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  • Hi, I have a client who sells consumer products and is interested in affiliate advertising. Of course, they can get set up with something like They are also interested in possibly using some third party software to take their affiliate effort in house and be able to offer publishers simple urls. The idea is that this might help the link profile for SEO as well. Here are my questions: Does anybody have any experience with the complication level associated with third-party software for link value path? So, relative pluses and minuses. Can anyone recommend an affiiate software that is reliable and easy to use? Any opinion on one big site to go with... CJ, GAN, someone else? Thanks!

    Affiliate Marketing | | 94501

  • I have a global site targeting many countries including the UK which is the only English language site. Does it matter whether I use /en or /uk for the UK sub-folder? If I already have /en in place, but my Google UK listings are struggling, will it benefit me to switch to /uk? I honestly don't think it matters too much, but given the choice would've gone for the /uk I'm trying to weigh up whether it is worth the effort of changing it.

    International SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • So I know that a 301 will pass the majority of link juice to the new site, but if that 301 is taken away what happens?

    Technical SEO | | kylesuss

  • Just checked our links for a couple of our sites and noticed that the number of inbound links has dropped from around 55,000 to 13,000 on one and from 6000 to 700 on the other. GWMT still showing the previous amounts. Anyone else experienced this over the last few days?

    Moz Pro | | heatherrobinson

  • I had a lot of duplicate content issues and have fixed all the other warnings. I want to check the site again.

    Moz Pro | | adamzski

  • Looking for information on how to get into Google Advisor (  Google is rolling out their own meta search engines in select categories right now - finance and hotels to start - but i cant find any documentation, help or data on how to get yourself in that feed/search. Anyone have experience in with this yet?

    Industry News | | rhutchings

  • We are ranked, according to Moz (and we've tested to back it up) #3 on Google UK for the keyword "Hire a Jet". According to Google, this keyword gets 22,500 local searches per month. Yet we get about 5 hits a month for that keyword. Any ideas why this is so low? It just doesn't add up or make sense whatsoever.

    Algorithm Updates | | JetBookMike

  • I ran a report on my site ( using OSE and it is reporting some very strange inbound links like: anchor text = Megan蒲田・大森・羽田周辺熱闘!甲子園%2F高校野球ゲーム anchor text = Alexa's Mom anchor text = However, none of these seem to show up in my Google Webmaster account.  And generally when I go to some of these links I can't find any reference to my site - is the OSE data bad or are these really shady links someone is building to knock down my site? What is showing up in GWT are a bunch of growing crappy links that redirect to some advertising site - does anyone know of a way to get these removed by Google as I doubt I'm going have any luck trying to contact the owner(s) of these sites: | |
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    | | Yes, I know Google will theoretically and maybe eventually "ignore" such links, but that will be on Google time 4 weeks or 4 years - who knows.  Plus, with a younger site with a thinner link profile - anything like the links above can't be helping me...... I'm trying to figure out why my site keeps bouncing between #5 and #255 for specific keywords and determining if I have a google penalty which is being discussed in this thread:

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BoulderJoe

  • We are getting ready to launch a site that has great navigation for users, but it is not so great for search engines. As long as we are ethical about it, does anyone see a downside to detecting a bot user agent and displaying different nav to it? I suppose some could consider it cloaking, but I noticed amazon uses this strategy and they don't seem to be getting a big penalty lol. We are not going to do anything shady with it, just offer the bot a different way to access our content. Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | altecdesign

  • Hi I'm looking to find the number of people who use different search engine sin different countries aspart of some research into an International  SEO project. I've searched Google all afternoon but can't find what i'm looking for so hopefully someone here can help What i'm looking for is the number of users of different Google versions in UK and Ireland, so: v in Ireland and v in UK Thanks for your help Jason

    International SEO | | robotseo

  • is it always possible to use the Hreview ? is it always usefull ? is there another review system u can suggest me ? thakns a lot Jérémy

    On-Page Optimization | | ieremyhenry

  • Hi, I've created a Hubpage awhile back and I see the url has a page authority over 50. How much does Domain authority influence page authority? The url has only 3 (registered) backlinks, so I cannot see an obvious explanation why. I understand that Hubpages was one of the sites that "took a hit" with the Panda update, but it has a domain authority of 84...

