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  • Within 12 hours of submitting a new site to Yahoo/Bing webmasters it was ranking #3 for the primary homepage search term and in the top 5 for about a dozen other. On 7/23 the rankings were steady or climbing with the most recent cache date of 7/21. Now the site only comes up when searching for the domain name with a cache date of 7/11. I launched the site about 14 days ago so I am not expecting results yet but I had never seen this happen so I am just curious if anyone else had.

    Algorithm Updates | | jafabel

  • Many SEO's disagree on this subject so I wanted to see what everyone thinks. Producing an article and then distributing to multiple article directories. In the eyes of Google is this considered spam(duplicate content) or it is not? As I understand unique content is good SEO. However, I also understand that visibility of the content on multiple sites is very important. What do youthink?

    Content Development | | DmitryP

  • We have a site that based on your research tools, holds its own in almost all aspects in regards to # of links, # of different linking domains, quality of links, mozrank, moztrust and all that stuff.  Compared to our top competitors, we do very well based on your tools via our campaign monitor. The issue is we seem to be dropping like crazy every month in our rankings and traffic despite this fact, and we can't get our head around the cause.  I do have a couple of ideas, and I wanted to run them by you guys to get your opinion. Domain: My Thoughts On Possible Issues... 1.  Text Content & Panda Update I know one of the big things with the panda update was quality of content.  I know one thing we have for sure is a lack of "text-based" content.  Sure, we have home page, main cats, sub-cats and product pages, but they are mostly just windows into the product pages, and don't have a whole lot of good copy.  THIS IS MOST EVIDENT ON OUR PRODUCT PAGES, where each product page is loaded with content, but only 3-4 very short paragraphs of text.  Do you think this is hurting us?  THE ONLY ISSUE IS THAT our competitors also don't have a whole lot of text-based content on their pages. 2.  Too Many Category Pages & Same Products Featured Somewhat on them I think another problem may be that on each category page, we do have a lot of the same products featured.  I don't think its crazy duplicate content or anything, but I do think that back in the old days we got a little crazy with creating "niched out" category pages that pretty much feature the same products as some of the more important and base category pages.  Do you think this is hurting us? I've pitched a solution to this that involves trying to tone down the amount of sub-cats we feature that were originally geared towards attracting long-tail traffic.  In the end that really isn't working anymore anyway, so maybe we're spreading our site thin by going to deep with some of these niche category pages? 3.  Lack of a sitemap? We used to use an xml sitemap, and really don't anymore.  We have nothing on file with google webmaster tools.  I've recently read in one of your blog posts that a simple thing like adding a good sitemap could help our 600+ page site or so get crawled a bit deeper allowing more pages to rank? IN THE END, MY QUESTION IS SIMPLY, IF THERE IS ONE OR TWO THINGS I CAN DO TO GET OVER THIS HUMP, WHAT WOULD YOU SUGGEST?

    On-Page Optimization | | AarcMediaGroup

  • I have seen generally good reviews for Does anyone here have personal experience with it? We are considering using it for content creation for guest blogging for clients. As far as we have found, this is all within Google's acceptable webmaster guidelines. In general, how much editing is required from an article provided by Text Broker? Thanks!

    Link Building | | outofboundsdigital

  • I'm working on this page at the moment - The keyword we're going for is, unsurprisingly, 'Berghaus'. The SEOmoz on page report has flagged up a possible issue with keyword stuffing as the term is mention around 25 times. Is it worth altering this, which could be quite tricky as a lot of the page is dynamically generated? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • Hello, Complete newbie here so please be kind, We are a brand new business based in the UK selling natural/organic hair and skin care products, we have been going about 5 weeks, we are really struggling to get people to like our facebook page! we simply dont know where or how to get people to like it! I mean the right kind of people, i am sure we could buy likes or send people to it that are not really into natural beauty products! so the question is, how do we get our likes up for relevant traffic? Thanks Daniel 🙂

    Social Media | | LushDuck

  • Hello, I have a website having many subdomains having same copy of content i think its harming my SEO for that site since abc and xyz sub domains do have same contents. Thus i require to know i have already deleted required subdomain DNS RECORDS now how to have those pages removed from Google index as  well ? The DNS Records no more exists for those subdomains already.

