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  • I am a business owner with multiple websites and have an SEO company doing my work for me, i am eager to learn how to help my websites myself also. i want to know how i can create a link my self in my blogs to other relevant content on our websites. i understand anchor text, i just dont know how to actually create the link????

    Link Building | | corgi

  • Does anyone know of an up-to-date-list of search engine bot user agents? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | JoeAmadon

  • I am curious why one of my client's main competitors ( shows links from the Better Business Bureau and (associated with BBB) but links from those sources do not show up for his domain ( He has been a BBB Acredited Business since 12/2010 and on file with them for probably as long as they have had the online version, which seems like plenty of time for the link to have been picked up. BBB has a very nice domain authority and it would be great to see these links show up. (they don't show up in webmaster tools either) Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance guys and gals! (I know the site has other SEO issues - just getting started on pounding everything out.)

    Moz Pro | | SnoBaer

  • Does anyone have experience with outcomes on listing your products under grouped search results as opposed to separated out.  It seems that this can be easily accomplished by using a SKU that is different then others in the listing but I wonder if one ranks better over the other (it appears that grouped searched rank a bit higher).  It seems that it would be best to take into consideration the audience you are targeting and what their habits are, i.e. would they be more likely to click on the group searches and look for products that way or do they want to find a reputable brand and would more likely click on that.  Any help or thoughts would be appreciated as I am not really finding any information on this subject.

    Link Building | | DragonSearch

  • Recently, Google has started including certain information from our web pages in their search results description that is a bit puzzling. For example if you google 'Wedding Band Raleigh' the description they are using for our site's (GigMasters) page begins with the text 'Results 1 - 10 of 1005' Not sure why they are pulling that information. That is in on the page but its not high up on the page or marked with any special h1, h2, or h3 tag. We do have that information inside of a div which we have named 'Results'. Maybe that's why? Did we inadvertently use some sort of Google rich snippet or naming convention?! Any insight would be hugely appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | gigmasters

  • We have one post in our blog that receives a large amount of traffic. Does anyone have suggestions on how to get people to click through to other posts and sections of the website? I'd like to learn how to harness that power. Thanks, Hill

    Link Building | | DigitalHills

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand some searchresults, when searching in the netherlands for 'online casino': You'll see as position 3 result this website:, it's obviously that this site is there because of blackhat. But how did it come there such high for a keyword with high competition? I don't see anything wrong in the website? It's not like Google did something wrong, because it happened already a few times for this keyword with different domains from that owner. Regards, Yannick

    Competitive Research | | iwebdevnl

  • Sorry for all the questions. I have dozens of article pages that are not cached by google. How can I get them cached?

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • Okay, what is the BEST keyword research tool? I've heard all across the board, but I'm looking for preferrably a free tool, but just want to use one that can do competitive research, as well as find me a ton of long tail.

    Keyword Research | | azguy

  • I just went to my campaign to check on rankings, and my Bing rankings are wildly different from my Yahoo rankings. None of the keywords are even close, every one is very different. Anyone know what is happening here? Shouldn't they still be the same?

    Algorithm Updates | | DanDeceuster

  • When looking at content "above the fold" is it more important to look at ad units or the visual % of unique content to ads? For example, if there are 6 small ad units or one large ad unit that takes up 30% of the page, which is better for search engines? In general, is 50% unique content above the fold with 50% ads adequate or what % do you try to optimize for?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I am getting a page nt accessible to search engines error and I believe the reason is that the meta refresh is using a java script reference in the url. meta-refresh: 0;URL= is it possible to tell the robot to use the java script or turn it off or something? or should the meta refresh be changed?

    On-Page Optimization | | mastermindtoys

  • When I place the site errors page  in pdf format it won't let me print the second or any of the other webpages containing content about my site. Does any one know why?

    Moz Pro | | ibex

  • I'm trying to convince my tech dept to take our blog off of a subdomain and move it to a folder on our root domain. Understandably, they don't want to build it from scratch, so I need some good CMS tools to build the blog. Our first choice is Wordpress but it isn't compatible with Oracle. Does anybody know of any good solutions that are Oracle-friendly? Our platform is PHP.. Thanks!!

