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  • On the moz toolbar there is an Analyze tool. The third tab is for viewing Page Attributes. That page contains a section called On Page Links. I can see the External Link count, but I need to drill down further to look at these external links. I have viewed a page and don't see the external links this tool is seeing. I have searched the page, the source code, and used other tools on the page. The numbers don't match up. Is there a tool which lists all the external links on a given page?

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • I am looking for content writers. Not, I want content written that isnt scraped and reworded from information already in google.  Can anyone recommend a company which isnt afraid to read a book or a magazine, dig up old information to write something truly unique? This should likely be in a fresh thread, but ill put it here as a side note. If you also can recommend a wordpress or joomla theme designer who has his own creative ideas and is highly skilled...

    Web Design | | getbigyadig

  • Hey guys, In 2011 it seems more and more important to build great content on your website to help SERP rankings. With an E-Commerce store what is the best way to add content? Would using the blog and adding related blog articles related to the product work and internally linking the anchor text to the specific product page? Obviously it would be more beneficial to rank the specific product page so wouldn't this method take away from those efforts? Or do we bank on being able to channel the visitor from the blog to the product page? Thanks Jason

    Content Development | | mediapoint

  • I have a store with about 10k+ in products and am trying to work through the mountain of duplicates and other problems. Does anyone have a recommendations for Magento SEO plugins or guides which can help simplify this process? Greatly appreciated...

    On-Page Optimization | | Anest

  • I was searching Bing and Google for a validator for but I can not seem to find one. It seems a little odd for them to promote and use the new standard but not give developers a way to ensure the markup is correctly parsed. I am looking for something like the rich snippets tool Google has.

    Whiteboard Friday | | oznappies

  • In January we were banned from Google due to duplicate websites because of a server configuration error by our previous webmaster. Around 100 of our previously inactive domain names were defaulted to the directory of our company website during a server migration, thus showing the exact same site 100 times... obviously Google was not game and banned us. At the end of February we were allowed back into the SERPS after fixing the issue and have since steadily regained long-tail keyword phrase rankings, but in Google are still missing our main keyword phrase. This keyword phrase brings in the bulk of our best traffic, so obviously it's an issue. We've been unable to get above position 21 for this keyword, but in Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex (Russian SE) we're positions 3, 3, and 7 respectively. It seems to me there has to be a penalty in effect, as this keyword gets between 10 and 100 times as much traffic in Google than any of the ones we're ranked for, what do you think? EDIT: I should mention in the 4-5 years prior to the banning we had been ranked between 15 and 4th in Google, 80% of the time on the first page.

    Algorithm Updates | | ACann

  • Hi there A while back I asked whether I should move my established blog on wordpress over to my main website The overwhelming response was to move it. I still have not seen any benefit other than problems (2mths later). Maybe something is Not Quite Right? Here is a list of issues? Any insights would be welcome. I have installed Yeost SEO plugins 1. A blog category (garden art) ended up outranking my main website for the term Garden Art - so I did a 301 on the garden art category - main website has now regained its ranking in the top 3 position (was number 2 before the move). 2. I have removed the categories from the blog as a 301 on the Garden Art catgegory would not make sense to a user. I decided to use tags as a navigational tool instead. I figured that because I have over 500 tags I could not have had the tags out rank my main website for any key term.  So far correct. But now i have wanings from SEO moz 500 missing meta tags,(for the tags) - do i really have to write over 500 meta? over 160 long urls and titles - when i commenced the blog I had no idea that Urls and headings were linked in wordpress ( my developer does not think i should rename the urls and use a 301 as I already have a tonne due to a site rebuild) - is it OK to leave the long urls and fix the title only? On wordpress I had bewteen 400-900 users on my blog a day (using wordpress analytics) - now only 200 (using GA) - Yes I now have increased links to my website but have seen no imrpovement on my SERPS - will i see an improvement in my rankings? my wordpress  site use to have page rank of 3 -

