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  • Hey all... I've been doing some competitive analysis lately on different niches in different cities, and upon looking at source code have noticed MANY sites(typically 2-3 of the top listed sites in each niche) who have hidden text, blocked by a box/logo, colored the same as the background, or both. Is this a typical practice? My understanding is Google seriously frowns on this, so is it worth reporting competitors who are doing such things? I don't see any grey areas in this matter and think it's a serious violation, but here these sites are at the top.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dignan99

  • We all get them and most of them are rubbish, very few of them have taken the effort to find out who they are emailing. So making it personal and doing some research first is essential but what about the wording of the email... can you share examples you like & that have had more success for you than others?

    Link Building | | tonyatfat

  • Hi everyone. While I have read answers regarding this on Mike Blumenthal's blog, I have not been able to get an exact clarification on having multiple Google Places listings. According to Mike Blumethal, Google accepts multiple listings in the Places area for specific industries. e.g. One listing for a Dental office, one listing for EACH dentist.  This could include a separate website for each. If this is the case, how far away are we from having one maxed out business owning muiiple positions in the local listing space in the search engines. specifically Google? I would love a good explanation of what is and isn't allowed to have multiple listings.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dignan99

  • For wordpress ? I have been using Photo dropper recently which allow copyright free images to be added to posts which helps things look a lot neater . What seo related plugins do you use and non seo plugins ?

    Content Development | | onlinemediadirect

  • Sorry for the silly Shakespearean introduction but what are peoples opinions on leaving tag clouds to be indexed or no indexable by the search engines. I tend to leave them non indexable at the moment. I use wordpress for blogging as do most others.

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi i am new to seo and trying to teach myself the best way to improve a site and the best way to use the tools on seomoz. The problem i have is. i am working on a page at the moment on a site. the page is called weight loss hypnotherapy and i have around 130 links going to the page where as a site which is much higher than me in google has only around 5 links. I cannot understand with being new to seo how this can happen, can anyone please explain what i need to do to improve my ranking please. here is the site i am talking about that is higher than me any help would be great can anyone also give me a good example of a page before it has been optimised and a page after it has had this done.

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • Getting a site listed on the first page for most keywords is fairly easy but pushing for the final 3 positions can be difficult. Have you ever experienced a point where you feel you have given all you can for a campaign and are left scratching your head as to why your not taking over the competitors site ? From experience SEO only tends to count once you reach those top positions. When you reach burnout with a keyword with link building etc Where do you turn ?

    Competitive Research | | onlinemediadirect

  • I have been hearing that panda can penalize a website for low quality pages.  I have run duplicate content check and done my best to go through the whole website.  I hear many people talking about deleting hardest hit pages, or fixing hardest hit pages. My question is how can I find which pages on our website are hardest hit?  Is there anyway to check a website for pages that might score low.  We do have a ecom section to the website which I am concerned might be considered low quality for each product page.  Any advice would be a great help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fertilityhealth

  • With the recent focus on Google to reduce rank of farms and low value sites, I am interested to get SEO view on if you think Google will start devaluing stale sites. I do find it a bit frustrating that in the top 5 for my main key phrase, there is one site that has NO content just an error and another blog that has not updated content in 2 years. How can blogs that do not blog be considered high enough value by Google to rank in the top 5? How can sites that just return 404 or 500 for ALL their pages be even considered a site let alone rank 2nd. I am interested so see others experiences and thoughts on 'user experience' clean ups by Google and why these types of sites get missed?

    Reporting & Analytics | | oznappies

  • This may seem like a silly question, but I had my site designed by a third party and I don't know how to find this info. I want to add Google +1 button to my site. I've already added the script that makes it work in my , but don't know how to add the  to the part of my site I'd like the icon to appear. If you take a look at my site,, you will see the twitter and facebook icons that follow you around the site in the top right of the page.  I'd like to drop in the +1 right next to them, but I don't know how to get to it. How do I access this on the server? What section of my FTP do these lil icons live? A folder? Any direction is greatly appreciated...thanks.

