is How do I go about redirecting a 302 link to a 301 link. I understand the benefits of doing this as far as link juice and how the Search Engines views the two Re-Directs. I am wanting to know where I would start to do this. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • Hi there, Our company is selling airline tickets and more products within the travelling market like car rental, hotels and holidays. Now we are busy to improve our google ranking because the market of airplaine tickets is hard with many competitors. At this moment we are optimizing our offer pages. Our Strategy: 2 Keyword focus on that specific page
    1. Vliegtickets + Destination
    2. Vliegticket, ticket or tickets + Destination Both keywords will be in the title tag. Example: vliegtickets + destination - brandname - vliegticket, ticket or tickets + destination h1 = Vliegtickets + Destination
    h2 = Vliegticket, ticket or tickets + Destination Now we know that there is a big search volume on the keywords "goedkope vliegtickets" and we do not focus on these words on the offer pages of a destination. Goedkope vliegtickets could be translate like cheap airplane tickets. At the homepage of our offers we are focussing on goedkope vliegtickets, is it wise to continue doing that at the other pages also, instead of vliegticket, ticket, tickets + destination. Will goedkope vliegtickets + destination make the keyword combination vliegtickets + destination more strong and could it improve our google ranking? Or should we keep it like we do now, because vliegticket, ticket or tickets + destination is familiar to vliegtickets + destination? Hope to hear your opinion so we could decide what to do with our onpage strategy. Next thing to do than is linkbuilding. Thank you in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | vliegticketsnl

  • Wondering why none of my links are showing in my dashboard altho many were accepted 3 months ago? many Thanks, Zoe.

    Competitive Research | | zozzer

  • I am currently trying to figure out how to fix this basically our subcategory pages are being flagged for duplicate content. Basically we have items listed on these pages and usually we show 12 items and users can click to go onto the next page of items.  Here is an example of what I am seeing. I'm just not too sure on how I would go about fixing this...  Thanks for any Help!

    Web Design | | MichealGooden

  • I know I have back links to my site from about 5 or 6 websites and most of them even show in my Google webmaster account but according to OSE I only have 1 inbound link. Is it normal for the OSE stats to be wrong? I really want to use it but am worried the info isn't going to be accurate.

    Moz Pro | | JasonHegarty

  • This is just a general discussion on your thoughts on this - maybe some tests have been done, but I haven't found any. Suppose I have document X If I put document X on high authority website A - It comes in SE position 1 for Keyword Z If I put document X on low authority website B - It comes in SE position 10 for Keyword Z What happens (if anything) if I put document X on website A and include a canonical tag to point to document X on website B. What SE position would document Z on website B now come for Keyword Z ??

    Competitive Research | | James77

  • What is the best way to produce a list of links pointing out of my site and the web page they appear on?

    Link Building | | MiroAsh

  • Hi all, Our company owns site that have over 5 millions pages in Google index. We are locating in German, but our business aimed to US market. So, recently I checked index of our site using region targeting in US and there were only 150k of pages, but when I checked targeting in German there were almost 5 billion pages. Our server/IP locating in US, all the backlinks are from US sites. So, why there it is only small part of the site indexed in US? Regards, Dmitry

    International SEO | | bubliki

  • Anyone know any besides myblogguest? I have a pipeline of content at the moment and not enough distribution. I also have web properties that can take posts etc Cheers S

    Link Building | | firstconversion

  • Hello, I've been using the above more and more - with some great results. I have just run a report for a brand term and that brand has the new style sitelinks - 12 in total. So the output from the Keyword Difficulty Tool is focussed solely on the main url and then 9 sitelinks, rather than 10 different domains. Is there anyway around this?  What do people think I should do? Is it: a) ok to use the output or b) because the output is skewed to one domain is the data not robust enough or... c) something else?? Thanks Alex

    Keyword Research | | alholliman

  • I changed the URLs of some pages recently (because the same thing that affects the internal anchor text also affects the URL - grr...) but considered it not a big deal because even if I looked at the source code of the old URL, the canonical tag was now pointing to the new one. The question is - if I had URL destination goals set up for those URLs in Google Anlaytics, do I now have to change them? Or does Google somehow know that anyone getting to the new URL is the equivalent of someone getting to the old URL because of the canonical tag that exists on the old URL source code? I still do see goal conversions for some of the old URLs even since I changed them - but it could be that people are still somehow finding the old URL somewhere - or that Google only reindexed it a week or so after I made the change. Any light to shed? Thanks in advance, Aviva B

    Reporting & Analytics | | debi_zyx

  • Google shows "searches related to keyword" at the bottom of the SERPs for some queries. On what basis does Google shows this ? search volume ?

