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  • I have decided to approach all my suppliers and ask them for a link. If their site has a lower PR/DA than mine (PR4, DA43) is is it still worth asking them from a link, given the time that needs to be invested in this type of link building?

    Link Building | | Tman3

  • Anyone have any estimate of how many Page Rank 8 sites are out there? Best, Steve

    Competitive Research | | Aggie

  • We have a website where the ecommerce will not allow us to host blog. So we created our own manual blog page setup. Will this flag duplicate content on Google? and have same content. How come on a word press the same content on and does not flag duplicate content?

    Content Development | | VizionSEO99

  • I noticed that one of the pages on my root domain has a #5 rank for a keyword, yet the ranking report says that there are no results in the top 50. So I am assuming it is only tracking the home page. That is one thing I liked about the Rank Tracker, that it would find any page that was ranking on a root domain. Thanks, Lara

    Moz Pro | | larahill

  • Ladies n gents Which sort of URLs do you suggest for Webshops with a deep structure of categories: (could get really long) or better use just the last 2 categories: ? thanks for your suggestions seth

    Technical SEO | | sethgecko

  • Hi there, It seems I have lost all the ranking history on all my keywords. I have only checked two campaigns - and and none of the keyword show any historical movement any more, something I found very useful. Please let me know if this is just a glitch or if something has really stopped working as my account has been up and running for quite some time now. Many thanks, Julian

    Moz Pro | | Kate1982

  • Our  Challenge: Our corporate site receives about 20,000 visits per week. Unfortunately, nearly half of those visitors are "looking" for a link we provide in our navigation link found on our homepage that takes them to our “Employee" focused site which resides on a separate TLD. Because so much of the traffic to our corporate site lands on our homepage only as a stepping stone en route to the "Employee" site, the bounce rate, time on site and Average page views for our corporate site are all negatively impacted. Meanwhile, the "Employee" site gets more than 100,000 visits per month and enjoys enviable metrics- low bounce rate, high average page views and average time on site. Our Goal: minimize or eliminate the negative impact of so many visitors using our corporate site as a stepping stone to reach the employee site. leverage the traffic volume and positive metrics enjoyed by the employee site to improve the search engine authority of our corporate site. Our Solution: Move the "Employee" site to a subfolder of our corporate site – for example Install Google Analytics on all pages within the subfolder Provide a 301 redirect from old "Employee" domain to new employee subfolder The expected result is an increase in overall corporate site traffic, more page views, higher time on site, and lower overall bounce rate from merging these two website properties. Our Need: After comparing the subfolder option to subdomain approach, we feel that the proposed solution is our best course of action and are looking for validation or an alternate recommendation.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChrisMakara

  • Hello, i'm looking for widget SEO friendly. Do you have any examples ? Thanks for answering. A.

    Link Building | | android_lyon

  • Hi All, Question for you Google Analytics pros. In the keywords section of my account I see the various words that have been used to find my site.  The top entry shows a big long line of text from my site and I wondered why this appears on the keywords. e.g  Lets say I had "Today I went to the shops and bought a football" In the keywords I would normally expect to see 'football', 'shops' etc but instead I am actually seeing things like " went to the shops and bought a football". What causing this? Thanks all

    Keyword Research | | wedmonds

  • I was hoping to put a report together chronicling my SEO performance over the last 2 months and couldn't find a place to see prior information.

    Reporting & Analytics | | AppNeta

  • Hey guys, My background is more in marketing aspect of SEO and I'm afraid my technical knowledge is not where it should be. I'm confused about how to find out whether a site is splitting link juice by having to many domains(?) that are not redirected properly.  Am I asking that right?  How do you figure that out?  And, once you know, do you just go to the ones that are not redirecting and add a 301?  Where is the best place to add a 301? I know there's a difference in the eyes of the search engines between, say, and and probably other forms, correct? I'm not a programmer or IT specialist, I'm a marketing consultant, but I feel like I'm really missing it when it comes to understanding all this stuff (looking at HTTP headers, using GWT, reading source code, etc) and am not sure the best way to learn it effectively so I can be sure I'm not missing something when consulting with clients. Help? Please? Thanks, David