    Technical SEO | | brentmitchell

  • Does it hurt to use alt and title attributes inside an anchor tag?  Example: view my website article

    Technical SEO | | donationtown

  • When de-indexing pages from google, what are the pros & cons of each of the below two options: robots.txt & requesting url removal from google webmasters Use the noindex, follow meta tag on all doctor profile pages Keep the URLs in the Sitemap file so that Google will recrawl them and find the noindex meta tag make sure that they're not disallowed by the robots.txt file

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • The Linkscape Update Calendar lists two updates in July (7th and 11th). For some internal calendaring, it would be helpful to know which date the update will roll. And as always, thank you very much for the great tools.

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • If a link exists, and nobody clicks on it, could it still be valuable for SEO? Say I have 1000 links on 500 sites with Domain Authority ranging from 35 to 80. Let's pretend that 900 of those links generate referral traffic. Let's assume that the remaining 100 links are spread between 10 domains of the 500, but nobody ever clicks on them. Are they still valuable? Should an SEO seek to earn more links like those, even though they don't earn referral traffic? Does Google take referral data into account in evaluating links? 5343313-zelda-rogers-albums-zelda-pictures-duh-what-else-would-they-be-picture3672t-link-looks-so-lonely.jpg Sad%20little%20link.jpg

    Technical SEO | | glennfriesen

  • Hello, Years ago, our company started out as a Yahoo store.  We've since moved onto another website with its own shopping cart but since the Yahoo store is almost 10 years old, there's a lot of history there and it still exists with the occasional order. We currently use it for reputation management purposes with links to our real ecommerce site but we're thinking of just redirecting the Yahoo store to our ecommerce site.  Is there any SEO benefit in doing this? We were also kind of penalized by Panda.  Would this help us out at all (the descriptions on both sites could be considered duplicate content).

    Technical SEO | | airnwater

  • Does anyone know of any research on this? Or has anyone tested this out themselves?

    Content Development | | JordanJudson

  • My site ( has a PageRank of 0, and I can't figure out why. We did a major site update about a year ago, and moved the site from .md to .com about 9 months ago.  We are crawled by Google and rank on the first page for many of our top keywords.  We have a MozRank of 4.59. I figured this is something that would just take time to work out of the system, but nothing seems to change while we patiently wait. One more thing to note - when a user comes to the homepage (city selector) and selects their region they will then be cookied and directed to their relevant city site on subsequent visits.  But even our city-specific pages (ie have pageranks of 0. My management team keeps asking me about this and I suspect there is something silly that we keep overlooking...but for the life of me, can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | OneMedical

  • Hi, I have a website an e-commerce website with more than 4.600 products. I expect that Seomoz scan check all url's. I don't know why this doesn't happens. The Campaign name is Artigos para festa and should scan the whole domain But it crels only 100 pages I even tried to create a new campaign named Festa Express - Root Domain  to check if it scans but had the same problem it crawled only 199 pages. Hope to have a solution. Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | EduardoCoen

  • Hi Guys, I'd like to get an SEO point of view on Redirecting Level 1 Pages (ie: main pages) to Level 3. I'm not a web-developer but lately I'm noticing a lot of main nav bar tabs redirected to child pages. When I go to click on what I assume is my main Motorcycle Level One Page the url looks something like this. Essentially there is no content in the first 2 levels, how will this affect my SEO efforts? Also, is there any point adding in title and description tags for these 2 levels seems as there is no content? SEO advise would be appreciated, thank you.

    Technical SEO | | GlenBOB

  • hi i have which is not indexing properly. the internal pages do not show up for the text they have on them, or the title tags. the site is on aekmps shops platform. I understand that a is not a proper TLD but i think i have a subdomain of Can anyone help? thanks

    Technical SEO | | Turkey

  • Hello, I've added a new website to my SEOmoz campaign tool. It only crawls 5 pages of the site. I know the site has way more pages then this and also has a blog. Google shows at least 1000 results indexed. Am I doing something wrong?  Could it be that the site is preventing a proper crawl? Thanks Bill

    Moz Pro | | wparlaman

  • Hi everyone, We have a short question that probably has a very long answer: What are all the ways that Google differentiates one search result from another? This is really important for us to know and, up until now, we can't find a really good and complete source that explains this. Thank you in advance.

    Industry News | | jid

  • Hi Guys, I need some help on this htaccess issue in Magneto. So here is what I am trying to do: I wanted to change to so I turned on the web friend URLS. That did that, BUT there are still two versions of every page on the site. and So that isn't good for SEO. So then I applied a 301 matching redirect, RedirectMatch 301 /index.php/(.*)$1 That solved that problem. But now I am not able to log into the admin. It is  It should redirect to but the page just hangs.... It goes into a continuous loop. I tired using the custom URL and then the site crashed and I had to redo it. So what do I need to do for this to work?

