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  • If I have an article, titled 7 signs of unhealthy eating and the title tag for five different pages looks like this: keyword | article title ex: Binge Eating | 7 Signs of Unhealthy Eating ex: Lack of Fruits & Vegetables | 7 Signs of Unhealthy Eating etc, etc.

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • What is the easiest way to about and specifically finding backlink anchor text and links for specific keywords? E.G Our competitor ranks highly for the term "Army Fleece Jacket" whats the easiest way to weed out the links which hold the most weight for this particular term?

    Link Building | | Anest

  • Hi Guys, New guy here with some questions regarding the difference between www and non www. I am helping with a site at the moment and gradually working my way through bits and learning all the time.  I was watching one of the seomoz videos and it brought my attention back to www vs non www. I understand that google will treat these as two seperate sites but wanted to check what the stats are telling me. I was under the impression that was getting most links etc as this is what I have always used.  However when I used Opensite explorer it told me something different as follows: 32/100     29/100     5     16 32/100     29/100     2     1,500 Am i correct in saying that i should be adding a redirect from to ????  I am thinking that this is telling me that I am potentially missing out on 1,500 links to my site but it could mean I am missing out on just 16.  Eitherway I guess its something I should fix right? Do I just redirect that page or would all pages beneith it such as also need redirect??? Can i use Canonical Rel links for this now? Thanks for taking the time to read and reply! 🙂

    Technical SEO | | wedmonds

  • Should I let Google index tags? Positive? Negative Right now Google index every page, including tags... looks like I am risking to get duplicate content errors? If thats true should I just block /tag in robots.txt Also is it better to have as many pages indexed by google or it's should be as lees as possible and specific to the content as much as possible. Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hi all, i am a starting out SEO. I have recently been browsing our keyword rankings report and noticed that we are very low down on some quite key search terms. I therefor want to focus over the next few weeks, on bringing us up the rankings for these specific terms. Apologies if this is a very basic one, but**,.... I dont know where to start!** I would be very interested if anyone can give me some advice on a plan of action. What actions should be in my action plan? For example, if i wanted to improve our rankings on the following: English school in malta Learning english in malta English classes in malta

    Keyword Research | | Exp

  • Did a semoz analysis of site and it came up with 484 pages with duplicate titles and 484 with duplicate content. Also gave me a 531st ranking for search term "Driving Lessons" (with many smaller schools with better rankings)- so I think that I may have a problem 1-Duplicate titles - I have many area pages - one for each of the post codes that we cover (some 40 odd) Each page is titled  "Driving Lessons in "xxx" where xxx is the area.
    Plus each Instructor has their own page which is tiled "Driving Lessons in xxx" where xxx is the more local towns/areas covered.
    Is this the use of the term Driving Lessons xxx on each page the problem? The report doesnt seem to make this clear -it simply lists each page on the site 2- Duplicate content puzzles me as the content does differ although each instructor page has probably 80% content derived from a master page. Attach screenshot - hope someone can help Many thanx Brian

    Moz Pro | | Brian_Worger

  • Hi I'm working on performing SEO on a portal that's implemented on WebSphere Portal with Lotus WCM. Now WebSphere Portal comes with some limitations such as non-pretty urls among other things. Portal also generates non-normalized urls, so you have to turn on a process for detecting and normalizing urls for the Googlebot, etc. Does anyone have any experience with SEO in this platform, and could offers me a few tips for this specific platform? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | jcmoreno

  • I am searching for testing results to find out the value of text links versus image links with alt text. Do any of you have testing results that can answer or discuss these questions? If 2 separate pages on the same domain were to have the same Page Authority, same amount of internal and external links and virtually carry the same strength and the location of the image or text link is in the same spot on both pages, in the middle of the body within paragraphs. Would an image link with alt text pass the same amount of Page Authority and PR as a text link? Would an image link with alt text pass the same amount of textual value as a text link? For example, if the alt text on the image on one page said "nike shoes" and the text link on the other page said "nike shoes" would both pass the same value to drive up the rankings of the page for "nike shoes"? Would a link wrapped around an image and text phrase be better than creating 2 links, one around the image and one around the text pointing to the same page? The following questions have to do with when you have an image and text link on a page right next to each other, like when you link a compelling graphic image to a category page and then list a text link underneath it to pass text link value to the linked-to page. If the image link displays before the text link pointing to a page, would first link priority use the alt text and not even apply the anchor text phrase to the linked page? Would it be best to link the image and text phrase together pointing to the product page to decrease the link count on the page, thus allowing for more page rank and page authority to pass to other pages that are being linked to on the page? And would this also pass anchor text value to the link-to page since the link would include an image and text? I know that the questions sound a bit repetitive, so please let me know if you need any further clarification. I'd like to solve these to further look into ways to improve some user experience aspects while optimizing the link strength on each page at the same time. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | abernhardt

