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  • Hi, We have a client who just sprang a new project on us. As always, they went ahead and did some stuff before bringing us into the loop!  (oh the joy of providing SEO services!) Anyway, i'm pretty swamped right now and need some extra brains on this. Basically the client had online for many years (an affiliate site which had built up a strong brand in the industry). They have now decided to turn this affiliate site into a full blown service platform and so with the new site being built they 301'd the whole thing over to - this is where they want all the old affiliate content to be hosted. So essentially is now and a new site is being placed on - still with me? So this has all happened and a brand new website is on and the old examplesiteA is now sitting exactly as it used to, but on the examplesiteB domain. The 301 redirect has been removed and the new examplesiteA seems to have been crawled, but the homepage is not indexed. When you search for examplesiteA, examplesiteB is the top result. Now they are similar domain names and to be fair I have very little data at this point i.e. I don't know when the 301 redirect was removed and it maybe that this all fixes itself with time. How is link equity effected now that was 301 redirected to and cached in this way, but now the 301 redirect has been removed and does not exist? Would link juice have been diluted throughout the process? Obviously if we had been in on all this before anything was implemented we would have done things differently. Interested to hear what others would do coming in at this point. Thanks and look forward to the advice!

    Technical SEO | | MarcLevy

  • Hi, we're running a project here where we try to optimize our internal link structure by computing the PageRank ourselves given your existing link graph. Right now we weight all pages the same, which is kind of incorrect given that quite a number of our pages have external links, hence have more LinkJuice. We'd now like to include a weight that respects the external link power to a page. Anyone got suggestions OSE metric would be good? I was thinking of Page Authority, but I assume this is computed by taking both external and internal links into consideration. Alternatively I could use sum all PageAuthority values of inlinks to a certain page, but as Page Authority seems exponential, this seems to be the wrong thing. Anyone out there you who tried the same before? Cheers,

    Reporting & Analytics | | derderko

  • Hi I am learning SEO from scratch and am only a couple of weeks in. My wife has just started a website selling children clothes. In the left bar there are links to the different producers. Clicking it takes you to the products from that producer. In the body text om the main page ( the same producers are mentioned. By time i need to opitmize for all of these. Is there any point in making them anchor text - taking them to the same URL as is given in the side bar ? Or will it get discounted ? Dan Laerum

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • Hi SEO gurus! All my websites in GWT show the website in question at the top of the "Links to your site", in the form of: Domains Total links 1,000 500 300 200 100 However, I have a specific account that suddenly (a few weeks back) disappeared its own link count: Domains Total links 500 300 200 100 Has this happened to any of you? Any ideas how to solve it? The website is which you can see has plenty of properly formed links.

    Reporting & Analytics | | hectorpn

  • The attached screenshot shows all. Panda update hit us hard = we lost half our traffic. Three months later, Panda tweak gave us traffic back. Now, this past Tuesday we lost half our traffic again and ALL our top ranking Keywords/phrases on Google (all other search engines keywords holding rank fine). Did they tweak their algorithm again? What are we doing wrong?? wtf.jpg

    Algorithm Updates | | aran088

  • If I want to better target my audience so I would like to be able to address the exact query string coming from the search engine. I'd also like to add relevant sections to the site based in the geo area they live in. Can I customize a small portion of the page to fit my visitors search query and geo area per the IP address? How much can I change a web page to better fit a user and still be within the search engine's guidelines?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Thos003

  • Is there a rule of thumb I am unaware of or a place that others start to get links for every new site they create, something like the "first 100 links for every new site" regardless of content? I know you always start building links around what the content of your site is about, but does anyone have a rule of thumb that you always start with links from certain sites regardless of the site content. For example for a local company: Google Places, Bing Local, Linkedin, Facebook, Localeze etc. etc. I just want to make sure I am taking quality first steps for every site I start and was wondering if anyone could give me some good rules of thumb or resources.

    Link Building | | photoseo1

  • I manage a computer repair company website, One of our main marketing strategies are blog articles and press releases to newspappers. Because of this, we have a subfolder for the author of the newspaper articles who is becoming well known, and we wanted a place for people to connect with her personally.  on this site We only publish articles that Andrea writes. Then on the blog we publish all of the articles, including articles that andrea writes, in addition to articles written by everyone else on our staff. i would like suggestions on wether a canonical link on the /andrea site should be used. the canonical link wold point to our blog. Her site is starting to get high quality links from newspapers and magazines, however all of the content on the site is duplicate content of the same article on our blog. Any thoughts?

