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  • I already have some experience with WordPress, but for a new site I want to use a different CMS. Anyone care to weigh-in on the pros and cons of Drupal or Joomla!? Thanks, Joe

    Web Design | | JoeAmadon

  • Does anyone recommend a particular keyword research tool or tools for geographically modified keywords? i.e. Web DesignerF Fargo. I often find that searches focused on services in the area we serve does not get the traffic volume Google's keyword tool needs to provide me with a number. I know the traffic is there, because I see it coming in via analytics. Thoughts? Recommendations?

    Keyword Research | | BedeFahey

  • The question and the attached image say it all... how is this possible? 2v1uo8w.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | glennfriesen

  • Not sure if this has been discussed before, but if you make certain searches in google i.e. "sports authority" you will find that the site ranked #1 has extra links below it like a "library" into their site. How do you get this "library" to appear on your site when your site is in #1? Attatched is a URL to flickr with a screenshot of the search.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HCGDiet

  • I know no follow blogs don't pass page rank or link juice, but do they aid in help with making your site know for a specific keyword when you use anchor text?

    Link Building | | photoseo1

  • I have a situation where a site that was has been replaced with a WordPress site.  I've performed a Open Site Explorer analysis and found that most of the old pages, ie are returning a HTTP Status = NO DATA ... when followed ends up at the 404 catch-all page. Can I code the standard 301 Redirects in the .htaccess file for these ASP URLs? If not, I'm open to suggestions.... Thanks Bill

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Marvo

  • Like many other companies or company has a site and a Facebook page.  With the Facebook like button your can either specify a url or a Facebook Page.  So I don't know what would be better to get more 'likes' or if I need both? My thoughts: More people liking the Facebook Page then we can post updated to more people that will show on their wall. More url likes, I think this might have (or will have) effect on search engine rankings.  The more people that like your url the higher it could be in rankings. I don't really want both as most people won't go through the trouble to 'like' both plus it is confusing. Please let me know your thoughts or strategy.

    Social Media | | lsujoe

  • Scenario: gets 301 redirected to because we have stopped selling red shoes and now only sell brown boots (which is a fairly new page with no authority). the red-shoes page ranked well for "red shoes" and "footwear". Will Google still index and show the red-shoes url in the SERPs? Will the "red shoes" and "footwear" keywords still rank well? Or does the redirected/new boots page need to properly support these keywords? The boots page has inherited the juice from the shoes page, but how does it help the boots page rank well? Only for keywords that both pages targeted, like a general "footwear" type keyword? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | akim26

  • Hello , I've been trying for several days to understand how keyword research works for a multi purpose website,I've read guides, articles even some chapters from the book" The Art of Seo" by O'Reilly and still no luck. It seems i can't wrap my head around keyword research,lets say I have a social gaming community website and I'm trying to rank it first on some low competition keywords + some long tail keywords.The website has functions like leaderboards, profiles,events, competitions,etc so it's not actually a news related website but it will have a blog. My website being on the games niche It would imply that I should target words that contain the word "Games" but this word generates millions of searches globally so ranking first its nearly impossible if the website is brand new. This made me pursue generic keywords formed with 2 / 3 words like fresh games, new games, mmorpg games, fps games,etc which still generate lets say 30.000 searches globally each. Due to the different areas of the website like latest game events,latest games competitions,etc I'm confused If i should pursue website specific keywords like latest games events, fresh games events, latest games competitions, upcoming games competitions but these too generate 30.000 global searches each,so... 0.should i use generic keywords or keywords that include site features? So let's say I decide to pursue generic "games" keywords,due to a high competition based on the keyword I decide to go a layer deeper and for the keyword "fresh games" I obtain keywords like** "fresh games 2011,top fresh games 2011, upcoming fresh games** " and thus building a list of 30 keywords that contain " fresh games".If i do this for the rest of the keywords: ** new games, mmorpg games, fps games,etc**  I end up with a list of 10.000 keywords or more since each keyword generates other keywords. Is this the correct approach ? since generating 10.000 keywords sounds a lot and I'm getting the feeling that It's not how it supposed to be done,like were would I insert 10.000 keywords? So how do I know which keywords to pick and aim in order to try to get no.1 ranking? and why those? How many keywords should I use? and where should i put them? since it's not a news website so writing a lot of articles isn't an option. Should I focus on 2 words keywords with around 10.000-30.000 seaches or 2 words keywords + long tail keywords with less traffic like 100 - 5000? Is there a guide for the Keyword Analysis Tool since if i enter "fresh new games" i get a 39% keyword difficulty,is that hard to rank? and I don't know what all those color mean since some of them have higher numbers then others that are found at the top and how can i get beat a website that has has rank 10. So hopefully with your help & by some miracle I will finally be able to build a keyword list. Thank you !

