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  • I know many social and article sites (hubpages, ezinearticles, many low quality article sites, etc.) were hit by Panda. Many higher quality sites that accept user-submitted content were not hit. High quality blogs that accept guest posts is one example. I believe Squidoo fared pretty well. Any other sites that accept user-generated content (with links) that still rank well?

    Link Building | | AdamThompson

  • We have a client that is a solar energy installation & leasing company in Austin, TX that wants to target the Houston and Dallas markets.  We can do a Place Page for their physical offices in Austin and San Antonio to drive traffic for those cities.  But we’re not sure the best way to help them rank for Houston and Dallas, where they don't have a physical address.  We’re considering a separate landing page for each city, optimized for the geo-term.  Will that help them to rank in the 7Pack in Houston and Dallas, if there’s no Place Page?   Will it help them rank in the organic listings for that region?  Can you offer any other suggestions for how to help them rank in 2 cities where they don’t have physical offices?

    Image & Video Optimization | | DenisL

  • The site I've inherited had operated on index.html at one point, and now uses index.php for the home page, which goes to the / page. The index.html was lost in migrating server hosts. How do I redirect the index.html to the / page? I've tried different options that keep giving ending up with the same 404 error. I tried a redirect from index.html to index.php which ended in an infinite loop. Because the index.html no longer exists in the root, should I created it and then add a redirect to it? Can I avoid this by editing the .htaccess? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | NetPicks

  • What are your sure fire ways to build up page rank, quickly and effectively for long term gains. Do you have a check list?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | therealmarkhall

  • First of all i would like to say how amazing this forum is, i have learnt a lot with all the great help. I am launching a new site mainly to allow me to learn seo and to understand what is involved in building a new site and get it to the search engines. the site is here which i have started today which is a lifestyle magazine  is What i am trying to understand is, what are the first most important steps when trying to get google and traffic to your site. the site will be complete in the next week or so but in the meantime i want to use this site to learn more about seo and how you get the site discovered by visitors and search engines and the time scale behind it. I am hoping that other people who are new to seo and are building a new site will be able to use this post to learn about what is involved and learn like me. Would be great to hear from people who have started their own site so we can all understand what are the important steps to make and which things we should do in which order. thank you everyone

    Algorithm Updates | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi I like to link from blogs on similar keywords on a regular basis but I am thinking about changing tactics as it can appear monotonous and un natural. What are peoples experiences in linking from blogs ?

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hello.
    We have a client that will extend his business to severak countries in Europe.
    So far its main market was the Spanish one. In this market it works with his own domain that is the same that its brand name. The domain does not contain any important keyword but it has been working for 11 years: In Spain has a good ranking. It ranks number 1 or number 2, it fluctuates. But it also sells to France and Portugal. In the France market  they used a domain with exact match with the French keyword that they are interested in: The same strategy in Portugal. Both have number 1 for the main keyword in those Countries for that keyword Now they are going to sell in more countries.
    The problem is that each website have a different CMS what makes necessary double maintenance. We are going to unificate in only one domain, one single design, one single CMS all websites. But were have doubts about SEO consequences of doing that What is the best thing for URLs? ..... / pt What should we do with the domains that are so well positioned in france and portugal? 301 redirect will work? What should we expect? What would you do? What things we should consider to keep the current position?

    Web Design | |

  • We recently had a some changes to our site, adding new sub categories, moving products around, etc... We implemented the changes on Thursday of last week and had a normal day around 800+ visitors. The very next day our # of visitors dropped in half to around 400+ and has stayed that way all weekend. I thought it might be that some links may have changed but I checked all of the links and they are the same as before with the exception of new pages. I checked to make sure that the google analytics code was still in the code and it is. I read that it could be DNS propagation timing issue but it's been 3 days and nothing's changed. I'm fairly certain that we are not being penalized or pandalized by google as our referrals and organic search results have not changed only the amount of direct traffic. Anyone have any ideas on what to look at or what to do?