    Social Media | | znotes

  • Hi, Ive been evaluating conversion rates by operating system and by browser for a client. Ive picked up significant and somewhat disturbing trends. As you'd expect the bulk of traffic is coming from a Windows/Internet Explorer combination. This is unfortunately one of the worst combinations (Windows/Firefox & Windows/Safari did worse. Chrome/Windows was significantly the best combination with Windows). Windows also performs much worse than Mac. E.g. Windows/Firefox performs worse than Mac/Firefox. Overall conversion rate for Mac is 7.07% compared to 5.69% Windows. This is based on hundreds of thousands of visits and equates to tens of thousands of dollars difference in revenue. Generally later versions of browsers perform better on both main operating systems e.g IE 9.0 converts at 6.33% compared to 8.0 at 5.80% on Windows and Firefox 4.01 on the Mac converts at 7.57% compared to 3.6.16 at 6.54% (although this dataset is smaller than Windows/IE). Page load speeds (recorded in the clients analytics) are significantly faster on Mac than Windows (as expected really). Being Windows/IE and specifically Windows IE8 represents the bulk of traffic should we be addressing this? Will any optimisation negatively affect better performing Mac/Browser combinations? Understanding that Mac users equate to 'better' converting visitors - what else could be done there? Anyone have thoughts or experience on optimising pages for improved conversion rates via IE and Windows? Thanks in advance, Andy

    Reporting & Analytics | | AndyMacLean

  • Hi, My website is for stock picking. The keywords in each stock page are stock symbol. Now the stock symbol rank of my website in google is around 30-50. I use On-Page Keyword Optimization tool on seomoz to optimize those page. Now all stock symbol pages are Grade A in on-page report card. Is there other suggestions to increase stock symbol page ranking? Thanks in advance! -Don

    Search Behavior | | dodoflying

  • I have about 100 city-based automated twitter job accounts which tweet jobs as they are posted.  5 of them are indexed, but the rest do not appear in the twitter index.  We diagnosed the issue a year ago because all of the accounts were flagged when we tweeted out the same message across all of the accounts.  Then I made a couple of account adjustments (follow, unique description and link), and the 5 started indexing.  We unfortunately waited a month and tried again, but the same actions did not lead to indexing.  So there we are.  Anyone have nay other advice for getting these out of the spam penalty box?

    Social Media | | RonMarcelo

  • Hi, We have a main www website with a standard sitemap.  We also have a m. site for mobile content (the mobile site only contains our top pages and doesn't include the entire site).  If a mobile client accesses one of our www pages we redirect to the m. page.  If we don't have a m. version we keep them on the www site. Since we already have a www sitemap, is there much value in creating a mobile site map?  The mobile site (although missing all pages) is pretty robust and contains most content people are looking for. Will the mobile sitemap help for Mobile searches (more so than our standard sitemap)? I'm also planning on rel canonical the m. pages to the www. pages (per other suggestios on SEOMoz) Thanks

    Technical SEO | | NicB1

  • OK. I'm working on an international site. The site is setup with folders for UK, US, AU    e.g The root  (non folder based) is the international version of the site  e.g has the lions share of links. Therefore, the pages immediately linked from have page rank distributed between them. My UK, US and AU home pages are linked via a country selector  from the page via an aspx redirect page that 301's to the appropriate country home page. Therefore the home pages of UK, US, AU are recieving some of the 'juice' that is coming in to (but only a fraction via the redirect links) Am I right in thinking that pages on the international version of the site will have much more potential to rank (because of their 'juice') than the pages on UK, US and AU versions of the site? If so, am I right in thinking that these will tend to rank over the equivalent UK, US and AU versions of the pages in each country version of Google despite having set directory level Geo-targetting in GWT?

    Technical SEO | | QubaSEO

  • This website is pretty nice, well done. The few links they do have are nice and clean, from his brothers website, very much white hat. However, it appears that they aren't doing much of anything from an SEO standpoint. This site, is PA31 DA21 is also doing unusually well. In both cases, these guy are outranking the best know, most famous, and most trusted company in the industry who is PA84 DA81. This is a HUGE company that wins the most awards and gets tons of media coverage both in print and on televisiton shows. I'm also noticing that the websites that are ranking well in my niche (every keyword) all have the name of their company at the beginning of the title tag, those with the name of the company at the end of the title tag are consistantly a few ranks lower. This seems to be consistant across all search terms. My niche is highly competitive for a very low amount of traffic. Adwords is crazy expensive for some of these keywords! That said, one valid sale generates a significant amount of money. Would love to hear your thoughts. I'm thinking the first company is being treated so well becase G considers them to be virgins, the purist of white?

