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  • Hi everyone.  I'm going to be launching localized websites in 5 different european countries (.de, .it. etc). Must I have a local host with servers in those countries or can I use a U.S. based host?  WOuld having a U.S. based host hurt SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TexaSEO

  • Hey all, So I heard Rand  Fishkin speak the other day at an event in Palo Alto and I tokk anyway an interesting little concept from the day. He mentioned that there might be some overall ranking benefits to having people search for your company's brand and hence arrive at your home page root URL. I was thinking and I'm going to put into place a little test to check this out, does anyone know if search results as a whole are positively affected by having a large number of searches for your company's brand name? I've referred to this in the past as "Branded Search" but perhaps there's another term... I'm interested in running a test whereby I actually remove our URL from the web almost entirely. From social media profile and potentially even from our business cards and instead replace this with "Google Us" or "Google: Junction Marketing". 25907011

    Algorithm Updates | | blahblahblah2015

  • Do you buy keyword domains around your brand? If so do you do this for future use or for redirecting to a sub domain off your core site or for other reasons?

    Branding | | charlesgrimm

  • If the most important content for humans on my page is images (e.g., a picture gallery), but there is very little text high up on the page, how impactful will a text description at the bottom of the page be? I've seen a few other sites put content paragraphs at the bottom of their pages. LIke so: Is this something I would do well to emulate?

    On-Page Optimization | | Ehren

  • Since the responsibilities of SEO have increased so  much, I think there has to be a kind of basic industry wide  Certification / Degree system.   Many people may argue that experince is much more important than certification but how about like any other trade or profession; we have (1) SEO Certification PLUS (2) SEO Experience for the Internet Marketers. One of the reasons,  I get so many calls from people that they claim they are SEO experts and they are trying to sell their services to us, but when you talk with them, you can easily tell that they do not have any knowledge about it. But they sell the service to business owners that do not understand SEO.  It is very sad to see small business owners believe those people.. and I understand it is business owners responsibility to check the background & portfolio of SEO agency, but wouldn't it be nice to have another credential that they can ask "are you also certified SEO"? what do you think about "Certified SEO" or "Certified Internet Marketing Consultant" concept? can there be an international or national organization to coordinate and superwise the certifications? Thanks, Lewis

    Industry News | | CertifiedSEO

  • Here's a quaint one: 1. Posting follow links on another site helps increase one's domain authority. 2. If I post to the same site/forum with followed links each week, would my domain authority reap a domain authority increase benefit? In short, is there any domain authority benefit to continually post links to a site to which I've already posted a follow link?

    Link Building | | GreenCupboards

  • Where is the best information on internal linking. I'm so confused and everything I read says something different. Ahhhh Thanks

    Technical SEO | | meardna77

  • For sites with multiple top-level domains that have been secured for a business or organization, I'm curious as to what is considered best practice for setting up 301 redirects for secondary domains. Is it best to do the 301 redirects at the registrar level, or the hosting level? So that .net, .biz, or other secondary domains funnel visitors to the correct primary/main domain name. I'm looking for the "best practice" answer and want to avoid duplicate content problems, or penalties from the search engines. I'm not trying to game the system with dozens of domain names, simply the handful of domains that are important to the client. I've seen some registrars recommend hosting secondary domains, and doing redirects from the hosting level (and they use meta refresh for "domain forwarding," which I want to avoid). It seems rather wasteful to set up hosting for a secondary domain and then 301 each URL.

    Technical SEO | | Scott-Thomas

  • Our developer wants to use javascript, document referral or adding a URL parameter, in order to show a modal window telling them 'We are now...'.  A cookie seems to be too much work.  All of which don't play nice with the search engines. Do you know of a technique or method that allows us to be SEO friendly and still give a good user experience?  Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Pawngo

  • Yahoo Answers is a good one. What other sites have you guys used to get no-follow links? Blog comments excluded from this.

