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  • Hi guys, I have a new website in the recycling bins sector called recyclingbins (dot) co (dot) uk. We are building it as we speak and just wondered if the below would be a good choice for our category pages? office recycling bins kitchen recycling bins outdoor recycling bins school recycling bins home recycling bins What i am particularly interested in is whether having the keyword recycling bins at the end of every category is too much? Thank you Jon

    On-Page Optimization | | imrubbish

  • Hi, Some good directories asked a backlink for having ours listed in their categories. But of course, I am not fan of putting their link on the home page, but creating a page exclusively for these backlinks is a bad thing to mister google ? thanks in advance !

    Link Building | | thuraminho75

  • Hello, Has anyone got any experiences of using schema mark-up on an ecommerce site? If so, what has been the outcome since doing in? I am just wondering if it is worth marking up our products with the full product set of schemas and what the impact would be?

    Technical SEO | | RikkiD22

  • Hello, I have a question about a PPC(adwords) budget. If I want to invest 500$ / month , per year. Is that enough to reach more than 5.000 users(month) in my website? Keyword: TANGO Country: Br ( ). I know I'm not giving a huge information about this question, but I just want to hear some toughts for a guy who has more experience in PPC than me. Any suggestion will be very appreciated, thanks.

    Paid Search Marketing | | augustos

  • Hello, I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. I was wondering how a websites search query keyword string url can rank above other page results that have stronger backlinks. The domain is usually strong, but that url with the .php?search=keyword just seems like it doesn't fit in. How does Google index those search string pages? Is it based off of traffic alone to that url? Because those urls typically don't have backlinks, right? Has anyone tried to rank their websites search query urls ever? I'm just a little curious about it. Thanks everyone. Jesse

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | getrightmusic

  • We work with a number of pharmaceutical sites that under FDA regulation must include an "Important Safety Information" (ISI) content block on each page of the site.  In many cases this duplicate content is not only provided on a specific ISI page, it is quite often longer than what would be considered the primary content of the page.  At first blush a rel=canonical tag might appear to be a solution to signal search engines that there is a specific page for the ISI content and avoid being penalized, but the pages also contain original content that should be indexed as it has user benefit beyond the information contained within the ISI.  Anyone else running into this challenge with regulated duplicate boiler plate and has developed a work around for handling duplicate content at the paragraph level and not the page level? One clever suggestion was to treat it as a graphic, however for a pharma site this would be a huge graphic.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BlooFusion38

  • What is the whitehat way to properly remove the .html and .php extensions at the end of urls? Example: should be (and is)

    Web Design | | Ryan-Bradley

  • Hi, I am trying to find the number and preferably a list of outbound links on a site that has thousands of pages. Is there a good tool that you can recommend? Unless I missed it, I haven't seen this feature in SEOMoz. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | SparkplugDigital

  • I was wondering if there was still effectiveness in the finding of directories via: plastic surgery "submit site". Below is an example of the directories I found that offer paid listings into their directory. How do you measure what a good price is versus too expensive? How do you evaluate which directories are worth it? Alexa rank, pr and inbound links? If so what are the metrics you use? Obviously we are purely looking from a rankings/seo perspective because nobody actually uses these directories right? Avia directory pr5 - the featured page your link would be on is pr 4.
    A permanent link is $149 and a annual link is $49 Findelio pr 4 - however page where my liink would be is pr0
    One time fee is $39. So although this is much cheaper but the pr is none. So in this instance do you not buy the submission? I do notice some of my competition in some of these directories. Should that be my indicator?
    I thought that maybe these companies bought into these directories a long time ago and wouldn't still do so today. Is there more effective uses of my $50, $100 or $150 or whatever? Interested to see what peoples thoughts are on this type of linkbuilding in todays world. Or if that even matters and this will always be beneficial? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PEnterprises

  • So I was wondering if there was a general consensis regarding the amount of outbound links you have coming from your domain to other domains and if there is a correlation between the more you have going out, the more (for want of a better word) damage you can do to your domain. EG: is a site with good domain authority better to keep the short leash on handing out links to external sites? Does this make the link juice from the site more valuable?

