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  • Hi guys, This is part 2 of a question I asked before which got partially answered; I clicked question answered before I realized it only fixed part of the problem so I think I have to post a new question now. I have an apache server I believe on Host Gator. What I want to do is redirect every URL to it's corresponding alternative (www redirects to http). So for example if someone typed in it would take them to Here is a code that has made all of my site's links go from WWW to HTTP which is great, but the problem is still if you try to access the WWW version by typing it, it still works and I need it to redirect. It's important because Google has been indexing SOME of the URL's as http and some as WWW and my site was just HTTP for a long time until I made the mistake of switching it now I'm having a problem with duplicate content and such. Updated it in Webmaster Tools but I need to do this regardless for other SE's. Thanks a ton! RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DustinX

  • Recently came across an article stating that Paid search may affect traffic through Organic search. Did anyone have similar experience?

    Search Behavior | | gmk1567

  • I have been link building for a couple months now. I am having a hard time trying to figure out which sites are even worthy of getting links from. Obviously, those that are clearly link farming, or have lots of ads throughout their site are not valuable.  I use OSE, but don't know what is a good P.A or D.A. and what it means when one is much higher than the other (and if that is a bad thing). I also use to give me a general idea of the unique visitors going into a site. Any tools I can use to help evaluate the strength of specific incoming links/ specific websites? Any ideas or thoughts would be helpful. Thanks So Much, Melissa

    Competitive Research | | SEOneophyte

  • We finished the re-design of our website a few months ago.  We have hired a few freelance SEO guys that were horrible. We then decided to pull the SEO work in-house. I got nominated to do the SEO work. I started with what I thought was pretty good on-site SEO. At that time, with no experience, I was pretty proud of myself. I managed to get a bunch of our pages at top SERPs for long-tail keywords. Good enough for then. Now when I go look at the pages, I'm embarrassed to admit that it's my work. Please be kind.  🙂 Since then I have been trying to learn as much as possible about SEO. I'm certainly far ahead of where I was a few months ago. For the past few weeks I've been trying to focus my efforts on creating original keyword rich original content. Our competitors all have tried this, but their content is hardly readable by humans. Anyhow, we finished our fist article, it got indexed by G almost immediately and started to push our keyword SERPs up within just a few days. Now for my question.  I have a much better understanding of on-page SEO and realize that I could make many improvements to ALL of our other pages. However, these pages are already doing fairly well with the SERPS and are moving up a few ranks a week. I'm very tempted to throw caution to the wind and completely redo all of our on-page SEO for our entire site. Is this a good strategy?
    Should I expect our SERPs to drop a little, a lot, or not at all? I look forward to your response. DMac

    On-Page Optimization | | dmac

  • Hi all, After Panda update our website lost about 45% of it's traffic from Google. It wasn't an instant drop mostly it happened gradually over the last 5 months. Our keywords (all of them except the domain name) started to lose positions from top #10 to now 40+ and all recovery attempts we have done so far didn't really help. At this moment it would be great to get some advice from the top experts like you here. What we have done so far is that We have gone through the all pages and removed the duplicate / redundant ones. We have refresh the content on the main pages and also all pages now have an canonical tags. Our website is Thank you very much in advance for your time.

    Algorithm Updates | | gbssinc

  • Lets say I have a commercial website that nobody will link to so I create a non commercial website with some awesome content that is highly linkable. I then get 30 - 40  quality links pointing to this site which I then either rel ="canonical" back to my main site to the page with the replica content or  do I simply add a text link from the new site to the old sites homepage. Which would benefit my commercial site most? We are seeing the strategy of building a non commercial site for links becoming more and more popular.  The second question is is it worth the effort for in effect one backlink?

    Link Building | | fazza47

  • Hello All, I'm a total newbie to SEOmoz and am totally addicted. I'm seriously considering going to Seattle Mozcon. I would really like to hear some feedback from newbies who went last year. It would be really nice to hear if you learned a lot and if you have incorporated some of your Mozcon education into your SEO strategy. It looks to be a pretty long event and every day seems to be completely filled with things I probably don't want to miss. That said, it would be a really large investment of my time. Is it worth all this time? Thanks!

