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  • We exist in a niche market with a good % of products that sell well at specific times of the year. Lets say for example a red cup can be sold as a christmas red cup and a valentine red cup or just a red cup. Would we be best to optimize each specific product specifically for those seasons/events on different pages or keep google pointed to just one page using a canonical link.

    On-Page Optimization | | LadyApollo

  • I set a little bit of time aside for each client to comment on blogs for backlinks, but it just seems like a waste of time at this point.  Most blogs have comments turned off, or won't allow links.  Obviously making your name a keyword and making that a link is very spammy, and alot of blogs are using Disqus or making you login with your facebook account to post a comment.  What's the best way of going about this these days, or is it not even worth the time?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hey all, two part question for you. Do you use any tools to automatically submit websites to local yellowpages (example: and if so, what one and why? Are there any dangers to doing it this way? It seems that this might save a lot of time and be incredibly helpful to manage your brand profile pages in a centralized location. Also some tools that I am seeing incorporate brand monitoring (which you can do through a variety of tools I know). Anyways, thoughts? comments? tips?

    Branding | | prima-253509

  • Hey There! So I've been trying some FB PPC ads. I recently learned I needed to use Google's URL builder to add the appropriate tracking fields into the URL (source, campaign, etc). The FB ad link now uses a custom URL with all the correct parameters. Now what do I do in analytics?  Do I create a filter?  A goal?  Getting a little dizzy going in circles with google analytic help, and I'm hoping someone here can direct me. Thanks! -Dan

    Paid Search Marketing | | evolvingSEO

  • Hello,  and Are these seen as two different  URL's ?  Just as with www or non www ? Or it doesn't make any difference ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Has anyone had any experience working with any? Are there any you'd particularly recommend/avoid? Thanks. 🙂

    Industry News | | Alex-Harford

  • hi, i would love to see on my website the world "or" indexed .. i got the same problem on two websites, and i didn't find a good answer on google for that, can you help me ?? thx a lot , J.

    Keyword Research | | ieremyhenry

  • Hi i am trying to find a good link building monitoring tool, all the ones I have looked at are terrible. Basically i want to import my list of links so they can be monitored then emailed when failing. Can anyone suggest one they have used?

    Link Building | | TomBarker82

  • Sup people, Check this out, I found a keyword from the search query report in Adwords, its had over the last month 120,000 impressions and its long tail ish (4 words). Now when I check the keyword tool it says less then 10, when I check Google insights nothing. So I check if EMD is free and it is, so now im really interested! Speak to Google account manager about it he says yeah its super weird, checks account to make sure its not coming from display network and it isn't, so we add the keyword from search query report as a exact match and let it run, this is the second day, yestarday when we added it it done 4000 impressions, today so far its done 500. Whats the score, does it sound like it is doing the traffic or do you think its some sort of bug in Adwords as other tools (keyword tool, Google insights) dont show the same result. The only thing I can think of is, its just kicked in on Google suggestions but not 100% other then that I don't know.

    Paid Search Marketing | | activitysuper

  • I'm going to assist a customer with SEO and we will also have to optimize the project for arabian countries. I'm looking for any helpful tips (links, blog-posts, experiences) like relevant search engines, best practices with keyword translation/localization, impact of mobile search/usage, recommendation for partners/companies... Thank you!

    International SEO | | kqkq

  • Hi, I'm getting a crawl error and it complains about there being missing meta description... But, the errors are all for non existent index files in directories that only contain pdf files and some thumbs of the front page... Just started trying to learn this stuff...! Cheers Rod

    On-Page Optimization | | DrWho

  • Hello, Regarding recent change in how Google now defines a session... If a user visits a site from a different traffic  source (say  Google and Bing ) within 30 minutes, would that show 2 visits now ? Was earlier it considered 1 visit ? Also, sessions ends "at the end of the day"   It can be different for different users ? How does Google defines end of the day ? for USA time ? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • I have a spanky new website with absolutely no incoming links at all.  Someone suggested a link exchange site (  But I thought that doing reciprocal links was being penalized by Google. Does anyone know if link exchange works, and if so, what the best link exchange sites are? Thanks, Dan

    Link Building | | DanManCastro

  • We recently moved a community website that we own to our main domain. It now lives on our website as a sub-domain. This new sub-domain has a lot of duplicate page titles. We are going to clean it up but it's huge project. (We had tried to clean it even before migrating the community website) I am wondering if this duplicate content on the new sub-domain could be hurting rankings of our root domain? How does Google treat it? From SEO best practices, I know duplicate content within site is always bad. How severe is it given the fact that it is present on a different sub-domain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Amjath

  • I'm in negotiations to get links placed on a popular blog with good stats.  I'm allowed to pick older posts on the site, and I get to pick the anchor text.  Is it best practice to diversify the links by having different keywords pointing to different pages or am I better off pointing as many links as I can at one page (varying anchor text)? Also, is it best to pick a more recent blog post, or is it ok to pick one from say, 2009?

