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  • Must be SEO "compliant". User friendly Must be customizable Possibly extendible

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rmteamseo

  • Here is the scenario. We have many brick and mortar store locations as well as an ecommerce website. It's hard to get exact, but my estimates seem to be that approximately 1/3 of the visitors to our website are interested only in obtaining information about the brick and mortar store locations and not interested in ecommerce transactions. Of course this kills the conversion rate. We use google analytics and I'd like to somehow be able to quantify with more accuracy what the "real" conversion rate might be. Is there some method to weed out specific pages/traffic (like brick and mortar landing pages) from being taken into account when conv. rate is calculated? The number that matters for conv. rate of course is "visits" and not unique pageviews, so I'm not sure that really would do anything helpful. Any tips?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | dickslee23

  • So we've been having some difficulty with one of our websites since we split it in half and moved one section of content to a new domain with a new name, at the end of May. was moved to And in the following 6 weeks, the google organic traffic has fallen to miniscule levels, that seem to indicate a more serious issue than just low ranking. Initially when the site was moved, the 301s transferred the authority very quickly and the new website pages ranked well. Now, some of them simply won't rank at all unless you include the name of the website "somobile". Here is one of the current rankings that indicates an issue:
    "somobile" - 1
    "somobile mobile phones" - not in top 50 These are some of the terms we used to rank in the top 10 on Google UK, and still do on Bing UK, but don't rank in the top 50 on Google UK now:
    samsung galaxy ace
    apple iphone 5 deals
    samsung tocco icon Our webmaster central account says that only 30% of the pages in our sitemap are in the index. It seems like a penalty has been imposed, but our reconsideration request (just submitted because it seemed like a sensible next step) came back saying there were no manual actions taken. Can you see what it is that might be causing the problem for us? I would have thought it was the new domain (with less direct links and less brand credibility), or content issues, but I would have thought that would just reduce the ranking by a few pages rather than just hide the pages altogether.

    Technical SEO | | purpleindigo

  • One of my keywords shows "Not in the top 50" when it is clearly ranking number 1 on the SERP.  I am not logged in, and I searched from outside my local area to eliminate geolocated results.  Others show a rank of 7 (actually 4) and 48 (actually 20).  Any ideas?

    Keyword Research | | Cut2SizeMetals

  • Hey, We just got a bunch of great links on sites like TechCrunch and similar, but our SERP rankings and related remained unaffected. How long does it generally take for such links to "kick in" and help the website?

    Link Building | | Malarowski

  • Hi, I don't know much of anything about Google Pruduct Feeds. Here is my starting point on thia: 1. Is this really free? We'd be doing it without Google checkout, just landing on our own pages with our own checkout. 2. Where do you upload the file? 3. What determines if you come up or not as a result? Any strategy or tactics involved? 4. We're the manufacturer of a product and late to the product feed game. The description that Google has used for our products is not ours or great. How do we change that product description that Google has for our products? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • We were recently made aware of  They produce content and guarantee the content will be listed on a minimum of 600 websites that they have agreements with.  This includes the LA times and others.  Their agreements state that the content will be a maximum of 2 clicks from the homepage and will live for 1-2 years before getting archived. Does anyone know anything about this company and/or the overall strategy of achieving links on these highly trafficked/valued sites through articles? Will these links help us or is this similiar to sending out a press release on prweb where you get picked up by benzinga and other sites automatically and the value for the links isn't really there? Any insight you can provide about this company and or strategy would be most appreciated.

    Link Building | |

  • Hi, Say you have a shop and connected to the shop is a nice blog with tons of great content, articles, tutorials, news, Q&A's and so on. How would you use the RSS feed of this content to help promote the blog? I see a lot of SEO's use feedburner but how does feedburner help SEO and exposure?

    Content Development | | activitysuper

  • I'm using Wordpress with the Thesis theme (which is great by the way). It puts in a rel canonical for each page. Is this correct? I had always thought that the rel canonical just went on the home page telling SE's the preferred home page address. This appears to be telling SE's the preferred web address for each page.

    Content Development | | leaseman

  • A client of mine wants to look into new areas of link building after convincing them that their current link building strategies (purchasing multiple links from god knows where) was not working well for them. Essentially I felt they were spinning their wheels. Now, we are looking into content related blogs to get some honest links for their site. They sell sports equipment and we are looking at sports blogs to get links/partnerships. Most of these blogs want sponsorship fees or advertising fees. From an ethical standpoint I understand buying links is not the best idea. But because these are blogs that earn traffic, have relevant content, and can be helpful for the advertisement aspect to link to people who might be interested in their products as well. There shouldn't be a problem in acquiring a few of these links if the budget allows for it, correct? Also are blogs a good source to acquire links from?