    Industry Events | | dmac

  • We have produced a number of video guest testimonials. Any SEO considerations or other hosting it on our website (what software to use?) vs. YouTube (and just embedding it on the webpage)? Are there certain situation or circumstances when YouTube is not the best choice for placing video on a website? Thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | ahw

  • Wondering if there Is a bug with the crawler or known timeout issues?  Site speed is fast, but we do run a couple of large cron jobs out of hours, which may be the cause of any timeouts, but shouldn't the crawler report that, rather saying no title tags on 100 pages, when there are? SEOmoz newbie, so still finding my feet 🙂

    Moz Pro | | sjr4x4

  • I have several keywords ranking top 5 for Google and Yahoo but nothing from Bing. Any ideas?

    Algorithm Updates | | CIEEwebTeam

  • A client of us has this webpage not very good in design, but it has good products.
    He is having a problem with SEO, he is in page 2 for "estores" keyword. His domain authority is 27 and is upper than other domains that are ranking in page one. The question is the following: Since the webpage began to work the programmer that created it, did the following: a subdomain per section and so on. This page is not very big one. Will you remove the subdomains and do de following? What will be best? Thanks Victoria

    Web Design | |

  • A crawl of my site started on the 8th July & is still going on - is there something wrong???

    Moz Pro | | Brian_Worger

  • Hi guys, we have the domain, it has always displayed as without the www. However it is now showing 2 version of the site, both the www. and the non www. version. I know how to add to the htaccess folder to get the non www. version going to the www. version but i am worried about doing this because the non www. version has always been the one indexed in Google and has a page rank of 3. Should i in fact be redirecting the www.version to the non www. version to keep page rank etc? or will page rank be passed over etc if i redirect to the www. version I hope thats clear Thanks guys Jon

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | imrubbish

  • Hi everyone, I've spent a long time trying to figure this one out, so I'm looking forward to your insights. I've recently started having our videos transcribed and keyworded. The videos are hosted on youtube and already embedded on our website. Each embedded video is accompanied by an existing keyword-rich article that covers pretty much the same content of the video, but in a little more detail. I'm now going back and having these videos transcribed. The reason I started doing this was to essentially lengthen the article and get more keywords on the page. Question A. My concern is that the transcription covers the same content as the article, so doesn't add that much for the reader. That's why when I post the transcription (below the embedded video), I use a little javascript link for people to click if they want to read it. Then it becomes visible. Otherwise it's not visible. Note that I am NOT trying to hide it from google by doing this - and it will still show up for people who don't have javascript on - so I'm not trying to cheat google at all and I think I'm doing it based on how they want it done. You can see an example here: So my first question is: do you think the javascript method is a good way of doing it? Question B. Does anyone have any insight on whether it would be better to put the transcription:
    1. On the same page as the embedded video/article (which I am doing now), or
    2. On a different page, linked to from the above page, or
    3. On various other websites (wordpress, blogspot, web2.0 sites) that link back to the video/article on our site. I know it's usually best practice to put it on the same page as the video, but I'm wondering from an <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym> point of view if I'm wasting a 500 word transcription by posting it on the same page as a 500 article that covers the same topic and uses the same keywords, and I wonder if it would be better to use the transcription elsewhere. Do you have any thoughts on which of the above methods would be best? Thanks so much for reading and any advice you may have.

    On-Page Optimization | | philraymond

  • I'm new to SEOmoz and I'm really enjoying the fact that I can track all my keywords in a single place and monitor the changes. Is there a way to do the same with no my links? I mean: I'm using Open Site Explorar to track my links, but I want to know my link building performance overtime. Is there a way to do this automatically with SEOmoz? In case of a negative answer, how do you track your links over time? Thanks in advance!

