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  • Hello Everyone, Background: I recently decided to change the preferred domain settings in WM Tools from the non www version of my site to the www version. I did this because there is a redirect from the non www to the www and I've built all of my internal links with the www. Everything I read on SEO Moz seemed to indicate that this was a good move. Traffic has been down/volatile but I think it's attributable mostly to a recent site change/redesign. Having said that the preferred domain change did seem to drop traffic an additional notch. I made the move two weeks ago. Here is the question: When I google my site, the home page shows up as the site title without the custom title tags I've written. The page that displays in the SERP is still the non www version of the site. a search shows an internal page first but doesn't return the home page as a result. All other pages pop up indexed with the www version of the page. a (notice lack of www) search DOES SHOW my home page and my custom title tags but with a non www version of the page. All other pages pop up indexed with the www version of the page. Any one have thoughts on this? Is this a classic example of waiting on Google to catch up with the changes to my tiny little site?

    Technical SEO | | JSOC

  • I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES / NO
    My site's URL (web address)
    Description (including timeline of any changes made): We were hit with the Doorway Pages penalty on 5/26/11. We have a team of copywriters, and a fast-working dev dept., so we were able to correct what we thought the problem was, "targeting one-keyword per page" and thin content. (according to Google) Plan of action: To consolidate "like" keywords/content onto pages that were getting the most traffic and 404d the pages with the thin content and that were targeting singular keywords per page. We submitted a board approved reconsideration request on 6/8/11 and received the 2nd message (below) on 6/16/11. ***NOTE:The site was originally designed by the OLD marketing team who was let go, and we are the NEW team trying to clean up their mess. We are now resorting to going through Google's general guidelines page. Help would be appreciated. Below is the message we received back. Dear site owner or webmaster of, We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines. In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines. If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit and resubmit your site for reconsideration. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team Any help is welcome. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | LVH

  • What's your SEO sweet spot for monthly keyword search volume*? At what volume do you actually expect to see traffic? (I know this depends heavily on competition for said keywords). (*Currently measuring volume via Google AdWords Keyword Tool / SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool. || Comparing exact match and broad match.)

    Moz Pro | | JessicaCox

  • Hi there, Does anyone know of any good link building compnaies that will link build for you ? I am happy to supply PR Conent, but be great to find a company that can link build for me Any help guys would be great... Thanks Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Whatever it sells for I'm giving to: Thanks guys, Dan

    Social Media | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I received a message that my crawl report is complete with a link  - went to the link however - when I click on the icon that has the report name and the complete check mark nothing happens looked around can't find the results. Need to bid on this job so it would be helpful to know where to get it. Thanks for all you do. Wickey

    Moz Pro | | Wickey

  • I have always been under the impression that top level (or root) domains can hold different domain authority than that of a sub domain. Meaning that sub domain's and TLD can hold different ranks and strength in search engine result pages. Is this a correct or just an assumption? If so when i add a root domain and subdomain into the campaign manager i get back the same link information and domain authority? Have I made an incorrect assumption or is this an issue with the SEOMoz campaign manager?

    Moz Pro | | kchandler

  • Hi Everyone, The following was automatically generated at Should I get rid of the index.php url from my sitemap?  If so, how do I go about redirecting it in my htaccess ? <url><loc></loc></url>
    <url><loc></loc></url> thank you in advance, Martin

    Technical SEO | | RogersSEO

  • We have 3 offices, at the moment we have the address of each office in the footer using the format. We are also creating individual pages for each location, the address on these pages will also be in the format. Is having locations in both the footer and on individual location pages the best way to go?

    On-Page Optimization | | cottamg

  • Although a little obsessive I can't be the only one checking rankings on a daily basis. Indeed if such a practice was not widespread then software such as linktracker wouldnt exist. It's a shame that Seomoz has the functionality to check rank, however chooses to only do so once per week. Therefore we pay for tools such as link tracker in addition to Seomoz. Here starts a petition for daily updates!!! 😉

    Reporting & Analytics | | seanmccauley

  • I have a website ,now google index ip address of it instead of the domain name,I have used 301 redirected to the domain name,but how to change the index IP to its domain name? And why google index the IP address?

