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  • We are conducting a site redesign and need to get an idea of all pages that are out there on our domain (in some report fashion). This would help for discovery and cleanup as we re-work the site and move to a new CMS. Thanks

    Web Design | | DCondon

  • I'm the Marketing Director at a car dealership that is trying to break into online shopping.  We have had an internet sales team for about 4 years handling online leads.  These leads were generated by forms present on our website.  However, I'm trying to step up our production of leads online (we are currently at 1-2%). Here's my problem: The current method that car dealership website developers use, at least the 4 I've utilized, makes all the search pages have duplicate content, and many of the product/car pages have duplicate content (Title, etc.).  Is there a way to stop all of these search pages from coming up as duplicate content? My other question is: Our inventory completely refreshes about every two months, what would be the best option for our product web pages? Should I no-index them? 301 redirect to a similar vehicle? Any better options? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | ResslerMotors

  • I'm wondering how sites break news without dedicating too much time researching. Are there any tools that you use? For example, if you wanted to be one of the first people to know when a celebrity was diagnosed with a health condition, how would you go about doing that?

    Algorithm Updates | | nicole.healthline

  • when plugging ALT tags into images, does Google prefer spaces, hyphens, or underscores?  I know with filenames, hyphens or underscores are preferred and spaces are replaced with %20. Thoughts? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BrooklynCruiser

  • On, it says: rel="canonical" can be used with relative or absolute links, but we recommend using absolute links to minimize potential confusion or difficulties. If your document specifies a base link, any relative links will be relative to that base link. Where would a document specify a base link? And how?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, Got a question about the keyword difficulty tool, I'm new to seomoz so might be a silly question but here goes. Q: It takes the top 10 results from Google under a certain search query, the results displayed gives a rough breakdown of what power the page on the search results has along with the root domain. It looks like it rewards the best out of the bunch for each section with a tick, so 1 tick per column for the best performer. Now I would have thought if one of the websites in the top 10 had all 4 ticks it would rank at the top of the list but this is not the case. What else would come into play to make others which have no ticks rank higher then one which has all. Sorry if this sounds really confusing.

    Competitive Research | | activitysuper

  • I have an existing site that is currently utilizing a structure that is like this: Should I restructure it like: We are doing very well with very specific searches already but are sometimes coming in 2nd and 3rd place. For example: If I search for CLEVELAND PRODUCT NAME I always come up in the top three and about 60% of the time I am #1. I want to make it better. We have only launched in 4 states but plan on launching an additional 4 states over the next few weeks and I want to make sure we are building things properly. Any feedback would be wonderful. As usual, thanks everyone!! -Alex

    On-Page Optimization | | dbuckles

  • The last time I checked (early this year), the PageRank on the sites I manage varied, with the highest showing as 6. It made sense as the PR6 site has loads of links and has been around for a long time, whereas the other sites hadn't. Now all of our websites are showing the same PageRank - 6, even one that has recently launched and another that has barely any links/traffic or anything to it. I didn't check the PR of that one last time (I'd be surprised if it was 2), but the sites now showing as 6 ranged from PR3 to PR6 back then. We changed server in could this issue be something to do with all of the sites being stored on the same server? It doesn't seem right but it's the only thing I can think of. At the moment, the Domain Authority for these six websites ranges from 27 to 62.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alex-Harford

  • 1. And does refreshing meta descriptions help in ranking? 2. How often do you refresh meta descriptions? I am not sure whether it's a new feature, but I noticed this little time stamp on one of the search results, it says 1 day ago, and the website ranked quite high. So is there any correlation here? o4JIw.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robotseo

  • I have a client who is a small, local business that isn't interested in competing outside of their market. Let's use a Toyota dealership in Anytown USA as an example. Which method makes more sense? A: Optimize for keywords like "toyota", "used cars", etc. and hope the search engines show the site to local users? Or B: Optimize for keywords like "toyota anytown" and "used cars anytown" and take localization out of the equation? Kind of a newbie trying to figure out how best to approach SEO for sites that are highly geographic.