    Moz Pro | | Nauweb

  • Hi is there any free ways of link building where you do not use exchange link sites. Also are there any free tools and paid tools that you can use to increase your links to your site. I have a couple of new sites and i am trying to bring more traffic to them through link building and other methods and trying to find the best way of doing this. I have heard of people talk about free tools and paid tools but not sure which ones they are. any help would be great

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • Just a quickie, Does anybody know of any strong German SEO agencies? Many Thanks Sean

    On-Page Optimization | | Yozzer

  • I wanted to put a call to action in my internal profiles, but I'm not able to get out of the classic "check out" and "learn more" links. Right now the best copy I've been able to come up with is: <nickname>is using StyleJam for his web design portfolio - check out the benefits </nickname> Where "check out the benefits" is a link to my home page. I wanted to understand first of all how important this is, and second what techniques you use for internal calls to action. TIA.

    Link Building | | ngw

  • Hi. We're working on at the moment, and I was wondering what's everyone's opinion on footer links. There's quite a lot on the page, and I was wondering if there might be a few too many. If so, what would be the best plan of action? Remove them altogether, stick them in an iframe or in a bit of JS so they can't be crawled? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • Hi, I'm scratching my head over how to best implement the "metered model" on a site without users being able to game it all too easily. Has anybody in this QA forums implemented one before and is willing to share his/her best practises and findings? Currently I think raising the bar to force everybody to login is a bad idea + we would still need to open the site for google and other engines and can be tricked that way. Also this might lead to some penalty (cloaking)? Using cookies might not be enought as I think almost every Internet user these days knows that this might be the #1 place to look and they are deleted in a second. Counting based on a users IP-adress is also a bit critical as this is not accurate enough. Should we just use cookies and hope for the best?

    Content Development | | jmueller

  • Hi everyone, I just want to check something. If you have this entered into your robots.txt file: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /fred/ This wouldn't block /fred-review/ from being crawled would it? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • I'm not a programmer and our 200+ person company isn't going to change their CMS just because I asked them nicely. Do you know of any SEO plugin I can use on SharePoint 2007? I just don't want to have to keep going into each of 110 websites time after time.

    Web Design | | DaveGerecht

  • I'm currently evaluating our navigation in the course of a site relaunch. From reading a number of articles and posts on seoMOZ, here are the elements I've found important to consider: Use CSS (not Javascript) for the primary drop-down navigation menu Get rid of two design elements from our earlier days:  The 30 something site-wide category links in the footer, and many no-followed internal links (in an attempt to sculpt PR) Keep all pages within 3 clicks of the homepage, and have ample cross-links within internal pages. The one major problem I'm facing is how to balance UX and SEO in the primary navigation bar. To illustrate, let's assume I sell Tennis equipment.  If one of the top-level categories on my navigation bar was "Rackets", if I was designing purely with SEO in mind the category names would be: Tennis Rackets -> Wilson Tennis Rackets Head Tennis Rackets Prince Tennis Rackets the full, three word anchor text will be most specific and valuable to pass reputation to the category pages.  However, from a UX perspective, writing "Tennis Rackets" after each category is unnecessary, and it would look MUCH cleaner to instead have: Tennis Rackets -> Wilson Head Prince ....but this would obviously be less beneficial from a SEO standpoint for each individual, manufacturer racquet page as the entire search term ("Wilson Tennis Rackets") is not in the anchor text.  As these links will be on every page of the site, I'm struggling with which to choose - clean navigation or improved SEO. My Questions:  I would love to hear the communities thoughts on how to weigh the balance of these two - clean UX navigation vs. SEO-rich specific anchor text - in navigation.  Also, I'd appreciate hearing if any of my original 3 assumptions for the re-design are off-base or incorrect. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndrewY

  • I have 2 eCommerce sites and question the value of trust symbols such as McAfee & BBB – Would the addition benefit me in rankings or conversions?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | b4tv

  • Hi Mozzers, Has anyone noticed a Google update on the 6th July? A price comparison site I optimise has fallen off the SERPs for most generic terms, however still getting traffic for longer tail phrases. Cheers Aran

    Algorithm Updates | | Entrusteddev

  • We have a blog set up with Blogger and generate some great content on it. What is the best way to optimise the blog from an SEO standpoint? In particular the domain name, it is currently address, is there a better way to work with that? Obviously the blog is branded with our company logo and name etc but is about the book industry. I'm basically concerned about linking people to our blog and not the website and so not getting much benefit?