    Link Building | | Daylan

  • Some sites (including 1 or two I work with) have a legitimate reason to have duplicate content, such as product descriptions. One way to deal with duplicate content is to add other unique content to the page. It would be helpful to have guidelines regarding what percentage of the content on a page should be unique. For example, if you have a page with 1,000 words of duplicate content, how many words of unique content should you add for the page to be considered OK? I realize that a) Google will never reveal this and b) it probably varies a fair bit based on the particular website. However... Does anyone have any experience in this area? (Example: You added 300 words of unique content to all 250 pages on your site, that each had 100 words of duplicate content before, and that worked to improve your rankings.) Any input would be appreciated! Note: Just to be clear, I am NOT talking about "spinning" duplicate content to make it "unique". I am talking about adding unique content to a page that has legitimate duplicate content.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdamThompson

  • Lets say I want to branch out from the normal ".com" genre,  can you Rank a ".ly" in google search results?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HCGDiet

  • I'm very new to SEO, but know just enough to be dangerous. I've run my first full KWD report and formatted the results per  Jordan Judson's blog post. Now I'd like to compare how related pages on my site compare to these results. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to accomplish this task. Any guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Steve

    Competitive Research | | SteveMaguire

  • All my Bing rankings are now the same as Yahoo's ranking were, but I expected the opposite.  Meanwhile, my Yahoo rankings are exactly the same as they were last week.

    Industry News | | agawrvagreaas

  • Although meta description tags have no impact on rankings - can there be a negative effect from having many duplicate meta title + description tags with just 1-2 words switched out?

    On-Page Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • So we all know that duplicate content is bad for SEO. I was just thinking... Whenever I post new content to a blog, website page etc...there should be something I should be able to do to tell Google (in fact all search engines) that I just created and posted this content to the web... that I am the original source .... so if anyone else copies it they get penalised and not me... Would appreciate your answers... 🙂 regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TopGearMedia

  • I'm looking for a tool that can do the following:
    Organize a keyword universe and its data/metrics:
    -track keyword data over time (search volumes/trends, relative competition metrics, rankings,
    -Sort keywords into buckets/silos/ad groups
    -allow you to assign individual keywords to multiple silos/groups and show the relationships between groups based on keyword relationships.
    -incorporate a site map 
    -tie keyword targets to static pages, informational content (SEO) & landing pages (PPC)
    -help with KW and/or competitive research (optional)
    -tie into web analytics / marketing on-demand software (optional) I know that this is a lot of functionality, but for enterprise search marketing, this could be a game changer for my strategy (if it exists currently) or for the industry (if it doesn't exist). Please share you solution suggestions here...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PTC4SEO

  • Hi, I was wondering as far as being aggressive in link building can you add a lot of links to a new post on an aged domain?  How many would you say is too much for the new pages if the over all domain has about 40k links?  I am just wondering of a safe round about number monthly that can be done although I do realize this is site specific.  I would trust your best guess. Thanks, ~JImmy

    Link Building | | dreamfire

  • I noticed Moosejaw was adding quite a bit of content to the bottom of category pages via a div tag that makes use of a scroll bar. Could a site be penalized by Google for this technique? Example:

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BrandLabs

  • I know this has been discussed but was wondering what would be the best approach from an SEO perspective. I quite like the idea of setting up websites with domains without www but always worry that setting up domains without www has a disadvantage because user are use to referring to sites with the www included. Thus one of my fears are that users would link back using www version which will mean even if you do a 301 redirect that some of the link juice would be lost. I know some famous sites have used this convention such as so think it would be possible but still concerned that for new sites it would be better to rather stick to conventions. What are your opinions about this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SABest

  • It looks like either opensiteexplorer is broken or two of our domains are being spammed via negative seo with very low quality links: is a project pretty new in development. Last time I checked we had 39 linking root domains. Now - couple of weeks later - we have more than 800 linking root domains. Most of them very dubious ones. Problem is: the link anchors look correct of what we or a user would typically link to most of the URLs identified by OSE I cannot even find a link back to us on there If it weren`t for the correct link anchors I would consider something wrong with OSE.
    Another URL affected is We are very proud of our quality and organic approach to editorial journalism, but we are in a very competitive field, so I would not be surprised if someone would apply negative SEO against us. Can someone briefly look into it and tell me if they came up with the same issue?