    Technical SEO | | anand2010

  • So I've been monitoring analytics to see where our clients are ranking for terms that have brought visitors to the site over the last month to find that the website isnt ranking in the top 100 for that keyword. What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think this could happen? One of the keywords has brough over 700 visitors in the last month yet is not in the top 100 for this term. I've also looked Google Webmaster Tools and have found that the exact same term hasn't had 700 impressions let alone 700 click throughs! Weird! Cheers, Sean

    Reporting & Analytics | | 011100110110010

  • 3 months ago a client of mine re-launched theoir web site (after having a lot of work done on it). Since then, many of the SEO indications are good - more non-paid keywords sending search visits, more organic visits overall, more URLs receiving entrances via search, etc. The issue is that their bounce rate has been increasing pretty much EVERY week since. Has anyone seen a similar issue and what could a potential solution be for this? Thanks everyone!

    Reporting & Analytics | | CathalOMaoilfhinn

  • I’ve built a slideshow and each slide contains an image, h1 and text contained within a div. The slideshow grabs the whole div and slides it. My question is should I remove the h1 and style it with css e.g. my slide header or leave in the multiple h1 headers. All thoughts and comments welcome.

    Technical SEO | | RodneyRiley

  • I added noindex tags to a bunch (1,000+) of paginated category pages on my site. I want Google to recrawl the pages so they will de-index them. Any ideas to speed up the process?

    Technical SEO | | AdamThompson

  • I'm working on this page at the moment - The keyword we're going for is, unsurprisingly, 'Berghaus'. The SEOmoz on page report has flagged up a possible issue with keyword stuffing as the term is mention around 25 times. Is it worth altering this, which could be quite tricky as a lot of the page is dynamically generated? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • Hi Mozzers! SEOmoz just finished crawling one of my websites and this crawl found 3 errors. One of these errors was the (custom) 404-page, because of the http-status 404. What's you suggestion about this? Should a 404-page have a status 404? Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    Moz Pro | | Partouter

  • Hi. We are new to the seomoz community so just getting the hange of it. We have run a few reports and found that we have to many links with the eaxct match anchor text. We are as a result we feel penalised and held back at no.7 or lower. There doesn't seem to be any other logical explanations why aren't higher besides that. What would the best way to deal with this over optimisation issue? Thanks

    Link Building | | GardenGamer

  • Hi, I have a website that I am going completely whitehat with. I am looking for some recommendations on companies who can prepare and execute a proper linkbait campaign. I am specifically thinking about using infogrpahics for the link bait. I would like to work with someone who can come up with the concept, design it and also help promote it. Thanks

    Link Building | | SmarterSEO

  • Hi all, One of my websites has been crawled by SEOmoz this week. The crawl showed me 3 errors: 1 missing title and 2 client errors (4XX). One of these client errors is the 404-page itself! What's your suggestion about this error? Should a 404-page have the 404 http status? I'd like to hear your opinion about this one! Thanks all!

    Moz Pro | | Partouter

  • Hi, I'm building our own affilaite system. I want to make sure I get as much SEO benifit from affiliate links as possible so I am in search of the perfect solution. My thoughts after doing a bit of research are to do the following - using the # as my identifier: 1/. Use an ID like 2/. Redirect via 301 these urls to Any thoughts on this, or other things I should be thinking of with regard so building an affilaite system that has strong SEO benifits? Thanks

    Affiliate Marketing | | James77

  • Hello, I heard that 301 redirect can be good for newly registered domain names can i buy a old domain name and put 301 redirect on it to my newly registered niche market domain name. Shall i buy only 1 domain name and put 301 redirect to my newly registered domain names or i can do this for more than 1 old domains i purchased?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | anand2010

  • Hi, Can you please make a short list how to make ecommerce websites SEO strategy?
    I am working on ecommerce websites and I curiuos how You professional think this. Now I am: Optimizing the website Build few relavant links Regards, Misi