    Content Development | | Benj25

  • I wasn't sure whether to classify this as a discussion or a question.  I'd love "the right answer" but I'm not sure if we're going to get one... Let's try. When you use the Adwords Keyword Tool for doing keyword research, do you use the numbers from "broad match" or "exact match" when comparing relative search volume of keywords?  (And yes, I know the numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt, but when it comes down to it, you're using the numbers to compare and come to conclusions regarding the best keyword to use - so which match type gives you the data you're looking for?) To be a little more specific - when you select "exact match" for, let's say the keyword "baking supplies", is that telling you how many people searched for that phrase within quotes <"baking supplies">, or how many people searched for only <baking supplies="">, as opposed to that word within a phrase <baking supplies="" stores="">or with the words reversed <supplies baking="">?</supplies></baking></baking> Based on some keyword research we had done a year ago where any phrase reversals like <water bottles="">and <bottles water="">were coming out with the exact same numbers, even when it wasn't so intuitive that there would be the same search volume, we came to the conclusion - with the tentative suggestion of the SEOMoz staff on the old Q & A - that broad match would include all instances of the keywords in reverse order, so if you wanted to know how many people were searching for <water bottles="">only, you needed to use exact match.  </water></bottles></water> That's what we did for about a year (I also think I saw Rand mention that somewhere in a presentation slide recently, although I could be mistaken and I don't recall exactly where it was to check it up) and then based on a recent forum discussion I had where someone was questioning that premise, I did another check with two KW reversals and while <water bottles="">and <bottles water="">still give the same number, <baking supplies="">and <supplies baking="">do not.  </supplies></baking></bottles></water> So I'm left with a big question here as to what the best policy is.  Google Adwords Help is very vague on what the match type means in the tool (it seems to be talking about only your settings for your campaigns).  So - any input after this long saga? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | debi_zyx

  • Are the results provided by + keyword a good indicator of the quality of certain pages? For example, should the first result be more relevant, have a higher number of links, etc than the second result?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I have a question regarding keyword selection and the difficulty score. I get the idea that you need to temper your desire to go after keyword phrases that generate lots of traffic with the reality of competition for that keyword, which is conveyed by the difficulty score. But how do we know when the difficulty score is too high? And isn't this relative to a website? If my website is in the top 1% of traffic, can't I go after more difficult keywords than if my traffic is in the top 10%? Are there guidelines or best practices to help with this decision? How do I know whether my website is "strong" enough to compete for a keyword that has a high difficulty score. If we already rank on page one of Google for numerous keywords with difficulty scores of 50 or so, is that an indicator that we can try to rank for other keywords with a difficulty score of 50? When do we know that we can start trying to rank for more diffcult keywords?

    Moz Pro | | espressob2b

  • Hello~ People! I have a questions regarding eTag. I know Google support If-Modified-HTTP-Header aka last modified header. I used eTag instead of last modified header. It seems like Google does support, yet here is my questions. suggest as following. GData-Version: 2.0
    ETag: "C0QBRXcycSp7ImA9WxRVFUk." but I used etag as following . ETag: "10cd712-eaae-b279a480" I didnt include "GData-Version: 2.0". is this mean Google may not support my etag?

