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  • Is there a tool where I can enter a URL and it will tell me all the terms a site ranks for? Basically I recently put up a new website and I want to know what terms I rank in the top 50 for in Google

    Moz Pro | | KevinPatrick

  • Hi! Could you please recommend me a good and deep article about best practises in internal linking structure? I need to rethink the structure of a big site (lucky me it's very hierarchical) and I would like to have a look at some great articles about this to consolidate some ideas and have some new ones. I've read some but I would like some recommendations 🙂 Some articles about information architecture would be appreciated as well! Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | jorgediaz

  • What's the best way to determine the age of a site? Where by it's beginning I mean when it went through the Google Sandbox and has been a functioning site every since. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | BobGW

  • Hi, Mozzers- I've noticed pages that are getting 301 redirected are staying out there longer. It used to be that you would implement a 301 redirect and then after a couple of months the old page would disappear out of Google's index. Over the last couple of months I've noticed pages lingering, popping up.... What gives? Thanks in advance! LHC

    Technical SEO | | lhc67

  • I am working on a new project where the client has 5 domains each with identical website content. There is no rel=canonical. There is a great variation in the number of pages in the index for each of the domains (from 1 to 1250). OSE shows a range of linking domains from 1 to 120 for each domain. I will be strongly recommending to the client to focus on one website and 301 everything from the other domains. I would recommend focusing on the domain that has the most pages indexed and the most referring domains but I've noticed the client has started using one of the other domains in their offline promotional activity and it is now their preferred domain. What are your thoughts on this situation? Would it be better to 301 to the client's preferred domain (and lose a level of ranking power throught the 301 reduction factor + wait for other pages to get indexed) or stick with the highest ranking/most linked domain even though it doesn't match the client's preferred domain used for email addresses etc. Or would it better to use cross-domain canoncial tags? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bjalc2011

  • Hi All, This may be a silly question but I like to ask the obvious 🙂 If i had acround 3,000 twitter followers and wanted to embark on a link campaign, would it be wise to simply tweet out to all and essentially say, please link to my site XXXX or would it be better to select individual followers and email them directly? I was wondering if its just a 'win win' with tweeting followers or whether poor links from some users might cause more harm than good. Thanks all

    Link Building | | wedmonds

  • Hi, I want to see the history reports for my ranking. For example I can how my website traffic changed in past few months using Google Analytics but I am not able to monitor the performance of my keywords on seomoz. Is there any way to do it?

    Reporting & Analytics | | ashish211

  • I have a website that due to the way in which it was put together a few years back always redirects to a /subdomain folder when the top level domain is entered. When analysing the new SERPS tool i spotted that when the .com domain was assessed it didn't pick up the internal links that were pointing to the /subdomain. Q) Could the /redirect cause a problem when crawled by Google, and if i'm linking back to the homepage should i be using the domain or the subdomain as the link (even though one redirects to the other......)

    Technical SEO | | NSJ78

  • Hi, SeoMoz robot crawls only two web pages of my website. I contacts seomoz team and they told me that the problem is because of Javascript use. What is the solution to this? Should I contact my webdesign company and ask them to remove Javascript code?

    Technical SEO | | ashish211

  • Hi there. We have recently taken over the SEO for a five-star hotel who rank very well already for a lot of their main terms, largely down to the fact they have decent off-site strength (as yet very little on-page optimisation has been done, so they aren't appearing for some quite key terms). This off-page strength includes around 2000 links, giving the home page an authority of 63 in the OSE tool. However, upon looking at the links to check they were pointing to the most relevant page etc, I notice they have A LOT of spammy links, pointing to their site with anchor text like 'cheap cialis' or 'buy valium'. Clearly these aren't the kinds of links that should be pointing to a five-star hotel, but should I expect to see much of a drop by attempting to remove these links? We obviously want to clean their link portfolio up, but I'm not sure they would be too happy if all their top rankings disappeared - even if only temporarily, and even if done with the best intentions. I ask as none of the other sites we handle SEO for have had such a proliferation of these links, so I've not seen the ramifications in full. Any help would be much appreciated, along with advice on the best way to remove these links.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | themegroup

  • I manage a site the sells product A and product B (both major keywords for us). If I buy the url and redirect it to the original website, would the original website gain any benefits in search engines? Would the benefits of having a url with the keyword be lessened because there isn't content hosted there, only a redirect to the original site?

