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  • Well i am aiming at those +10 mozpoints 😮 only 1 thing left that i need to do, that is to upload my photo.. But when i clicked "Edit Photo" , the popup window shows only message and a single "Upload" button, in which case it says "No file image" which is.... of course, because the "Select Image Browser" did not come out at all :((

    Moz Pro | | IKT

  • Such as, if i wrote a ymoz, and suddenly the articles is accepted, will the link to our site coming out of that Article Post increased our SEO Standing? Another example would be , yesterday i have successfully pitched a tutorial idea, and they told me to write it so that they can published it , and they also promised that i will be able to put my site link (dofollow) ... But will these link be a Good BackLink that will increase our site's SEO Standing? The last one is exactly the same link , but this time coming from a News Site , such as , in this article (kompasiana is a very wellknown site news in Indonesia, in fact KOMPAS is the biggest newspaper firm in Indonesia) , our site is being featured , there is a link coming out of that article (DOFOLLOW), but will that link make our site much more SEO Friendly? Again please enlighten me 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IKT

  • Well, i see that we need 200mozpoints to be able to put our Website Link (DOFOLLOW) into our profile in SEOMOZ.. the way i know it, it would be a good BackLink for my site. Here is the questions, please do answer from top to bottom, because if you have answered "NOT GOOD" for the first question, then the rest of the question will definitely be "NOT GOOD" too Every single back link source i used below (for question #2 and #3), comes from a good domain (it is an extremely wellknown website in Indonesia) 1. Is the DOFOLLOW link from my SEOMOZ Profile Page , a good back link? 2. is the DOFOLLOW from a good back link 3. is the DOFOLLOW from (click the Contact Info), a good back link? okay, only if you answered the first 3 questions with "It is a good backlink, and it will definitely help your SEO Standing for your site", then i ask you my real question.. i was planning to use the service from , and i asked them to show me what kind of "High Quality Backlink" they will be giving me, here is their reply, 10 examples of profile they use to backlink to one of their client Domain PR 4--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 6--
    Domain PR
    Domain PR 6--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 5--
    Domain PR 5-- In my eyes, all of those links are as good as the one link coming from SEOMOZ Profile, hell in fact i have already purchased from them the 750 High Quality BackLink package (cost 197$), but my PayPal is being lock down just now, because i login to my account from both my cellphone and pc (they think my account is hacked)... so will i increase my SEO Standing if i used their service? if they are, i will finalized my purchase tomorrow (after i settled the problem with paypal) Their FAQ Page is also very convincing .. such these 2 questions Will I get penalized for paying you to do my backlinks? There is no way you will get penalized for paying us to do your backlinks. It is possible to get penalized for paying people to put links on their sites but that's not what you're buying from us. When purchasing from us you are paying us to place thousands of free backlinks. There is absolutely no way Google can penalize you for this. Will Google ban/sandbox me for getting so many backlinks? We have never had any problems with getting sanboxed or banned by google. None of our customers have had any problems either. If our methods of placing backlinks were to get a site penalized or banned then we would be sending thousands of links towards our competitors sites. But since our methods work great for increasing search engine rankings, we would never use our backlinking on our competitors because that will damage our rankings and boost theirs. Please enlighten me 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IKT

  • Last year we merged 3 websites into 1 website and launched the new site in February. When developing the new site I created 301 redirects for all the pages from the old sites to the new site. Unfortunately when the new website was created the URLs were not optimised for search engines. I now need to optimised the page URLs. In theory I need to create new 301 redirects from this existing pages to the new optimised URLS. I am concerned that in a few years I might end up with a string of 301 redirects and if I break some links I might loose some ranking. How many redirects will link juice work for? I hope I'm clear here, if not I've attached a image showing what I'm doing. Thank you. unledfh.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Seaward-Group

  • Hi. Anyone recommend a good source or membership scheme for 3.0 wordpress templates that are coded to be SEO friendly and with good support. Looked at but they get very poor reviews seem to only sell templates individually Peter

    Web Design | | peterds

  • Hi,
    I am creating sitemaps for site which has more than 500 Sub domains. Page varies from 20 to 500 in all subdomains & it will keep on adding in coming months. I have seen sites that create separate sitemap.xml for each subdomain which  they mention in separate robots.txt file XML site map eg for subdomain: , Currently in my website we have only 1 robots.txt file for main domain & sub domains. Please tell me shall i create separate robots.txt & XML site map file for each subdomain or 1 file. Creating separate xml for each sub-domain is not feasible as we have to verify in GWT separately. Is there any automatic way & do i have to ping separately if i add new pages in subdomain. Please advise me.