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | arching

  • On the Rankings Report page, under the keywords position. Some have a calendar icon that says "Wed". What is that suppose to mean? Thank you! 3B5Ct.jpg 9x1KV.jpg

    Moz Pro | | Droidman86

  • I work with small local businesses (like Tree Farms, Feed Stores, Counselors, etc) doing web design, seo, etc. I encourage them to have their contact information visible at all times on their websites.  I'm also delving into the world of contact forms.  I want to have this info on every page - is this detrimental? Here's an example: Thank you!

    Web Design | | mikjgens

  • I have been experiencing a ranking drop every two months, so I came upon a new theory this morning... Does Google do a deep crawl of your site say every 60-90 days and would they penalize a site if they crawled into your /dev area which would contain pretty the exact same urls and content as your production environment and therefore penalize you for duplicate content? The only issue I see with this theory is that I have been penalized only for specific keywords on specific pages, not necessarily across the board. Thoughts? What would be the best way to block out your /dev area?

    Web Design | | BoulderJoe

  • For example, I have a piece of content about furniture and it ranks in top 5 in the SERPs for the phrase "furniture". If I were to 301 redirect that piece of furniture content to a piece of content about trucks, would the referring keyword "furniture" continue to rank over time for the trucks content? My instincts tell me that in the short term the content piece about trucks would receive traffic for the term "furniture", but over the long term, the trucks content would lose rankings for the term "furniture" since the piece has to do with trucks and not furniture. Any thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | pbrothers24

  • I have copied on of the errors out of the crawl diagnostics report.  Both /products and /products/ are returning an error, and both have pretty good domain authority so I feel like its hurting my site that these show up this way.  Both urls create the same page, should I just setup a 301 on the /products with no slash or will that cause more harm... I am using the MODx cms system and that could have something to do with it. | Products | Datalight 1 37 5 Products | Datalight | 1 | 30 | 1 |

    Moz Pro | | tjsherrill

  • There's been no significant changes to their link profiles, so I'm thinking how mozRank is measured may have changed. Anyone else have this issue?

    Moz Pro | | RiseSEO

  • If my audience searches both "theatre" and "theater", how can I keyword optimize for both terms while maintaining consistency on my site? Does google at all see these as interchangeable, or are they treated as completely different words? city] theater and [city] theatre are our 3 and 6 best performing keywords, with theater getting roughly twice as many hits.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RyanWhitney15

  • "Google+ is in limited Field TrialAt the moment, we're testing with a small number of people, but it won't be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we'll make sure that you're the first to know when we're ready to invite more people.[Keep Me Posted] btnAlready invited? We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon."Is there anything i can do to get it working so i can get a taste of the google+?