    Link Building | | NerdsOnCall

  • Yo! I have been doing a tonn of research on a few of my top competitors and have noticed that a decent percentage of their links are from link directories. Most of these directories seem organized and the links on the pages are relevant to the selected category. These pages offer both free link submission and a paid feature link submission. My question is that is it a good idea to submit my site to these directories with the recent Panda update(s). I have read a bit about it, but still do not fully grasp the overall picture of it. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Link Building | | techbattery

  • I was just reading an article about how Hubpages claims they pulled through from Panda by dividing their content up on subdomains. I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar success? Also, Panda aside, how important do you think it is to separate different types of content out on separate subdomains?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We are a manufacture of a product and we own the url of our business/product name (samples) "" and our company name is "The Waffle Maker". We do all of our business on "" and rank #1 for about 16 of the top 20 keywords related to "Waffle Makers". However, we also own "" without "The" in the URL. Right now we have it set up as a single page that contains information about the product and a link to our sales site. Should we build this site up or have it just redirect to ""? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    Branding | | LBike

  • I have a website: I also have a blog which I put there because I thought the URL would be useful: Should I: Move my blog within my website's url? (i.e: ) Make a NEW blog within the website's URL? or leave it as it is? My interest is raising the SEO of my website. Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | IoanSaid

  • Hi Guys, Hope you can answer this question. Our website is currently on the first page in position 6 for a competitive keyword, domain is 11years old and currently has a PR of 4. At the moment there are 4 competitors above us one of which as two listings, they have managed to do this by creating a page dedicated to the keyword. E.g Do you think we would achieve a good ranking if we built the same page but with fresh content and links pointing to that page? Cheers.

    Competitive Research | | ScottBaxterWW

  • OK, so i used am xlm sitemap generator tool,, for Google Webmaster Tools submission. The problem is that the priorities are all out of wack. How on earth do i organize it with 1000's of pages?? Should i be spending hours organizing it?

    Technical SEO | | schmeetz

  • For example take these two websites. is a site that Iam working on and have had some success with yet seems to be poorly optimised with little backlinks and still gets place higher.  is it due to the key word in the domian name? The key search word is sniffer dogs New at this so any help would be appreciated regards Dave

    Competitive Research | | ThePod

  • Our website has ranked for two variations of a keyword, one singular & the other plural in Google at #1 & #2 (for over a year). Keep in mind both links in serps were pointed to our home page. This year we targeted both variations of the keyword in PPC to a products landing page(still relevant to the keywords) within our website. After about 6 weeks, Google swapped out the long standing ranked home page links (p.a. 55) rank #1,2 with the ppc directed product page links (p.a. 01) and dropped us to #2 & #8 respectively in search results for the singular and plural version of the keyword. Would you consider this swapping of pages temporary, if the volume of traffic slowed on our product page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JingShack

  • How does SEOmoz help in increasing my page rank on google?

    Algorithm Updates | | GenericTrade1

  • For one of our sites ( I noticed our landing pages were ranking and getting a few organic visits. Considering they were made specifically for PPC, I thought maybe we should create landing pages that would not be present in the navigation of the site but for the purpose of optimizing for keyword variations. For example work station cubicles vs office workstation. We have a page optimized for office workstation but having another optimized for work station cubicles is redundant. Would it be a good idea to create this as a page that is not present in the navigation for the sole person of hopefully being ranked and getting traffic for that specific keyword? Thank you in advance for your help!!

    On-Page Optimization | | DevonIntl

  • Can i anyone suggest good SEO ipad/iphone tools?

    Algorithm Updates | | brianmaher

  • Do separately bolded words (for example: red and bike) increase the SEO value of a compound bolding in the code like red bike? I’m a rather inexperienced SEO. Thank you in advance for any feedback.

    On-Page Optimization | | mosby

  • Hello my fellow SEOs! I would LOVE some additional insight/opinions on the following... I have a client who is an industry leader, big site, ranks for many competitive phrases, blah get the picture. However, they have a big dup content/canonical issue.  Most pages resolve with and without the /index.php at the end of the URL.  Obviously this is a dup content issue but more importantly they SEs sometimes serve an "index.php" version of the page, sometimes they don't, and it is constantly changing which version it serves and the rank goes up and down. Now, I've instructed them that we are going to need to write a sitewide redirect to attempt a uniform structure.  Most people would say, redirect to the non index.php version buttttt 1. The index.php pages consistently outperforms the non index.php versions, except the homepage. 2. The client really would prefer to have the "index.php" at the end of the URL The homepage performs extremely well for a lot of competitive phrases.  I'd like to redirect all pages to the "index.php" version except the homepage and I'm thinking that if I redirect all pages EXCEPT the homepage to the index.php version, it could cause some unforeseen issues. I can not use rel=canonical because they have many different versions of the their pages with different country codes in the URL..example, if I make the US version canonical, it will hurt the pages trying to rank with a fr URL, de URL, (where fr/de are country codes in the URL depending where the user is, it serves the correct version). Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks in advance! Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MikeCoughlin

  • Hi We are putting up a new ecommerce website and for product description, our tech team indicates that they must have the skun numbers in the URL. Which one of the following URL structure do you find the most SEO freindly? 1. or 2. My personal opinion is that most relevant content should be on load page so I like option 1. Thanks

    Web Design | | CookingCom

  • I have tow domains (destination/town - travel websites),, and The one, is an old domain I bought under which I will be launching a new website in a couple of months., is another domain I acquired also about gansbaai, the area. I will we using the domain, but want to get the best link juice out of danger-point-peninsula. How do I merge the domains?

