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  • Hi guys, We've a small 15 page site in English for renting out our own boat to tourists which seems to be especially popular with Russian and Arab visitors, so they are our priority languages for translation right now. We would like to translate our site into a condensed single page summary for each language of the services we offer for now and  trying to make it rank in Russian/Arab serarch engines. I do some seo in English on our site and it's starting to rank well, but that's my only language, so I would definitely need to hire someone to do it for us in Russian and Arabic translation and related keyword phrases and how  to rank in the search engines those countries most use etc. Can you recommend any companies for doing this russian-seo or arabic-seo stuff? Or any other advice.. Thanks!

    Branding | | emerald

  • Matt Cutts says on this video that you can have the same content on different TLDs and there is no duplicate content for Google. Have someone try this experience? For example : same content on "" and "". And for the visitors from Belgium, will they see into the SERPs "" and for the visitors from France ""? Thank you for your answer guys. Jon watch?v=Ets7nHOV1Yo&feature=player_embedded

    International SEO | | JonathanLeplang

  • Hi, We have a homepage where we are targeting three main keywords. 'Cheap books', 'buy books' and 'used books'. We are ranking well for cheap books and making progress on the more competitive buy and used. My question is how many keywords can you reasonably rank for on one page. We are targeting other keywords on other pages and having some success - but is three the maximum or is that too many?

    On-Page Optimization | | Benj25

  • Hello Folks I'm a very new at SEO... and need your help please 🙂 Currently using the Goggle webmaster tool and SEO moz to monitor back links to a site... my questions are; Why do both tools show way less back links than I think I should have? Does the fact that these tools not show a link I've built mean it was a bad link? Finally what is some good techniques to know if a link is worth paying for? Is commenting on relavent blogs actually still worth anything? Thank you all

    Image & Video Optimization | | PHDAustralia68

  • I have recently hired a SEO company to help with our keyword. My question is what are the best tools to use to verify what that are reporting.  I can do an unpersonalized search, but I am likely still getting the my local results.  I have been using the SEOmoz rank tracker in the past but for some reason it is not able to retrieve results over the past day or so. Are there any other good tools to check ranking for an exact url at the for non-localized, non personalized results? Thanks for the suggestions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fertilityhealth

  • Based on what seems like a general agreement that the Panda update has modified Google's algorithm and on page metrics such as Bounce rate, Time on Site & Page views per visit are now vital to a websites rankings. What methods are you using to improve these metrics? Have they worked?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | donthe

  • Hello, My craw diagnostics from the PRO account is telling me that the following two links have duplicate content and duplicate title tag: (New Blu-ray Releases) (New Action & Adventure Releases | Blu-ray) I am really new to the SEO world so I am stuck trying to figure out the best solution for this issue. My question is how should I fix this issue. I guess I can put canonical tag on all sub-categories but I was worried that search engines would not craw the sub-categories and index potentially valuable pages. Thanks for all the help.

    Reporting & Analytics | | hirono

  • Has anyone here had any luck getting Yahoo to pickup links submitted through the free option?  How long does this generally take?  Or do you usually just pay the $300/year on your clients behalf?  Or do you get your client to cover it? I couldn't direct link the page because you have to in a directory when you hit submit, but it looks like this screen shot:

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • My client's website ( content has not been touched for 4 years and we are currently ranking #1 for "per diem nursing". They do not want to make any changes to the site in fear that it might decrease our rankings. We want to try to use utilize that keyword ranking on specific pages ( ) ranking for "per diem nursing" and try redirecting traffic or placing some banners and links on that page to specific pages or other sites related to "per diem nursing" jobs so we can get nurses to apply to our new nursing jobs. Any advice on why "per diem nursing" is ranking so high for us and what we can change on the site without messing up our ranking would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ryanperea100

  • I have a website which is on a TLD and is primarily focused to the UK. Understandably I get very little in the way on US traffic, even though a lot of the content is applicable to the UK or US and could be made more so with a little tinkering. The domain has some age to it and ranks quite well for a variety of keywords and phrases, so it seems sensible to keep the site on this domain. The .com version of the domain is no longer available, and the current owner does not seem inclined to sell it to me. So, I am considering registering a very similar .com domain and simply using it to drive some traffic to the site. To do this, I would have the same category pages and the same (or similar) list of links to the various pages in those categories. But instead instead of linking to a page on the new .com, it would take visitors to the existing page on the I would make this transparent to visitors ("Take a look at these pages on our sister site") and the .com would have some unique content of its own. Would this be considered some kind of Doorway site/page (content rich doorway), or is it simply bad idea which is unlikely to drive any traffic?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Jingo01

  • Where does Google crawl the web from? Is it in the US only, or do they do it from a European base too? The reason for asking is for GeoIP redirection. For example, if a website is using GeoIP redirection to redirect all US traffic to a .com site and all EU traffic to a site, will Google ever see the site?