  • Hi ! I just finish reading this post here and i want to know if it affect a page that already come to the first position ? If my actual keyword rank first and for example, i dont have any other keyword in my page title ect, how does it help the page ? Does it just gonna grab another frequent keyword who come back alot in the text or something ? ty

    Keyword Research | | Promoteam

  • Hi everyone, The background to my question is that one of the companies I work for has just produced a load of videos answering many of the common questions about their products, for the ecommerce part of their site. I've got these videos transcribed which I want to use as the backbone to some of the main pages on the site (some of which are already ranking reasonably well). I was thinking of putting this content on their department page (so for example their departments would be kitesurfing, land kites, toy kites etc.) above links to their sections (e.g. kite surf kites, kite surf boards etc.). Do you think this would be a good place to put a large amount of text ? (the text will be in a scrollable div) - i.e. could it get in the way of the links which are currently passing juice deeper in to the site ? Alternatives are to put the videos under the links to the sections (which would place them below the fold), or to place each video on its own page and simply link to these pages from the departments page (although it is the department page we wish to rank). Another alternative is to put links to the sections both before and after the new content. Hope that all makes sense! Thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | stukerr

  • I been implementing a Joomla site and my site has different ways of accessing several links therefore I need to use the canonical tag. Now I'm using Joomla 1.6, and most of the extensions that I've seen until now don't provide me the expected or they do other things that I just don't want. Therefore other than modifying the code or creating an extension myself I've decided to look into placing the canonical elements in the page.

    Link Building | | jcmoreno

  • We are aggressively optimizing one of our internal pages for SEO related terms. Some sample search terms are: SEO Florida, Florida SEO, SEO Tampa, Tampa SEO etc Based on recent work, we find that our anchor text distribution is good, if not very good. Our PA is for the internal page is 60 and our DA is 62 yet our Google rank for the above search terms is continually dropping. We have gone from #2 to #8 in the last few weeks. We have checked the websites of all that appear above us and their PA and DA are substantially less than us. Their anchor text links do not appear to be as well structured either. We have many unique domains - websites that we built - that point directly back to our SEO page. Some of these are fairly highly ranked sites... We are totally baffled. Can someone shed some light on this? What could the reason be? Any (and all) help and insights would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | RajeevRatra

  • We currently have a pre-release landing page online with little content that is hiding our Beta release, is it worth beginning link building against that landing page?

    Link Building | | agilityinteractive

  • Hi guys, At the moment we have our main website that is at .com We have also bought all the other domains that are available, such as:, .jp, .it, .mobi,,,, .cn and .eu Is there a way we can make these domains work for us a bit more? Currently they all just redirect to .com. Would it be better to put a holding page with a link to us and then a redirect on?

    Link Building | | Benj25

  • Hello, We wanna promote some of our software's. I will give u guys one example bellow: We also have this domain: How can we deal about the duplicate content, and also how can we improve the first domain product page. If I use the canonical and don't index the second domain and make a link to the first domain it will help anyway? or don't make any difference? keyword: pdf to epub , pdf to epub converter What u guys think about this technique ? Good / Bad ? Is there the second domain giving any value to the first domain page? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | augustos

  • Hello, Google webmaster tools is returning our URLs as 404 errors: When we enter the URL into the browser it loads the page just fine. Is there a way to determine why Google Webmaster Tools is returning a 404 error when the link loads perfectly fine in a browser? Thanks, Alex

    Technical SEO | | Anti-Alex

  • I'm looking into for competitive backlink analysis. Already have SEOmoz (obviously) and Majestic. Anyone have any experience with the toolset? If so, what does it do well, what do you like, and where does it fall down? Cheers

    Competitive Research | | BedeFahey

  • Hi, I have a client who is thinking about selling ads on one site they own via something like Do you think they run any risk of exposing their other sites to scrutiny, penalties  or problems?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 94501

  • Roger has detected a problem:  We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here. hi, i tried creating the campaign and this message popped out.. i dono what to do or how to redirect b/w and ( xxx = hidden site) am using godaddy domain and hosting at hostgator. thank you.. waiting for ur reply

    Industry Events | | healers

  • Working with a new company. In the Google places listing they have two listings...obvious duplications created under the same account. Both show as "Under Review" and have been for months. SHould I try and delete one listing (tried...has not worked so far), delete both and start over? This is one of several franchises in the same area with similar names and similar issues, as well as older companies that bought the franchise and still show in Google Places with old phone number and address. Any help appreciated.