    Technical SEO | | vaibhav45

  • If you have several different websites with related themes, does it make sense to just have a facebook or twitter page for the company to make managing the account more manageable?

    Social Media | | thappe

  • I have an online shop - run using Magento. I have recently upgraded to version 1.4, and I installed a extension called Lightspeed, a caching module which makes tremendous improvements to Magento's performance. Unfortunately, a confoguration problem, meant that I had to disable the module, because it was generating errors relating to the session, if you entered the site from any page other than the home page. The site is now working as expected. I have Magento's error notification set to email - I've not received emails for errors generated by visitors. However over a 72 hour period, I received a deluge of error emails, which where being caused by Googlebot. It was generating an erro in a file called lightspeed.php Here is an example: URL: IP Address: Time: 2011-06-11 17:02:26 GMT Error: Cannot send headers; headers already sent in /home/jack/, line 444 So several things of note: I deleted lightspeed.php from the server, before any of these error messages began to arrive. lightspeed.php was never exposed in the URL, at anytime. It was referred to in a mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess, which I also commented out. If you clicked on the URL in the error message, it loaded in the browser as expected, with no error messages. It appears that Google has cached a version of the page which briefly existed whilst Lightspeed was enabled. But I though that Google cached generated HTML. Since when does cache a server-side PHP file ???? I've just used the Fetch as Googlebot facility on Webmaster Tools for the URL in the above error message, and it returns the page as expected. No errors. I've had to errors at all in the last 48 hours, so I'm hoping it's just sorted itself out. However I'm concerned about any Google related implications. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ben

    Technical SEO | | atticus7

  • Fellows, We are deciding whether we should include our category description on all pages of the category listing - for example; page 1, page 2, page 3... The category description is currently a few paragraphs of text that sits on page 1 of the category only at present.  It also includes an image (linked to a large version of it) with appropriate ALT text. Would we benefit from including this introductory text on the rest of the pages in the category?  Or should we leave it on the first page only?  Would it flag up duplicate signals? Ideas please! Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • Hi all, Whilst adding content to one of my sites quite often I'm left deciding whether I should create an individual webpage for the content, or write it up as another blog post. More often I write it up as a static page so it fits in with the rest of my website more 'directly'. However I'm wondering if I'm missing out here as obviously I'm not taking advantage of the benefits of a blog, RSS, Tag Cloud, etc etc... Just wondering if others encounter the same quandary?

    Content Development | | davebrown1975

  • Hello, we're a new member of SEOMOZ and love it but have a problem. Obviously the reason for joining is to learn more about SEO and hopefully get our website ranked a lot better than it currently is. However, one particular page we've chosen to optimise (based on your tips) has since lost ranking and we can no longer find it in the searches. Is there a reason for this? We've only made the on page changes you suggested and also added more external and internal links so I can't understand why it would no longer be listed in the searches? I look forward to your reply/feedback. Many thanks Peter

    Technical SEO | | mybabyradio

  • As the question says really. Is there a tool that will export all the links on a page and anchor text related to those links into Excel? Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | RikkiD22

  • Since its release, I've seen Google +1 being used across an entire domain but only reference the root href in the code snippet. At the same time, you see other sites use +1 more naturally with the button being specific to the page you're on. What's your take on this? To clarfiy, do you add: or .. on each page.

    Algorithm Updates | | noeltock

  • I am using the latest version of the moz toolbar in my firefox browser. The IP location feature is not working for me as demonstrated in the article. "You will now notice a new button with a flag that shows up in the toolbar as you surf the web. This new toolbar addition shows the country where this site is hosted. Click on the flag to see more details about the location and IP address. If you want to learn more, click on the IP to access WhoIs information." My flag icon is depressed and looks like a US flag, even when I browse European sites. Also, I never see the location nor IP address of other sites. Am I missing a step or is the tool not working correctly?

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • Hi, I´m really new to this and have just setup some Campaigns. I have setup a Campaign for the root domain: which returned only 2 crawled pages.. As this page had a 301 redirect from the non-www to the www version, I deleted this Campaign and setup a new one for which returned only 1 crawled page.. I really don´t know why is my website not being crawled..Thanks in advance for your help.