    Keyword Research | | jimlast

  • Hey Does anyone know of a way to set up a custom report in GA to show year on year data? Ideally even better would be a way to pull data using the excellent analytics plugin but I don't think thats possible at the moment. Any help is much appreciated. Cheers

    Reporting & Analytics | | CraigAddyman

  • Hi all. I have a client with a specific request and wanted to ask if there is a reliable tool which allows a user to enter a given site and keyword, and it will return the site's ranking for that keyword. More specifically: Needs to work for Google, Yahoo and Bing Needs to work for various countries such as,, etc. Needs to show at least the top ?10k rankings, not just the top 50 The last requirement is the challenge. I clearly recognize anything past the top 50 or so ranks is really off the map, but the client would like to view his current standings.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • It looks like they are retiring the old Link scape.  Where do we find the report that showed the Domain Juice passed by each link?  Is it in the advanced reports and we need to request and wait?

    Moz Pro | | MBayes

  • Hi, I'm having a techinical problem and I would like advise on the effects this is having on my SEO efforts. My old site (live for about 8 years) Directs to my new site which is fine BUT When I type me new website into the tool bar both sides are found & do not direct to one domain; & (both the same site) What is the best practice here? Direct my new non www to my new www site considering my old website directs to the www. Advise & the SEO affects this is having my website would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Is this any good for keyword research? I see they use some weird metric and I'm not sure whether those are relevant at all, plus it's really hard to do a bulk research. Let me know what you think.

    Keyword Research | | jest

  • I would like to know if anyone else feels let down by seomoz and their customer service. I will give you a couple of examples why i feel let down. I contacted customer services over an issue a couple of weeks a go and never got an answer from them, and the second issue is the private question that you can ask. I asked many days ago and it was an important question and it has still not been answered. I am just wondering what we are paying for by using this site and if other customers of this service feel let down like me.

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • Does Google  +1 button have to placed on each page of the website or on on the home page ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • I’d love some clarification on what would be the best title tag for a shopping category page. The category page is “prams” , the brand is Baby Huddle and the top keywords in order of importance are pushchairs, strollers and buggies. Here are the options I suggest: Buy Prams | Pushchairs, Strollers, Buggies | Baby Huddle Buy the best prams, pushchairs, strollers and buggies on Baby Huddle Buy prams with free delivery and great prices on Baby Huddle

    On-Page Optimization | | walidalsaqqaf

  • Hi there, I've been using the PRO tools for a few months now, and find them great for revealing information for my clients, and planning our SEO approach. One report I've put together has been really helpful for a client, but I built it manually and it took ages. It lists, in a spreadsheet, keywords side-by-side with keyword difficulty, target URL, and SERPs result. Sorting by keyword difficulty or SERPS position has helped us to prioritise which pages to hit first. But it took a while to generate the report, and I'm wondering if anyone has a better approach, or if this kind of report can be generated automatically: Thanks Mozzers!

    Moz Pro | | nedwells

  • I can see that Open Site Explorer's Advanced Reports feature is very powerful in terms of sifting through large amounts of link data, but does anyone have any useful tips on how to get the most out it? I want to use my 5 reports a month, but I want to make to maker sure I'm making the most of that allowance.

    Moz Pro | | seanmccauley

  • Hi Guys, I'm trying to decide whether or not to have a bottom navigation bar. I'm thinking of putting a mini site map at the bottom of each page. This mini site map will change depending on the page the user is on. I'm curious on the SEO value this will bring as I understand that there is very little SEO value from links this far down the page but also it could potentially bring the total number of links on that page to over 100. What do you guys think? To have or not to have a bottom navigation bar and why? Thanks, Walid

    On-Page Optimization | | walidalsaqqaf

  • This seems pretty odd to me.  HTML 5 is not validating lots of the typical META content - including, amongst others, the META title.  This is typically seen as a standard 'must-have' for many SEOs, including the check-list on SEOmoz. Has anybody else had this issue?  And of course, did you find a solution? Thanks, Mark

    Algorithm Updates | | RiceMedia

  • Hi all, I was wondering on my commute to work this morning the effectiveness of Social Bookmarking as part of a SEO campaign. The sites I work on generally have the social bookmarking widgets and they do get used by website visitors. In addition to this we also bookmark our sites, new articles and other new content within the top 5 social bookmarking sites. This is all done as part of a wider social strategy. But could I be spending my time better else where? Whats everyones thoughts on Social Bookmarking and do you incorporate it in your SEO campaigns? Cheers Aran UPDATE: I note that SEOmoz Q&A only have Tweet, Like and Stumble...