    Technical SEO | | DROIDSTERS

  • Does it matter if a canonical tag points to the URL in which the tag is on? Example Page: Canonical tag: rel="canonical" href="" /> I only ask because a client of mine has a CMS that automatically does that to every page on the site and there's no way to remove it.  Will this have a negative impact or does it not matter at all?  Any insights would be great because I can't find a clear answer anywhere online. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I had our web development company implement the rel-canonical tag on all pages of our website to get rid of the duplicate content months ago. However, when I use the On Page optimizer tool (in previous version) it would tell me I'm not using the rel-canonical tag correctly on the page I was grading and when I untagged use rel-canonical tag in our CMS (which was pointing to the correct page) my grade would go to an A. Now with the new version it says I'm using it wrong either way, when I have the tag used in my CMS and everything else is good I have a B, but one I click to not use Rel-canonical tag I have a C. Both ways it shows up in On-page tool without a check in Apprpriate Use of Rel Canonical. I've attached pictures. In C version it says - Canonical URL "/info/solutions/" and "/info/solutions/" In B version: Canonical URL "/info/solutions/" What am I doing wrong and how do i fix this? Because ALL of my grades have dropped to Bs and Cs. Thanks! iklEHOjJLZE4966 [URL]]([URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]) 5BYcV

    Moz Pro | | aircyclemegan

  • An example would be   vs Are there any advantages / disadvantages to one over the other?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We were recently tasked with finding out the traffic information for international versions of a particular website.  We use tools such as Compete and SEMrush, but these are only based on US visitors to those international sites.  Is there a tool out there where you can actually see competitive search data in specific countries?

    SERP Trends | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I like images to align right at top of content page.  img tag before h1 tag looks better on page, but wondering if h1 tag before img tag is preferred by spider.  Irrelevant? or possibly matters?   thanks for any thoughts.
    All about Stuff or All about Stuff or even
    All about Stuff

    Technical SEO | | jotham2

  • What do you think is the most appropriate/efficient amount of keywords to target per page for a website?  Obviously, it may depend on the type/size of the site, but I've noticed different results with different clients.  Early on, I targeted way too many keywords per page, then scaled them back as I learned more.  I'm almost starting to think that you should just target 1-2 keywords per page to be efficient and more natural.  Thoughts?

    Keyword Research | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • In the past I heard that other SEO type crawling software like WP Gold could seriously harm your rankings in the search engines - especially Google.  How is SeoMoz different ?

    Moz Pro | | NeilTompkins

  • We are currently working on a site re-design and are getting close to launch. When launching the newly designed site, what is the best way to roll it out? 301 Redirects with an under construction page?  Just upload the entire site at once? or al little of both? Thank You

    Technical SEO | | ControlByWeb

  • Afternoon Mozzers, We run a basic affiliate program whereby we distribute banners and tools to affiliate sites who then link back to our homepage via these, often through a tool that incorporates an HTML link with our primary keyword term embedded. This banner/tool/link heads to our homepage, and will then incorporate that particular affiliate's unique code in the URL, eg. Seems pretty standard practice so far? So, considering this, that we include our primary keyword term in HTML in some banners, some also link to our homepage via an embedded image (and others then just work off cookies as per usual), can anyone hazard a guess, or know for certain, the beneficence of this as a link building means? I ask in terms of trying to determine whether to continue punting our tools and banners as a decent link building opportunity, or concentrate more on other link building means. Hope I've been clear enough, but am happy to elaborate if need be. Cheers

    Affiliate Marketing | | Martin_S

  • Tried submitting a website to Yahoo!'s directory but each time no matter how i input the domain i get the following error: We were unable to access your web page. Please double-check your URL. Is there anyway to contact Yahoo! to request a manual submission?