    Image & Video Optimization | | AgileInt

  • I just checked webmaster tools and noticed that all of the links I have acquired over the last few months are gone except for 1 website. Did something change just recently? Is this a glitch? Thanks in advance for your help! Brant

    Technical SEO | | PMC-312087

  • We would like to create either a new website or a new section of our existing website that will feature (in time) a lot of content including a forum, video training, tutorials and downloadable resources. Logistically, it would be much easier to create this in a new site (we'll call it and refer people to the new site. We would, however, like to keep all of that content on our existing site for the sake of content building and SEO. Should we: Duplicate the content and use no index no follow and/or rel canonical? Host all of the content on our site and set up a vanity domain ( to point people to the deep linked area ( Host the content only on an external site with the occasional link back to our main site? I realize there are other options but they're mostly variants of the above. Our main objectives are to make it easy for people to get to while leveraging the new content for SEO purposes. What are the pros and cons of these different approaches? What seems to make the most sense? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | BeijerElectronics

  • Similar questions have been asked - but I couldn't find a direct answer to my specific question here. I have the opportunity to purchase our exact keyword phrase domain name for fairly cheap (if I sold red balloons it would be If I i set it up to 301 redirect to our main domain - would it provide any short-term or long-term SEO benifits? ADDITIONAL INFO: I sell a service to a niche market and in a relatively short amount of time have been able to rank #21 on our main keywords. Our domain is fairly young (about 1.5yrs), but we are WAY behind our main competition in the link building category (they have been at it for 10+ years). I'm looking for an interim solution to drive genuine SEO traffic while we work on our link building over time. Our main keywords only get about 15,000 global searches per month (google) and some of those are not our market (don't know how many exactly). The competition for our keyword is classified as "medium" in google adwords. It's really only worth it to me if I can begin getting page 1 results from this practice. Thanks in advance!!!

    Branding | | aaronharlow

  • Or do you find that this takes more time than it is worth?  I mean there are literally thousands of websites that allow you to signup and create a public profile and drop your link in there.  But is this really worth the efforts? Would like to hear from some people on both sides of the argument, as i am sure there are people who do this, and also people who don't on here.

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • I have a client that wants to setup wordpress for their business site.  However, they are really concerned about the load time a wordpress install creates on their site in the root.  So, they want to setup wordpress with a sub-domain on a separate server.  For example: As far as SEO is concerned with the main site, what are the advantages and disadvantages for using a separate server w/ subdomain?

    Technical SEO | | VidenMarketing

  • Over 10 years ago, we decided to run our blog external to our main website. contrary to conventional wisdom then, we thought we’d have more control/opps for generating external anchor text links, plus working in a bona fide blog software environment (WP). As we had hoped, the blog generated alot of strong inbound links, captured inbound links of it own from other sites and I think, helped improve our SERPs and traffic. Once the blog was established and with the redesign of the website, we capitulated, and finally moved the blog onto the main domain. After reading a number of pieces on Panda and the new reality of SEO, sounds like bounce rates (in particular), time on page, and other GA measures may have a more profound influence on google rankings now. Given that blogs are notoriously for high bounce rates (ours is), low time on site, depth of visit, seems logical that it adversely affects our site averages for the main domain). Is it time to re-consider pulling our blog off the main domain to reassert the ‘true’ GA measures of the main domain? I guess it still gets down to the question... is the advantage of all the inbound links to the blog on the main domain of greater value than moving the blog off-site and reasserting better 'site stats' for google's pando algo? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ahw