    Technical SEO | | ceci2710

  • Hello everyone, I am currently working on a big site which sells thousands of widgets.  However each widget has ten sub widgets (1,2,3... say) My strategy with this site is to target the long tail search so I'm creating static pages for each possibly variation. So I'll have a main product page on widgets in general, and also a page on widget1, page on widget2 etc etc. I'm anticipating that because there's so much competition for searches relating to widgets in general, I'll get most of my traffic from people being more specific and searching for widget1 or widget 7 etc. Now here's the problem - I am getting a lot of content written for this website - a few hundred words for each widget.  However I can't go to the extreme of writing unique content for each sub widget - that would mean 10's of 1,000's of articles. So... what do I do with the content.  Put it on the main widget page was the plan but what do I do about the sub pages.  I could put it there and it would make perfect sense to a reader and be relevant to people specifically looking for widget1, say, but could there be a issue with it being viewed as duplicate content. One idea was to just put a snippet (first 100 words) on each sub page with a link back to the main widget page where the full copy would be. Not sure whether I've made myself clear at all but hopefully I have - or I can clarify. Thanks so much in advance David

    Technical SEO | | OzDave

  • Would it be beneficial to use url that is a match for my keyword to help with seo, then have my currently url forward to that one so I don't have to change any marketing materials? I was one of the feedback that I got when doing the on page keyword optimization tool on seo moz. Thanks J

    On-Page Optimization | | fertilityhealth

  • Hi, we have problems with having too many links on page. Our website has a menu with 3 level sub-navigation drop down for categories which we want to maintain, for easy-navigation for the users. After reading this article:, and some other articles, we came up with a solution. We can easily reduce the number of links per page by putting 'nofollow' on our categories links menu dropdown and create a separate 'landing page' that contains links to these categories (and allow 'follow' links for robots). Is it wise to do this? Or any better, easy solution that you can suggest? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Essentia

  • Why you dont have SERBIA in  engines for google - You have Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Slovenia and Serbia is missing 😞 Best regards kasa

    International SEO | | stamparija

  • Let's say you have 40 websites which share the same IP and you place links to them on a bunch of sites (directories, blogs), albeit on different pages on these sites. Will search engines (google) see that they use the same IP and start having the links not-pass link juice based on that same IP?

    Link Building | | qlkasdjfw

  • Hello, I've reading all about Google's Author Biography tag but I am not sure how I can use this in my business. Can anyone explain ( in plain simple English) how I can leverage this tag? Is there any implications in SEO and higher rankings? Just trying to wrap my head around this concept and why it's important...or not. Thanks, Bill

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wparlaman

  • Hi All I have been looking at advertising on some fashion blogs for our online store. Both sites have decent traffic though A is stronger than the B with more than double the traffic, Therefore given equal relevance to our business sunglasses ( it would be fair to predict that A would result in double the number of conversions.. However another interesting aspect to making a decision on which sites to advertise is their Domain Authority and how much link juice they can pass. Therefore my question is this; Putting aside any potential click through traffic, if site A Domain Authority is 70 (link to be on homepage) and site B Domain Authority is 35 is the value of site A double that of site B or is there a less linear relationship (just as with page rank). Site A are charging 500$ per year for an advertising link and Site B 100$ per year would it better business to take 5 x Site Bs or is the linkjuice passed by one DA 70 site worth more? Your thoughts would be most appreciated..

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • Hey all, anyone know how to add new campaigns in the pro dashboard after you upgrade? I went from pro to plus pro to get 12 campaigns, but it won't let me add anymore. It says I am a plus pro member and all, but there's no option to add more campaigns, anyone know what to do here?

    Moz Pro | | DanDeceuster

  • If I have Hundreds of pages with 404 and 500 erros should set up 301 redirects for all of them?  Some of the pages have external links, some don't.

    Web Design | | jmansd

  • My client's veterinary clinic uses a service called which is a division of This service updates listings and sponsors them across various directories. Since this is a referral service (they get paid for new clients) they use a custom phone number and custom website address for these listings. Question: Is this hurting the SEO potential of the Google Places listing since the N.A.P. are not the same? Thoughts?

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • I am trying to find the best WP Theme for our company. I noticed most of them do not offer a left hand side navigation on the home pages, and usually are on the right side on the inside pages. I always thought that Home Page links were very important for SEO. Currenly we have a left drop down navigation with all of our product catagories, keyword optimized. The structure follows for all the pages. Is this not as important to Search Engines anymore? Is it better to have a products link, to all the products and then the inside pages, have just a navigation bar, for that particular catagory? This seems to be very common on all the templates i am seeing. I also noticed, and really like the JQueary Tabs. I would use this for displaying, PDFs and Specifications Charts. Also, some home page images are using a jquery slider with some text, linking to a page. Is Jquery the new javascript and do search engines see what is in the code? I also noticed they all have footers that have links and some other information. Is this a SEO must have?