    Link Building | | qlkasdjfw

  • Hey, Since yesterday my ranking dropped by in average 7 positions for most keywords. iIm not 100% sure whats the matter. I rank under the top3 for a quite comptetitive keyword since several months. During the last 4 weeks it wasn't that stady (between 2 - 4) because the competition is using an aggressiv link building method.
    I'm adding constantly new content and the link building is also quite natural. Maybe I linked the same sites from some of my blogs too often... and Google may see it as a "link network". I experience the same for two of those sites. Maybe I should remove those links? Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Link Building | | netminds

  • Hello, We have been working on the SEO of our site for almost a year now, and we are still not really seeing the success we would like to see.  I notice often we get outranked by other sites that have lower PA/DA/citations/reviews etc than us, and the only explaination i can find is that they are getting a boost for a Partial Keyword Match in the domain name. Right now our domain name is: And we are considering switching to and of course 301 redirecting all the individual pages from the old domain to the new domain's pages. How much would we risk loosing out in this transition?  Can we safely transfer domains, or do we risk loosing the majority of our PA & DA because the backlinks will point at redirects instead of the actual location? Has anyone successfully managed to transfer domains and keep their DA & PA?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • It appears that every page on our site ( also creates a version of itself with a suffix. This results in Seomoz indicating that there are thousands of duplicate titles and content. 1. Does this matter? If so, how much? 2. How do I eliminate this (we are using joomla)? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | jfeld222

  • We are considering using javascript to format URLs to simplify the navigation of the googlebot through our site, whilst presenting a larger number of links for the user to ensure content is accessible and easy to navigate from all parts of the site.  In other words, the user will see all internal links, but the search engine will see only those links that form our information hierarchy. We are therefore showing the search engine different content to the user only in so far as the search engine will have a more hierarchical information architecture by virture of the fact that there will be fewer links visible to the search engine to ensure that our content is well structured and discoverable. Would this be considered cloaking by google and would we be penalised?

    Technical SEO | | JohnHillman

  • A Google verification meta tag was created and implemented on a site that I am now responsible for (I took over an SEO project after a long lapse), but no one seems to know what Google account was used to create the meta tag in the first place. I'm finding it very difficult to backtrack from verification meta tag to the Google account, and all the online help is for those having trouble moving forward with the verification. Any suggestions or advice?

    Technical SEO | | MaryDoherty

  • I have a client that has 2 websites in a particular industry. The first website concentrates on advertising services and products to other organisations/companies but does not sell anything online. The second website is an ecommerce site with many products from the same industry and is more a b2c operation. Would it be considered ok to add maybe 5 footer links from one to the other and vice versa? considering that they are footer links and will ultimately increase total links pointing to both site exponentially. Both sites are hosted in the same location.

    Link Building | | Gareth_Cartman

  • "No man is an island", so say brother John Donne. But, my fellow SEO-ers, is the same true of keywords? That is... deep breath... If I am ranking as number one for a short-tail keyword, like for example: "fruit salad", does that have any sway on the rankings for other longer tail keywords, like for example, "tropical fruit salad london" or "cheap fruit salad", or is every keyword that we would track in our campaigns completely independent with rankings dependant on work done on that sole keyword? Thanks for your advice in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | RobertHill

  • Hi all...bit of a newbie into the SEO world! So excuse me if this question makes me sound simple 🙂 Basically we have recently had a link analysis done on our site but I'm finding it a little bit difficuilt to actually understand what it all means. What are followed and nofollowed links? What is the sort of ratio needed between the two for best results. And my next question being what are followed linking root domains and nofollowed linking root domains?

