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  • Hi everyone! Using the Open Site Explorer tool I can see many of my competitors leave blog comments which (according to the tool) are providing link value to their sites. This seems like something that can easily be used in a black hat sort of way. My question is this - Is leaving comments on blogs an effective way of generating positive links to my site? Adrian

    Competitive Research | | adrianaldous

  • Our new site design utilizes H1 tags on all pages except the home page. We couldn't find a way to work it into the design. That being said, what's the opinion on necessity? Do we need an H1? If we do the image replacement thing, will that be better for SEO than none at all? Our old site had one and once we changed it to the term we wanted to optimize for we made the top 10 in less than 60 days. We don't want to lose that placement. Thoughts? You input is very much appreciated.

    Web Design | | BMDM

  • IS: better than category and product are dynamic values that change with the diff. categ. and products displayed while catalog is constant.

    On-Page Optimization | | no6thgear

  • I'm writing up keywords for new pages on a website. There are a number of variations on the way we can say what we're looking for, and I don't want to post the specific keywords but I'll give an example using fruits. Let's say I want to optimize for Granny Smith apples, McIntosh apples, Jonathan apples, etc. Could my title be Apples - Granny Smith, McIntosh, Jonathan and my page will come up when someone searchs "Granny Smith apples" or "McIntosh apples" etc. or do the words have to be repeated in order. Obviously I will also be repeating these in the description and on the page I'm optimizing. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | crlana

  • Wondering if anyone knows if you can purchase an ecommece style wordpress theme, but not use the shopping cart portion or display pricing. We would like to display our website how an ecommerce is set up, but at this time, we do not sell anything online. We are considering in the near future to sell half of our products. And this would not be very large. Or can ecommerce be added to any wordpress theme. ?

    Web Design | | hfranz

  • Hi SEOMoz, I relaunched a site back in February of this year ( with about 1 million URL's. Right now I'm seeing that Google is not going past 110k indexed URL's (based on sitemaps). Do you have any tips on what I can do to make the site more likeable by Google and get more indexed  URL's? All the the part  pages can be browsed to by going to: I've tried to make the content as unique as possible by adding random testimonials and random "related part numbers" see here: Do I need to wait more time and be more patient with Google? It just seems like I'm only getting a few thousand URL's per day at the most. Would it help me  if I implemented a breadcrumb on all part pages? Thanks, -Carlos

    On-Page Optimization | | caneja

  • Which has more value? Passes more "link juice"? Auto generated rss links or contextual links?

    Link Building | | nicole.healthline

  • Was looking at a site's webmaster tools where there are a few hundred 404s for a site. God only knows where all those urls came from or what they once were or what. Two questions; How bad is all this for the site's overall ranking? Should I just make sure they go nowhere and 301 them all to the homepage or some other possibly relevant page? Anything bad that could happen with 301ing all this away? Also, the site has no sitemap submitted to Google. Any tips on that? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | 94501

  • We have a number of web sites.  We recently acquired an excellent domain name, it happened to be owned by one of our competitors. Our competitor has a lot of web sites, each domain having a basic 5 page unoptimized site with one of those pages little more than a link farm. They have over three hundred domains with all but lets say 10 of them consisting of basic 5 page sites with a link "directory" on one of those pages. - the directory page is the same on every single site/domain. One of the links from that directory is going to our newly acquired domain and newly optimized web site. Being new to this, should this pose any kind of concern for us? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | PlasticCards

  • I haven't seen anything to speak of in regards to Anyone have positive or negative feedback? Thanks.