    Link Building | | Netkreativ

  • Hi, All! If I 301 redirect site to, it should pass (almost) all linkjuice, rank, trust, etc.  What happens if I then redirect site to  Does the value of the original site pass indefinitely as long as you do the redirects correctly?  Or does it start to be devalued at some point? If anyone's had experience redirecting a site more than once and they've seen reportable good/bad/neutral results, that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance! -Aviva B

    Technical SEO | | debi_zyx

  • Hi there. We've been approached by a company called AdInsight, selling their Clarity product for tracking phone calls. It seems to offer a great solution in terms of knowing what keywords are actually effective, and would be particularly useful for a number of our clients whose websites have traditionally low conversion rates on the sites themselves, but which (anecdotally, at least) seem to drive business. I read up on the kinds of software these products usually use, and found numerous concerns on the negative effects on local search (which is why I looked it up to begin with). Their rep, who talked me through the system, said part of the set up involves setting a default number for people without Javascript, and that each number is used once so is unlikely to be indexed. I then asked if this counted as cloaking, and he assured me that numerous SEO companies use this product, as do major websites with large internal web teams, and that they would not do anything to compromise their sites. My question is two-fold: Has anyone used this product, and if so did it have negative effects on the local search side of things. Would this count as cloaking, or is it an accepted method of tracking web conversions? Thanks in advance

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | themegroup

  • I'd assume that if many websites reference the same image on a server that this image would rank higher in image results than a similar image that is only used on 1 website.I have yet to do any testing with this to be certain, but how important does this factor seem to be in regards to image SEO?

    Image & Video Optimization | | art-boy

  • Hi, All! If site was already 301 redirected to site, and now the site owner wants to redirect to - is there any concern that it's not going to work, and some of the original linkjuice, rank, trust, etc. is going to vanish?  Or as long as the 301s are set up right, should you be able to 301 indefinitely? Does anyone have any experience with actually doing this and seeing good/bad/neutral results? Thanks in advance! -Aviva B

    Technical SEO | | debi_zyx

  • Hi, i have a problem with the following website: Google always indexes the site with session-id, although i use canonical url in this page. Indexed sites: Sometimes it goes right, but sometimes wrong. Is it because we separate our session-id with ";" as separator? In the Google Webmaster Tools, i can´t choose jsessid as a parameter, so i think google does not recognize this. But if we have to change it (f.e. ? as separator) we have to spend many days in programming. Any ideas? thanks for your help!

    Technical SEO | | tdberlin

  • A site I work with ranked page 1 for a competitive keyphrase until recently. (Not Panda-related as far as we can tell.) We've done extensive on-site tweaking and the page is still parked at 27-32 in the SERPs. We believe the only viable explanation at this point is an unnatural link profile. Over the course of several years the site has racked up a large collection of footer links with anchor text due to business relationships with the sites in question. So the profile is now skewed, with the result as follows: 100,000 domain links (top 10 competitors range 1800-50k) 87% anchor text optimized (competitors 0-41%) 99% follow links (competitors 85-100%) The vast majority of links are footer links We're working on creating more natural, high-value links but this of course takes time. In the short term, two questions: Should we aim to remove or change some of the footer links? If so, do we remove them, or just change anchor text? How many? How many new links should we pursue each month to make a meaningful impact on the profile without being too aggressive? Any other thoughts on how to fix this are also appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kdcomms

  • Google recently posted about improving url handling parameters I have a couple questions: Is it better to canonicalize urls or use parameter handling? Will Google inform us if it finds a parameter issue? Or, should we have a prepare a list of parameters that should be addressed?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We have started SEO for our site. However, till date only just 1 page has been crawled. What are the reason for the pages not being crawled?

    Technical SEO | | Francis_GlobalMediaInsight

  • Haven't worked with discount codes in years. Researching the ad copy I found very few sites putting the promo code directly in the ad copy. I thought this was a standard practice for increasing response. Do you know why companies with active promo codes don't use them in Adwords copy?

