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  • Hi Guy's, I have a question about campaigns, We run a eCommerce website with several categories with sub cats/ i.e. natural hair care Natural Shampoo Natural Conditioner Natural Treatments natural Skin Care etc etc My question is this... do you use campaigns to separate the sites sections up?  or do you run one campaign, trying to get my head around the best way to target my sections for performance/keywords etc... Thanks Daniel

    Moz Pro | | LushDuck

  • Hey Mozzers! I just received a question from a copywriter: How does Google see part of keywords? E.g. When a page is optimized for "Pain", does the word "Painkiller" also have influence then, because "Pain" is a part of it? The question is about how he should use keywords for the right density. Love to read some answers from you guys, thanks!

    Content Development | | Partouter

  • i have almost three week now and some of my keywords still not showing any ranking under ranking tab instead they are showing the day next crawl is due. Any suggestions Thanks

    Moz Pro | | TahirLiaqat

  • My client's Website is experiencing a huge drop of its rankings since Aug 1st. It was at 2nd on 1st page on for the keyword Holidays Sri Lanka . But When I checked it last it has gone to 20th page. I really cannot find a reason for this drop . Only thing that comes to mind is that we put a comment on a blog but finally it appeared on all pages because of top commentator plugin . huge rise in backlinks in oneday . from next day we lost its ranking on but on it is still at the same position where it used to be . What would be the reason for this ? Could it be a penelty ? What should we do now to get its ranking back ?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Osanda

  • My client is running a online news website, which is running for 4 years. He's now looking to change the site into a new domain. I would like to know what  are the factors to look out for when changing the site into new domain (In SEO point of view)

    Technical SEO | | augmoz11

  • Based on what I've read so far, the best blog URL for SEO purposes is a subfolder ( rather than a subdomain ( I am having a lot of trouble adding a blog to our e-commerce store which is hosted by volusion. I have looked into installing Wordpress into a subdirectory but apparently Volusion does not allow the mysql/myphpadmin/database access needed to successfully do this. I have also looked into trying to publish my blog through ftp using Blogger, but they stopped allowing this a while ago. Does anyone know a way to add a blog to my volusion store's subdirectory? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AHH888

  • Hey Mozzers, In the past week 8 of my keywords have drastically dropped and I have no idea why. We had  been doing link building campaign and things were lookign good. We stopped it and crash, all the kerword rankings dropped. Would be awesome if someone couls shed some light onto this one? the site in question is thank you so much!

    Reporting & Analytics | | vijayvasu

  • Hi is there a tool that will spider my site then find similar text on external sites?

    On-Page Optimization | | adamzski

  • A site I have lost 30% of its traffic in June then another 10% in July, is it Panda? The site has 10's of thousands of AP or other syndicated articles on it, they are not there for SE benefits, they are categorized and relevant to the people who read them, the site gets half of its traffic from type ins/bookmarks. Should I nofollow the articles or rel="canonical" them? what can help...... Cheers

    Technical SEO | | adamzski

  • Hello, My question is: how important is it to wait for the a redirect to get seen and cached before you take down the old page? More in depth: my old platform has seriously limited my ability to add sitemaps and make edits to htacces. I just want to change nameservers (which will delete everything on there) and upload the htaccess is that alright? Another way of saying it: when redirecting a page, is it necessary for google to see the old page before it is deleted? Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • So I ran into this site not that long ago and wanted to see if any other SEO's have an opinion on it. I've seen a Google bomb before, but the amount of links going into this URL  is insane. The thing is how does one over come a Google Bomb? Do you just wait to see what Google does or do you just hope to rank under that URL? I should also note that it appears that all the keywords to it are relevant to the sites content. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks

    Link Building | | kateG1298

  • What is the proper way (or is it possible) to add canonical tags on website pages that end in .aspx? If you add a canonical tag to the Master Page it will put that exact canonical tag on every page, which is bad. Is there a different version of the tag to put on individual pages? And one to put on the home page without the Master Page error?

