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  • Hi I have seen a Tweet and item on the latest news saying that the Linkscape has been updated. I'm still seeing a report generated at the start of May though. What do I need to do to get my grubby hands on the latest data? Chris

    Moz Pro | | P4D

  • I was doing some link building and some SEO's said that the Panda update affected many websites. I am going to use as my example. EzineArticles was affected by the Panda update and does not show up in the SERPs as much as before. But they still have doFollow Links coming from the articles I am submitting. QUESTION: Regardless if EzineArticles was affected by the Panda Update, isn't a "Follow Link" still a "Follow Link" OR am I completely wasting my time on this devalued website? Edit: Yes I know a PR 0 page is not as valuable as a PR 9 page. I am asking from the standpoint of the affected Panda Update domains overall.

    Link Building | | Francisco_Meza

  • hello- i got this recommendation <dl> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Add a canonical URL tag referencing this URL to the header of the page</dd> <dd>from my "report card" and i see also that i have a lot of issues with duplicate content but i really dont have any duplicate content on my site.</dd> <dd>the crawl has apparently marked every post in my blog as duplicate page content.</dd> <dd>and the "use canonical tag" suggestion keeps appearing as a fix to my problems.</dd> <dd>could you please help me with ------How do i create a canonical tag?</dd> <dd>is it just rel=canonical?</dd> <dd>and where do i put it?</dd> <dd>i should put it on every page right?</dd> <dd>or with CSS my webmaster could probably do it very quickly right?</dd> <dd>i get the basic concept behind rel=canonical but i cant say i fully understand it -</dd> <dd>i need some help with regard to how and where this tag should be placed.</dd> <dd>thanks,</dd> <dd>erik
    </dd> <dd>.</dd> </dl>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ezpro9

  • Hi Any suggestion where to source a list of free directories for a property / real estate company which gives reasonable linkback juice Thanks Peter

    Link Building | | peterds

  • Hello, Does anybody know how I can segment visits who entered my site via subdomain? For example: I want to know people who entered via***** and not include people who entered via Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | A_Q

  • I'm looking for the best MOZ Pro research tool to track the success of our fledgling blogger outreach/link building efforts. Should we use Open Site Explorer's "Full List of Link Metrics", or is there something better or more granular for counting and analyzing inbound blog links? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | MJOshea

  • I ran a report on a URL that needed external links updated several weeks ago.  I contacted the webmasters at each site with the outdated external link notifying them of the updated URL.   I want to check how many have been updated, so I reran the report.  Unfortunately, there are some that I know were updated still showing up on the report with the outdated URL.  Any suggestions to get a gauge on how many have been updated?

    Link Building | | ydop

  • In my niche, there is a controversial research article that is very popular.  I am writing a rebuttal to this article and giving another point of view. My article has the potential to be really good link bait for my site. The original article is often printed out to be shown to professionals in my niche.  My hope is that people will do the same with mine.  So, I plan to have a PDF version of my article available on my page.  The article that is visible on my site (i.e. non PDF) will be a graphic rich article that is easy for the reader to go through.  I plan to have the PDF have all of the same text, but it won't have as many graphics - it will look more like a scientific research article. So, should I exclude the pdf from search engines so that it isn't duplicate content?  Or does that even matter seeing as it is a duplicate of my own content?  I want people to link to the main article, not the pdf. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Content Development | | MarieHaynes

  • Just a quicky: Tried to run keyword difficulty tool reports last couple of days but keep getting error messages regardless of how many words/phrases I request. Is this a general outage or just me? Cheers

    Moz Pro | | lovealbatross

  • I posted this on my blog and wanted to get everyones opinion on this ( I’m always looking to see what top ranking websites may be doing to get the rankings they do. One of the tasks of any SEO I guess is to really analyze competitors, right? I want to really stress that what I am writing here is completely opinion based and have not (due to time) validated this correlation enough but would like to get the discussion started. Nevertheless, I did enough research to see that there may be a correlation between code validation and top ranking websites, at least for certain queries where the number of real big players/brands is limited or non-existent. So, what do I mean? validates code on websites. This tool shows you errors and warnings that may be making it harder for search engines to crawl your website. Looking at top competitors for certain niches, I was surprised to find that top sites had very few errors compared to 2+ page rankings. That’s not to say that all the sites on the first page had fewer errors (cleaner code) than websites in the 2<sup>nd</sup> page plus. However, again, top ranking websites for keywords that I was looking at had cleaner code which may have a correlation in regards to organic rankings. What’s your take? Does this have any effect in regards to SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulDylan

