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  • Ok, I'm a beginner here.  A few basic questions: I ran a "competitive link finder" search. 1.  What does "Subdomain mR" mean? 2.  What does Subdomain mT mean? 3.  What do the scores in each column mean?  Example 8.7 under Subdomain mR. 4.  How do I interpret this? thanks for your help! Dan Castro

    Moz Pro | | DanManCastro

  • Search "Google Places Changes." My Blog,  is ranked first.  Has been for a week.  Why?  Makes no sense. I have been getting many first page Google results for 3 and 4 word keyword searches.  The site or Blog just isn't that strong.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=661c0b1152c259b4&biw=1024&bih=583

    Content Development | | MBayes

  • Suppose I have a adwords campaign, with an adgroup targetting the broad match term "cell phones". Is it possible to get metrics on the exact keywords users have used to create ad impressions, clicks or conversions for that campaign? Many thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | James77

  • I set up my campaign a few days ago and have just signed in to see if my site has bee fully crawled... and the campaign has been deleted. What could have gone wrong?

    Moz Pro | | borderbound

  • Hi SEOMoz, If I have a site that has multiple language selection, how would it be possible for my site with localized content to rank higher than the default/English content? For example, in, my site with English content ( ranks higher than the localized content ( How is it possible for me to turn things around and ensure that for local markets like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China etc the localized content organically ranks higher than the default-English page? Thanks! Steve

    International SEO | | sjcbayona-41218

  • Regarding traffic from twitter, I want to track this url - and  generated the following URL using URL builder - Should i now pass it through a URL shortener bitLy or googles own. and tweet it. Is this what i should do ? Please reply ... where will i get a report in GA ( under which heading ? )

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Howdy 🙂 My client has a .com site they are looking at hosting via Akamai - they have offices in various locations, e.g UK, US, AU, RU & in some Asian countries. If they used Akamai, would the best approach be to set up seperate sites per country: .com .ru .sg etc Although my understanding is that Googlebot is located in the US so if it crawled any of those sites it would always get a US IP address? So is the answer perhaps to go with Akamai for the .com only which should target the US market and use different / seperate C class hosts for the others? Thanks! Woj

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wojkwasi

  • Hi guys, I have a question. Do you have an experience about google national and international ranking algorithm. For example, is the same algorithm for " " Germany, and " "??? For example, lot of tactics, are valid and effective on and not effective on, tell us about this . Do you have any idea? Share your skills please! we need your help!

    Industry News | | leadsprofi

  • I noticed for one of my sites, a large number of links do not show up in Open Site Explorer, including some of my stronger links.  That being the case, how much weight can I put on using these tools to compare sites? I'm not trying to bash here, I really like the tools but if my PA is 29 and my competition is 34, how much weight can I put on these numbers? Or if it says my site has 50 links from 25 domains and my competition has 60 links from 30 domains, these numbers obviously aren't very accurate?  So how much weight can I put on these comparisons?  Are there better tools?

    Moz Pro | | MattMaresca

  • Google has indexed a lot of old non contnet my page at still answers queries, should I 301 every url on it? Google has indexed about 200 pages all erogenous 404's, old directories and dynamic content at has 12 pages listed that are all current. Is this affecting my rankings?

    Technical SEO | | adamzski

  • I enter in the subdomain as : which is my website I enter in the (Name Your Campaign) : Kimberlis Kuties which is my company's name. I hit continue and then it comes up saying " it can't process because of having twin domains" I'm not sure what else to enter ? Thank you Kimberli

    Content Development | | KimberlisKuties

  • The following site ranks #1 in Google for almost every key phrase in their URL path for almost every page on their site. Example:  The last folder in this URL uses 9 keywords and I've seen as many as 18 on the same site. Curious: every page is a "default.html" under one of these kinds of folders (so much architecture?). Question: How much does stuffing keywords into URL paths affect ranking? If it has an effect, will Google eventually ferret it out and penalize it?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | PaulKMia

  • Hi everyone, for a few years now I've allowed school clients to pipe their news RSS feed to their public accounts on my site. The result is a daily display of the most recent news happening on their campuses that my site visitors can browse. We don't republish the entire news item; just the headline, and the first 150 characters of their article along with a Read more link for folks to click if they want the full story over on the school's site. Each item has it's own permanent URL on my site. I'm wondering if this is a wise practice. Does this fall into the territory of duplicate content even though we're essentially providing a teaser for the school? What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peterdbaron