    Technical SEO | | Artience

  • So I just read an SEOMoz post about the great SEO benefits of Question and Answer sites (or sections of sites) - much like the Q&A section I'm in right now. 🙂 I did some googling and haven't really found a good software for implementing (installing, skinning, integrating, etc.) a Q&A section on my website. There are a few out there, but they are pretty basic, nothing like this site or Yahoo Answers. Anyone know of good software (i'm on a PHP server) to implement Q&A on my site? Something that has the look and feel of this site or, etc.? Thanks for the help!

    Moz Pro | | mynewco

  • Could you help me understand how blogs affect seo and how this works specifically when a blog is located within a site? Thank you!

    Content Development | | derrickkuhn

  • So I recently had a site added to and I'm wondering if anyone knows when Google Directory & update their site with new data? They both use for their directory listings. Regards,

    Link Building | | qlkasdjfw

  • Will it hurt me if i redirect a few hundred old pages to my home page? I currently have a mess on my hands with many 404's showing up after moving my site to a new ecommerce server. We have been at the new server for 2 years but still have 337 404s showing up in google webmaster tools. I don't think it would affect users as very few people woudl find those old links but I don't want to mess with google. Also, how much are those 404s hurting my rank?

    Technical SEO | | bhsiao

  • Say you've got 5,000 articles. Each of these are from 2-3 generations of taxonomy. For example: None of the articles were SUPER popular as is, but they still bring in a bit of residual traffic combined. Few thousand or so a day. You're switching to a brand new platform. Awesome new structure, taxonomy, etc. The real deal. But, historically, you don't have the old taxonomy functions. The articles above, if created today, file under This is the way it is from here on out. But what to do with the historical files? keep the original URL structure, in the new system. Readers might be confused if they try to reach, but at least you retain all SEO weight and these articles are all older anyways. Who cares? Grab some lunch. change the urls to /hardware/, and redirect everything the right way. Lose some rank maybe, but its a smooth operation, nice and neat. Grab some dinner. change the urls to /hardware/ DONT redirect, surprise Google with 5k articles about old computer hardware. Magical traffic splurge, go skydiving. Panic, cry into your pillow. Get job signing receipts at CostCo Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EricPacifico

  • We have a site that consists almost entirely as a directory of videos. Example here: We're trying to figure out the best way to handle pagination and utility features such as sort for most recent, most viewed, etc.  We've been reading countless articles on this topic, but so far have been unable to determine what might be considered the industry standard. Two solutions seem to stand out... Using the canonical url on all the sorted and paginated pages.  However, after reading many blog posts, it seems that you should NEVER use the canonical url to solve the issue of paginated, and thus duplicated content because the search bots will never crawl past the first page leaving many results not in the index.  (We are considering ruling this method out.) Another solution seems to be using the meta tag for noindex, follow so that a search engine like Google will crawl your directory pages but not add them to the index themselves.  All links are followed so content is crawled and any passing link juice remains unchanged.  However, I did see a few articles skeptical of this solution as well saying that there are always better alternatives, or that there is no verification that search engines obey this meta tag.  This has placed some doubt in our minds. I was hoping to get some expert advice on these methods as it would pertain to our site. Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | grayloon

  • What portion of online sales are generated via organic results as opposed to other means? I am wondering if there are any stats as far as what portion of sales we should be looking to get from ppc, affiliates, email marketing etc. Thanks

    Affiliate Marketing | | inhouseseo

  • Hi we recently designed our website in work and changed some of the urls. the old site used to be now it's is The problem we are having is with sitelinks (the ones auto generate in the serp) ie: about, contact us, team etc etc. Once cliked on, these OLD links are all going to 404 pages because of the change of url. Help with this would be greatly appreciated - I was thinking of blocking these old sitelinks in google web master.

