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  • Playing around w/ OSE post update. Love that there are social signals. Having issues with exporting to .csv via email. What's the reasoning behind this change? Anyone have any solutions for circumventing (i.e. downloading data directly to excel via API)?

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • I'd like to know your views on the best approach for title tags for category pages for ecommerce sites. 3 examples A) Category name | Free delivery on $50 purchase | Brand name B) Discover best "category name" on brand name C) Category Name | 1st Keyword, 2nd keyword | Brand name Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | walidalsaqqaf

  • Hi, What does it mean when seomoz shows our domain authority as 43, but our homepage authority as 52 or higher? More recently, the two used to be roughly comparable at around 52. Maybe it doesn't matter, but it did change and it makes me curious. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | 94501

  • I have launched my own website,, and I am trying to learn and integrate SEO.  My website is hosted by Volusion, so I have incorporated all the SEO through their program and I have not had any customers yet.  I am trying to read about SEO and prepare some type of plan to improve my website.  Can anyone help me out with this?

    Technical SEO | | chaya

  • A major non-profit with 360 locations just completed a new program.  The non-profit has updated its site at URL  Each of the 360 locations has a subdomain site with URL which reflects the branding of and has a Drupal content management system.  The company is asking each location to transition the top level domain of each location ( example to The subdomain location sites are tied to a CRM system, which initially hasn't worked.  But the long term objective is to gather CRM data via the subdomain location sites. The main site has an Alexa Global Rank of 30,400 and a US Rank of 7900.  The main site has 2600 backlinks, and is a pretty powerful site.  Some individual locations in large metropolitan areas have decent backlinks, but most don't.  The PR of most local sites is 3 to 6. The SEO experts at have maintained that the power and authority of the main site would propel the local rank of each location to a position of high visibility. Using Market Samuari and Majestic SEO, a test on each of the 360 location subdomains was performed.  It was determined that Page Rank did pass from the main site to the local site in 15% of the cases.  However, 85% of the subdomain sites had 0 Page Rank.  Page Rank did vary from 2 to 5 on the 15% that passed rank, but there was no cross checking to see if the subdomain location had the same page rank as the locations top level domain. Referring Domains Domain (RDD) was usually -1; Referring Domains Page (RDP) was usually 0; Page Backlinks (BLP) was usually 0; Back Links to Domain (BLD) was usually 0; Google Cache age was all over the map from unknown to 58 days. Questions: Anyone suspect why some sites pass Page Rank and others don't; Should we continue on the path towards using the subdomain sites, or should each location keep its top level site and work on improving their local search visibility there? There is no way to check Google Analytics (GA)  on the subdomain sites without having to access GA on the main site  Right? Will Google Places and Bing Local honor the subdomain URLs for their respective Local Search pages. Would there be a compelling reason or reasons to abandon the subdomain sites? Thanks much for your comments!!

    SEO Learn Center | | VernonWanner

  • How useful is it to have links in the bottom navigation bar? I'm considering to putting a mini site map in the bottom navigation bar but was told that these links carry virtually no SEO value and could actually hamper it as it would bring the total number of links on the page over 100.

    On-Page Optimization | | walidalsaqqaf

  • I have an interesting problem SEOmozers and wanted to see if I could get some good ideas as to what I should to for the greatest benefit. I have an ecommerce website that sells tire sensors. We just converted the old site to a new platform and payment processor, so the site has changed completely from the original, just offering virtually the same products as before. You can find it at We're ranked #1 for the keyword "tire sensors" in Google. We sell sensors for ford, honda, toyota, etc -- and has all of those listed. Before I came along, the company I'm working for also had individual "mini ecommerce" sites created with only 1 brand of sensors and the URL to match that maker. Example : is our site, only sells the Ford parts from our main site, and ranks #1 in Google for "ford tire sensors" I don't have analytics on these old sites but Google Keyword Tool is saying "ford tire sensors" gets 880 local searches a month, and other brand-specific tire sensors are receiving traffic as well. We have many other sites that are doing the same thing. (ranked #2 for "suzuki tire sensors") Only sells our Suzuki collection from the main site's inventory etc We need to get rid of the old sites because we want to shut down the payment gateway and various other things those sites are using, and move to one consolidated system (aka Would simply making each maker-specific URL (ie. 301 redirect to our main site ( give us to most benefit, rankings, traffic etc? Or would that be detrimental to what we're trying to do -- capturing the tire sensors market for all car manufacturers? Suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance! Jordan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JordanGodbey