    Link Building | | Oversteer

  • Target website in question is,it is hosted in our server located in US, what I am going to do right now is create a new subdomain that served EXACTLY the same content but it is hosted in our Indonesia server. Whenever people go to any page within, it will detect their country, if they are from Indonesia, I will redirect them to our Indonesia server. Okay, from SEO point of view I know there are couple problems such as Content duplication, and perhaps there are more. I think to handle the content duplication I can cannonical all URL on to the version instead. The same thing for social sharing, all links shared will be the one from, so all of those link juices go to, and for good measure I can also set the robots.txt to tell them not to index ... All sounded good to me, until the I became paranoid and start thinking "have I missed anything that might hurt my SERP" ? here is the question, did i miss something important, if i did could you please tell me what it is and if possible brought the solution you think might work into this discussion?? Again thanks a lot for your help 😃

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IKT

  • For our corporate business level domain, we are exploring using a hyphenated sub-domain foir a project. Something like I thought from a user perspective it seems cluttered. The domain length might also be an issue with the new Algorithm big G has launched in recent past. I know with past experience, hyphenated domains usually take longer to index, as they are used by spammers more frequently and can take longer to get out of the supplementary index. Our company site has over 90 million viewers / year, so our brand is well established and traffic isn't an issue. This is for a corporate level project and I didn't have the answer! Will this work? anyone have any experience testing this. Any thoughts will help! Thanks, Rob

    Technical SEO | | RobMay

  • ...sorry guys...thread deleted on the advice of EGOL.  🙂  I guess it was a good idea.  🙂

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

  • I love all the data Roger gives me if I ask him politely. It's awesome to turn that data into a nice looking Excel file for analysis. There is however one situation that gets me into trouble. When I export CSV, open it in Excel and convert text to columns (seperated by comma) and e.g. a Page Title contains a comma (which often happens); my file seperation is messed up. Anyone got some tips to handle that? Thanks in advance mozzers

    Moz Pro | | Partouter

  • I am curious to hear what you guys consider to be the characteristics of good content and in which order if you have a preference. Here are a few I can think of: Informative (you can learn something new) Substantial (enough of it and thorough) Complete (doesn't give half-baked information or ideas) Unique (not regurgitated original content) Helpful (practical actionable information) Visual (content complemented by media) Referenced (claims made are substantiated through citations) Entertaining (or otherwise emotional, e.g. surprising, sad, shocking, controversial) Formatted (easy to read and follow) Timely (right content at the right time, applies for news) Professional (writing style, grammar, spelling and sentence structure) Can you add to this list?

    Content Development | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I used on a handful of pages recently and noticed that they're still popping up in the Google search index. I'd like to keep these from appearing, so I figured I needed a directive statement with stronger semantic meaning. From what I understand, is what I'm looking for. Using this will keep Google from not only crawling the page, but indexing the page, as well. I decided to see what the official website said about it, so I checked (link here): the NOFOLLOW directive only applies to links on this page. It's entirely likely that a robot might find the same links on some other page without a NOFOLLOW (perhaps on some other site), and so still arrives at your undesired page. So, is their explanation saying that the page itself will be indexed, but the content / links on it won't be followed / indexed? Let me hear your thoughts, mozzers.

    Reporting & Analytics | | mudbugmedia

  • Has anyone had issues with the creative control google is maintaining with the Plus 1 button.  I have a client who is very strict on their design structure and wants to make the google button appear in style with their theme.  Has anyone encountered this or knows a moderately easy solution besides hacking away? THanks!

    Social Media | | malachiii

  • I would like to have an API key to run "Cempers" Linkreasearchtools. Please let me know where to fing it. Best regards Peter

    Link Building | | patonup

  • Hi all, I have a development subdomain, which gets copied to the live domain. Because I don't want this dev domain to get crawled, I'd like to implement a robots.txt for this domain only. The problem is that I don't want this robots.txt to disallow the live domain. Is there a way to create a robots.txt for this development subdomain only? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Partouter

  • Google adwords have banned my adwords because my personal blog post is a "bridge" page Can anyone explain how this vanilla wordpress blog is a spam bridge page? They give me 3 options to rectify this, none of which make any sense To comply with our policies, the options below are available: Option 1: Refine your web page so that it contains a substantial amount of
    original content. This content should be related to your ad text and
    should stand independently of the links on your page that redirect users
    to other sites. This includes any affiliate links on your site. In
    addition, the site should have an overall unique look and feel. Examples of original content include, but are not limited to: Tips and information for consumers considering the product or service Competitor pricing and feature comparisons Unique and informative reviews and customer feedback Links to relevant articles This content shouldn't be derived directly from other sites or a parent
    site. - the content is 100% unique, written by me Option 2: Redesign your web page to offer multiple, competing offers from
    different companies for related services. For example, a web page
    promoting a specific marketing strategy book could have links to four
    online bookstores from which one could purchase the book. - theres nothign to do with services offfers, or competitions, or any type of monetization Option 3: Link directly to the end site, using the appropriate Display
    URL.  - there are no end sites Cheers Stephen