    Keyword Research | | seoug_2005

  • A quick question on Google's new sitelink format. When searching for our brand name (Confetti) Google returns 8 sitelinks for our site. When searching for our domain ( Google returns the maximum number of 12 sitelinks. Is there a quick way (Webmaster Tools for example) to increase the number of sitelinks for our brand name to 12? Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | Confetti_Wedding

  • If for example a page title contains a ë the .csv created by the SEOmoz Crawl Test is already split into columns on that point, even though I haven't used Excel's text to columns yet. When I try to do the latter, Excel warns me that I'm overwriting non-empty cells, which of course is something I would rather not do since that would make me lose valuable data. My question is: is this something caused by opening the .csv in Excel, or earlier in the process when this .csv is created?

    Moz Pro | | DeptAgency

  • According to a searchengineland post, Google has replaced "7 pack" results. But they are still appearing for local queries. Like for  query "pizza restaurant new delhi"  ( in ), i can still see 7 pack results. Has local and general search algorithms merged ?

    Image & Video Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • I have a blog I'm setting up.  I would like to have a mini-about block set up on every page that gives very brief information about me and my blog, as well as a few links to the rest of the site and some social sharing options. I worry that this will get flagged as duplicate content because a significant amount of my pages will contain the same information at the top of the page, front and center. Is there anything I can do to address this?  Is it as much of a concern as I am making it?  Should I work on finding some javascript/ajax method for loading that content into the page dynamically only for normal browser pageviews? Any thoughts or help would be great.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | grayloon

  • I can't 301 https// to http:// since there are some form pages that need to be https:// The site has 20,000 + pages so individually 301ing each page would be a nightmare. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | fthead9

  • I'm assuming this is a common problem in ecommerce sites. Lets say we have a "sleeping bags" which has all types of sleeping bags on it. Then build a brand page "The North Face" with a subpage for The North Face sleeping bags. Is it possible to target the sleeping bags page for "sleeping bags" while targeting the branded sleeping bag page for "The North Face sleeping bag"? how would you suggest doing this while avoiding keyword cannibalization?

    Keyword Research | | Hakkasan

  • I have a blog on a separate address to my website. and Now I'm going to have a new website which is going to be wordpress based and it will sit on the main website ( ) and include both gallery and blog. now the blog does well enough on google, etc.. so i wanted to mix their SEO juju and all that, but what happens with my blog? Do i: Stop paying for hosting, nice and simple. OR Do I need to do something?

    Technical SEO | | IoanSaid

  • What are peoples opinions on a blog and its appearance in relation to a site. The two ways being - 1. A Blog that is fully fitting within the theme of the main website. 2. A seperate entity following a standard wordpress theme Now I have seen many different scenarios and I wanted to share some experiences and gain insight from other people on here. I once spoke to a web designer who totally frowned upon the idea of it being a separate entity. "It looks cheap it doesn't fit within the design" My thoughts are benefits can been found with having a separate looking blog it provides that realistic "student" type look and feel adding a "realistic" angle. Thanks for your opinions,

    Content Development | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi, I have a client with 3 different physical locations but only 1 phone number for his business. Does anyone know if Google Places will penalize me for duplicate listings due to having the same phone number or will I be ok if I have a different physical addresses per listing? Thanks, -Carlos

    Image & Video Optimization | | caneja

  • A website has several wigets to show Each wiget with its own page The wigets mostly just vary in size How would you suggest titles be done? Example: Wiget 1ft Wiget 2ft Wiget 3 ft an so on........  Would this trigger a duplicate content issue given “Wiget” leads in the page title?

    On-Page Optimization | | APICDA

  • I'm looking for some direction to find better keywords for my sites. Any tips would be appreciated? This question could potentially be too broad.

    Keyword Research | | CPP-360

  • Anyone recommend one over the other? If so, why? I don't care about price.

    Content Development | | Francisco_Meza

  • We have people posting broken links to our site is this looking us link juice as they link to 404 pages. We could redirect to the homepage or just render the home page content, in both cases we can still display a clear page not found message. Is this legal (white hat).

    Technical SEO | | ed123456

  • So I have similar items that is being recognized as duplicated meta description. What should I do? Here is couple of items.

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • This is a pretty quick and simple (i'm hoping) question. What is the best way to completely block a sub domain from getting indexed from all search engines? One item i cannot use is the meta "no follow" tag. Thanks! - Kyle

    Technical SEO | | kchandler

  • Does anyone have any trusted and true methods for prospecting for reciprocal links? I'm spending a lot of time going from site to site and link to link... it get a little tedious.

