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  • I am creating a website in canada to target a specific region in my city and was wondering if i should USE a .com, .ca, .org or a .info extension? i can purchaes all, but which should be used? I noticed some other websites have .org or .info instead of .com.....what is the preferred extension for Google?

    On-Page Optimization | | Souk

  • I'm not just interested in sites to target, but also how to manage anchor text when you are targeting phrases that include a keyword + a geo modifier. Thanks!

    Link Building | | medtouch

  • Just as topic states! Any recommendations? Cheers everyone, n-joy beautiful weather.

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • for the exact search 'how to get a girlfriend' in google? and are taken, so I just wanted to see if this was close enough to help google.

    Competitive Research | | insitegoogle

  • We are launching a new site for the Australian market and the URL will just be Currently the tech team (before we came on board) has it setup with almost exactly the same content (including the site css/nav/structure etc). Some product page content is slightly different, and category pages have different product orders, plus there are location pages that are specific to AU, but otherwise it's the same. The original site: has been around for 6+ years, with several thousand pages and solid organic ranking (though the last few months have dropped ) Will the new AU site create issues for the original domain? We also have  which follows the same logic and has been live for a while.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BMGSEO

  • We are starting an article submission project for our company and had a very basic question. Will submitting the same article to different sites create any potential issues? If the article gets published on various sites, will this be considered duplicate content?

    Link Building | | irincon

  • Hello everybody! I have an PRO PLUS account, and as I'm working with SEOMoz Campaigns, i'd like to know if I can change the logo of SEOMoz on the Ranking Report, to a different one, on of mine in this case. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | seomasterbrasil

  • Hi, Our IS department is bringing down our network for maintenance this weekend for 24 hours. I am worried about search engine implications. all Traffic is being diverted, and the diverted traffic is being sent to another server with IIS 6.0 From all research i have done it appears creating a custom 503 error message in IIS 6 is not possible  Source: So my question is does anyone have any suggestions on how to do a proper 503 temporarily unavailable in IIS 6.0 with a custom error message? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Jinx14678

  • Hiya, We have a client who uses us for SEO, and a separate company for web development. They have a fairly large site on a bespoke CMS. They're happy with the site, but the user experience on mobile devices is not right. Can anybody recommend a company specializing in that area? Preferably a UK company but not essential. Thanks 🙂

    Web Design | | SteveOllington

  • Hey Everyone - I work for a company that is just getting into SEO.  We have had some successes, but one project lately has got us stumped.  We have been working hard, but have been unable to make an impact in Google rankings with the following site: We are trying to optimize for the keyword phrase, "des moines hotel" This hotel is a branch location of a hotel chain in the Midwest. *Note we've already moved up some other branch locations for this hotel chain successfully. We've used several tools including the SEOmoz tool and seem to have higher marks than those sites that rank above us in Google surprisingly. Any idea what we're missing? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | markhope

  • I'm looking to create a page about Widgets and all of the more specific names for Widgets we sell: ABC Brand Widgets, XYZ Brand Widgets, Big Widgets, Small Widgets, Green Widgets, Blue Widgets, etc. I'd like my Widget page to give a brief explanation about each kind of Widget with a link deeper into my site that gives more detail and allows you to purchase. The problem is I have a lot of Widgets and this could get messy: ABC Green Widgets, Small XYZ Widgets, many combinations. I can see my Widget page teetering on being a link farm if I start throwing in all of these combos. So where should I stop? How much do I do? I've read more than 100 links on a page being considered a link farm, is that a hardline number or a general guideline?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rball1

  • I need to get a list of the external links. I don't find that report, where do I get it?

    Reporting & Analytics | | carloscontinua

  • Google is now encouraging webmasters to attribute content to authors with rel="author".  You can read what google has to say about it here and here. A quote from one of google's articles.... When Google has information about who wrote a piece of content on the web, we may look at it as a signal to help us determine the relevance of that page to a user’s query. This is just one of many signals Google may use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, though, and we’re constantly tweaking and improving our algorithm to improve overall search quality. I am guessing that google might use it like this.....  If you have several highly successful articles about "widgets", your author link on each of them will let google know that you are a widget expert.  Then when you write future articles about widgets, google will rank them much higher than normal - because google knows you are an authority on that topic. If it works this way the rel="author" attribute could be the equivalent of a big load of backlinks for highly qualified authors. What do you think about this? Valuable? Also, do you think that there is any way that google could be using this as a "content registry" that will foil some attempts at content theft and content spinning? Any ideas welcome!  Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | EGOL