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GardenBeet

  • I claimed the Google Places listing a few months ago - added a description and all the necessary information. Finally got the page to show up in the places category on the 5th page for the search "vet las vegas". Then on some computers it likes to show up on the 8th page and on others the 5th page - weird!?. I need some help on the following: How can I get Google to put my website as an link in the "More About This Place"/citation section? The old website which was at a different domain is present but not the new one (the new one has been live for 2 months). -Am I missing any key information to help with my ranking? The 8th page is a pretty poor ranking and holds no value whatsoever. The description I typed out on Google Places does not display in the search results. - I am assuming adding citations is essentially just about adding backlinks that Google can pull to add to the "More About This Place" section - any surefire ways to get more citations there? WEBSITE: PLACES PAGE:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1187&bih=649&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=vet+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=vet&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=5Bf1TdvWLIey0AGe-M3sDA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=4&ved=0CEIQ4gkwAzhG Any other feedback or ideas would be really appreciated. Thank you to all the SEOMOZ members would have helped me over the last month - you guys are awesome! Thanks again, Brant

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Are there any links to previous discussions or tips, techniques for how creative design has any impact on seo??

    Web Design | | theideapeople

  • I'm curious to know what other mozzers think about silo's... Can we first all agree that a flat site architecture is the best practice? Relevant pages should be grouped together. Shorter, broader and (usually) therefore higher volume keywords should be towards the top of each category. Navigation should flow from general to specific. Agreed? As Google say's on page 10 of their SEO Starter Guide, "you should think about how visitors will go from a general page (your root page) to a page containing more specific content ." OK, we all agree so far, right? Great! Enter my question: Bruce Clay (among others) seem to recommend siloing as a best practice. While Richard Baxter (and many others @ SEOmoz), seem to view silos as a problem. Me? I've practiced (relevant) internal cross linking, and have intentionally avoided siloing in almost all cases. What about you? Is there a time and place to use silos? If so, when and where? If not, how do we rectify the seemingly huge differences of opinions between expert folks such as Baxter and Clay?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DonnieCooper

  • I really don't need an answer to this, but thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss. I have found that since joining SEOMoz, I have been getting some great information on advanced SEO tactics.  I'm learning how to analyze competitor's backlinks, create and promote linkbait, craft a convincing link request email and so much more.  But I've also found that I am in a state of paralysis by analysis!  I'm not doing anything! So...this week I'll be putting into action a piece of linkbait that I've been working on for a while...and then promoting it.  It's time for action!

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

  • I have a domain with several great links to it and I decided to change it to a new domain. I did a 301 redirect to the new domain. My question: Let's say is linking to the old domain that is being redirected. Do I want to get a new link from youtube to the new domain as well, or is that pointless since there is already one to the old domain? Thanks,

    Link Building | | DavidCurrier

  • Does it influence the search engine result if we have our domain name without the "www." ?

    Technical SEO | | netbuilder

  • Aside from your blog would anyonme here think about adding the Google Plus 1 Button to their website?

    Social Media | | GrouchyKids

  • Perhaps I've learned too much about the technical aspects of SEO, but nowhere have I found scientific studies backing up any claims made here, or a useful answer to a discussion I recently started. Maybe it doesn't exist. I do enjoy Whiteboard Friday's. They're fantastic for new ideas. This site is great. But I take it there are no proper studies conducted that examine SEO, rather just the usual spin of "belief from authority". No?

    Technical SEO | | stevenheron

  • I setup my keywords on SEOMoz properly but the On Page result just shows me 2 keywords instead of the 7 that I set for my campaign. I was expecting the application to score the other keywords on wednesday but it did not add the missing keywords. Is this a bug?