    Link Building | | livethesource

  • I guys,   i am registering a new australia targeted website that is very similar to yelp and mainly focus on reviews and guides (guides are also consist of reviews) like this site's first priority is on australia restaurants reviews as first priority and all other kinds of businesses listings from retail to shopping, nightlife and personal services likes dentists and so on.... below are a few domains i purchased: (like what are you thoughts and which one do you think is the most brandable?

    International SEO | | usaccess608

  • Hi, I am wondering on you through relevant to SEO in the following situation. I have a "travel" website and obvisouls as part of that I have a whole list of desitinations. So I have a drop down in my page navigation, which lists all my desitinations. At the moment I see have 2 main options to display the lists as follows: 1/. Perfect Anchors, but not good for usability - IE repeating the word "holiday in a list of 100 destinations, looks spammy for one, and when the headline says "Holiday Destinations", then from a use perspective its pretty pointless and takes away from navigation rather than improves it".
    New York Holidays
    Las Vegas Holidays 2/. Non Perfect Anchors - But better for usability
    New York
    Las Vegas So I am thinking - would the use of the title attribute provide a perfect solution?? Or am I wasting my time with this and it is just pointless considering it as an option. EG - what I had in mind was:
    3/. Ideal Solution for both SEO and usability??
    New York
    Las Vegas Thanks for you help in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • I have an exact keyword match domain- It has decent moz rank, original content pertaining to custom made furniture and has specific furniture products for sale. I want to move the specific products for sale to my main site but keep the general content on the microsite. It's a little different than redirecting All the Pages, isn't it?  Any ideas on best steps to take? Or mistakes to avoid? Thank You Handcrafter

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stephenfishman

  • I want the video to be compatible on all mobile phones (Android, iPhone, Blackberry....).

    Technical SEO | | petrakraft

  • I have several ideas for articles and infographics, but I am having a hard time finding reliable statistics to include. What resources do you use for this? Do you have a company you recommend for hiring to help develop this data? I appreciate any help. Thanks!

    Link Building | | MischaGorrell

  • Ooppps, Looks like I closed this question a little early. So, I will give it another run. I paid to have some link work done...... (now I know better) Anyway, now there are several links and quite alot of traffic going to the site....... Unfortunately now my bounce is going up..... because online games really has nothing to do with Concrete Pumps and Pump Parts.... go figure. What is a logical next step to correct the problem. Thank You!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | APICDA

  • Hi, I'm looking at my links containers and trying to optimise them. I would be greatful if anyone can give me some feedback on my plan for perfect optimaisation. My links are constructed as follows: I have a two states:
    1/. A Non Hover state which contains an Image and Text
    2/. A Hover state which contains a bit more text - I do this as containing full text on the non hover state would not be good for users and would look ugly as well. Here's an example block of the HTML - as you can see from the URL, its quite a deep page level. From the URL and Alt / Titles the Page I am Linking to is about: "The Royal Hotel Accommodation New York Holidays". I Just a bit confused on how I should apply ALT and Title (Titles in particular) attributes given the nested DiV's etc - I can apply these to parent level, or apply all levels, or apply them to a mix. Also is there any obvious thinks you can think of I am missing that may help onsite SEO? Thanks in Advance CURRENT UNOPTIMISED CODE:
                       The Royal Hotel
                        New York Holidays Accommodation
                        The Royal Hotel
                         MY OPTIMISED CODE (Adding Title and Alt attributes):
                       The Royal Hotel
                        New York Holidays Accommodation
                        The Royal Hotel