    Link Building | | Beatbuster

  • Hi, Mozzers- I'm re-evaluating my SEO WordPress Plugins. What are your favorites and why? Are there others that you avoid and why? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | lhc67

  • Hi, we're thinking of moving our very well established forum to a subfolder on our main domain. I have read that this would be much better for seo reasons/domain authority rather than using a sub domain. Is this correct? Our forum has 15,000 users and gets roughly over 502,087 impressions from 101,147 visits a month. Thanks, James

    Technical SEO | | Wedideas

  • I am starting to miss the old OSE. I've found that for a lot of the pages on our site, the new OSE is showing WAY more links and most of them are garbage nonsense links from China, Russia, and the rest of the internet Wild West. For instance, in the old OSE, this page used to show 9 linking domains: It now shows 454 links. Some of the new links (about 5 of them) are legitimate. The other 400+ are garbage. Some are porn sites, most of them don't even open a web page, they just initiate some shady download. I've seen this for other sites as well (like Urban Outfitters) This is making it much harder for me to do backlink analysis on bc I have no clue how many "Normal" links they have. Is anyone else having this problem ? Any way to filter all this crap out ? See attached screenshot of the list of links I'm getting from OSE. NHXnn

    Moz Pro | | znotes

  • Previously the company had created some .HTML content pages around top shoe styles and top manufactures. One or two of these pages used to rank but have been neglected over the page 18 months. I want to build out new content round our top styles / top manufactures and I am wondering if I should use the existing HTML pages or create new pages that use our content management system. The .HTML pages can contain keywords in the URL, using our content management system, all URL’s are If we use the .HTML pages all content is managed manually. If we build out 6 to 10 pages, this can become a resource issue and may result in a bad experience for the website visitor. From an SEO perspective, does the benefit of having the keywords in the URL outweigh the manual management hassles? And if not, should we 301 all the HTML pages to the new content pages? And from a linking standpoint, I want these content pages to point to the new version of the top style. From a navigation standpoint, we also want to provide access to all styles from the manufacture. Should we nofollow the links to all styles?

    On-Page Optimization | | seorunner

  • Hi, I have 4 domains and 4 keyword sets i.e. penny stocks mutual funds stocks day trading My question is: what is the better approach: Have each site around one set e.g. everything about "penny stocks" Site A - penny stocks Site B - mutual funds Site C - stocks Site D - day trading Create 4 categories in each website about each set of keywords? Site A - penny stocks | mutual funds | stocks | day trading and the same.. Thank you, Alex

    Content Development | | pwpaneuro

  • Im pretty new to all this so hopefuly im going the right way ive been using SEOMOZ Pro for about 3 weeks. I have a website and a blog, I noticed that my website (flash based) was not doing very well but my blog was doing well. So i decided to turn my blog into a website for my main website and my old website into another category for my services. So I have now transferred everything over to my blog and on website grader I have got my rating upto 74/100 from 17/100 which is higher than anyone else in my keyword, my traffic ranking is higher but Im not even in the top 50 in google, they do have more backlins than me significanlty more but I am working on it. So the question is it the backlinks that help MOZ ranking, and how long does it take before google recognises my links to give me a position on google. My keywords are coventry wedding photographer and my site is

    Technical SEO | | robanewman

  • I just checked our rankings for a few of our top keywords from a previously merged domain, and we are not anywhere on the first page (we used to rank #1). I then manually typed in the url of a top product we sell from our old site that was merged into the new site. It turns out that the redirect isn't going to the right place at all (which probably explains why the page isn't ranking). Here is part of the code from our htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^/?$ "" [R=301,L] ErrorDocument 404 /404.html redirect 301 /products/Kavinace.html The bottom redirect ( should be going to the url specified. Instead, it goes to (NOT A VALID URL!). Please help! Thanks! -Matt

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vitasouthmktg

  • Been doing SEO for one of my companies store fronts in Miami ranking for Miami Web Design but I've been ranking for the 3rd spot on the 1st page for over a year now and I've only been ranked first for a short period time (like a good month and a half). Any suggestions or tips to help increase our chances of taking 2nd or 1st spot. I may be missing something that I'm not doing.