  • For an existing web site we are developing a local info web site section where each area would get a review and information about local bars and restaurants. The site manages areas in the following hierarchy: Country > Broader region > Perfecture > Municipality > Neighborhood e.g. Italy > Northern Italy > Lombardia > Milano > Center Local Info pages would exist for all the above levels so you could have a page for Italy as a whole, a page for Lombardia, and a separate page for the Center of Milano. On certain countries there are many synonyms especially in the Neighborhood level but also a few in the Municipality level. We would like to build a generic SEF url structure/pattern that would be able to represent the above and be as short as possible for the purpose of SEO. 1. the obvious solution would be to incorporate the unique identifier of e.g. but this does not represent the hierarchy and does not include the interesting keyword of e.g. Milano when looking at the neighborhood level 2. Another option would be to include all levels e.g. But this would end up with large URLs 3. I am thinking of another solution which would include the current level and its parent at any page.  Not capturing the hierarchy very well but at least it includes the parent name for richer keywords in the url itself. 4. Or a hybrid where the first levels are always there and the rest are concatenated on a single segment any thoughts? thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | seo-cat

  • I am trying to understand if I should add the Google +1 button to my client's homepages in addition to "sticky" content. Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.

    Social Media | | MattAaron

  • Hey seomozers, The most recent Linkscape update has created some strange links to our domain. They are links which when I navigate to are download links, here is one example: Now this links has nothing to do with our site and I can't see how it would count as a link to our domain, can anyone shed some light on why these types of links are being crawled as a link to our domain? Thanks Nigel

    Moz Pro | | NigelJ

  • Hey guys, I am after suggestions on how i can better optimise my blog? I have been getting regular blog posts up until say a month ago. Looking to get a new writer and get 3-4 blog posts a week done. Sometimes targeting products, sometimes general chat about bins. I am hoping you kind people can make a couple of suggestions i could be doing. Thank you

    Content Development | | imrubbish

  • So, its official that Panda 2.3 is out.. Has anyone found the fine print on what this "version" focused on?

    Algorithm Updates | | malachiii

  • I normally use SEOmoz and a bit of SEMrush but I dont really know much outside of those two. Im looking to do a review of the big, trustworthy ones - along the lines of free trial price vs value ranktracking linkbuilding help onpage analysis and help competitor analysis reports I heard good things about Raven Tools and Web CEO. Ive seen mention of SEOpowersuite on this forum but  the site looks spammy as hell Anyone have a view on those 5 tools or any others in a similar vein? Or any other top line criteria I should be looking at? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | firstconversion

  • Hi my site has vanished from google. We have been for a very long time. for example if you put in gastric band hypnotherapy then we would be first page number two and also lots of other keywords but now we have vanished from google and i do not know why or how to solve this. can anyone please help me and help me understand what i need to do to solve this please My site is I am not sure if i have been banned or why i have dropped out of google

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • what is the ideal range of keyword density?

    Algorithm Updates | | daizar

  • We have client that have a non spam site that sells genuine adult products, that include penis pills and penis enlargement products. My worry is that as these products are often associated with spam and link from this site my have a negative impact if Google et al view them as spam, should i consider no-following these links?

    Link Building | | EAOM

  • I am not able to undertand the difference in search volume for same keyword under different heading. Let me make it clear. When i enter "Drupal Developement" in adwords tool, at the top, it shows Search term (1) Keyword                      Global monthly searches drupal development                 390 Just below, it shows, Keyword ideas (100) Keyword                                       Global monthly searches drupal development                       40,500 I have selected the location U.S. My question is there is a huge difference in 390 and 40,500. Which is correct ?

    Keyword Research | | seoug_2005

  • I discovered a while ago that we had quite a number of links pointing back to one of our customer's websites. The anchor text of these links contain porn that is extremely bad. These links are originating from  forums that seems to link between themselves and then throw my customers web address in there at the same time. Any thoughts on this? I'm seriously worried that this may negatively affect the site.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GeorgeMaven

  • Hi, I'm building an affiliate system for our website, and I obviously want to gain as much SEO benifit from it as possible. So I am wondering what the optimal solution is with regard to how an affilaite URL is tagged. After looking into it a bit more - I have come up with the following. 1/. Use an affilaite URL idendifier with a #
    EG like 2/. 301 redirect the affilaite URL to the "real URL"
    EG      301 -> What do you think of this? Thanks

    Affiliate Marketing | | James77

  • This is just a general discussion on your thoughts on the value of obtaining keyword Twitter & Facebook accounts ( especially if you have a brand name not connected to your primary keywords) For Example: What do you think the value/benifits are of obtaining accounts such as:!/keyword Thanks

    Branding | | James77

  • For a bilingual site do we put the sitemap in Google Webmaster in both the languages? Would list cause any issues?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Francis_GlobalMediaInsight

  • We're looking for someone who can diagnose some site speed issues AND adjust the code, servers, etc. as needed. Does anyone know of an expert in this area?

