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  • I am looking for a Facebook fanbox display, and a recent tweets display which looks nice and uses an iframe. The reason I desire an iframe is to eliminate these otherwise followed links which I do not necessarily endorse. When you use a facebook fanbox, if 12 users are displayed then you have an extra 12 links added to your page. When you use a recent tweet display then each tweet, depending on your configuration, can offer many links. The tweeter's avatar is a link along with the sender's name and any links added to the message.

    Social Media | | RyanKent

  • I've got a handcoded site with around 1500 unique articles and a handcoded sitemap. Very old school. The url structure is a bit of a mess, so to make things easier for a developer who'll be making the site database-driven, I thought I'd recategorise the content. Same content, but with new url structure (I thought I'd juice up the urls for SEO purposes while I was at it) To this end, I took categories like: /body/amazing-big-shoes/
    /technology/cyber-boots/ And rehoused all the content like so, doing it all manually with ftp: /boots/amazing-boots/
    /boots/cyber-boots/ I placed 301 redirects in the .htaccess file like so: redirect 301 /body/amazing-boots/ (not doing redirects for each article, just for categories which seemed to make the articles redirect nicely.) Then I went into sitemap.xml and manually overwrote all the entries to reflect the new url structure, but keeping the old dates of the original entries, like so: <url><loc></loc>
        <priority>0.5</priority></url> And resubmitted the sitemap to Google Webmasters. This was done 4 days ago. Webmaster said that the 1400 of 1500 articles indexed had dropped to 860, and today it's climbed to 939. Did I adopt correct procedure? Am I going about things the right way? Given a little time, can I expect Google to re-index the new pages nicely? I appreciate I've made a lot of changes in one fell swoop which could be a bit of a no-no... ? PS Apologies if this question appears twice on Q&A - hopefully I haven't double-posted

    Technical SEO | | magdaknight

  • Until now, I've been focusing on getting Facebook likes for my site, and amassed quite a lot. However it felt like I was missing an opportunity by not connecting directly to my audience. So I created a Facebook page which my site visitors can like. But this means having to promote two different things: a "facebook like" for my site, and a "facebook like" for my facebook page, which seems silly. So, I was wondering if: there is a way to combine the likes of my site to the likes of my FB page? Or a way for a visitor to like both through a single click? what's more important to Google: FB-likes to your site, or to your FB-page? Thank you!

    Social Media | | GregMoine

  • Currently i have a campaign running for 1 month+ now, it has 42 registered keywords and 40 of them already hit the top 50 (11 of them on top 10), but after i waited for 1 month , the on page report still 0 (yup not even 1 keyword) whats wrong? Please help I have 2 campaigns, the one in question is for

    Moz Pro | | IKT

  • Hi folks I have an eBook that is rather high quality.... would really appreciate any tips on how best to utilise it to get the maximum SEO results for a small and rather new site .... Again I'm only a few weeks old in the SEO world so the more detail you have time to feed me the more grateful I will be 🙂

    Link Building | | PHDAustralia68

  • Hi Mozzers! Randfishkin just posted yesterday a very nice important and helpfull post, about keyword difficulty. I will be happy, if you can write here the metrics from reports of keyword difficulty, to know more about position of our website on SERP, and to know more what to engage if someone is ranking higher than me, with same metrics of the report of keyword difficulty. It would be very nice, if we talk on this topic here about keyword difficulty how to's. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | leadsprofi

  • I cant seem to get this tool to work for any targeted keywords & amounts. Anyone else having this issue?

    Moz Pro | | Anest

  • When is linking from one particular keyword to much. At what point could link building from one keyword be considered spam and potentially delist a site ? Is it possible for a site to be delisted for having to many links from the same keyword ? Heard linking from the website name is more important following recent changes. I try and link from a selection of 3 to 4 keywords. Thanks for your help

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • I tried to add descriptions to my tags in Wordpress (well actually one to test), but I still keep getting the "Missing Meta Description Tag" error. Any suggestions on how to fix this in Wordpress? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | jhblogger

  • I'm very new and not to sure about seo, but i want to know what on page factors are important and what are not important (example: meta tags and meta descriptions) are they important or not, a small list would be greatly appreciated of both thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | shrikey

  • I run the website We have other domains as well, most importantly and If you Google "letterman jackets" (our primary search term) shows up as the first result (yay!). But that is not what we want. Until a few weeks ago, Google would show as the domain for the first search result from "letterman jackets". But then a few weeks that changed. I don't know how that could have happened. There are two reasons why we want the domain to be the one that shows up: 1) It's a better sounding/looking domain and 2) When it was showing up, Google also showed right below the domain another link of our that said "Build Your Own Jacket" which definitely helped us get more clicks. Can someone please help me and tell me what I should do? Thank you so much.