    Paid Search Marketing | | firstconversion

  • Hi, Ive got this error whilst trying to add a campaign, could you help with this at all? "We have detected that the root domain does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site" Cheers

    Moz Pro | | Orantec

  • I am befuddled as to why our destination URL in SERPs keeps changing oak furniture was nicely returning then I changed something yesterday I did 2 things. published a link to that on facebook as part of a competition. redirected dynamic pages to the static URL for oak furniture.. Now for oak furniture the SERPs in GG UK is returning our home page as the most relevant landing page.. Any Idea why? I'm leaning to an onpage issue than posting on FB.. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • Does it matter if i use to www or no www for SERPS on google? Obviously the redirection would be set up for either in the htaccess file.

    Technical SEO | | apwade

  • I did some home page optimization with the seo moz on page key word optimization tool and we are now back in the top three in the past week (after dropping to page 3 a month or so ago).  It seems that google has gone back to combining google places with organic searches.  Has anyone else noticed this type of change?  I did read some posts about panda 2.2, which seems to explain some of these findings.  I am wondering if things are in flux or they may be more stable this way?  Thanks for the insights.

    Algorithm Updates | | fertilityhealth

  • If 75% of a site is poor quality, but still accounts for 35% of the traffic to the site, should the content be 404ed? Or, would it be better to move it to a subdomain and set up 301 re-directs? This site was greatly affected by Panda.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I've heard rumblings of some Panda sites recovering in the last few days and wondered if the talked about Panda 2.2 has been rolled out. My own site (which actually had a significant boost after Panda) has seen a significant increase in traffic today (started about noon EST yesterday) and a nice increase in Adsense revenue as well. How are your sites doing?

    Algorithm Updates | | MarieHaynes

  • Hello! I'm new to SEO as my question would imply.  Can someone show me the difference between a page title and a page element? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | atrenary

  • Google seems to be following up on either Panda 2.xx ..or we just got hit with link devaluation. We lost rankings with most of our keywords, where we were ranked 1,2,3 ..first page for most. Now we have dropped on the first page for competitive keywords, and even some to the seconds page. We haven't changed anything on the site itself...and those ranking over us in some areas have very little quality content, and links. Sites like ""..or "", etc. seem to be gaining some of the top spots. This comes years after solidly dominating our niche, and steady traffic. My theory is the latest Google changes are affecting link value, and perhaps we simply got some authority loss...but was wondering if you could shed any light on this issue? Thanks.

    Algorithm Updates | | kledge

  • Is it really necessary to add a meta description to your categories and admin pages? I don't even have that option with my Genesis platform. When i received my first crawl test, those are the things that stick out as errors...

    Technical SEO | | brentmitchell

  • I work on SEO for a number of clients at our agency, including our in-house SEO for our own website. I use Open Site Explorer all the time to analyze my competition in the SERPs and try to gain links from this insight. However, I've noticed a number of agencies and design shops that place a link in the footer of websites they've designed and created. For example "Site design by ABC Agency (hyperlinked to the agency's home page). Or I've seen small logos or graphics that link to the designer's site and use the "alt tag" to get stronger anchor text. From a design perspective, I don't care for this, but as a SEO...I can see why. We've designed a number of websites and have more in the pipeline, but have not used this tactic before. It seems like an irrelevant link from a content/user standpoint, however, it seems to work for a lot of agencies and design shops. Any input from the SEOmoz community would be great. Is it a short-lived strategy? Does it help or hurt your link-building and "rapport" with Google, Bing, Yahoo? Thanks everyone.

