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  • Hi, Does anyone have data to show that a subfolder is better than a subdomain for a blog? From what I've read, it sounds like both are a viable option but you choose subdomain if you want to build your blog as a distinct entity. Do you get ranked more quickly with a subfolder? Do you see X% more lift? Has anyone tested or seen tests around this subject? Any input is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | sportstvjobs

  • In your opinion, what are the signals Google uses to judge the quality of an article or post? Here are some of my ideas: Reactions: Comment history Sharing (Twitter / FB / Social Bookmarks...etc) Citations / Mentions / Pingbacks Word count Content (Topical and qualitative analytsis, uniqueness) Domain (Qualitative analysis of domain article is published on) Use of images and media Use of references Timeliness (News, current affairs) Presence of date of publishing Spam filters: Anchor text usage Number, type and relation of outgoing links Content (Topical, semantic, qualitative analysis including keyword usage) Author data: Presence of author name Connection / link to author profile (hyperlink, rel tag, meta) Reputation of author (prior content, domains published and reactions) Looking forward to your contributions.

    On-Page Optimization | | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hi Mozzers! Suppose you accept guest posts on your blog about marketing and a guest blogger wants to use the anchor text "outdoor clothing" in their bio. Is there a risk to my blog if I allow off-topic links in guest posts? Is there a risk that Google would consider guest post links as paid and apply a penalty? Thanks!

    Content Development | | Charlessipe

  • Does a nofollow blog link pass any link juice back to the site the link is pointing to?

    Link Building | | azguy

  • There are several of my competitors who have built multiple sites with keywords in their domain names such as,,, get the picture.  (These are just made up examples to illustrate what they are doing) They put unique content on each page and use alias whois using a different credit card to set up each domain to hide the fact from Google that they are the same entity and then link back and forth to each of the domains with appropriate keywords in the anchor text.  They are outranking me on a lot of key search phrases due to the fact that they have the keywords in the domain name. They have no other outside links other than the links from the domains that they own.   Is this a good idea?  is it black hat?  are they going to get slapped if someone reports them as a link farm?  It's frustrating for me staying white hat and getting legitimate links and then these competitors come in and out rank me after only a few months with this scheme.  Is this a common practice to rank highly for certain key phrases? Thanks in advance for your opinions! Ron10

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Ron10

  • Are there current articles that describe the differences in Yahoo/Bing vs Google SERPs? We have solid top 10 rankings in Google for a bunch of competitive keywords but aren't ranking well in Yahoo.

    Technical SEO | | blueroom

  • Hello, Thank you for taking a look at my issue. My site: A month ago, I switched from Wordpress to ExpressionEngine. The reason being I wanted a more powerful membership functionality with media uploading. After I switched, my traffic basically dropped in half. I was averaging around 4-6,000 unique visitors per day and now I am at about 2,000 per day. I resubmitted a new sitemap to Google webmasters. I also set up 301 redirects on my top 80 urls that were ranking well and driving traffic in Google. Not only did Google kick me off of my top spots in the SERP's, but I no longer get indexed as quickly as I used to. With the old Wordpress site I would get url's indexed within minutes. Now they aren't even getting indexed really at all. Is this a normal occurrence when switching site designs and systems? Do you think Google will just take a little time before they give me back some respect? Is there anything I should be doing to get back to ranking and getting indexed faster? Thanks for any help or any insight you may have. Jesse

    Web Design | | getrightmusic

  • With the latest Google updates in both cracking down on useless pages and concentrating on high quality content, would it be beneficial to include user posted comments on the same page as the content or a separate page? Having a separate page with enough comments on it would he worth warranting, especially as extra pages add extra pagerank but would it be better to include them with the original article/post? Your ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Peter264

  • I have a Driving School website The site is structured geographically with 36 area pages, one
    page per area post code and one page per Driving Instructor. I am trying to develop links and have found a site (da91 pa
    63) where I can create area links to each of my area pages if I
    wish. Is it best to just create one link to the root page or
    should I create 36 individual links to each area page? - which is most valuable?