    Technical SEO | | BrandonDoyle

  • A new client developed an application that generates dynamic content. They were hit hard from Panda, and I believe it is in part due to this application. About 500 of the urls from this application perform well in SERPs (rank well, drive traffic to the site, low bounce rate, high page views per visit, etc). And there are an additional 9,000 urls (and growing) in the index that don't drive any organic traffic. We are thinking of making the 500 url that perform well into static pages and de-indexing the rest. What are your thoughts on this?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • First of all, sorry this Q is all in one block, but iPads don't like this site or vc/vs. When using the SEOmoz on-site keyword optimizer tool, it suggests at least one link to be to an off-site page. Would it be considered a link exchange if we linked out to an niche SUPER Authority sit that had a link back to our website? It seems like a naturally good strategy, but I'm afraid google may not agree. If the answer is no, there are many similar sites that mention our company in ver good ways, awards, etc.., but with no links. I would think this is a no-brainer. Personally I would like to eventually harvest all this press coverage to benefit our site. Btw, I was grey before I learned about SEOmoz, just like the rest of our niche. Now I'm shooting to be Snow White! Hopefully it works out. 🙂 I also wrote two landing pages that I tried to SEO the right way. I would love to hear your feedback to know if they are truly effective and if they are actually white. I think they are, but don't know "all" the rules of being white Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | dmac

  • The same piece of content is pulled in and presented (syndicated) within a frame on different web sites (owned by the same company). However, I would like only one web site to rank on Google's search results for that content. How do I set this up? Thanks, claudia

    Technical SEO | | claudmar

  • Is it bad to have html pages on a blog? I converted a completely HTML site to wordpress, but havd hundreds of article pages that are still html.

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • How crucial is it to follow / fix the campaign warnings.  For example, even though our website is ranking well the campaign report is stating that we've too many links on the majority of pages and the title element is too long. My question is if I make changes based on these recommendations, do you think that we will see a dramatic improvement in our rankings ?

    Moz Pro | | NeilTompkins

  • On our site we have Chinese characters in the title's and after reviewing the campaign reports I noticed it was showing that the majority of these pages have a title which is too long.  However, the Chinese character count is far less than the recommended number. I think the crawling/reporting for this language might have a problem ?

    Moz Pro | | NeilTompkins

  • We have created accounts for several of our clients at directory  and created blogs, coupons, etc for them but we did not get any single click or benefit from at all.  We wasted a lot of time and also monthly membership fees. I really would like to hear your experiences. Did you have any positive results from ? Did they lose their importance after Panda update? Their MOZrank also shows ZERO and we are considering cancelling our accounts with them. Thanks for your advice and help, Lewis

    Link Building | | CertifiedSEO

  • I've been hearing about going after niche directories, and my question is most of them have a ton of links on any given page. Is it even worth taking the time to approach these sites knowing they won't pass a lot of link juice?

    Link Building | | azguy

  • I guess it IS buying links, but I have read many reviews saying they are ok (Which might just be part of thier network of sites :)) It seems like cheating, but they say they do the leg work, that it's not just automatic junk links. Any experience with them? Thank you!

    Link Building | | Eladla

  • I'd really like to know if Chinese nationals living outside of their home land use Baidu...

    SERP Trends | | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • I always thought that there was no difference in value between a .com and .net, also that hyphens have the same value as the keyphrase without the hyphen. But I have heard Rand lately saying hyphens are spammy - whats the go? Is better than or etc?

    On-Page Optimization | | Ventura

  • Folks would you recommend i build a link on this site for $30... please let me know detailed reasons as to your recommendation as I'm a new SEO and learning as much as I can 🙂

    Link Building | | PHDAustralia68

  • Wondering how often SEOMOZ updates their Link Analysis pages?  I have had the same status for a month or so - although I know we have added links, etc.