    Affiliate Marketing | | reallygoodstuff

  • Google recently said they updated their parameter handling, but I was wondering what is the best way to know all of the parameters that need "handling"? Will Google Webmaster find them? Should the company know based on what is on their site? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I believe Google doesn't want to index and show other search result pages in there SERP.
    So instead of adding "noindex, follow" tag i have changed the url  in my search result page  like this: Original To And the search result page contains the title of the articles, a short descriptions (300 chars.) and a link to the articles. Does it help? Or should i add noindex, follow tag? Helps Please?

    Technical SEO | | DigitalJungle

  • Howdy mozzers, I have a citation on a .govt domain with 2 links pointing to my site. The page is not indexed by Google, bing or yahoo. URL; I have tried getting the paged indexed by building bookmark links to it. I have tweeted the url and gotten a few re-tweets for it. But no luck. The page has got no nofollow meta tag. Other listings have been indexed by google. Could someone please advise on means to help me get the page indexed? A strategy that I have not yet tried is submitting a sitemap that includes the external url as I am not sure if it is possible to include url's not part of my domain. Any advice, help would be greatly appreciated. viva le SEOmoz Thanks

    Technical SEO | | ihms

  • I am new to SEO and want to start doing some link building using SEO moz to help.  I am looking for pointers on where to start.  Our business is and we sell ribbon and hairbow supplies.   We are lacking a lot of good links and I wanted to start focusing getting more.  What tools should I use and where do I begin.  I noticed our Pagerank is only 1 for our site and I want to get that up as well.

    Moz Pro | | tbanwart

  • Hi Guys, Maybe a weird question but how would you advise using for product listings or if you prefer a sub category page with products listed in it. Thanks, Walid

    Technical SEO | | walidalsaqqaf

  • Hi, I have a client that makes products that are accessories for other company's popular consumer products. Their own products on their website rank for other companies product names like, for made up example "2011 Super Widget" and then my client's product... "Charger." So, "Super Widget 2011 Charger" might be the type of term my client would rank for. Everybody knows the 2012 Super Widget will be out in some months and then my client's company will offer the 2012 Super Widget Charger. What do you think of launching pages now for the 2012 Super Widget Charger. even though it doesn't exist yet in order to give those pages time to rank while the terms are half as competitive. By the time the 2012 is available, these pages have greater authority/age and rank, instead of being a little late to the party? The pages would be like "coming soon" pages, but still optimized to the main product search term. About the only negative I see is that they'lll have a higher bounce rate/lower time on page since the 2012 doesn't even exist yet. That seems like less of a negative than the jump start on ranking. What do you think? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 94501

  • If a website content management system includes built-in feeds of different categories that the client can choose from, does that endanger them of having duplicate content if their categories are the same as another client's feed?  These feeds appear on templated home page designs by default. Just trying to figure out how big of an issue these feeds are in terms of duplicate content across clients' sites.  Should I be concerned?  Obviously, there's other content on the home page besides the feed and have not really seen negative effects, but could it be impacting results?

    Technical SEO | | KyleNeuberger

  • My client is the green line currently on 3 & 4. The pages that rank 3 & 4 are 3 -> home page targeted to main keyword 4 -> specific service page targeting same main keyword as home page (a bit of cannibalization) The competitor targets other keyword as their main keyword. The 1 & 2 position is taken by him but with 2 different sites (2 sites -> 1 owner). They have a high pa & da but is from gaming websites and stuff while my client has targeted good links. Any predictions... would the green go back again ? 🙂 IuVio.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mosaicpro

  • Hey everyone, I am doing some consulting work for a travel company.  They are redesigning their web site from scratch.  The web site is highly database driven. I am looking to hire a company that has a very good combination of skills in programming(.NET or C+), website design, and SEO. In looking for a company to work with on this, a lot of companies claim they know SEO and web site design, but it is not as easy to find a company that is also highly proficient in programming. If any of you know of a great website directory for this, or even a company or two you recommend, I would greatly appreciate any of your advice. Thanks! Jeff Ferraro

