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  • Customer reviews are important for local SEO. The problem is getting people to review your website. What are your ideas for encouraging customers to review? *Give away incentives and ask people to review. E.g. movie tickets, discount on products.
    *Ask people to review in sales process.
    *Have an ipad ready & custom review website for ipad - ask people to review.
    *Page for 'review us' on the site.
    *If you are a 'google favorite places' print out QR code for the page & position in-store.
    *Make a custom  QR printout to a 'review us' page, position in-store.

    Image & Video Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • I have this eBook in PDF and I don't know how to track it: I ultimately want to do like SeoMoz in their Ranking Reports: Export to PDF Anybody have a quick idea on how to do this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Francisco_Meza

  • I'm wondering if anyone has had good experiences with any of the link building companies out there. I'm really looking to hear about those companies who go beyond the mundane forum links, blog commenting, bulk directory submission, article directories etc. It's all been done to death. I've used, they are pricey, but are good at getting high quailty links.

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • I am considering hiring a company to help develop link building for our websites.  It is just too time intensive for me and I would like someone with experience to do it. So. . .what are the things I should ask of this company to make sure they know what they are doing and will do it in an ethical manner?  What are some things I should make sure that they will NOT do with the links? Any guidance you have on what I should tell the company would be helpful.

    Link Building | | findachristianjob

  • I compared my site home page against my competitor homepage with Open Site Explorer and I found that according Open Site Explorer I have only 3 backlinks where in MajesticSEO I have more than 100 backlinks in 'Historic' data and more 90 in '30 days fresh data'. Why there is no even close correlation between MajesticSEO data and Open Site Explorer? How SEOMoz count backlinks?

    Competitive Research | | eladlvy

  • Does anyone have any case studies or examples of sites where a specific sub-domain was hit by Panda while other sub-domains were fine? What's the general consensus on whether this was applied at the sub-domain or root-domain level? My thinking is that Google already knows broadly whether a "site" is a root-domain (e.g. SEOmoz) or a sub-domain (e.g. tumblr) and that they use this logic when rolling out Panda. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions though?

    Algorithm Updates | | TomCritchlow

  • When submitting compressed sitemaps to Google I normally use the a file named sitemap.gz A customer is banging on that his web guy says that sitemap.xml.gz is a better format. Google spiders sitemap.gz just fine and in Webmaster Tools everything looks OK... Interested to know other SEOmoz Pro's preferences here and also to check I haven't made an error that is going to bite me in the ass soon! Over to you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • Post panda, there is definitely more talk about scrapers or other (more authoritative) sites outranking the original content creators in the SERPS. The most common way this problem is addressed (from what I've seen) is by rewriting the content and try your hardest to be the first one to be indexed or just ignoring it from an on page standpoint and do more link dev. Does anyone have any advice on the best way to address?  Should site owners be looking deeper into their analytics and diagnostics before doing the rewrites?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Troyville

  • Im experiencing a different problem. I created a website using wordpress "". When I publish any post (eg:""), along with the post, its also creating another page like "" which is a 404 error (showing in SEOmoz reports) automatically the website name is coming at the end (one at first and one at last) and creating a 404 error. Please let me know the reason why its happening and the solution for redirecting all 404 and misspelt pages to home page. Thankyou Raja

    Content Development | | rajaletstalk

  • I'm converting for static to dynamic web pages.  It appears that the page name is used for page ranking in the search engines. Will adding a Page Name variable help to increase our SEO. For example  Does the page name variable make a difference?