  • We are redesigning the site to launch soon. We are a manufacturer. Our most valuable keyword currently ranks around 8th on Google in a competitive market and responds with a link to our product selection page as the landing URL. This link / URL is currently listed on every site page in a right column menu with the keyword as the anchor text. My concern is that I have redesigned this product selection page, and would like to change its file name to include the keyword as well as use the same keyword anchor text. And to complicate the matter, for political reasons my boss has asked me to consider keeping the old product page available to alleviate board concern (not rational, but may be required). Since the old page shows similar information to the new selection page, if I keep it,  I am considering calling it a "Visual Selector" as opposed to the "Product Selector" menu name for the new page. I will list both in a list under the keyword product name on the home page menu and then drop the old selector page link on all other pages to lower visitor confusion. So the alternative choices to proceed are as follows: 1. Keep old and new product selection pages a. Show both on all page menus (Keeps the old page visible to Google, duplicating the current presentation for current keyword landing page) b. Only show old product page on home page menu to alleviate the Board concerns (Keeps the old page visible to Google, but with one link) 2. Get rid of the old product page and redirect URL to new one (our primary keyword would be ranked on its own merit and the current Google ranked page would redirect to the new one) Number 2 is the logical method for users, but I am nervous about dropping and/or redirecting the current landing page which ranks my best keyword at 8th in a competitive market. Your recommendations or comments? What do you predict Google will do in these three scenarios? Hope you can follow this maze... Thanks! George

    On-Page Optimization | | rhawk

  • Hi team. My main Google Analytics account uses my personal gmail account that existed before Google Apps. I now only use that account for Analytics and Website Optimizer. I use Google Apps for email and everything else. Does anyone know if I can move the Analytics / Optimizer access from my gmail account to my apps account?

    Reporting & Analytics | | dreadmichael

  • Hola a todos, me interesa intercambiar informacion sobre SEO con personas de habla hispaña. Existe en SEOMoz una grupo que nos junte a tosdos? Un Saludo a los que comprenden este texto sin la necesidad de utilizar google traslator. Cesar A Amico.

    Moz Pro | | abbath

  • How often does Google update the "more about this place" section on a Google Places page? I have updated the company NAP on all the directories, added company information to multiple sites (using Google Discussions as a starting point), added backlinks, etc. Still, the "more about this place" section remains the same (over 2 months without updates). That section still cites our old website which is, even though our new website has been live for 3 months. Would it be better to wait for these updates or delete the page and completely start over? Thanks for your help!! Brant

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Are there any tools that show you new backlinks that you have recently gained?

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

  • I'm wondering what would be the best approach for further expanding the online presence of the business I work for. Let me start off with the resources at my disposal. We own and run the business for 7 years. All that time we had the domain online. There was a penalty back in 2005, I think (for hidden text). I've been dealing with the domain since 2007. In the last few years we got translations in French, German, Italian, some pages in Japanese, and recently we got it translated in Spanish. The translations don't hold all the products the English version has. We translate only products which we can offer to the targeted audience. So far, I use language folders /en/, /fr/, /de/ etc. I have the settings in Google's Webmaster Tools set to the most appropriate country (the one we want to attract customers from). We own a lot of local domains, .ie, .fr .de, .es, .jp, etc. Currently we either use them for small projects, like AdWords (to improve CTR) or have them point to the .com version with canonical. I like nothing more than the idea of having the local domains appear in local search results, without that inflicting damage on the .com version. If I decide to go with the local domains and redirect (probably I will use canonical to avoid the redirect mess) the existing portions of the site to their relevant local domain - to point to etc., I'm afraid that I would take too much away from the domain in terms of content and backlinks. So, I'm faced with the following question - Should I risk it with the local domains where we have physical presence, or should I continue using the flagship domain. Also, would local domains improve the CTR a lot? I will test that with AdWords in the days to come, however it would be nice to know if someone has faced this before. Thank You, Svet Stefanov

    International SEO | | Svetoslav

  • One of our competitors has over 100,000 links on Yahoo site explorer, most of them are from pages on their site with duplicate content and they don't seem to have a focus on gaining backlinks, but the site still ranks really well. Can anyone think of a reason why this duplicate content hasn't been penalised by Google?

    Competitive Research | | RobertHill

  • What SEO advice do you have for RSS feeds? Specifically, does the URL structure matter? Should the be noindex, follow or noindex, follow? Any other advice?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • First, I want to say thank you to the support i've been getting from everyone in this community over the last few months.  Im glad to be a part of something that isnt full of flammers and haters... and happy late 4th of july... I implemented canonical tags on a clients website (job board with tons of job postings) and the pagerank has almost immediately rebounded from 2.3 - 4.6.  it was a little higher pre-panda, but im happy with the rebound. has anyone had experience on how long it usually takes for the keyword rankings to rebound after changes are made? google recached the site this morning, but im still waiting to see traffic bumps. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | malachiii

  • We're building a new website platform and are using Ajax as the method for allowing users to select from filters. We want to dynamically insert elements into the URL as the filters are selected so that search engines will index multiple combinations of filters. We're struggling to see how this is possible using symfony framework. We've used as an example of how to achieve SEO and user-friendly URLs but this is only an example of achieving this for static content. We would prefer to go down a route that didn't involve hashbangs if possible. Does anyone have any experience using hashbangs and how it affected their site? Any advice on the above would be gratefully received.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sayers

  • I am managing an ecommerce site with over 1000 SKUs. Does anyone know of any Q&A widgets we can add to our site for individual products where customers ask questions and moderator can answer them? FYI I'm looking for something similar to, which has a great tool q&a tool.