    Web Design | | Ryan-Bradley

  • Hi- I was recently forced to migrate my Google account. After going through the process my Google Places profiles associated with this email was suspended. I've read the quality guidelines and I'm pretty certain that my account was suspended because: --
    Account Email Address: Use a shared business email account, if multiple users will be updating your business listing. If possible, use an email account under your business domain. For example, if your business website is, a matching email address would be There seems to be no way to change the email address associated with a Places account. I've pretty much resolved to obtaining emails at the business domain and setting the profiles up again from scratch. Before I do this does anyone have any other ideas? I've posted the question at Google webmaster forums and have only found other similar unanswered questions. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! LHC

    Image & Video Optimization | | lhc67

  • For example "Dog-Leashes" Is that bad if I'm targeting dog leashes as my keywords.

    Keyword Research | | ibex

  • My client has selected 10 keywords that they want to rank on the first page of Google for. Is 10 keywords too many to try and rank for? I have heard that you should focus on top 5 keywords instead.

    Reporting & Analytics | | dseasterling

  • SeoMoz is reporting duplicate content, title tags, and other meta information and seems to be showing that my mobile site (located on is a duplicate of I was figuring I could add "Mobile SiteName" to the title to avoid the duplicate title but am a little confused as to how to approach the duplicate content side of it

    On-Page Optimization | | Check_City

  • We're working on some changes to our site and want to add a site map file to give some hints to search engines on our member profiles. Our site has millions of member profiles. I want to ensure that Google indexes them. Is there a benefit to submitting millions of profiles across multiple site maps? Is it better to pick a sample of those and submit them? Most member profiles have links to other member profiles. Is there any benefit to taking a single site map of 50k links and then changing it at some frequency so that all of the member profiles are eventually indexed? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | JoeCotellese81

  • The content management system for my e-commerce site will not allow me to add both: unique content and unique title tags to each of my product category pages. Since I am forced to choose one or the other...which one is more important for rankings? And please dont answer "get a new CM system"...thats not an option. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | rcarll

  • So say for instance you rank well in "online medical billing software." Does that help or influence your rank for derivatives of it (eg: "medical billing," "billing software," or "online medical billing")?

    Keyword Research | | Bill4Time

  • I was very active in SEOmoz's Q&A forums today and completed my profile - raising my Moz points from 0 to 50.  On my profile, however, I am still listed as Unranked.  Also, I do not appear on the SEOmoz Top Members List next to other users with 50 points. I'm guessing this is something that is updated once a day or so, and the rank will update tomorrow.  Is my suspicion correct?

    Moz Pro | | AnthonyMangia

  • I am creating a blog and want to know if I should noindex archives for categories and tags. I changed the format of my blog to excerpts to prevent duplicate content, but I want to make sure I also need to noindex those pages. Please help!

    On-Page Optimization | | lwilkins

  • We currently have "view 12" as the default setting when someone arrives to We have been advised to change the default to "view all products" and make that the canonical page to ensure all of our products get indexed. My concern is that doing this will increase the page load time and possibly hurt rankings. Does it make sense to change all our our subcategory pages to show all the products when someone visits the page? Most sites seem to have a smaller number of products as the default.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pbhatt

  • Hi, I'm noticing two strange things in search results recently. Often I find that if I search for a client's company name, I see just the company name in SERPs where the title tag would normally be displayed. Examples: 'aci northwest' 'lanz heating' As strange as that is, I'm tempted to assume this is just Google's way of "getting smarter" and showing more relevant results (though I'm not sure exactly where it's pulling from). But it gets stranger. For the first example, 'aci northwest', when search that key phrase on Bing/Yahoo!, etc. I'm not only not seeing the title tag where it would normally be, but I'm seeing the H1 in it's place: "When your projects demand more, demand ACI." Any idea what's happening here? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | VTDesignWorks