    Web Design | | marig

  • Is there a way to Rank above wikipedia? Please share any strategies.. Thanks

    Link Building | | DmitryP

  • This a summary of my understanding of anchor text and hash tags, along with a question. I'm looking for confirmation of my assumptions and an answer to the question. Here we go: Given these two links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "first" a) First b) a) Second Given these two links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "Second" a) First b) Second Given these three links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "Second" and "Third" a) First b) Second c) Third Is this consistent with your understanding of using hash tags to get around the first link rule? Here's my question: If I have the following 4 links on a page, does 50% of the link juice go to Page A and 50% to Page B; OR 25% to Page A and 75% to page B; OR something else? Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | dvansant

  • What would be the best SEO META Description tag for forum topics on a forum type website? I can think of a few options so far Snippet of first post. Title of the topic with templated trailing text Remove description tag completely Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • A client has a url which is duplicated by filters on the page, for example: - is duplicated by The client is moving to a new website later this year and is using an out-of-date Kentico CMS which would need some development doing to it in order to enable implementation of rel canonical tags in the header, I don't have access to the server and they have to pay through the nose everytime they want the slightest thing altering. I am trying to resolve this duplicate content issue though and am wondering what is the best way to resolve it in the short term.  The client is happy to remove the filter links from the page but that still leaves the filter urls in Google.  I am concerned that a 301 redirect will cause a loop and don't understand the behaviour of this type of code enough. I hope this makes sense, any advice appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | travelinnovations

  • I need to continually create website trees for our group of websites. I was wondering what software you guys use to create site structure/trees? I've used Powerpoint, Giffy and other diagram software but ideally I want to find something that crawls my site and spits out a diagram and also gives me the option to add none existing trees so I can show new purposed sections. Cheers, Gary

    Content Development | | Seaward-Group

  • Hi i have started to use knol to look at gaining more visitors to my site but i am very knew at this. On average i am getting 10 visitors to my knol page for the different content i am writing and would like to know how i can gain more knol visitors. Has anyone used knol before and if so how have you increased your visitors on knol. there does not seem to be anyway of promotion on the site to gain more visitors any advice would be great

    Link Building | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, My sitemap.xml is not submitting correctly in Google Webmaster. There is 697 url submitted but only 56 are in Google index. At the top of webmaster this is what it says ->>> has been resubmitted. But when when I clicked status button RED X occurs. Any suggestions about this, thanks...

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • I have been using multiple xml sitemaps for products for over 6 months and they are indexing well with GMT. I have been having this manually amended when a product becomes obsolete or we no longer stock it. I now have the option to automate the sitemaps from a SQL feed but using .asp sitemaps that I would submit the same way in GWT. I'd like your thoughts on the Pro's and cons of this, pluses for me is realtime updates, con's I percieve GMT to prefer xml files. what do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • I've seen it a few times where you should have less then 100 links per page to help crawling unless your a massively authoritative website. But what happens when your a large ecommerce website with categories and sub categories, you could have a category called 'computers' with a drop down list containing lots of sub cat links. Whats the solution to this? Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | activitysuper

  • Hi, Sometimes Google does not show the page you intended for a certain keyword. Logically you would say that the intended page is not relevant/strong enough. But in my case several pages ranked fine for a long period of time and all of a sudden another less important page gets the highest result on a keyword search. (We are in the camping business) For instance: One of our campsites called Tenuta primero used to rank position 9 in google with page below for a long time (search: 'camping tenuta primero') This was the page we intended to rank with. Now all of a sudden the position for search 'camping tenuta primero' is position 33 with review page below. What could have caused this? Pages are in Dutch but main keywords are camping are tenuta primero. Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Dennis Overbeek | |

    Technical SEO | | SEO_ACSI

  • I would like to track twitter traffic to my account in GA. After going through the step in the help tutorial about how to do it, I managed to generate this url ( with the help of url builder ) Now what should i do next ?  Please help.  How can i track visits to my twitter profile ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Here's a technical question. Suppose I have a page relevant to the term "Mobile Phones". I have a piece of text, on that page talking about "mobile phones", and within that text is the term  "cell phones". Now if I link the text "cell phones", to the page it is already placed on (ie the parent page) - will the page gain more relevancy for the term "cell phones"?? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • we have,, and so on. all of these domains point to the same physical location on our webserver, and we replace texts given back to client depending on which domain he/she requested. My problem is this: How do i configure sitemaps in robots.txt when robots.txt is used by multiple domains? If I for instance put the rows Sitemap:
    Sitemap: in robots.txt, would that result in some cross submission error?

    On-Page Optimization | | nordicnetproducts

  • Like me you may not have heard of the new EU law on cookies - but apparently it is illegal to use cookies on EU websites!! - Apparently came into effect on the 26th of May. Having read a bit about it, it would be comical if it were not actually true. Check out these refs - its staggering:
    ICO making a farce of its own law:
    More Info: I'm so glad the consideral tax my cookie reliant business pays is being put to good use by a bunch of ignorant bureaucratic dicks............

    Industry News | | James77

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