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  • Does domain and page authority as listed in the Open Site Explorer mean that that site is relevant (content subject wise) or is domain/page authority separate from relevance? In other words, I'm less interested in getting an 81 domain authority link if it has nothing to do with my site's subject matter. Could someone please explain? I haven't yet found the answer. Thanks.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • I have  a new client in the holiday industry and want to setup a wordpress blog, we will be writing the first few blogs and linking back to the relevant site page. But I am wondering how I should promote the blog so that the links are more powerful back to his own site. Blogging is not my forte and doesn't come naturally so I really need some good advice to how I can start offering this service to my clients. Thanks

    Content Development | | iprosoftware

  • We have heard Bing takes canonical tags as hints, but do they support cross-domain canonical tags? I don't think this has ever been discussed? Does anyone have an answer or insight? Thanks!!

    Technical SEO | | bonnierSEO

  • We use Wordpress for our agency Blogs.  The URL's are very long and the Moz does not like the long URL's. Should we use the stubby, short Wordpress URL's for each blog post?  Is there a "Best Practice" for how one should use the Wordpress URL string?

    Content Development | | theideapeople

  • What is the best option for Bid Managment? Enhanced CPC or Conversion Optimizer? What should I be looking at in our Account to see where we are throwing money out the window? My goal is to have more ROI with much less expense.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | hfranz

  • Hi. Our agency office is located in a "bad" zip code relevant to active businesses who would need our agency services.  In a nutshell, we get really bad inquiries who can never afford our services...and it's coming directly from the Google geolocation function. We plan to relocate our offices within 1 year.  Would it help us in Google Places if we created a "new" physical office location to cover up the "bad" one we are currently in?  We could use a paid location like a UPS Mail Center physical address that is located within a more desiring zip code. Thanks for any input. Jay

    Image & Video Optimization | | theideapeople

  • We are receiving requests to repost our articles in full on competitor websites. Our competitors have expressed they are fine with linking back to our homepage, and the original source page. Would this benefit us, or do more harm than good?

    Link Building | | uderic

  • Looking for Tips on how to improve our Social Media. How to  get more people to LIKE US on Facebook and or Share. My understanding is that Facebook Likes are starting to play a big role in Organic Search Results. Any Ideas on how to to receive more LIkes and Shares. Anyone know of any Facebook Tools? If we run a contest, how can we set it up on Facebook for people to Like us prior to entering the contest. Can we track who Liked Us When?

    Social Media | | hfranz

  • I've never seen a SERP like this, has anyone else? Image no longer available

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ATShock

  • Does the anchor text "more information" hold any additional weight than any other anchor text? My suspicion is no, but just wanted to confirm.

    On-Page Optimization | | nicole.healthline

  • Has anyone used PRWeb for press releases? Especially their basic plan. The link for the site itself is very valuable but I am more concerned about their distribution network. Any success with this site or any other? Thanks

    Link Building | | DmitryP

  • If you search on Google for yosemite rentals the first organic result that shows up is How are they able to get the links under description: Agent Login - Our Gallery etc ..

    Technical SEO | | afranklin

  • I run a forum website built on Wordpress. We're about two years old. The theme of the site is a directory of attorneys, with each directory listing having its own blog account on our site. Through this platform, we receive 75-80 blog posts now every month of varying quality from our users. QUESTION: A good number of the blogs published on our site are also published on the attorney's law firm site as well (they're syndicating on our site). Will this hurt our site in light of Panda? A lot of the syndicated content is very well written and insightful. By contrast, Will non-syndicated but average to below average posts hurt our site? The authors almost always link back to their firm site. Would love some feedback on whether we should be happy about the syndicated content or whether we should potentially ban it?

    Content Development | | JSOC

  • If we are getting clicks from a local one box as a citation in the serps's
    would we see this as the referrer in GA?

    Algorithm Updates | | Mediative

  • Hello, I was wondering if you guys could analyze my site and give me pointers on how I could improve it's SEO. I'm a health and wealth coach, NLP coach, and life coach in the Boise, Idaho area. Also, any link building advice you can give would be great. Here's my backlink criteria Age (as old as possible) A lot of unique content A clean site Backlinks going to that site Facebook followers Which of course means high search engine rankings Thanks

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Where is the best placement for FB, twitter, and G+ shares. This is a non=profit site.. trying to give some juice to event sponsors...and any other feedback.. Golf tournament [" target="_blank">>](<img src= "Hosted by") [](<a href= "Hosted by")" target="_blank">a>

    Social Media | | johnshearer

  • I am looking for some advice on video SEO when the video file is housed on a streaming server.  An example page is below.  The onlyvideo element on the page is a script reading in the filepath to the streaming server so I am not sure what the best course of action is. Currently, none of our videos are indexed.