  • As you can see from the screenshots, 100% of the visitors in the checkout proceed from step 2 (Delivery Date Selected) to step 3 (Enter Delivery Details) - this sample is a month, but this applies going all the way back. Can you tell me if some RegEx is missing from the goal set up? Thanks fEXtD

    Reporting & Analytics | | jdeb

  • I have a new customer that wants to build a comprehensive website to provide dental health information.  However, he's a busy dentist and can't develop all the content himself.  He particularly  likes what ( or is doing to provide content from other sources. At first I thought this could be a good thing and that we could setup some Google Alerts that would alert us to new content related to specific topic areas and then post excerpts and links to the original source of the content. But now I'm concerned that we'll get penalized for this. Can you give me some advice on how to go about getting new/fresh content on a new website that doesn't require someone to write it all themselves? Thank you!

    Link Building | | ChristiMcGinley

  • I am wondering if no follow links help, hurt, or do nothing when it comes to increasing page and domain authority? I know they are not supposed to pass rank and I have read discussions that some people suspect they still might, but I am wondering if I have a mix of follow plus no follow, will the no follow ones increase the count of the root domains linking to me and help boost my authority? Assuming of course the no follow links are coming from quality sites with high page and domain authority of their own. Thanks.

    Link Building | | FastLearner

  • I was doing some keyword research about 45 days ago and stumbled across two keywords that I was ranking in the mid hundreds and decided I wanted to see if I could rank them. I went in and changed my title to my blog, and the description.  Then about a week later I changed my mind and wanted to go for two other keywords so I changed it again. Then within a day or two, my site completely fell off the serps for those two key words that I changed the title to optimize for. None of my other rankings were effected for any of the other keywords, in fact most of my keywords have risen because of recent backlinking. I thought it was just a temporary google bounce because I was playing with my title of my blog or something, but after almost two months I am still nowhere to be found for words that I should easily at least be in the top 1000, especially because I was at about 150 by accident. Anyone have any ideas on what might have happened? Thanks.

    Keyword Research | | FastLearner

  • Hi, I like to do something, but first like to take some opinions from seomoz. My question is: 1. I have a domain: and i like to move this from to because: is on the position #15 on the second page of SERP for my "brand" keyword. I like to move it under but all inbound-links are What do you thing, if i move permanently 301 from to does it rank under on the 1st page of SERP..? like to rank under on results page...!!! I have the backlinks of on my hands too, should i leave the inbound links and the new ones i build with or should i change the inbound links from to Hope you got it! THanks

    Technical SEO | | leadsprofi

  • So a keyword we are targeting  "painted bedroom furniture"  google keyword tool says gets 480 exact local searches (and 880 broad),  and in the same local google we have ranked 1st for months (and currently we are 2nd and 3rd too), but looking at the google analytics that landing page has only gotten 78 unique page views from searches and only 21 from "painted bedroom furniture" . (the 2nd link gets 12 page views and the 3rd gets none, from that keyword) Now for me that does not make sense! For other keyword which we rank No.1 the keyword data and analytics generally match/make sense.   Is there something I'm missing?

    Keyword Research | | eunaneunan

  • On the 3rd June 2011 Google announced that they are going to start using Schema. Do you think this will change the way search engines find content, from briefly looking at Schema I'm concerned that the proposed tags could just turn into another keyword meta tag and be abused. Have you started using this tags yet and have you noticed a difference?

    Algorithm Updates | | Seaward-Group

  • Hey Mozzers, I've moved a domain 301 redirect to a new site... after around 2-3 weeks the seomoz toolbar sais i have PA & DA 33... which were both 1 as being a new domain. Does Google credit the same kind of value to the new website if seomoz found the PA & DA being "33"?

    Technical SEO | | mosaicpro

  • Hi all, just wondering if anyone has thoughts on what I can do to encourage SERP listings that include website categories, eg . I'm assuming search engines only display type of listings when the search query closely matches the domain name? Thank heaps!