    Link Building | | Entrusteddev

  • My website is mainly focused on articles; however, I have noticed that after adding a few images of celebrities, I have gained a lot of traffic from image searches from Google. My point is that by adding images of popular celebrities to an article, you can gain a substantial amount of traffic. give it a try and see if you can gain traffic from image searches.

    Web Design | | dougster62

  • I am working with someone that is about to launch a new site, and one of the sites was affected by the Panda update. Does it matter if the two sites are connected? Share the same hosting provider and same Google Webmaster's account?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • It seems the Q&A section had some issues since the 25th. Users could post new Q&As but they were not visible to most users. Roger was caught slacking! The issue appears to be resolved at this time. I just wanted to share to anyone who asked a question the past few days who did not receive a response you may wish to repost your question as many readers will not go back and check questions from prior days.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • I am having a problem developing a sitemap because I have long URLs that are made by zend.  They go like this: Because these URL's are long and are fed by Zend when I try to call them all up, to put on the sitemap, the system runs out of memory and crashes. Do you know what part of a search result, in google, say, comes from the URL?  Would it be fine for me to submit to google only  Does the crawler find that the URL is indeed or does it go with just what the sitemap tells it?

    Algorithm Updates | | Jordanrg

  • I've got a client that wants a site with all content in iFrames. They saw another site they liked & asked if we could do it.  Of course we can technically.  How big a negative hit would they take with SEO?  Is there anything we can do to mitigate it, such as redirects, etc? Thanks for the help!

    Technical SEO | | wcksmith

  • The new version of the tool does not allow me to download the data via csv immediately. It says it will email in 5-10 minutes and never comes? Anyone else having this problem? Cheers

    Moz Pro | | josey

  • We want to use an inline linking tool (LinkSmart) to cross link between a few key content types on our online news site. LinkSmart uses a bot to establish the linking. The issue:  There are millions of pages on our site that we don't want LinkSmart to spider and process for cross linking. LinkSmart suggested setting a noindex tag on the pages we don't want them to process, and that we target the rule to their specific user agent. I have concerns.  We don't want to inadvertently block search engine access to those millions of pages.  I've seen googlebot ignore nofollow rules set at the page level.  Does it ever arbitrarily obey rules that it's been directed to ignore? Can you quantify the level of risk in setting user-agent-specific nofollow tags on pages we want search engines to crawl, but that we want LinkSmart to ignore?

    On-Page Optimization | | lzhao

  • I am in need of advice regarding back links that we did not place, and which are hurting our search engine results. How and why they got there I cannot explain.But they have appeared recently, and are damaging our SERP ranks. For several years, I have been a member with SEOmoz, and we have done our search engine optimization in house. I am the owner of a personal injury law firm, which is a competitive field in search engine optimization. Recently, in the spring, we updated our website, added significant content (over 100 additional pages), we set up a better site structure, and we completed a significant back link campaign from white hat sources. As a result, we were the strongest law firm in search engine results in the state of Arizona,   and the page rank from our home page went from a 4 to 6, and from our next highest level of pages, they went from a 3 to 6. This happened in 10 week period. Our search engine results were fantastic. We were getting a significant amount of business from out Places page and our Organic results. That has almost completely dried up. Approximately 6-8 weeks later, we started having some serious problems. Specifically, our search engine results decreased significantly, our page rank reduced from a six to a four. So we started using SEOmoz tools to see what the problem was, and when we created an open site Explorer report, there are approximately 1000 different links from very shady websites they are now linking to our home page.  Some of these linking URLs prompt a download to video and other files. Other of the linking are simple on junk sites. Obviously, some other person placed these links. First and foremost I am interested in maintaining the integrity of our site, and if there were a way to remove these links, and protect against that in the future, that is what I want. Secondly, if there were a way to find out who did this, I would like to know that also. What options and/or actions should be taken. I am thinking that I may need to employ a professional/consultant. Will I have to transfer content to another domain? Your thought and help are appreciated. Thanks,

    International SEO | | MFC

  • Hi I've installed Yoasts SEO plugin. I've just set it up as a campaign in SEOMOZ pro and i now see 14 notices about rel=canonical. I haven't added the rel=canonical myself and is in connection with the Yoast code on the site. Why does it do that and should i do something about it?