    Competitive Research | | dmac

  • The links pass through an internal system e.g. Or what is the benefit to timeout of doing this? Cheers S

    Technical SEO | | firstconversion

  • So we are targeting a keyword and we are ranking 2nd for it. Another company is ranking number 1. What is the best element to target for us to improve into position number one? Page authority: them 41, us 40. mozRank: them 5.52, us 3.38. mozTrust: them 5.86, us 5.58. mT/mR: them 1.1, us 1.4. Total Links: them 6571, us 68. Internal Links: them 1138, us 1. External Links: them 5431, us 63. Followed Links: them 6569, us 64. Nofollowed Links: them 2, us 4. Linking Root Domains: them 25, us 41. Broadkeyword usage in page title: them YES, us YES. KW in domain: them no, us partial. Exact anchor test links: them 161, us 21. % of links with exact anchor text: them 2%, us 30%. Linking Root domains with exact anchor text: them 2, us 11. Domain Authority: them 41, us 40. Domain MozRank: them 3.7, us 4.5. Domain MozTrust: them 3.8, us 4.5. External links to domain: them 22574, us 217. Linking root domains: them 50, us 48. Linking C-blocks: them 46, us 42. Tweets: them 1, us 12. FB shares: them 6, us 26.

    Technical SEO | | Benj25

  • beta.domain is tracking in seo moz dashboard why is this happening ?

    Technical SEO | | Inovater

  • I'm trying to get to the bottom of the bounce rates of a few of the keyword results on my site. I think I'm getting traffic to an informative page and visitors are reading it then hopping back to Google to search for the terms I've just given them and I'm getting high bounce rates for this. I'll use an example to make it clear. A Google search for "hp 3050 ink" gets my HP 3050 printer page (A page that lists all the cartridges that will work in a HP 3050 printer) as a pretty good result. So far so good, right? My problem comes when I look in analytics and see that this page has a massive 80% bounce rate. The only reason I can think of is that people are using my site to find out what cartridge a printer will take and then using that information to refine their search. Am I over looking something? Is there anything I can do? Does it even matter? If it does is it really fair that my site is being punished for being a useful resource? Thanks in advance

    Algorithm Updates | | Stinkyink

  • Hi Guys, I’m relatively new to SEO. I’ve recently started working for a website design company and am in the process of changing the anchor text in the footer of all of our clients sites. At the moment most of them read “graphic design & web development by dara creative” with anchor text being dara creative taking you to our home page. As you can see we are not fully taking advantage of the keywords that could have a higher impact. So I’ve done some keyword research and I hope to concentrate my efforts on the following keywords as the anchor text leading to the home page; website design Dublin, website design Ireland, web developemt Dublin and web design Ireland so it may read something like “web design Dublin by dara creative” However this doesn’t read so well as people may think that the company might be called “web design Dublin”. So the alternative might be “web design in Dublin by dara creative”. So my question is which would rank better? Does google rank the exact searched keywords higher than broader searched words? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks rob

    Link Building | | daracreative

  • Hi *, I have a main site called, and a lot of user generated pages to / and so on. Most of those pages link back to In I have a page that links to all subdomains. How can I optimize the pagerank of the list page? Should I add nofollow to subdomain sites to avoid passing link juice to those sites and keep normal linking from subdomain sites?

    Technical SEO | | ngw

  • Our site switches between www1 and www2 depending on the server load, so (the way I understand it at least) we have two versions of the site. My question is whether the search engines will consider this as duplicate content, and if so, what sort of impact can this have on our SEO efforts? I don't think we've been penalised, (we're still ranking) but our rankings probably aren't as strong as they should be. The SERPs show a mixture of www1 and www2 content when I do a branded search. Also, when I try to use any SEO tools that involve a site crawl I usually encounter problems. Any help is much appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChrisHillfd

  • Hi there. Recently, we've made some changes to to implement canonical tags to some dynamically generated pages to stop duplicate content issues. Previously, these were blocked with robots.txt. In Webmaster Tools, everything looks great - pages crawled has shot up, and overall traffic and sales has seen a positive increase. However the SEOmoz crawl report is now showing a huge increase in duplicate content issues. What I'd like to know is whether SEOmoz registers a canonical tag as preventing a piece of duplicate content, or just adds to it the notices report. That is, if I have 10 pages of duplicate content all with correct canonical tags, will I still see 10 errors in the crawl, but also 10 notices showing a canonical has been found? Or, should it be 0 duplicate content errors, but 10 notices of canonicals? I know it's a small point, but it could potentially have a big difference. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | neooptic

  • Hello Everyone, I want to ask about this landing page: It's in portuguese-brazil. What should I improve? Any tipps will be apreciated keywords: Build Necromancer Summoner, build necromancer summoner diablo 2, so on... thanks, everyone.

