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  • When looking at my competitors in Open Site Explorer, I see that most of them have hundreds of links from articles that are meaningless to a human with one or two links to their site using keywords in the last paragraph. My guess is that these companies used an article creation/submission service since the article isn't 100% related to the link, but it is close. Should I do this as well?  Is it spam? All of these sites rank higher than me for all terms and have higher scores in the competitive analysis.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | iJeep

  • I change the domain of my site in March (pretty much exactly when Panda hit, by coincidence).  Our search traffic has dropped by 90% in that time with little recovery.  In webmaster tools it shows about 400,000 pages on the new domain and about 85,000 still indexed on the old domain. I set up custom 301 redirects to all of the new pages on the new domain so everything that was moved has a good one hop redirect. I've been told that the only thing I can do is sit back and wait for everything to finish transitioning.  The problem is that it has been 5 months of poor traffic, which means 5 months of slow sales. Is there anything I can do the speed up the transition?

    Technical SEO | | iJeep

  • What if the PA and the DA on my domain and the entire site is 1. Most of the pages on the site were empty or not unique. Now I`m adding new pages with unique content. I have only one position in the top 10. The remaining 15 positions are above the top. What should I do to increase my PA & DA and to have top 10 positions by other keywords?

    On-Page Optimization | | ATCnik

  • Following on from earlier Q, what do you all use to count links out from a page. I believe there is a bing tool which does this, though rather than a list of sites a simple number would be ideal?

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • I am interested in your thoughts on the effect of number of outbound links (obls) on link juice passed? ie If a page linking to you has a high number of obls, how do you compute the effect of these obls and relative negative effect on linkjuice. In the event that there are three sites on which you have been offered the opportunity of a link Site A  PA 30 DA50      Obls on page 10 Site B  PA 40 DA50      Obls on page 15 Site C  PA 50 DA50      Obls on page 20 How would you appraise each of these prospective page links (ignoring anchor text, relevancy, etc which will be constant) Is there a rule of thumb on how to compare the linkjuice passed from a site relative to its PA and the number of obls? Is it as simple as page with 10 obls passes 10x juice of page with 100 obls?

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • It often the case that a page of serps will show up very similar title tags eg  Cheap Widgets | format, written partly for humans and partly for SEO.. Although against Googles best practice and indeed a violation of their adwords policy would using in CAPS in title tags reduce ranking (whilst increasing visibility and CTR)?

    Keyword Research | | seanmccauley

  • Hi, I realize this is a very broad question, but I am going to ask it anyways in the hopes that someone might have some insight. I have created a great deal of unique content for the site You can select a video category from the top dropdown, then click on a video beside the provider box to see. The articles I've written are accessible by the View Article tab under each video. I have worked hard to make the articles informative and they are all unique with quotes from expert physicians. Even for strange health conditions that don't have a lot of competition - I don't see us appearing. Our search results are quite dismal for the amount of content we have. I guess I'm checking to see if anyone is able to point me in the right direction at all? If anything jumps out... Thanks, Erin

    Technical SEO | | erinhealthchoices

  • (Ok, this might be a stupid question.) I am a little confused about the best practice for the Meta Tag. I know they don't have a real effect on ranking. But I am getting "mixed signals" as to their general use. I've pasted the 2 examples of below that are confusing me. From my Campaign's Crawl Diagnostics: (I have missing Meta Tags) "Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages (SERPs). These short paragraphs are the webmaster's opportunity to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly what the given page has with regard to what they're looking for" From The Keyword Optimization Tool: (Avoid Using Meta Keyword Tool) "Search engines have, for years, ignored the meta keywords tag as a ranking signal. Although it technically does not harm rankings, it can be used by competitors as a method to extract your targeted terms and thus, we recommend against its use. " I would love to hear opinions on this topic. I am trying to decide wether or not to use unique meta tags on every blog post.

    On-Page Optimization | | NerdsOnCall

  • Hello, one of my competitors built all these blogs and pointed them to their main site.. Is this white hat?  PR3 PR2 PR2 PR1 PR2 PR2 PR3 PR2 PR3 Also I am looking at my links vs. theirs and they have a much higher point score for links... But  the company I am doing SEO for has most of same quality links. Can this be the reason they have an edge?

    Link Building | | SEODinosaur

  • I have several pages on my domain that are using the same content except for changing a paragraph or sentence. Do I need to create unique content, even though much of the information pertains to a feature and is related?

    On-Page Optimization | | Court_H

  • Blog page ranks 10 in Google, while the static page is on page 7. What makes it more interesting is that the blog page scores an "F" with the Term Target tool while the static page scores an "A". Static page has more inbound links and a mR/mT of 3.89/ 4.54 vs. 3.71/ 4.14 for the blog page. Any ideas on how to approach this one?