    Algorithm Updates | | frankfans117

  • I have a few domains that I'm going to use for link building, will the link juice from the sub domains transfer to the main domain?

    Link Building | | Vsky

  • Hi SEO gurus   🙂 Anyone has input on what's better? vs vs etc I think the subdir (/xyz) will concentrate authority on the same subdomain so should be better? However sometimes it is tidier on the server to maintain online stores or blogs in a separate strucutre so subdomains work better in that sense. I just want to make sure that doesn't affect SEO? Cheers!

    Technical SEO | | hectorpn

  • it said "Includes Standard Search Engine Visibility to Improve Search Rankings" it begs for question... Search Engine Visibility??? Improve SERP?!?!!? is it really that good? O.o; or have i successfully been eaten my promotional messages? Can anyone with experience with them share some information with me ? 🙂 (The price tag is mighty interesting)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IKT

  • Hey guys, I was just wondering what the whole markup means for people that run search engines (i.e. for a niche, certain products) or price comparison engines in general. The intend behind was to help the engines better understand the pages content. Well, I guess such services don't necessarily want Google to understand that they're just another search engine (and thus might get thrown out of the index for polluting it with search result pages). I see two possible scenarios: either not implement them or implement them in a way that makes the site not look like an aggregator, i.e. by only marking up certain products with unique text. Any thoughts? Does the SEOmoz team has any advice on that? Best,

    Technical SEO | | derderko

  • My client has a website that ranks 1st on  ex: widget for The domain also has a section   that ranks lower in the SERP The question is... are there any on-page elements or tactics to improve that specific page without affecting the overall home page performance?

    Technical SEO | | mosaicpro

  • I've recently been really interested in the content at reddit.  I've actually gotten some good content for my facebook page and stuff to blog about by reading what is trending there. I haven't had any success in submitting anything though.  No one votes for my stuff.  😞 I'd love any tips from those who successfully use reddit.

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Hello all, I'm currently trying to find a great hosting company which can offer a fast and stable service and more important, with the possibility of geolocalizing IP's of Europe and concretely for Spain. I've found Ixwebhosting but they only offer US Ip's, as their datacenters are there. I don't know if it's the same thing outside spain, but here the hosting companies only use to have a single "C-class" range so even buying them different IP's doesn't help that much, and it isn't cheap (2€/month/ip...). So if you know someone offering what I'm looking for (or really close to it) drop a line, I'll appreciate your help! 🙂

    Industry News | | PabloGV

  • Is there a way to display all images that google has indexed on a domain / subdomain? I'm basically looking for something like a site:-command for google image search.

    Reporting & Analytics | | jmueller

  • Hi everyone, I'm checking out some competition for a webshop and i found a website which was quite high in Google for a searchterm, when checking it's backlinks why it was that high in google (His Content was rubbish, so it wasn't that). I only found out that it has loads of linkdirectory links, does this mean it still matters these kind of links, or does it mean the competition is just rubbish? Regards, yannick

    Competitive Research | | iwebdevnl

  • Hi, What are the SEO best practices for redirecting to the correct language site based on geographic location? Right now, we're using a 302 redirect to point users to the right country landing page. User reaches site: > Server detects location > 302 redirect to We'd like to optimize the site for all languages, but which country gets the SEO rank for the Thanks for your help! Roya

    Technical SEO | | roya

  • I have a client who has a virtuemart site and all of the "ask a question on this product" had been indexed on google. I have managed to get a noindex meta tag into the ask a question page, will these be dropped from the index next time they are crawled and google sees the noindex?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | webseoservices

  • We currently run our eyewear store on osCommerce. However, for various reasons we are considering a redevelopment onto another platform, the most obvious choice being Magento. What might the advantage and improvement in SEO with such a change and is the pain worth the gain???

    Web Design | | seanmccauley

  • Following advice here on Seomoz we have managed to boost rankings of several keywords onto page 1. However, this welcome visibilty has revealed some weak meta descriptions. We also run an adwords campaign and are familiar with best practice in writing adwords copy which can be monitored via ctr. However other than testing which can be a little lengthy and given that we have 1000s of pages ( as a ecommerce store, what is best practice in writing meta descriptions to increase organic ctr? Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | seanmccauley

  • Hi everyone, The host I use is OK, but looking for something lightning fast for a new project. Any know which hosts are the fastest and best for SEO?

