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  • Is there a way to put in a list of targeted keywords and see what the top 5 sites on Google are?  There are several competitor tools in SEOmoz but I can't find anything that would allow you to do that.  I have a list of 40 or so keywords that I would like to check what sites are in the top 3 positions on Google for each of the keywords. Thanks in advance

    Keyword Research | | summitliveevents

  • Google Adwords Keyword tool Local Monthly searches covers all US and it is misleading for local/regional companies. is there any tool and method you could recommend to find out State Level (for example Virginia) local monthly search volume for Keyword research. I think the methods of Keyword Research for National and Local (state level) level should be different. what do you think?

    Keyword Research | | CertifiedSEO

  • Looking to hire a Google Analytics expert for a project.  Dealing with trying to track traffic across multiple domains and then work with the Ecommerce options. Contact Jeff Logan @ Avelient with costs and time frame for work. [personal information removed by editors. please contact via private message system to exchange information]

    Reporting & Analytics | | Avelient

  • Howdy, I work on a fairly large eCommerce site, Our CMS doesn't allow us to have 1 product with multiple colour and size options so we created individual product pages for each product variation. This of course means that we have duplicate content issues. The layout of the shop works like this; there is a product group page (here is our disposable camera group) and individual product pages are below. We also use a Google shopping feed. I'm sure we're being penalised as so many of the products on our site are duplicated so, my question is this - is rel="canonical" the best way to stop being penalised and how can I implement it? If not, are there any better suggestions? Also, we have targeted some long-tail keywords in some of the product descriptions so will using rel-canonical effect this or the Google shopping feed? I'd love to hear experiences from people who have been through similar things and what the outcome was in terms of ranking/ROI. Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Confetti_Wedding

  • Hi, I'm really struggling to see how these guys are number one on google (from the UK) when searching for "picture framers york" Their SEOMOZ on page grading for the term is an F, so on site SEO is minimal if any. Their backlinks are almost nonexistant, take a look at the competition report (attached) through market samurai.  Everything I thought I understand about SEO is currently being turned on its head because with the information available, they shouldn't be there. I thought maybe its the proximity to 'York' center, but they aren't that close to be honest. So any advice greatly appreciated as to why they are #1 so I know what it is I can do as an SEO. Thanks, Dave samurai.png

    Competitive Research | | davebrown1975

  • Hello, We are due to get a link on the daily telegraph page (UK Newspaper) very shortly. We have just noticed there links are within javascript, what do you think of this link? | |

    Link Building | | ScottBaxterWW

  • When running a classified site, what is best practice for what to do with expired ads?  Should they stay on the site with a sold stamp perhaps? Or should they be moved to an archive subdomain, with the original URL 301 redirecting to the new archive ad? I'm kinda thinking the second option but I suppose the only issue with this is you would have to have a consistent flow of new ads on the site to prevent categories from getting too thin. Thoughts on this and any other/better solutions would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sayers

  • I worked on a website since 2 years now (mainly link building). Now, I need to change the CMS and the hosting company of this website. In order to improve the SEO of this website, I decided to change the URL structure as well, see example here below: Actual situation: Future situation: Since the hosting, the CMS and the URL’s will change, what you recommend me to do in order to keep a maximum of “link juice” to the pages!? How / Where to setup the 301 redirects?

    Technical SEO | | Tit

  • Hello, Last February one of my clients websites was delisted. It turns out that some time ago that had attempted to launch a social network along time lines of ning. The project had fallen apart of the was still up. At some point spammers found it and started using it as part of a link farm. Once it was discovered, the subdomain it was posted on was removed and the website returned to search within 2 weeks. Last week, the website disappeared again OSE shows that in the last 2 months the website has got 2000 (There are about 16,000 total spam links) additional spam links now pointing and the root domain. On top of that, Google Webmaster Tools is reporting about 15,000 404 errors. I have blocked Google from crawling the path where the path were the spam pages used to be. If there a way to block the 1000s of inbound spam links?