    On-Page Optimization | | 540SEO

  • Does Google always return the results of a search query in a broad based fashion if the searcher does not use brackets or quote marks?  Or, do they display the older domains of sites with authority under the broad based parameters and newer sites only if there is a possible exact match? How does Google decide which type of search results to display? Thanks for any insight. I

    Keyword Research | | hawkvt1

  • Is it better to use a PDF or hard code restaurant menus (or any document for that matter) in HTML? I want the content to be indexed and thought PDF was the way to go for several reasons, but I wanted to get confirmation on this before I move forward.

    Technical SEO | | BostonWright

  • Basically I want to link from our main website to some of our PPC landing pages (to explain smaller elements of our offering). The reason for this is that the PPC pages are not exactly services but features that people might search for, so these pages are not navigable from the site (unless mentioned on another page). We do not want to include these pages as their own entity on the site, but people may want to click to see an explanation. So, my question is 2 fold: 1. Should I use an "open link in new window" link, what are the pros and cons of this. 2. Should the link description say that the link will open in a new window. i.e. [Feature name - opens in new window] What are your opinions on this? I know it may not have much, if any SEO benefit, but from a user point of view I feel it may offer some. Thanks in advance, Andy

    Link Building | | esendex

  • My company is in the middle of a big contest that is generating thousands of backlinks pointing to the contest page on our domain. How do you suggest best using this authority we're building up with these backlinks to spread it to the pages we'd like to rank for, especially after the contest is over and we take down the page?

    Link Building | | Hakkasan

  • Our old website had a staging subdomain that was used before I got with the company. We recently had the website redesigned, still on the DNN platform, but our staging subdomain is still showing up. The domain,, shows up in serps and needs to be redirected to just the root domain. What is the best way to get this thing from working. If robot text is needed to get this subdomain from showing up, can you share? Also can you share the instructions you would use in iis to route this beast? Any advice is appreciated.

    Web Design | | KJ-Rodgers

  • This isn't really a question per say, but more of a request for advise. We are in the process of creating videos for our travel website. They are more informational and do not promote any products as such. I am aware of the options, and I am leaning towards creating a pro account with Vimeo so that the videos are available only on our website. The reason for this is so that we can at least get credit for our work, as when they are on you tube, anybody can syndicate the video without linking to our website. I am also aware that there are allot of searches happening on YouTube, and it may be worse if we choose not to upload our videos there as we would loose out on a big audience. it would be GREAT if we had the best of both options. And i had an idea i want to get your opinions on. Create the video and upload onto our website with "lower competitive" title / meta / body. Submit the video on YouTube with a "Higher competitive" keyword / title /meta and description. When someone finds our video, they might search YouTube to avoid linking back and wont find it, (although it is there getting traffic from a similar keyword) Branding is the number 1 objective for these videos, so you tube + many other video sites would be the way to go. However, i would also like our own "private" video blog on our site so that if web masters like the video, we can give them the option of embedding it on there site (like SEOMOZ do it on there whiteboard Fridays) Your comments and suggestions will be muchly appreciated. Greg

    Branding | | AndreVanKets

  • I see lots of ads like "Boost Your Trust Rank with pure .EDU Anchor Text Backlinks" Is this for real? And if it is what's the real value of such links? I assume they would be from some spam comments on some .edu blogs...right? Is it worth going this route? Thank you!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | pwpaneuro

  • My Company has received a #1 Ranking for best Link Building company and #7 Best PPC Management company in South Africa. This sounds great but I'm not really sure that we earned these rankings. I'm the only person that does internet marketing (SEO, SMM and PPC) at my company and I am still working on our processes but these processes are no where close to perfect yet. So my question is, is this a legit company and are the rankings that we achieved on this site actually worth anything? Regards, Shaun

    Industry News | | ProsperoDigital

  • Hi there, when will the toolbar be compatible with Mozilla 6.0? Thank you for your feedback. BR, Ive

    Moz Pro | | NeroSolutions

  • Hi everybody! Say you have a domain like - how long would you estimate it'll take to rank for it's name? Thank you, Alex

    Keyword Research | | pwpaneuro

  • Hi Guys, I've been checking for some people to write articles for my site. They are writing articles on their own sites. But before that, how can i know whether that site is valuable or whether it can pass link juice for my site. Please can someone explain about on how to know whether a site is important or not. Whether it will be helpful for my site in ranking ?? Waiting for your replies.