    Technical SEO | | cttgroup

  • After a little research I did in the Source Code of the root domain page of and , I found that the first one contains no at all and that the other contains like 10 . I though that the was something relatively important on a web page for on page optimisation. Did I missed something? What's you opinion on the subject? Thanks for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | Louis-Philippe_Dea

  • Hi all, I've got a site that I want to update the domain registrant account details for. The change will involve registering the domain to a limited company name rather than an individual and possibly changing the registered address. Does anyone know whether this could affect google rankings? I've heard of stories of sites losing their PR because the registrant details have changed and I don't really want that to happen! Thanks in advance for any help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Calling all Magento Kings out there! I'm working on a client' site - powered by magento. I'm looking to rewrite a lot of the URLs. I know there is the URL rewrite tool, but I think what I need to do may go beyond this. Typical example would be: Old URL - New URL - I know that magento's URLs seem to be created through categories so wanted to double check with someone the best way to do this. Also, I've heard that 301 redirects of non www to www in the .htaccess has a knock on effect on discounts? All comments greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | PerchDigital

  • Here's the scenario: you need to capture a search phrase that is very widely used in common search, but the term is considered antiquated, overly vernacular, insensitive or outright offensive within the client's industry. In this case, searchers overwhelmingly look for "nursing homes," but the term has too many negative connotations to the client's customers, so they won't use it on-page. Some obvious thoughts are to build IBLs or write an op-ed/blog series about why the term is offensive. Any other ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jeremy_FP

  • Went to sign up for MOZcon last night and found it was sold out. I would have bought this many weeks or months ago, but I'm brand new to SEOmoz. I'm completely hooked and REALLY want to go to the convention. I signed up for the wait list and it states they are trying to expand the venue. What are the odds of that happening? Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get tickets?
    I'm a Pro member, if that helps. Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

    Industry Events | | dmac

  • Hi I have Windows Phone Games related site , we often post press release for various games as soon as they get released and later in a week or 2 we review some of these games . My question is , would it be better if I use use the old post and just delete the press release and post the review in that space . I will use an example to explain the situation Today I will do a press release : then say after a week I publish a review : My question is would it be better ( from an SEO point of view ) if I just delete the content from and add the review content in to that post ? PS : I am not a SEO guy so this might be a stupid question , if it is just go easy on me 🙂

    Content Development | | Saijo_George

  • The page rank of my company's website has dropped from a 6 to a 4 over the past year or so. In that time, we implemented subdomains for development sites to show clients progress on their websites. I noticed that our "dev" sites are being indexed while in development and my question is, will Google drop pagerank of our root domain purely off of these "dev" subdomains? Example - our site is Dev site - I just began investigating the drop and this came to my mind yesterday but am not too sure what type of impact these non-credible subdomains will have on our root domain. Any thoughts?

    Web Design | | ckilgore

  • Hi All, Seeking yet more advice. SEOMOZ tools have told me I have duplicate content on one of my sites and I am keen to clean this up.  I am not to familiar with the following so thought I would ask. The duplicate content is shown on : Obviously I only see index.html when I check the code so what is the best method of resolving the duplicate content, Canonical or 301? Can you give me an example 🙂 Thanks all