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • this has been asked before with not clear winner. I am trying to sum up pros and cons of doing a multilingual site and sharing the same domain for all languages or breaking it into dedicated subdomains e.g. as an example lets assume we are talking about a french property portal with an english version as well. Assume most of the current incoming links and traffic is from France. A) for the french version for the english version B) for the french name (as is) for the english version the client currently follows approach A but  is thinking to move towards B we see the following pros and cons for B take advantage of the domain strength and incoming links scalable: can add more languages without registering and building SE position for each one individually potential issues with duplicate content as we are not able to geotarget differenly on web master tools of google potential dilution of each page's strength as we will now have much more pages under the same domain (double the pages basically) - is this a valid concern? usability/marketing concerns as the name of the site is not in english (but then people looking for a house in France would be at least not completely alien to it) what are your thoughts on this? thanks in advance

    International SEO | | seo-cat

  • Hi, I was just wondering what your thoughts are on using a Href in a Div, which contains anchor text. We currently use the Href on the div, as opposed to just the anchor text as I want the whole div to be clickable as opposed to just the anchor text. So currently I have: Keword 1
    Keyword 2 Is this perfectly fine to do it like this as opposed to using <a tags="" ???<br="">I suppose there are various alternatives - if you must use the</a><a tag="" like:<="" p=""></a> <a tag="" like:<="" p=""></a> Keword 1
    Keyword 2 However I would assume a search engine is smart enought to know its the same thing??? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | James77

  • Hi, I have a driving instructor wordpress website called, done a little link building. But before I start this properly, I want to change it to (as the first is too long to fit on the car etc!!!!) Whats the best way to do this? Is there a way to help keep its position in google as just got into top10 for different keywords?

    Technical SEO | | Ant71

  • I believe we may have an issue with out domains and links which is causing our seo to suffer. As far as I'm aware, our non-www domain is being treated as a different domain name. Open Site explorer returns different information for each one. However, when I go to the non-www domain in my browser (I have to force it using the http as otherwise the browser auto inserts the www) my browser returns a page cannot be found. But there may be a chance this is actually an issue with the server we access the internet via at work. I need to establish 100% beyond all doubt that our non-www domain is not working. This is the www: This is the non-www: If it is definitely not working, is the right thing to do to ask my web host to setup a 301 redirect? Further, I thought redirects could only point to one address. If we 301 redirect, if someone accesses a specific page via the non-www domain, does it then take them to the correct page? Also, is it safe to say that our non-www domain not working has affected our SEO, and if we fix it, will it improve things for us? Thank you so much for clarification on this issue.

    Technical SEO | | JetBookMike

  • Hi, Currently we have this page on our site - It contains both "Gift Vouchers " & "Gift Cards" content which are 2 keywords we are targeting for.  Currently the top nav link anchor is "Gift Vouchers & Gift Cards" If we were to change the top nav to be "Gift Vouchers" & "Gift Cards" as different tabs, both linking to the same page, what might be the SEO consequences? thanks

    Moz Pro | | NSJ78

  • Hello guys, A client of ours has thousand of pages returning 404 visibile on googl webmaster tools. These are all old pages which don't exist anymore but Google keeps on detecting them. These pages belong to sections of the site which don't exist anymore. They are not linked externally and didn't provide much value even when they existed What do u suggest us to do: (a) do nothing (b) redirect all these URL/folders to the homepage through a 301 (c) block these pages through the robots.txt. Are we inappropriately using part of the crawling budget set by Search Engines by not doing anything ? thx