    Link Building | | Brian_Worger

  • I have a website that I'm working with that has had the misfortune of gaining rankings/traffic on Google, then having the rankings/traffic removed...3 times! (Very little was changed on the site to gain or lose "favor" with Google, either.) Notes: Site is a mixture of high quality original content and duplicate content (vacation rental listings) When traffic crashes, we lose nearly all rankings and traffic (90+%) When traffic crashes, we lose all rankings sitewide, including those gained by our high quality, unique pages None of the "crash" dates appear to coincide with any Panda update dates We are working on adding unique content to our pages with duplicate content, but it's a long process and so far doesn't seem to have made any difference I'm confounded why Google keeps "changing its mind" about our site We have an XML sitemap, and Google keeps our site indexed pretty well, even when we lose our rankings Due to the drastic and sitewide loss of rankings, I'm assuming we are dealing with some sort of algorithmic penalty Timeline: Traffic steadily grows starting in Jan 2011 Traffic crashes on Feb 19, 2011. We assumed it was due to a pre-panda anti-scraper update, but don't know. Google sends traffic to our site on March 1, then none the next day On June 16th, I block part of the site using robots.txt (most of the section wasn't indexed anyway) On June 17th, Google starts ranking our site again. I thought it might be due to the robots.txt change, but I had just made the change a few hours ago, and Google wasn't even indexing the part of the site I blocked Traffic/rankings crash again on July 6th. No theory why. Site URL: Traffic Stats: Attached I know that we need more backlinks and less duplicate content, but I can't explain why our Google rankings are "on again, off again". I have never seen a site gain and lose all of its rankings/traffic so drastically multiple times, for no apparent reason. Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome. Thanks! t8IqB

    Algorithm Updates | | AdamThompson

  • Want to hear your opinions, let me know what do you like.

    Paid Search Marketing | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • The UK is now requiring that websites, targeting UK visitors and/or hosted in the UK, to provide an "opt-in" option for cookie tracking.   While I don't target UK audiences, I do foresee this potentially being an issue for US business.   Anyone have any suggestions as to how web publishers, in the UK, will easily implement this change will not impacting their targeted advertising revenue?

    Search Behavior | | ChristineCadena

  • I have a google places listing that was doing great and was consantly on the top 3 for most of it's keywords. About 3 weeks ago google declined my listing (it was on the same account with other listings that violated google guidelines). The listing still showed up on google while it being reviewed (i assumed that it because this listing didn't violate an guideline.) About a week ago google started showing reviews from Insiderpages with my listing that belonged to a competitor. Today, they fixed that and added a link to my right insiderpages page but weird things started to happen.... My listing started to appear as a NON VERIFIED liting. My website is no longer on the listing. The phone number listed on the listing belong to a competitor!! All the citations are still mine including one from my site! Should i report it to google? i'm hesitating to do so, we are loosing a lot of business as it is with most of our listings down and i'm afraid this might be a small error that if i'll address will take longer to solve. My listing link:,New+York,+NY&cid=14321731230878083852&ei=01AXTum3J4mmsQKl_KxS&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=9&ved=0CJ0BEOIJMAg Thanks!!

    Technical SEO | | atohad

  • If we have two different sub domain pages that talk about the same service but with different content, how will Google react while ranking? Example : Suppose if has good authority, which URL will be more benefited?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | gmk1567

  • So if we have a main category page on our site (mines an ecommerce site), do we go for more than that main keyword phrase for that category of products, or is it better to just keep it by itself, and not utilize the 65-70 characters available?

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • Hi. I am getting error of having duplicate content on my website and pages its showing there are: As my best knowledge it only one page, I know this can be solved with some conical tag used in header, but do not know how. Can anyone please tell me about that code or any other way to get this solved. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinetraffic

  • Hi, spiders crawl some dynamic urls in my website (example: + as different pages, resulting duplicate content of course. What is syntax for disallow these kind of urls in robots.txt? Thanks so much

    On-Page Optimization | | anakyn

  • I've analyzed the link profiles for 12 sites recently. I noticed that none included a link from LinkedIn, though each company had links on LinkedIn (I suspect this is because LinkedIn redirects outbound links). Are links on LinkedIn really good for SEO? (IE DO THEY PASS LINK JUICE !!!!!!!????) SuperStock_1491R-1130365.jpg linkedin.jpg linkedin-243x300.jpg

    Social Media | | glennfriesen

  • Hey guys I have hosting on Host Gator with I believe an apache web server. I need a code to put in the HT ACCESS to redirect all WWW URL's to their corresponding http URL. I haven't been able to get a code to work. For example, -> , without having to redirect hundreds of pages individually Here is the format my server uses in the HT ACCESS file for 301 redirects. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    $RewriteRule ^Electric-Pressure-Cookers.html$ "" [R=301,L] Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DustinX