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidPPeters

  • Hi guys, Quick question regarding the rel canonical tag. I have lots of links pointing at me with query strings and previously used some code to determine if query strings were in the URL and if they were then not to index that page. If there weren't query strings then the page would be indexed and followed. I assume I can now use the rel canonical tag on each of these pages so the value goes to the proper URL minus any query string. However do I need to have the rel canonical tag above the index, follow tag on the page? So URL is meta robots is "index, follow" Rel canonical is "" Does the order of the meta robots and canonical tag matter? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | panini

  • Hi guys, I have an ecommerce client I'm working with (they are a tour operator). The client has multiple variations of very very similar tours which has created a keyword cannibalisation issue. I've read this blog from Rand on the issue, and I understand that I need to use internal links to show the bots which page I want to rank for which term. Problem is, I cant use exact match anchor text as it wouldn't adequately describe the tour from a user's perspective. eg I want a single page to rank for 'Los Angeles Tour' however, because the tour also takes in san francisco, I cant use the exact match anchor text 'Los Angeles Tour' because it doesn't give users a realistic indication of the page that they are going to. My solution... Is to use the internal linking structure eg 'San Francisco & Los Angeles Tour', This has the keyword phrase I want to optimise for within the anchor text. Does this have the same effect as using the exact match anchor text? I cant really see any other solution, so I'm guessing that s the right course of action Your thoughts would be much appreciated

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jamesjackson

  • Hello, anyone have current data, how many new visitors in average drive nowadays search engines? My source of Peter Kent´s book SEO for Dummies from 2006, says around about 50% in the USA. I guess nowadays the percentage is much less, because of the social media? Have anyone data to split this in organic and paid search driven visits also? Do you know also how many new visitors in average drive nowadays social media like Facebook, Twitter & Co ? Thanks,

    Algorithm Updates | | Braumueller

  • Hello all. Currently doing a major update to my e-commerce website which sells tractor spare parts. I would like to optimize the category pages, which feature the parts from a particular manufacture of tractor parts. Does anyone have good examples of well optimized product page which do not have a detrimental effect on the visual quality of the site?  It is important to see the products. The best I have found is: but I sure a better solution must exist Thanks David

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidLenehan

  • When using the SEO tool: We can see the top 10 competition on a lot of parameters but i think you are missing the research on PAGE TEXT CONTENT. What do you say ?

    Competitive Research | | idoravivo

  • If you were to prioritize how to fix a site, would you focus on traffic or quantity of urls? So for example, if 10% of a site had thin content, but accounted for 50% of the traffic and 50% of the site had a different type of thin content but only accounted for 5% of organic traffic, which would you work on first? I realize both need to be fixed, but am unsure of which to tackle first (this is an extremely large site). Also, I am wondering if the simply the presence of thin content on a domain can affect a site even if it isn't receiving any traffic.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • When setting up pagination, what should we limit the page size to? When will a searchbot stop crawling a particular page?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • How to do when all of our keywords are highly competitive ( more than 60% seomoz tool ), and the monthly searchs are very few. One example: flv converter - 63% - 18k search/month Is there any advice? For US, all the keywords are very competitive....

    Competitive Research | | augustos

  • Hey Seomoz'ers, What would you recommend to use as plugins for wordpress when starting a new blog?