  • Hello Everyone- Quick question about meta keywords. Most SEO's agree that meta keywords are no longer used as a ranking factor in Google. My question is, if a client comes to me and they already have a bunch of meta keywords on their site what would the smart strategy be? 1. Remove all the meta keyword data from the clients site 2. Scale the meta keywords back by only leaving the top keywords in the code? 3. Do nothing Thanks for all your time! Regards, Bill Parlaman

    On-Page Optimization | | wparlaman

  • Everyone knows that WordPress has some duplicate content issues with tags, archive pages, category pages etc... My question is, how do you handle these issues? Is the smart strategy to use robots meta and add no follow/ no index category pages, archive pages tag pages etc? By doing this are you missing out on the additional internal links to your important pages from you category pages and tag pages? I hope this makes sense. Regards, Bill

    Technical SEO | | wparlaman

  • I am new to link exchange do you think that by managing a link directory and start trying same subject industry good sties link exchange one way links is good idea ? do this still works ? I am seeing many competitors of me even do link exchange to non-subject industry site while i am sure that that shall not be worthy... But do you think that it worth to do link exchance with same industry sites ?

    Link Building | | anand2010

  • We have been asked to look at a website and have found a 301 redirect from the domain to  Why would someone do this, this way round?  We can't think of a good reason and are wondering if we have overlooked something? Thanks for your help.

    Technical SEO | | travelinnovations

  • First i had a problem with duplicate title errors, almost every page i had was double because my website linked to both and I changed this by adding a code to htaccess to redirect everything to, but now my website was crawled again and the errors were actually doubled. all my pages now have duplicate title errors cause of pages like this

    Technical SEO | | funkylama

  • Hello SEOs, I work for an e-commerce site and we often open new categories Babycare, Arts & Crafts, DIY... Does anyone have any killer methods to find the right key words for sub categories, items,... Handy tools? Tips?  Google doc spread sheet cheat? Cheers!!! crossword.gif

    Keyword Research | | ref.price

  • Very recently linkedin changed the way they link. The links in the profile are no longer "nofollow" the new links are like this: <a href="[/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Estramark%2Enl%2F&urlhash=dWm-](view-source:" target="_blank" title="New window will open" name="overviewsite"> ( Question: What impact does this redirect have for the linkvalue of a link from linkedin. ( it is better than nofollow but what is the impact of this redirect? what actually happens and is the value? URL for the profile i mentioned it on.

    Link Building | | Stramark

  • A sector competitor has decided to link to me using the method[](javascript:OpenLink('')) [It's a contextually rich page and the link is in the body surrounded by relevant text although not so high in the code](javascript:OpenLink('')) [Moz Metrics of the page/domain linking to me are: PA 30 mR 2.67 mT4.61
    21 links from 9 root domains
    Root Domain DA 88 DmR 6.77 DmT 6.68 2.6m links from 24k domains Is the method of linking to me strictly from an SEO perspective: A. Positive
    B. Neutral
    C. Negative Thanks!](javascript:OpenLink(''))

    Technical SEO | | PaulGaileyAlburquerque

  • As per google the May update takes care of all content scrapping sites Then why is this site - is still having good ranking ? All of its videos are hotlinkled from youtube

    Technical SEO | | krishru

  • I had a friend of mine ask me this question and I didn't really know how to go about answering. He wants to know if, for example, is better than or vice-versa? Both seem to be interchangeable to me. I hate websites with dashes in them but obviously it is necessary in some cases... ".net" is not my favorite either. What would you recommend?

    Keyword Research | | PMC-312087

  • I saw the note today that the link index did it's monthly update, yet our site still only shows 1 linking root domain and I know there are many more links now. What do I need to do to get open Site Explorer to use the latest data? I enter our site, create the report and only see old information from 6 may 2011's link index. I have the same issue with competive link finder, links I know we have on the sites listed for our competitors are not showing for our site.

    Moz Pro | | oznappies

  • In the rankings section if I add these two terms to monitor They are both monitored: Fresh fish fresh fish Do search engines give more weight to capitals on some small scale or is this an error in the app? Thanks, Daniel.

    Moz Pro | | iSenseWebSolutions

  • Greetings! Is there an advantage in no-following links to pages like "Terms Of Use" and "Privacy Policy"... pages one isn't trying to rank for? Of course, the idea would be to not waste link juice on unimportant pages. Your thoughts? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | 94501

  • Hey guys, So I was doing some backlink analysis for a client and was utilizing Open Site Explorer, which stated that I had roughly 2,111 External Followed Links.  However, I can't seem to find a way to export all 2,111 backlinks.  I wanted to make sure if the links I had acquired had been indexed and crawled, and picked up, but I can't seem to access the full list on a domain level, only on the subdomain level. Anybody have any suggestions or advice?  Any would be helpful! Best, James

    Moz Pro | | sixspokemedia

  • Will soon be starting to do SEO for a client in the UK and wondered if there was anything I should do differently for what I do in the United States?