    Technical SEO | | netviper

  • Not sure I understand why the SEOMoz PRO report of rankings only occurs once a week? Any ideas?  Seems like it would be easy to just pull that ranking report at any time.

    Moz Pro | | findachristianjob

  • Greetings, I just redesigned my site,, and have the old site pointing to the new site via canonical URLs. I had a new crawl test run and it showed a large amount of duplicate content. Does the SEO Moz crawl tool validate canonical urls and adjusts the duplicate content count or is this note considered? FYI, I sent from no duplicate content to having 865 errors since the redesign went up so that seems suspicious. I would think though that assuming the canonical tag were used properly, and I hope it is?, that this would not be a problem?? All help with this is most appreciated. Eric

    Moz Pro | | Ericc22

  • I have noticed that some of my competitors have in-bound links to their sites from high PageRanked websites. But when I investigate the websites, they are based overseas, to be mainly used for linking.  Does it hurt them that the sites are based overseas despite the high Page Rank?

    Link Building | | findachristianjob

  • I'm about to buy one directory link (just the one!) but can't decide which URL to place my link on in that directory because of the varying metrics - which is better of the below (bearing in mind my own site is still a PR0 sitewide)?
    Metrics: 21 linking domains, PA 44, DA 59, PR0
    Metrics:1 linking domain, PA 35, DA 59, PR5 I know PR is no longer relevant and usually ignore this metric (except for possible penalties) and just focus on Seomoz toolbar metrics, but as my own site itself is PA:37 and DA:28 homepage but PR0 completely sitewide (over 6 months old but relatively new site), I thought this might help to balance things. Thanks for your advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | emerald

  • Hi, Does anyone have any evidence or case studies that Verisign Trust seal actually raises trust metrics? I know there are the obvious benefits such as better CTR and Conversion (which could in turn raise trust metrics). But i am looking for actual sighted examples of Verisign increasing trust signals to search engines discrediting the correlation between search metrics improving. I modified this as i think people are getting confused between SSL products and the specific Versign product i am talking about Verisign Trust Seal seen here. This has nothing to do with security for transactions it is more geared towards all around safer user experience including Malware scans and enhanced "stand out" in SERPS. It is not just a Domain validation but an organizational or Branding authentication check" With that being said, the question still stands Does anyone have any case studies or direct examples of trust being elevated in metrics for the specific product mentioned above. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Jinx14678

  • Hey, I tried to find and answer to this seemingly simple question, but no luck. So, I have one domain name with a website attached to it. I also registered all the other domain names that are similar to it or have different extensions - I want to redirect all the other domain names to my one main domain name without getting penalised by the big G. It looks like this: - this is my main domain I also have,, and which I all want to just redirect to I have been told that the best way to do this is a 301 redirect, but to do that you need to make a CNAME for all the other domains that points to My problem is that I cannot seem to create a CNAME record for - I have it working for but not the non www record. What should I be doing differently? Is it just my DNS provider is useless? Thanks, Anthony

    Technical SEO | | Grenadi

  • Hi Guys, I'm just looking for confirmation on something..... In the wake of Panda 2.2 one of my pages has plummeted in the rankings whilst other similar pages have seen healthy improvements. Am I correct in thinking that Panda effects individual pages and doesn't tar an entire site with the same brush? Really I'm trying to see if Panda is the reason in the drop on one page or whether it could be something else. The page in question has dropped 130 positions - not just a general fluctuation. Thanks in advance for your responses!!!

    Algorithm Updates | | A_Q

  • On a site I am working on we provide a landing page summary (say top 10 information snippets) and provide a link 'see more' to take viewers to a page with all the snippets. Now those first 10 snippets will be repeated in the full list. Is this going to be a duplicate content problem? If so, any suggestions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | oznappies

  • I am currently delving into link building for SEO having started out from a social media marketing side. From that angle, it was always my belief building high quality links came from engaging targeted bloggers and sites in my market and related verticals for product reviews and/or providing expert advise and opinion for posts they are creating. As I am learning more the "technical" side of SEO, I've read a lot of posters on here talk about asking from links from websites. While I get the concept from a strategic stand point, are links really asking for or is better to continue to pursue the long term investment of pitching to get coverage from well known bloggers and sites?