  • Over the last couple of years I've repeatedly submitted (about 4 times) our site to, hoping to get listed but have never been successful in getting the site recognized. We have an eCommerce site that deals in automotive parts and accessories. What does it take to get your site accepted in dmoz and how do you go about it? Thanks, Steve

    Technical SEO | | SteveMaguire

  • Hi guys I'm after some help with trying to achieve the following: 1. Canonicalise to http://www. 2. Remove the index.php from root and subfolders. I have the .htaccess code below, which seemed to work fine, but the urls use the POST method and this isn't working with the rewrites. Can anyone please advise as to what I am doing wrong? As you can probably guess .htaccess isn't my strongest SEO discipline! The code I have is: http:// to http://www. RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] /index.php to / Options +FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.php\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ [R=301,L] Subdirectory /index.php to / RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\ /([^/]+/)index.(php|html|htm?)[#?]?
    RewriteRule ^(([^/]+/))index.(php|html|htm?)$$1 [R=301,L] Just to add to this I have found this which I think is what I need to restrict it to GET: RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php [NC]RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php/*(.*) /$1$2 [R=301,L] Thank you in advance for any suggestions as to how I may put this code together.. Trevor

    Technical SEO | | TrevorJones

  • Hello Sir, We have build hotel website and enabled google analytics on that. When we were going through the report of google analytics it shows that 69% have java and other 31% visitor has no java. We have designed Slideshow/banner on home page which shows different pictures of hotel which is in javascript. My question is as per google analytics report 31% have no java, that means they are not able to see that slideshow/banner of hotel pictures? is this the reason for 23% bounce rate on our website? Please help on this because I have spend nights on seo and tried lot of goal conversion techniques with different landing pages. I will heartily appreciate you response. Thanks, Bandro.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Bandro

  • Hi there, When using open site explorer to check the anchor text for I see Chinese characters as anchor text. However, when I do the same for I see normal English anchor text. Coincidentally this domain has dropped from first page rankings to outside the top 50. Is this a spam issue? Open-Site-Explorer.png

    Moz Pro | | Robbern

  • Anyone have any experience as to what effect google +1 has on ranking? Trying to figure out what impact it might have. Ecommerce site in norway selling childrens clothing. Atm we are ranking 25th for main targetted word childrens clothing (barneklær in norwegian). on this has a difficulty of 34. None of main competitors have any amount of google +1's on their site. Lets say if I in some way could manage to get 100 ppl to push +1 button. Would this affect our ranking at all ? Might be impossible to answer but if anyone has thoughts about it I am interested. Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | danlae

  • I have used OSE to look at links of a competitors site and notice they have dozens for links from Google Notebook pages eg This page has a PA of 48 Is this a legitimate linking strategy?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seanmccauley

  • A question was previously asked about geo-location and specifically if Google crawled from other countries. I could not locate the original question but wanted to share the below information. As of earlier this year Google only crawls from US IP addresses:

    Algorithm Updates | | RyanKent

  • We would like to rank better for specific keywords in Australia. We rank pretty well in our home tld but would like to do so in I would appreciate your thoughts and recommendations.

    International SEO | | seanmccauley

  • Hi cant find the right term or word for it but  google seems to personalize my search results according to my previous searches so that the rankings i get for a certain term isnt correct. Can i turn that off somehow ?

    Algorithm Updates | | danlae

  • Toolbar PageRank updates seem quite frequent this year. When they did the re-update in July after Twitter stuff-up I thought they were going to settle down for a while. Now in August there is a new one. From what I can see the data is refreshed and the snapshot seems to originate from at least 29th July with the calculated values as recent as 25th July. I wonder why they're doing this and what they are up to...

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • With our e-commerce store, we can customize the URL for the product categories, so we could have: or From an SEO standpoint (or even from a "trying to get links" standpoint), which would be better to have? I feel like having a *.html category page would be easier for link building, but that's just my personal feelings. Side Note: Our product pages are: Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fenderseo

  • Is it hard to get a page to rank for a particular term if the majority of the anchor text pointing to that page is different from your chosen term?

    Keyword Research | | kylesuss

  • Hi, In the recent free SEOMoz webinar about What's Ailing the Linkgraph, Rand Fishkin says that corporations try to get anchor text guest posts on his wife's blog and he suggests this is manipulative. Do you agree that anchor text links in guest posts are manipulative? Do you think that Google will take action against this tactic in the future? Thanks!