    Technical SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I am seeing some very interesting changes in our non-branded keywords, and am curious to know how keyword significance in Google Webmaster Tools plays into ranking of a site.  Say for example we are a photography website selling photography supplies.  At one point our most significant word was Canon, but now it is photography.  Would that mean that we would start seeing a lot of non-branded keywords generating from Google like "camera strap", "camera lens hood", etc.  This is really good for us, but curious to know if the only reason we are seeing this is the shift in our keyword significance.  Any insight?  Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NaHoku

  • I am starting to work on an ecommerce site that I am part owner of. My partner who is the other owner started the site a while back and because he has no internet marketing experience the site didn't come out very well. I am currently overhauling the site and here is a list of things first on my list so I can at least get started on some seo and even ppc. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at our store and see if you think I am missing anything or you could suggest anything else that really should be done immediately or something that is wrong. The site is Update magento to newest version Fix url structure to be SEO friendly for homepage, category pages, product pages etc. For an example of a site that has great seo friendly urls please refer to examples on site. For example these pages. , , Remove top navigation menu and instead create left sidebar navigation menu created to navigate site and products. For example of these types of sidebars please refer to sidebar on or We will NOT be using same structure as what is in top navigation currently. Categories and keywords of categories will be changed and some will stay the same structure as is currently in navigation For header we would like to feature our shipping policy, returns, privacy policy, no sales tax etc. For example I have seen that I like refer to Obviously we do not want to copy but something similar for our own site. All images on homepage must be changed to include clickable txt so google can read text not just pictures. We would also like product pages modified to make more user friendly and conversion increased. Add to cart button needs to be changed, text needs to be brighter instead of dull grey color. Add to cart button must also be moved ABOVE THE FOLD! Also on product pages we would like to add sections in addition to Product Description, of Specs, and About section for each product page. We also need the ability to change this information as needed when we need to.

    Web Design | | PEnterprises

  • I am a published author and researcher.  All my articles are original content and high quality. If I am looking for backlinks by submitting high quality original articles to Articles Base, how will the panda algorithm change affect me? Should I be submitting articles somewhere else?  If so, where?  I greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have.

    Link Building | | DanManCastro

  • Hey all, Has Google finally grown up to treat sub-domains as they would sub directory? i.e: as opposed to I desperately wanted but we were forced to launch with because of WordPress limitations and our DNS and load balancing set up on our end. All searches lead me to old documentation 2010 and earlier. Wondering if anyone has any up to date information around this. Cheers, Croozie,

    Technical SEO | | sichristie

  • One thing I recently pondered following the introduction of logos on reports bringing that level of personalisation for the customers is ... would it be somehow possible to take it a step further and have a login on your own personal site that could somehow enable clients to download and look at the information as and when they wanted. An almost mini sep moz for clients where customers login through your own site ?

    Moz Pro | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi, If a user comes to our site from a mobile device, we redirect to our mobile site.  That is www.mysite/mypage redirects to m.mysite/mypage.  Right now we are blocking robots from crawling our m. site.  Previously there were concerns the m. site could rank for normal browser searches.  To make sure this isn't a problem we are planning on rel canonical our m. site pages and reference the www pages (mobile is just a different version of our www site). From my understanding having a mobile version of a page is a ranking factor for mobile searches so allowing robots is a good thing.   Before doing so, I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions/feedback (looking for potential pitfalls, issues etc)

    Technical SEO | | NicB1

  • Hello, For both ecommerce and sites that sell services, I've seen a lot of people recommending a blog for SEO. Should this blog be inside or separate from the main website for the most results? I can see how adding one to a site would create more unique content and an opportunity for link bait, but perhaps there is a reason to have a blog separate from the main site Thank you.

    Content Development | | BobGW

  • My question seems basic in nature but some recent keyword research has caused me to re-think broad vs. exact match. I was taught to focus on exact match for the short term and broad match for the long term prospects of a keyword. Today I was researching a niche of keyword phrases where the local search volume (broad) was, for example 33,000. The local search volume (exact) was only 500. What I know about broad vs. exact doesn't help me to determine if this keyword is worth going after. The keyword difficulty score by the way was 35% Yes, I do know that I will probably go after this keyword anyway but to refine my question, how do I get an idea of how "big" this keyword is? Is it more on the broad or more on the exact match of things? How do I determine the various derivatives of the phrase that occur under the broad match?