    Link Building | | achillies000

  • Community, We are about to move one of our most popular country sub directories from to . We have just purchased the domain so while the domain has been registered in 2009 the URL has zero domain authority. What is the best strategy to execute the move while being cautious about loosing too much organic search volume the subdirectory is receiving right now? Obviously it will take some time to build up DA on the TTLD so maybe it is a good idea to keep the country directory for a little longer and start on the TTLD with just a static landing page, place some links, wait until it receives some DA builds up and then perform the move. Thoughts? /TomyPro

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tomypro

  • Hello folks, I want to know which market gives the best CPC in my country. For example: hotels, food, gastronomy, software, and so on... Is there any tool to do such a kind of thing? Do you guys have any experience which kind of market gives a interesting revenue? Thanks.

    Paid Search Marketing | | augustos

  • Hello, Can we submit Press release to Google news ? If yes, is there any criteria for Google news to accept the Press release ? Is there any benefit in this ? Thanks

    Branding | | seoug_2005

  • Hi all been looking at the keyword research tool , phrase is dog beds site at number 10 is **    ** opened site explorer Took at a look at linking root domains ths guy has some huge linking domains , so thought I would take a look at how they managed to get links from sites like Samsung , the UN ,, Linking Root Domain Domain Authority Linking Root Domains * 97 129,927 * 97 201,007 * 94 80,621 * 92 24,586 * 89 54,125 * 88 48,350 * 88 21,578 I cant understand how he has got links off psd files or on page assets like embedded swf files. Anyone know how they are dong this , is this pure Darth Vader black hat >>??? Thanks in advance May the Google be with You

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jbloggs

  • I run a static website with a wordpress blog attached ( I'm thinking of allowing guest to post to the blog mainly just to get some fresh content on the blog instead of my own rantings. Is this a good idea from an seo perspective? I do know that I will get mostly people promoting their own sites but if the content is topically relevant and it's of some quality this should be okay, right? Any links in their post would be no follow so I wont loose there. If this is a go, how do I promote it so I get more people to posts? Am I thinking right on this? Good idea?

    On-Page Optimization | | leaseman

  • One of the website's we monitor have been getting high duplicate page titles, as we work through the pages, we see changes and the number of duplicate page titles are decreasing. However, lately, it went up again and the duplicate page titles have increased. I wanted to ask if there's any way to view the new errors and the old errors separately or sorted in a way that can help me identify why we are getting new page crawl errors. Any advice would be great. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Moz tool bar works sometimes and not others ???  I am signed into pro

    Competitive Research | | waynelongsales

  • Hello SEOMoz. I will be in the US for a 21-days International Visitors Leadership Program. However, would like to use this opportunity as well to network and meet fellow SEOMoz Pro members. If there are SEO professionals / networking events happening in these areas, kindly share. Thank you! Washington, DC August 20 – 24 and August 26-28, 2011 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania August 24 - 26, 2011 Huntsville, Alabama August 28 - 31, 2011 Houston, Texas August 31 - September 4, 2011 Seattle, Washington September 4 - 10, 2011

    Industry Events | | janettetoral

  • I have noticed that some of my competitors have set up "mirror" homepages set up for different counties, towns, or suburbs. In one case the mirror homepages are virtually identical escept for the title and in the other case about half of the content id duplicate and the other half is different. both of these competors have excellent rankings and traffic. I am surprised about these results, does anyone care to comment about it and is this a grey hat technique that is likely to be penalized eventually. thx Diogenes

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | diogenes

  • I see a lot of different metrics pointing to domain or page.  What is the difference between these two definitions?

    Moz Pro | | Gfrink

  • The linking root domains is not reading the linking domains, Google shows 38, seo tool shows 180 another seo shows 92 and site explore shows 5.

    Moz Pro | | 1step2heaven12

  • I have seen few websites selling same package of IP-Hosting, I consider that kind of smart SEO solution if it really be effective, But I have doubt. I have a few websites using a dedicated server for 6 years with only 1 valid IP and with that experience, I think rich content, title tags and anchor links are most important factors but I never tried such IP SEO, has any one tried IP hosting? Then comes second questions, If you have experienced and recommend IP Hosting, the reasonable application could be wordpress to manage all the sites in diffrent servers, and by using plugins such as autoblog or RSS importer we can update all the sites with minimum effort, But the problem is that neither of these 2 plugins are really working hassle free, They do not work at all or they stop wroking all the sudden, preferably I need a solution for Wordpress multisite Would you offer any alternative? I appreciate if you share your ideas... P.S.: My objective to apply IP hosting is not geo-targeting I use to launch .COMs normally without any particular geo-target.