    Web Design | | augustos

  • With a new site comes new challenges. We have recently finished one of our clients websites in the Retirement (financial) field. In my opinion the site is looking good, fast loading(very little js, optimized images) and good SEO structuring. As being a new site i feel like the decisions taken now are crucial. If SEO is  done properly could save a lot of time. If not would take us a while until we get  1-5 positions for retirement, retirement options, retirement planning, retirement ireland. Any thoughts on existing design / structure / content. Any extra suggestions are welcome.

    Link Building | | mosaicpro

  • Hi, A client has given us the site  for optimization. He wants to optimize only the spanish part ( the link is on the top right ).  By clicking on the link Espanol, the url opened is - He wants seo for this website for spanish  keywords. The keywords are - Traducción
    traducir español inglés
    traducción My question is how do we go about this ? Shall we purchase a software that translates spanish to english ? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • Here is the background. My wife has a website selling childrens clothing. All the basics of this webshop is through a  company that have some 300 other sites. 2-4 times a year arond 100 products have to be added to the shop. Pictures are of course highly important. Some pictures are supplied by producer of clothes some we have to take ourself. Pictures supplied by producer is not tagged. When we are adding a product; avail sizes,prices, product description, which folder it is to be shown in etc is added. Pictures are added but there is no functionality for adding alt tag to the pictures. Is there any way i can incorporate the tag into the picture file eg .jpg before its added here or is it impossible is this impossible ? Thanks for all help. Dan

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • Hi everyone, Google Places is going to be the death of me. I have asked a few questions on this topic before but nothing seems to work. Here are some of my problems/concerns: It keeps deleting my description!? Have you seen this before? The "more about this place" section has not been updated since I claimed the listing over 3 months ago. The website it lists at the top of that section is our old website address which no longer works. The site was through a site builder and the company will not forward the domain to the new site. Are there any companies or services that can help build a great profile and help increase my rankings? I am starting to think this is over my head. Do I delete the page and start over? Any advice? Please! Company Website: Google Places:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1523&bih=863&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=EQolTpqREdSlsQKMlPXXCw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CCMQ4gkwAA FYI: I have added a lot of links between when I signed up for SEOmoz and the linkscape has not be updated in over a month an a half. I really appreciate your help! -Brant

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Is it enough to just delete a page, or is it necessary to do something else to 404 a page correctly? Is there a great link to explain how to set http status codes?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We set some pages to 404 status about 7 months ago, but they are still showing in Google's index (as 404's). Is there anything else I need to do to remove these?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I am planning on starting a new blog focused on a very specific subject that is related to my current Lead Generation website.  I am doing this because I want to build rankings for this site and have it link back to my Lead Generation website to increase its rankings (this is the main purpose).  My question is do I need to host it on another server so Google will not see it as having the same IP or Subnet?  Note: I already have one blog linked to my Lead Generation website under the same domain.  This new blog would be linked to an entirely different domain.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MyNet

  • I have two separate websites on different servers and was wondering that since reciprocal links effectively eliminate each other, I'm curious if this link strategy will keep the links counting.  Here's the strategy:  I will have someone link to my site A and if i link to their site from my site B in a three way link strategy, will the links count even though both my site A and B have me listed as the Whois so Google knows that both sites are owned by me?  Or will the links be discounted as reciprocal? Thanks in advance for your feedback! Take care, Ron

    Link Building | | Ron10

  • Hello Staff of SEOMoz! I just had a question regarding specialized local listings.  Are there any advantages to having specialized local listings? (An example would be if we were a medical company, having a listing for family practice, one listing for women's health) If there are advantages, what are those advantages compared to having general medical listings? Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | sixspokemedia

  • We have a content page with the explicit goal of ranking highly for "raised garden beds". We drive traffic from this page to our various types of raised garden beds in our store. The "FarmsteadRaised Garden Bed" is one such product. Should we avoid using "raised garden beds" in the anchor text of the internal links pointing to the products in our store because of cannibalization? We recently changed the anchor text of the internal links to have keywords instead of just "click here" or "more info" - was this a good idea? What should our optimal anchor text look like?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aran088