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • We have a pretty user friendly footer with almost an entire site-map on it. It's similar to many e-commerce company footers, and I think it's useful to the user. SEO professionals have recommended that to reduce the number of links on any given page on our site we should compress our footer and only show the headers, thus removing many links. This in my opinion is a disservice to the user and makes the site not look as good, but maybe it's a good idea for SEO to get rid of so many links per page? What do you think? (pic attached) Screen_shot_2011-08-05_at_3.54.53_PM.png

    On-Page Optimization | | aran088

  • How do I set up a 301 redirect if the default settings for our web servers create multiple URLs for the same page but only views it as one page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ibex

  • I am in the beginning stages of building a website and would like to know the site-mapping software for organizing my company's ideas. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Industry News | | canadianplum

  • I write a lot of articles to promote my site but even though i am happy that my articles get picked up and appear all over the net what really annoys me is when people use silly programes to change the words which do not make any sense. Here is an example: feel that when people use this silly programes to change the wording to make the article look unique, it makes my writing look stupid and i feel it could damage my reputation. Does anyone use these programes or are you like me and think they are annoying and do you think they will damage my reputation.

    Link Building | | ClaireH-184886

  • We've had our Youtube Channel fairly optimized for several months now. Part of that effort includes the link back to our site which is allowed on Youtube. When doing link research I see Youtube links being given credit to competitors but haven't seen Youtube show up in backlinks reports for our site yet. Is there any way to speed this up? Our Youtube page with the link has been indexed and a cached version of the page is in Google's SERPs. If there are any tricks to getting this going that anyone is aware of I'd like to hear it. *The link on Youtube returns a 200 and is followable. I'm using the SEOMOZ tool and Open Site Explorer to do backlinking research.

    Link Building | | dgmiles

  • I have looked everywhere to find the answer to this but cannot find it. How do you get the search engines to treat a domain hack as a word? e.g if you search "whois" , will return and the url will be highlighted in green showing that the search engines recognise it as a word. I own a domain hack but when i search the keyword, it never returns with the url highlighted in green. I would really appreciate any help on this. Thanks, Ronan

    Technical SEO | | ronnyg28

  • Hi! In looking at my site's crawl diagnostics, I came across 2 pages that were flagged as duplicate content. I can't quite figure out why. The only difference in the URLS is an uppercase '"B" vs a lowercase "b" following the "~". Here are the URLS: lowercase b example: uppercase B example: Is that the problem? Any advice is very much appreciated. Thanks! Peter

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peterdbaron

  • We recently had a client who own multiple brands switch from having multiple urls to having a single domain with multiple sub domains. I've posted an example below to better explain. My question is the original url is still functional, so there are two urls with identical content, yet I haven't been getting a duplicate content error. Also, would a rel canonical link be beneficial in this case since the duplicate content is on two separate domains? My thoughts were to put a 301 redirect on the original pages so they permanently forward to the new sub-domain format. Is this the best course of action? If not, what would you recommend? Example: Original URLs New URLs Let me know if this I need to clarify anything in better detail.
    Thanks in advance!

    Web Design | | BluespaceCreative

  • As ever, my apologies if this question's been asked before -- I searched for it, and didn't find it. But, our SEOMoz 'Domain Authority' has recently really jumped (from 67, where it was for many months, to 77).  And, our number of Linking Root Domains increased as well, from 1,986 to 3,349) Of course, none of this has translated into Google goodness, but if any of it's true, maybe it WILL in the future?  Any thoughts/ideas? Thanks, Dave (

    Moz Pro | | daveschappell

  • I seem to remember seeing an online app mentioned here that allows you to enter a twitter username, and it reports back metrics on the likelihood of each follower being a real person or not. Does anyone have the link, or did I imagine it?

    Social Media | | nbyloff

  • Should I redirect index.html to "/" or vice versa?  Which is better for duplicate content issues?

    Technical SEO | | DavetheExterminator

  • I'm currently using <pr>tags for paragraphs and came across an article that said it is better for search engines to see the</pr> tag than
    tag to separate paragraphs.

    Technical SEO | | ibex

  • How do these companies market themselves so well? Is it 90% social media? I'm curious to how they initially got off the ground and it seems like I need to be exploring these marketing techniques as well.