    Technical SEO | | asimahme

  • Hi There, We are an online retailer with four (and soon to be five) distinct geographic target markets (we have physical operations in both the UK and New Zealand). We currently target these markets like this: United Kingdom ( New Zealand ( Australia ( - using a google web master tools geo targeted folder United States ( - using google web master tools geo targeted domain Germany ( - in german and yet to be launched as full site We have various issues we want to address. The key one is this: our website was adversely affected by the panda update on April 12. We had some external seo firms work on this site for us and unfortunately the links they gained for us were very low quality, from sometimes spammy sites and also "keyword" packed with very littlle anchor text variation. Our other websites (the and .com) moved up after the updates so I can only assume our external seo consultants were responsible for this. I have since managed to get them to remove around 70% of these links and we have bought all seo efforts back in house again. I have also worked to improve the quality of our content on this site and I have 404'ed the six worst affected pages (the ones that had far too many single phrase anchor text links coming into them). We have however not budged much in our rankings (we have made some small gains but not a lot). Our other weakness's are not the fastest page load times and some "thin" content. We are on the cusp (around 4 weeks away) of deploying a brand new platform using MVP with N2 and this looks like it will address our page load speed issues. We also have been working hard on our content building and I believe we will address that as well with this release. Sorry for the long build up, however I felt some background was needed to get to my questions. My questions are: Do you think we are best to proceed with trying to get our website out of the panda trap or should we consider deploying a new version of the site on (geo targeted to the UK)? If we are to do this should we do the same for New Zealand and Germany and redirect the existing domains to the new geo targeted folders? If we do this should we redirect the pages to the new pages or will this simply pass on the panda "penalty". Will this model build stronger authority on the .com domain that benefit all of the geo targeted sub folders or does it not work this way? Finally can we deploy the same pages and content on the different geo targeted sub folders (with some subtle regional variations of spelling and language) or will this result in a duplicate content penalty? Thank you very much in advance to all of you and I apologise for the length and complexity of the question. Kind Regards
    Conrad Cranfield
    Founder: Nature Shop Ltd

    International SEO | | ConradC

  • I have had some success these days with a couple of badges I have created. It wasn't too difficult for the efforts to result in a bunch of links as they where on topics people are very passionate about. My question is how do people usually keep track of what websites their badges end up on besides watching for analytics visits? There has to be an easier way to know who has used your badge on their website?

    Reporting & Analytics | | connectiveWeb

  • How is this site pulling this off? I have seen other sites get placed in the google directory before, but for some reason this site is managing to get backlinks from every different countries google directory!!links

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • G'Day All, Almost all of my clients are geo-based small service-based businesses. I've noticed during my research that the google places for our competitors in 3 separate niches (3 different clients) seem to be the dominating results for almost all relevant keyword terms. I'm curious to see if anyone has actively tried to increase the ranking of a google place by building links into it. Is this something that anyone else sees value to for a local small business? I would love to get some thoughts. And for that matter I'm also curious to see if anyone thinks there might be value to optimizing a Facebook Fan Page or Yelp Business page. They all seem to be key drivers of traffic our client websites so I'm wondering how difficult it is to make them rank as opposed to a website. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | blahblahblah2015

  • I have three new sites all hosted on the same server in the same public html folder and each site is in a different folder inside the public html folder.  These sites are a listing of live music venues in different cities in Texas.  Should I link these sites together to increase page rank to each other and also put key search phrases in the anchor text and place these links in the text in the center of each page of each site to make the links more effective? Also, because the sites are about a year old they don't have many inlinks yet.  If i submit them to about 50 directories will Google not like this because there are way more directory links than natural links?  I've been told that it is trouble to have more than about 50% directory links compared to natural links. Thanks in advance for your answers! Take care,

    Link Building | | Ron10

  • When trying to decide what is low quality content, page views & bounce rate are the main indicators I use for pages already on site. But, how do you measure the quality of content that you are trying to produce? Is it entirely subjective?

    Content Development | | nicole.healthline

  • Okay, I've heard a lot about listing and how it should be on our list. So I dig down to my category, and according to seotoolbar, page does NOT show a google cache date. Well, wouldn't that be a wast of $150? Also, I think I'm in the wrong business. I'm seeing these HUGE fees for seo and link building services. Even just consulting is outrageously high. There has got to be an option for us little guys, but obviously professionals in the seo market are making a ton of money.

    Link Building | | azguy

  • Hello, A few days ago i imported my product list into Google Shopping and everything got accepted, but when i look in Google Shopping for my product. It's on page 3, how can i get my product higher in Google shopping? I assume this thing is different from just normal SEO? Regards, Yannick

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | iwebdevnl

  • Hi All (this is my first Q, so I hope it is a reasonable one!). Ive just started looking into Micro Formats and, so far my understanding of them is a little bit limited. So.... 1. Is there SEO benefit in using these? 
    2. What is an appropriate use for them? Our website has a reasonable business directory on it (which is there for SEO purposes ultimately) - so am I correct in thinking that it would be prudent to use Micro Formats for all their contact details etc? I guess Im just not 100% sure on how and when to use them.. and what the real benefit is. But, I would love to know.. 🙂 Thanks heaps!