    On-Page Optimization | | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • Hey everyone. I just checked our website in OSE with the latest update and noticed some strange numbers. The number of linking domains skyrocketed from 300 to 785 which definitely caught me off guard. Like all good SEOers I work hard to get links, but in a typical month I usually get between 40 and 50. To suddenly jump up by over 300 seems odd. Digging deeper, I noticed that some of the incoming link domains could be considered less than trustworthy (pages filled with links), while others I couldn't find at all on the page in question. I also never ever asked for any of these links, nor did anyone on my team. Should I be worried? I've heard of websites who purposely gain bad links to their competitors in order to penalize them. Is there an easy way to find out if this is going on? Could this possibly be a problem with OSE and just reporting non-existant links? Thanks for your feedback! Andrew BTW, the website in question is

    Moz Pro | | dunklea

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a client who has just launched a new website and we are having difficulties in making the URL's search friendly.  I wont get into the technical aspects, but I'll explain the potential solutions the developers have given me. current: Where 'en' stands for the English version of the website, 37 is the product category for example 'hard drives', and 22 is the product name or example 'seagate' Option to fix; This optional fix reduces the word product down to p, reduces 'browse by product' to 'product' and inserts the category and product names.  Note the category identifier '37' has to be included in the URL, and the product identifier '22' also has to be in the URL.  Obviously this is not great, but it is required at the moment. Best case scenario would be to have the URL like this... So my question is, how far off the best case scenario is the option to fix?  Scale of 1 to 10 would be good?

    On-Page Optimization | | JoeyDorrington

  • I have an interesting problem SEOmozers and wanted to see if I could get some good ideas as to what I should to for the greatest benefit. I have an ecommerce website that sells tire sensors. We just converted the old site to a new platform and payment processor, so the site has changed completely from the original, just offering virtually the same products as before. You can find it at We're ranked #1 for the keyword "tire sensors" in Google. We sell sensors for ford, honda, toyota, etc -- and has all of those listed. Before I came along, the company I'm working for also had individual "mini ecommerce" sites created with only 1 brand of sensors and the URL to match that maker. Example : is our site, only sells the Ford parts from our main site, and ranks #1 in Google for "ford tire sensors" I don't have analytics on these old sites but Google Keyword Tool is saying "ford tire sensors" gets 880 local searches a month, and other brand-specific tire sensors are receiving traffic as well. We have many other sites that are doing the same thing. (ranked #2 for "suzuki tire sensors") Only sells our Suzuki collection from the main site's inventory etc We need to get rid of the old sites because we want to shut down the payment gateway and various other things those sites are using, and move to one consolidated system (aka Would simply making each maker-specific URL (ie. 301 redirect to our main site ( give us to most benefit, rankings, traffic etc? Or would that be detrimental to what we're trying to do -- capturing the tire sensors market for all car manufacturers? Suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance! Jordan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JordanGodbey

  • I'm thinking of changing my client's 37 character exact match url because it looks spammy to me and Google says it will be turning the dial down on exact match domains. I still see a lot of value in it however and it is helping this client, albeit very little since he is new in his arena. His goal is to rank for keywords in that url so I hate to lose the benefit of that url. As an example, let's say his url is I'm concerned now because I plan to do some reputable and highly relevant link building and I'm afraid bloggers might hesitate linking to a spammy sounding url. This client does have a branded url that is short and sweet, something like, and that redirects to the long url. Back linkers could link to the short url instead. However, it lands people on the site with the long spammy-sounding url and they may not want to be affiliated with it. Something like is available and it does have 2 keywords in it. Should I get that instead? In short the question is this:
    Should I change or keep If I should change it, should I change it to: Thanks for your help!

    Link Building | | KatMouse

  • Here is an interesting situation. Overnight SEOMoz is now reporting about 1.1 million new backlinks to my site. The links look like they were added in March of 2011 and they are all on porn sites and link back to me with the words like "Indian Sex", "Sex Bathe", and "insex." This appears to be yet another attack on my site and it looks like it happened right before the April Panda update that hosed me. As an example of one of the pages you can look at and look for the link for Indian Sex. They linked to my forum and not the home page. At the same time SEOMoz discovered these links my DA dropped from 62 to 58. I'm wondering if anyone thinks these issues are connected. More importantly, does anyone have a suggestion on how to deal with this? For some reason the PA and DA of the porn site pages is above 70. This will probably be an ongoing battle for me since I am a journalist that covers the debt relief world and scammers don't like for me to expose them in an effort to protect consumers.