    Web Design | | hfranz

  • Hello, Just opening a quick discussion to see what you guys think are the best practices and tips for Google news article optimisation? Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks, Elias

    SERP Trends | | A_Q

  • Is their a built-in or easy way to track the amount of times an exit link is clicked on a page and show that with other links of the page. For instance: I had a page with several external ad links on it and I want to track how many each got and rank them in google analytics

    Reporting & Analytics | | insitegoogle

  • In our web master tools we have 35K (ish) URLs that are restricted by robots.txt and as have 1200(ish) soft 404s.  WE can't seem to figure out how to properly resolve these URLs so that they no longer show up this way. Our traffic from SEO has taken a major hit over the last 2 weeks because of this. Any help? Thanks, Libby

    Technical SEO | | GristMarketing

  • I am looking for a great US based SEO company referral.  I try to do as much as I can on my end but the more I learn, then more I find I need help to do a great job.  Lately running the business takes most of my time, and we need a team who really specializes in SEO. Can anyone recommend a SEO company with a great reputation, someone who has done great work for you in the past?  I get many people contacting me with SEO promises, but I need some advice from someone with more experience than me. I appreciate all of your insights.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fertilityhealth

  • Can I do like 15 at once? I'm also looking at a way to export all the data from multiple keywords in one view, it seems I can only export individual keywords. Is there a better seomoz tool to accomplish this?

    Moz Pro | | insitegoogle

  • Possibly seems a strange question, but let me clarify... I have a new site in mind and all the domain names I was considering for it have been taken (I want a .com or a .net if at all possible). However, I can get the domain with a z at the end rather than an s Example: is taken, but is available. Am I completely wrong in thinking that it will still match well for anyone searching Keyword Guide, and should match fairly well (even though it is a partial match) for people searching Keyword Guides. As the keyword is the most relevant bit of the domain, and as the first word on the domain is given the most weight, will having Z instead of S at the end make any difference at all? Personally, I don't really like the Z option, but if it would have no (or little) impact on my SEO efforts, I could live with it.

    On-Page Optimization | | Jingo01

  • I operate an Airport Parking Agency or Secure Car Parking. Any ideas on keywords would be greeeeeeeat 😉

    Link Building | | ginag

  • Website is currently in Dot Net Nuke (DNN) and planning on moving it into a different platform, possibly Sitecore. How will shifting CMS affect SEO efforts? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Unidev

  • Hi, I have a website that is about 7 years old. I had been using index.html as the home page. When I redesigned my site about 3 months ago I changed it to default.html. The old index.html page was still on my server. I just realized my mistake. All of my links to the home page lead to the new default.html. However, people are still landing on the old index.html. I have change the old index.html to the new design  but that means i have 2 "home" pages out there. Should i delete one? Should I leave them both there but use the canonical tag for one so it is not considered duplicate content? What is best for my rankings?

    Content Development | | bhsiao

  • We currently have two websites. Our headquarters in the US and our other in the UK. We currently rank very well for both websites in both countries. Currently, US is hosted in the states and the UK is hosted in the UK. I would like to keep it this way. However, I am going to be converting them to a CMS and redsign both of them. We need our main website to have a feature that they can choose which location they prefer. We also offer other locations through the US. Which we would like our customers to know that we have a few different locations. Also, we will be expanding to Austraillia and maybe others as well. We need to make the websites to look almost identical, yet, different in a way that they can tell one is US, one is UK and so on. Some will only have some of our products, so they will be smaller websites.  What is the best way to go about doing this? I know some CMS offer a copy feature that allows you to make the same website. However, how can you do this if they need to be hosted in the different countries? Do I need to do them all individually on each of there servers, or can this be done differently? Also, if they are hosted in there own countries, can the content be the same, or is that still considered duplicate content?

    Web Design | | hfranz

  • As part of my site I'd like to repost relevant Yahoo News stories related to my keyword. I have a plugin that will automatically retrieve them each day and put them into draft status so I can make sure they're relevant before publishing them. I plan to make this a separate section and give the appropriate credit to Yahoo News.  I'm not necessarily doing this to GAIN SEO rankings but if that came of it, that would be a bonus. Question - would I be HURTING myself by doing this?