    International SEO | | hwade

  • I am working with some customers on SEO and wonder what to do about directories when they have an online store only. They do not want to list their home address (if they did would this be a good idea?). I know the big push now is for local directories so I'm wondering if anyone has tips for other types of directories to get into that aren't spammy. Or tips for doing SEO for sites that are online only? I know Rand talked a lot about the importance of being "real" with an about us page, contact us, etc. on his Future of Link Building Webinar and I'm wondering how to best make that work in this situation when they can't show themselves as real by being in local directories.

    Link Building | | hwade

  • Now, I'm not a stickler for pagerank, and actually haven't checked the pagerank of ANY of the sites I own and operate in the last year or two, but one of my cronies noticed the other day that our websites pagerank is 0, despite the fact it ranks well and gets a decent amount of traffic for a great deal of the terms we target. My guess is that we still just don't have the quality links we need, and we're working on that, but is there anything glaringly obvious that anyone else can see that can be the cause of this? One thing to note, we did take the site offline for 2-4 months or so towards the end of last year and just relaunched it in January of 2011.  It climbed right back into the rankings almost immediately after our re-launch, so maybe that has something to do with it?

    Algorithm Updates | | AarcMediaGroup

  • I know it used to be 100 urls per page, but recently Matt cutts has said that they can count a lot more now. I was wonder what you guys thought was how many was to many per page?

    On-Page Optimization | | Gordian

  • So, I have a website, and I have a few pages in directories, and the rest are normal with extensions (i.e. instead of Now, the directory page isnt ranking yet for a targeting keyword (although I am still in the process of link building to the page w/ anchor text), however, could it be because it is the odd man out being one of the only pages within a directory? Also, I would really like to move all my pages into directories, however some of the internal pages are ranking really well and I do not want to lose that once switching. Has anyone has experiences with using 301s to redirect so sub directories without loosing rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Aftermath_SEO

  • I realized the only way to get massive amounts of links to websites that do not actively blog, is to create a free infographic or free software tool that they can anyone can use on their website. Here is my question. Once we create the tool or infographic, what is the best way to spread it like wildfire? Contact people on twitter? Mail popular blog owners and tell them about it directly? Comment on blogs and forums and post a link? Is thier anything else I can do to push these infographics out? Also, I think custom software's like jquery calculators and tools are better than infographics. What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanHenry

  • After reading a recent blog post on guest blogging and ways to build relationships for link building purposes, I began to wonder about something. It is my understanding that one way backlinks are superior to reciprocal linkage, but reciprocal is better than no link at all. So is it still worthwhile to do reciprocal guest blogging, and will the value of the links be worth it when completed? Or should we just be of the opinion that: One Way Link > Reciprocal > No link

    Link Building | | dignan99

  • I just redid our blog and I am using permalinks. I have the custom structure set to /%year%/%postname%/ and catagory - blank. When I run the XENU Link Slueth, it shows all my blog urls as broken, but the links work fine. However the url structure is and so on. I am worried about duplicate content too. Do you know how I can fix the url structure so only 1 or 2 urls are used?

    Content Development | | hfranz

  • Hi, I have two sites, lets call them site A and site B, both are sub domains of the same root domain. Because of a server config error, both got indexed by Google. Google reports millions of inbound links from Site B to Site A I want to get rid of Site B, because its duplicate content. First I tried to remove the site from webmaster tools, and blocking all content in the robots.txt for site B, this removed all content from the search results, but the links from site B to site A still stayed in place, and increased (even after 2 months) I also tried to change all the pages on Site B to 404 pages, but this did not work either I then removed the blocks, cleaned up the robots.txt and changed the server config on Site B so that everything redirects (301) to a landing page for Site B. But still the links in Webmaster Tools to site A from Site B is on the increase. What do you think is the best way to delete a site from google and to delete all the links it had to other sites so that there is NO history of this site? It seems that when you block it with robots.txt, the links and juice does not disappear, but only the blocked by robots.txt report on WMT increases Any suggestions?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JacoRoux

  • Hi Everyone, Has anybody ever bought traffic using a site like What are your thoughts? What other services are there? We are trying to supplement our "like/follower" campaigns, while we wait on our organic methods to build followers. Think of a HVAC company just starting out in social....they dont have time to build and nurture a list, (although we will for the future) they need sales they trun to radio, print ads, etc. If we could buy thousands of followers in a demographic that made sense and it was affordable, is it worth a try to get the word out? Thanks in advance guys!

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • Let's say I have If I have "widgets for sale in tuscon arizona' be the anchor text on an internal link on which goes to - does the value of the anchor text (widgets for sale in tuscon arizona) get passed internally? External links pass the value of the anchor text but do internal links?