    On-Page Optimization | | NCBob

  • Sorry for formatting, below is the source. There are alot of blocks from robots.txt but is there anything easily rectified to get this site SOME visibility? Duplicate content maybe PANDA had it? No backlink profile too which isnt helping but even still, surprising to see a domain auth of 1. Thanks in advance for any responses. DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:06:27 GMT"><title>Bridport Interflora Florist, Lavender Blue, Dorset, DT16 3XDtitle><meta name="description" content="Lavender Blue in Bridport, Dorset, DT16 3XD delivers to Interflora florist based in Bridport is a well established family run business with a dedicated team of florists.  We specialise in beautiful wedding flowers and take great pride in our funeral tributes, floral arrangements designed for any occasion for local, national and worldwide delivery."><meta name="keywords" content="Bridport,Interflora Florist,Lavender Blue,Dorset,DT16 3XD"><meta name="abstract" content="Interflora florist based in Bridport is a well established family run business with a dedicated team of florists.  We specialise in beautiful wedding flowers and take great pride in our funeral tributes, floral arrangements designed for any occasion for local, national and worldwide delivery."><meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/kernel/styles/print.css?new=new" media="print"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/kernel/styles/d4.css?designtype=d4;theme=blue;" type="text/css"><style type="text/css">style><script language="JavaScript1.2" src="/kernel/utils.js?new" type="text/javascript">script><script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript" src="/kernel/interflora.js?head=1;si=1000343;">script><script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">script><script language="javascript"> var b_site_url = getcookie('b_site_url');if (b_site_url != "" && !getcookie('referral_id') && location.protocol == 'http:' && b_site_url != && location.pathname.indexOf('catalog2') == -1)                        location.href = location.protocol + "//" + b_site_url + location.pathname +;script>head><body><img border="0" src="/kernel/images/speck.gif" width="1" height="1" alt class="nospace"><div id="page-body"><table class="page-topbanner" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td background="/kernel/images/d4/border-blue_03.gif" align="left" valign="top"><img src="/kernel/images/d4/border-blue_01.gif" alt>td><td colspan="2" style="background-image: url(/kernel/images/d4/border-blue_03.gif); 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    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ewanstevenson

  • Hi, The https-pages of our booking section are being indexed by Google. We added But the pages are still being indexed. What can I do to exclude these URL's from the Google index? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Dennis Overbeek ACSI Publishing |

    Technical SEO | | SEO_ACSI

  • Hi! We have a multilingual page and I have set in Google Webmaster Tools the language preference for the root domain to be none, Spanish for the .com/es, English for the .com/en, and German for the .com/de. The title and description show in the right language in Google Germany and google UK, but in (Spain) the title and description appear in English instead of Spanish. Does anybody know why could this be happening and how to fix it? kJtF3.png

    Technical SEO | | inmonova

  • Hi guys! When dealing with linkbuilding for a multi language page such as is it better to get external links pointing at or is it better to point: English links to Spanish links to German links to What is your opinion?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | inmonova

  • I'm wondering what's the most important number in facebook that affect more the SEO of a site: It is the number of "Recommend" that your site have received or It is the number of fans the facebook fan page of the site have? Also does this really affect SEO or not? If you can provide some data, statistics, link to post or whatever it would be very nice. Thanks for your help

    Social Media | | nuroa-246712

  • Hi, My website is based in Ireland on a .ie domain & now I would like to enter the UK market on a Is it ok for me to duplicate my .ie website and provide all the information on a OR is this considered duplicate content in terms of Google. (I'm led to believe that your own content on my domain's is not considered duplicate & this is only considered duplicate content when you go from .com to .ie, etc). (all content, images, branding are my own).

    Content Development | | GlenBOB

  • I stumbled across this blog post: and also this one : which talks about no-follow links from your Youtube Channel Page. We've setup a Youtube channel, and have begun updating it regularly, however the link appears to be a redirect-type link -presumably this means no link juice is passed? The code of the link on our Youtube channel: The second blog mentions building PA on your Youtube channel by commenting on other videos which then links back to your channel page - if that juice can't go to your site, then I assume the technique is of limited use? Apart from boosting your Youtube Channel's rankings of course, which I guess can't hurt.

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • When you add an intelligence custom alert does it look at the history and backdate issues? I've added a few custom alerts, even basic ones like my homepage gets 5 views, create an alert. I either need to wait a day or something is going wrong. Cheers.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Seaward-Group

  • I am wondering what is the advantage of submitting my blog Does this just provide more opportunities to havd my posts reach readers? Or is there indexing or link opportunities there? Thanks for the feedback.

    Link Building | | fertilityhealth

  • We want to promote our services across a network of business immigration lawyers site. There are some many affiliate marketing out there. I could spend an entire month just studying who is doing what. Please help any suggestion? What the shortcut to get to the right affiliate network who has the publishers we target? Regards, Jean-David

    Industry News | | sarenausa

  • I was setting up a new campaign and received the following error from Roger Robot. "We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here." I know about redirecting a PAGE using 301 Redirects and how to specify the www. canonical in Google webmaster tools, but is there a "DOMAIN" redirect that I'm missing. What would you suggest doing given the error message above. Thanks, Bill Sqnch.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Marvo