    Link Building | | vibelingo

  • Hi, If you had 10 articles which are unqiue and around 400 - 600 words what would you do with them? I personally would more then likely put on squidoo, wordpress, blogger, weebly, hub pages etc and orientate the setup of these around my target keyword so the title tags, urls, h1's and content are around the term and then place anchor text links (2 of them) in the content of each one. I would then social bookmark each on the top 10 sites. Because it takes so long for me to write the content I sometimes think would it be best to put on the onsite blog. What would others do with this content, is there something else I could do with it that would have a great impact on rankings?

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Hi all, I was working on some monthly SEO reports and I noticed that the number of inbound links was a lot less compared to last month. I measured these number of inbound links with the mozBar, e.g. May 2011 - 49.306, June 2011 - 10.659, July 2011 - 1.010 Do you have any idea how this could be possible? I'm really looking forward to your answers! Thanks all!

    Moz Pro | | Partouter

  • I am looking for some recommendations on legitimate companies who can plan and execute an effective link bait campaign. Particularly I am looking for companies who have experience in producing infographics and distributing them for links. Thanks

    Link Building | | SmarterSEO

  • My page speed results are here, showing a speed of 40 seconds. I get an F for compress text, compress images and cache static content.How do I resolve this? Also.. I've set up a CDN.  Is it a problem for SEO, that there is a copy of all my images and content at We get lots of search traffic through google images search.

    Image & Video Optimization | | devdg

  • Hi, In the below example, which one do you think would work best if any. The website is called (fictitious) The category is 'work shoes' and a page under this cat is lets say 'Size 9 work shoes' I tend to build my title tags like this: size 9 work shoes, cheap size 9 work shoes | BUT I have read on here it should be more like this: size 9 work shoes < work shoes | Does anyone think it would make a difference when targeting for the term 'size 9 work shoes' which title tag I use. Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | activitysuper

  • Hi there, SEOmoz crawler has identified a set of duplicate content that we are struggling to resolve. For example, the crawler picked up that this page www. creative - is a duplicate of this page  www. creative - The latter page's content is the original and can be found in the CMS admin area whilst the former page is the duplicate and has no entry in the CMS. So we don't know where to begin if the "duplicate" page doesn't exist in the CMS. The crawler states that this page www. is the referrer page. Looking at it, only the original page's link is showing on the referrer page, so how did the crawler get to the duplicate page?

    Technical SEO | | CreativeChoices

  • Hi everyone, OK I've been looking at the Google adwords keyword tool and it's thrown some of my On-page SEO into question (everything said here are examples, I haven't used any real life terms or figures). Lets say my page is about "Green Apples", let's say the keyword tool shows that the singular version "Green Apple" gets more searches (as an example). Should I optimize for the singular or the plural? Also lets say my title tag for that page is "Green Apples | Apples Galore UK" would Google/SEOmoz count that as an optimisation for the singular "Green Apple" or do the search engines take the title literally and don't differenciate between singular and plurals? Thanks in advance everyone! Regards, Ash

    Algorithm Updates | | AshSEO2011

  • Is there still a problem with the new OSE anyone ? I am not receiving the csv reports I am ordering via OSE.

    Moz Pro | | blocker0408

  • Search on "santa cruz custom cabinets." In my SERPs, I'm seeing exact match rank #2. This is a 1-page site provided by Yellow Book as part of an ad it sold to this cabinet shop. The site has no other pages, no inbound links, etc. So much for Google saying it's going to turn down the meter on exact match domains because that's all I see this website, if you want to call it that, has going for it. what do you see? Why is it ranked so high? Why is it above the site below it for example? And why doesn't Google lower the boom on Yellow Book for these doorway pages? Thought you'd all find this interesting. Any comments?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KatMouse

  • How can i reproduce RSS feed from another website to my website ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, we have this products page, for example of a landing page: and then we have the link to page 2,3,4 and so on: In SEOmoz, they are recognized as duplicate page contents.
    What would be the best way to solve this problem? One easy way i can think of is to nominate the first landing page to be the 'master' page (, and add canonical meta links on page 2,3 and so on. Any other suggestions? Thanks 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | Essentia

  • When I try to ascertain search volume for the the words "pills" "drugs" and "medicine" it is showing "-"  for all types of search volume, including phrase, exact, and broad. Why is this?

    Keyword Research | | nicole.healthline

  • Is it better to 301 or to closely duplicate each page URL when switching  over to a new website from an established site with good ranking and a different CMS ( Drupal switching to Wordpress)?