    Competitive Research | | rockpaper

  • I recently changed the URL of a page and used a 301 redirect from old to new. I just realized I lost all my Facebook shares. Now it shows 0 on that page. What can I do to get back my count of shares? I cannot find any information.

    Technical SEO | | MiamiWebCompany

  • Hi, I have a few questions for you: I’ll will update my booking system and my website design. Now, I'm ranked in number one position with the keyword HOTELES EN CHIAPAS.  In fact, several urls of my webiste appear in the search engines. Internal URLs like this: My question is:  I need to conserve this link structure or may i change it for something more friendly like this: And how affect this change to my rank position ?

    Technical SEO | | hotelesenchiapas

  • Hi all, I wanted to bring this up for discussion as I must admit after seeing so many mixed opinions on this and after what I've just watched tonight I am back on the fence and confused as to what I think. If you are not aware,  the guys at NobleSamurai have just launched a new short video campaign based on what they refer to as 18 months of interviews with expert SEO's in order to give people like me, an individual, an insight into how the pro firms are performing SEO today. They're on the second video in the series, which has covered article syndication and link-building. Now I know we don't get the same credit these from article directories like Ezine that we used to BUT what NobleSamurai are claiming is that article creation, and syndication is still the BEST method to obtain back links in quantity.   What's worse, and more surprising to me is that they are totally encouraging article spinning.  Although they do say manually review each article before submitting, the numbers of spun articles they are hinting at are way too high in order to manually review each version. So with that in mind, I'm very curious as to what you guys think about what NobleSamurai have just started announcing. As I said I'm very much on the fence,  but with regards to my current projects,  Do you agree or disagree with this approach to content creation and syndication. 1. Find an article topic worthy of writing 2. Go ahead and create it for the purpose of hosting it on my site. 3.  Use a spinning tool to create only 3 or 4 other versions(not 1000's!!!) taking care that it still makes perfect grammatical sense however, just using different synonyms and maybe changing paragraph structure a little. 4. Upload the 3 or 4 new versions to different article sites, Ezine etc, of course including links to a. the source article on my site, and b. my sites homepage. Looking forward to hearing what others think. Dave

    Link Building | | davebrown1975

  • So now that Google are going to remove 3rd party citations from listings, will they still carry the same weight for local rankings or will this be reduced? If so, how much and when?

    Image & Video Optimization | | SteveOllington

  • I've read a few posts saying not shorten links at all but we have a lot to tweet and need to. Is googles shortener the best option? I've considered linking to the category index page the article is on and expect the user to find the article and click on the article, I don't like the experience that creates though. I've considered making the article permalink tiny but I would lose the page title being in the url. Is this the best option?

    Technical SEO | | Aviawest

  • How do go about researching opportunities to guest blog on other people's websites?

    Link Building | | nnlevy

  • For some reason I can't get Google Analytics to pick up my URL tags, am I doing something wrong?

    Reporting & Analytics | | kylesuss

  • Hi Guys....i keep seeing this in my analytics..can someone tell me what it is? thanks for your time

    Reporting & Analytics | | nomad-202323

  • We have an SEO Moz subscription and we were wondering if there was a way to setup multiple users attached to that subscription (i.e. separate logins).

    Moz Pro | | Panjiva

  • Hello, We are a UK based business targeting the UK market (at the moment), we are looking at placing our sites URL in directories that are based in the UK as well, should we stick to this market or should we be placing our URL in non UK based directories? Thanks Daniel

    Link Building | | LushDuck

  • What is the best way to title an image in a blog post. The wording will relate to the post discussion so I am not discussing the word stuffing, rather how to enter the words. Here are my options for the title: 1. dayton engagement photos 2. dayton_engagement_photos 3. daytonengagementphotos 4. Is there another preferred method? Should I increment the image title for each image such as: daytonengagementphotos1, daytonengagementphotos2, etc. What about the alternative text area? Does the same concept apply there? Thanks hR3ua.jpg

    Content Development | | maximphotostudio

  • Greetings, I am baffled by the recommendation I repeatedly receive from seomoz's on-page optimization tool. The web page I am working on only shows one title between <title>and</title> in it's head. However, seomoz is also reading "Pass to multiple" from somewhere. It recommends that I "Avoid Multiple Page Title Elements" and I would like to but cannot find them. Any suggestions? By the way, I inherited this site and am just trying to deconstruct someone else's work. As a novice, I realize there might be some obvious explanation that I am just missing. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | shedontdiet