    Keyword Research | | leaseman

  • Hello, I have a client who went out on their own and advertised on a site called This site to me seems from an seo perspective not a very good site to advertise on. They have no content and just links to other sites. Im not sure what this type of site is called, so if you could let me know if you think this type of site is bad or good and also provide the name of this type of site that would be great. Thanks. Bill

    Link Building | | ChrisFriesen

  • I have pages with meta data being pulled in via an include.  This was to prevent people from touching the pages themselves.  Is this an optimization issue- or is it OK to do?

    Technical SEO | | Tribeca-Marketing-Group

  • We are creating a national real estate website which will contain 2mil+ listings. Our aim is to compete with the National leaders in the field. We are trying to lock down a url structure and it basically comes down to if we should put a major keyword in the url structure or not. The structure would have regional keywords naturally. Its the addition of a more descriptive key word which is in question. Our domain name has no keywords in it. For the sake of this example, we would be targeting "city real estate"... or Here is what the big sites use as an example: Id love to not have to throw keywords in there and be as clean as possible but i also dont want to shoot myself in the foot. The big boys do add additional keywords in the url, does that mean we should? Id much rather be a leader than a follower but again, I dont want to mess this up from the start and these guys have probably tested this (or have they?). Input would be greatly appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | cobbsfriedman

  • We are experiencing slow response time because our pages are ad heavy. If we load ads in an iframe, will the google bots, when indexing the page, count the time it takes for the contact within the iframe to load? Or is that load time separate from the total page response/load time?

    Technical SEO | | kbbseo

  • I wanted to find out if anyone could recommend the best technique for protecting a video on a website. We have been able to secure a private interview with one of the largest manufacturers in this customers industry. Unfortunately the interview was done impromptu with an iphone, but the recording is not too bad. The volume is low, but we will also type out the content of the interview on our blog, right beneath where the video is posted for viewing. We were hoping to only post this video on our blog, so that people within our industry will link to that page, increasing our link power. But we wanted to make sure that people couldn't steal the video and post it in other places to avoid giving us our link. What is the best method for accomplishing this? What video format would be ideal to hopefully accommodate windows, mac, IE, Firefox, Safari, mobile phones, ipads etc.? Are we on the right track on how to most effectively use this video for our own benefit?

    Technical SEO | | JerDoggMckoy

  • I am developing a drop down menu and am trying to decide if using javascript instead of just css is worth it. I've done some research on the topic and the opinions seem dated.  I know that at one time not using javascript for a drop down menu was important but now less so.  Google constantly says that they will not discount the links just because they are not shown until javascript is ran. What I want to know is has anyone discovered from testing that using javascript instead of css for a drop down makes a difference? Note: the links will not be located in an external javascript file.

    Technical SEO | | seozachz

  • Anyone have their google analytics go straight crazy on Thursday, 8/11/2011? 30% increase in visits No increase in visitors Huge drop in pageviews and time site Higher bounce rate More return users

    Reporting & Analytics | | ChrisKolmar

  • I'd like some feedback on what would be a Panda factor(s) on The site got hit fairly hard by Panda (60% drop in traffic). Since then we have: redesigned the site (responsive and progressive), reduce the average links/page to ~35 from over 100, Use AJAX to delay the loading of boiler plate and nav elements, Improved the search functionality, Added more content images (still in progress), Removed the citations section to new sub-domain, and 1000's of little code fixes and enhancements The site, by nature of being a legal reference, contains many small, single topic pages.  The authority and professionalism of the site demands it doesn't allow much UGC. (The law is not Social Media) Unfortunately, this means the bulk of the page (1000+) are fairly formulaic - to format otherwise would diminish the value to the user.  This doesn't hurt many individual pages as shown by the dominance the "Without Prejudice" page enjoys. In particular, the citations section was very limited as there is not very much one can say about the 10,000+ law reports in the world.  Recognizing this as valuable to lawyers but a likely "low value" target of Panda, we moved it to a sub domain and requested the old directory was removed from the index.  This was done on July 28th. Now... I'd like some opinions on anything else that might be holding the site back. Thank you for you time.

    Web Design | | sprynewmedia

  • Where is it possible to find a total number of tweets by URL? So, for example, 2 tweets has 20 tweets, etc.