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | H-FARM

  • Hey there SEO Mozzers, I'm new to the SEO Moz community and would genuinely appreicate any advice/input on this topic. I'm part of the online marketing team for a UK-based site called We operate an introductory platform for enabling the connection between parents and families seeking care services (childcare, pet care, senior care, home & garden care, etc.) and individuals providing care services (babysitters, nannies, pet sitters, housekeepers, etc.).  To take a US site for comparison, the services are very similar to those offered by I'm currently having a bit of difficulty as to what very broad, umbrella keywords we should be targeting for the homepage, primarily in the meta title/description.  We've started with keywords such as "care, family services, care services, and family care", but I think these terms are almost too generic and aren't necessarily terms we really want to be ranking for.  I suggested to our in-house SEO team that we just target some of our strongest keywords from each of the individual care categories for the homepage (babysitter, pet sitter, housekeeper, caregiver, etc.).  They were against this idea, though, as we have separate subfolders that target the individual care categories and their specific keywords (, /pet-care, /elderly-care, etc.)  Essentially the argeument is that we don't want to be targeting these terms on the homepage and on a separate subfolder page, as then the two pages would be competing for each other's keywords.  Instead we're being encouraged to find some sort of umbrella terms to target for the home page that can encompass all of the care categories. For comparison's sake, I took a look at's meta data and it targets all their specific keywords for the various care categories "Babysitters, nannies, Child Care & Senior Home care -".  Is this the right kind of strategy to take, or do you guys have any suggestions for much broader, umbrella keywords to target on our homepage?  Thanks in advance for your input! -Mike

    Keyword Research | | Tendea

  • I have seen a few different types of landing pages. I am trying to figure out which style works best from a SEO perspective. 1. The cram everything possible onto the page approach ala 2. The fill your home page with a ton of links approach like 3. The put just a small sample of your content approach like seomoz? I see 4 blog snippets, a "Go To My Campaign" call to action and that's it. 4. Pages like which have 100% focus on a call to action. I also notice many focused pages like Groupon remove the header and footer on their landing page. Does that help the page retain it's PR better?

    On-Page Optimization | | KevinPatrick

  • Im trying to increase value to specific pages by putting history, and additional images. Will copying snippets from other sites negatively affect me? Should the content be re-written completely?

    Technical SEO | | Anest

  • These guys have a service for bloggers and advertisers - advertisers submit their wares for review and bloggers review providing text links - they also let people know they are getting paid for the review is this another grey link building tactic and what about

    Link Building | | GardenBeet

  • If search results were not originally blocked with robots.txt, and need to be de-indexed, is it better to use noindex, nofollow or noindex, follow?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi - I'm working on a site that was set up with 6 bios on one page, with markers jumping to each person's name. I was thinking about separating those into 6 different pages, but not sure if that's the right thing to do. Advice about keeping the bios on one page vs splitting them up? (Am I more likely to rank for those peoples' names if I have a unique page, or is the one page url with each different marker in it, just as good?) Ranking well for those names isn't a huge goal of the site, but it would be nice to make the choice that would help with that rank. Thanks for your input Emma

    On-Page Optimization | | emmas

  • Hello, I have a facebook badge in my footer. Is it okay if I make the code call on https. It makes the page secure for IE. I have also have done this for images. These secure urls are also being called on non secure pages. But I don't think that matters does it? Code below. Thanks Tyler

    On-Page Optimization | | tylerfraser

  • Okay, I was just in my Google Webmaster Tools and was looking at some of the stats. I have 1354 "not found" pages google says. Many of these URL's are bizarre. I don't know what they are. Others I do know. What should I do about this? Especially all the URL's I don't even know what they are?

    Technical SEO | | azguy

  • Hi - is anyone else getting an error using the Keyword Difficulty tool? I'm getting "ERROR: There was a transient error with your request. Please try again."

    Moz Pro | | ErikDster

  • On seo elite brad callen made the statement that only 2% of a websites ranking is based on on page optimisation now i know this statement might not be right but does off page optimisation matter a great deal more than on page.

    On-Page Optimization | | shrikey

  • OK,  not quite sure how this is happening, but......... I am having referral traffic from online game  sites.   Actually quite a bit of it and it seems to be raising my bounce rate a bit.  B Suggestions anyone? Below is my website: Thank You!!

    Reporting & Analytics | | APICDA

  • Hello, people! I have some questions regarding on Google spider. Many people are saying that "Google spiders only have US IP address." Is this really true? But I also saw video from Google's offical blog and it said "Google spider come from all around the world." At this point I am really confused. Q1) I researched and it seems like Google spiders have only US IP address. THen  what does exactly mean by "Google spider come from all around the world."? Q2) If Google spider have only US IP address, what happen to site which use IP delivery? Is this means that Google spider always redirect to us site since they only have US IP? Can anyone help me to understand?? One more questions! When Google analyzing for cloaking issue, do you think Google analyze when spider crawls the site or after they crawled the site?