    SEO Learn Center | | JeffFerraro

  • If we utilize javascript to pull information from a database to display on a site, is that bad for SEO? Can search engines still see the data?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi everyone so it's time for a refresh. I want to improve my rank for couple of terms on one page, so whats you recommend me. Currently I am thinking to go with option 1 and be as much specific to my main keyword, but at the same time I am not sure if I'll be able to link well for my 2nd keywords. Option 1 Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 - they are more or less related Tittle: Term 1 and Term 2 and Term 3 Keywords: term 1, term 2, term 3 Meta description: Term 1, la lalal mama term 2, ta da da lalaaas term 3 or Option 2 Tittle: Term 1 Keywords: term 1, term 2, term 3 Meta description: Term 1, la lalal mama term 2, ta da da lalaaas term 3

    Keyword Research | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • In performing a link: to my site, I found this: Video Of People Using Viagra - Online Drug Store, Guaranteed Shipping <cite></cite> - Cached -Block all results1 day ago – Video Of People Using Viagra. Online Drug Store, Guaranteed Shipping. Check Order Status. Natural and healthy products! If you go to that url, you will see it's just an affiliate program page. Some viagra spammer somehow changed the title and description metatags that google sees (not actually) and links from what appears to be spammy pages are pointing to me. I don't want to get dinged for this. How do I fix these for myself and And how did the spammer do this???

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KatMouse

  • When I type in a competitor name (in this case "buycostumes") Google shows several related websites in it's "Pages Similar to..." section at the bottom of the page: My question, can anyone tell me where the text comes from that Google uses as the link.  Our competitors have nice branded links and our is just a keyword.  I can find nothing on-page that Google is using so it must be coming from someplace off-page, but where?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | costume

  • I need a little help understanding how to create two of the required tags for a XML video  site map for Google. 1. video:content_loc2.<video:player_loc< p=""></video:player_loc<></video:content_loc> Google explains their Video XML Site map requirements here:
    Using the example on this Google Web Master Help page (where they explain all six of the required tags) , here are examples of the two  tags I need help with:</video:content_loc> <video:player_loc allow_embed="yes" autoplay="ap=1">></video:player_loc> The video I am trying to optimize is located on a page on my site:
    This page has an embedded Vimeo video. So I don't have the video file on my domain. It is on Vimeo. Here is source code from my page that I think provides the information I need to create the two tags that Google requires. <iframe src="<a rel=" nofollow"="" href=""" target="_blank">;portrait=0"</a> width="400" height="533" frameborder="0"></iframe> [">Bradbury](<a rel=) Mountain Maine Hawk Migration Count from [">dan](<a rel=) sexton Using this source from my site, can you suggest what to put in the two tags? Thanks! Dan

    Technical SEO | | dsexton10

  • Hey all, So, I've noticed a site ranking on the first page in Google for a keyword that I have been targeting for years. The keyword is "mixtapes" and pretty competitive. The site, is ranking around #4 in Google. It seemed odd to me so I looked into the site using some of the tools here. Open Explorer showed that they have minimal links. The actual site is pretty spammy also. Does anyone have any idea how this site ranked so high so fast? Is it ranking because I am located in New York? Does Google still put lots of weight on exact match domains? It's just been bothering me because it's a keyword that I put a lot of work into and then the site rolls around an ranks well for it with barely any backlinks. I just wanted to put it out there and see if I'm missing something obvious. Thanks everyone!

    Moz Pro | | getrightmusic

  • Have any of you ever purchased a directory listing with Absolute Directory ( I was thinking about suggesting it to some of my clients since it was inexpensive, had a good domain authority (58), moz trust (5.81), and didn't seem to be filled with any ads or obtrusive content. Any thoughts? Is this to good to be true? Regards - Kyle

    Link Building | | kchandler

  • How can you explain that a website (not mine) appears on 1st place in Google (on the Keyword Difficulty Tool/Ranking Analysis) but the Page Authority, Page Linking Root Domains, Domain Authority, and Root Domain Linking Root Domains are much lower than the other websites on the list. Even when running the On-Page Report Card, this website gets grade F comparing to the other (including mine) websites that get better grades. I just want to understand which criteria I'm missing that can explain why a website appears on first place when it seems it's not well optimized. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | yeseniagn

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