  • Hello, in many niches you can make reviews with the "Best XXXX of March of 2011" "Best XXXX of April 2011" " March 2012" etc So, per instances, "best movies of march 2011" what would you do? A. 1 post for each mont and year /movies-march-2011/ /movies-april-2011/ /movies-march-2012/ B. 1 post/page for each year and keep updating /movies-march/ /movies-april/ B.I. Keep in the content the best movies of each year with a TOC or something similar B.II. Remove each year the previous content and create a fresh version of the content, updating the publication date but keeping the slug. My question is because I managed to ranked first for i.e. movies march 2010 but then in march 2011 I didnt know what to do because I wanted to show updated content but I was afraid i lost my ranking if I changed the whole content. Would you go for A. or B.? If B. for B.I. or B.II.? Thanks and regards

    On-Page Optimization | | antorome

  • I work with an e-commerce client who got hit hard by Panda. They are very cautious, and want small-scale tests to prove each hypothesis before committing to larger changes. Recently, we reworked content on 30 product detail pages. Before, these product pages featured some original content mixed with some manufacturer content. The change we made was to remove the manufacturer content completely from the product page, leaving about 300 words of high-quality, original content--all of which was written by subject matter experts. I assumed that Google viewed this manufacturer text as duplicate content. However, when these 30 modified pages were compared to the control, they performed significantly worse. Question 1: Does any have any idea why these pages would perform worse than the control?
    Question 2: Do you have any tips for convincing this client to try another test or get the buy-in to make the larger changes that--in theory--need to happen? FWIW, this client has about 10,000 product detail pages--the vast majority of which contain just manufacturer content. I appreciate your thoughts.

    Content Development | | merch_zzounds

  • If you have a business with multiple locations, is it better to link you Google Place pages to the home page (IE or directly to one of the location's pages. (IE ? Thank you

    Link Building | | caseyp

  • Hi, Does anyone have a list of high ranking free or almost free directories that have high search engine rankings and have an opportunity for a link or links for a personal development site in the USA? The directories should have the following qualities: Old Site Age A lot of unique content (or as much as a directory can have) A clean site Plenty of Backlinks going to it Facebook followers (if possible, though this might be stretching it) high search engine rankings I think you get the general idea. I'm looking for directories that are high ranking and in for the long haul. They don't have to be free, but it's best if it's inexpensive. Thanks!

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Removal of an old getclicky code (and installation of new tracking code) from my site after some changes resolved inaccuracies in my page view/bounce rate information. Prior to adding the correct getclicky code, getclicky was showing 95% plus bounce rate on my site. I knew this was wrong because GA showed around 40%. Ironically, now that my getclicky account is working (showing a 30% bounce rate), GA bounce rate is steadily climbing. Is it best to just stick with one analytics account so that the codes don't conflict? Is it possible to have two accurate analytics accounts at the same time?

    Reporting & Analytics | | JSOC

  • Hi, How do you use whois or other resources to find an email address for a site that doesn't list their email address or have a contact form? Our competitors look like they have contacted the site but I don't know how to contact the site myself. They have a facebook fan page and a twitter account. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | BobGW

  • Hello there!  This is my first post here on SEOmoz. I'll get right into it then... My website is, and the homepage runs entirely off of geo-targeting the user's IP address to display the most relevant results immediately to them.  Can potentially save them a search or three. That works great.  However, when crawlers frequent the site, they are obviously being geo-targeted for their IP address, too.  Google has come to the site via several different IP addresses, resulting in several different locations being displayed for it on the homepage (Mountain View, CA or Clearwater, MI are a couple). Now, this poses an issue because I'm worried that crawlers will not be able to properly index the homepage because the location, and ultimately all the content, keeps changing.  And/or, we will be indexed for a specific location when we are in fact a national website (I do not want to have my homepage indexed/ranked under Mountain View, CA, or even worse, Clearwater, MI [no offence to any Clearwaterians out there]). Of course, my initial instinct is to create a separate landing page for the crawlers, but for obvious reasons, I am not going to do that (I did at one point, but quickly reverted back because I figured that was definitely not the route to go, long-term). Any ideas on the best way to approach this, while maintaining the geo-targeted approach for my users?  I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to do?  Give our users the most relevant content in the least amount of time?  Seems that in doing so, I am improperly ranking my website in the eyes of the search engines. Thanks everybody! Marc

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | THB

  • Hi guys, I just wanted to check the status of the Competitive Link Finder. I've been trying to use it for well over a week, literally trying it every day and every single time I get the "we may be a little busy" message. Are there any plans to upgrade it? I realise its a labs tool, but its actually a really useful tool which I just don't seem to be able to benefit from whatsoever. Would love to hear what the plans for this tool are. Thanks Al

    Moz Pro | | dotcentric

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