  • Are there any specific guidelines that should be followed for setting up a mobile site to ensure it isn't counted as duplicate content?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Anyone can point their domain to any IP address they want.  I've found at least two domains (same owner) with two totally unrelated domains (to each other and to us) that are currently pointing their domains to our  IP address.  The IP address is on our dedicated server (we control the entire physical server) and is exclusive to only that one domain (so it isn't a virtual hosting misconfiguration issue) This has caused Google to index their two domains with duplicate content from our site (found by searching for  Their site does not come up in the first 50 results though for any of the keywords we come up for so Google obviously knows THEY are the dupe content, not us (our site has been around for 12 years - much longer than them.) Their registration is private and we have not been able to contact these people.  I'm not sure if this is just a mistake on the DNS for the two domains or it is someone doing this intentionally to try to harm our ranking.  It has been going on for a while, so it is most likely not a mistake for two live sites as they would have noticed long ago they were pointing to the wrong IP. I can think of a variety of actions to take but I can find no information anywhere regarding what Google officially recommends doing in this situation, assuming you can't get a response.  Here's my ideas. a) Approach it as a Digital Copyright Violation and go through the lengthy process of having their site taken down.  Pro: Eliminates the issue.  Con: Sort of a pain and we could be leaving possibly some link juice on the table? b) Modify .htaccess to do a 301 redirect from any URL not using our domain, to our domain.  This means Google is going to see several domains all pointing to the same IP and all except our domain, 301 redirecting to our domain.  Not sure if THAT will harm (or help) us?  Would we not receive link juice then from any site out there that was linking to these other domains?  Con: Google will see the context of the backlinks and their link text will not be related at all to our site.  In addition, if any of these other domains pointing to our IP have backlinks from 'bad neighborhoods' I assume it could hurt us? c) Modify .htaccess to do a 404 File Not Found or 403 forbidden error? I posted in other forums and have gotten suggestions that are all over the map.  In many cases the posters don't even understand what I'm talking about - thinking they are just normal backlinks. Argh! So I'm taking this to "The Experts" on SEOMoz.

    Technical SEO | | jcrist

  • Working with a new client with large websites.  On the competitive domain analysis the numbers for my client and 3 competitors was 48 | 52, 51, 55 For 2 whole weeks it jumped to 68 | 48, 43, 51 and there were some really odd supporting numbers such as total links moving from 107K originally to 806K. Just today, the numbers have reverted to the previous numbers. I am relatively new to moz and like the reports, but this is very unnerving. Is there an explanation?  Anyone else seeing this? Added: Aargh. The numbers just jumped back to the previous high numbers.  Help.

    Moz Pro | | mikescotty

  • Howdy SEOmoz fans! (couldn't resist). I'm moving a wordpress blog from to Trying to do it right the first time and cover all my bases. Issues I'm trying to handle correctly, in varying degrees of importance: External LInks Internal Links Google Friendly Traffic Routing in a dynamic environment (wordpress, 301, .htaccess, etc.) Thanks so much for any and all input!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NTM

  • I've read through the Redirect guide here already but can't get this down in my .htaccess I want to redirect some pages specifically (/contactinfo.html to the new /contact.php) And I want all other pages (not all have equivalent pages on the new site) to redirect to my new (index.php) homepage. How can I set it up so that some specific pages redirect directly, and all others go to one page? I already have the specific oldpage.html -> newpage.php redirects in place, just need to figure out the broad one for everything else.

    Technical SEO | | RyanWhitney15

  • My site's URL (web address) is: Hi there, We operate a travel site that lists numerous tours, accommodation and activities. Since 6th August 2011 we have dropped from top 10 SERP rankings of our pages to around result number 100 (page 10) and losing massive amount of visitors via Google Search. Our Yahoo and Bing rankings are still in the top10. We need your advice and quick! The last changes we have made are the following: -redirected the non-www version to the www version on the 1st August -bought advertising with a follow link in a sidebar that is being populated across the site (+4000 pages) about 2 months ago -added a blog to the website 2 weeks ago and posted 2 posts to date. Additionally, our website structure allows visitors (and bots) to see the same listings via different URLs which caused duplicate content. This has been the case since the launch of our website about 1 year ago. To prevent this duplicate content we have placed canonical tags on the individual listings pages. Why did our site all of a sudden plummet in the rankings?

    Technical SEO | | Robbern

  • I have a wp site that has a negative rank, how bad is this? and is links the only way to convert this to a positive? If its relevant the site is Results following websitegrader tool. Website Grade 70 Moz Rank -1 Indexed Pages 255 Traffic Rank 10,932,429 Blog Grade Not Graded Linking Domains 2

    On-Page Optimization | | robanewman

  • Hi, I'm just going through my latest crawl since my new site launch and havce noticed almost all of my websites pages are listed under the notices rel canonical section, Why is this? All pages have the unique pages titles followed by the site name in the title, for example: Product | Site name All pages have unique meta descriptions and content (although we only offer lots of differt varients of the same product). Is this something I should be worried about?

    On-Page Optimization | | EclipseLegal

  • I was looking through our links since the last OSE update and was surprised to found several links which I have no idead how they got there. What made me suspicious is that the anchor text is relevant, but when i'm checking the page I don't see the link anymore (or can't access it, like in the first example). Some of those links : I don't even know if those links are real since I can't access many of those pages...