  • A competitor of ours is having a great deal of success with links from spam blogs (such as: or it is proving to be a nightmare. Google does not detect these (the competitor has been doing well now for over a year) and my boss is starting to think if you can’t beat them, join them. Frankly, he is right – we have built some great links but it is nigh on impossible to beat 400+ highly targeted spam links in a niche market. My question is, has anyone had success in getting this sort of stuff brought to the attention of Google and banned (I actually listed them all in a message in webmaster tools and sent them over to Google over a year ago!). This is frustrating, I do not want to join in this kind of rubbish but it is hard to put a convincing argument against it when our competitor has used the technique successfully for over a year without any penalty. Ideas? Thoughts? All help appreciated

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | RodneyRiley

  • Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a keyword research tool available that breaks down search volumes by region. For example, how many searches there are in London/South East for the keyword "cars". All the tools I have seen only go down to country level. Are there any that go down to region/city level? Thanks for your help. Mik

    Keyword Research | | increation

  • Hi there, after getting hit by the Panda bear (30% loss in traffic) I've been researching ways to get rid of low quality content.  From what I could find the best advise seemed to be a recommendation to use google analytics to find your worst performing pages (go to traffic sources - google organic - view by landing page).  Any page that hasn't been viewed more than 100 times in 18 months should be a candidate for a deletion. Out of over 5000 pages and using this report we identified over 3000 low quality pages which I've begun exporting to excel for further examination. However, starting with the worst pages (according to analytics) I'm noticing some of our most popular pages are showing up here.  For example: /countries/Panama is showing up as zero views but the correct version (with the end slash) countries/Panama/ is showing up as having over 600 views.  I'm not sure how google even found the former version of the link but I'm even less sure how to proceed now (the webmaster was going to put a no-follow on any crap pages but this is now making him nervous about the whole process). Some advise on how to proceed from here would be fantastico and danke <colgroup><col width="493"></colgroup>

    Algorithm Updates | | BrianYork-AIM

  • Hi. Does anybody know where the rankings summary has moved to in the campaign reports? I want to know how many keywords have moved up or down in the last week and can't find it anywhere!

    Moz Pro | | neooptic

  • I am considering putting a block of text on may pages, that initially appears as a snippet with a 'show more' button that expands to show the whole lot. Question: If the search engines can see the whole lot, but the visitor only sees the snippet until they click 'show more' then is this cloaking? Is it a really bad idea? Or can I get away with it because I am not being deceptive just improving the design? Help!

    Technical SEO | | mascotmike

  • We're working on an SEO update for at the moment, and I was wondering if someone could take a quick look at the new robots file ( to make sure we haven't missed anything? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • A robots.txt file is properly implemented on the mobile site to block Googlebot from crawling, yet, when running a site: query for the site in google, it still returns over 104,000 pages from the mobile site in the index. Why could this be happening?

    Technical SEO | | craigsmith333

  • All, My site: shows an average time spent downloading a page of 1,489 (in milliseconds) We've had spikes of well over 3,000 and lows of around 980 (all according to WMT). I understand that this is really slow. Does anyone have some suggestions as to how I could improve load times? Constructive criticism welcomed and encouraged.

    Technical SEO | | JSOC

  • Hi I created a campaign against, and this campaign reports that only one page has been crawled. This site uses a jsvascript redirect to the real page which can be found through the following:!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hQdwtfCydDRwN_Jw9LA0-LAOPQYCdDI_9QY_1wkA6zeAMcwNFA388jPzdVPzi1WL8gO68cANNcdLU!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ Now I also attempted to create a campaign against this page in case that the javascript redirect was breaking things, but that campaign also reported 1 page crawled. Can anyone instruct me as to what I'm doing wrong? Thank you

    Moz Pro | | jcmoreno

  • I have a Driving School website The site is structured geographically with one page per Area
    (post code) and one page per Driving Instructor. There are links from each Area page to the instructors
    working in the Area. The principal search keyword that I want to optimise on is
    "Driving Lessons" The thinking was to target each individual Area page for
    "Driving lessons in xxx" where xxx is the particular geographic area
    and each particular Instructor to "Driving Lessons in yyy" where yyy
    is the main  town . The ideal would be that a search on "Driving
    Lessons" would pick up the root page - search on an area, say "Driving
    Lessons in Croydon" would pick up the Croydon area page and a search on a
    town, say "Driving lessons in Mitcham" would pick up the Instructor
    that covered that town page. However having read Rebeccas Keyword research guide I am
    concerned that this strategy is wrong because of the volume of pages that use
    "Driving Lessons in xxxx". Does this fall foul of "Keyword cannibalization" ?
    and if so what is the best way of being able to achieve our objective?

