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  • Hi guys, I'm about to launch a new site for a friend who is an accountant in a specialist field. He's already bought 2 domains: **www.[keyword]  ** **www.[brand] ** We have made the decision to use the brand domain to host the site but what can we do with the keyword domain as exact match domains still seem to be ranking well in the serps? e.g. build keyword links to the keyword domain (heavily seo'd content) and build brand links to the brand domain (conversion-optimised content) then after while 301 the keyword domain? Any new suggestions will be gratefully received!

    On-Page Optimization | | Tman3

  • I have a couple of urls that are associated with the keywords in my campaign.  They are no longer valid so how do I remove them?

    Moz Pro | | PerriCline

  • If I set up a vanity URL that just 301's to the main site, do the search engines look at the keywords in the vanity URL when determing how to rank the site. For example, if I set up a vanity URL of, and redirect it to, would the search engines view the keywords of cool, new, tech, and gear and associate that with the page it's getting redirected to? Or does it ignore the vanity URL and only look at the content of the page itself?

    Technical SEO | | ryanwats

  • Currently, I list every root word (one word) I can think of for the client.  Then start a 2 word keyword section, making every possible connection with my root words.  Then move to 3 word, 4 word, and so on.  I do this all in a word document and by hand.  Does anybody have ANYTHING (tool/strategy) that does something similar?  I'm looking for anything that can expedite this process.  My manual method makes me feel like I'm always forgetting certain combinations of words.

    Keyword Research | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I was wondering how many of you are still nofollowing the Home button or anything else for that matter? I thought NoFollow was getting a little outdated, but I still see it lots of places. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • Hello fellow Mozzers, first of please go easy on me as this is my first ever post ! I have a question regarding Sitelinks. Obviously I am pleased to have 8 Sitelinks now appearing in my GWT account. However one of my sitelinks has an obscure title of 'FIRST' which to the person searching will mean nothing - the actual link to one of my site pages is a good one and i dont really want to 'block' it in GWT and just wondered if anyone had any ideas what might be driving Google to 'auto-detect' the word 'First' for the link in question. The following 'google search example' link will show you what i mean My result is the first one on the list. Any help from fellow mozzers is much appreciated. Many thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | SamanthaRiggien

  • Hi there, I have a website that is aimed primarily at the US market. However, I have the option to make some content for people in my niche for people in the UK. Is there anything I can do to help the site rank on for the UK content, baring in mind that most of my content is aimed at the US. Thanks, Peter

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • Hi, we have been developing our new site and improving the internal linking for 2 reasons, 1 to improve spidering and 2 to up sell more to customers.  The error reports from SEOMoz are showing our biggest problem is too many internal links from 2000+ pages.  How much of an impact does it have by having say 180 internal links compared to say 99 on a page? Our website has been moving up the SERPs so should i worry about it or should I ignore the warnings and continue with the menu system and internal linking we have in place already? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | PottyScotty

  • I have read in many places that the maximum number of results that will be displayed on the SERP from a domain or subdomain is 2.  Is this still the case?  I have seen many instances where there are well more than 2 results from a domain displaying on the SERP.  For example, search 'cvs pharmacy' on Google. There are 7 results from the domain. Is it the case that the search engines will display more if it's a branded search?

    Technical SEO | | ryanwats

  • Hi all, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with an extermley frustrating problem with 301 redirects in .htaccess. Basically I'm trying to redirect some old pages (from our old website) that stil rank to the new equivilent. For example - old url = New I've tried the simple redirect 301 /frames/news/company-news/news-reader.php?newsStoryID=395 But this doesnt work. I've also tried - RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^newsStoryID=395$
    RewriteRule ^/news-reader.php$ [L,R=301] Could anyone help? I've followed lots of tutorials that all match the above but it just doesn't work! The only other thing within the htaccess file is from wordpress for pretty permalinks - BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Many thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | EclipseLegal

  • OK which brokers / sites do you use to buy your links or gain links from and why.

    Link Building | | therealmarkhall

  • We're looking to put together all the best resources out there that offer advice to those thinking of starting a career in SEO and internet marketing, particuarly for graduates. So far we've got Rand's Whiteboard Friday and this post here: Can anyone point me in the direction of a few more good ones? I'm sure there'll be absolutely loads out there!

    Industry News | | 9xbmarketing

  • The following example is exactly analogous to our situation (site names slightly altered😞 We own It's our main site. We don't own, and would rather avoid paying for, It's a parked domain and the owners want a very large sum for it. We own and point it to our main site. We don't own This is owned by our biggest competitor. We also own www.[ourbrand].com and, and point them to the main site. My question is - how much traffic do you think we may be missing due to these nearly-but-not-quite URL matches? Does it matter in terms of lost revenue? What sort of things should I be looking at to get a very rough estimate?

    On-Page Optimization | | JacobFunnell

  • We put 2 different classified advertisements in printed publications and would like to track the visits to our website from each of the ads. For the ads, we used custom pages: We used a 301 redirect from these URLs to the homepage but it didn't record the visits to the custom URLs in google analytics and clicky (other analytics software). How do we set this up?