    Reporting & Analytics | | LizIslCo

  • Hey everyone, Google Places is incredibly frustrating for me. One day we are listed, the next we are gone. If I am logged in to my Gmail we rank differently altogether. I have a few questions...,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1421&bih=726&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=wbQITujpFpSLsALbuenkDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ4gkwAA First off, does the page look to be optimized for the best results? Trying to rank for vet las vegas (ideally. Any tips or thoughts? Are there any sites that will track your rankings in Google Places for different listings? Is my places description ok? How often does Google Places update their listings - find new reviews, update their "find our more about this place" section, etc.? Anything else? Thanks for your help! Brant

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Howdy, Me and my co-workers had a discussion at lunch time. We wonder if we should allow /image in our robot.txt. We arent sure what rank best. Image whit keyword in it or simply had a Alt at each image and hide the /image in the robot.txt... or have a allow /image AND a alt source. P.S. At this point, we didnt work on any sitemap or link it anywhere. Ty.

    Competitive Research | | Promoteam

  • Today I noticed a big change in the PR of our websites and our competitors. We have gained a lot of PageRank. This changes took place in the Netherlands. Did you guys noticed any fluctuations in PR?

    International SEO | | PlusPort

  • We have over 50 highly varied and niche sites in our company. Each website is for an annual event spread across the calendar. I am the solo SEO person here and was wondering what your opinions are about what would bring in the greatest SEO power in my limited daily allotment; link building? Keywords? Content? Oh, and to make my life even easier - its all based on SharePoint 2007!

    Web Design | | DaveGerecht

  • In a bigger project are several domains that show the same content like the main-site (there is a reason to have it like that). Now those "double-content domains" are indexed and ranking in Google. But now I see that all those double-content domains have no pagerank visible, despite they do all have their unique own backlinks. Do you know why those domains don't show Pagerank? Can it really have something to do with the double-content situation?

    Technical SEO | | kenbrother

  • Today we use country-specific .tlds but have the US site on .com/us; .com is now a 'flag-site.' Ikea uses that structure too (.com/.com/us). Looking potential risk to redirecting current US site to .com.

    Technical SEO | | KnutDSvendsen

  • Hi all ! I have a quick question. On one of the site im working, my principal keyword im working whit have a accent such as é or è or ĉ. How does google seen it ? When im trying to see a page in cached version to see what google is suppose to see, i often see my keyword whit @ or other weird sign in it. Does it affect my keyword ranking ? Can i lose autority ? Should i hide some "no accent keyword" somewhere on the page ? Cause some of them make no sense whitout it. Thanks !

    Keyword Research | | Promoteam

  • Hi guys, Started my free trial - very impressed - just thought I'd ask a question or two while I can. I've set up the website for (large bookseller in the UK), using Magento. I'm getting a huge amount of not found crawl errors (27,808), I think this is due to URL rewrites, all the errors are in this format (non search friendly): As oppose to this format: (the re-written URL). This doesn't seem to really be affecting our rankings, we targeted 'cheap books' and 'bargain books' heavily - we're up to 2nd for Cheap Books and 3rd for Bargain Books. So my question is - are these large amount of Crawl errors cause for concern or is it something that will work itself out? And secondly - if it is cause for concern will it be affecting our rankings negatively in any way and what could we do to resolve this issue? Any points in the right direction much appreciated. If you need any more clarification regarding any points I've raised just let me know. Benjamin Edwards

    Technical SEO | | Benj25

  • Just reporting that there has been a public toolbar PageRank update. What did Santa give you this round?

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hi, We would like to move some accounts from this one, to their own separate accounts. How is this done best so we don't lose the campaign history you've accumulated so far? Thank you in advance. BR
    Thomas Rode, Atcore

    Moz Pro | | AtcoreDK

  • Before everyones pounces on this question and says "You should do your link builidng yourself" please bear in mind there are two people in my team (including myself) to manage multiple websites in 23 countries! Does anyone have any recommendations for quality link building companies in UK or in France, Italy, Germany and Spain? Only quality companies please! SEO agencies will be considered!