    Social Media | | mosaicpro

  • I am new to SEO but have been hired to handle the SEO for a martial arts school.  They had previously attained top three rankings primarily using nofollow on every link on the homepage except footer links which had anchor text of their keywords pointing to their second tier pages.  Each of those second tier page also had all nofollow except a single footer link that had a keyword anchor text link going back to the home page. Seemed to work for them. I was going to keep it as as well as focus on creating about 10 separate wordpress blogs.  They want to give each blog to a student who will post daily and from each post link to their site via anchor text.  Anything wrong with this? Thanks Wiliam

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | whorneff310

  • We have a site we'd like to have pulled from Google's index. Back in late June, we disallowed robot access to the site through the robots.txt file and added a robots meta tag with "no index,no follow" commands. The expectation was that Google would eventually crawl the site and remove it from the index in response to those tags. The problem is that Google hasn't come back to crawl the site since late May. Is there a way to speed up this process and communicate to Google that we want the entire site out of the index, or do we just have to wait until it's eventually crawled again?

    Technical SEO | | issuebasedmedia

  • I have a site with 200 links on the homepage, how much will it boost nofollowing the other links boost the 50 pages we care most about?

    Technical SEO | | adamzski

  • I have a client in Durbovnik. I am creating a lot of great content but having trouble finding anywhere decent to put it. If you work in this area, please let me know or PM me, maybe we could share some opportunities. I have a number of other sites & connections that could take your client's content for linkbuilding Cheers Stephen

    Link Building | | firstconversion

  • The cache of one of our site is being displayed in a strange way in Google. The site in question is - The cache is shown like this - Title is shown first description Followed by URL What could be the reason for this. Normally, cache is shown in a box like this ..... in a  rectangular box This is Google's cache of .... . It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on...

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hello, I am not technically very sound and I need some good articles that teach me how to think about and go about website pages structuring and url rewriting that is seo friendly. I will be most obliged if some of you great seomoz-ers can pitch in with help. Regards, Talha ZigZag Solutions

    Technical SEO | | TopGearMedia

  • Hi, A lot of talk about EMD's lately not just here but all over SEO and affiliate forums. I've dabbled in emd's but have decided to go against the grain and use a non emd. I think I can optimise hard enough to rank and at the same time build a brand, which is where most emd's fail. But my question is this: If you are targeting lets say the term 'running trainers' and the domain is would it be more beneficial to rewrite the root domain to this: It does look messy to me and more then likely I would not use this but I have seen it a few times and was wondering if its a work around for non emd's.

    On-Page Optimization | | activitysuper

  • Hello again.. Last blog question for a while, I promise! 🙂 The annoying folk behind my website say that the only way for my blog to be at would be to frame forward it, because of how they are hosting, managing it etc Is this an acceptable and useful thing regarding SEO? (I want my website to benefit from my blog's content) Thanks a lot guys! Ioan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IoanSaid

  • I have a few URLs... Is there any benefit for me to frame forward these empty domains?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IoanSaid

  • Background; selling childrens clothing (for norwegian market). main page is being optimized barneklær (children clothing) which is most used term. We ve been online for around 3 months and have gone from unranked to 25th spot on google for this term. We are selling clothes from 8 different producers which all have their own 'page' - were all their products are listed. e.g . This page i am optimizing for the producer which is dundelina. For this term i show up in spot 24, 25 and 44. My problem is that its not the producer page that show up but the 3 most popular products. The producer page isnt ranked at all. What ive done so far is to have to producer link to my page from their site and blog (a week ago) - they were linking to my home page earlier. Ive put anchor text dundelina --> takes me to producer page on 4 out of 7 products. This was also done about  a week ago. I am planning a blog about dundelina pointing to the right URL. From our blog I am using. Ive posted a couple of pictures on facebook pointing to right URL. Do i just need to be patient for this to be picked up or is there anything else i should do ? Thanks ... Dan Lærum

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • When Google indexes a flash file, do they use a library for such a purpose ? What set me thinking was this blog post  ( although old ) which states - "we expanded our SWF indexing capabilities thanks to our continued collaboration with Adobe and a new library that is more robust and compatible with features supported by Flash Player 10.1."