    SERP Trends | | Motava

  • Just asking for advice / strategy on increasing the number of tweets & Facebook shares to a particular domain. We're seriously lacking in this department and I'm not exactly sure how to get started as we're a B2B services company. We're languishing on page 2 of Google where all the other stats look good enough for us to be in the top 5, tweets and FB shares are 1 and 1 respectively. Any advice gratefully received - we also have a small budget set aside for an expert to provide a ranking strategy if anyone's interested. Many thanks in advance, Tony.

    Social Media | | posh_tiger

  • Hi, I'm doing an audit on a site that had a redesign in Dec 2009. For some reason I looked to see what kind of redirects were used from the old pages to the current ones, and it looks like they used 302s, which obviously isn't ideal. Given that it's been so long and those pages have looong since been de-indexed, is it worth me suggesting that they change those old redirects to 301s? My thinking is that if those old pages were linked to externally then I should recommend it, but I can't find any link info on Linkscape/OSE, Majestic SEO or YSE. Any comments appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | The_Heavies

  • Hi, I have a clients website that I have been working on for a few months now. On-page SEO for home page is A for all target keywords. All Domain / subdomain / external link data etc. much stronger than all competition. But approx 3 months ago (before Panda update) all home page rankings (except 1 keyword) dropped out sight in Google rankings. 3 months later, still can't work out why. Sometimes rankings come back onto page 9 or so then drop out again. Deeper pages are not effected, just the Home page. Looks like a Google penalty to me but can't work out why. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Website is - Many thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | websearchseo

  • I'll be doing some linkbuilding in which I will be asking manufacturers of the products we sell to link back to our site. My thought was to have a single page for our "Valued Suppliers" with a badge that I would give them the embed code for. If the URL goes to a "Valued Supplier" page on our site where there are multiple manufacturers, will this help my entire site or only the page that's being linked to? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | AC_Pro

  • Hi Guys/Gals We do love the Crawl Diagnostics, but do find the missing meta tags ("Missing Meta Description" Tag in this case) somewhat spammy. We use the "All in One SEO Pack" for our blog and it does stick in noindex,follow (as it should) on the pages that is of no use to us. "2008/04/page/2/" and the likes. Maybe I'm wrong but should the Diagnostics tool not respect the noindex tag and just ignore any warnings, since it should really mean that these pages are NOT included in the search index. Meaning that the other meta tags are really useless. Any thoughts?

    Moz Pro | | sfseo

  • Hello should I be brutal with noindex? should I noindex anything of no value to websurfers? from my understanding, nofollow is different to to noindex? Google follows through the site crawling and discovering subpages but will not put the noindexed page in serps. Is that right? I have subcategory pages in a business directory site, these pages just have links to there subpages.

    Technical SEO | | adamzski

  • Hi All, does anyone have a best practice excel spreadsheet of a internal report we should be using.... ie what are the main factors we should be tracking? Unqiue views? time spent on site? Where they came from? seo/sem/network/direct to site? social media tracking? amount of +1/fb likes/tweets etc thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Tradingpost

  • So, for example, subdomain.domain/folder subdomain.domain/folder2 Is it possible to set up a 301-re-direct for an entire folder on a subdomain? If so, how? What is the correct code for this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I'm looking for a tool that will analyze a webpage for a specific keyword phrase and deliver good recommendations as to what I can do (on page and off page) to increase the Google ranking for that keyword phrase. I'm trying IBP now, but so far the results haven't been good. Any suggestions?

    Reporting & Analytics | | urbanscooters

  • I know reciprocal linking isn't ideal, but does it actually hurt your site? Is there any penalty for having a high number of reciprocal links?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • If you have a good amount of links, but your TLD is low, and you got say 100 more links from 100 seperate domains, but most were NoFollow, would that still help alot since you are increasing your overall TLD? I guess what I am asking is, should we not ignore nofollow links because they still can increase TLD? Thus, making our good dofollow links worth even more?

    Link Building | | DanHenry

  • hi all i am working for  a ecommerce site doing seo and i am thinking of starting a blog for one of the brands im trying to rank for on the site and then have some links from the to the pdp page of the ecommerse site that im working for, is this a good way to go about things

    Link Building | | Westernoriental

  • Would it be considered buying links if you asked your Facebook fan base to share a specific product page, and by doing so they will be entered to win a drawing? How would Google look at this? And could we expect a significant increase in rankings as a result? Or would it just be a temporary "what's trending?" boost you think?

    Social Media | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Hey everyone, I am wondering if there is a way to confirm or reinforce what am i seeing on a webpage using the Moz Toolbar? When I go to this website here: they have a high page/domain trust rank. However, when I filter down to the niche category I would be interested in submitting too - Then everything, including PageRank, drops to zero. The question I have, is I am not sure if this is really just a poorly constructed and untrustworthy page as identified in the Moz Toolbar. Or is it possible that these page categories have recently been redeveloped or something like that, and that's why the deeper pages are not showing any benefits? Thanks for any help or tips!