    Technical SEO | | Artience

  • Howdy Guys, We are in the process of changing our sites structure dramatically, at the moment this is how an internal page / URL reads: We will he changing our site over to wordpress very shortly and will have the correct permalinks in place. We are scared it's going to hurt our rankings as we are in the top 6 for a highly competitive keyword at the moment - the bouns is our domain name is 11yrs old and we have a PR of 4. We have setup all the 301s in web.configuration file just wondering if any of you have made a dramatic change like this and been dropped off the rankings.....

    Search Behavior | | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi, Last week we made a change to drupal core for an update to our website. We accidentally overwrote our good robots.txt that blocked hundreds of pages with the default drupal robots.txt. Several hours after that happened (and we didn't catch the mistake) our rankings dropped from mostly first, second place in Google organic to bottom and mid first page. Basically I believe we flooded the index with very low quality pages at once and threw a red flag and we got de-ranked. We have since fixed the robots.txt and have been re-crawled but have not seen a return in rank. Would this be a safe assumption of what happened? I haven't seen any other sites getting hit in the retail vertical yet in regards to any Panda 2.3 type of update. Will we see a return in our results anytime soon? Thanks, Justin

    Technical SEO | | BrettKrasnove

  • I've noticed that when logged into Google, content shared by people within my social graph is being identified by a "(name of person) shared this". And, content shared by people not within my social graph (but people who have a Google+ account) is being identified with their picture. My questions are: Is this "(name of person) shared this" content showing on first page of results because they're in my social graph. Or would this content have been on 1st page regardless of whether it had been shared? Why is google identifying who is sharing content when they're not in my social graph? Thank you!

    Social Media | | LaraMcCulloch

  • Am starting a company and in the process of developing the website. I would like to get a head start on content and want to know the best way to choose keywords and tips on how to write optimized content.

    Keyword Research | | jclubb

  • SEOMoz is showing too many links on the page ( There clearly aren't 100 visible links on the page. Is it counting each page found on the (extensive) pull-down menu as a link? If not, where do all the links come from?

    Moz Pro | | rarbel

  • In the eyes of Google, would the font text size of say a news article affect SEO?  For example, a slightly larger font being easier to read by those with bad eyes?  Accessibility?  If so, what size would be ideal? 10, 12, 14? Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • I am reworking some content that is deep in my site. What is the best way for google to find it? Some of the pages were cached about 3 weeks ago, but I don't want to wait too long to get them to see the new content (and links).

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • I would like to change my sites structure to be more efficient for SEO.  I have a fear that the changes will have a potential impact on my current rankings, but know this would be a good long term decision. My site is wordpress, so the changes are relatively easy to make. What are some ways to change the site structure without damaging your rank?  I would have to have to clean up a bunch of errors, so is the best way to simply do 301 redirects on the old pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dignan99

  • Hi Everyone, I'm trying to rank in Google for 'Hid xenon' in the netherlands, but there is one site above all results: As you can see the site almost has no backlinks, and has not a single word in it's content, all images. it's a keyword only domain, and that's probably the only reason why it's ranking that high, but that means then that i can never get higher then him in Google because of it's domainname? Even when it's such a shitty site? Thank you, regards yannick

    Competitive Research | | iwebdevnl

  • My first campaign is nearly complete and I have like 40 - 404's. How can I find where these links are on my site? We recently moved over to WP from html and that's what happened.

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • Dear all, I need to produce around 100 articles. I came across several tools which replace some of the words with synonyms. 1- How many words does it need to replace out of 100 words? 2- Which tools do you recommend? 3- Human re writers seems to use the same tools. Which human re writer company  do you suggest? 4- Is there any content writing company you suggest? Thanks in advance

    Keyword Research | | sarenausa

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