    Moz Pro | | netbuilder

  • Hey all I am looking at a new SEO campaign and am just starting to have a look at the competition and their links. This is a client in the website design industry who operates in a given city in the UK. Taking a quick look, the competition seems well established and there is plenty of companies ranking on the first page for all of the key terms. When I start to dig a little deeper though it gets a little more interesting and this maybe relatively unique to this industry but I think it also applies to spam links and any company that supplies white label website based services. Basically, the competition have lots of links. I have reviewed the top 10 competing sites across various terms and there is no shortage of links and lots of anchor text variations. Here is the stats from open site explorer for the one site that commonly comes up again and again. Page Level 61 - Page Authority 6.78 - mozRank 6.13 - mozTrust 30,144 - Total Links 30,064 - External Followed Links 33 - Internal Followed Links 325 - Linking Root Domains Domain Level 53 - Domain Authority 5.13 - Domain mozRank 5.10 - Domain mozTrust 47,969 - Total Links 44,788 - External Followed Links So, this gives us lots of nice metrics and the new deep analysis tool in keyword research easily allows us to get some more data on what exactly is driving the ranking of this site and the others who all rank in a similar way. Link Quality This is where it gets a bit more interesting and this applies to all the sites in the first ten results for the various keywords we are interested in (general keywords for the homepage at this stage). The links are primarily domain wide and in the footer. They are things like: website designed by x
    web design by x
    website design
    website design in <area name="">
    <area name=""> website design
    (you get the picture) Quality vs Quantity So, whilst the competitors have lots of links, from a reasonable number of sites, they are pretty much all site wide footer links. This is fairly clear when we look at total links 30,000 from only 300 sites. My thinking here is that the quality of these links is not that great: poorly positioned on the page domain wide narrow anchor text and in some cases no 'click to visit' type links Content These sites are pretty much all dull as hell. Service pages, clients, jobs done, maybe a case study but really, nothing I would really class as interesting (hence only links from their clients sites hey). So, my question is Has anyone built a campaign with quality vs quantity? Do you have any tips, experience or feedback? Our strategy will be built around great content, promotion of that content and much more (not explored that) but at the foundation it will be a content and promotion strategy. Really, if I break it down, I am looking at the above as 300 links, from the footers of various sites. If we were to get 300 links from quality sources and then bulk it out with some similar footer style links from the clients clients (they are not 100% keen on this so we may not go that route yet) then... these established big boys really should not be too difficult to topple in my mind given enough time, content and effort. What are your thoughts people? Anyone conducted a quality vs quantity campaign like this? Any feedback? Cheers
    Marcus P.S. SEOMoz - is there any chance that a link trust or quality metric could be built into the tools at some point in the future as sheer volume, is not always the best indicator and as times goes on I would imagine that to be even more true.

    Link Building | | Marcus_Miller

  • Just received my first crawl report from SEOmoz for my blog. I've rreceived a number of warnings / errors about having too many outbound links on my pages. These are simply comments from people (some pages have 300+) and the links are nofollowed. It seems like you guys must have a reason why this warning is in place, so I would love your theories...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ViperChill

  • All the trackbacks I get on wordpress sites are spam.  How would disabling trackbacks effect my SEO efforts.

    Web Design | | jmansd

  • In the process of trying to figure out why a site has suddenly seen a massive fall in traffic and just noticed that MozTrust has suddenly gone to zero - was previously around 2. Any ideas on factors most likely to result in total loss of MOZtrust for a site?

    Moz Pro | | ShaMenz

  • We currently rate #10 on on Modern Cloth Nappies and the #4 site is a dead link to a page who's total content is: Index of / <address>Apache Server at Port 80</address> <address></address> <address>They have been at that rank for a quiet a while and even the cached version is full of broken links.</address> <address></address> <address>It seems Google is quick to jump on low value sites or ones with duplicate content, but what about stale links and sites? Has anyone else had similar experiences of being out ranked by domant or dead sites?</address>

    Competitive Research | | oznappies

  • I have a self-hosted wordpress blog that I have been authoring for 5 years. It resides at I have built a static wordpress website (fyi - it's a different wp theme from the blog) to promote my company, named READY2SPARK. The site location is temporarily Since this will be my main company website, it makes the most sense to have the static site reside at and the blog reside at (or, at least, I think). I'm hoping some of you experts can let me know what the issues with changing my domain would be or provide suggestions on what the optimal architecture should be.

    Social Media | | LaraMcCulloch

  • We don't usually add the meta author in the websites that we develop. I wonder if it would have  any positive effect in our seo. We usually add a link in the footer like this "Diseño Web Vigo "(Website Development in Vigo). I am worry about this links. I'm not sure if they are positive because  they are in the footer and so the link appears in all of the pages. Besides all these websites we develop are hosted in two different servers, and google could easily think that it is manipulative thing. What do you think? Thanks!!! 🙂

    Web Design | |

  • Hi-- I was using the SEOMoz toolbar, and I went to this page - and it says "zero" links from anywhere. However, it's clearly linked to from the home page - Why would this be?