    Technical SEO | | Pooria

  • Hi, i have a question. I have a website of my company with Page and Domain Authority 55. PA:58 and DA:55 And now, i like to rank a video for my brand name on SERP. What to do? should i place the video on my main page, and to upload the video on the folder and than to optimize the video like images for SERP. I read articles online, about video sitemap, optimization etc.. but can you tell me the exactly steps to rank an video. What kind of video embed should i use? to upload at any vimeo,youtube, or should i upload on my hosting, what kind of coding etc.. if you have experience on video ranking, tell me the steps please. Thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | leadsprofi

  • I am looking for some software, or an excel spreadsheet, or some way to manage 50-100 domain names. Maybe something a reseller of domain names would use? Something that keeps record of different whois information for different domain names, tracks IPs, nameservers, FTP logins, etc... I think excel would be best for this if there was a way to have the expiration date pulled so I dont forget to renew a domain name by mistake, and so I can easily keep track of them all in one place. I have seen a couple software programs out there for this, but none really meet all the needs I have.  I also looked into some kinda database software with a nice GUI (MS Access, or FileMakerPro) but I dont know them software well. Any Ideas?

    Moz Pro | | getbigyadig

  • Hi, I recently ran a campaign and got 3 4XX (Client Error) My question is how do i find the links that are causing this errors because it seems that are no broken link on the site in question? I have tested all the links on the site Will appreciate your help thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | esuleman

  • Hi, I used this tool to test some domains. The tool can be found at I have no questions about the other checks but with the similarity check. My question is how do i get Google not to omit some entries very similar to the top 1000 pages on my site? Will appreciate your answers, thanks. Suleman

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | esuleman

  • Can someone expand on what you actually get with your pro membership on the Site Intelligence API. API page. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | josey

  • My personal website has started to drop in both page authority and domain authority. This seems to be largely due to open site explorer not picking up all of my inbound links. Right now it says I only have one linking root domain, but I know this to be crap. I have quite a few followed links from well trusted and reputable sites. My page rank typically bounces between a 5 and 6. I should also have hundreds of inbound links. The other sites In my campaign monitor haven't  taken such a hit so I'm starting to get a little worried. Does anyone know what might cause incoming links to not me recognized?  they were just fine last month, and I can go find them on the web as we speak.

    Moz Pro | | Bsalva

  • Hi Everyone, I have just joined the community and am looking for some help regards Offsite SEO and Link Building. I have done some basic SEO on my website 'Marketing Quotes' Added to web directories (although I am told they do not carry much weight) I have written content and articles around them (on ezine, squidoo etc.) I have written unique content for the site I have done guest posting on blogs Not sure what to do next though for high power links. I did notice a Q&A on contacting webmasters and asking for links (after building a relationship) but wondered if there was anything (offsite wise) that I have missed out? Appreciate any advice. Regards, David

    Technical SEO | | Marketingquotes

  • For an online commercial site, would a booking engine/reservation system best fitted in a subdomain structure or a folder? We have always preferred folder for blog, any other content. A reservation system with lots of search results, lots of variables, we are leaning towards a subdomain in a WP site. Pro's and Con's are highly appreciated!

    Image & Video Optimization | | Discountvc

  • My website has a page on Facebook with around 32K connections, these are not showing up in Bing's serp annotations because Bing is not associating my page with the website. Unsure why because I have closed loop links and used their Page Like Box to generate those 32K connections. I have Facebook insights and Bing webmaster tools authorized for the domain Does anyone know how I can ensure Bing makes that connection? If that's not possible, would it be more advantageous to drive likes to my sitewide domain or specific pages? My testing on Bing suggests the domain level like is most likely to trigger annotations, even for deeper pages with no specific likes.

    Social Media | | Tony-Karib

  • Our website now has enough mobile traffic to justify going mobile friendly, which it is not at this time. I am in favor of making a separate .mobi site designed specifically for mobile phones and smart phones for several reasons. It is cheaper, faster, and easier to accomplish. I think our mobile users will have a good experience though obviously not as much info as our full site. I would use with link or a redirect for mobile users from from the main site. My top three choices for implementing that are
    Template that can be viewed by mobile or desktop. Does this seem like a good solution?

    Web Design | | zharriet

  • I know, I know, you should really create great content that attracts great links, but if you're looking to outsource, what do you think about an outfit like SYNND ? I'm worried that it may be shady or that the links will end up leaving a footprint and that the links will not help promote the content and only end up hurting rankings. Any thoughts? Are there any good paid link building services? Not sure who to trust. Thanks!

    Link Building | | akim26

  • Let me put a disclaimer here that I do not use high PR networks in any of my seo endeavors. That being said, they have always looked attractive - especially post panda where in content links from high pr websites are valuable. I run seo campaigns for a large lot of websites & have been noticing my competition creeping past me who are using links from these networks to increase their positions for hard to attain keywords. Has anyone here had experience building links using these types of networks? It looks like they are under google's radar for now & are a great way to get some powerful links to your site. Any thoughts on if google will catch onto these types of links if they are properly protected (limited footprint, revolving links, unique content, etc.)? It's tough not to be at least interested in networks like this b/c of the results they provide.

    Link Building | | SpottedFrogDesign

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