    International SEO | | Envoke-Marketing

  • Can u suggest me good one page optimization tool for wordpress based websites?

    On-Page Optimization | | dineshameh

  • Title pretty much explains it all. If lots of people plus one (the new verb of 2011?) a site, is that site deemed 'popular' and therefore will appear higher up the SERPS generally? Or does it only affect those with whom you are linked via Twitter/Facebook/Google+? Or is it too early to tell yet?

    Social Media | | seanmccauley

  • I purchased the Ultimate Advanced SEO Bundle DVD set and I understand that I can also watch it online. Where do I have to go to view it? MC

    Moz Pro | | deuce1s

  • Hi Folks, I am trying to find out a little more about how individuals need to be connected to see that someone 'shared' something and for this to then show up in my results when signed into Google. Can anyone shed a little more light on this please? I am just looking for extra clarification. Would we need to be connected through Google Buzz? Facebook? Twitter? Quora? LinkedIn? None of the above? With everyone you are connected to through your Google Account? What is Google using when it looks at how I am connected with others? This is from their Blog: "First, social search results will now be mixed throughout your results based on their relevance (in the past they only appeared at the bottom). This means you’ll start seeing more from people like co-workers and friends, with annotations below the results they’ve shared or created. So if you’re thinking about climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and your colleague Matt has written a blog post about his own experience, then we’ll bump up that post with a note and a picture..." And... "Second, we’ve made Social Search more comprehensive by adding notes for links people have shared on Twitter and other sites. In the past, we’d show you results people created and linked through their Google profiles. Now, if someone you’re connected to has publicly shared a link, we may show that link in your results with a clear annotation (which is visible only to you, and only when you’re signed in). For example, if you’re looking for a video of President Obama on “The Daily Show” and your friend Nundu tweeted the video, that result might show up higher in your results and you’ll see a note with a picture of Nundu:" Many thanks, Andy

    Social Media | | Andy.Drinkwater

  • I want to restructure the navigation of my website for a few reasons: 1. It isn't intuitive/clear to the user 2. It is way too big, it has too many links and thus causes the number of links on many pages to be >100. 3. I want to get rid of file extensions as part of the URLs (.html, .php) 4. I want to achieve a "tree"-like navigation system, with categories, subcategories and so on. In the process of cleaning up my website, I had to 301 redirect a lot of duplicate pages, fix broken links, etc. I have a lot of 301 redirects already, and in the process of restructuring the navigation of my website I know I'm going to get more. Will the addition of new 301 redirects have an effect on my rankings? (I'm basically going to be changing all of the URLs) What kind of SEO effect will restructuring the navigation at the top of the page (reducing the # of links on the main menu) have on my site? What is the best strategy to implement in this situation?

    Web Design | | deuce1s

  • Hi all, With the recent launch of Google+ I've looked into the possible effects of +1'ing sites and whether or not it has a direct effect on other people with whom I'm connected within Google+. So far I cannot see any direct correlation, however I running a bigger/wider experiement with more people to get a definitive answer. What does scare me as an SEO, is that Google+ users will (most likely) use Google search whilst they are logged in, which, as we know personalises results based on a myriad of suspected metrics such as previous visits, personal +1, etc... How is this going to effect the SEO world if/when a Google+ attracts more users. Experienced this first hand when a client called me to congratulate a jump from position 9 on Google to first position over the weekend, which when I checked, the website hadn't shifted, the client was logged into her Google account due to the fact she had been playing with plus. Thoughts? Cheers Aran

    Social Media | | Entrusteddev

  • We are currently auditing our website as part of our SEO strategy. One item which hascome up is the importance of search friendly urls against the search engine friendly page titles. Do url's or page titles carry more relevance than the other in search engines? Obviously the ideal would be to have both to maximise search impact but do either carry more importance. Thanks