    SEO Learn Center | | seoninja20

  • Is it true that the shorter the Title tag is the more powerful the keywords in it are?
    I know that the main keywords have to be at the beginning of the title but, having more words in your Title could dilute the effectiveness of your main keywords? Ex: Dallas limo service | Private car by SelectLimousine. Could  the fact that I have a second part of my title  affect the first part by diluting its value? I would like to rank first for Dallas car service but also for Dallas car service and Dallas limousine service. Is this good practice?

    On-Page Optimization | | echo1

  • Recently I have switched servers and was very happy about the outcome. However, every friday my site shuts down (not very cool if you are getting 700 unique visitors per day). Naturally I was very worried and digged deep to see what is causing it. Unfortunately, the direct answer was that is was coming from "rogerbot". (see sample below) Today (aug 5) Same thing happened but this time it was off for about 7 hours which did a lot of damage in terms of seo. I am inclined to shut down the seomoz service if I can't resolve this immediately. I guess my question is would there be a possibility to make sure this doesn't happen or time out like that because of roger bot. Please let me know if anyone has answer for this. I use your service a lot and I really need it. Here is what caused it from these error lines: - - [29/Jul/2011:09:10:39 -0700] "GET /pregnancy/14-weeks-pregnant/ HTTP/1.1" 200 354 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; rogerBot/1.0; UrlCrawler;" - - [29/Jul/2011:09:10:37 -0700] "GET /pregnancy/17-weeks-pregnant/ HTTP/1.1" 200 51582 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; rogerBot/1.0; UrlCrawler;"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jury

  • Hi there, When I did a redesign a few years ago, I had it in my mind that site links in 3 or 4 columns at the bottom of the home page, and every other page, would be good for SEO.  Having links to interior pages using keywords and phrases from the home page and all that…. I think this might now be outdated thinking?  As long as there are some links from the home page to important interior pages to pass link juice that is what matters?  Google might not even looks at links in the footer?  Is this correct? Thoughts? Thanks so much!

    Technical SEO | | inhouseninja

  • I am getting a warning about having too many links on my page (152) but I don't want to remove any links from the site. Its an ecommerce site with categories across the top, featured products and then a further category navigation in the footer. Would it be beneficial if I added a rel="nofollow" to the links in the footer as these are duplicates of the one's in the header or would this harm the links in the header and the destination URL's which I definitely want to be crawled? Also, does anyone know if SEOMOZ considers links with a rel=nofollow as an actually link when they calculate their overview? Thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | gavinhoman

  • Could profanity such as swear words or cursing decrease the trust Google has in a website?  For example, abusive comments... etc?  I'm not talking about the SafeSearch filter, I'm talking about the overall trust of the website. Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • Hi My website provider doesnt yet have the function to integrate blog under my domain name so the blog is at blogspot. Inevitably there will be quite some links going from blog to differnet pages on my site. I havent yet incorporated a clickable link from my homepage to blog. I am not sure wether to do this or not. Will this just reduce the value of the links going from the blog ? Thanks

    Content Development | | danlae

  • Hi all, I have a bit of a problem with duplicate content on our website. The CMS has been creating identical duplicate pages depending on which menu route a user takes to get to a product (i.e. via the side menu button or the top menu bar). Anyway, the web design company we use are sorting it out going forward, and creating 301 redirects on the duplicate pages. My question is, some of the duplicates take two different forms. E.g. for the home page: www.<my domain="">
    www..<my domain="">
    www.<my domain=""></my></my></my> Now I understand the 'index.html' page should be redirected, but does the 'index.asp' need to be directed also? What makes this more confusing is when I run the SEOMoz diagnostics report (which brought my attention to the duplicate content issue in the first place - thanks SEOMoz), not all the .asp pages are identified as duplicates. For example, the above 'index.asp' page is identified as a duplicate, but 'contact-us.asp' is not highlighted as a duplicate to 'contact-us.html'? I'm a bit new to all this (I'm not a IT specialist), so any clarification anyone can give would be appreciated. Thanks, Gareth

    Moz Pro | | gdavies09031977

  • I use FireFox as my browser on a Windows pc. When I close FF it rarely closes properly. The process is still visible in the task manager. I need to end the process to shut it down. After researching the issue I learned this problem is usually caused by an add-on. I disabled my add-ons one at a time and it is clearly the SEOmoz bar causing the issue. I can run every other add-on without any problem but if I use the mozbar but itself, the issue occurs. I plan to report this problem to the help desk but first I wanted to ask if others are experiencing the same issue. The more data that can be collected, the easier it will be to resolve the problem. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

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