    On-Page Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • For some reason SEOmoz's crawl tool is returning duplicate content URL's that don't exist on my website.  It is returning pages like ""  Nothing like that exists as a URL on my website.  Has anyone experienced something similar to this, know what's causing it, or know how I can fix it?

    Technical SEO | | MyNet

  • Hi, I'm currently creating a number of sites which target the wedding market. Each site is localized and specific to a niche within the wedding market. The intention is to create the site, rank it in the top position of Google and then sell it to a local business within that niche and area. The problem that i am having is that I don't know how to place a value on each site. I have factors taken from Google (using Market Samurai) so I know the broad and phrase match traffic details as well as the Google PPC average prices. My initial thought was to use the Google PPC price and multiply that by the number of organic visitors the site would receive if it was ranked #1 on Google. I appreciate that the PPC figures may be higher than what an advertiser would actually pay per click so I conservatively halved the Google PPC figure given in Market Samurai. Is this a good way of valuing the site or do I need to look at the value per customer to the business that I am trying to sell the site to and work from a conversion factor based on the number of visitors that the site would receive. If the site received 500 visitors per month and 5% of those became customers multiplied by the average profit per customer - that would give a monthly value of the website. I am very unsure as to what the best approach is here and look forward to hearing any advice and ideas from fellow members. Thanks, Michael

    Industry News | | XSMedia

  • Hello everybody! As I'm working with SEOMoz Campaigns, i'd like to know if I can change the logo of SEOMoz on the Ranking Report, to a different one, on of mine in this case. Thanks! PKDKF.png

    Moz Pro | | seomasterbrasil

  • Hi, A client has hundreds of distributors around the world. As part of our link building campaign, we want to send an email to them asking them to link back to the company with an SEO-friendly link. However, we also have a distributors page with a link to each distributor. Is it worth spending time on getting distributor links or will Google view these as reciprocal links and devalue them? Thanks, Josh

    Link Building | | joshfialkoff-77863

  • Because of hosting problems we're trying to work out, our domain was down all weekend, and we have lost all of our rankings. Doe anyone have any experience with this kind of thing in terms of how long it takes to figure out where you stand once you have the site back up? what the best SEO strategy is for immediately addressing this problem? Besides just plugging away at getting links like normal, is there anything specific we should do right away when the site goes back up? Resubmit a site map, etc? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | OneClickVentures

  • I'd like to get some more accountability in my Facebook campaigns in the FB ads interface is woefully inaccurate regarding fan conversion.  What's the best way to integrate Google analytics, or another tracking program into the new Iframe custom business pages?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | totalseo-155734

  • My current client web page was listed at the 4th page 1 month ago. Im trying real hard to make him understand that the traffic from beiing on the first page is important and that he need to give me additionnal ressource to make it happen ( i don't prog at all). So i had the idea of checking every page to see whats is current rank. but instead of looking from page 1 to page X, i was wondering if there was something somewhere that could give me my rank right away. It woud help saving time. Thx.

    Algorithm Updates | | Promoteam

  • I have been trying to figure this out with different redirects but cannot seem to get this correct. Some of our forums link to pages that do not exist or are very old. They have (.htm) extension. I do not want to redirect the .htm to .php because the actual names of the link have changed too. What is the best code to redirect any link that has a .htm extention to the root domain? right now I have this code to redirect index.htm to the root, but that is all it works for. I think. RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.htm RewriteRule ^(.*)index.htm$$1 [R=301,L]

    Technical SEO | | hfranz

  • I have carried out some minor link building for my new site (site A) and have some links back from several directories and 1 from ezine and one from squidoo as well as a few partner sites and such. I also have another site (site B) which was linking to site A several times from a footer link, this has now been amended to just one link. The problem is that SEOmoz still only shows 3 linking domains to site A (there are at least 12 if you perform a manual search) and it is still showing many links from site B even though there is now only one. All these changes where made at least 3 weeks ago, how long before Seomoz picks them up.

    Link Building | | IPIM

  • Hi, 3 weeks ago I wanted to release a new website (made in WordPress), so I neatly created 301 redirects for all files and folders of my old html website and transferred the WordPress site into the index folder. Job well done I thought, but after a few days, my site suddenly disappeared from google. I read in other Q&A's that this could happen so I waited a little longer till I finally saw today that there was a meta robots added on every page with "noindex, nofollow". For some reason, the WordPress setting "I want to forbid search engines, but allow normal visitors to my website" was selected, although I never even opened that section called "Privacy". So my question is, will this have a negative impact on my pagerank afterwards? Thanks, Sven

    Technical SEO | | Zitana

  • I am redesigning my homepage completely. What criteria should I use to decide which pages to link to from the homepage?

    On-Page Optimization | | mascotmike

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