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • I've read some information about the extension of an url. But i couldn't find a clear answer. What is better for SEO, an extension with html or without? /make-money-online/how-to-make-a-million-dollars-in-1-year/ or /make-money-online/how-to-make-a-million-dollars-in-1-year.html/ Is there a difference between a normal website or a blog?

    Technical SEO | | PlusPort

  • Or will it affect our ranking positively or negatively at all?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Benj25

  • Should you post on competitor's facebook page, I had an opportunity to recommend a client site for their services.  The facebook page was a holiday company, they only offered hotels & apartments, the post asked do they do villas and they responded with "no" and wished them luck. Should I have posted a link to our clients website or facebook page?

    Social Media | | iprosoftware

  • I have a couple of old wordpress sites that are old affiliate blogs. I currently sell products that are on amazon on these sites and sell quite a bit of volume. I have found a source and can afford the inventory to replace Amazon with my own product. So the dilema is how to turn these wordpress sites into ecommerce sites. The thing I am worried most about is that each site gets about 100-200 visitors a day for great buying keywords. I obviously don't want to lose my rankings. What are the options of turning a wordpress site into a store. I am not interested in plugins or some of the other solutions that make the store look very cheap and I would assume horribly convert. If you have inner pages ranking for keywords how does that work? Do the post pages become product pages? So to sum up I guess I am asking, what are the options that are of the higher quality that will also help me keep my rankings? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | PEnterprises

  • For any website it obviously useful to know about as much of your user behaviour as possible - and part of that involves past user behaviour. This is generally done by cookies and would involve things like: Last Visit Date Number of Site Visits Number of pages viewed etc etc I'm trying to build up a list for my developers so they are trackign the information that, although may not be explicetly useful now, but may be useful for future functionality. So does anyone have a list of the key things you should always track?

    Branding | | James77

  • Has anyone on here worked for, or simply know of a high authority winery website? I may have the opportunity to do some work for a vineyard/winery. Obviously there are certain universal seo tactics that I will use on the site, however my knowledge of wine is limited, so I would like some suggestions for, well deigned and seo optimized sites to study and learn from. Any suggestions?

    Competitive Research | | NerdsOnCall

  • My site works a bit like a directory, so say I have a page called "Ice Cream Vendors" - on that page I would talk a bit about Ice Cream Vendors, then I will have a list of Ice Cream Vendor Locations. My list of locations can be quite big depending on the product and the amount of locations they occur in - when you click a location, it goes to a page showing all "ICeCream Vendors" in that location. So Currently I will have a table on the page a bit like this: ICE CREAM VENDOR LOCATIONS
    New York
    Las Vegas This is all perfectly nice, simple and usable - BUT it is not producing perfect keyword links - for perfect keyword links the list should be like this: ICE CREAM VENDOR LOCATIONS
    New York Ice Cream Vendors
    Miami Ice Cream Vendors
    Las Vegas Ice Cream Vendors Now I have my perfect anchor links - BUT it looks rediculous and is NOT user friendly. So What do I do?
    1/. Build it for users and not have perfect anchor links, and loose in SEO?
    2/.  Build a perfect SEO links and make it less usable and looking spammy? OR 3/. Deliver the search engine the perfect SEO links, and the user the userfriendly version? In this I mean I could do the following:
    SE's (and screen readers I think would see):
    New York Ice Cream Vendors
    Miami Ice Cream Vendors
    Las Vegas Ice Cream Vendors Users would See
    New York
    Las Vegas Now in my view I am doing nothing wrong - I am mearly giving the user the most userfriendly version and I am giving the SE more information on the link, that the user doesn't need. So - In my view I am doing something that is honest  - but what are your thoughts?? Has anyone tried to do this? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | James77

  • I know they recently started rolling out their update of their Places pages but a lot of people, including myself are having problems such as missing descriptions, hours, categories (not updated), etc. Anyone have any insight into when we might expect these issues to be corrected? As far as I can tell Google has not really addressed the problem whatsoever. Their forum is packed with people complaining but so far so they have remained quiet. Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Hi there, I have a lot of pages set up on my site but most have no content. If I add the correct meta description tags to those pages, will that help rank for the root domain? I am slowly getting the content added for each page but wanted to see if I could boost rankings in the meantime. Example: most of pages under "Services" are blank. Thanks for the help!