    Technical SEO | | TheIronYuppie

  • Hi, I'm stumped by this one and am hoping I can get some advice/guidance.  I've seen this pop up in my stats where the is appearing as I have no clue what's going on... This google return displays the same page 2 ways (see first image). And when I click on the 222. link I get a prompt (see 2nd image). Any idea what's going on? Thanks! Peter ipHKt.png o0ZeB.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | peterdbaron

  • Here's my problem -- which is actually a pretty good problem to have. My client is a speciality service provider in an extremely competitive field. It charges 3 to 5 times what others do for providing a super-premium level of service. It doesn't have -- nor does it want -- many customers. I can't go into details, but let's just say the business model is a bit like the charity or premium newsletter publishing model. It is extremely hard to recruit new members -- but once recruited, members tend to stay for a long time at high price points. Personal referral is key. As result of my efforts over the last 90 days, the client's SEO results have skyrocketed. After a couple of false starts, we have focussed on key terms the target demographic is likely to search, rather than the generic terms others in the industry use. We have also had great success with a social media strategy -- since the few people likely to be interested in paying such high prices know like-minded folks. For the first time, my client is getting "walk in" prospects. They are delighted! But they are not really walk-ins. They have already found the site -- either through SERPs or Facebook or Twitter. Now we need to get to the next level. Here's the problem: the client's domain name sucks. It is short, but combines an acronym with one of the words in its long-version name. It uses the British spelling version of the long name fragment, even though most Canadians now use American spelling. And it is a .ca, rather than a So I think we have to bite the bullet and change to the long, dot com version of the name, which is available and has the additional benefit of having embedded within it a key search term. I am basically an editorial/content guy and not a tech guy. The IT guys at my firm are strongly encouraging me to make the very "colorful" language. We can certainly do 301 redirects at the page level. But I would like some additional validation before proceeding. My questions are: how much link juice might we lose? I've seen the figure of 10% bandied around. Is it accurate? might we see a temporary dip in results? If so, how long would it last? what questions did I forget to ask? What additional info do you need to offer informed advice ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanielFreedman

  • Hey Guys SEOMOZ is showing up Dupplicate Page Content, but this just comes up because we use Tags at all the blog posts. Should we better not use Tags? Thanks in advance...

    Content Development | | Rapturecamps

  • A few pages on one of my sites have underscores linking keywords rather than hyphens (keywords_and_keyword rather than keyword-and-keyword). Possibly from a time before I knew hyphens were preferred... One of the pages ranks well, and drives a good amount of traffic. The others do not do so well, but are still within the top 10 landing pages for the site. Is it worth me changing the underscores to hyphens (setting up 301 redirects first of course) or doesn't it make that much difference?

    On-Page Optimization | | Jingo01

  • In my multilingual Magento store, I want to redirect the hompage URL with an added language code to the base URL. For example, I want to redirect to which has the exact same content. Using a canonical URL will help with search engines, but I would just rather nip the problem in the butt by not showing to visitors in the first place. Problem is that I don't want (can't have) all /tw/ removed from URLs due to Magento limitations, so I just want to know how to redirect this single URL. Since rewrites are on, adding Redirect 301 /tw would redirect all URLs with the /tw/ language code to ones without. Not an option. Hope folks can lend a hand here.

    Technical SEO | | kwoolf

  • Does anyone else have the issue where the rank tracker is completely off? I have a few keywords that are ranked at position 18 but the tracker is showing 32...

    Moz Pro | | Anest

  • I would like to hear feedback on the best SEO practice for forum category pages. An example would be a forum about cars. You can have a Chervorlet category which contains forums for every chevy model. Often this category page is simply a list of all the forums. If I noindex, follow the page then am I missing an opportunity? I am thinking of Google sitemaps for example where this page can be used for a category link. If I noindex the page, there probably isn't another great place for a sitemap to link to. I could fill out the page with wiki-like generic chevy information. Please share any thoughts or best practices.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RyanKent

  • Does the Keyword Rankings tool track all urls or just the main. Example: Say I put to have tracked. Will the Keyword Rankings tool also track  and any derivative of the main domain or would this be considered a separate campaign. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | montage

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to make API requests from my webserver via PHP. I'd like to retrieve data from the SEOmoz URL Metrics API. Unfortunately I always get the error response "unauthorized" even when I copy and paste the Sample Valid API Signature generated by your system into the browser. Is Signed Authentication not longer supported? I even tried the sample PHP Code SignedAuth.php but there's the same problem, too. If signed authentication is not longer available, do you have a code example for the basic http authorization? Thanks, Brandon