    Web Design | | PHDL

  • We have been having some modest success with Google Shopping results in the UK. However we are yet to understand exactly what makes one brand more likely to rank over another. We need to understand which factors are at play and just how best keywords can be optomised?

    Keyword Research | | seanmccauley

  • I have backlinks coming into my homepage, which has both a www. URL and one that's merely Which is the preferred URL for best optimization for search engines and how do I find this out?

    Technical SEO | | NetPicks

  • What would be the Perfect Landing Page for jewelry website? Show me some examples and tell me why do you think so. Thanks in advance to everyone who participated.

    Algorithm Updates | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • We have a .com site here in the US that is ranking well for targeted phrases. The client is expanding its sales force into India and South Africa. They want to duplicate the site entirely, twice. Once for each country. I'm not well-versed in international SEO. Will this cause a duplicate content filter? Would and look at's index for duplication? Thanks. Long time lurker, first time question poster.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alter_Imaging

  • I'm not sure if this new but I noticed it today: Some of the ads that are displayed on top of the SERPs have a title, and then their web address, separated by a vertical bar. For example (see image): Coffee Beans Online | The same ad, when displayed in the side bar (see 2nd image) doesn't contain the web address. I expected that because if you count the letters in the ad, including the '' it exceeds the amount allowed for a google ad. My question is: How did it get there? There's no room to distinguish between top ads and side ads when you write a new a new ad in adwords so where did it come from? Plus, notice that both and use caps that are not used in the green link at the bottom. How did Google know to present the url that way? 549sR 4tAnb

    Paid Search Marketing | | 5225Marketing

  • Hello! For my site i have connected GA accout.
    But if I try to access traffic data, it just keeps loading. Any idea? Regards, Laszlo

    Reporting & Analytics | | systemfarmer

  • I am installing a new instance of WordPress and want to use Google Analytics. Which Plug-in is the best to use? I am finding several Plug-ins that all seem to do the same thing: Google Analyticator Google Analytics Dashboard Simple Google Analytics Ultimate Google Analytics Wordpress Google Analytics Maybe one of these are not the best? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | LBike

  • I have a duplicate content issue. If the page has already been indexed will a no follow no index tag resolve the issue or do I also need a rel canonical statement?

    On-Page Optimization | | McKeeMarketing

  • Older reads state the domain forwarding or masking will create duplicate content but Google has evolved quite a bit and I'm wondering if that is still the case? Not suggesting that a 301 is not the proper way to redirect something but my question is: Does Google still see masked domains as duplicate content? Is there any viable use for domain masking other than for affiliates?

    On-Page Optimization | | TracyWeb

  • What is your thought if your site's analytic is showing you something like that graph? is it "DAMN!!! it is not supposed to be like that, the X are supposed to be greater then Y by at least two or three" And what is your next strategy? is it "okay, i need to put on backburner for my link building kungfu now immidiately...." Please share your thought.. because i dont know if i should be happy or not looking at something like this showing up on my analytics... Please do share your opinion GoodBad.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IKT

  • Hi All, i am pretty new to this world of SEO, we are looking for an individual that is true and honest in the work they carry out. Maybe a university student who knows alot about SEO/keywords and will get our sites where they need to be. So if you want to earn some extra money to help pay for your uni fees in your time and can provide a good SEO service, please get in touch. my email is, we have already had companies with the WE CAN DO IT!! we just want an individual that can do the work and be true to their word. There must be some honest people still out there. look forward to the email Regards Gina

    Competitive Research | | ginag

  • This has been discussed on the forums in some regard. My situation. Example 1 Long Keyword URL: Example 2 Short Keyword URL: In both examples I want to improve rankings for the "keyword" phrase. My current URL is example 1. And I've landed a page one ranking in Google (7) with that URL. In attempts to improve rankings further (top 5), I was toying with the idea of going simpler with all my URLs in favor of the example 2 model. Might this method help or hurt my current rankings? In recent articles I've read it seems that going with the simpler more human approach to my SEO efforts. Any thought would be appreciated. Cheers,

    On-Page Optimization | | creativedepartment

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