    On-Page Optimization | | TheWebSearchMarketingCompany

  • We we're doing pretty good with our SEO, until we added product listing pages. The errors are mostly Duplicate Page Content/Title. e.g. Title: Masterpet | New Zealand Products MasterPet Product page1 MasterPet Product page2 Because the list of products are displayed on several pages, the crawler detects that these two URLs have the same title. From 0 Errors two weeks ago, to 14k+ errors. Is this something we could fix or bother fixing? Will our SERP ranking suffer because of this? Hoping someone could shed some light on this issue. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Peter.Huxley59

  • I have been fixing broken links, doing a lot of on-site SEO keyword and page title improvement, and steadily building inbound links. Yet my domain authority and MozRanking is dropping, though my keyword rankings are improving. What is going on? Should I be concerned? How can I find out why my domain ranking is dropping, and how (and should I) fix this? Is this because I do not have a blog yet? What factors determine domain authority?

    Moz Pro | | threedegreesinc

  • The simple question, should I delete my footer or keep it. Visit I dont wont to give my personal opinion yet, just because I dont want to influence any answers. Delete it! - Explain why? Keep it! - Explain why? Good Luck!

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hi,At we get tons of links from low (or no) page authority websites, and I'm wondering what the crawl rate of those links looks like.  I know Google pulls in the web at an astonishing rate, but I'd imagine they aren't re-crawling lower PA very frequently.Are they discovering these links a week after they're posted?  A month?  More?  I spent a while looking around for histograms of actual crawl rates and found surprisingly little.  I'd love to see average crawl rate by Domain or Page Authority if that exists anywhere.
    Thanks!-MichaelP.S.  Here are some random examples of the types of pages with inbound links I'm talking about.  Normally we wouldn't spend too much time thinking about these, but there's just so many of them we can't ignore it!-

    Moz Pro | | Thumbtack

  • My site has about 50 pages. All of them are unique 500-700 word articles. Almost every page is on its keyword at the 4-8 position in google/yahoo/bing. I can add a lot of relative unique pages on my site, about 100-200 word content per page. They all will be unique, with unique description and title. I can make about 1000+ pages. Would you suggest me to do this? Will this action boost my SERP position. Do more pages mean better SERP position?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nycdwellers

  • We currently have a domain that has a small amount of inbound links:!links We decided to switch over to a different domain name, which currently has 0 inbound links. What we were wondering is which would be better: link to the new domain from the old domain in a prominent location on all pages. or forward the old domain to the new domain? does forwarding a domain pass linkjuice?

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • Im working on implementing structured data properties into my product detail pages. ( My site sells books and many books have both a 13 digit ISBN # and a 10 Digit ISBN. Should I apply the itemprop "isbn" to both of them or just the one with higher search volume? Some books also have multiple authors, how should I handle that?

    Technical SEO | | myork0724

  • My site has a content distribution agreement with Yahoo Finance for the daily articles we publish. It's delivered to them via XML, and while we don't have in-line links within the article, we do have 1. Clickable Logo image 2. Standard language at the end of the article with a link back to our registration page We use DART clicktags (http://ad.....) that redirects to our homepage combined with ?src=YahooFinance&affiliateId=77 query strings that are generated by these clicks to measure registration and sources My question is twofold. 1. Are the doublclick clicktags hurting the valuable linkbacks from Yahoo Finance for picking up our content 2. What should be done with the query string extentions once people land. We still want to see that data in our Google Analytics, so is a rel=canonical the appropriate solution?

    Technical SEO | | Yun

  • HI there about 4 days ago I canceled my account over here at SEOmoz because I was going to take a break for a few months. Though earlier todayI changed my mind and now I don't want to cancel it anymore. That leads me to my question: is there a way to cancel you cancellation? regards /Alexander

    Moz Pro | | aleand

  • In my link research today I found something interesting. I thought I would share and perhaps get some perspective on it. The term I'm looking into is the moderately competative "cinnamon bread". Not surprisingly, the first page of results is mostly recipes. The first few All Recipes, Pioneer Woman and Joy the Baker are not all that surprising - all pretty big names in the world of online baking. But when I got the the 4th result I thought it was odd - (more specifically with a DA of 38, respectable but not up there with the "big boys". Her on page elements are standard, not really optimized for much. She has a few hundred Facebook Fans and Google Connect followers. Now even more curious, I looked into her backlinks and discovered a ton of different no follows. She obviously does a lot of commenting on other baking/recipe blogs. Could these no follows be helping her rankings? I was always under the impression blog commenting was more to build a community and get yourself in front of influencers...could these no follows actually be counting towards ranking? Curious to hear some thoughts on this.