  • Hi SEOMoz gang! Been a long timer reader and hangerouter here but now i need to pick your brains. I've been working on two websites in the last few days which are showing very strange behaviour with 301 redirects. Site A This site is an ecommerce stie stocking over 900 products and 000's of motor parts. The old site was turned off in Feb 2011 when we built them a new one. The old site had terrible problems with canonical URLs where every search could/would generate a unique ID e.g.  When you have 000's of products and Google can find them it is a big problem. Or was. We launche the new site and 301'd all of the old results pages over to the new product pages and deleted the old results.aspx. The results.aspx page didn't index or get shown for months. Then about two months again we found some certain conditions which would mean we wouldn't get the right 301 working so had to put the results.aspx page back in place. If it found the product, it 301'd, if it didn't it redirected to the sitemap.aspx page. We found recently that some bizarre scenerio actually caused the results.aspx page to 200 rather than 301 or 404. Problem. We found this last week after our 404 count in GWMT went up to nearly 90k. This was still odd as the results.aspx format was of the OLD site rather than the new. The old URLs should have been forgetten about after several months but started appearing again! When we saw the 404 count get so high last week, we decided to take severe action and 301 everything which hit the results.aspx page to the home page. No problem we thought. When we got into the office on Monday, most of our product pages had been dropped from the top 20 placing they had (there were nearly 400 rankings lost) and on some phrases the old results.aspx pages started to show up in there place!! Can anyone think why old pages, some of which have been 301'd over to new pages for nearly 6 months would start to rank? Even when the page didn't exist for several months? Surely if they are 301's then after a while they should start to get lost in the index? Site B This site moved domain a few weeks ago. Traffic has been lost on some phrases but this was mainly due to old blog articles not being carried forward (what i'll call noisy traffic which was picked up by accident and had bad on page stats). No major loss in traffic on this one but again bizarre errors in GWMT. This time pages which haven't been in existence for several YEARS are showing up as 404s in GWMT. The only place they are still noted anywhere is in the redirect table on our old site. The new site went live and all of the pages which were in Googles index and in OpenSiteExplorer were handled in a new 301 table. The old 301s we thought we didn't need to worry about as they had been going from old page to new page for several years and we assumed the old page had delisted. We couldn't see it anywhere in any index. So... my question here is why would some old pages which have been 301'ing for years now show up as 404s on my new domain? I've been doing SEO on and off for seven years so think i know most things about how google works but this is baffling. It seems that two different sites have failed to prevent old pages from cropping up which were 301d for either months or years. Does anyone has any thoughts as to why this might the case. Thanks in advance. Andy Adido

    Technical SEO | | Adido-105399

  • Hi all, I am new to SEO, and just getting up and running optimising our company's website. We have a lot of images of our products on the website, and I would like to optimise the alt-text. Is there a recommended maximum length for alt-text, as there is for title tags etc? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    Image & Video Optimization | | gdavies09031977

  • Hi Guys I just wanted to give you all a heads up on something I adjusted recently that worked really well and wanted to ask for your own experiences on this. 1. We have a blog that adds regular content and within the blog we link from the keyword we are targeting. Standard stuff right ! We were struggling for movement on a keyword so I removed the links from the articles and added a link on the site wide blogroll. The link on the blogroll included the keyword but was a longer descriptive link. Low and behold we got a first page listing when the changed it.The change in ranking was made a few days later. I have always been given the impression that site wide isn't that great ? So explain this one . Of course there are many other factors etc 🙂 What are your experiences and thoughts on what happened here ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • i am giving it a try here since seomoz support couldnt help me. Anyone had similar problems ? Earlier i was using W Vista (norwegian version) - did a clean reinstall of windows 7 (english version). After that i couldnt open anything related to the pro version of seomoz. When i am on the dashboard and try to open my campaign nothing happens and I just time out after a while(internet explorer). Tried with google chrome. Google chrome says after a while that this site has a redirection loop that is causing multiple redirections. Its advicing me to try to delete cookies (didnt help) also set security to minimum(didnt help). I then also realized that my google analytics didnt update last 2 days (after install). I am writing this now on my wifes mac. Seomoz and google analytics work just fine. What is wrong? anyone know ?

    Technical SEO | | danlae

  • In reference to, what is the best way to find all of the parameters that need to be addressed? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

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