    Technical SEO | | SEI

  • Our site's mozrank recently dropped, but so did all our competitors. Have there been some updates to the factors to cause this change?

    Moz Pro | | thappe

  • Hi, I've been monitoring my referral URL's coming in and today noticed they had changed. Previously when I clicked one it would be the google search result page - however now they all seem to be like this: All these URL's immediately redirect to my website pages. Do you know what they are - they seem to be tracking URL's of some sort I am thinking?? Are they trying to analyse my site with respect to certain keywords?? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | James77

  • Hi guys - I am getting ready to do a complete domain transfer from one domain to another completely different domain for a client due to a branding/name change. 2 things - first, I wanted to lay out a summary of my process and see if everyone agrees that its a good approach, and second, my client is using IIS, so I wanted to see if anyone out there knows a bulk tool that can be used to implement 301's on the hundreds of pages that the site contains? I have found the process to redirect each individual page, but over hundreds its a daunting task to look at. The nice thing about the domain transfer is that it is going to be a literal 1:1 transfer, with the only things changing being the logo and the name mentions. Everything else is going to stay exactly the same, for the most part. I will use dummy domain names in the explanation to keep things easy to follow: and The client's existing home page has a 5/10 GPR, so of course, transferring Mojo is very important. The process: Clean up existing site 404's, duplicate tags and titles, etc. (good time to clean house). Create identical domain structure tree, changing all URL's (for instance) from to Push several pages to a dev environment to test ( Also, replace all instances of old brand name (images and text) with new brand name. Set up 301 redirects (here is where my IIS question comes in below). Each page will be set up to redirect to the new permanent destination with a 301. TEST a few. Choose lowest traffic time of week (from analytics data) to make the transfer ALL AT ONCE, including pushing new content live to the server for and implementing the 301's. As opposed to moving over parts of the site in chunks, moving the site over in one swoop avoids potential duplicate content issues, since the content on the new domain is essentially exactly the same as the old domain. Of course, all of the steps so far would apply to the existing sub-domains as well, IE Check for errors and problems with resolution issues. Check again. Check again. Write to (as many as possible) link partners and inform them of new domain and ask links to be switched (for existing links) and updated (for future links) to the new domain. Even though 301's will redirect link juice, the actual link to the new domain page without the redirect is preferred. Track rank of targeted keywords, overall domain importance and GPR over time to ensure that you re-establish your Mojo quickly. That's it! Ok, so everyone, please give me your feedback on that process!! Secondly, as you can see in the middle of that process, the "implement 301's" section seems easier said than done, especially when you are redirecting each page individually (would take days). So, the question here is, does anyone know of a way to implement bulk 301's for each individual page using IIS? From what I understand, in an Apache environment .htaccess can be used, but I really have not been able to find any info regarding how to do this in bulk using IIS. Any help here would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

    Technical SEO | | Bandicoot

  • In the link analysis of my site, it's not showing inbound links that I know we have?  Why is that?  I have verified they are still existent.

    Link Building | | DavetheExterminator

  • I've noticed some significant changes in the number and percentage of indexed URLs for the sitemaps we've been submitting to Google. I've been tracking these numbers directly from Google Webmaster Tools>Site Configuration>Sitemaps. We've made some changes that could be causing the changes we're seeing, but I want to confirm that this wasn't just a change in the way Google reports the indexation. Has anyone else noticed major changes, greater than a 30% change, in the indexation of your sitemaps in the past week? Thanks, Joe

    Algorithm Updates | | JoeAmadon

  • should I add anything else besides User-Agent: * to my robots.txt file?

    Technical SEO | | Romancing

  • We just had our site redesigned. Previously, it was indexed under, but now the developer has it at with 301 redirecting to Is this bad for SEO?

    Technical SEO | | kylesuss

  • Hi, A lot of keywords I have looked into say 'moderately competitive' at around 35% - 45%. But what else would you look at in the table to decide whether or not the keyword term is achievable and how do you decide this maybe its the root domain backlinks and maybe you would only touch it if it had less then 30. Basically what other elements do you look at when deciding whether to pursue? This might also include some research in Google itself (although most the data you would want is in the tool, well I think anyway! Cheers

    Competitive Research | | activitysuper

  • Hey guys, I am new to SEOMoz and have setup my first campaign, so far very impressed with what is possible. However I am trying to find out how much traffic a website is getting, as I know that people can be high up on certain keywords but are not actually generating any traffic from them. Can anyone help? Also I have a potential client who is ranking really high on alexa because of its american traffic, yet when I asked them they get very few bookings from americans.  How can I view the UK ranking of the site? Thanks Andy