    Link Building | | USHoleInOne

  • I am working on a large ecommerce site right now. I am adding a blog to the site for content purposes. I have been going back and forth on this question, and wanted to get your opinions. Should I integrate the blog into the ecommerce site with the full ecommerce header and/or sidebar, or should I have the blog just be a well designed theme and strip all the ecommerce functionality for it. I would think that people would be more apt to share and link to content if it wasnt surrounded by links to product category pages and the like. Thoughts?

    Link Building | | CharlesMontgomery

  • Hi, I want to discuss the different methods for increasing ranking positions for a keyword using offsite SEO methods. If your targeting a keyword which gets 20,000 exact match searches a month for a new website then the first thing you are going to want to do is rank in the top 5 within Google for that term. I know onsite will come into play as well but lets just say you have used the SEOMOZ tools and your onsite SEO achieves a grade A. So what needs to take place in order for your website to start climbing ranking positions? I myself would be more inclined to spend a few days creating 4-5 nice articles and offer them up for guest blogging with anchor text links. I may also use the content on a hub page, squidoo lens, wordpress blog, blogger blog, weebly blog and so on with social bookmarking thrown into the mix. But will this alone over a period of time (depending on the competition) increase rankings? Am I missing a trick here??? Cheers

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Hello all . Im experiencing a sudden ranking drop for one of my websites . Keyword = Green Tea Search Engine = URL = This page was at 7th on 1st page . Since coupe of weeks back its moving backwards . I didn't even do any link building for this page other than doing little changes to titles tags . What would be the reason for such a issue ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Osanda

  • Hello all . I have my website which is ranked @ 6 on 1st page for the keyword Ceylon tea on . I have a another page of the same site ranked on 3rd page as well . What im looking forward to know is if its possible to gain double listing on 1st page on what should I do at the moment ? Also Im looking forward to know if there are any onpage issues of these both pages as well . Thank you guys .

    Competitive Research | | Osanda

  • We all know that site loading speed is important for google ( and getting more important), and currently we are considering moving to a dedicated server.  But I would like to measure pur current loading times and compare them to our competitors.  I know that webmaster tools shows you your loading times, but its seems a bit random with its results, and I know analytics also now records speed, but the sample sizes seems to be too low. When I googled website load times, I got a load of different free tools but they seem to give conflicting results  e.g one said that our avg kb load time was 0.02sec and our competitor was 0.01, but a different site says our sites loads in 1.7 secs and our competitor loads in 11sec (our home pages have similar total file size for our homepage. ) Also what would be useful would be a way to monitor of website loading speed to see when it slows down, so we can figure out why. Does anyone know of any good reliable  programs or sites that does this?

    On-Page Optimization | | eunaneunan

  • I'm using the site explorer to compare a potential  clients site against 4 others, in an incredibly competitive market. Each of their competitiors has a higher page authority (on the home page) than their domain authority. This is untrue for the clients site. (which have much lower metrics all round) Any input as to what this means/says about their competitors who I would guess (looking at some of their backlink profiles) have done some failry widespread grey hat stuff in the past. (Though haven't we all 😉 )

    Moz Pro | | FDC

  • Hi, I have performed a search on a root domain and the page auth is higher then the domain auth? I would have thought they would have been the same or at least the other way around!

    Moz Pro | | activitysuper

  • Hi Everyone, first question on here: Does anyone have any reccomendations for tools that they use to build site architectures ? It's something I would like to improve on. Thanks,

    Web Design | | marcelo-275398

  • As SEOMOZ ranks Authority through percentage, at what percentage does a domain become authoritative? I'm looking for guest blogs/websites, which have a authoritative root domain to try and help increase our own auth and in turn rankings. So far I have found a few guest blogs, which have around 40-50% but I kind of think I need to find ones which are more like 70-80% for this to really work. Cheers

    Content Development | | activitysuper

  • Hi, Last week I build around 10-15 high quality related links to my trampoline pads website which was ranking number 2 for "trampoline pads" and number 1 for "trampoline pad". After building the links this week it has dropped in the serps to around number 5-6 for both. Is this an effect of the link building and will it bounce back in? the url is Kind Regards,