    Content Development | | DeedGrabber

  • I just see the number of duplicates but not what the urls of the duplicates are? I don't see it in the export either, but maybe I'm missing it Cheers S

    Moz Pro | | firstconversion

  • Hello, We are looking at creating an eCommerce section to a website and we are just weighing up the options: Magento - host on hour own server - great but it can often be very slow when hosting a shared server. Shopify - hosted solution but hosting is in the US and we are in the UK and shop will be hosted on a subdomain as a result Build our own solution - time consuming and costly There are two issues that have arisen from this situation.... Is it worse for SEO to host your store in a different country or to host in your country but your store potentially run slower? I'm swaying to the side of the argument that says give your users a good and fast experience instead of worrying about where you host the store. Bearing in mind that the main website will be hosted in the UK anyway and it is just the subdomain that will be hosted in the US. Just wondered if anybody has had experience with this or if I'm missing something? All feedback greatly appreciated! Thanks, Elias

    International SEO | | A_Q

  • SEOmoz tools is saying there is duplicate content for: What would be the best way to resolve this "error"?

    Technical SEO | | PlasticCards

  • We have several clients that we took over from other SEO firms in the last 6 months. We are seeing an odd trend.  Links are disappearing from the reports. Not just the SEOmoz reports, but all the back link reports we use. Also... sites that pre Panda would show up as a citation or link, have not been showing up. Many are these are not Indexed, and are on large common Y.P or other type sites. Any one think Google is removing pages from the Index on sites based on Panda. Yours in all curiosity. PS ( we are not large enough to produce quantity data on this.)

    Algorithm Updates | | MBayes

  • Hi Everyone, I'm working on our website Sky Candle and I've been running it as a campaign in SEOmoz. I've corrected a few errors we had with the site previously, but today it's recrawled and found a new error which is a missing Title tag on the sitemap.xml file. Is this a little glitch in the SEOmoz system? Or do I need to add a page title and meta description to my XML file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I didn't think I'd need to add this. Kind Regards Lewis

    Moz Pro | | LewisSellers

  • I have been working on a cool piece of linkbait for our real estate site and I finally bit the bullet and published it last night.  I pushed out a few emails to some local media.  This morning I was woken up by a phone call from a local radio station wanting to interview me about my article! I realized when I hung up that I didn't ask for a link or even a mention of the website.  Hopefully they will mention it so it will get more attention! I'd love to hear your experiences in working with the media like this.

    Content Development | | MarieHaynes

  • It Monday and Roger has done another crawl and now I have a couple of issues: I have two pages showing 404->302 or 500 because these links do not exist. I have to fix the 500 but the 404 is trapped correctly. &\ The issue is when I do a site scan there is no anchor text that contains these links. So, what I would like to find out is where is Roger finding them. I cannot see any where in the Crawl Report that tells me where the origin of these links is. I also created a blog on Tumblr and now every tag and rss feed entry is producing a duplicate content error in the crawl stats. I cannot see anywhere in Tumblr to fix this issue. Any Ideas?

    Moz Pro | | oznappies

  • My homepage explains the different electrical equipment our company sells, our main product category page also does the same but in more detail. I'm stuck where I feel the homepage and product category page need to be optimised for the same keyword except the homepage needs to be optimised for our company name too. Was anyone else in the same situation as me and how did you choose the right keyword between two pages that have the same message?

    Keyword Research | | Seaward-Group

  • Hi Mozzers, We had a question about our twitter app  This app sends messages out to tweeters for their Birthday, to say congratulations etc. Our question relates to the fact that we are generating 1,000 of pages of content (like this: ) with some unique content, but these orphaned pages aren't really linked to and only have short-term traffic influx. Our question is whether these small, orphaned pages are likely to be seen as lots of random, low quality, low content pages - and whether that might hurt our Google ranking.  Sometimes the virtual cards are linked to by blogs and tweets etc, so we don't want them not indexed but equally, we don't want our rankings to be damaged by them. Wonder if anyone has any thoughts, opinions or any similar experience? Thanks, Arena Flowers

    Technical SEO | |

  • Hello, I am new to link wheel over web 2.0 sites and then linking your website or website article really helps in SEO and link building. Do you think its still works? Since i have also heard that many says that its too ok if we do spin content submitted to our web 2.0 properties small sites which are created for linking back to our main website. Will wait for reply...

    Technical SEO | | anand2010

  • A sub page now ranks for my main key word (the file name is exact match to the key word) it completely replaced my index page in rankings. Would 301 redirecting the sub-page to my index page (which is more informative and has a whole lot more links pointing towards it) be a good idea or vice versa? Or would optimizing that page (the sub page) be the best way to go (the sub page doesn't have single inbound link pointing to...).  This happened about a week ago. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Benj707

  • The SEOmoz crawl diagnostic tool is complaining that I'm missing a meta description tag from a file that is an RSS xml file. In my <channel>section I do have a <description>tag. Is this a bug in the SEOmoz tool or do I need to add another tag to satisify the warning?</description></channel>

    Moz Pro | | scanlin

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