    Technical SEO | | OhYeahSteve

  • Hi Guys, So here's the deal. Let's say I have a site at which talks about tomatoes, and I also have a subsection that talks about potatoes at I want to stop providing information about potatoes altogether so i'm thinking about doing a 301 redirection from all of the pages at*) to the home page. The thing is, actually has a great page authority (3475 links from 145 domains) so I really don't wan to lose all that juice... Here are my questions: Will the links be added to the ones i have for the homepage already? Since my home page and my /potatoes section ranked for 2 different subjects, how is this transfer going to affect my rankings for the homepage? will it now also rank for both tomatoes AND potatoes? How much time does it usually take for google to recognize the 301 and pass the link juice? Any other tips on optimizing this process? Thank you for your time! -francois

    Technical SEO | | nyakim

  • This could include republishing several articles from another site with permission.

    Technical SEO | | Charlessipe

  • I put 2 crawls in the same day. One came back and delivered a report that I could download. The other one is completed (says so on the page) but there's no way for me to download the report. How do I get a hold of it? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | LiliArancibia

  • I have a client whose site isn't necessarily penalized since they still show for many terms in the SERPS, however at one point they did an xrummer blast of 13,000 links for two anchor texts they were trying to rank for. They have purchased a new domain and have gone white hat and want to 301 some of the old site to the new purely for the users sake so past visitors still find them at t the new location. Will creating 301 redirects pass on to the new domain any bad Karma from the old one in Google's eyes? Thanks for the help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JoshGill27

  • I am being advised by an SEO that each page of my ecommerce site must have a significant block of unique text "above the fold" to do well in Google post-Panda.  This recommendation is at odds with what my design/usability/conversion people want to see.  The current site design features eye-catching graphics just below the header and goes right into product listings, with SEO text near the bottom of the page. How important is it to have SEO text near the top of a page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mhkatz

  • Hi All, How would you identify how succesful you have been to date when link building and trying to improve rank? I have been running a campaign for a client that I think has been going pretty well.  However, I would now like to show this but I am finding it hard to explain in my first report. Its only been around two months and the client is use to looking at google analytics for their information but I wondered if someone might be able to give me an idea of what I should include in my report intially.  I dont want to swamp with information so really want to be specific if possible. Domain Authority: 29 now 28 Domain Moz Rank: 3.30 now 3.98 Domain Moz Trust: 3.47 now 3.76 Total Links: 3,053 now 6,123 Ext. Followed Links: 2,995 now 378   (hoping someone might be able to explain this also!) Linking Root Domains: 21 now 28 Followed Linking Root Domains: 18 now 26 Linking C Blocks: 16 now 22 Are these poor results or are they clear signs of progress? I guess I want to end up with a report saying some key point and giving some information on the above results, why the changes have happend etc.  Obviously I would like to continue and up the link building but would appreciate some feedback from others as to whether the time has been wasted 🙂  (i dont think it has incidentally but proving it might be another issue) Thanks all

    Technical SEO | | wedmonds

  • Hello, does the order of pages in a  search show how important each page is to google? what if the homepage is not the first result?

    Technical SEO | | adamzski

  • Hello, I am doing some seo for a company that has a ranking of 63 in opensiteexplorer and over 600 mostly high quality linking domains. A problem I can see is that there are no stand out keywords that can be used for there business, all keywords I have researched have at best 4000 searches in they get around 50k visits per month from google and the 8 highest performing keywords besides the biz name range from 60-140 visits! all long long tail results, 58,771 total visits via 44,879 keywords! It is a business directory and the site is broken up into 15 categories. each category has no backlinks to them or minimal. The company has editorial staff and produces high quality news on there site. I was thinking article marketing, what sites are good for high quality submissions? Also the site has many links from wikipedia articles but these dont show up in opensiteexplorer, why could this be? Could social bookmarking of there wikipedia links help? Thanks for any help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adamzski