    On-Page Optimization | | wedmonds

  • Hi, This is quite an advanced question, so I'll go through in detail - please bare with me! I launched the new version of our website exactly a week ago - and all the key metrics are in the right direction: Pages / Visit +5% , Time on Site +25%, Bounce rate down 1 %. I work in an industry were our primary keyword has 4 synonyms and our long tail keywords are location related. So as an example I have primary synonyms like: Holiday, Vacation, Break, Trip (Not actually these but they are good enough as an example). Pluralised versions and you have 8 in total. So my longtail keywords are like: Las Vegas Vacation  / Las Vegas Vacations
    Las Vegas Holiday / Las Vegas Holidays
    Las Vegas Trip / Las Vegas Trips
    Las Vegas Breaks / Las vegas Breaks All these synonyms effectively mean the same thing, so my thinking on my new website was to specifically target each of these synonyms with their own unique page and optimise the meta and page titles, to those exact words. To make these pages truely unique, I therefore got a bunch of copywriters to write about 600 words unique for every long tail synonym (well over 750,000 words in total!). So now at this point I have my page "Las Vegas Holidays" with 600 unique words of content, and "Las Vegas Vactions" with 600 words of unique content etc etc etc. The problem is, when the user is searching for these words, there primary goal is not to read 600 words of content on "Las Vegas Holidays" - their primary goal is to get a list of last vegas holidays that they can search, view purchase (they may want to read 600 words of content, but is not their primary goal). So this puts me in a dilema - I need to display the nuts and bolt (IE the actual holidays in las vegas) to the customer on any page they land on off my synonyms as the primary content. But to make sure these pages are unique I need to also have this unique content on that page. So here's what I did: On every synonym version of the page I display the exact same information. However, on each page I have a "Information" link. and on click this pop's up a layer which contains my unique content for that page. To further optimise using perfect anchors in this content pop-up, I have cross linked the synonym pages (totally naturally) - IE on my "Las Vegas Holidays" page, in the content I may have the words "Las Vegas Breaks" - this would be linked the the "Las Vegas Breaks" synonym page. In theory I don't think there is anything wrong with what I am doing in the eyes of the customer - but I have a big concern that this may well look "fishy" to SE's. IE the pages are almost identical to the user except for this information pop-up layer of unique content, titles and meta. We know that Google at least can get can tell exactly what the user see's when they land on that page ( from their "Preview") and can distinguise between user visible and hidden text. Therefore, even though from a user experience, I think we are making a page that is perfect for them (they get the list of vactions etc as the primary content, and can read infomation if they want by clicking a button), I am concerned that SE's are going to say - hold on a minute there are load of pages here that are identical except for a chuck of text that is not visible to the user (Even though this is visible to the user if they click the "Information" button), and this content cross links to a load of almost identical pages with the same thing. Today I checked our rankings, and we have taken a fair whack from google - I'm not overly concerned at the moment as I expected big fluctuations from ranking for the first few weeks - but I'd be a lot more confident if they were fluctuating in the right direction!! So what do I do?
    As far as I can see my options break down as follows: Content Display:
    1/. Keep it as it is, and hope the SE's don't see it as spammy. Even though I think what we are doing is the best for customer experience, I'm concerned SE's won't. 2/. On every synonym page, below all the list of products, packages etc that the customer wants to see, display the unique content as a block of subtext text which is visble by default. This however could make the page a bit ugly. 3/. Display a visible snippet of the unique content, below all the packages, and have a more button which expands the rest of the content - IE have a part visible layer. This is slightly better for display, but again I'm only displaying  a portion of visible content and the rest will still be flagged as "hidden" by default to the SE's. Cross Linking within the content:
    1/. Keep it as it is where synonym keywords link to the synonym version of the page. 2/. Alter it so that every sysnonym keyword links to the "primary" synonym version of the page - EG if I now "Las Vegas Holidays" is my main keyword, then "Las Vegas Vactions" keyword, would not link to my "Las Vegas Vactions" page as current, but would link to my "Las Vegas Holidays" page. I apologise for the indepth questions, but it requires a lot of explanation to get it across clearly. I would be grateful on any of your thoughts. Many thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • I run a website selling used books. Our e-commerce conversion rate is on average around 1.40%. Over the last four days this has dropped to just 0.25%! Any ideas why? We haven't made any changes, apart from uploading a new pricing strategy - obviously you'd look at this first but the price of our whole inventory has gone DOWN by £5000 and our average product price has decreased from £3.43 to £3.09! Everything else has stayed almost exactly the same, hits have decreased slightly, so has referral traffic.

    On-Page Optimization | | Benj25

  • Hello Everyone! I own a dog supplies eCom site on the x-cart platform. I recently upgraded to 4.4 version about 3 weeks ago and am noticing 3 different home page URL's getting indexed and ranked: /
    /home.php?cat= I dont know why this is happening and I dont claim to be an expert SEO but know this cant be good! I am seeing high rankings on certain terms for all 3 URL's. Has anyone seen this before and can anyone give me any feedback on this and how it may be effecting my sites ranking in the future? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | k9byron