    Moz Pro | | findachristianjob

  • Hi, We have a main www website with a standard sitemap.  We also have a m. site for mobile content (but m. is only for our top pages and doesn't include the entire site).  If a mobile client accesses one of our www pages we redirect to the m. page.  If we don't have a m. version we keep them on the www site.  Currently we block robots from the mobile site. Since our m. site only contains the top pages, I'm trying to determine the boost we might get from creating a mobile sitemap.  I don't want to create the "partial" mobile sitemap and somehow have it hurt our traffic. Here is my plan update m. pages to point rel canonical to appropriate www page (makes sure we don't dilute SEO across m. and www.) create mobile sitemap and allow all robots to access site. Our www pages already rank fairly highly so just want to verify if there are any concerns since m. is not a complete version of www?

    Technical SEO | | NicB1

  • Simple question i think. Ive started adding alt tags to images using the slice tool in photoshop. This takes up a menu were the last part of is alt tag: This way to add alt tags does work right? I used SEO-browser afterwards and couldnt see the tag. There are maybe other better ways to see if your tags are in there ? Dan L.

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • The link analyzer looks really great, I'm using it now to do some reverse engineering and it is seemingly able to give me far more than just the 1k limit we can get from yahoo site. But it spits out the results to a csv file which just has everything bunched up into a bunch of gibberish. Is there a way to get a plain text file so its readable/usable? Or how to convert or view the csv file properly? Thanks

    Link Building | | googlealchemist

  • Hello, I'd like to sell a site I own. I'd like the site to be redirected to the buyers site with a 301 redirect. But I'd like the viewer to be informed that the site was purchased by this company and they will be redirect in 5 seconds.I'd like for the redirect to be a complete 301 and pass as much linklove as possible. Are you familiar with how to do this? Thanks, Tyler

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Hello, When optimizing for multiple keywords, should I try to get links back to the root domain of the company I work with, or would it be better to link back to sub-sites specific to the keyword I am optimizing for? Does 'getting the root up' help all keywords I work with? Cheers, Mike

    Link Building | | Malarowski

  • I recently took over the SEO work for a website that has a limited budget.  I'd like to use the resources to get as much as I can for a few pages on the site (keyword  research, on-page optimization).  Are there pitfalls to not optimizing every page on a site?  If so, what are they?

    On-Page Optimization | | EricVallee34

  • basically a site that has really high authority but not that relevant or medium authority pages but relevant. an example an authority site with a mozrank of 80 or a relevant site of 20.

    Link Building | | shrikey

  • Just curious on how sites do this? If you search for a video (perhaps Green Lantern Trailer), you'll see the YouTube results in Google/Bing listed as YouTube - ‪Green Lantern Trailer but when you go to the page, the actual title tag displayed is ‪Green Lantern Trailer - YouTube I've seen other sites do this too.  I'm just curious what they are doing (I don't see any other title tags in the html)?  I thought your title tag is what is displayed in SERP? Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | NicB1

  • Hello All, A major magazine DA98 did an article in 2007 about a project our company worked on. The specifically named our company in both the printed and online (PA53) versions of our article. Even though this article is old, I think this has HUGE potential if we can pull it off. Do you think it's possible to contact them and encourage them attach a link to our company name. Their newer articles are pretty good at doing this, but I guess in 07 it wasn't practiced by them. What's the best way to approach this and who should I go to? Webmaster? There is also a slight downside, the article does contain information about explosives, but not in a bad way. Could the search engines dislike this. I'm assuming not because of the PA and DA numbers for the magazine company. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. dmac

    Link Building | | dmac

  • We are having an issue tracking goal completions in GA with a cold fusion site. I would like to know if anyone as had similar issues and found a solution.

    Reporting & Analytics | | JamesBarry

  • We are preparing for a major platform migration with an ecommerce client. The website is in the range of 7000 pages. During this migration, all URLs will change due to differences in the platform and improvements to the site structure. Unfortunately, they run on a Microsoft server, so doing 301 redirects also tends to be a painful process. What can we do to minimize the initial dent this puts in the website traffic? We are prepared to submit XML sitemaps to Google and Bing as soon as the new site is live. writing 301 redirects for all pages which have inbound links (this is tough to automate due to the URL structures). In the long run, we expect the new platform, URL structure, and site architecture to be a huge improvement for our organic rankings. The client and we are worried about the transition period though! Any tips or advice to help us through it? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | outofboundsdigital

  • I've read blog posts stating that encoding special characters in title tags is both ok and not ok. Any definitive answer out there? Do the extra characters from adding encoding count towards the total number of characters that Google displays in SERPs? Or do they just count as one character?

