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  • A site I'm working on resolves on the non www address and has 100+ links pointing at this address, last month it started to rank and had various phases within the top 50, this month it's totally gone from the search results. The www has 5 links. My questions Which is best? Www or non How do you fix it? Any reason why the rankings have disappeared!? It's a word press site = 100+ links = 5 links

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | therealmarkhall

  • Hello friends, We are facing the prospect of switching to a new hosting account or company. We are currently using a third-party reseller account but are outgrowing that account. We are considering VPS and dedicated servers. However, this will mean updates for IPs and nameservers. Does anyone have experience with SEO consequences of making switch? Best practices? Tips? Obstacles? Any and all comments/advice welcome. We're trying to balance the potential SEO ramifications of making the switch with the consequences of reduced site speed.

    Technical SEO | | Gyi

  • Question about landing pages: There are landing pages created just for classified advertising. They are stand alone pages. And, are not linked to website (although one can
    get there via the url) The purpose of these pages is to generate leads. They are keyword rich in title, head and content Content varies, only by 30% Should those pages be optimized like websites? They have a nofollow tag, is that enough? Thank you for taking the time to answer. Peggy

    On-Page Optimization | | BlueBird33

  • Would it be considered cloaking if I only show schema.or tagged content to searchengine bots and not to regular visitors. Mind you, no other change on the page, design or content. So instead of Googlebot would be served: 41 Main Street Regular visitors: 41 Main Street

    On-Page Optimization | | Sebes

  • Hello, I am launching 5 sites with keyword exact domains. I am developing the sites on wordpress as one page sales funnel sites. What do I need to do to optimize my sites? Really appreciate any bullet points or directions. Tks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brianmaher

  • as it says really ,i'm guessing monthly why is it not done weekly? many thanks

    Link Building | | upvc

  • Referencing this article: Curious what the ramifications of this to SEO (improve rankings over spammy results, etc) and to hear thoughts on this.

    Algorithm Updates | | EricPacifico

  • We have just started in on an SEO campaign after a year or so break from engaging in active SEO efforts.  Our rankings and organic traffic seems to be increasing but we just dropped from a PR 5 to a PR 4 after being a PR 5 for probably a couple years.  We are not doing anything black hat or sketchy and try hard to make sure all of our links are relevant and quality links.  Does anyone know why this might have happened or if it is an indication of anything?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MyNet

  • Hey Mozzers- I know the basic process for handling duplicate listings, but I just want to make sure and ask because this one is a little sensitive. I have a client with a claimed and verified listings page, which is here: There is also another listing (which I have not claimed yet) here: The first listing has 0 reviews, where the 2nd unverified listing has 12 fantastic 5 star reviews. We can all agree that if I can get these two listings to merge, his general listing will perform much better than it already is (the first listing has about 200 actions per months). So, what is the best way to merge these two without losing any reviews and without suspending my places account? Thanks in advance! Ian

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | itrogers

  • Does anyone know of any research done to show what improves CTR for title tags & descriptions in search results? I know general best practices, but am looking for any available studies

    On-Page Optimization | | nicole.healthline

  • Added the noindex meta tag to some pages on my site and I am wondering if anyone has any idea how long it will take to deindex the urls?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • we're recommended 100 links or less on one page. is the 100 links including header and footer links?

    On-Page Optimization | | jallenyang

  • Does Google or other search engines include XML files in their index? More specifically, I am wondering how Google knows the difference between an xml filetype and an RSS feed.

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I'm stumped and I'm hoping some mozzers will be able to help. I run our company blog ( The last couple of days I have noticed that the blog is receiving some traffic from I looked, but cannot find any mention of the blog on cnn. Adding to my frustration is that the content on cnn is constantly changing. Our blog doesn't do any sort of advertising and no one affiliated with the blog posts on cnn. As great as it is to be getting traffic from such a valued source, I have no idea why. Has something like this happened to (for?) anyone else?  Any ideas on how I can research the source of the link? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | EssEEmily

  • Hello I'm starting an SEO work on a site that has the domain "" and "" The problem is that the domain name. ".com" already has a low rank for keywords chosen as the domain "" has no rank. On the other hand, the domain ". Com" has 224 results in google as the domain "" has 1970 results. My question is: Which domain should I focus on SEO work? Tks

    Technical SEO | | eder.machado

  • Hi there....we're dealing with a duplicate content mess. We're a franchisor(, and each of our franchises have their own landing page. The trouble is, the way the landing pages are set up, it's causing all the links available on the national level of the website to be re-indexed each time for every franchise! We don't have an in-house developer and was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues and point me in the right direction.

    Web Design | | tafkat

  • In my google webmaster tools the most significant keyword google attaches to my site is word 'VAT' as in, Value Added Tax. Followed by Basket. I can see why this is, as the word VAT and Basket is on every product page, but it really is not a keyword I want to target. Does this have any negative effect on other keywords I am targeting? What should I do about  this? Here is the site:

    Keyword Research | | jcarter

  • Hi, We currently use a drop down menu option for our paginated pages using JavaScript, what would be the best search engine friendly way around this?