    Social Media | | nicole.healthline

  • I have several situations where one of my sites rank organically in 4th or 5th place for a specific search term relating to a 'big brand' .. I usually fall in behind the brands main website .. commercially this is very good for me. Let me give you an example .. in type in 'thomas cook exchange rates'. I rank position 4 ( Position 1-3 are thomas cook's own pages. Naturally. However, my question is .. could I outrank them and how could I initially measure the effort involved in getting to position 1? I noticed Google recently put me into position 1 for this term and then quickly (within a few days) pulled me back down to position 4. Does anyone have any experience of this type of search positioning and have any information that may help me? My gut feel is that I have maybe maxed out the economically viable potential of these keywords and that I should invest my SEO $s into other phrases? Thanks in advance Olly

    Algorithm Updates | | ojkingston

  • Hi there. I'm building an HTML 5 site and through research of new HTML 5 elements I've seen little conclusive information about the interpretation of the new <hgroup>tag, in terms of SEO application and interpretation. In particular does Google interpret the nested heading tags as individual elements or does it combine them into one entity? For example, say I have: <hgroup> # Article Heading ## Article Sub-heading </hgroup> How is this interpreted by Google and what would be some good SEO best practices regarding the <hgroup>tag in HTML5: Is it interpretted as a single tag (" Article Heading: Article Sub-heading ") or two separate heading tags (one and one )? Also, how much does the ordering of the tags matter (say for example I wanted something like the following for visual purposes? <hgroup> ## Article Sub-heading # Article Heading </hgroup> One last thing: is it safe to assume that it is indeed OK to have multiple tags on a single page (as referenced by Matt Cutts a while back in a Webmaster Video)? Thanks! </hgroup> </hgroup>

    Web Design | | LMDNYC

  • When creating links within your website, is it bad to have a anchor text link pointing back to the same page? Say the page the homepage is optimized for "credit cards".  If I have a "credit cards" anchor text link on the page the link points to, is that bad practice? Secondly, if it's better to put that link on a different page, wouldn't I be placing a keyword that's optimized for a different page on the wrong page? (hopefully I'm making sense) Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi, Our form system needs a major overhaul, but very short on time and resources... Can anyone suggest or know of a contact system prebuilt that can be integrated into HTML that has send, tracking and reporting abilities? One of the main reasons for this is we are moving away from Tomcat, and the form system we currently have utilizes servlets.... I have not been able to find much on this subject, so not even sure if there is such a thing? Thanks

    SEO Learn Center | | Jinx14678

  • What strategy is most commonly used to guest post on blogs?

    Link Building | | SEODinosaur

  • Ok I know there's a lot of information already on here about Article Marketing for SEO, but I need to know if anyone here has recently ran an article campaign successfully? Correct me if I am wrong, but submitting the same article to a bunch (more than 1-2) article directories for back links is a bad idea. Right? Maybe it worked in 2006, but now even the site themselves (Article Directories) are just so polluted with spam from the pass that, that Even if you submitted a genuine article.. it would still not give you as much Juice because the sites themselves are considered spamy. Looking at Alexa's ranking of Ezine Articles kind of proves that, after Panda Hit. The bottom line is, my boss says I have to start writing articles for backlinks. He wanted me to blast them across multiple directories. So I need to be absolutely certain that where I place these articles will have Quality impact on our sites SEO. Tips, Advice, Links, THANKS! We are a prominent ecommerce site in the food service industry.

    Technical SEO | |

  • Hi All, I've recently seen some of my clients experience drops in Does anyone have any info on any algo changes or updates? Thanks Bush

    Algorithm Updates | | Bush_JSM

  • Hi, A client of ours has a Google Places Listing but over the last few days we noticed that two duplicate listings have appeared with exactly the same information as the original listing. Only difference is the domain names. I did some investigation and my client says that a company cold called them recently and sold them two domain names and it seems these two are redirecting to the main site which sits on My question is can this cause that the redirected listing now appear instead of the original google places listing? Any help will be appreciated

    Image & Video Optimization | | InTouchMarketing56

  • Ever since Google Analytics changed their session parameters August 12th I have seen a 20% jump in organic traffic & bounce rates along with a decline in pages/visit and conversion rate. To be clear, I don't put a whole heck of a lot of stock in these metrics as stand-alone indications of how my site is performing.  I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this blip. I noticed some other people mentioned a similar phenomenon in other SEO forums and blog comments, but nobody seems to be talking about this here at SEOMoz (unless I just haven't looked in the right place). I'm not saying the change I noticed has anything to do with the session update, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar so that I can either cross it off the list of possible causes or explore further.

    Reporting & Analytics | | eTundra

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