    Moz Pro | | JerDoggMckoy

  • In this post,, it mentions that the noindex tag is more effective than using robots.txt for keeping URLs out of the index. Why is this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I recently took over management of the SEO work for the following site:  I want to do link building, but don't have a ton of experience with it. From what I've read, offering linkable content is the best way to get links.  However, this site -- like many in industrial B-2-B -- is focused primarily on promoting their products.  I'd like tto offer an article or add an infographic, but am not sure where I would put it?  It doesn't seem like the architecture offers a good place to add linkable content. Anyone have thoughts or suggestions?

    Link Building | | EricVallee34

  • Having trouble getting csv from OSE via email. Anyone else? Solutions?

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • How much does a link from a YouTube video to a site affect its pagerank?

    Image & Video Optimization | | JLAW

  • I'm wondering if anyone else out there has noticed that has vanished in Google's index today (8-9-2011). Any input is appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | Domino50

  • The problem I am having is that the web crawlers are seeing all my category pages as the same page thus creating duplicate content and duplicate title errors. At this time I have  270 of these critical errors to deal with. Here is an example: All of these pages are see as the same exact page by the crawlers. Because these pages are generated by a SQL database I don't have a way I know of to fix it.

    Web Design | | bsj2002

  • MOZ Helpers, Currently our clients videos are hosted on Viemo and that will not change as our client likes the creative/artist vibe and community via Viemo. That being said we need to create a video sitemap. BTW, Our site uses wordpress. When someone in house uploads a video in the future we want them to be able to enter the video title, description, and tags on the video and when they hit "update" the video and information will get added to our video site map. Wistia has this option here , but like I mentioned above our client has all videos via Viemo. I found a Google XML wordpress plugin, but that said it only works for Youtube video's. The Jr. developer is not confident in creating one himself from the Google webmaster instructions and asked me to search for another solution. Check out the attached pic, that is what I am looking for. Is their a plugin or another option where we can use for easy sitemap updating and management for our Viemo videos? Thanks in advance! M video-seo-dialog.png?id=video-seo video-seo-dialog.png?id=video-seo

    Technical SEO | | matthew-220200

  • I have two separate domains set up on one hosting account through godaddy.  Will this affect the SEO negatively?  They are completely different sites with their own unique domains but on my local files the second domain is set up as a subfolder for the original hosted domain.  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | DavetheExterminator

  • Let's say I am targeting a keyword "Blue Widgets Cityname" with an AdWords campaign. My SEO landing page is coming up in position #6 in the organic results for this keyword. Because I have my website in the organic search results, does my quality score automatically improve? Conversely, my quality score could go up because the organic search results facilitate a higher CTR for both the ads and the organic results. However, I am wondering if there is a quality score algorithmic component that automatically makes my quality score go up simply because the same domain I am targeting is in the organic results.

    Paid Search Marketing | | qlkasdjfw

  • What would you do if a competitor had their main domain, and then another domain targeting your local area with the same exact content? That's currently happening to me, and I'm not sure what I should do about it, if anything: and

    Content Development | | ResslerMotors

  • What will I need to make is in position 1 in Google to the word "mensagens"? Only anchor text will?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tibtos

  • So I have created a page for the term "denver buick" but the next largest search term is for "buick denver." Should I create another page focusing on this keyword, or optimize one page for both? It's hard to come up with unique content since they are the basically the same term. But most importantly, if I make this new page, how do I incorporate it into the site architecture? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | kylesuss

  • Google Webmaster Tools is reporting a heck of a lot of 404s which are due to an external site linking incorrectly to my site. The site itself has scraped content from elsewhere and has created 100's of malformed URLs. Since it unlikely I will have any joy having these linked removed by the creator of the site, I'd like to know how much damage this could be doing, and if so, is there is anything I can do to minimise the impact? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Nobody1556905035114

  • A developer asked me if it's ok to add a string of characters (output by Sharepoint) to the image filename. Not a good idea for SEO I said....I've already suggested using keywords for filename and including keyword descriptions in the alt and title attributes. It's a SharePoint shopping cart. Does anyone have any suggestions, experience or workarounds for this?

    Technical SEO | | CoL-PR

  • Hello Mozers, We're currently under going quite a large infrastructure change to our website and I wouldn't to hear your thoughts on the type of things we should be careful of. We currently have close to 4,000 individual products each with their own page. The seo work is then driven behind certain pages which house a catalog display of groups of products. The groups are done by style.  An example is we have a page called "Style A" which displays 8 different colours of style A. We then seo the style A page and the individual items received minimal seo work. The change would involve having one individual product page for each style but on that page the user would have the ability to purchase the different colours/variations via menus. This will result in approximately a %70 reduction in the size of our site (as several products will no longer be published) The things we are currently concerned with are: 1. The lose of equity to those unwanted 'style A' pages - I think a series of careful planned 301s will be the solution. 2. Possible loss of long tail traffic to the individual products which might not be caught by one individual page per style. 3. Internal link structure will need to be monitored to make sure that we're still highlight the most important pages as well, important. Sorry for the long post, it's a difficult change to explain without revealing the clients name - any other things we should be thinking about would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Nigel

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NigelJ

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