    Link Building | | joshuaopinion

  • Aside from the obvious usability issue of having a super long domain name.  Let's just for a moment image that that doesn't matter at all. Is there a point at which having another keyword in your domain name is not giving a significant boost to SER? Lets be more specific.  Often we see two keyword domains, and they rank well. and I have also seen many 3 keyword domains raking well.  but what about a 4, 5 or 6 keyword domain name? like: <-- obviously it looks ridiculous, but we are ignoring that factor for the duration of this question. I would also like to know in multiple keyword domain names, does the location of the keywords have any relevance? is it like title tags? closer to the front = more boost? And furthermore one last question on the same subject.  Does google consider varations of words when it gives the boost to "exact match" domain name in search results. for example: V.S. when someone searches for "story books" would these two get the same bonus?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adriandg

  • Hi Guys, I'm looking for any good examples of small business sites that you've come across that do a good job at converting potential visitors to clients.  I'm primarily thinking about service oriented business such as Doctors, Dentists, Salons, Clothing stores, small restuarants, car detailing services, local photographers, etc. I'm just trying to digest other examples and look for new inspirations.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | DotCar

  • On this page  - /design-templates/invitation-cards-come-celebrate-708.aspx  the image file location in the source code is src="/design-templates/come-celebrate-708.jpg". But in a browser > right click > save the image, the image file name/location is different "" Does it consider cloaking and does this impact to SEO in any ways? Thanks Tom

    Technical SEO | | tomchu

  • I am using the same anchor text on my homepage to go to two different pages. Is this bad? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | tylerfraser

  • Hello, I am entering sitewide navigation that will go to primary seo pages. This is really for usability, not for link juice. I'm wondering if I should still link to these very important pages in my index page's content. Or if I should consider those navigation links strong enough. If I did link in the content, then I would have more than one link to the same page on my home page. Thanks Tyler

    On-Page Optimization | | tylerfraser

  • I am wondering if you can help me start with the top three to five SEO blogs.  I have been really enjoying and getting into learning more about SEO and it is becoming really fun as it becomes less overwhelming. A few days ago there was a question about great SEO blogs.  And everyone provided a great list. I bookmarked all of them, but in reality I won't be able to go through them all and really get what is being presented. My question is what would be the best 3-5 to start with?  Eventually I will go through them all but experience can help me get on the right track. Thanks for the suggestions

    Algorithm Updates | | fertilityhealth

  • It always seem to compare the standings based on the week before, which confuses the issue when I'm only reporting monthly or quarterly. Is there currently (or might there be in the future) a way to set this so that the comparison is based on a time period that I specify?

    Moz Pro | | MackenzieFogelson

  • I am using seomoz webapp tool for my SEO on my site. I have run into this issue. Please see the attached file as it has the screen scrape of the error. I am running an on page scan from seomoz for the following url:  When I run the scan I receive the following error: We were unable to grade that page. We received a response code of 301. URL content not parseable. This page had worked previously. I have tried to verify my 301 redirects and am unable to resolve this error. I can perform other on page scans and they work fine. Is this a known problem with this tool? I have verified ensuring I don't have it defined. Any help would be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | GeoffBatterham

  • I have a content rich site. All of the feedback I get from users is positive in nature and the content matches exactly what people are searching for. It's easy to match search keywords with appropriate content on a "how to" site. Yet, from day one I am seeing 95+ bounce rates with time on site around 20 seconds. There are pages however with hundreds of comments and active discussions, so I have no idea how to address this problem.  I have researched bounce rates and time on site until I am blue in the face with no luck in resolving the problem. Can you suggest somethings that I should change or address? high_bounce_Page_1.jpg

    Search Behavior | | seoatsea

  • What is the best free social media monitoring tool out there?

    Social Media | | insitegoogle

  • I was reading a post by Eric Enge, and nobody talked about in the comments, so I want to see what you think: Considering that get some bad links from punished directories is bad for your site, it's worth to use site submissions softwares, like SubmitEaze, that promisses a 1,000 submits?
    Do you use it, what you think about it? [title edited by staff for clarity]

    Link Building | | seomasterbrasil

  • In case of a doorway page penalty, are both the doorway page and the external domain affected?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

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