    Technical SEO | | infocell

  • Does anyone know of a good seo tool ( either in seomoz, or another website ) that will allow me to search google from different geo locations. For example, if I wanted to see how my company ranks for the term "computer repair" in redding california and sacramento california.

    Moz Pro | | NerdsOnCall

  • I was doing some research today and kept coming across this site I checked OSE and found that it only has a DA of 37 PA of 35, and only 79 linking domains (966 links total). I got to looking and there are a few links like this Anyway, accroding to SEMRush, this site ranks for over 6,000 keywords. I ran content on a couple of their high ranking pages and the content is not unique, at least not very unique on the pages I checked. What is so special about that site that google is giving it so much love? I am not trying to call them out, I just want to know what this site is doing to garner the favor of google when I have a site in the same niche with a higher DA, PA, linking domains, and social signals.

    Technical SEO | | CharlesMontgomery

  • I got an idea to social facebook application. anyone can give me a tips or tools or a book where i can get this answeres?: how to Find out if this niche has enough people that interested in this subject who Best Target Audience what Best Profit method (pay per month membership, AdSense, leads, etc...) What is the best market for this idea (country, languages, ages, gender, etc) where to Find who are the Competitors & Similar services / application and how to beat them a list of affiliate market for the related site niche? well. i dont even expect someone can answer me that quesitons in this post but give me please links, clues , book, lessons or company that do that

    Affiliate Marketing | | amirwebdeveloper

  • We have over 100 websites we built for clients that we currently host on 1 shared godaddy hosting account. They each have a link to us but since they are all under one shared account, we feel that we are not maximizing the inbound link potential. I've looked into c class hosting but found that either the ip's were flagged as spam, or they shared nameservers which defeats the purpose. I've also been told that since the c class ip's a hosting company gives to you are all owned by them, that also defeats the purpose. Anyone have any solutions besides opening 130 accounts with different hosting companies? Also, will it make any difference changing existing sites onto different hosts now or are they already tainted?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seopet

  • Links seem to be very important to the success of websites today.  That said, they are real tough to come by in my specific industry.  Plus the president of the company does not want any links  on the site, so,................... thats where I am. I paid for links in the past and that was a big mistake!! I am still looking to gain a few links for the website ( is a good location to post aricles in hopes to get links?  If it is a good location, do you know of any other ones which would be beneficial? I know I could use some more and better sight content......... I have quite a lot of fresh stuff in the works not just up yet.  Hopefully in the next few weeks.........? Any other words from the wise are very much welcome.  Thank You Dave

    Link Building | | APICDA

  • I have a website ( and am stuggling a bit to get rankings for particular key words.  I have lots of great content I could post, in hopes to recieve some links. Can anyone recomend a good location for me to post articles about: Concrete Pump Trucks, Sales, Maintenance, Parts, Safety etc. Thanks for any advice!   Dave

    Link Building | | APICDA

  • Okay, there are so many keyword tools out there, and I would like to know the one that is most accurate for search volume.

    Keyword Research | | azguy

  • over the 4-5 months i have published over 3000 unique articles which i have payed well over 10 000usd for, but i still only receive about 20 google visitors a day for that content. i uploaded the 3000 articles after i 301 redirected the old site to a a new domain (old site had 1000 articles, and at least 300visits from google a day), and all the old conetnt receives the traffic fine (301 redirect is working 100percent now and pr went from 0 to 3pr) articles are also good ranging from 400-800 words. 90 percent of them are indexed by google, most of them have been bookmarked to digg reddit etc website domain is over 10 years old -  why google doesnt send me the traffic i deserve?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rxesiv

  • I'm going to sit in on a BrightEdge demo tomorrow, to see if the SEO services they offer might be right for a client of mine. Just wondering -- Does anyone have experience using BrightEdge SEO services? If so, what is your opinion? Any particular question I should be sure to ask the sales rep during the demo? Thanks so much for any thoughts/suggestions. -- Jim

    Competitive Research | |

  • İ have published over 3000 unique articles to  pr3 drupal site over the past 3 months, yet only get about 20-30 visitors a day from google to my new 3000 articles. i have spent over 10 000usd for those articles, all range between 400-800 words and all pass copyscape. 90 percent of the articles are indexed and site pr3 site. the site is  why do i not receive traffic?

    Competitive Research | | rxesiv

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