  • I have done a ton of research trying to figure this out but still need help and clarification. My strength is marketing and not the technical aspects of ecommerce cms etc. I am ignorant in this area and don't mind if you explain to me like a 5 year old. I am ready to take my marketing knowledge and creativity to ecommerce but this one aspect is stopping me. I really want to understand this and would be appreciative of the option to do a skype instant message session where I would pay you for your time to ask for clarification. I will explain my situation so you can better understand where I am coming from and can recommend something appropriately. My ecommerce stores run between my own and my clients range from motorcycle, supplement and fitness equipment stores. None of the stores are very large with the biggest one having about 150 products. Mainly I am looking for a mix between an economical solution combined with being easy to use and great for search engine visibility. I have a lot of questions here and appreciate in advance anyone reading all of this and helping. Am I correct in my understanding that I basically have 3 options when doing ecommerce. One is I can go to a company like 3d cart or volusion and they can provide the merchant account, ssl cert, the cart and free and paid templates ready to go? Two is getting free cart software such as Magento or OScommerce etc. The third option is paid cart software like zen cart or others. Is that my main options? Let's say I was to use 3d cart. What kind of cart platform will I be using then? One they created? Or do they use a (free/paid) solution like I talked about in question 1? Is the main advantage of using a company like 3dcart and volusion the fact that they integrate many things into one? With Magento would I need a developer to customize my theme to integrate all those things? Are there some major disadvantages to using companies like 3d cart? How does the process and advantages work when using a solution like Magento or OScommerce. So for example I decide to use the Magento free platform. Am I then able to hire a designer to create a site from scratch that will work with the Magento platform? Or I could also go to template monster and purchase a theme already made and have it customized by someone? Also what about paid cart software like zen cart etc? Why would I use that over the others? Would I also then hire a designer to create a site that works with zen cart or purchase a template made then customize? Are you able to create almost ANY structure and design for a site no matter what its cart platform is? For example, although I would make a few changes to this site I think it's very close to a great site from a design/conversion standpoint. . Lets say for example I was using any one of the options I have so far mentioned. Would I be able to just tell a designer/developer that I have magento,3dcart, zencart etc and tell him I would like that type of layout for example? How would I know how certain cart platforms are coded? Does that even make sense? For example I have created and ranked many sites and tested quite a bit also. I have always noticed that very clean basic static html sites have almost always ranked better and faster for me. Do these platforms come built a certain way such as html or (I don't even know what the names of other options are). Or does it not come as anything and when I have the site built I determine how I want it built? Also if you have any suggested reading for me I would be appreciative. Thank you for the help. Jake

    Web Design | | PEnterprises

  • I am currently building the site architecture for a very large ecommerce site. I am wondering how I should build it out if I have products that I want to include in multiple categories within my site. For example: Lets say I sell fitness equipment and I have categories for things such as: Treadmill, Exercise Bike, Stair Stepper, Weight Benches etc. But then I also have specific brand category pages such a: Precor, Life Fitness, Hammer, Body Solid So my question is how do I structure this so I am building this correctly? If I sell a Precor Treadmill I will want to include that product under the "Treadmill" category page as well as under the "Precor Equipment" category page. Can I get some advice for the best way to structure this? It's obviously something I want to avoid at all costs of doing improperly and having to fix later. Thank you Jake

    On-Page Optimization | | PEnterprises

  • anyone else getting strange result from the new linkscape update? i've got a pa 78 and da 73 and it was pa 40 da 39 last week, and not much has changed, i know it shouldn't be that high another site has decreased when some top media sites have linked to it over the last month, strange.

    Moz Pro | | chrisdragonsdesign

  • I have a PRO account and added the initial keywords and got the immediate rankings for those. Then I added new keywords and those have not been updated. How long do I have to wait to get Keyword Ranking data on those keywords. I know it says they are updated every Friday, but does that mean I have to wait until next Friday for my first run of data on new keywords?? I ask because I have to present to a client before then and I require the data for that meeting. Any insight is appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | mc41872

  • I have Pro Plan but get a 3 report limit for the day when exporting from open site explorer: Login Run a report in open site explorer Click 'Send as CSV' Message shows: Your export has been started and will be emailed to you in 5 - 10 minutes. email arrives Link takes me to a HTML message:
    You've been busy! Looks like you've hit your 3 report limit for the day. Login or register for a free account to get unlimited reports with data on 5x more links! I thought I could use this unlimited?

    Moz Pro | | bitedigital

  • I just noticed two back links to a couple of sites around pharmaceuticals/attorneys. The one link is to a chinese site with url:, and the other is to a site called Adroo: Both appear to be some type of link farm sites, one has come in as a nofollow (surprise, you can buy "ads" on their site, both have decent DA. There is no reason for them to link to theses sites, should I find a way to stop the link? Also, on one of the sites we had a dmoz link and it is not showing in OSE? Link is still open in dmoz though. Thanks for any input.

    Technical SEO | | RobertFisher

  • Just wondering, in general, how quickly newly placed inbound links should get indexed by Google, and show up in OSE?