    Web Design | | bwfc77

  • Until now I have been building websites either from scratch or with a template. Recently I decided to learn Adobe Dreamweaver. At the end of the first "Building a Website using Dreamweaver" lesson, the author notes the site is done but an H1 tag is missing. The instructor advises "The page doesn't have a top-level heading ( ). The design uses the banner image instead. This looks fine in a browser, but search engines and screen readers expect pages to be organized with a proper hierarchy of headings: at the top of the page, ..." The instructor then walks readers step-by-step into creating an H1 tag and using absolute positioning of -500px top to cause the tag to not be visible. My initial thought was the instructor was completely wrong for offering this advise, and users would be banned from search engines for following these instructions. I had planned to contact the writer and suggest the instructions be modified. Prior to doing such, I wanted to request a bit of feedback. The banner image's text in this example is "Check Magazine: Fashion and Lifestyle". The H1 tag that is created and positioned off-screen uses that exact same text. In an old blog comment, Matt Cutts shared "If you’re straight-out using CSS to hide text, don’t be surprised if that is called spam. I’m not saying that mouseovers or DHTML text or have-a-logo-but-also-have-text is spam; I answered that last one at a conference when I said “imagine how it would look to a visitor, a competitor, or someone checking out a spam report. If you show your company’s name and it’s Expo Markers instead of an Expo Markers logo, you should be fine. If the text you decide to show is ‘Expo Markers cheap online discount buy online Expo Markers sale …’ then I would be more cautious, because that can look bad.”" I would like to get some mozzer feedback on this topic. Do you view this technique as white hat? black hat? or grey hat?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | RyanKent

  • My client sells security software online. Our keyword research shows massive traffic for competitor brands relative to the non-branded terms and my guess is that this traffic converts well.  I'd like to figure out a way to get some of that traffic for my client without crossing any ethical boundaries. The only thing I can think of is having a comparison page with good onsite optimization. Does anyone else have any tips on how to rank for these terms?

    Link Building | | Riona

  • More on established B2C sites (not blogs/forums)?  For example, a client has the #1 ranking for the kw with the highest exact match volume in their vertical and sitelinks.  Is it better to keep things status quo and not give Google the data or potentially introduce a new signal to Google that might be negative if CTR is not high enough?

    Social Media | | MatomySEO

  • The website guy that made the website for my business Premier Martial Arts Austin disappeared and didn't set up that www. was to begin each URL, so I now have a duplicate content problem and don't want to be penalized for it. I tried to show in Webmaster tools the preferred setup but can't get it to OK that I'm the website owner. Any idea as what to do?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OhYeahSteve

  • I see messages and threads talking about the less importance on PageRank and more importance on Domain Authority and Page Authority. As I work on our link building, do I steer away from low DA and PA websites?  If so, whats the minimum threshold I should stay away from? If I see a site that has a Domain Authority as low as 9 - is that the minimum? What is? What do you think?

    Link Building | | findachristianjob

  • Hi, We are currently in the process of launching a value-added service website for Forex traders. We have done on-page optimizations and are climbing up the rankings for both Google and Bing. We have first page and top three rankings for most of the easier keywords we optimized for. Thus I think we have stretched our on-page SEO to it's limits and are now considering our off-page strategy. Does anyone here have experience with the Forex space? Can anyone point me to important SEO resources specific to this space? Thank you!

    Link Building | | Eladla

  • Hi i built a site around ten months ago but at the moment i am only receiving around 3 visitors a a day. it is a travel site that i write new content for but because i am still learning seo i am not sure what i have been doing wrong. I am not sure of the basics from getting people to the site or the correct way of generating free links or if i should be submitting  my site to all these free site submitters which includes to lycos and other free services that you can find on google. If anyone can please explain what i am doing wrong and how to generate more traffic for free then that would be great. also can anyone recommend any free service that would help with increasing traffic and links

    Algorithm Updates | | ClaireH-184886

  • In my dashboard I'm not showing the ranking reports from this most recent saturday.... it is now july 3rd but my dashboard still shows: Last Data Update: 06/27/2011 Is this normal to have the rankings delayed? Thanks for any ideas

    Moz Pro | | PillarMarketing

  • Anyone have any success stories on what they did to get out of Google penalty?

    Technical SEO | | phatride

  • Hi within my campaigns i get an error "crawl errors found" that says duplicate page content found, it finds the same content on the home pages below. Are these seen as two different pages? And how can i correct these errors as they are just one page?