    Technical SEO | | Simple_Machines

  • Hi, A client of mine completed a video sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools a couple of months ago. As of yet the videos are still not indexing in Google. All of the videos sit on the one page but have unique URLs in the sitemap. Does anybody know a reason why they are not being indexed? Thanks David

    Technical SEO | | RadicalMedia

  • Hello all, I am fairly new to the SEOmoz community. But i am working for a company which organizes exhibitons, events and training in Holland. A lot of these events are only given ones ore twice and then we do not organise them any more because they are no longer relevant. Every event has its own few webpages which provide information about the event and are being indexed by Google. In the past we did not remove any of these events. I was looking in the CMS and saw a lot of events of 2008 and older which are being indexed. To clean the website and the CMS i am thinking of removing these pages of old events. The risk is that these pages have some links to them and are getting some traffic, so if i remove them there is a risk of losing traffic and rankings. What would be the wise thing to do? Make a folder with archive or something? Regards, Ruud

    Technical SEO | | RuudHeijnen

  • Since the rollout of the new OSE the many sites i run are indicating a huge loss of links overnight. is there an issue with OSE, either before or after the update or am I missing something ? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | blocker0408

  • It's been years since I've had a discount I could offer over PPC. I remember when I was a young search monkey, that companies would offer the coupon code directly in the ad copy. However, an inspection of ads on various queries, I don't see anyone doing this. I want to, because of course a concrete offer should certainly help CTR right?  But, not finding any referent examples of other companies using the coupon code freaks me out. Is there a drawback to posting the code directly?

    Affiliate Marketing | | reallygoodstuff

  • I know someone with a phone app who would like to link to my website from the app. Would there be any SEO benefit to this at all, or would the only benefit be the traffic?

    Link Building | | mascotmike

  • I have a client who has a blog with a side bar on each page, in the sidebar there are various links to the site, as well as links to some of his partner sites. I was looking at the recently updated open site explorer, and noticing that their domain authority is way down, a good amount below their competitors as well. The total links compared  to the linking root domains is ~3000 to 200. So my question is 1. How can I gain on the domain authority front? (more diverse links?) And if so, 2. Should I no-follow the links on their blog so they don't have hundreds of pages with the same links (most internal) on there site Thanks,

    Link Building | | USHoleInOne

  • I've been analyzing my competition and found some great directories with High DAs that require the Reciprocal code to be on the same domain as the submitted link . When I went to my competitor's website, the reciprocal link is not there. Does he/she put the link on their page, than have directory verify the code, and then remove the link? If anyone fully understands how this works, please let me know.

    Link Building | | DmitryP

  • Excuse me here I can't reveal the website url here due to the confidentiality. Background: This website has about 100+pages, and is a wordpress site. Out of 15 targeted keywords, there are few ranked first on others are ranked between 3rd and 50+. In the past couple of weeks, we have been submitting to various websites/directories. and 4 main keywords' rankings are improving steadily from 50+ to 20+. We don't buy links, or pay for link exhcanges. We only exchange links on rare occasions. Symptoms: 1. 2 out of 4 main keywords dropped its rankings from 20+ to 80+ 4 weeks ago over night. 2. We kept on acquiring links from directories and websites, and 2 weeks after the drop, the rankings of 2 affected keywords had gradually made its way back to 20-30. Just we thought the glitch was over, these 2 keywords has dropped rankings to 50+ once again. 3. The change of rankings looks too suspicious to us, so we went to use the Moz tool, and discovered the domain authority has also dropped 25% of its value in a month time. We never experienced such violent changes in terms of rankings in such a short period of time. My question is: what factors there are to have caused such violent shifts? Why the value of the domain authority is dropped by 25%-30%? What elements affect the domain authority the most?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | robotseo

  • Suppose I had 2 domains, & with exactly the same links profiles, and content (not duplicate but you know what I mean). Would Google favour the .com domain? In my experience, yes. But I might be wrong?
    Same with other not so standard domains like .biz etc. Am I right to believe that Google can prefer the more common domain extensions?

    Technical SEO | | Tom-R

  • I can see that Open Site Explorer's Advanced Reports feature is very powerful in terms of sifting through large amounts of link data, but does anyone have any useful tips on how to get the most out it? I want to use my 5 reports a month, but I want to make to maker sure I'm making the most of that allowance.

    Moz Pro | | seanmccauley

  • I can only see q&a's up to 25 July.  I think there is a bug.... can someone confirm this? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | mosaicpro

  • Hi! I just noticed a decrease on our domain authority and also the page authority of several of our pages on the SeoMoz toolbar. For instance, DA went from 34 to 29. I was scared and confused, so I went to check it on the opensite explorer and saw that it had been updated. I want to ask you guys if the same happened with your metrics or is it just us. Because the strange thing about it is that we have been doing some good optimization work lately and also some linkbuilding, and actually our SERP’s have been improving in general, and some specific ones have been performing great. Our website is as a reference. Can anyone cast some light into this?