    Link Building | | hornsbylaw

  • Google somehow managed to find several of our images index folders and decided to include them into their index. Example: is what you'll see when doing a search. So, I have two-part question: 1) Does this hurt our site's ability to rank in any way?
    Because all Google sees is just a directory listing page with a bunch of links to images in the folder. 2) If there could be any negative effect, what is the best way to get these folders out of Google's index?
    I could block via robots.txt, but I'm afraid it will also block all the images in that folder from being indexed in Google image search. I could also turn off directory listing in cpanel / htaccess, but then that gives is a 403 forbidden. Will this hurt the site in anyway and would it prevent Google from indexing the images in the directory? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | invision

  • I've setup a goal funnel but am having an issue when I look at the funnel visualization. It doesn't appear to be recognizing the 1st step of the funnel that I've defined in the goal edit page. The "Property Listing page view" is located at /listings/xxx where xxx is the number of the property. Within the funnel, I've added /listings/*, but when I go to see the funnel visualization, I see 0 counts for this step (even though it clearly shows on the entrance page to the left "/listings/622, etc". I've attached a .pdf with a few images to help make this clearer. Any thoughts? CRD-Funnel.pdf

    Reporting & Analytics | | chrisfree

  • Hi, I've just run an SEOMOZ Pro scan for the first time and it is picking up duplicate content errors from the RSS feed. For some reason it seems to be picking up two feeds, for example: Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can resolve this? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | pugh

  • On my Website, I am the only SEO optimizer wizard person. I have to teach myself everything and I get overwhelmed a lot. I recently started using SEOMOZ and on my report it stated we had duplicate page titles and that it was bad and should be fixed quickly. So I did my research and found that I needed to use canonical links to reference one page to be indexed. However my problem lies in exactly how to add this coding to my site. I greatly appreciate any help or at least looking at this question.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • Hi I managed to open up OSE. I'm finding that much of the competition's backlinks are in content anchor text links. Am I supposed to get backlinks from these same pages using the same anchor text but linking back to my page or is that allowed? If so, how do I get these in content blog post links? Thanks. Sunil.

    Link Building | | sunilmuse

  • Hi, need bit suggestions from you guys. After researchi found a KW that have some good Lcoal search volume.. My question is should i buy the CLD as it has good LS volume or i should go for .com , .net etc. Becasue as i know that LS means that number of people searching form that location(based on IP) not number of people searching in that local version of google. So no need to go for CLD as it vl help only in local version.. Bit confused waiting for reply thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Big_Zee

  • How do I asses the higest quality backlinks using the Open Site Explorer tool? Is there a measurement that ranks the highest quality backlinks for a given search? Thanks. Sunil.

    Moz Pro | | sunilmuse

  • Hi I have just signed up to use this software and would like to know how to use it properly. Is there a video tutorial on how to get the most out of the tools? I want to get the competition's backlinks but for some reason it's not openiing the page. I also want to know how the backlinks are assessed to find the real quality ones that I can link to. How are the backlinks assesed and what standards are used to asses backlink quality? Thank you Sunil.

    Competitive Research | | sunilmuse

  • I've read that these 2 tags both carry equal weight for seo purposes but in my opinion it looks a little spammy when you see keywords in bold type face scattered over your site. So will they still carry the same weight for seo if I applied a class to them that turned them back to normal?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JasonHegarty

  • What's the best way to go about creating new pages for geo targeted keywords for a business?  I ask because, these keywords are areas that they provide service to, but the brick and mortar business is not located.  I've already run into problems trying to put too many locations onto one page.  What's the best way to attack content for these new pages in order to get these geo keywords in there?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi, I've got a number of staff in the office that I am trying to get to learn SEO. I want to be able to test them on their ability and have already set them the SEOMOZ test: . Does anyone know of any other decent online SEO tests I can set them - I haven't really got the time to develop a test myself, so I am looking for some pre-build online testing. Thanks

    SEO Learn Center | | James77

  • We're going to add a new forum to our website. We don't anticipate very large volumes of users. I read somewhere in The Art of SEO that forums should be 'built in bbPress'.  I'm very much a programming novice so I'm still trying to get to grip with the basics of forums. I'd be grateful to know the main SEO considerations (however basic) that I should tell my web developer who is building the new forum.

    Technical SEO | | JacobFunnell

  • My site has always got around 500 visitors a day but for some reason the past couple of days this has dropped to around 50 visitors a day. can anyone please help me to understand what has happened and has anyone else come across this where their traffic has gone down hill by so much many thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | ClaireH-184886

  • I'd like your opinion on the strategy of dealing with key phrase variants: I've got a page that is ranking in the top 10 and top 3 for about 10 different variations of the same phrase.  Seomoz gives it terrible grades for all but one of the keyphrases. Which course of action do you recommend : ----------- create new pages ------------ Create new pages for each variant and get them to grade A. If I go this route what sort of cross linking scheme should I use between this pages? ---------- improve existing page ----------- Try to make my single page rank better for all the phrases by doing extra on-page work so the page has a better grade for all of the variants? Many thanks for your ideas and opinions.

    On-Page Optimization | | PillarMarketing

  • Hello all, Hope everyone is well and are enjoying the summer. I am currently working with a site: and have been trying to rank on the first page for the keyword occupational health. currently we are ranking on the second page:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=80a9548917d021a&biw=1920&bih=878 I understand I need to get more links pointing to the site and page itself. My idea was to do a 301 redirect from the occupational health page to the homepage and add occupational health content to the homepage as ultimately they are an occupational health service supplier. Was hoping to get anyones thoughts on the issue. Thanks in advance Shehzad

    Technical SEO | | Gareth_Cartman

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