    On-Page Optimization | | blitzna10

  • I'd appreciate peoples' views on the following please. We have been approached by a client whose website does not rank # 1 for their own distinctive brand name due to this position being taken by a site they had developed for them by an affiliate some years back. The affiliate's site is clearly seen by Google as the definitive site for the brand - being older, having more links & in both Yahoo & DMOZ. The relationship has soured with the affiliate & the client wants to take control of the affiliate site & have it 301 redirect to the 'real' brand site. The affiliate won't cooperate (funny that). However whilst the client doesn't have control over the affiliate's website, they do own the domain. Given this, it seems that an option is to temporarily create a 1 page website on another server, change the affiliate website domain DNS settings to point to this, & in turn have that 301 re-direct to the client's website. This is a bit of a round about approach, but necessary because the affiliate won't directly 301 the site they control - despite the client owning it. (As I say the relationship has soured). If you think there's a better alternative approach to this problem (aside from litigation),  I'd appreciate hearing it please. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | SureFire

  • If I were to receive a follow link from a blogger with DA 40 PA 40 today, relevant anchor text linking to correct page, etc., how long do you consider it takes until maximum SEO effect is achieved? Thanks

    Link Building | | seanmccauley

  • What are the best ways to find exact topics to write about? Tools? Forums? Any suggestions are welcome!

    Link Building | | nicole.healthline

  • We added the nonidex, follow tag to our site about a week ago on several hundred URLs, and they are still in Google's index. I know de-indexing takes time, but I am wondering if having those URLs in the index will continue to "pandalize" the site. Would it be better to use the URL removal request? Or, should we just wait for the noindex tags to remove the URLs from the index?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I am starting a travel blog and thought of the idea of hosting all the content images over at Flickr and just calling them into my blog content when needed. Benefits: push traffic over to my Flickr account pull traffic from Flickr to my blog However, I was just wondering about any SEO implications of having 3-4 links per post pointing to Flickr. Is this spammy? Will I lose my juice? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | DigitalLeaf

  • Hello, I would like to hear your strange/unusual/funny ideas for link building campaigns for a website targeted in the short term lending industry. It doesn't matter how easy/complicated it is to apply them, but the more realistic the better. Please don't post anything that was covered in detail somewhere else or something that does not have at least a small/tiny level of realism. An example: Extract the funniest/smart quotations related to money. Create an article where you explain that "even if you are in the short term loan industry" you care about your customers and you want them to educate them so in the future they can avoid getting in a situation when they have very few alternatives.

    Link Building | | zoicaremus

  • I need to get high quality do-follow links and my target market/keyword is ‘Maui wedding’ and a few others. Because it is such a competitive market I am having a hard time getting links from local companies providing Maui Weddings (I know why because they are my competitors) and national companies sites aren't much help because they are trying to provide leads to their advertisers. I would like do-follow links from non-paid sources any ideas or resources you could help with would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

    Link Building | | photoseo1

  • Hi everyone, Under the "On-Page" tab which shows your report cards, is there a way of getting it to grade your entire site? One of my site's is only ~20 pages so it's no big deal to manually enter each URL and set each one to update weekly. But what if I have a site that has ~1,000 pages and I want to optimise each and every page for my main keyword using the report cards feature? Thanks in advance! 🙂 Ash

    Moz Pro | | AshSEO2011

  • We carry two brands, Buick & GMC. All of the most trafficked keywords that I'm finding in my research are structured like this: buick denver buick service gmc denver gmc service How should I approach this situation so that I'm optimizing for both brands?