    Moz Pro | | inmonova

  • Are there any details on the computations involved with mR and mT? I am specifically wondering about The DA and PA is 100. If that page does not max out on the other factors it seems that no internet page or site would. The page has the following stats: mR 8.68 mT 7.95 DmR 9.29 DmT 9.36 Until now I have only focused on DA & PA. I would like to better understand the mechanics of these other measurements.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • I know someone who has a phone app and wants to put a link to my website in the app. Are there any SEO benefits from this at all or would it only be good for generating traffic?

    Link Building | | mascotmike

  • Should I exclude the tag pages? Or should I go ahead and keep them indexed? Is there a general opinion on this topic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NikkiGaul

  • how to SE optimize a PowerPoint presentation on the website? Will it help to upload it to slideshare ?

    On-Page Optimization | | intiGrow

  • Does removing content ever make sense? We have out of stock products that are left on the site (in an out of stock section) specifically for SEO value, but I am not sure how to approach the problem from a bottom line conversion stand point. Do we leave out of stock products and hope that they turn into a conversion rate via cross selling, or do out of stock products lower the value of other pages by "stealing" link juice and pagerank from the rest of the site? (and effectively driving interest away) What is your perspective? Do you believe that any content that is related or semi-related to your main focus is beneficial, or does it only make sense to have strong content that has a higher rate of conversion and overall site engagement?

    Technical SEO | | 13375auc3

  • How can SEOmoz "most Common Errors*" under "Crawl Diagnostics" advice can be right for a good site organic? Site is well ranked top 3 on Google (difficult KW). If I go ahead and fix these errors, I might hurt my SEO , no? like: Too Many On-Page Links 302 (Temporary Redirect) Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) Missing Meta Description Tag

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Elchanan

  • I have a content writer creating blogs for us on a regular basis and was wondering if i should also be posting our blogs/articles on major blog hubs (e.g Blogspot)? Can you recommend a few sites?

    Link Building | | Anest

  • It was a 10 page static HTML page website. 3 year old, PR2. Monday night, copied a WordPress from somewhere to this website's public_html folder and activate it. The home page was "index.html" before switching to WordPress. Now this html file (index.html) has been deleted, so WordPress' Home page can work. All other 9 static html pages are still there in Google index. Just notice it today that the home page URL disappears in Google completely. Why? All other 9 static html pages' URL are still in Google. robots.txt is Allow: / What may have gone wrong to remove the home domain URL from Google index? Thank you for your help!

    Technical SEO | | johnzhel

  • Hey, Would be interested to see everyone's opinion on the latest software form Market Samurai It's basically an article spinning & syndication promising to be the 'biggest in the world'. Most things they mention in the video is quite contradictory to everything SEOmoz teaches about link building. What's everyone's thoughts about Market Samurai and their practices?

    Link Building | | LukeyJamo

  • Hello everyone, I have a doubt about the PPC and SEO. For example if i rank at first page ( something like 5th position ) for one specific keyword, and then I decide to add this keyword to my PPC campaign. My 5th rank will be penalized by google if i buy the PPC keyword ? Thanks.

    Paid Search Marketing | | augustos

  • Hello everyone, Is there any other way to earn domain authority if not by link building ? Or just SEO OFF PAGE can make it happend? thanks fellows.

    Link Building | | augustos

  • Good afternoon SEOmoz, I first want to congratulate with you for the amazing new look and new features of Open Site Explorer, it's an amazing and valuable tool that I use every day and that has helped me build tons of links for my clients. I have been keeping track of the OPE data on a monthly base and I just noticed something strange. In May 2011, OSE was showing that my client's website had 12,624 links, in July 2011 the website had 14,157 links and today I just ran a new report that showed just 6,401 links. I don't want to believe that in 2 months we lost half of the links, so I was wondering if you guys can give me more insights about this data. 
    Did SEOMoz change the way they measure the number of links? Or is this just a bug or issue they are having with the new version of OSE? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | Aviatech

  • I spotted a few bogus links today on one of my clients sites got in touch with the sites via email asking for them to remove the links. also did a whois and emailed them but have had no reply. Whats the best solution to this if they wont remove the links ? Is there anything you can do. I am just worried these links may have a negative effect on the site.