    Competitive Research | | iprosoftware

  • Most of my analysis revolves around looking at rankings for specific keyword phrases that I've identified as important/relevant.  But it'd be nice to be able to look at a domain and get a sense for how much organic traffic they get overall.  If they're not ranking for the keywords I'm researching but have a lot of organic traffic that would be a nice signal to me that they are probably targeting other phrases more or have a big brand presence or something. Any suggestions? Thanks! Jeff Gibson

    Competitive Research | | jeff.gibson

  • Hello, Before I submit to DMOZ, I'm wondering if my site is one that would get indexed: Also, if you have any hints beyond what I can read at DMOZ I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to submit and then after several months get rejected.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi there, We're currently looking into integrating a new internal search function to our site which will involve housing the search results on a sub domain of our site. We have no intention of these search result pages becoming landing pages for organic traffic but would the inclusion of a sub domain affect the optimization of the main domain? i.e. could it effect our authority? Nige

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NigelJ

  • As a recent newbie to SEOmoz, I've been implementing some suggestions and doing a general tidy up. I removed URL's from our robots txt, and rolled out instead the noindex meta tag to pages we don't want indexed. But surprised to see issues that are now flagged from the last crawl by the moz bot from pages that have this meta tag? Does the SEOmoz bot not ignore this tag? Just want to make sure I've implemented it correctly, so the google bot does ignore it. Meta tag syntax is   and is placed below the title tag. cheers Steve

    Moz Pro | | sjr4x4

  • Since relaunch earlier this year, we've had patches where our site has failed to load. It's happened every so often, but, until I receive the server logs from the company who hosts the site, I won't know exactly when this issue has occurred. Until now, we've only noticed it when someone in the company has tried, and failed, to access the site. Again, it happened today. After hassling our developers/hosting firm for a conclusive answer as to why, it emerged that their server (perhaps our site in particular because of the nature of our business) had been the target of an attempted hacking. We've now concluded that every time our site has messed around like this, it's because of a possible hack. Would anyone in SEOmoz Land be able to tell me if this is going to have a negative impact for our SEO and site performance? Would search engines be able to tell if a potential hack is, or was, occurring? Would we then be penalised? Please feel free to elaborate on the hacking process in general, too, if you can because this is the first time I've encountered it. Thanks

    International SEO | | Martin_S

  • Can Google know how many clicks a website has received from emails ? What if the GA is not installed ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • This is just a general theoretical discussion to provoke some thought. Suppose I have a 2 synonym keywords - which mean identical things. EG - "Golf Holiday" "Golf Break" - probably you can think of better ones, but you get the idea. On the following assumptions: Google knows these synonyms have identical meaning. Google want to provide the searcher with the "best possible result set". By definition there can only be 1 "best possible results set" If the above is true, then Google should produce identical result sets for either of these terms - **So why don't they?  **

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • Hi Guys, I have a network of EMD sites that currently use a homepage and then we have a blog page which has 5-6 posts on. Is this the best way to do it with sites under 10-20 pages? Or should we create say 3-4 new pages/categories and drop the posts relevant to each page/category in there? Thank you Jon

    On-Page Optimization | | imrubbish

  • Do you guys think there is a more strategic place to place these buttons? below the fold, above, in the top nav menus...?? I would love to hear your thoughts..

    Social Media | | robertrRSwalters

  • What is the reason that 301 is preferred and not rel canonical tag when it comes to implementing redirect. Page rank will be lost in both cases. So, why prefer one over the other ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • I've been using googles keyword tools to get keyword search data, but I'm pretty sceptical of some of the results it throws out on number of searches. On a number of keywords - particularly when you get to longtail, I've seen results which cannot possibly be right. So - I am trying to find out a way of getting REAL data I can trust. Here are my thoughts on a possible method of getting this key data:
    1/. Firstly I am taking on the assumption that the adwords campaign monitoring statistics are more reliable and accurate than the keyword research tools - correct me if I am wrong! 2/. Then take a load of keywords you wish to monitor and create didfferent ads for them based of EXACT match. 3/. Make sure non of your adverts conflict with each other, so you may have to turn off any other campaigns you have running. 4/. Put you bids and available spend as high as possible, so that ideally you will your ads will always be shown for every search match, and ideally always come in No1 spot on the ads. IE your aim is to create a neutral environment where your ads are shown for every search match and appear in the exact same position for each search match. Run the campaign for a period of time long enough to be confident that you have enough search data. From this you should have the vital data on keyword searches done on your exact match keywords. 5/. Repeat the test, but this time use phrase matches and again make sure there are no conflicts. 6/. Repeat again with broad match - this would require very careful implimentation not to have any conflicts and you would likely need to make heavy use of the "Not Include" keywords. What are your thoughts on the above process? - Any flaws, or other better solutions? Obviously one key thing with doing this is you need to have to be prepared to have a decent budget to get this data - but it won't be wasted as you will also be getting the adwords traffic. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | James77

  • In May I announced test results for domain hyphenation but after a 3 month followup the results have changed and the hyphenated domain now wins on what seems to be the first link instance advantage. I was unable to discover any other factors which may have influenced this test but if anyone has any ideas I would like to hear about it. Here are the details of the SEO test and revealed URLs.