    Link Building | | TWDCEMEASEO

  • previously, when I went to export the weekly rank stats, the csv opened into excel and everything was fine. This week, one campaign data will not export other than purely in comma deliniated and will not translate to colums in ecel. A second campaign does export directly to excel but the data showing (on 27th June) is for the 22 february (report created march 1). so all my spread sheets for position analysis are up the creek and I cant even get last weeks positional report on my key domain. any thoughts??

    Moz Pro | | Citybase

  • Having trouble getting star ratings to appear in the SERPs. Here's the 'marked up' HTML that a designer implemented into a website, I'm pretty sure it's missing a bunch of stuff: Read the reviews 5 Any help much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | NickPateman81

  • I have begun marking up the site for and Google has now begun indexing those pages with a weird result. Instead of using meta description in search it is using the ALT text from an item marged as ImageProp="image". I was hoping it would display the picture not change my description. Any ideas?

    Industry News | | oznappies

  • I found that was affected by Google Panda, and then recovered (if you look at traffic on What do you think they did to recover?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • The below url is showing up as "not crawled" on, but when you google the title tag "Joel Roberts, Our Family Doctors - Doctor in Clearwater, FL" it is showing up in the Google index. Can you explain why this is happening? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • When other sites link to your blog pages does it benefit the root domain or just the actual blog page that is linked to? In other words, how page specific is the value of linking?

    Link Building | | JSOC

  • How do search engines treat urls that end in hashtags? For example,

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I have a client whose blog has hundreds if not thousands of entries.  My question is does it help his site if each unique blog entry becomes indexed on Google?  Can we do this dynamically?  And role does the canonical tag play in blog entries if at all? Thanks, Chris

    Technical SEO | | coxen00

  • Our site is built to show users things to do around their current location.  For this reason we redirect users to a city specific home page based on their location.  To do this we detect users IP address and 302 redirect them to the closest city with events. Our site is below and you should be able to see the 302 redirect. My concern is that I always here not to use 302 redirects as they don't pass link juice through.  I don't think 301 redirect would be good either as it is not a permanent redirect. Any advice on how you think the best way to treat this would be great or if you think the 302 direct is the best solution.

    Search Behavior | | lsujoe

  • I have a website that has some good rank on competitive terms. Most of the organic search traffic goes to the homepage, but some generally newer and better constructed, more user-friendly sub pages get organic rank/traffic for a variety of different terms/subjects as well. Then, I have about 8 pages that are older and suck. They fail in the SERPs and there's nothing much of interest from a user point of view. Rather than do the work to completely re-do these pages, I'm thinking of just 301ing them to the homepage. My hope is that this will help the homepages terms/rank which are similar to these pages subject & terms. Do you think this will help the homepage and it's terms or merely end the existence of some old pages and sort of evaporate the link juice? Is there some way that Google might see the site on the whole as being less relevant to their shared subject matter, if these pages go away? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • What is the best tool to calculate the total link distribution throughout a site? I know's "top pages" breaks down the numbers for you? Are there any others?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • How long would it usually take for a web page to start appearing on page 1 of google. Any suggetion for airport parking keyword will be much appreciated, if anyone want to take a look at the website and make any suggetions, they will be much appreciated thank you gina

    Link Building | | ginag

  • When working with a very large site, are there any tools that will help you calculate the number of links in the Google index? I know you can use to see all the links indexed for a particular url. But what if you want to see the number of pages indexed for 100 different subdirectories (i.e., is there a tool to help automate the process of finding the number of pages from each subdirectory in Google's index?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I'm looking to find an SEO consultant to help me review my organic search strategy following the recent Panda update. Can you recommend somebody? Thanks, Adam

    Algorithm Updates | | adampick

  • For my chosen keyword(s), I rank below the #1 entry by far, am a little beneath the #2 in all metrics, but way ahead of the #3 entry in all metrics (domain authority, page authority, links, etc...). I don't even come close to the first page, however. I'm figuring there's something horribly wrong (and probably obvious) that I'm doing and just not seeing. The site in question is and the most important keyword of choice is "tampa dj." I'm not sure if maybe there's some other metric I'm not getting, or something really bad I'm doing with my site overall. Thanks in advance for any help!