    On-Page Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • I use "nested" for lack of a better term; what I mean is keyword phrases that contain other keyword phrases. For example, if I have a page that is extremely well optimized (on-page) for the phrase "old silver coins", is that page by default also extremely well optimized (on-page) for the phrase "silver coins"? Or does google understand that I am optimizing for the longer phrase "old silver coins" and somehow exclude me from contention for the sub-phrase "silver coins"? I understand that this gets more complicated when talking about backlinks (off-page), but the same general question remains. If I am getting good backlinks for "old silver coins", am I also getting good backlinks for "silver coins" at the same time? I do understand that "silver coins" may be more competitive than "old silver coins" and so my page may not rank the same for the two phrases. But I am really curious if there is some kind of multiplier effect with nested keyword phrases like the example I have provided, or whether google somehow only credits for the full phrase and not for any sub-phrases contained therein. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  (And sorry if this has been addressed already. I have looked around the site and have googled this question, but haven't found anything useful yet.) Thanks. BONUS QUESTION: Are the answers to my questions above exactly the same when discussing singular versus plural keywords ("coins" versus "coin")? After all, that is a "nested case just like my examples above. On the other hand, I can see there being some special treatment of singular and plural.

    Keyword Research | | Kp222

  • I'm working on a landing page for a client (music instrument rentals) and want to optimize for terms related to: music instrument rentals in San Francisco music instrument rentals in Seattle music instrument rentals in  St. Louis music instrument rentals in Minneapolis/St. Paul How can I find the most popular terms based on a variation of the main term (music instrument rentals) and geo area? In other words, maybe 'Where to get Instrument rentals in San Francisco' is best? Thanks for your input! Mike Corso

    Keyword Research | | mikecorso

  • Since we weren't the ones who designed above mentioned website there is something we really don't understand. They have replaced images with text using css as below examples. CSS ---------> div#logo { background: #fff url(../images/logo.gif) no-repeat 20px 0px; margin-bottom: 30px; } div#logo a { height: 148px; text-indent: -1000em; display: block; } HTML ----------- > ****************** What my question is out of 100 scale how much does this affect SEO ? What if we keep H1 tags black without putting any text between tags ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Osanda

  • Is there no tool to search a keyword and find related backlinks among the top10,20,30 SERP results?

    Moz Pro | | FirePowered

  • We are trying to optimise for Google Shopping and therefore would like to be able to monitor traffic to site from this source? How can this be done in Google Analytics? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | seanmccauley

  • Hello, Our nearest ecommerce competitor has quite a few links from article directories like and similar sites. I know these sites are bottom of the barrel in SEO, but I've been thinking of writing a few 500 word articles and posting them on some of the strongest of these article directories. Maybe I'll stick to since I only like to get links from sites that are going to stick around. What do you think - which of these article directories going to be here for the long term? Mainly what I'm asking for here is a top 5 list of the best article directories, or perhaps a better article marketing strategy. I loved that whiteboard friday on Article Marketing. I'm going to watch that again. Thank you.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi, We recently moved our community website (around 50K web pages) to our main domain. It now resides as a sub-domain on our main website. e.g. Before - we had and After - we have This change took place on July 19th. After a week, we saw 16% drop in organic traffic to Our ranks on most of the head keywords including brand keywords have dropped. We had created 301 redirects from pages on before this change was made. Has anybody seen this kind of impact when domains are merged? Should we expect that within 3-4 weeks Google will be able to re-index and re-rank all the pages? Is there anything else we could do to rectify the situation? Any feedback/suggestions are welcome!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Amjath

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