    Technical SEO | | RouteAccounts

  • I have a Private health care company that I have just begun consulting for. Currently in addition to the main website serving the whole group, 30 individual sites which are for each of the hospitals in their group. Each has it's own domain. Each site, has practically identical content: something that will be addressed in my initial audits. But should I suggest that they combine all the sites into one domain, providing individual category pages for each hosptial, or am I really going to suggest that each of the 30 sites, create unique content of their own. This means thirty pages of content on "hip replacements" thirty different versions of "our treatement" etc, and bearing in mind they all run off the same CMS, even with different body text, the pages are going to be practically identical. It's a big call either way! The reason they started out with all these sites, is that each hospital is it's own cost centre and whilst the web development team is a centralized resource. They each have their own sites to try and rank indivdually for local searches, naturally as they will each tend to get customers from their own local area. Not every hospital provides the full range of treatments.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ultramod

  • Hi, I know this must be a repeated question but I would like to have an SEO company that would take care of getting my site on the top three pages of google and I would like some advice over my website. I have been investing in link building for a month now but I think my meta tag might not be the most appropriate, i should probably have various and came across your website. I have found zero negative feed back on your company, I run other business but this is my first online experience and don't have the time to give it the SEO so with that in mind I would like to know what SEO packages would you recommend for my business and in what time would I be seeing page ranks in google bing and yahoo. I hope you can help me out, I'm a newbie at this and my online business is interesting and want to see it already operating my website is sheep, concept is people can sell for free, not just post an item like a classified site but actually sell for free through paypal and we don't charge a fee, so would really want some insight. Hope you can help me out. Beat regards Jerry

    Competitive Research | | Jerrysb

  • What do we know about googles +1's, are they used as a signal? i noticed that they have some reports on them in google web master tools.

    Algorithm Updates | | AlanMosley

  • Hey, I have a site which ranks well for a certain term, lets say "books". I added a forum about 6 months ago. I'm optimizing it for "books forum". However, somehow it doesnt get to the top 10, although I placed some quality link to it. It ranks for some long tail keywords... We have daily new posts and use vbulletin + vbseo. The strange thing is that there a ranking really low-quality sites under the top 10. Hardly any content and low quality links... Any tips?

    Link Building | | netminds

  • our site has complete redesign including site architecture, page url and page content (except domain). It looks like a new site. The old site has been indexed about thirty thousand results by google. now what should i do first?

    Technical SEO | | jallenyang

  • Hi i have a site called in2town lifestyle magazine and up until two months ago we were with google news and for a long time. But then all of a sudden we were dropped which left us with no confidence about our site and led us to make changes to the site, some good and some bad to try and find out what was wrong with our site and why we were dropped. We have now been concentrating on sorting the site out which has led in a drop in traffic due to not updating it as we should because we are more concerned in trying to make it a quality lifestyle magazine and get back in google as well as making it a good experience for our readers.. I would like your help and finding out what you feel is wrong with our site so we can then work on it and change it and try and find out what went wrong with google news. we have spent years on the site but now we have gone in the wrong direction because we were more worried about google news. If you can advise us on how we should change the site and sort the site out and make it into the professional site it was once more then that would be great.

    Web Design | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi I am trying to find some good free press release sites that allow you to have a link with your press release to help drive traffic to your site but all the ones that i have found do not have links within them. The only ones i can find where you can have links in them are paid ones. Does anyone use press release sites to gain links to their sites and if so could you let me know which ones they are please and how important you feel they are.

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I have read that google do not look kindly at sites that exchange links so i am trying to find a way of generating links to a new site. I am building a new site and need to start to get google to index it and build important links to generate traffic. I have looked at link exchange sites but have read that this is not great with google and it is better if you have sites where there is just one way linking. I do not want to buy links and would like to find a way of generating free links which can help build up traffic and the status of my new site. Any help would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I am seeing a new SERP format from Google. (new for me at least) In the past the title tag would display as the first line of a listing, followed by description and domain / URL. Today I see the domain / URL as the second line. This is placing an emphasis on "Who".  If you have a big brand or a great URL this might be helpful to your CTR. Are you seeing this?  What do you think of it?