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • Our client built a wordpress site on url A, then opted for a better url B. Rather than moving all the wordpress files/website over to the new url B, they just contacted GoDaddy, who hosted BOTH urls under the same IP address. When I do a term target on url B, I'm flagged for rel canonical use. I can only get a B grade for each keyword. (I've also tried using url A, but I get the same flag and B grade results). I'm not sure if this set-up will thwart our seo efforts for the site, because only the homepage comes up when you type in url B anyway. Every subsequent page displays the original url A. Somewhere, wordpress is also adding a rel canonical link on the homepage source to url A, too, which we can't seem to edit. So, question is: is it ok to leave this set up as is with both urls hosted on the same IP address, or should we move the whole site over to the desired url B? Thanks much!

    Moz Pro | | GravitateOnline

  • --- I am moving this into open discussion to see if I can get a few more responses, I am very curious if anyone has experience in this area --- Hello, As a resource for my link building strategies I have often wondered if building my own 'web network' of sites would prove to be valuable in link building.  For example, if I were targeting the travel industry (or insert a niche here) and created 30 websites on various related topics in the industry, would using outbound links from those sites to other relevant websites help increase domain authority? Obviously, I would need to avoid creating unusable sites with boilerplate content just for the sole purpose of linking.  I am envisioning working websites/blogs that would be valuable on their own. Some thoughts and questions that have crossed my mind: If these sites are all hosted on the same server, would the link exchange end up in penalization in the SERPs? Being that the sites are designed to be quality sites on their own, can they share links between themselves if the links are relevant? This is already being done across the web, but what makes one network valuable and 'quality' vs another Being a web dev / host as well as SEO guy I would like to utilize those resources to create a network that is of quality and of value, but am not sure about things appearing 'unnatural'... It seems that the majority of link building falls into the 'unnatural' category as we as SEOs are constantly trying to place our links throughout the web vs. site owners linking naturally back to a website

    Industry News | | Millibit

  • Will having affiliate marketing links and images on your website damage search engine ranking on   certain terms? Those affiliate links are just for office tools and online document services and nothing like an adult contents or spamming.

    Algorithm Updates | | WebMarketingSmart

  • I have a dilemma. We have over 500 out of stock items that are still listed on our ecommerce website. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave them up because they are all considered content by google, and the keywords might drive traffic. On the other hand, the customers might be disappointed if the items are out of stock (we don't restock our sold out items), and many times, they will not lead to a conversion if the customer is looking for something very specific. Considering all these factors (and some unmentioned ones), my main question is: If I remove content, does that make all of the other content on our website stronger by having more pagerank and link juice flow to them, or do I hurt our rankings?

    Technical SEO | | 13375auc3

  • Hey guys, have a business partner prepping a new website and it is ready to go. He wants to do something similar to which gives users the ability to upload things, vote on things and buy things. He asked me who could build the site and I frankly didn't have any recommendations for him. Does anyone here have a positive experience with a web design/programming person or company that they trust? I would like to get a good recommendation to him of someone who can build this thing, built it well and build it in less than the usual 6-12 months. Does anyone like that even exist? If so, please respond with your answer, looking to get moving on this project soon. Thanks!

    Branding | | DanDeceuster

  • I have researched exact keywords and noted a four word phrase which has fairly good numbers for exact keyword local searches a month with low competition. If I was to make it as my web address it would mean having www. (18 letters) Is it important to have the exact keyword in the URL for ranking purposes? Is an 18 letter web address either side of the www and too long?

    Keyword Research | | TCWorkouts

  • Ann Smarty mentions in a post (  the addition of Google Analytics adds SEO value. We have a different analytics tool, do you think it is necessary to add Analytics? How important do you think it is?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi We are making a mobile site for our site for one of our partner sites and I would like to know which one of the following URL structure you recommand as far as SEO concerned? or Also, should I worry about duplicated content on my mobile site?

    Technical SEO | | CookingCom

  • The SEOmoz crawler is showing 236 Duplicate Page Titles. When I go in to see what page titles are duplicated I see that the URLs in question are incorrect and read "/about/about/..." instead of just "/about/" The shown page duplicates are the result of the crawler is ending up on the "Page not found" page. Could it be the result of using relative links on the site?  Anything I can do to remedy? Thanks for your help! -Frank

    Moz Pro | | Clements

  • On my site,, only a small number of my pages appear to be indexed by google or yahoo.  I have thousands of pages!  Is that due to not having an XML sitemap, keywords, or some other problem?

    On-Page Optimization | | Jordanrg

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