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • Hello, I have a website and working more than 1 year ago,I worked hard last year and paid alot to make guys write articles from my website to other forums so my keywords rank high and got good visitors, then I get in much care in SEO and found SEOMoz with is very nice,when I downloaded the tool bar it was a shock to find my website is almost zero although the big effort I had, I can do more but I need to guide what I exactly need to improve my website,I almost read alot of the beginner PDF and got good information to work with and can hire people to help too. I did a real big work sharing my subjects and i can see them in top#5 google but for other sites and now i found I am still zero 😞 adding my links inside also didnt help or counted. attached the statistics of the website and the competitors site to let me know which important things to take care to jump over. would be very thankful for detailed help, Best Regards 1_01308477251.png 1_01308477465.png

    Technical SEO | | nesr_2020

  • Is anyone from SEOmoz planning on writing anything about the Semantic Web and Schema and how they see it impacting SEO?

    Technical SEO | | EricVallee34

  • Let me preface this by first saying I am NOT using the Google Adsense Search feature.    The question I am asking is pertaining to the standard search box that comes already coded in most .php blogs. In the Google Analytics, is there a way to tell how many people are searching using the search box?   I've looked through the navigation and pathway options in analytics and I don't seem to see anything that definitively points to the number of people using the search box but, perhaps, I am overlooking it. Any insight?

    Reporting & Analytics | | ChristineCadena

  • What is your favorite PPC Mgmt software?  I was looking over my options and wanted to see if anyone has any recommendations?  I've always done this manually but would like to find software that can allow my bids to put me (for example) in the third place position on Microsoft adCenter. Thanks,

    Paid Search Marketing | | celife

  • Something has happened which is, well inexplicable to me... I'm stumped! We have a client that has two sites which compete for the same keywords. One is a .com, the other is a They have different content so there's no dupe worries. We have, for the past few months been carrying out SEO for the .com site. It's doing great. We don't do anything with the site, which, incidentally dropped from 2nd (under the .com) to 9th after Panda for its main keyword. The owner of the site has switched the to Wordpress and now that site, with the same content, same links, same social signals, etc... (nothing was done to it except the platform being changed) has suddenly shot up above the .com for not only its main keyword but most of the others too. What gives?? It doesn't even have a link from the .com site! So, the .com which has undergone SEO is now being beaten by the which hasn't. The .com is still directly underneath it. It feels like all of the things we know about SEO, all of the ranking factors and everything are being totally undermined here, just due to a change to Wordpress. Surely that can't be it?? The .com is an older domain, has more content, has always done well, has more links and from better places, and all the social stuff surrounding the business is targeted at it. This isn't a penalization issue or anything like that, this is simply a matter of the suddenly blasting above everything for no apparent reason. Any ideas?? I know that there "might" be a tiny, tiny, tiny advantage of the country TLD but that's not enough to do this, and the always did worse before.

    Algorithm Updates | | SteveOllington

  • One of my client's sites is experiencing a major decrease in search traffic (by 50%) but the main terms she usually gets traffic for, she's ranking the same or even better over the period of time that the traffic has decreased. What could cause this?

    Keyword Research | | bvrob

  • Over the past two weeks I've noticed that Google has decided to change which pages on our site rank for specific keywords. The thing is, this is for keywords that the homepage was already ranking for. Due to our workload, we've made no changes to the site, and I'm not tracking any additional backlinks. Certainly there are no new deep links to these pages. In SEOmoz dashboard (and via tools/manual checking with a proxy) of the 24 terms we have first page ranking for, 9 of them are marked "new to top 50". These are terms we were already ranking for. Google just appears to have switched out the homepage for other pages. I've noticed this across a couple of client sites, too, though none to the extent that I'm seeing on our own. Certainly this isn't a bad thing, as the deeper pages ranking means that they're landing on the content they want first, and I can work to up the conversion rates. It's just caught me by surprise. Anyone else noticing similar changes?