    Technical SEO | | CameronT

  • Okay, I found a niche blog that has a google PR6. They have a ton of dollow blogroll links, as well as a ton of internal links on homepage. Would I be better off getting the blogroll link? Getting a link in an existing post with a lower PR? Getting an advertiorial written with a link in it? I just don't know. It has a domain authority of 33 currently. It's not a cheap link for blogroll. The in-post, or advertorial isn't too bad, but not cheap either. Thanks in advance.

    Link Building | | azguy

  • Hi All, If you find a crawl error on your page.  How do you find it? The error only says the URL that is wrong but this is not the location.  Can i drill down and find out more information? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | wedmonds

  • So in looking at my first campaign with 3 of my top competitors, I have a domain authority of 65, and my competitors are 31, 43, and 38 and yet all of them outrank me by quite a bit. How can I take this research and make some sense of it to beat them in rankings? Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | azguy

  • We have a page rank 5 website and we launched a new site 6 months ago in February. Initially we had horrible urls with a bunch of numbers and stuff and we since changed them to lovely human readable urls. This had an excellent effect across the site except on one section of the site: Although Google has indexed these pages and several have a PR 2 they do not appear in Google when previously they were on page 1 when we had the old urls. We figured we just needed some time for Google to get used to it, but it hasn't done anything. It is also worth mentioning we changed the page titles from: FIRM NAME | DOMAIN NAME then... FIRM NAME | Graduate Scheme, Jobs, Internships & Apprenticeships | DOMAIN NAME then.. FIRM NAME | Graduate Scheme, Jobs, Internships & Apprenticeships Do you think these are being penalised? There are two types of page: Example A: Example B:

    Algorithm Updates | | jack86

  • I apologize for the dumb question, but in the SEOmoz toolbar, where is the page rank feature? I see page and root domain, but don't see the page rank. Sorry

    Keyword Research | | azguy

  • Hi I am working on a photography site: now there isn't many pages nor is the that much text. However you will see that they have a blog (poorly designed one which we are addressing) Now blog posts I feel can be really good as there is generally alot of naturally written text which I don't feel I need to influence. Also generally people will comment so I also believe that is good for rankings too. However I find that the blog ranks higher than the actual website and I dont want that to occur the website is the one that generates the bookings. So can you give me some ideas to transfer the ranking from the blog to the website?  I was thinking that within the article I could simply link back to the homepage - would you think that is a good idea? If so would you suggest I use particular anchor text? such as "Wedding Photographer" or "Comtemporary wedding Photographer" Thanks

    Link Building | | Springnik

  • We have problem because our content are classifieds. Every ad expired after one or two mounts and then ad becomes inactive and we keep his page for one mount latter like a same page but we ad a notice that ad is inactive. After that we delete the ad and his page but need to redirect that URL to search results page which contains similar ads because we don't want to lose the traffic form that pages. How is the best way to redirect ad URL? Our thinking was to redirect internal without 301 redirection because the httacces file will be very big after a while  and we are thinking to try a canonicalization because we don't want engine to think that we have to much duplicate content.

    Technical SEO | | Donaab

  • We have a site which was de-moted from PR4 to PR3 with the latest Google update. We have not done any SEO for a long time for the site and the content is the same with over 100 page. My question is, in order to update the site, which is the best to do it, do we: 1. re-introduced new content to replace old once 2. re-write old content 3. Add new pages Many thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | seomagnet

  • I am trying to figure out an issue with Google Analytics. What i am stumped on is I see traffic from AdWords coming in (accounts linked) and I see new v returning user. Does the return visit still show even if a user came back in via direct or organic? Or is it that these return visits are clicking on the ad again to come back as visits and clicks match in the reports?

    Paid Search Marketing | | RadicalMedia

  • Hi there, We've been having some issues with our site recently where it seems to be jumping very erratically around the google rankings. The site used to be pretty consistent on page 1/2 of google for certain term, but then in late April(ish) it took a dive down the rankings and flicked about between positions 30-70(ish). Late last month, it re-appeared suddenly on page 1 in position 10 and stayed there up until yesterday (6th July) and it now appears to have dived to position 287th or there abouts! At the same time a deep link page has appeared at position 54, which seems a bit strange to me. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

    Search Behavior | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi, All! This is a question asked in the old Q & A section, but the answer was a little ambiguous and it was about 3 years ago, so I decided to repost and let the knowledgeable SEO public answer... From David LaFerney: It’s clear that it’s much easier to get high rankings for a term if your domain is an exact match for the query. If you own several such domains that are very related such as –,, and – would you be able to benefit from those by 301ing them to a single site, or would you have to maintain separate sites to help capture those targeted phrases? In a nutshell – SEO wise, is it worth owning multiple domains to exactly match valuable search phrases? Or do you lose the exact match benefit when you redirect?>> To clarify: redirecting an old domain with lots of history and links to a new exact match domain seems to contain SEO benefit.  (You get links+exact match domain, approximately.)  But the other way around? Redirecting a new exact match domain to an older domain with links?  Does that do anything for the ranking of the old domain for the exact match keyword?  Or absolutely nothing?  (My impression has been that it's nothing, but the question came up for a client and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.) Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | debi_zyx

  • We are implementing new design and removing some pages and adding new content. Task is to correctly map and redirect old pages that no longer exist.

