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  • Can you have ANY duplicate content on a page or will the page get penalized by Google? For example if you used a paragraph of Wikipedia content for a definition/description of a medical term, but wrapped it in unique content is that OK or will that land you in the Google / Panda doghouse? If some level of duplicate content is allowable, is there a general rule of thumb ratio unique-to-duplicate content? thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | sportstvjobs

  • Hi i have been reading the seo information on here which is very interesting and i would like to know if anyone can point to any sites that have followed the rules and advice. It is great when you can read the info and rules but i feel it is also better to see a site that has followed the rules and to hear from people who have followed the information and put them into practice and explain what results they have got. I am currently building the following website so it would be great to see a site that has followed all the rules and who can explain if they work or not.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Can anyone provide sources for gathering paid search advertising spend for competitors, preferably by category? Thank you.

    Paid Search Marketing | | JoeAmadon

  • The traffic to our major market newspaper website from Google News has dropped nearly 100% in the past ten days. Any ideas why might be happening?

    Reporting & Analytics | | wlis99

  • I have quite a few website in Wordpress but I continuously run into the same issue. With permalinks it is not recommended to use /%category%/%post_name%/  because it puts an undue load on your bandwidth, server and makes the crawler crawl a ton of duplicate content pages.  On one site changing to that hierarchy even crashed some of the pages (probably a permissions error). I would like a correct information hierarchy, but this doesn't seem like correct play. What do you use as your URL hierarchy?
    Do you have any plugins or fixes for this issue? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | MarloSchneider

  • I saw that Google suggests the analytics code be in the , will this effect the page load if it is in here? Also, is it a problem to have it in the body?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Gordian

  • Hello friends, can anybody please invite me to Google+ please? my gmail is [removed by staff. please PM author] will really appreciate it. thanks.

    Social Media | | maddogx

  • I have an online store with 10 catagories, many of those have subcategories. I have a tree style navigation menu on the page. This helps people quickly find what they need. However, I end up with about 125 links on the page that way. Does google really penalize me for this? Is there anyway around this? Advice much appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | bhsiao

  • We currently use Sharethis, but I've noticed many sites using Addthis for sharing. Is there any preference or reason to use one more than the other?

    Social Media | | EricPacifico

  • Consider a situation where we are getting 5000 impressions for a term in Adwords and Bing/Yahoo and the same term with the same landing page is ranked within top 5 positions of Google and Bing search. If we get 2.00% CTR in Paid - Adwords and MSN average,  What will be the acceptable Organic CTR - which is available in webmaster tool? Apart from Title and Description, what are the other areas need improvement to increase Organic CTR?

    On-Page Optimization | | gmk1567

  • I tried searching for this elsewhere but am having a hard time finding a good answer. Is it possible to track the effect of required form fields on conversions in Google Analytics? In other words, how do I track whether or not more/less people fill out a form if I make "Last Name" a required field? Thanks 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | kylesuss

  • We understand the value of a keyword phrase included in the URL.  Is there more value to having that phrase in the folder name of the URL or the file name or does it matter? Example: or Which is best? Thanks,  Wick Smith

    Technical SEO | | wcksmith

  • If you have added google plus one to your website you can check on the impact by visiting your webmaster tools account. In your GWT account you will see a left menu item for "+1 Metrics".  If you click on "Search Impact" you can see the CTR change attributed to +1. Anybody seeing anything there yet?

    Algorithm Updates | | EGOL

  • In my last SeoMoz Crawl I've found a lot of warnings about duplicated content in page with a noindex meta tag. Is that normal? These pages should not be considered as indexable content of my website, isn't it?

    Moz Pro | | jgomes

  • I was under the impression that Bing powers yahoo search. However, I am recieving a large difference in ranking on some keywords in the two engines. Can anyone ask what or why this is happening? Thanks, Brandon

    Reporting & Analytics | | GCSMasone

  • When optimizing a joomla site what is the best plugins etc for seo tweeking

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hello, It's been easy for me to jump in .com - English only results. But, regional google is making me problems. How to position there? What are the top 3 key elements for ranking locally that don't matter much internationally? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DaBomb11