    Branding | | EGOL

  • Hello, I had a site with two topics: Fashion & Technology. Due to the Panda Update I decided to change some things and one of those things was the separation of these two topics. So, on June 21, I redirected (301) all the Fashion pages to a new domain. The new domain performed well the first three days, but the rankings dropped later. Now, even the site doesn't rank for its own name. So, I thought the website was penalized for any reason, and I sent a reconsideration to Google. In fact, five days later, Google confirmed that my site is "still violating the quality guidelines". I don't understand. My original site was never penalized and the content is the same. And now when it is installed on the new domain becomes penalized just a few days later? Is this penalization only a sandbox for the new domain? Or just until the old URLs disappear from the index (due to the 301 redirect)? Maybe Google thinks my new site is duplicating my old site? Or just is a temporal prevention with new domains after a redirection in order to avoid spammers? Maybe this is not a real penalization and I only need a little patience? Or do you think my site is really violating the quality guidelines? (The domain is The original domain where the fashion section was installed before is (As you can see it is now a tech blog without fashion sections) The 301 redirect are working well. One example of redirected URLs: (this is the homepage, but each page was redirected to its corresponding URL in the new domain). I appreciate any advice. Basically my fashion pages have dropped totally. Both, the new and old URLs are not ranking. 😞

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | omarinho

  • Hi, I'd like to build links to my websites from other relevant sites that are about similar topics. To do that in the best way, I am looking for a tool that generates keywords for a specific site or a page. This tool should basically analyze the website and understand what topics is it about. Then I can compare my website and the website I am looking to do link building in and see if the relevance is high. I remember SEOMOZ had a similar tool. Does anyone knows the link to that tool or other tools that can help me do the task I am looking to do?

    Moz Pro | | liors

  • I'm building a product category browsing page for a high-falutin' jewelry retailer where we display only product photos linking to individual product pages, without any text in the links. From an SEO and link-juice-passing perspective, is it most effective to embed the product titles as the alt attribute in each image, or to leave alt="" and use text substitutions (i.e. an inner which is css'd to display: none) within the <a>to help search engines accept my product titles as the link text with the most credibility?</a>

    On-Page Optimization | | cadenzajon

  • Hello Everyone, I have a friend with a blog site that has over 2000 pages indexed in Yahoo but none in Google and no page rank. The web site is I know it is not the best site but I am guessing something is wrong and I don't see it. Can you spot it? Does he have some settings wrong? What should he do? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | QuietProgress

  • I have a new site with a new domain that ranked well the 1st week or so after it was indexed then it totally dropped off the SERP. My question is, does Google Sandboxing affect new sites on new domains that don't have any incoming links? The site dropped off before I began link building - from what I've read unnatural link build is often the cause. Can you still be sandboxed without any link building? If this is the case, are there things I can do to get out of the sandbox? Thanks folks, Jason

    Technical SEO | | OptioPublishing

  • I have a band website and was thinking of making some link bait pages specifically designed to get links from high page rank music colleges and then funnel that page rank to my landing pages on my band site.  I am planning on finding out what these colleges link to and create great information on pages on my site that the high page rank college websites will link to thereby boosting my trust and authority.  How much will the trust and authority boost my site in the search engines?  Because the colleges will be music colleges they should be relevant to my band site.  Does this sound like a good strategy? Take care, Ron

    Link Building | | Ron10

  • I saw some test results of no follow links from some years back and it seemed to indicate that Google still counts the anchor text in no follow links provided the page is already indexed and has do follow links pointing to it.  The test results seemed to indicate that Google does count the links and uses the anchor text to cause the page to rank higher in the serps for those key words.  any truth to this?  If i don't expect any traffic whatsoever from a no follow link should i not build it? Take care, Ron

    Link Building | | Ron10

  • I have just watched the overtake of the number one UK position for garden accessories. The old 1st place holder held it for the last 2.5 years (min) ....taking a look at the back links of the number one holder it seems they are paid links they are little follow image adverts with anchor text posted on the home page of niche blogs, forums and design related website.. is this white hat or black hat?

    Link Building | | GardenBeet

  • What if we published an address in the UK as the contact/WHOIS details but wanted to target the USA market? The server resides in the UK, the domain WHOIS resides in the UK - but what are the best methods to target the US search market?  The domain is a .com domain.

    International SEO | | Peter264

  • The question is in the title: Does publishing your physical company address increase your Google Trust? I.e. on the contact page of the website, providing a physical address.  The address would match the WHOIS entry for the domain, and allow customers to contact you via post.

    International SEO | | Peter264

  • The "<" is not recognised by SEOmoz campaign crawl bot. Bot only keeps the text before < and deletes everything else from the title! Fix needed.

    Moz Pro | | petrusl

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