    Moz Pro | | thedjbay

  • Hi, I'm trying to target my SEO to several English spiking countries (Canada, UK, Australia, South Africa and so..) and I came across a big dilemma: should I tray to build a local version of my website for each country, or perhaps I should stay with my one .COM website and re-direct all the English-local-countries with 301 (if anyone will tray to go into the local domain)? The thing is that obviously the best practice to get high ranking is to be local, but what should I put in those sites and who can I avoid duplicate content and user confusion? On the other hand, do you think I can really get high ranking with one website for all those countries, and how? Thanks, Itay Drory.

    International SEO | | RAN_SEO

  • Hi i am new to optimization and trying to learn how to do this. I am working on our site where we are trying to improve it and get people to come to the site through our articles. Our site is a lifestyle magazine that we are trying to make better. An article we have published on Ryan Giggs affair, we have tried to optimize it but not sure if we have done this correctly with the title and content. Here is the article Manchester United Footballer Ryan Giggs Wife Forgives Affair can someone please look at the article here and see if we have done this correct or what we should have done. any help would be great

    Web Design | | ClaireH-184886

  • I have noticed recently on open site explorer that pages are listed that contact the ending / and that dont. so for example- and They also have slightly different page authority. Is it worth setting up a redirect or does google not need this ? The page ranks well of course.

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • Our business was in US and planed to start new business in UK. From our research,  ***** domain get higher ranking in So, we choose domain ***** We can set up target area in Google Webmaster tool.  Is it necessary to choose local server in UK? Thank you in advance! Leo

    International SEO | | LeoWu

  • I am looking for some help to know more about shopping engine optimization for an online retailer. I would like to know about the best seo tools for this and also any companies that you can recommend. Thank you Mozzers! Vijay

    Technical SEO | | vijayvasu

  • These are the numbers of words I have heard mentioned as being "good enough" for the categories of ecommerce pages. Even at a stretch 50 words maximum. What are peoples opinions on the volume of words required ?

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • hi i am using joomla sef404 and i have 7000 not found pages in my webmaster google tool page. the trouble is i got rid of a lot of pages and also components so now i am left with loads of not found pages. what i want to try and do is to create 301 redirects so that i do not lose page rank. can anyone please let me know how to do this step by step please

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • One worrying thought following a meeting with a friend in the Poker industry was when he told me he heard some rival companies tried to spam other sites with paid listings a few years ago ? Does this happen all the time ? Also could it happen in other industries ? I was worried when hearing this news and then thought about an SEO companies position in all of this. Could an SEO company be falsely blamed for this sort of behaviour ? Is it is better to cover these things in contracts with customers.

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • I have searched high and low for a light, simple to use Wordpress shopping cart plugin which can use custom templates and work with the transporter and payment gateway i'd like. Unfortunately i haven't found anything. I am currently looking for an example, maybe a tutorial somewhere but can't seem to find anything online, all i can find are advertisements for existing plugins. Can anyone help my any further? I know it's not an SEO related question but i'm out of ideas.

    Web Design | | ldestrooper

  • We want to use an overlay, like a modal dialog, in a landing page to show more information to support conversion without linking to another page or using popups. Anyone have any stats on success or risks? We've considered simple roll-overs to provide some more info, but everyone has raised alarms that we may be introducing a potential technical or usability hurdle for users. The overlay would display when someone rolled over or clicked a "Learn More" link on the page to provide additional offer reinforcement points to drive the visitors from consideration to conversion. Aside from our own testing, we don't have any sources to cite as to whether this approach can or will impact or aid conversion. Any insights would be appreciated.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | lh2712

  • How do you set up a website or home page to get the individual listing below the description text.  For example with the SEO moz listing there are many of the categories listed below the description.  Such as SEO Blog, SEO tools ... Is there a way to add this to a home page so good will pick it up this way?  I attached a screen shot of what I am talking about because I think I am likely using the wrong terminology. Npcpu.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fertilityhealth

  • If you plan on doubling the size of your site with original, unique content, is it better to publish it all at once or over a period of time? Is there any penalty for publishing it all at once?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

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