  • Hello Mozzers. My questions is below and I would like to thank everyone in advance for any feedback 😉 I own a dog supplies site ( When I launched the site several years back I hired a guy for SEO and he optimized my home page for specific categories search terms such as "dog training collars", "dog shock collars:, ect instead of general search terms such as "dog supplies", "dog accessories", ect. I would like to start moving these home page title element terms (starting with "dog shock collars") over to the dog training collars category but have high rankings for this term on the home page. Current Home Page Title Element:
    dog training collars, dog shock collars, electric dog collar, dog supplies (recently added) Current Dog Training Collars Category Title Element:
    dog training collars I was hoping to add "dog shock collars" to the dog training collars category page until I achieved higher ranking then delete if from the home page. ..or swap it out with "dog accessories". I am currently ranked #5 in Google for "dog shock collars" on the home page & dog training collars category page ...and I am a little concerned about changing these title elements. My question is; If I add 'dog shock collars" to the dog training collars category page title as well, how will it effect my ranking on both pages having this duplicate term in both page titles? Thank You,

    On-Page Optimization | | k9byron

  • Does anyone have any thoughts on, or experience with, pay for performance SEO companies such as Results First? Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | uniquegifts-277879

  • So I was doing some research in OSE and come across links in different articles on the There are more than three but I have included three below. Do a find for "blinds" on the articles. What I find interesting is that each article has a different author. Which probably rules out a friend doing a favour. As far as I can see, of all the many different types of advertising programmes the Independent has, this is not one of them. Which begs the question, how are they getting these links? What do you think?

    Competitive Research | | KevinHenney98

  • For example, I want to search for every link to my site from stumbleupon. Is there a way to do this? Much thanks in advance!

    Competitive Research | | TrevorMcKendrick

  • For example, If I have a domain: , and I want to focus in the bellow keywords: dvd umwandeln , dvd in avi umwandeln , and so on... I develop a IA like this: . Here the domain will give any value to the keyword dvd in avi umwandeln ( if we have the domain )? I hope I did explain it well... If I do it, its a good SEO pratice, is this going to really boost my keywords? Thanks for trying to understand my explaination

    Competitive Research | | augustos

  • I have a client who is using a SEO company (Hubshout, delete name if necessary) to boost traffic to their website. They are doing this by publishing articles and submitting them to article directories, then they use their own sites/blogs (which are valueless, PR and MozRank of zero) to point to these articles and they say that this helps boost there rankings. How? They are not linking to the clients websites, creating artificial links from their own websites to article directories instead of the clients website. Are they trying to boost the value of the article or trying to boost their own websites? How does this help out the client? It is similar to three way linking but is not.

    Link Building | | Michael_Rock

  • We already do our PPC campaigns with an agency and we're looking to create another campaign. They told us that the amount of traffic around our campaign would allow for about $2-3k spend per month, possibly with some additional funds placed into display ads. For this campaign, they have proposed a setup fee of $2k and an increased management fee of $750 -- is this a reasonable price?

    Paid Search Marketing | | kylesuss

  • Did anybody have any success with Hotbot listing?

    Link Building | | echo1

  • I just wanted to share a technique I have had a great deal of success with called a Social Media Infrastructure. It has really increased the amount of followers on all of the social media sites I have been using. The first link explains a Social Media Infrastructure and the second link is somebody using the social media infrastructure whom has implemented the technique much better. It does take some time to get all set up correctly, but it has increased my followers a ton. I am not going to claim that it gives you all the links and as much SEO benefit as they claim, but it does give your social media some muscle.

    Social Media | | photoseo1

  • So if I have my main site, blog and article directory section, can I use keyword in all three places, but obviously different, unique content? And if so, can I link them to make it even more powerful?

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • I have a customer with two spellings of their domain name. I set up an account for spelling A and forwarded all the email boxes to spelling B becuase people tend to remember spelling A more of the time.  Spelling B is the real web site. I also want any www. traffic for spelling A to go to spelling B so I used this .htaccess file in the root of spelling A Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] I use to just forward A to B from the registrar but made this change to allow for email spelled either way. My question is does this create a duplicate site issue for the bots?  Is this in anyway an SEO negative and if so is there a better way to do this. Thanks jw

    Technical SEO | | freestone

  • is ref=nofollow the same as rel=nofollow? in other words, does ref=nofollow not pass any link juice?