    Technical SEO | | KnutDSvendsen

  • Morning Mozzers! I work for an online wedding retailer and we add new, unique, high quality content to our blogs on a daily basis. After adding the new content we Tweet it and mention it on our Facebbok page. My question is this: how can I distribute the content to generate back links? Any example sites or case studies of things you guys have done in the past would be great! Thanks in advance.

    Link Building | | Confetti_Wedding

  • Website:
    Problem: Positions dropped while pages which were ranking previously disappeared from top 100 and now different - often completely irrelevant - pages are ranking. Examples:
    Search term: Joomla Templates
    Previous Position: 8
    Current Position: 35
    Previously Ranked Page:
    Currently Ranked Page: Similar situation with the following search terms: virtuemart templates, virtuemart themes, prestashop templates, prestashop themes, magento themes, zencart templates, zencart themes, zen cart templates, zen cart themes When: according to the Google Analytics (drop in visitors stats) this happened on July, 2nd Preconditions: we had 45 minutes downtime on July 2-nd - but could this 45 mins have had such disastrous results?
    No redirects or canonical URL were used which could lead to such change of ranking page.
    No changes in the site's informational structure and design.
    In webmaster tools (inbound links report) we saw a website yesterday which had over 800,000 links pointing to our domain - - and today this site is NOT found in Webmaster Tools report! Also, site is down, domain is quite new (how could it have possibly developed 800,000 pages in such a short time?) and whois is privacy protected. Is this some dirty trick from competitors - could it have possibly influenced our positions? Still, what I completely fail to understand - how could a page like be the top ranking page for 'Joomla templates' if there is: not a single mention of the word 'Joomla' on the page (or source code), i.e. the page is completely irrelevant to the search term not a single link with 'Joomla templates' anchor text pointing to that page, neither external nor internal PS. No similar changes in other search engines noticed. Also, the pages in question have been re-spidered July 4th and cache shows the right pages, i.e. it is not that Googlebot has seen logotypes page instead of Joomla templates page. I checked any possible reason I could think of (see "Preconditions") but still have no clue - what is going on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | templatemonster

  • I'm rewriting approximately 10,000 product descriptions, but for feasability it's useful to sometimes reuse some of the phrases that are there (and on other websites as they come straight from the manufacturer -eg. key features), how unique does the content have to be - are we talking 100%, 75%, 50% for it to be effective in google? Same question goes for the product title! Many thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | ewanr

  • Hi Folks I seem to have approx 587 back links to my homepage from this site since my entire site has under a 1000 back links; I wonder if I should be worried? I've tried contacting the webmaster to remove them but no luck any tips 🙂

    Technical SEO | | PHDAustralia68

  • I know that ideally a url should be something of the nature, but if the url contains additional characters, for example,, can the search engines still understand the complete words in the domain? Even though there are additional "incorrect" characters? Or do they stop "reading" once they find odd characters? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • If your URL string shows up in a search and they +1 the URL with the coding in it will the +1 transfer to the canonical page? Example: gets a Google +1 from a user. The page itself has a canonical for Does google credit the canonical with the +1 or do they then have dup pages with separate +1 scores?

    Algorithm Updates | | Thos003

  • So on the homepage, should all the links like privacy, contact us, rel="nofollow" ? I want to get a better handle on passing as much link juice on homepage to important internal pages as I can, and want to get it right. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • I did my first SEO audit from the book SEO Secrets by Danny Dover on my new website at In the book he says to disable Javascript and see if the global navigation still works. So when I did that the dropdown menus in my navigation don't show. I'm assuming this is a problem but when I check the cache text only version of the site, the dropdowns are in the text only version. Are their any experienced SEO's out their who can weigh in on this issue? Should I have my developer redo the navigation without any javascript? Thanks, Shawn

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Romancing

  • Now that Yahoo is using Bing's search results, do we still need to monitor and use Yahoo's Webmaster's Tools - or do we stick to using the Bing Webmaster Tools?

    Reporting & Analytics | | findachristianjob

  • So what does it take to get a double listing? If someone has already answered this, please just send the link. Obviously lots of anchor text links to both pages. Also, do I link from both pages to each other for google to see the correlation? For example, homepage link to interior page. And interior page link back to homepage using same anchor text that I want to get the double listing for. Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • Is it necessary to block an rss feed with robots.txt? It seems they are automatically not indexed ( And, google says here that it's important not to block RSS feeds ( I'm just checking!

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I found this very useful post on SEOMoz, but its a bit dated. Also, it doesn't really help in terms of applying exact metrics to measure the quality of a link. Does anyone have any other suggestions to help automate / determine the quality of a link?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I would like to implement Schema/microdata on a clients website, but the site is currently XHTML. Is html5 required for the micro data tags to be recognised? Will it work if I implement micro data on my XHTML site? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cmaddison

  • does really nobody care for the most important search result for shops beside organic result? google shoping results mostly pop up in organic results on 3rd place. Vertical SEO Video, Image, Local etc. etc. is not really Shopping Results!

    Image & Video Optimization | | kynop

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