    Technical SEO | | GardenGamer

  • sir, I am working with IIS 6 site and i ant to redirect three different urls of a domain to one url, i.e, there are the different versions of the same how can i create one? I have found a script on google. but it says redirecting one url. see it here: Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) Try Dim requestedDomain As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().toLower() If InStr(requestedDomain, "") Then requestedDomain = requestedDomain.Replace("", "") Response.Clear() Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader("Location", requestedDomain) Response.End() End If Catch ex As Exception Response.Write("Error in Global.asax :" & ex.Message) End Try End Sub

    Technical SEO | | VipinLouka78

  • I have a lot of warnings for "Overly-Dynamic URLs" but all the pages listed have a canonical with a static url , does this mean that I can ignore the warnings? Seems to me that I can but I just want to make sure?

    Technical SEO | | Arnx

  • Folks I just thought to myself that this forum must be filled with lovely SEOs who are busy working on multiple clients.... I'm very new to the industry myself... about  a month into it 🙂 Any-hoots I was just wondering if anybody is working in a category that may be suitable for a link exchange with .... Please let me know

    Affiliate Marketing | | PHDAustralia68

  • Some companies have a lot of sites covering various topics, for example, Each category also have dropdown menus where there are more links, taking their pages to well over 100 links. Should these headers be implemented in javascript? Is there a list of best practices somewhere when dealing with a lot of network sites? I'd prefer to reduce the number of links, but sometimes company policies don't allow this. Any suggestions or tips would be helpful.

    On-Page Optimization | | bigpond

  • So we have a great business. Let's say: And years ago we launched a great blog. Let's call it So, both are PR5 sites. The BUSINESS gets about 50k page views a month. But the BLOG is getting about 100k page views a month. So, my question is... is it time to fold the blog into the business domain? Let's say we did a 301 redirect and turned it into We'd be folding all this extra traffic into the business domain. Would the google juice be worth doing this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | brianmcc

  • I have checked all of the usual things.  My page has not lost any links or authority.  It is not black listed or any other obvious sign.  What's going on? This has just happened within the past 3 days.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tormz

  • We have entered into a partnership with one of our sister companies that owns many different small newspapers and their associated websites -- they have agreed to show some of our content on their site along with providing links back to our website.  There are 50+ of these websites that we will be getting links from.    Does it matter to Google how quickly we add these links to these sites?    They are all very legitimate links with unique content provided.   We just didn’t know if Google would view it negatively if we added a bunch at one time.  Any guidance on the timing of how links are added would be most valuable.   Thank-you.

    Link Building | | MWM3772

  • I was using open site explorer and trying to figure out how my competitors are getting so many .edu links.  Now I won't mention any names here but I am trying to figure out why almost all their links point to downloads of documents.  Here are a few of the examples of sites I keep finding... Journal Clinical Nutrition&rft.atitle=Problems with red meat in the WCRF2&rft.volume=89&rft.spage=1274&rft.epage=9& <colgroup><col width="3111"></colgroup>

    Moz Pro | | MichealGooden

  • I've read statements compelling one to think about Schema as a "sports car" and RDFa (and microformats) as a diesel truck... both having merit depending on what you want to do. Although Schema was just announced and seems to have broad support - is it compatible with RDFa 1.1 syntax? I've utilized microformats on a few site with great success but embarking on a very large project and feel structured markeup would give an edge over the competition. Would love to have a discussion with folks on this subject. Thanks!

    SEO Learn Center | | AnthonyYoung

  • I'm using Thesis Theme.  I know load time is important and will continue to be a bigger deal as time goes on.  Any advice would be much appreciated!!

    Technical SEO | | chadmorgan

  • We are adding product rapidly to our website but this requires allowing duplicate to exist on our product pages of  From an SEO standpoint do we need to make this content unique for each product.  Since we aren't link building to specific product pages and we don't anticipate product pages being found in a search result, are we ok leaving the duplicate content in place and spending our dollars elsewhere?

    On-Page Optimization | | gallreddy

  • Does google view phrases with "in" in then as different keywords than the same phrase without an "in"? For example: is "great restaurants in chicago" the same keyword as "great restaurants chicago"? Whenever I do research on two phrases like this, they always come up with the same search volume.

    Keyword Research | | TheSquareFoot

  • Take the example Danny Sullivan posted: In this case, Ford shared, and its friends and followers see that in the SERPs. Hoever, how does that compare with, say, sharing Does the entire domain reap the benefit, or just that page? Would people see a "Ford shared this" beneath a search result pointing to (the home page), even if Ford had only shared this specific interior page? Or is it too soon to know for sure how this is all going to work?