    Technical SEO | | SoulSurfer8

  • I'm setting up an affiliate program through 1shoppingcart. Even though I run 3 different websites, the way their program works is that I have to have 1 domain name that my affiliates get as their affiliate link, with their unique id attached at the end. I can give them multiple links that will redirect to various places on my 3 websites, but those original links that they put on their site will all be to just 1 domain. I'm wondering if I still get link juice to my sites even though the links are obviously being redirected? Does it depend on the redirection method? I was just thinking that getting hundreds of affiliates who run related sites could be a very good seo boost if they're all linking to my site, but I feel like it's going to be wasted because of this redirection thing. Hope this made sense. Thanks very much,

    Affiliate Marketing | | philraymond

  • Is sharing this information good for my websites? And Is it Open information for anyone to hack into, and see my sites analytics? Bottom line, good or a bad thing?

    Industry News | | smstv

  • Is there SEO value from investing in keyword optimizing all pages of an alcohol product web site that requires age verification to enter? Would Google index and display the pages that live after the age verification page for targeted keyword searches? If if you go directly to an interior page URL, the site would still require age verification before showing you the page content. For example: <cite></cite> Any advice or insight based on experience with an alcohol site would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Room214

  • I bought a domain a couple months ago while having delusions of granger. The domain is PR2, has around 30 decent backlinks, and a small amount of traffic. It also has one of our keywords in the domain name. I'm thinking of 301 redirect to our homepage. Is there a downside to doing this? We really could use the additional traffic on our site.

    Technical SEO | | dmac

  • I am working with a real estate client. They have one main site (ie. that contains all the info, then they have several name domains (ie. that are forwarding to the main site, but use domain masking to appear as if there is a separate site for each representative. My question is how can I make this legit in Google's eyes, or is this totally not advised?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ukao

  • Hello, my website is and I am launching an SEO campaign to increase our rankings, especially for the keyword 'satellite internet'.  We used to be ranked #5 for this keyword and Google made some changes about 9 months ago that dropped us way back.  We have recovered a lot back to #18 now, but have been stuck here for a while.  I want to step up our SEO campaign and have come up with the following campaign.  Could any SEO's please tell me if you think the following is the make up of a solid SEO campaign or if it should be adjusted?  Thank you. 12 new blog articles/month 24 Articles submitted to 10 different directories each (total of 200 article directory submissions)/month 1 basic Press Release from 200 do follow blog comments/month 10 paid blog posts (on other people’s blogs of PR 1-5)/month

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MyNet

  • Still got my SEO learner plates on, but I'm trying to help a small e-commerce site which makes and sells baby products . They have upwards of 150 independent retailers also selling their products. Mindful of the fact that many of these retailers are copying the same product descriptions to use on their own web sites, I wondered if there was any value in creating separate sets of product descriptions, one for our web site and one for all their trade customers, in order to minimise the amount of duplicated content devaluing our site. In theory Google ought to know that ours is the original source of the content, but some testing has shown customers ranking higher for the same product descriptions. We have a separate area on the site for trade, which contains lots of media information they can use, and we could include a set of product descriptions in this area for trade customers to download, keeping a unique set of product descriptions for ourselves. We won't stop duplicate content entirely, I realise - but do you think it's worth the effort of trying to implement? Our web developer thinks it's a total waste of time and not worth bothering with for the miniscule benefit he thinks we'll gain. Grateful for any pointers.

    On-Page Optimization | | Mandy_Cochrane

  • Hey guys, I've got an issue with a site I'm working on. A big chunk of the content (roughly 500 pages) is delivered using parameters on a dynamically generated page. For example: - where "example' is the product name Currently there is no way to get to these pages unless you enter the product name into the search box and access it from there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless we find some other way to link to these pages they're basically invisible to search engines, right? What I'm struggling with is a method to get them indexed without doing something like creating a directory map type page of all of the links on it, which I guess wouldn't be a terrible idea as long as it was done well. I've not encountered a situation like this before. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CodyWheeler

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