    On-Page Optimization | | BostonWright

  • I know Google recently launched their recipes search, but apart from this where else are you seeing microdata being used?

    Content Development | | nicole.healthline

  • Is there a tool that allows me to find a specific link. We just had a strong link type show up, but I can't find it anywhere in my backlink profile.

    Link Building | | trafficlinker

  • I am not understanding this - I see a duplicate content warning. When I look into it I see these two urls: http;// http;// (NOT a blog)

    Content Development | | dcmike

  • Hello, I just lunched a website where you have to sign up and to log in in order to use it. So I have the home, also a blog but then the rest of the pages are let's say it "hidden".How would you do the seo for it? I have been cheking facebook, foursquare and some others and they use different approaches. Facebook uses the same description in every single page for example. My site is similar to foursquare users have profile, stats, history, ranking. Well, what is your advice?? Thanks a lot

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | antorome

  • I have just noticed, while checking where our hotel clients rank for certain keywords, and noticed a panel on the left hand side called Travel dates. There was a check in and check out option which could be populated manually or by using a drop down calendar. But there's no submit button or anything like that. What is this panel for, and can any benefit be had from it, because from what I can see it doesn't actually do anything (unless it's not displaying properly on my computer?

    SERP Trends | | themegroup

  • Is there a tool to measure what keywords are bringing in clients?  For instance, there is a keyword phrase with a high volume of searches so naturally I am inclined to include this phrase in my title tag.  However, it does not seem like a search phrase that a potential client would use.  Is there a tool to see what phrases actual clients are using?

    Keyword Research | | ydop

  • HEllo~~~~ People. I have a question regarding on cloaking. I will be really greatful if you can help me with question. I have a site and it is targeting for multi countries. So I use sub directories for targeting multi countries. e.g. ....... so on and on. Therefore, when people type, I use IP delivery to send users to each coutries. Here is my question. I use 301 redirect for IP delivery, which means when user enter, my site read user's IP and send them to right country site by 301 redirect. In this case, is there any possibility that Google considers it as cloaking? Please people.... share me some ideas and thoughs.

    Technical SEO | | Artience

  • Okay, if I write 10 different articles on my site that are related to one of my products. Can I safely have a link in every article to my product?

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • Hi At our company we decided we wanted to reach out to a more global audience. So we bought a bank of domains for different countries, e.g. ".asia". Some are our company name, others are things like "" We then put up single page websites for each of these domains, which link to our main .com site. However, I don't know if this is good for our SEO or bad. I've seen so many different things written but I cannot find a definitive answer. The text will be different on all the pages, but being only one page, and the "design" being the same, will we get penalized in some way or another? I've also added links to 2/3 of them in the footer of our main site but now I'm reading that this is bad too - so should I remove these? If anyone also has any ideas of how better we could use these Country-specific domains I would be welcome to suggestions to that too! I am not an SEO person really, I'm a web developer, so this is all completely different to me. P.S My name is Michael not Andy.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JetBookMike

  • I have a question about Keyword Self Cannibalization.  I have a web page which is targeting the main keyword as "sarees". But this same page has internal linking from the keywords Benarasi Silk Sarees, Silk Saree, Traditional Sarees, cotton sarees,etc to their respectve pages. We are optimizing those pages separately for their respective keywords as well. When I run on-page report card for these web page from seomoz tool, I got an error says "Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization". Is this due to the internal linking from these keywords? Can anybody recommend a solution for this problem?

    On-Page Optimization | | semvibe

  • We have a  borked website running on sharepoint IIS .net that has been at the mercy of many bad developers We have rewrite rules with an ini file for 301s etc. We are struggling to find out or figure out how to lowercase them The lowercase functionality may be native within sharepoint somewhere Any help appreciated! Sorry its so vague S

    Technical SEO | | firstconversion

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