    Technical SEO | | GlenBOB

  • In this post,, it mentions that UGC content performed well after the Panda. One of Google's 23 questions mentions spelling errors. I am wondering how important it is to ensure there aren't any spelling errors or grammar errors in UGC content post-panda?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hello, I would like to know if there is a tool or a way to find all the backlinks of a website in order to understand how this site does get traffic? Thanks, JD

    Competitive Research | | sarenausa

  • I understand that it is possible to create a 301 redirect for to (as well as subdirectories.)  How is this accomplished?  My hosting company says that setting this up in htaccess will  cause "Apache to geti into an infinite loop and the page won’t load."  I have read on the forum that this is possible.  Any help would be greatly appreaciated. THanks. Perri

    On-Page Optimization | | PerriCline

  • Hi SEOMoz I have a listings site. In a part of the page, I have 3 comboboxes, for state, county and city. On the change event, the javascript redirects the user to the page of the selected location. Parameters are passed via GET, and my URL is rewrited via htaccess. Example: http:/// The problem is, there is A LOT(more than 10k) of 404 errors. It is happenning because the crawler is trying to index the pages, sometimes WITHOUT a parameter, like http:/// I don't know how to stop it, and I don't wanna remove it, once it's very clicked by the users. What should I do?

    Technical SEO | | elias99

  • My PageRank has been penalized by Google - dropping from PR3 to PR2. I've done some research online and I see that the PR changed on June 27. How can I find out if my site is being penalized - and what can I do about it? I am improving my site internally as much as I can - will these factors help improve my PR directly, or is this a metric solely dependent on inbound links?

    Industry News | | deuce1s

  • If your primary target of business is not in China is their any benefit to blocking Chinese search robots in robots.txt?

    Technical SEO | | Romancing

  • I have almost lost my patience in trying to find a web developer for our project.  I have searched high and low from freelancers to us based firms.  All I can find; freelancers that can't get the job done, but promise they can and us based firms that are currently getting away with murder charging through the nose on work that is not acceptable to say the least. US based Firms 1. Seem to give you as little work as possible to increase their margin.  I get it we all need to make money. 2. Everyone knows how to do everything until you start telling them that you have a little education in the industry and will be testing their work.  All of the sudden they no longer talk to you. 3. Got a few recommendations and they are all subpar performers.   After asking them why their builds load so slow or have so many errors they have excuses that point to the customer Freelancers over seas. 1. I am not sure where to start with this.  I have searched high and low in freelancer for someone that I can trust to build a site.  Of course there is a ton of junk to look through.  After countless hours of narrowing down the individuals I am thinking of giving a shot I find that they are not capable of the job. All I want is a new website from a firm that is honest and knows what they are doing.  That is educated in seo best practices.  That can build a quality website and actually has references of sites they built that are still up and running and test out alright. It is pretty bad when web development companies miss simple items like h tags.  Really? Does anyone know of someone that knows what they are doing?  That can work with someone that knows how to run a dvd player.  Just disappointing to see all these web companies and freelancers that get away with murder. Who earns their keep in this industry?!?!?!?

    Web Design | | forecastedinvestments

  • Hi everyone, I'm reading everywhere about the Facebook 'Share' being more powerful than the Facebook 'Like'. Just yesterday, there's a post on the SEOmoz blog about Facebook Shares But I thought the Share button was replaced by the Like button? All references to the Share button now point you to Facebook's Like button developer page. So if we want more SEO value, where can we get the Share button from? Or do we have to make do with the Like button from now on?

    Social Media | | heatherrobinson

  • We are getting ready to move our e-commerce platform from Zencart to Magento as the original Zencart framework is pretty dated.   while I'm excited to move to a more modern platform, I'm terrified at the potential SEO risk involved with doing so given that all URLs will likely be different and we're considering updating many product listings.  Almost all of the site's traffic is organic, so maintaining rankings is extremely important. I'd love any advice, but especially that related to: Best way to redirect all new URLs sitewide The prudence of heavily editing product listings at the same time of redirecting the URL (i.e. updating product descriptions) Site structure:  Should I strive to keep the new site link structure as similar to the old as possible? Resources or guides on transitioning a site from a SEO perspective Other major facets I'm missing I appreciate any help or sights you can offer!   Thank you....

    Web Design | | AndrewY

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