    Technical SEO | | Aeronet

  • I am optimizing my webpages according to suggestions from the On Page Report Card. Should I have more than one keyword for a page or should I make separate pages for each keyword even when they are similar? Will Google penalize me for making similar pages? Imagine selling, bargain milk chocolate peanut clusters. Keywords examples could be: Bargain chocolate Bargain milk chocolate Bargain milk chocolate peanut clusters Bargain chocolate peanut clusters Chocolate peanut cluster bargains Milk chocolate peanut cluster bargains Etc. Will one page called http://mycompany/ be OK or should I have one called http://mycompany/ and one called http://mycompany/ and one called http://mycompany/ , etc.? Thanks for your advice.

    On-Page Optimization | | KSHAYY

  • One of my customers is willing to add Google +1 button on their Flash websites. Is it possible? How can we add Google +1 button on a Flash site? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | merkal2005

  • i would like to  exclude all traffic coming from India using  Advanced Segment in Google Analytics. How do i go about it ?  Will it be applied to future traffic also ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • Hi guys, just a quick query this one. For one of our keywords, the rankings are fluctuating wildly. One week we went up 32 spots, then the next friday we were down 28. Nothing dramatic was being done to the site, I have not been trying to "force" any rankings instead focusing on just making our content better. It just seems odd that one week we're on page one, then a few days later we're down on page four. It seems impossible to actually maintain a reliable ranking. I know to expect some fluctuation but every week it's up 20/30, then down 20/30 the next. How can we try to give this keyword some stability? Ideas?

    Algorithm Updates | | JetBookMike

  • Hello, I have duplication with my home page. It comes in two versions of the languages​​: French and English. You should know that the home page are not directories : Google indexes the three versions: To avoid duplicating what is the best solution?
    Have a version of the default language? Thanks a lot for your answers. Take care. A.

    Technical SEO | | android_lyon

  • I've noticed a lot of backlinks to sites consist of SERPS from other search engines that Google. A link to a query like: for instance. Does Google index these links and do they give any value? Regards, Henrik

    SERP Trends | | euromillions

  • Hey Guys, I don't know if anyone can help or not, but my CMS support seem to not be interested in helping me configure the GA Async code for whatever reason. I am pretty sure the code is firing twice on the site and is masking the true bounce rate. I want to maintain tracking of e commerce transactions and event tracking, but It is beyond me how to configure the A sync code to track these events accurately. I do not want to start hap haphazardly experimenting, so I am asking for help instead. At present our CMS has to have GA tracking enabled on some code in the site, I imagine this populates the GA with the transaction info. here is a link to the support forum I am using to try to find a solution. I have been over the GA forums too. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

    Reporting & Analytics | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hello! I'm a professional photographer and have used categories in an old blog to separate my work. (weddings, portraits, etc.) I'm starting an new blog and everything was imported, except categories so as i started rewriting them, I noticed the 'personalised URL. So I was thinking of re-writing my categories based on types of jobs and location. For example: *North Wales -wedding photography -portrait photography -commercial photography *Cheshire -wedding photography -portrait photography -commercial photography and so on... Or do you think it's best to just have shoot style categories? What do you guys think? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IoanSaid

  • The keyword  "business engagement in outsourcing" shows 0 visits. I have a look at Seomoz post at - According to it, "If someone makes more than one visit to a site within the same "session" and each visit comes from a search but on different keywords, then both keywords will be included in the keywords report - the first with 0 visits and the second with 1 visit" In my  GA report, i could only see 0 visit for the above keyword. Why is 1 visit not being shown ? On reading the blog, i am more confused, as it says "Google Analytics, assigns the visitors activity to the first keyword " . which is NOT what seomoz suggests

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Since it is not an internal page, would it make sense to nofollow links to my youtube videos throughout my site? Thanks for the help William

    Social Media | | whorneff310

  • Hi there, I am looking to set up a blog to support my websites SEO with inbound links.  I was wondering if the blog being a .org would carry more weight than being a .com?  Any suggestions on this?

    Link Building | | jclubb

  • hi this is my first ever dip into the Q & a section of this website so go easy on mew please my question is , is it better to have a blog seperate fron your own site or within your website many thanks

    Content Development | | Westernoriental

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