  • Hi there superMozers! I´ve read a quite a few questions about multi-lingual sites but none answered my doubt / idea, so here it is: I´m re-designing an old website for a hotel in 4 different languages which are all** hosted on the same .com domain** as follows: for english for **spanish ** for french for portuguese While doing keyword search, I have noticed that many travel agencies separate geographical areas by folders, therefor an **agency pomoting beach hotels in South America **will have a structure as follows: and they list hotels in each folder, therefor benefiting from those keywords to rank ahead of many independent hotels sites from those areas. What **I would like to **do -rather than just naming those folders with the traditional /en/ for english or /fr/ for french etc- is take advantage of this extra language subfolder to_´include´_ important keywords in the name of the subfolders in the following way (supposing the we have a beach hotel in Argentina): for english for **spanish  ** for french for portuguese Note that the same keywords are used in the name of the folder, but translated into the language the subfolders are. In order to make things clear for the search engines I would specify the language in the html  for each page. My doubt is whether google or other search engines may consider this as ´stuffing´ although most travel agencies do it in their site structure. Any Mozers have experience with this, any idea on how search engines may react, or if they could penalise the site? Thanks in advance!

    International SEO | | underground

  • Google , Yahoo and Bing have now teamed up to develop unified Meta data standards for all types of content. I personally see this as the next step to larger world-wide knowledge availability. Why is this a big deal?
    If everything comes together, and every page had perfect markup, the answers to users questions could be answered and validated against the information found on every website that had that answer. Example: Who is the author of "The catcher in the Rye" 11345 Websites Result : J. D. Salinger
    301: Websites Resulted : Jake Salinger Best Result: J.D. Salinger  -> Contact J.D Salinger -> Bio etc. Information would become the link , user's navigation intent becoming the Anchors. Here is the URL of the different types of metadata schema's found on google's new Creative works: CreativeWork, Book, Movie, MusicRecording, Recipe, TVSeries ... Embedded non-text objects: AudioObject, ImageObject, VideoObject Event Organization Person Place, LocalBusiness, Restaurant ... Product, Offer, AggregateOffer Review, AggregateRating What are the benefits of the different categories of metadata being used? Can anyone site specific case studies done on the enhanced SERP results shown as a result of this metadata?

    Web Design | | andrewwolf

  • We have a client who publishes deals that are time sensitive. Links to the deals expire and so Google's crawlers are picking them up and finding a 404 If I no follow them, will the 404's still get picked up and reported in WMT? The same question applies to SEOMoz Pro.

    Technical SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • I have heard a lot of people say not to trust the results of google adword's keyword tool.  Is there a better tool out there that i am not aware of that can judge local monthly and global monthly search volume?

    Keyword Research | | adriandg

  • I have recently been gaining a lot of backlinks which have anchortext that is not exactly related to the keywords we are targeting.  I have no control over the anchotext used in these backlinks in this situation. Given that we already rank in a certain position for keyword2 based on the existing backlinks we have with keyword2 in them. Will adding another say 50 high authority backlinks with anchortext keyword1 hurt our rankings for keyword2? What i am trying to ask here, is can you dilute existing backlink keyword anchortext by gaining backlinks with different anchortext?

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • Hi, My site is called it's only new but when I type Example Virtualistion (the S in the word) into The suggestive spelling for Example virtualiztion (with the Z) keeps coming up. When I click the Suggestion Spelling with Example Virtualiztion (Z) another website arrives in position 1. My site is not being reconised for the Z type spelling. How can I get found? I was thinking of purchasing the (Z) as well & redirecting to my S spelling site. Also optimising my title & des tags with both S & Z spellings. I've only recently submitted my sitemap.xml in Google -hopefully this will help my site to be found. Apologies if the Questions sounds a bit tricky, Your advise is welcome thank you.

    Algorithm Updates | | GlenBOB

  • My website domain authority is 25, and my home page authority is 20. I have a lot of directory submission and link building to do. I have a spreadsheet of more than 700 directories to submit tio What is the best directory submission and link building software to help me manage this?

    Link Building | | paulcj2

  • Hey all, I have a certain format I want to follow on my text ads across several ad groups. I deleted all the past ads and only three ad groups remain with ads that follow this format. When I hit add new ad group, the ad come pre-populated with the text of a now deleted ad and I cannot for the life of me change it. I would love for one of my active ads to come up as I only have to change one name and one number in each ad. How do I control what that default ad is? How can I make it stop being an ad I have deleted. Please help!