    Branding | | kpclaypool

  • Based on this post from 2009, it's recommended in most situations to set up a microsite as a subdirectory as opposed to a subdomain.  The primary argument seems to be that the search engines view the subdomain as a separate entity from the domain and therefore, the subdomain doesn't benefit from any of the trust rank, quality scores, etc.  Rand made a comment that seemed like the subdomain could SOMETIMES inherit some of these factors, but didn't expound on those instances. What determines whether the search engine will view your subdomain hosted microsite as part of the main domain vs. a completely separate site?  I read it has to do with the interlinking between the two.

    Technical SEO | | ryanwats

  • Hello Everyone, I want to know, what is the search engine's preference when it comes to links that have been bought. I observed that quite a few the good local directory listings (with good mozrank and moz trust etc) offer one to be listed for a yearly or lifetime price. Does Google frown upon these type of links too? regards, Talha

    Link Building | | TopGearMedia

  • I have a client that has been optimizing for "print and apply" for the past 5 months. Yesterday they decided it was more grammatically correct to use "print-and-apply." There question to me was "is this going to effect our SEO?" So... I checked the difficulty using the keyword analysis tool, both keywords had the same broad/exact adwords traffic as well as difficulty percentage. When reviewing the top 25 listings for each keyword it looks like the same sites rank in the SERPs between 1-8 and then after that it is completely different. So, is there a better keyword to target? Are these two keywords different enough to truly have separate search results?
    The top 8 results didn't even target "print-and-apply" in there content or title tags... Thanks for the input/discussion - Kyle

    Keyword Research | | kchandler

  • A programmers 'accidentally' put "name="robots" content="noindex" />" into every single page of one of my sites (articles, landing pages, home page etc). This happened on Monday, and we just noticed today. Ugh... We've fixed the issue; how long will it take to get reindexed? Will we instantly retain our same positions for keywords? Any tips?

    Technical SEO | | EricPacifico

  • According to Majestic SEO's glossary, a "Referring domain, also known as "ref domain", is a domain from which a backlink is pointing to a page or link." Given this definition, I'm not sure what an external backlink is?

    Competitive Research | | nicole.healthline

  • Through searching, I can find lots of discussion regarding "dash vs underscore", but am having trouble with an even simpler question: Is there any SEO difference between using vs.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RyanWhitney15

  • I am in the process of setting up a shopping cart for a customer.  We will probably use osCommerce.  Are there established best practices and guidelines to make one's cart trigger results in the Google "Shopping" category?  For instance, using microdata and the semantic markup from  Any experience here is welcome.

    Branding | | networkelites

  • Hello, friends. We have an ecommerce site and we also own several keyword-rich domains but haven't done anything with them yet. Is there any value in using domain masking to point them to either product pages or special landing pages on our primary ecommerce site? Here's an example: Primary site is Keyword rich URL is (which is totally blank and isn't indexed) It could point to our category page for Acme Widgets: or it could point to a new landing page: My concern is that because the keyword-rich URL hasn't been utilized at all there's really no point in redirecting it. I'm of the mind that it's either going to be ineffective at best or a duplicate content issue at worst. What do you guys think? As a follow-up, if we don't redirect these domains, what should we do with them? Just try to sell them off rather than create totally new sites?

    Technical SEO | | jbreeden

  • The Moz scores for a page-specific website:: are different than the subdomain: Page MozRank: 4.58
    Page MozTrust: 4.9 Subdomain MozRank: 5.21
    Subdomain MozTrust 5.18 Does that have any significance? Should I be routing pages to the " / " version? Thanks, Daniel

    Moz Pro | | DanSpeicher

  • I'm having several site issues and I want to see if the Q parameter in the URL is the issue. Both of these index. Any capitalization combination brings up another indexed page: and The other issue is Google crawl errors. The website has received increasingly more spam crawl errors. I've read that this is a common issue and most likely is a Google Bot problem. Would removing the q parameter fix this entirely? Here is an example:

    Technical SEO | | DanSpeicher

  • I have a furniture´s ecommerce. When searching for "site:" returned 1080 results, but if I search for "site: / Product" returned 1020 results. I mean, that 1080 indexed pages, 1020 are products pages and the other 60 pages are irrelevant. Where are the category pages? "site: / Categories" - 0 results
    "site: / Departments" - 0 results
    "site: / Marks" - 0 results What might be happening?

    On-Page Optimization | | maisempresas

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