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I have a real estate website that has a city hub page. All the homes for sale within a city are linked to from this hub page. Certain small cities may have one home on the market for a month and then not have any homes on the market for months or years. I call them "Ghost Cities". This problem happens across many cities at any point in time. The resulting city hub pages are left with little to no content. We are throwing around the idea of 301 redirecting these "Ghost City" pages to a page higher up in the hierarchy (Think state or county) until we get new homes for sale in the city. At that point we would remove the 301. Any thoughts on this strategy? Is it bad to turn 301s on and off like that? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChrisKolmar

  • I need a tool that will input a list of URLs and produce a spreadsheet with link metrics for all sites including PageRank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, Social data, etc..i know that OSE will do this for 5 sites at a time but I need to compare more. At lest 50 at a time... I bought Buzzstream thinking this would work, but it doesn't. does anybody have any good advice? Thanks!!

    Competitive Research | | znotes

  • I have an account where we manager several different domains, but I need a manager to only see ONE of those campaigns, not all of them. Is there a manager view where I an share just that one campaign?

    Moz Pro | | rivershark

  • A client's site where both the www. and non-www. versions are both being indexed.  The non-www. version have has roughly 1000 or so links where the www. version has over twice as much pointing back to the site.  In addition, the www. version has higher domain authority. Their programmer has suggested that they can't implement 301's permanent redirects across their site for a few reasons. My question is, what would be the best alternative to block/redirect the non-www. version from being indexed yet still pass link-juice?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VidenMarketing

  • Hi Guys, I'm will be building on specific keywords for my site and I'm thinking of doing some article marketing & I would like some advise, please. I'm going to write 10 300 word articles and within each article I will have 2 anchor text links going back to my site. To reinforce this I will be pinging the articles once completed. I will be submitting the articles to ezine, go articles etc. Advise and some other suggestions as to best practice for building on specific keywords would be appreciated, thank you.

    Link Building | | Socialdude

  • Hi on my site Weight Loss Hypnotherapy site i have a bonce rate off 55.1 where up to now 60 people have stayed on the site for less than one sec and i would like to know how to combat this and how to keep people on the site for longer. I have tried playing around with the content but i am thinking about adding images to make the page look better but would like the advice from others. many thanks for your help.

    Search Behavior | | ClaireH-184886

  • I have a team of inexperienced SEO developers and the argument we continually have is that its a marketing role - however most of it is technical, no view state, no js, page load time, csssprite, metatags, frequency of updates to server, duplicate content via coding methodology, lioading content prior to ads, not spidering ads (IT says impossible yet google says required) etc. I looked at your referrals for developers and couldnt find any that recognized SEO as part of their skill set - do you believe tehre aer developers that specialize in this? Thanks, Michelle

    Technical SEO | | Silly888

  • I would like to 301 redirect all the variations of my site to a single url but would like some clarification on some issues. I have always been confused about how to handle cannonicalization and hopefully this can clear it up for me and others. This particular site is about 1 year old and gets approximately 15k uniques a month in a great niche. I want to make sure I do this correctly as to not hurt my existing rankings which are quite good. Here is is what I am unsure about. Basically I should pick the best url structure to redirect all the others to correct? What determines what url is best to redirect all the rest to? is it, or Is the best one to redirect to always standard and something I should set up at the beginning of my site? Or is picking the best url to redirect to based on what url starts to rank in google and you then use that one? Should I be going through each of my rankings and seeing what url is ranking in google for each page? On this particular site ALL of my urls in google  have no www. or http but instead show up in the SE as or In that case what do I do? I know the slow way to do redirects. I use my hostgator account and do it in cpanel and do it one by one. Is there a faster way where I can go and make lots of changes at once? Maybe I can choose all the variations and put in the one I want them all to redirect to? After I figure the above out is fixing all of this as simple as redirecting ALL variations to the one I will use moving forward for each page on my site? Then I am done? Thanks again for the help! Jake

    Technical SEO | | PEnterprises

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