    Social Media | | AHH888

  • Hello All, my first web crawl has come back with a duplicate content warning for and slightly mystified! thanks paul

    Technical SEO | | simodal

  • Hi, Concerning the upcoming (We're from the Netherlands) Panda release: -Could the fact that our affiliates use XML-feeds of our content effect our rankings in some way -Is it possible to indicate to google that content is yours? Kind regards, Dennis Overbeek | ACSI publishing | |

    Technical SEO | | SEO_ACSI

  • I am a Pro user and I am trying to find a way to create an SEOmoz API key but cannot find how to do...

    Moz Pro | | netbuilder

  • Hi SEOMOzers, I'm planning to prepare Panda deployment, by creating a check-list from thinks to do in SEO to prevent mass trafic pert. I would like to spread these ideas with SEOMoz community and SEOMoz staff in order to build help ressources for other marketers. Here are some ideas for content website : the main one is to block duplicate content (robots.txt, noindex tag, according to the different canonical case) same issue on very low quality content (questions / answers, forums), by inserting canonical redirect or noindex on threads with few answers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Palbertus

  • I've been on SEOmoz for about 1 month now and everyone says that depending on the type of business you should build up your website structure for SEO as 1st step. I have a new client click here   ( www version doesn't work)... some bugs we are fixing it now. We are almost finished with the design & layout. 2nd question have been running though my head. 1. What would the best url category for the shop be    /products/     - current url cat ex:   /products/door-handles.html 2. What would you use for the main menu as section for getting the most out of SEO. Personally i am thinking of making 2-3 main categories on the left a section where i can add content to it (3-4 paragraphs... images maybe a video).So the main page focuses on the domain name more and the rest of the sections would focus on specific keywords, this why I avoid cannibalization. Main keyword target is "door handles" Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | mosaicpro

  • With Google recently releasing benchmarking data I am curious as to what you all see across the various types of website niches that you work with (eCommerce, news, blog, services, small business, etc). And how SEO'd websites compare with this "raw" data provided by google. We have one medium size (12,000 products) strictly eCommerce website  that has a bounce rate of 37% and an avg time on site of 5:20 While two other medium size eCommerce/blog sites have a bounce rate of 57% and 59% with average time on site of 2:37 and 2:30 respectively. Finally, I manage a website for a local small business that provides business and home cleaning services. This site has a bounce rate of 45% and 1:40 average time on site. How do your sites perform in these areas? Is it typical to see this great of a disparity between strict eCommerce websites and those sites that are both informational and transactional in nature? What about other kinds of websites? Cheers!

    Search Behavior | | prima-253509

  • Hi, All! We're working with a client on setting up a support blog for their site (not hosted on-site because it's a related topic, not directly about their business).  We're thinking about a few domain possibilities, but for some of the ones we'd like the .com is already taken.  .info (as well as others) are available, and the client is interested in using a different TLD, but I'm shying away from it because of the concern that: a) people will look at it more suspiciously (  must be spam) - but maybe that's just because I'm an SEO b) does Google have anything against exact match domains with endings like .info, .net, etc.?  (I know there's never any guarantee that the exact match domain will continue to hold its weight in the algorithm at all, but taking that as a given for now - and we are planning on putting decent quality original content on it). Thanks in advance for the input! Aviva

    On-Page Optimization | | debi_zyx

  • Hi All I hope there is a simple solution to this - we have a number of campaigns setup which are all crawled, and therefore updated, on different days of the week.  We review these weekly and it would be much easier if they were all crawled on the same day. Is it possible to change the crawl day for some campaigns? Thanks Roy

    Moz Pro | | bluelogic

  • Hi there! The home page of my site can be seen under and or (depending on your language). I understand that this is duplicated content because they show the same content under different URLs. To solve this we've done (depending on your language) a 301 redirect from to or Is this correct? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Xopie

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