    Moz Pro | | thegreatpursuit

  • Hello altogether, we'd like to build a community using either phpFox or SocialEngine. Does anybody know how these platforms perform from an SEO perspective? Are there any technical "traps" with one of them? Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Technical SEO | | FMT

  • SEO Moz Community: After twice changing directory software, I have a ton of 404 errors in Webmaster Tools (over 3,000). I've decided to do 301 redirects but can't manually enter in each 404 URL. How can you redirect pages from the same folder on a mass scale? For example, has hundreds of pages associated with it (/autos/ford, toyota etc.) How can you do a 301 that redirects all those pages without manually entering in each URL? Site is built on Wordpress

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JSOC

  • Hi all, We just acquired a new domain that was being squatted on by a reseller for a very long time and on the 5th June migrated our site over to it, replacing their advertising holding page. The domain is It's been a week now though and Google hasn't seemed to have updated it's cache. Doing a search for '' in Google lists the site but with the old holding page description. Web master tools doesn't report any errors or issues with the site. Does anyone know how we can get Google to index the domain and update it's cache? Cheers, Gordon

    Content Development | | Primate

  • hi i have a small blog on ( blogger/blogspot ) with more than 5k/day visitors it was doing well in google through 9 months and was appear in more than 2000 keywords but ,today when check google i found my blog not appear in any keyword !!!!! when i put my blog URL in google i found it ,but when i searched for any post title it not appear !!! i not changed any thing ,so it is a penalty from google ? and why ? thanks penalty

    International SEO | | activeacts

  • Hi, I'm new to seomoz (and seo in general) and loving it so far. My main domain name is more of a brandname than a search engine friendly list of keywords. I rank well for some keywords I optimized for, and less so for the more competitive keywords. I was wondering if making one page minisites hosted on keyword rich domain names could help in this respect? What I want to do is just have a single page with a few paragraphs of content and links to the main site. I am not looking for links to boost the main site, just for the minisites to do better for several keywords. Will this help? Is this ok, or against some Google policy? Can this hurt the main site rankings? Thank you! **Edit: **I noticed that sites ranking above me on the first page for some keywords have much less on-page elements than my page, have about the same domain trust and also very little inbound links. The only factor I can see is the exact match of keywords in the domain name.

    Technical SEO | | Eladla

  • I just want to check anchor text of all the links for a specific URL within a website

    Link Building | | merkal2005

  • ...but I'm not sure how to go about it. What I need is simple: all I want is to be able to paste a list of URLs (different domains), and have the program return the Page Authority for all those URLs. I understand I can use the free SEOmoz API, particularly the URL Metrics API. Then I want to export the data to an Excel file. That's it. Problem is, I have absolutely no clue how to do it. Obviously I'd pay someone to do it. Pay very well if you can do it professionally and quickly. How can I go about finding the right person for the job? Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this, but I don't know where else to go. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | thegreatpursuit

  • Hello, I run an e-commerce website. I just realized that Google has "pagination" pages in the index which should not be there. In fact, I have no idea how they got there. For example,
    There are hundreds of these pages in the index. There are no links to these pages on the website, so I am assuming someone is trying to ruin my rankings by linking to the pages that do not exist. The page content displays category information with no products. I realize that its a flaw in design, and I am working on fixing it (301 none existent pages). Meanwhile, I am not sure if I should request removal of these pages. If so, what is the best way to request bulk removal. Also, should I 301, 404 or 410 these pages? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Alex

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AlexGop

  • If anyone here is familiar with local SEO, you may have noticed that there are different local results for: "city + Keyword" and just the "keyword". When building links will you end up targeting both with a geo modifier in the link, or is it beneficial to build links without the geo modifer for the keyword?

    Link Building | | dignan99

  • I'm working on a page that ranks the 10 best neighborhoods in our city.  With each of the top 10 I have a 300x200 google map of the area.  These maps are taking some time to load and slowing down the speed of the page.  Is there a way to load these asynchronously?  Or any other way to speed up the page?