    Link Building | | NiallTom

  • Using Open Site Explorer I was reviewing a sites links. This site happens to appear at position 2 in Google for a key-term that I am targeting for one of my sites. Most, if not all of the links appear to be coming from some very questionable sources that have absolutely nothing to do with their sites content or business. Some of the page titles are : Free Music - Free Music Tampa Bay Florida Fishing Guide Free BDSM and Bondage Sex, BDSM XXX, Fetish Por... LAX Car Rental Reciprical Links Page - Add Your Link Casino More Links Is this practice going to end up hurting their site and catch up to them at some point? From what I have read, these are not the type of links that you want to be going after.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BrandonC-269887

  • Since starting our business back in 2006 we've gone through alot of branding, and as a result URL and architectual migrations. This has always something that has been driven by usability, brand awareness and technical efficiency reasons, while knowing that there would be SEO hits to take from it....but ultimately hoping to have a much stronger foundation from an SEO perspective in the long run. Having just gone through our most recent (and hopefully final) migration, we are now about 15% down on traffic (although more like  35% - 40% in real terms when seasonality is stripped out). Below is a timeline to our structural history: 2007 - 2009 = We operated as a network of inidividual websites which started as 1,, but grew to 40, with the likes of,,, etc.. 2009 - 2010 = We decided to consolitdate everything onto 1 single domain, using a sub-domain structure. We used the domain and the subdomains, etc.. All old pages were 301 redirected to like for like pages on the new subdomains. We took a 70% drop in traffic and SERPS disappeared for over 6 months. After 9 months we had recovered back to traffic levels and similar rankings to what we had pre-migration. Using this new URL structure, we expanded to 100 destinations and therefore 100 sub-domains. 2011 = In April 2011, having not learnt our lesson from before :(, we undwent another migration. We had secured the domain name and had developed a whole new logo and branding. With 100 sub-domains we underwent a migration to the new URL and used a sub-directory folder. So this time had gone to <a></a> and was now No content or designs were changed, and again we 301 re-directed pages to like for like pages and with this we even made efforts to ask those linking to us to update their links to use our new URL's. The problem: The situation we fine ourselves in now is no where near as bad as what happend with our migration in 2009/2010, however, we are still down on traffic and SERPS and it's now been 3 months since the migration.  One thing we had identified was that our re-directs where going through a chain of re-directs, rather than pointing straight to the final urls (something which has just been rectified). I fear that our constant changing of URL's has meant we have lost out in terms of the passing over of link juice from all the old URL's and loss of trust with Google for changing so much. Throughout this period we have grown the content on our site by almost 2x - 3x each year and now have around 100,000 quality pages of unique content (which is produced by locals on the ground in each destination). I'm hoping that someone in the SEOmoz Community might have some ideas on things we may have slipped up on, or ways in which we can try and recover a little faster and actually get some growth, as opposed to working hard and waiting a while just for another recovery. Thanks Neil

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Neil-MyDestination

  • Looking to add Analytics tracking for a specific campaign that is a separate, secondary account from my primary GA account.

    Moz Pro | | ksracer

  • Hi, I am working with an account and the previous SEO used a Rel Canonical link that just uses the end of the url. Instead of the full url When I look it up on the web I see most people are using the full url. Is that the proper way to do it or does is suffice to just use the end of the url? Wanted to check before I take the time to change them all. -Kent

    Technical SEO | | KentH

  • Does anyone know if urls on the 'Websites' part of a LinkedIn public profile create any SEO value (meaning, does page rank flow)? The links looks like this: <a href="/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Espeechpad%2Ecom%2Fpage%2Fspeech-to-text&urlhash=Xk3F" target="_blank" title="New window will open" name="overviewsite">speech to texta>

    Technical SEO | | scanlin

  • I have a question about quality of links I'm seeing with my linkbuilding program.  I just noticed that my 2nd ranked backlink contained the keyword as the username with a link back to my site.  There was no relevant text in the comment itself with the keyword linking back to my site.  My question is this good practice?  I wanted to get your opinion of these kind of links for a linkbuilding program.  Here's the backlink and our keyword is the username Cat Control:  It looks like everyone posting on this page is just linking their username back to their site...  I'm not an SEO expert by any means, but if everyone is doing this same type of link building on a directory type page such as this.  Could these type of links  eventually become a target like what happend with the farmer/panda update?

    Link Building | | Woodstream

  • I noticed that some sites have a specific section on Youtube, under the structure, which contains backlinks to the site. For example, this Twilight blog: I've had trouble finding out information about this. Is this auto-generated by Youtube, or can someone set this up?

    Image & Video Optimization | | EricPacifico

  • So this website -> Ranks on the First Page for the term "Bail Bonds" It's the spammiest crappiest piece of junk website ever! lol - How does this site rank so well, it's not even a year old and it's link structure is crap. Can I like report them and have them removed lol. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | utahseopros

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