    Competitive Research | | EssEEmily

  • I just finished watching a documentary on Ray Kurzweil, Transcedent, and began to familiarize myself with his book, The Singularity is Near.  During Ray's explanation of prediction through data gathering and extrapolation, he predicts that by 2029 AI and humans will have merged.  We can debate this at another time, but I was wondering if any of the statistics/data is used by SEO professionals to predict where SEO may be going in the next 12-48 months. It has been my experience that SEO is very reactionary, and very few put their neck out on a limb to predict where it is going. I was just hoping that some of you may share your thoughts on what you are focusing on and where you are steering your clients in order to be ahead of the curve without hurting current placement. Anyone care to share?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dignan99

  • Does adding a Google Sitemap to webmaster tools REALLY help SEO? If so, are there any resources for help creating one? Here is my site: Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • I'm planning to create a Tweet Archive on my WordPress install. Ideally each tweet would be a separate entry in the database. That would mean that each one could essentially have it's own page. I think that if each had it's own page though, it would just create a very deep site with super shallow almost non-existant content. I am pretty sure I know the answer to this, I'm just looking for some substantiation... Should I just keep it as a list and not have each tweet exist as a separate page?

    Social Media | | WilliamBay

  • I see a lot of answers to questions in here that I would consider pretty umm, well, not all that great, not that I am one to judge, but when I ask a question I am looking for answers from experienced professionals. How do you decide which answers to take more seriously?  I check the persons profile and follow it all the way out the their site and blogs (if listed).  Sometimes I see sites that have a SEmoz of 10. How can you give advice when your site has no Ranking? I know there are going to be exceptions, and that this isn't the one and only indicator, but how do you decide how much confidence you can put in an answer here?

    Moz Pro | | MBayes

  • I couldn't find this question answered anywhere in Q&A, so I apologize if it's a duplicate of another post. I heard, about a year ago on either Web Pro World, or Warrior Forum that Google uses your visitor data in your Google Analytic account to rank your site. Someone said that when they took out the Google code, their site went from the third to the first page within 48 hours. That was then verified over the next couple of weeks by others. Their thought was that regardless of the optimized page and incoming link, if the site wasn't getting visitors, then it would be penalized. Since Google has the data, they would be able to use it. I then started using another, paid, solution - While I like clicky, there is some info Google has that clicky doesn't, everyone integrates with Google analytics - like SEOmoz, and I'm paying a monthly fee. Now that I'm a part of a community of experts, what do you think? Have you noticed Google ranking you based on your analytics data? Has anyone experienced this, or heard about it before? Because I'd like to go back to using Google analytics. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | DallasBonsai

  • I have run open site explorer for a couple of sites but I am getting the "no data available for this URL" message.  I have read the reasons listed on the error message but none of these apply to the particular sites I am looking for data from.  Any thoughts as to why this might be? Thanks, Kwan

    Moz Pro | | SocialKwan

  • On my on-page optimization reports, all my key phrases are related to my index page. Is that a way I can associate specific  key words to specific landing pages automatically, without having to go to on-page report card and insert the landing page address all the time? The reason why I am asking this is because my marks are low, because associates with the index which is not optimized for some specific key phrases.

    Moz Pro | | juliantile

  • I have an established blog.We update it on daily basis. In the past, when I would publish a new post, it would get indexed within a minute or so. But since a month or so, its taking hours. Sometimes like 10-12 hours for new posts to get indexed. Only thing I have changed is robots.txt. This is the current robots file. User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes Disallow: /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp-content/cache Disallow: /wp-content/themes Disallow: /wp-login.php Disallow: /*wp-login.php* Disallow: /trackback Disallow: /feed Disallow: /comments Disallow: /author Disallow: /category Disallow: */trackback Disallow: */feed Disallow: */comments Disallow: /login/ Disallow: /wget/ Disallow: /httpd/ Disallow: /*.php$ Disallow: /*?* Disallow: /*.js$ Disallow: /*.inc$ Disallow: /*.css$ Disallow: /*.gz$ Disallow: /*.wmv$ Disallow: /*.cgi$ Disallow: /*.xhtml$ Disallow: /*?* Disallow: /*? Allow: /wp-content/uploads User-agent: TechnoratiBot/8.1 Disallow: # ia_archiver User-agent: ia_archiver Disallow: / # disable duggmirror User-agent: duggmirror Disallow: / # allow google image bot to search all images User-agent: Googlebot-Image Disallow: /wp-includes/ Allow: /* # allow adsense bot on entire site User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Allow: /* Sitemap: Site has tons of backlinks. Just wondering if something is wrong with the robots file or if it could be something else.

    Technical SEO | | rookie123

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