  • Apologies for the very basic question - I am trying to determine exactly what link juice is. Every article I seem to find assumes that you already know what link juice is. From what I can tell it is how your internal links push around from your homepage and how they flow through your site. I don't understand how to optimize this and how to improve it throughout my site - or what the opportunities are. I'll attach an image of my site link numbers compared to a few rivals (names removed) to illustrate the difference - not vs the first column but certainly the other two. Can someone shed some light on Link Juice for me and point me in the right direction? Thanks. Oy2c5.png

    Technical SEO | | Benj25

  • Bounce rate is defined as 'single page visits to a site divided by total visits to the site' as I understand it. It could be argued that a well designed site might vector people on to other sites effectively (I generally use Wikipedia this way for instance). On the other hand a site that bounces people back to where they came from may be genuinely poor. So the questions: Is the bounce rate really calculated in the stated way by Google? Is it used, as far as we know, as a metric for the search engine? What should we do to mitigate the effects of this poor metric?! thanks, Mike

    Algorithm Updates | | SKE

  • Is having the company/office's address in the footer (or header) of each webpage important for SEO? Your page for the Geotarget tool says that having the address in this element helps search engines find your location. My question is, how important or relevant is this to SEO? How does knowing the address influence SEO? Is it best SEO practice to put the address in the footer of every webpage?

    Moz Pro | | richardstrange

  • I was always curious about this so we did a test and the results are as follows: Over a sample of 1000 domains: PageRank average = 2.71 MozRank average = 2.34 Quite close. Does this render MozRank near-useless, especially since recent downplay of PageRank by Google? What is your favorite metric at SEOMoz? Mine is PA/DA combo.

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I am trying to figure out the correct usage of for a business. Example: There is information like opening times or payments accepted. Would you populate this data within meta tags on every page (i.e. in the header) or really target specific pages? This could also apply to general info such as address, contact details, etc.. Interested in hearing your thoughts 🙂 Cheers Noel

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | noeltock

  • Hello there, Does anybody know a good white hat link exchange network/program? Thanks Davys

    Link Building | | Davys

  • Hello All, I run an Alexa Site Audit report for my client. Is it normal that my Alexa site audit report will be public i.e. S3 URL for downloading the PDF file was open to anyone knowing the URL. No re-direct to login etc was there? Yes the S3 URL is funny but Google bots have ways to find this funny URLs so is this normal? If you have tried Alexa can you repeat the problem i.e. typing your S3 report URL? can you get it to? or is it just me. I have asked Alexa about it. I think there should be some security. Thanks.

    Industry News | | SEO_Z

  • Hey guys, this is the website: We need to optimize this website for a bunch of keywords such as: VIDEO CONVERTER in which is highly competitive and some others for ipad, iphone software's. Can someone give me a advise where should I start? I know the design isn't great, unfortunately in this part there is nothing I can do about it. Thanks in advance 😃

    International SEO | | augustos

  • Hi There, This has turned out to be slightly long winded! Congrats to anyone who manages to follow what I am on about and cheers to anyone that can help! The company I work for has several hundred backlinks from customer sites (authority sites) that link to their unique login pages (e.g. From these pages they can access our learning platform. For maximum SEO benefits we have been trying to think of a way to get these customers to link to our start page. This is what we have come up with. Customers would link to us using a URL with this format (I have read somewhere that Google “ignores” everything after a #). This URL would then cause a Jscript pop-up or drop-down to open. The pop-up or drop-down would be hidden for the normal user and only be visible for users that visit over the unique URL. The pop-up or drop-down would be unique for each customer (mainly for branding purposes). The pop-up or drop-down would contain signup/login fields. So now to my question, will this get us in trouble with Google? Is there a better solution than this? Are we over thinking it and should we just do something like this: -identifier and set as the canonical? Does the Google bot get suspicious of hundreds of canonical tags pointing back to the one URL? Thanks in advance! Henry

    Technical SEO | | hnydnn

  • We are trying to convince a client to do a massive rewrite from all URL's looking like this: "" to something like "" How would you describe the importance and impact of doing URL rewrites to an ecommerce site?  What evidence/research can we share with them to convince them it is worth the time and effort to do?

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • I came across this article about telling google not to crawl a portion of a webpage, but I never hear anyone in the SEO community talk about them. Does anyone use these and find them to be effective? If not, how do you suggest noindexing/canonicalizing a portion of a page to avoid duplicate content that shows up on multiple pages?