    Paid Search Marketing | | DanDeceuster

  • One of my backlinks is from a site that has a page authority of 74. However, the domain is a domain I purchased and 302'd to my current main domain. What I'm wondering (without getting into why a 301 is better than a 302) is this: does OSE have any tool that shows if there is actually value in a link? My assumption is that despite this domain having a PA of 74, the 302 is not passing over any value. To be clear, I understand that a 302 doesn't pass over any SEO value, but my question is whether or not OSE shows the value of a link? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | RodrigoStockebrand

  • So i have a client that sends me a link once a week about buying followers for social media profiles. Each time i tell him if it seems to good to be true... then its too good to be true! What are your guys thoughts, experiences, feelings? Here are a few examples:

    Social Media | | kchandler

  • Hello, I wonder how many links you can submit to web directories without Google realizes that there is something fishy?
    I know that sending a massive amount of in a short period of time is not recommended, but I am sure there is a limit not to cross what would it be? Thank you in advance for your attention.

    Link Building | | webit40

  • The SEOmoz crawl tool is giving me a lot of crawl errors because my blog feed and my blog tags do not have meta descriptions.  Can you even give this type of content meta descriptions?  If so how can you do it, as this content is created dynamically by Wordpress?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MyNet

  • I have a very strange problem. When I run SEOmoz diagnostics on my site, it reveals urls that I never created. It seems to combine two slugs into a new url. For example, I have created the pages and and now the url exists in addition to the two I created. There are over 100 of these phantom urls and they all show a 404 error when clicked on or crawled by SEOmoz. Any body know how to correct this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | DanBoyle76

  • Couple local SEO questions... Do you feel it’s better to submit a listing with the full type of street rather than an abbreviation? Google Places sometimes disassociates data because of small differences like this. Below is an example: Full Name: 123 Broadway Street
    Abbreviation: 123 Broadway St. Also, I’m wondering if you feel it’s better to submit a local number versus an 800 number. I've modified many local listings for clients manually with an 800 number, but then there are other data sources for these same businesses that are displaying the local number. I am starting to use UBL/LocalEZE and are wondering what people have seen working best... local number or 800 number. Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • I'd like to use an analytics program to track Facebook like conversion.  I've tried just putting the code on the page that I'm framing in.  I'm getting some activity, but it definitely isn't tracking correctly. Anybody had any luck installing Google analytics or another tracking program on an FB fan page? I asked this question last week and didn't get an answer, so It'd be nice if one of the SEOmoz guys could chime in.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | totalseo-155734

  • Do you have any tricks to getting reviews to stick on yelp? Whenever we ask out customers to review us on there their reviews end up getting "detected" as fakes. I have tried it out myself, and the only way i've gotten them to stick is making several reviews of various different local businesses with average ratings and then dropping one in for the client with a better rating. Perhaps this is a little on the blackhat/greyhat side of things.  But if our customers are legitimatly trying to review us and it doesn't stick, i don't feel all that bad taking this route, the only real problem is time consumed. What about google? has anyone had any luck gaining more reviews for their client on google?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • i like the rel=canonical tag and i've seen matt cutts posts on google about this tag. for the site i'm working on, it's a great workaround because we often have two identical or nearly identical versions of pages: 1 for patients, 1 for doctors. the problem is this: the way our content management system is set up, certain pages are linked up in a number of places and when we publish, two different versions of the page are created, but same content. because they are both being made from the same content templates, if i put in the rel=canonical tag, both pages get it. so, if i have: and and they are both produced from the same template, and have the same content, and i'm trying to point search at, but that tag appears on both pages similarly, we have various forms and we like to know where people are coming from on the site to use those forms. to the bots, it looks like there's 600 versions of particular pages, so again, rel=canonical is great. however, because it's actually all the same page, just a link with a variable tacked on ( the rel=canonical tag will appear on "all" of them. any insight is most appreciated! thanks! brett

    Technical SEO | | brett_hss

  • I used the onsite optimization and made some changes to my post, but am still getting the Self-Cannibalization mention in my results. It lists this: "Real Estate Careers | Keller Williams | Career In Real Estate" as the link that is not supposed to be there. This is not a link, but the title of the post.  What am I missing?

    Moz Pro | | brentmitchell

  • For past 2 weeks, several of our sites have strange increase in direct traffic in Google Analytics. we also have another tracking code, and in this account we don't have any big changes, so this is very strange what is happening. We didn't changed any codes, and none of the changes were done to application. Any ideas why this is happening? z7ME9.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | InformMedia

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