    Technical SEO | | Brian_Worger

  • Sorry for the, again, basic question - can someone define page level link metrics for me?

    Technical SEO | | Benj25

  • I'm in disagreement with my partner over how best to represent our products' benefits and features on the homepage of our website. I'm interested in this from primarily a SEO perspective but it obviously has an impact on conversions as well. I believe that a homepage shouldn't contain too much information so as not to overwhelm the user, a brief sentence or two about each benefit with a link to another page with in depth info about the related feature. Each of these inner pages would be optimized and contain much more content that you could put on the homepage example below.  Each Please see wireframe A He believes in more information on the homepage. There is more content to index which he believes is important for the homepage. Also, by using tabs most of the content is hidden from initial view so its doesn't clutter the page and the user doesn't have to leave the page to decide whether he is interested in the software. Please see wireframe B below. I'd really love to hear from other Moz'ers which they would choose and why?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Riona

  • Our developers have requested our "Link Share Matrix" - does anyone know what a Link Share Matrix is? Google and the Wiki haven't provided any decent results so I still don't know exactly what it is. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Technical SEO | | Seaward-Group

  • Hey All Has anybody else been getting 404 error page reports in campaigns detailing url with +entrylink+ added to every page on our site. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. This is messing with my OCD like state of having no errors 🙂 Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CPASEO

  • Hello Guys, I want to focus in one keyword for "iphone klingelton" keyword competitive seomoz: 35% We want to pick a domain name exact match: And focus ON-PAGE SEO. U guys have any advice for me to how to improve this page? We have this 2 similar pages: Thanks in advance.

    Keyword Research | | augustos

  • We were ranking no 1 on couple of keywords in our countries local Google Search but from last 3-4 days we have dropped to 2-3 though we havent made any changes. Any suggestion? Google: Keywords: Used Cars Cars for sale

    Keyword Research | | razasaeed

  • Is it possible to add a link to Google +1 on Facebook to encourage people to click it?

    Social Media | | PMC-312087

  • Okay, so let's say I have a landing page or an ecommerce website with limited content. If I start a blog and write quality posts that have anchor text linking back to my homepage, then bookmark the hell out of those blog posts, post to twitter, cite the post on Q&A websites, etc . . .  would that be an effective strategy beyond the normal stuff like directory submisson and blog comments?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanHenry

  • Just wondering if anyone has checked out and what your you guys think about it. Cheers

    Keyword Research | | jheaslip

  • hi, i want to submit sitemap to search engines as many as possible, but i can't find them. anyone can help me?

    Technical SEO | | Litb

  • Using robots.txt to prevent search engine from indexing the page is not a good idea. so what is the sense of robots.txt? just for attracting robots to crawl sitemap?

    Technical SEO | | jallenyang

  • I am looking at updating my WP Permalink structure and wanted to know if I should continue to include the category after my domain as in or maybe and Any help is appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | maximphotostudio

  • In doing competitor link analysis on Open Site Explorer, I've noticed quite a few links coming from the same domain listed separately. This seems to be especially prevalent with Google directory listings. For example, I'll see a link to the site from,,, etc. In some cases, it will be prefixed with an IP address, followed by the subfolder address. Correct me if I am wrong, but these seem to be all counting as separate root domains that are linking to the site. How is this done? Are directory submissions given to each country's google directory? Does an original DMoz listing get re-submitted to all of these? Just looking for some clarification on this and how it's accomplished. Thanks everyone!

    Link Building | | NiallTom

  • From an SEO perspective, how do you know when to upgrade web hosting to VPS or Dedicated Server? Added: We have a Dedicated IP Address and plenty of bandwidth and disk space. We've done a lot of work on page speed. What we don't need is slow-downs due to the sharing space. Our business is seasonal  with much higher traffic for three months of the year. I'm leaning towards moving it up a notch. What is the next level after this? And yes, our web host just confirmed that some of the things I want to implement can't be done because we are on a shared server. He recommended going to Dedicated Hosting. And finally: If we want to be absolutely positive that shared hosting problems won't affect us, and to customize, and also to increase speed, dedicated server seems to be the way to go?

    Technical SEO | | zharriet

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