    Content Development | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi, Our site is We are in the business of video conferencing in Australia. I was wondering if there would be any benefit of purchasing keyword rich domains such as What would be the benefit(s)? And How would I go about using these domains to maximise SEO benefit? Thanks Dan

    Technical SEO | | dantmurphy

  • I am just getting to grips with Twitter, suppose its better later than never, and was wondering who everyone follows for SEO and Web Design. Personal i find it hard to keep up with more than five or six people with out getting information overload, and have no time for those that tweet twenty or thirty times a day about what they had for lunch or who they are meeting for drinks. If you had to pick the top five people to follow for SEO and the top five for Web Design who would you chose? I work on the SEO side of our business and i think my top five would be, in no particular order: Randfish
    dannysullivan Would be interested what others think especially on the web design side as we tend to follow people we know locally. Thanks Fraser

    Social Media | | fraserhannah

  • Yesterday, June 9th, I wokeup and ran my rank checking software. My two domains that I have page one number one rankings for are solid as they have been for the last year. Before I went to sleep last night I ran the rank check again, and had lost all rankings. After researching into it more, I realized my entire domain name is deindexed.  The site: search yields no results at all. The domain name has links from over 250 root domain names, is highly focused on one product and one keyword. The links come mostly from articles, comments, forum posts, press releases, and 3-4 articles that were posted talking about my website by other bloggers. The site has 60 pages, which I think (thought) was more than enough for such a tight focus. The domain is a good keyword match name that I paid a grand for. In webmaster tools it says my URLs are still indexed, however thats not the case. I tried searching in Bing, and Yahoo. Bing - DeIndexed.  Yahoo - One page of the site indexed. I havent done anything black hat at all, which is ironic this domain was banned because its the only domain name links were built to using a respectable seo company. It runs on wordpress, and I had not added any new content in about 4 months. PR4, and the PR still exists in the toolbar and on the websites I used to check it.  Also tried searching,, etc... to see if it was a complete deindex, and it is.  Then used the multiple datacenter check - which told me my domain name was not listed in any of the DCs checked. It is an affiliate website, with one affiliate link on the homepage. I use a plugin to mask the link so it appears as  /starthere/  rather than a long affiliate URL. There is ONE catch, this website is in the pharmacy niche. Now before you all go saying oh well thats why, consider my question. I dont sell anything illegal, nor does the affiliate program I promote. I collect traffic from people searching for a prescription drug and then recommend a herbal alternative. Something odd however, is that I have 5 websites like this. Each tailored to their respective prescription drug backlink wise, and then on site I have comparisons and explain the benefits of instead using one of the herbal products or OTC supplements from savon/walgreens whatever. The other 4 websites gained rank, pages 1, 2, and 3 for their keywords when they were previously on pages 15-20. No new link building to the other domains, I hadn't given them any focus due to other projects. The issue is the domain name which was banned was a real money maker with an aesthetically pleasing theme. Now its completely deindexed, and I dont know why. Despite the fact I am lost an income stream, I really would like to know why this occurred at all. I feel like I walked into my job, was fired and not told why. This isn't the first time this has happened to me, however previously it was my own fault because I used an affiliate template and it didn't occur to me 5k other people were doing the same thing.  (earlier days before I learned more about link building and basic SEO). So, my question is what exactly happened yesterday? Did anyone else see an sudden change in traffic or rankings?  Has anyone else experienced a complete deindex of their domain name, and if you have is this permanent or is google known for accidental / temporary removals during an update to their algo? I may share my link if it will help, however I prefer not to unless its in private. Also if someone has access to Matt Cutts directly so I can ask what I am doing wrong, or has any idea how to contact someone at google (other than a request for reinclusion) I am all ears. Its very frustrating to see a decision made to ban my domain name without so much as an email saying "we dont like you". All responses and opinions are welcome and appreciated!

    Affiliate Marketing | | getbigyadig

  • Hi, I was recently approached by LinkWorth about their services. I've never used them or services like theirs before. Does anyone have recent experience with them? I haven't thoroughly reviewed their services yet but I'm curious. I'd love to hear from you if you've worked with them. Thank you! LHC

    Link Building | | lhc67

  • Hi, I'm still trying to find the best methods to drive more traffic to my site ( Now I'm experimenting with Content Syndication, but yet I don't have any experience. Which are the best services? Are three sites that I should avoid?

    Link Building | | joo

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