    Link Building | | EAOM

  • Hi People, This may have been covered before (i am sure it had) but I was wondering if people use the same SEO tactics for blogs as they do for other sites. Really wondering if there are any tips for blogs specifically ?  🙂 Thanks all

    On-Page Optimization | | wedmonds

  • I want to block spiders from specific  specific part of website (say abc folder). In robots.txt, i have to write - User-agent: * Disallow: /abc/ Shall i have to insert the last slash. or will this do User-agent: * Disallow: /abc

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • We are thinking to redesign our ecommerce site and was wondering would we loose our google rankings in any way? That's something we don't want. We want to achieve a better and cleaner looking website. It's a more like template redesign. But adding extra functionalities. We will add upselling and crossselling features to product pages. Some products have reviews and some don't. If a product doesn't have a review random testimonials will replace the reviews. We will redirect all urls's if category structure changes. All content title, headings remain same. Any suggestions are welcome 🙂

    Web Design | | Jvalops

  • Is there any way to know which organic keywords are driving traffic to my landing pages in Google analytics ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • Hello, We get tons of comments on Facebook about our blog. We get no comments on our actual blog. So I'm really leaning towards putting facebook comments to replace my blogs comments - I was looking at techcrunch's code and it looks like none of that information is actually being consider content on their site. The code looks like: Even with tons of comments. So I am thinking that a huge amount of facebook comments does nothing for your onsite SEO. You get no more content and nothing is changing on your page, despite even an unprecedented amount of conversation. Perhaps the only thing you would get from this is the off site SEO - which would be traffic and exposure on facebook. I'm not asking if I should do this or not. I'm really asking: do you agree with what I said above. Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Hello Mozzers! Basically I want to add a beefed up "resources" page (directory style) to my site to attract in bound links. Below is an example of a site that has a similar directory style resources area. I was thinking that it might be good to add a resource box in my site footer with links to these resource pages such as: 1) Dog breeder resources
    2) Dog training resource
    3) Dog shelters/kennels
    4) Pet health resources
    5) Pet care resources And funnel links to my category pages from there .. I was looking for some feedback or any tips or the best way to go about doing this and if anyone knew of a SE friendly script or something that that I might be able to integrate with my site (x-cart / PHP) platform that would make it easy to populate / update, ect Below is a paste of how one person I talked to envisions it: I'd suggest building some pages of value, such as dog resources pages (rescue groups & resources, etc.), adoption resources, etc. I'd guarantee if the resources were very comprehensive and built correctly, you'd get more bang for the buck versus throwing hundreds (or even thousands) away on sub-par links. Case: (a simple test content page to show this client we could build lifetime links with a few hours of work for a decent-sized resource page) Although very ugly, this is more of a gold mine for links taking the example above: This is just one simple example but I hope you get the concept versus ongoing payments for junk links.The more links you get to internal pages - even the resource guide pages - the more opportunity to link back to core product pages contextually or within the content portion of the page of side columns. The goal is to create funneled links from these resource pages back to your other pages, but doing it in a manner that's not outlandish or spammy in nature.

    Link Building | | k9byron

  • I have a Drupal site that utilizes Solr, with 10 menu pages and about 4,000 pages of content. Redoing a few things and we'll need to revamp the sitemap. Typically I'd jam all pages into a single sitemap and that's it, but post-Panda, should I do anything different?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EricPacifico

  • I work as the SEO manager for a company and we recently launched a new site. Along with this I've been doing some intensive SEO over the past 30 days in getting partners to add or change links and had a big impact on our main keyword, document management software. For the past 2 weeks we've been at position 6 but today I noticed that we dropped down to 11th. I'm wondering if I'm getting penalized for too many exact anchor matches because we recently have been featured on an industry site, with good anchor text and suddenly we have dropped. Is Google penalizing me for this? If so it seems odd that with legitimate PR and posts I get penalized.

    Link Building | | Gerad

  • I want to distribute my articles without having to go multiple sites to get the job done. What is the best quality and most reputable company to help me distribute my content?

    Content Development | | photoseo1

  • OK, there are tons of Q&A on this subject but after about 20 mins of sifting through I found nothing on this. On the surface it is a simple idea but I'd like to hear a wide range of thought s on this. So if a page has 150 internal links and only about 3-5 external links, would it still be considered a good page to get a link from assuming it is relevant and authoritative? My thoughts have always been that too many links on a page, regardless of whether or not they are internal links or external links, will dilute that page's authority either way and that in turn makes it a poor link prospect. If PR/authority flows internally through links then my thoughts should be substantiated. And I think that we all agree that external links flow authority out from the domain AND the page. But internal links flow authority away from the page which should make a page with lots of internal links on it a poor target for a link.

    SEO Learn Center | | GearyLSF37

  • I am wondering what the best options are for video hosting websites (YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, etc.). Which host has the best interface that you would want to use to embed into your site? Any advice you have in regards to optimizing the videos on our site, then that would be much appreciated. Thanks!  And our YouTube channel is here

    Whiteboard Friday | | dunklea

  • SMM has a presence that is just growing and growing. I'm hearing all these back and forth talks about how tweets/shares are influencing rankings more than traditional link building would. If so, would this be a short term ranking improvement, long term? What percentage would you say SMM (ranking factor) has when ranking a website in the SERPS.

    Social Media | | Brother22

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