    Keyword Research | | kylesuss

  • Hello everyone, Is there a way to dismiss some errors in the Crawl Diagnostics tool so they don't appear again? It happens so that some of the errors are never going to be fixed because of their nature. For example, 'Title too long' errors that point to some of the threads on my forum - it doesn't make sense to change the title of a thread posted by user just for the sake of the error disappearing from the 'Crawl Diagnostics' tool. 🙂 Otherwise the CD interface gets a little bit cluttered with errors which I will never fix anyway. I wonder how others deal with this problem. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | MaratM

  • Hi, A clients site has significant amounts of original content that has blatantly been copied and pasted in various other competitor and article sites. I'm working with the client to rejig lots of this content and to publish new content. What steps would you recommend to undertake when the new, updated site is launched to ensure Google clearly attributes the content to the clients site first? One thing I will be doing is submitting a new xml + html sitemap. Thankyou

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Qasim_IMG

  • Hello fellow SEO's, I'm working with a new client who owns a property related website in the UK.
    Recently (May onwards) they have experienced significant drops in nearly all non domain/brand related rankings. From page 1 to +5 or worse. Please see the attached webmaster tools traffic graph.
    The 13th of June seemed to have the biggest drop (UK Panda update???) When we copy and paste individual +20 word sentences from within top level content Google does bring up exact results, the content is indexed but the clients site nearly always appears at the bottom of SERP's. Even very new or small, 3-4 page domains that have clearly all copied all of their content are out ranking the original content on the clients site. As I'm sure know, this is very annoying for the client! And this even happens when Google’s cache date (that appears next to the results) for the clients content is clearly older then the other results! The only major activity was the client utilising Google optimiser which redirects traffic to various test pages. These tests finished in June. Details about the clients website: Domain has been around for 4+ years The website doesn't have a huge amount of content, around 40 pages. I would consider 50% original, 20% thin and 30% duplicate (working on fixing this) There haven’t been any signicant sitewide or page changes. Webmaster tools show nothing abnormal or any errors messages (some duplicate meta/title tags that are being fixed) All the pages of the site are indexed by Google Domain/page authority is above average for the niche (around 45 in for the domain in OSE) There are no ads of any kind on the site There are no special scripts or anything fancy that could cause problems I can't seem to figure it out, I know the site can be improved but such a severe drop where even very weak domains are out ranking suggests a penalty of some sort? Can anyone help me out here? hxuSn.jpg

    Algorithm Updates | | Qasim_IMG

  • Anyone know whats happening with the Bing Sitemap submissions and the Pending status?  Mine has been pending for over a week now.

    Technical SEO | | findachristianjob

  • Does anyone presently use this tool as a regular part of their SEO analysis? Does anyone have any updates regarding this tool? It is still in the lab despite no updates for over 6 months. Is it being retired? Or promoted to production? If you do use the tool, what % of relevance is your goal when optimizing pages?

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • We have two (and soon to be more) international websites, all in English. The sites in question are and Obviously content is similar as we're providing a similar service but from different locations and different prices. What is best practice here? Should we completely re-write the content (this is the newer site) so it isn't penalized for scraping? Any hints/tips would be appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | mdrussell

  • If for example on a discussion forum, what would be the best way to stop pages such as the posting page (where a user posts a topic or message) from being indexed AND not diluting PageRank too? If we added them to the Disallow on robots.txt, would pagerank still flow through the links to those blocked pages or would it stay concentrated on the linking page? Your ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • I have just compared my domain authority with competitors and I can see that they are outscoring me on links from YouTube etc. Even though I have same set-up with regard YouTube and Squidoo etc and am also featured on Dmoz... these are not being added to my domain authority. Any ideas?

    Competitive Research | | manedog

  • I have seen other sites showing up in OSE with backlinks from both DMOZ and Google Directory.  We are in DMOZ, and our backling is showing for that in OSE, but i don't understand how to get added to the Google directory?  When i go to the appropriate category, and click "submit link" it just takes me back to DMOZ! Is there something i'm doing wrong here? This is the page we are on in DMOZ And this is the page i believe we should be on in the google directory As a side note, i would love to hear your opinions if this really even matters? does google really use it's own directory as part of its search algorithm?

    Link Building | | adriandg

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