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • When I googled my top keyword today, my site on google showed a description of my site from YEARS ago. It is completely irrevelant and misleading to visitors. Why would this have happened and is there anything I can do about it? Thanks!!! Betsy

    Technical SEO | | bhsiao

  • The index page for a site I manage has dropped significantly - internal pages rank above it. It's a new site, 2 months old but was ranking at 1st. Any suggestions as to how I can debug this?

    On-Page Optimization | | OptioPublishing

  • On the search engine results page I am finding that information has been added before my meta description - this is only a recent flaw and I've no idea how it can be caused. It is happening in the same format as you see dates sometimes before meta descriptions. This is what is actually being shown on the search engine results page.  I am getting this text - Product 1 - 15 of 18 – then my meta description after that. The words 'Product 1 - 15 of 18' is in the heading at the top of the page but it is in no way interacting with the meta description.  It looks like Google is confusing the words 'Product 1 - 15 of 18' with a date possibly. Any suggestions.

    On-Page Optimization | | serp360

  • Hi there, I'm current working on a site that is optimized for SEO and doing quite well in the rankings. We have noticed a big increase in mobile users to the site (mainly iOS and Android), so we have no started planning a mobile site as well. Do you guys have any recommendations we should keep in mind before we get started? One thing I'm still not sure of is whether we should aim to preserve all urls and cloak the pages (show mobile version to iOS and Android, and desktop version to everyone else) OR make a separate site for the mobile version ( Would either solution affect the other? Regards,

    Technical SEO | | KennethDreyer

  • We have already a site and we want to make business in another country. We don't want to make a copy of our site because it requires more resources, but we want to use a different domain because the business will be run by a partner in that country. The idea is to make a folder in our site, and associate a new domain, so when users go to the new domain they see the content under Since de will use DNS redirection, the current domain won't be seen. Is this correct from a SEO perspective? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Xopie

  • So I'm trying to quantify some of our drops and I suspect that we've taken some hits on lower quality links (some reciprocals, etc). The problem is most of the metrics I've relied on to help weed out the bad ones seem irrelevant after Panda. So I'm curious, has anyone taken mozRank to task after Panda? Is it still a good metric on valuable links?

    Moz Pro | | Highland

  • Hi SEOMoz, I am the GM of Today (or possibly yesterday) we dropped  from PR 8 to PR6. Have we been penalised by Panda 2? If so what do we do? I have seen posts about seeking a reconsideration, or something but do not know who to contact or what to ask. best regards

    Content Development | | althecat

  • Hi there, I have a page on our website with an Interview with the author Tess Gerritsen. There has been a reasonable amount of Social Media buzz related to the page and lots of links. According to SEOMoz we are an A grade for the keyword Tess Gerritsen, we currently rank 29th on for a 'tess gerritsen' search. My question is - how long would it take for any new changes to have an effect? I presume the answer would be whenever the page is crawled again. But is it wise to change one thing, then get crawled and see what the effect is, then the next day change something else and see what the effect is. Or is it wise to change one thing and then leave it a week or so to see the full effect of the change? Apologies for the vague question, if you need any more clarification just let me know. Thanks. Benj

    On-Page Optimization | | Benj25

  • [email removed by staff -- like comments say, let's PM this information rather than have it indexed]

    Social Media | | richcowley

  • Hi All, I am currently writing a spec for moving our current e-commerce website and it got me thinking from an SEO perspective. We are all usually restrained by the current website set-up / CMS and there are things it can never do despite how hard we push for the changes. If you had the chance to start from a blank canvas (like I do currently) what would be on your wishlist?

    Web Design | | RikkiD22

  • I'm running my own web based company selling security software. I'm a one man band and do the programming, web design, SEO etc. all myself. I've taken a very white hat approach so far and spend all my time writing guest posts and getting them published on tech blogs (I get 3-5 links per week doing this). The only tool I use is Buzzstream and I've been doing this for about 6 months now. I'm starting to see a few results but whenever I look at my competitors I see they have links from thousands of root domains. I feel like I need to increase my link building velocity with a new activity which will yield a much greater number of links than I am able to create using my guest posting strategy. I'm not keen to start spamming article directories or any other short term activity. I dedicate about 8 hours per week to SEO and I could afford to spend around $700 per month if necessary. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Link Building | | Riona

  • Which is better to fix a pagination problem, javascript or HTML/DIVs? I know in one Google Webmaster Forum, a Google engineer recommends Javascript, but I've also seen people use DIVs.

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

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