    Algorithm Updates | | BedeFahey

  • I create a lot of landing pages for individual keywords on my site. An issue that I've run into is I unknowingly use some common phrases repeatedly on different pages and therefore sometimes get dinged by Google. I'm basically looking for a tool that would check the content of a new page against all the other pages on my site and check it phrase by phrase.  Most of the tools I've found make you put in two URLs to check against - I need it to check against hundreds.

    On-Page Optimization | | davegr

  • I have 2 WordPress SEO Plugins,  Yoast and All-in-One SEO.  I have tried like heck to make them work together, but every time I crawl my site here, I get multiple error messages. My question is, how can I tweak the title settings to avoid having multiple meta desctiptions, titles etc.

    On-Page Optimization | | TheSportsDaddy

  • Hi, all. I'm working in an unfamiliar area here, so I hope someone can tell me if I'm out in left field. I am building a sub-domain called, so that I can upload a client's still-under-construction site while working on it. When completed, it'll go up on his server, replacing his old site. Obviously, I want to ensure that it doesn't get indexed while it's on my test platform. A friend suggested that I password it with htaccess and htpasswd, since we can never be certain the SEs will obey site directives. My question is, what do you think would be the best (and hopefully, simplest) way to accomplish this? I'm no code-monkey, so "simple" is a big plus! Doc By the way, the platform will be Wordpress CMS.

    Technical SEO | | Doc_Sheldon

  • Hi, I am in the process of re-vamping a website that hasn't been touched for years and whose rankings slowly dropped. Any best practice in how to do it making sure that there's not any more loss and - hopefully - it could go back to the old glory? The website is Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pdmonline

  • On my "On Page" analysis report it show me a couple pages that have D ratings... one key phrase is "my destination lodging" and it is matching it up with a url like It says I'm ranking 37th for this term.... Is it just suggesting that I optimize this url because it is already ranking for that term? So should I create a different page with a different url to better match this phrase? Thanks for any ideas.

    On-Page Optimization | | PillarMarketing

  • Does anyone know if there any sort of study or have an opinion on the following: Does the company name appearing the browser tab have any affect on how a user interacts with a site from a branding perspective or a TITLE tag / meta description in SERP "paying off" perspective? That is, optimizing titles COMPANY NAME | KEYWORD instead of vice versa so that when the title shows in the browser tab, the company name is displayed but not much else.

    Branding | | hunchfree

  • Hi, on the Competitive Comparison section of the "link analysis" page the top 5 sites are linking to pages on my site that no longer exist. I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to recreate these pages that no longer exist or if I should just use a 301 redirect to some page on my site that has related info. Thanks for your suggestions.

    On-Page Optimization | | PillarMarketing

  • Everyone knows backlinks ( plus content ) is the key to good rankings. BUT, how do you ask for a backlink without sounding douchey? Does anyone have a template or something they could share?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DojoGuy

  • I have noticed that sometimes search results appear above the local pack, and sometimes the local pack is right at the top.  What causes this? is there a way to induce it?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Hey All, I'm new to all this and I'm aready getting overwhelmed with the content at seomoz. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what to concentrate on first for immediate gratification?

    Affiliate Marketing | | Truso

  • I would like to start a link building initiative at my company for a new website, and would like to know if the value of the links built using Submiteaze would be worth the money.

    Link Building | | pbhatt

  • We’ve been noticing a huge uptick in Google’s spidering lately, and along with it a notable worsening of render times. Yesterday, for example, Google spidered our site at a rate of 30:1 (google spider vs. organic traffic.)   So in other words, for every organic page request, Google hits the site 30 times. Our render times have lengthened to an avg. of 2 seconds (and up to 2.5 seconds). Before this renewed interest Google has taken in us we were seeing closer to one second average render times, and often half of that. A year ago, the ratio of Spider to Organic was between 6:1 and 10:1. Is requesting a crawl-delay from Googlebot a viable option? Our goal would be only to reduce Googlebot traffic, and hopefully improve render times and organic traffic. Thanks, Trisha

    Technical SEO | | lzhao

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